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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 3

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Jesus did flot have tine or Inclina- YO~ARE E1~ J NEI N :tiotw::pn::te loist moments of bis ea rthly life fighting his deta-e- YG R1i E N U G UN l tors; neither should 'le. N I{ATE'S WORST ENEMY.L [M . Th*w nmiei leplace he ON T Ey Tested By Y u W illingness oT a ae either mnellowed'o corn etî conquered by love. As the willing- Til.nessaoloe one's encemies niakes a VALUE OF A . Twain îe mail strong to go forth te the bat- Oats aie a valuable feed for most enuine______________of__Ille__ ti that wiilirgne'ss to lanm animais. Th1e relatively large love an enemny dulis the bnttleax cf aon*ifir-hycntî npe Ene~selgt s !iePrlSsl 'more than I am. askcd to do because almost every foc. Love is the mlostat lrn ffbete oti npo -,edaa TobyWiîîn 1 , c eroxa know that aIt ast mny employ er danglcrous eiîemry hate has toce- portion to krniel, as ccempared with me De-;1eu5 !Agpieu.licre. Ot'a ~j vill reward mie with a higher posi- bat. Love isa the dueli-st whiclî wiliî iiost etlicr grains, miakes them a ion." 'The younig college strident disurm mrany a fatal aeix rsary. Love salefe b with but littie danger of A desî'atch front Chicago says scl . :"-Iain rady lu bury myseif la the ahield wlîîcn -un blunt ' o o-eding, whenl put in th1e hands Frne eWttThiaefreach- .npeeyplnîgLv of careles torlziyin. They contain iv r S.Re.1'an D vit laing :I'at nrybbookds ok ar ecuanda eer punîg i'ar liard. îîhe poprio 0 dgstbl po ed the feliowing that at lstthere will come the dazzling lighiî >acidcn w'ooaa ileprotonfdgsiber- Litt1 v, ~41, -1iseer shaBlit r- itie he ny ndsty il bsiio frontinany a 'iornfu1 lhp and telitithan cr rwet n r Must Bear Signature cf pel tlîee to go a mile, go with 1111 .reeompensed as wel as recognized." the tear of remorse frelin many a conequintîy th îtiie ratei cf A keen, shrewd tawyer was one wetfce ne oeflslgCO the grain is such that ît contours in eads the disciple of Christ aleng 11y brother, thîe difijiulty witl, 'ourtiofr da istening te John Wesley pîeach- the aelf-sacriicing pathw ay of the and mayseif is we have been fîghtitng s1aqiewl-lncdrtofr înig. 'Ille founder et Metholis.-i haoi twain mile. She pots the Bible into Our enleîies With th1e wron)g kind of wrigaias h. r ey ltitce diierenit headinigs loir bis set- the disciple's hand and says ."'Rend neapen. We have cccii fightlng tire Convenieiit anîd hlghly prized grain' Seo Pnc..Sl=îl wrrprcr lew. mon :' irst, "Get att you cail with- Christian, read. 'That lBie is the witli lire. hotte xith late, bitte.rrnesçs for îecdiîîg horses. '1hey uuaettyare out hurting ycnr seul, y our bodly, promise God bas given te yeu. GocI with bltternress, sadw slnnde r, and should 11e led unground to her- vry Dmai ia a 5 aic15 or your nelghbors." "1hat is sc01 declares that if yeu will de what hoe death wltlî death. Blot now 'Jesuis ses, unles the animal is unable te tak aaSiLar.sibie," thouglit the lawyer ; "eieilds yeu do, you shall have y or las given te us a ,,ew way te con-- lasticate blis food pioperly. Expe & a, mani is contimuatly rtachiîîg cut eward for travelling the twain mile (luter otir eiemles. We ilust dis r 'iouîr shows that oats give a hoi'su fer soin' thing 1e will never haxi [tr iral.-'Then the Christianti -buhte with love, we m"ust submierge inetle" cor stinîulate Limaes ne S Te., anytbiiig. Industry il tea lda ieîing the ]Bible, sai'.s tii himseif : lander witîî îorgiv".ess; we mui eis ther cf orir grains do. They are ITL I~~~. tion of ail success.' Seconid head- Ï'q wilt do what Christ wants me answer the curse with a piayer; we consequeit1y heid without a peor by ~ ~~.IVq~ iîg"'Save ail yen can, cutting ted.Iliil sCritîat ut0e etc hnhe uIosnc s feed for driving horses, Saîuy neodle, s expe ýs." .."ý ight me te live. 1 xii spoak what Chîri'-t epen palm; we inst extemji to olme-v and niay 1e imade atînost exclusivety ý ALO gain," muttered the listeller. ~ wants me te say. 1i know Ibat onemy a helping band. Surely ti- thefiý i' ît. FGR Ï.A. la net se much what a manl enin b(-,ri. t will reward mre aI 1the end of idea is th1e interpretatien oi thel But experiments show tuaI ether wMRTrmE rr,- 'LEXIOM that makes hlmt wealthy as what lie 1the tnain mite. l'id not mny Sa- werds, "Vlioscexer shah siite iïeo grains cao bo oten profitably sub- w ý U' -- ýA7 ,É. yae ." 'idhrei," eClni\e te urpromise, 'Scek ye first the upen thy right oheek, turi. te hlm stituited foi, cats-at present prices in - ~ ~ b'mrd headed tw~er, "the ministorkingdens of (led and IRis rigbteous- 1the ether alio." 'lîaooerali ratosfrhsewthtdeuen hard heH~AAOrt a eolisl gor andhspoite ne sand att thoeethings shallh Lecoipel thet, to go' witlî him Oe1 o thte animal and a linai-ciai savlng CUE ýIK EAAC.b.. ba folshy on ad pole e-added ente yeu ?' 1 moly not bave mite, owiltlmtai. te 1eownei'. * erything11 lie as said. 1lie cught to cartbly wealtb, but I shalll Suroly WAT TRUE LOVE MEANSTOCUE UECR1 DUba OTU.xie ad o i bidhai haîeteasuies laid np ln heaxen. The tInain mile iv 1the Place wbere -in ils best condition and retain its O)fce a esid DB L PTF.ClnrhSGi' et Til v ano a 11111e s ynOu'Yn~na o ewrdyouadocatien,. -ýJesrusbecoînea 1 every Christiana bright green coloî' and paiatabilty, ~~~ c~yo a vnesa nlye n keep weine ot hh a- tecmmnaie rnsrd oviiîg perqonality. Woll t abould 11e dîied in a brighit Sun <Je gugaimuaicl.rch Bwmuîîll. c vn hxeeared. S soe fc my Sax leur. I may never lie a',,bt,,tiatd la 1the lactthai. love foi a few heuis, witl liberal use 0f DEN~TISi'RY. Christ's auditors felt that lie was lemperat petentate, but 1 shall bec rw siui pnua ud e h e odt le ur s cv G CBONNYCASTLE,Lh BS.DOD S. H, racig h ncaneoih fdc-crowned aînong th1e redeemed et others, as what ohr ofi s p rwh hnrkdtgie'ad11 GrduateibuDcutistry o! T"-ro'îto Univer'sity tries when 11e used 1the iltustration lcax On. I shah l lcar Cririst say : tha W e radoteoir'us, - ig inilelecl lu 111gethwiudthe CFuosb:-Over entral M'l1lfiue'y. Eutrauuce cf the twaîn mite. Thcy wore ready ' c i oe ed adfihu c'uon whal wo ar eady 10 reix e ascrii, wle a telifile wexpoor t fiI oo wetofbg 'e rm; ile Tey oy 11e Mse awtr clforusice ant. Thoeu hast been falîblul ever In order te have truc love, ne inucaf mosture as possible. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, 'leyatwt ou r asa tot a ean for an afew things ; I will niake the rlet 1e read.y te tose our live, bfi v M Vl iak e' at ult ARIT. Insîtructions giveniii PAINTING cyea teether a otb, tae hendfr citre mny f tingor.'Ener'carint ~have t11,îelixo ere to their of silago n lin prope'iy putI in 11 l(AtM nIi ,ern uner oa eo.s. aho ynoidtaîChiefnttua.ye tyLo'.'"Whn 1et.rne developmcnt. We nîcat 1bc ready sile, bot 1the planit roni t11e naturle It E.irg. W atr e a-I h bm Senh a mil(! wiliiigly end pay ev-ccy penny dis ciple cf Christ ta travelling 1the te die if WC want t t roivlyue as ofitis structure is net weli adaptedl Iugaiî,aalprcesS51. thatte eiineyoe, bt twain.nmile, lie is alwavs being ted we oght too live. te 1the procesa cf ensiliig. The the e nt e a d llerIl e n e had by 111e sn et faced angetlaninspiriig Whii-9t a mothei-'s love the puî-esî [staiks heing,,holtow carry, nbott not DR. J. C. MITCHELL, I b oafe le ieenm a oec. cf ail enrthly love? Becnîse thue ci'u.,hed or broken, a large ailounit EMBEROF COLTEGEOIE'pliySICIANs Ideibeî-ately struck 111dm a stingiilg LEARNING TO 17ORGIVE . bb ietl es1e îo c mLIJ ad Suiugeotiu, Oiaio,Coroner, ee, 1110w 'Opof the right cheek. '11e' Jb ietydeýs mc o h faritotems hc rlns Ilemîdeuce. Enuielslleu. 74 prot.estod against a ccmnmuistc'11etaaml a11epnenhcemohr ,n.T erenver iras lormentation to 1the detrimno th1e _______-gospel, which altewed a th11.?! iithn 1e Christian traveller upon life's a biggei- tvrant nîto eveî' wieided a qtality of the silae. Il therefore is A. E. MeLAUGULIN, away with their whole n-ardrcbe je urney learîts 110w 10 forgixe aui n.- scOPlter Iliau a little baby in the necessary te i'n suri mat'c-ials tarrister,Solitioand Couelawcer. Offic- with their clcak as n'eu as their justie as weil as te forget. For- average home. From the linie the through lte ailage cuittert' t obtm'ii fRthtkley Block, lI g tï-eetBo.ma,-vli * coat. They n'ould net enislaxe them- giveneba la one cf 111e gospel fin'-chiid is hotu unlil grownîî ilprac- the best results. Aitheugb 1the plant M're! loleau aiuietsoiiable tated. 44- tr. seixes te any merciless taskmiasle;-. arts. t ta tLe power which cornes ticallY dees niothing forte 111e 0-i is net an ideal one for th1e purpose, For ex'ery day's labor tbey mustI Inte a Chrstlat's lite which prac tirer- The înetheî' is aiway. deing il la eflen desirabte 10 put a field ef ]ROBERTT IOUNG, V. S. have a fu day's pay. Yet Christs ticail1y says : 'hen I have a werk somelhirg for th1e chiîd. Frein the. nets lie 11the silo on accouaIt cf 1the d&FFIC'E IN HRSErSBLOCK, OPPOS alatement is st'iiingly true. Il is 10 do and enly a short lune 1n adx cut aoînc cule bas te keçcp tenîd- îrseure of uoxios weds, tuaI, bad lic Toauî Hail E,,trauict, %iere lie wM Ibu- right in reforonce te 1t1e temporal wliich te do it, I cauneot afferd te ing the child. Tlem-L r e osil.n'thrfrdyîgaIiaecla- outdtnrom 8Sa.in, te 9 P. m. Niglt <ails al ile as xve 1as 111e apiutteai. 'The 11e wastlng my enorgies in foishly dresses il, dat-es for it. For the first ,,estilig, ci'forochier reasona. lesidence, directly oppoite Durill Sled. 17-lyr willingnoss te travel the Iwain mile attadking Ihose people wlîe are at, year, at least, the inothcrlins a tug- COnts anîd peas grown tegetiier and is th1e fererunner cf ail true s t de.in me. 1 cannot, as a geiccu;l. giuîg silver cord of affectioni, nitis lrvc-sted wiiOtnt hc ont' nue ta M4ABIfIAGE LICENqE'ý,-M, A '111e nnwillingne ,s ttu-taceh 1e wi t idn ros-t cf my tile ln one e-,d atIadhed te 1theciiuand h the 11'1rlymn01, stage rmoke a forage LV l Jse 1 Iinr f Marnntage Licenêes. mileilathie cause'cf alimest certain PUrs1iia afe'ýw fou-gi1ig larties 1cr euîdý attached te lier lienrt She do r nîhspro ecl itesîdtuce: Centre Street. ftoiiure. wi.en I cug't to 11e marching on pradtically lives by 1the sideo0f tuaIatletiefor'elîer ay, soillîug or ail- The twain mille 15 1the place ef test- ton -ard th1e greal cty ef Gospel chiild fer weeks ail(! montîma. 'lin, aîge. As peas -ire a luturninous SIMPSON & BLAIR. ing. lit is where the pon'crs thatL 1e S.uccess." Beýý-sides that, t11e Chris- wn on11e baby is sick,' wbo uilises il piant, they itîcroaso lhe protoîn ef P. . SIýISO, Q 0. CAS.P. LAI coos th mn w,,oaretoLiebon tan travol r says te hirnseif --1the graduate f tm11e school Of the bodtlcr, and nI. o inprox 11he soil olctau, Nig Steýet.Bowrn,vle Prap yievn ElerýulEuaSiurS, iNo ta e~etc, îom' i," red in lif -'s erlide2. here 111e bu- ,"I hps1have net donc my bull trained nuises? Oh1, !ne. The train- ylav behliîd in their reots and SeiIdm,îs fori lie uOtaIe H ank. Private mati iade is sifted. There Ilhe ïa'th;- dy oward dutmy enemiles. Pec-baps i1oui nurse rnay couac in and bhoup. The Istillbble, a part of111enitrogen whicb. nuuicyu'.aed tlaes aeuielare soparnîod froua 1the irrespen- hxeio onkn idlvn nIperson wlio foc-r eoanvd amsofîbylke froni1the ai'. lyv gco-oing siblo, 111e onergetic frem 1the lotb- ogh. Peuhapa 1 have net presented 11r clothos, lime ierseui aho la al- tlie aixture thomi, bâtbr1the fedder E 11. . IUNTEt, uiIlietî'e mux forn111 baIe, 11emïy Jeans in a ecear, simple ivay.If wîvs by the aide of 111e crib anid and th11e soi are lîîîptovod. 'y>ARIISTI1,OIJIl'ît, OTRYsei-sacrit ing froîîî the selfish, th1e I did, thet I1 miglît change th1e focs cees that 1the medilcies aregin 1) PulConeac eMny rvaeai ne purpoe inan from the indolent cf Christl mobhis leving disciples. ty toucbiug 111e fevî'red cheek, hi sVelll 1"FECTS OF CROSSING. CI ic Cs oiveva t ce. o e y, Purivýtate l a'ud fle s i d vi u l w o i (s 1 nili brgive as well as frge. Af-I regularly, 1the person who is arxius- , Dejtul Rm, i ownatlle 1-m" îvtemta cnieKmiTetwit1er nmine enemy bas samitten aie on niether, 1the sacrilidiîîg muaeir. Crossiig 111e bu'eeds bas nover ________________ 13_________nmie is 1the thrashing 110cr e! bu- one check I wîl bm rtei hlm1the eth- Why is lovec gen, ually puror and gix ouigod results, aithomgh a great. nman ife, n 1eý e tlic wheat lssa n- er aise. Aflot' 11e nas compelel me dcepeu- ond wider li the poou' man's many ti"Ï il, arnd wilu COýnltiuie t10 LN)aied fom 1the chahf, the rlch grainutot go with him one mile I will go homre Ihani in th1e rii man's pal- do so. la oea-rly ait cases wn- heîm1 $50.000.f 1110i0 witbhlm twaln." ade? Somie people may delai'e that attenîpt la nmade to btuitd t'le l'est ~ae~ctît ouctooeaiviit THEIF CROWDED IS MLE This la net an absurd interpreta- tlîis staîentenît ta untmue, but if yen j ualiiesosf tino difioenî lic-cda 1t1e 1 -6m. tien 10 amake ef the Christlan's foot- have beeti around as a pester as, off-spring is net equni 10 eitler __________________________ Most cf 1the human uace are 1101-, ings, un roference te bis enornies wbetî mucb as soe e îîinîsters youu wilI Iparenît, once intrîL course o! a Ion' dled tegeLhtr and jOaling caca hie is trying te travel 111e twain . fmi ftdthat sncb a slaleeînuîta'ise .1yoal's thete ivill 0Lie ouîîformity, tohcî' dumii)g 1the iraIt ilile, xx bore 1o ogve I lot ihu x ,,. ., y cly c wattho lixe e d. c frgienea. lmet wlbuni el The teason that, love is gonrally a'dthd11e stodk reverîs te the scrîub. la 1110secodo r 1e iaiirni uae oaorte horlîe t brehsntaeauot, oo'malkepngarua I adio.ad ie 'th seon orth twinM'l 1ceplien lte trnly groat mein wbe sweeter amui porer in 1the peor mal'sToo c uh m xiig taii0nobeltcî' than cfore tcan erioyaswuîcre t m do, s temaporal cause have been able te natuu'aily lias a biggec- heait tîxan per ho gr'ade up a couniîon flock ni lb Wilu be at Black-teck on the tirtmet ha 1 salic dLue a dr'op 1the bitter persenatities o! Ibeir 1the ricli mail, but the pot' nan Itas1 pure breeds, butI te cross two pure Mondav of each mentit. at 0 rono 2n,; w 3s bas piotîty cf cbi ci.A existence. Thoy wec-e able te forgive te daily sacrifice foc- bis iife txrd:breds ta a aîistai'e. WXben crossinu, 111e great statesînNewnastled st Ilas n'ellas focgel tie personal injus- J blîdreit. WhîoîiChristmaa cones ta is ractised largely, as wlth poeultry M on at ail da , a d t N w cofl î t hi ere la pe uîty c oo m aI 1 t ep tices w hic b ha dl be n p acticed cro un d, lu ord o l a e 'a C h 'ist- 1th e resu ti l îea ly a w ay s a fa iur o, Wpedn -oiedafrom P Sm.,e 11eladr f uces lîeehaganst them. X',hen 1the nectiiGer- mas troc, perhapsi hie father Liai- hr en o iioniyo Oa'iE:Topeacett, owe ushosadsed bnd myforechutamt sats 'eo ongwedebcesef asb oI ir c inui qaitia Ptr bees villerear of! igginbotham's drug store fer 1the lon'est rung. - mnstts *ta','ele it el ast o ie otîeig ne unii!esria e cb-o rees ____________________________ Itle gceat con!ederacy e! 1the Germ-an WITIIOUT AN OVERCOAT. -are re:iliy the resultacf îudicius E ery merchant knons cf 1the sep-empire by 111e mnaster stalesman of Wbon is sons are ,ýTeiresenât t'ol --crossiîga aîîd selectioîus, and canl arating 1uy ric imac eoiiai rbbiiv1i, oj ýa e lprve ipeîî except after, or ýýi tilcauuulig nîtupoince 0f lm 11 nt'etry rncïima-kloeý rbaiuy h ee lnan-re'îd "oection o!flthe twnin ill. Aon apositonLunLh sid 10 a frioad drhng 111e dnrkest wil i ave te rîtn inte debt. 1-e a lo. store becaîne icaît xlom, in nîl daa 0th1e argge IiimuaInet t, wOrk overtialebst n best iiiicul.The besl possible, pr.abiit, ddDoEtprmet 1.tI.-thlk i whaîtaile ne ies igbt l mai'us na iesîetseciit-i ty, -short <of 1the actual test, C. H RNDE L.LJ4~* ncanc-tb ctok wa, las eon n 1Y or do. To attain Ibis end I Ilis lve1,dux i 'Sc-f~O. Ibat naybird or animal iiili pro- Graduate o 0e 11 a olee f t a tor'e for ten or fil teýen yeaîa, 111e wuu rv udagr.eie f~ e rterye n aup n tiI an dcils charaterstics ile its off- Detl~renOntario. youîtg mati nhlias nexer been wiik ýdeoýd, 111e acafiý'd Itîset!. tatmat- Sle l ove n rifyu a Christ,l e g'iqta hs hrceite I fc.îgle do aiiîy more Ithatle wu olv adtyi histho n'as arc lno'n1have helongod te a UFFICE-0pilosile lBingliam's s ic.coinkelled tle'du Bld yen select 1mi hybn nep-vdd 11 ust 1be willing te do something for ln ieo ne-os nida VI f ALIZ ED AIR. -the employe wbe ,vis generaiiy tell tope wltb n'licb 1 an angod binuis Christ. We mlust give ourselvea tcng tn acfpainsleîs. nx'du mituetes la in the 'ricin Gemmaîy firn le the Prussian body, mind andul o e is serviice. netnd aaptinlouned -icues aeinte rnmnng, tic throne9" ie umust 1e ready le Iravel for îii'n sbtuhd bc1e 1eiraI and ms m c1ir in f A t k Nwbo bas bis btat in bis haîud Jeans bas boua giveus as aitex-it-h1e twaîn mile. Il la because sýul portant peints cf sehotien. Theo --UrUL~ edheo ur for d opeints scione aum-ample foc- ail bis disciples 10 cepy. of os are net reauiy tb travel îîîis charactet'a of 11e anceshors sbeuhd c-a h 6? ld yo ît pro n ote o ne w u s o d a n p t u o ? W y h o e d a o o d ler ine 1th e c a -1i seed te Le iuclfferent te bis work sfed rie a de situpn yhrge11em bac-hah dnarmew and perbapsacte!ofany one cf 1the aîcestora,1 and bad te 1Le watclîed day by day uenouaica mado se:1 aanyrchargeaurunsympatareîic. acter Tis ta my motte :-Each jear as tl e 10kept huai, n, oter bas againal Christ Ihiat Pilate, un And, my friend, 1 wani. ye to.fr tî pue tbereda amofused ctono the new umroveme.nts are tdpAcd nen 'atcla lttie1biîd?-Noanazeunent, a.sked bila ho say 500 iE r remohher 1btfas-y t tilgelt oc ierauhse eeto and euerliycontin 'oodaico t1e sprîng cornes thon the sioîn- ter from the body. It is for Ibis very rea- r'WisW"Suti'gytila eu'uiO - holZ 7.dsodiyhpelr. hae* s Kmilionso! ers for tthýelu'cbildren whtusanie. If onieLoses 1the same set cf nîa.To 11 i s uIJc. .uss înysvr teeiblg. Il ditnirbed ati i-htaid brukea et caca te crrmiy tuome 1the hi prodmicts r 1edolent xith incense. Thenth 1e bave elways provcd 50 xonderfully suc- your ucet b y a is chilfisuet*eriuug ami cryiutg oethte factory-fluids 'knewna 10 e ________________________trce lakes oîî a en' tife. Later on, cessful in curing 1the most cbronic cases cf get ab 111e ino! cu. Wnhi g eeîh andtioece anch nbcei n e if 1te troc ta an apie ita js ltver complaînit. biltouaness andi comphuca- gt tl fMe inos etii ytp lbl icei n eit[1tQý inint ADIrERTISliNnppeES.r',t',,r Cbldrcn Teethiuîg. It willt relieve thea oo acn d-uced statte cf fermieiitatiou, theîî branîches arc aden nitîî t1e golden tedailmenisof thekidneysli'rer and bo'els. iitltieuffarer at once. Depeid upoii it,aotthers, it lius 110iig uI anlc ABEI'SN AE. fruits. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. Allil heret$ ne mi-take aboutit. *It cares Diarnhoea uPingtatite TtiCÀÂuÂuSvvzîîs s tilîheevry Tu ptbaye!îîe n'înuiuî ~ dealers. or Edmansen, Bates &Co., dléîe 1estmctce O t ue Wudrilc î'ili oftbt h riluemle. Tee TH-AAD ' . g sgilmhdeey h atwyoftetai ie IJoften.tea15egîm, reduces ttaatintoi oflon 1the caris areie lpcrfety ciean- Wadneaday iuorniag at the offie 26 STATzs- ntn'nya s me - 1eif e Toronto. and ivstoneaký icnîergy tg the wholesyem d loie ùac11eoxuhl n- mAN Block, King Street. Boîrmanvilla, Ont., by î wr- Oyte ie eeop "rWisos Sog Srpforel etu thman h nvial e M.A..ISLsEitraidPrpîcor. Subscrip ugsnbio c 1oe h yugieetbitug la pleagsant te the taste ad l,31t1e pi- auI is an "oil" iaitk, the aext day. tien $1.50 par annnm or $100 if paid erlctly in umansanys 10 hîuseif "Iarnready C W U~~Sc iptioru e! one co! 10e ,ýoldest and hast famnale An cepcmiiit o f aloriuug îîilk it- sdvance. Advetising rates, transient adver- 10 wcîk -k obyandicieuusil nd nurs,,es in 1the JUited States tlsng, ian cents pertino, irst isertion, t ive yamrndyaoti.iysseaiciaildh aldrggas osg dmandam cnitctslnutoI trent rs a lna tpea uusqunl isrio. o-sa- t uiidosico position. I Picewol.Be aura d ufor Mrâ. Ni ta and ustrite canasnwill teach any trat rsaion pplcatnoarnc-ody e wc-kbar aud ~J SoWS Sotbig Snuonae the vaine o! this point. Sncb Tho Beaver IP 1Block Sale We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of, yet, and very cheap-flrst-elass goods at very smnal nrices. Oui carry a good aïsorlment of'Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at <100 Men's Caif and Co rdova nBlmsi sewed and rivitted, from $1.413 o $2.50, worth $2.00 to 83.50. Ch ildren's Button and Blms 211e' 9o 7.5c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', t3oys' and Youths' to corresporîiý inl priceb. We will tell you what the stock is ia each and eýýery pair. Tho reason we do that is becauso we know. Latest Spriflg styles iiow lu stock in, every hune. The publie is invited to inspect our stoc'c; no Lrouble to show goods-we do 't with pleasure. Trunks, H3agS, Saitchels, 1awl Straps, fane'. and plain; Dresming, the very best that cam be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli- ed to, ,>ý-e 11Rqpairing.,done in al l tsbraiiches lu, first-elass st)le. i Ine woî . made, to o'rder,' sure lit or no sale. Thiank:ig ng Y usýomierr, for padt itvors'and'hopîng for a< continuanice of the &,aine.. Jeaver Block. Bowmanville. WMEN "Bîbby's Crleaff qlÏIlt 15 USED. For supplementing the supply of whole milk or for enriching separated or skimmed mbýk, or if nece4sary for raising the calv(is without any nilk '.vhatever after a Iew weeks old. It is by far thie most popular caif food on the market. Price-50 lb. bag $2; 100 lb. $3.50. SOLD EBY 130WMAN VILLE. 12-3m _-Y MeaiOrnamental FÎece. hti ornemiental, very ehowy and surprialngly cheap. h iýJwtiwhat la wanted for door yards, division fenee l i own lots, grave yards. orchards, etc. It i 20 cts. PER RUNNING FOOT. tunted and retails at only Ltus Send you fuit prtieulare. W. aise make farm fence, poultry nGtting, nalis à t&ples. Webegto0caTi your atteL'tct')1 a new awlidslitt~ ,b article ln *Barclay's Patent Attaehfflent FOR THIE CURE 0F Balking and Kicking Horses, f . 4 4 WIII control any vice known to a hoirse. Invaluable f 'ibreakiig In colts Can ba, adjasted la two minute,,, a-, 2' used with at.y bernes,, vehicle or implement To tîhý . pogessîve f irmer aud horsemnan this article le a neces~ Y mity.Apply to ROBERT HOOEY, 83.1 yr BLACKSTOCK. or desponderîcy caused by weak unhealthy nerves. are responsible for more sickneas and auffering thau any othar disease. If you have a secret drain froin early abuse, later ex- cesses or exposure, you canuot expect healthy narres while your vitality7lasbeieg wasted. Do neot eke ouit a miserable existence on accoui of your raee, you are flot tare untit cured-nature neyer excuses-no matter how young, old or Innocent one may ba. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER.fè Have you pain in the back, a dull feeling In the region of the kidneya? At Mimes your wter cornes freely, a large quantity lightin1 color, while at other trnes you do flot make it quite so =rel, i le durit lu color, you malse a smail quanîiy. oryou may havenu a ino0uà adeposit orbrk dust colored Redîment; give your condition bimmedIate attention or more serlous complications w lit stin. Ky treatment guaranteed as a positive cure forsucheon- ditions, and remember jou a Y H N C R You need n"av notblng untl 70u are convinced thatiàa îiorou h aNnd coaïplettecure bas bc en est sli.sh ur ely i islaf air, as you run no chances. U N SU T TI FE E If Yeu cannotcaîl, write for blaulik for borne treaiment. Perfect system if home treai- ment for those who cannai eaul. BOOK FREE. Medicînes for Canadlan letintssh dt4ru from Windsor-AIl duty arid transportation charges prepald-Everyihing nr7tYý No nemeson envelopes or pcae-ohn sent C. 0. D. ~ 208WOODWARD AVE., Cor. WIIcox Street D r~~. ~ OITROIT, ICN uilks' kopt ta cana as ordinarily FL1ES AND DISEASEr. clennied huit not stcc-ilized nith soun a nuuiiber of bout-a sooer Ihan one Ini densety popnhated districts tiane ketconemed in a shdamodJuail. are myrieds o! iies anti other vermin kepî that are the Must perfect carriera of BDISEASES îNM FLOCKS. disease that cen 11e umaglneti. Wheu we take mbt consideration t11e faet thuki No mattor non' geed a bird Mnay maîy disease germs are so amaîl that bce, or bon' perfect it may appear inioe foot o! one fly nîay eonvay etmough any respect, if it bas 111e sîightost o! tlîem te atart an epidemic, 'OeeMay sigil of dîsease il nî.ust net bc kept bogin te realize tbe dangers that every- xnlîb t1e othema. It înouid net bce ne- xhere beset onr patb,ýays London cessary to e dsl'oy a bird thatbh JIalt. A fly, aflter n'alking over garb- al cetd, becnuise Itis can 11e cuîred ; age andi sink drainage, bas beau exam-1 but a bird tbat shows any signa of ined, andi upon eaebo! bis feet typhoiti disense of 1the longs, tuver or any gertns mare founti. The inseet n'es vital organs, or if the blood ila mi- caugbt andi kilteti bebore il bcd any pure, Ilien il la rnecubotter te kiti lime te, infect aîy o!f111e food that wam ila once. Almjoal ail di>seases ae expesed in t11e shop windows, sud n'hich due 0 oemfedtn, îichfcedngbadfuraisîeti lime meit admir&,ble o! ina qarteýra, darnp,coi, o 1lm uia- àtius for-cultutre foc- the typhoiti ha- ed biouse, iack 0fexoCscobnu clu.Too iîuh care cannol ho taken n'ith an, iunprcper systiem oý:f fed(iuig, iin kçce)pg foodi fnom vermin of ail sorts. ci orclose inbr.oeditxg, wn'bic r ecuits il, srtnîcatiohrami r the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I eîfelma fIu ~se. carry aibout -îîith 111cm and distnibute goed, heahthy stock-birds are u-ed, smong tîhe bnman family many more if~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~' 11ebuesaone btt r ni us anti evils than ive noutti ba wihting if he ouss. re ellbuit, ry ndte recognize, teaviigthe question e property i ontihaled, if lthe feeding it arrigte nre1ou ofds suitabte, aund if the lewis are ivohi harhorng bmetrl.u !ds ,and carefuily hooed aftor, Iboui dis- -csin ease arnong poultry xvii liexery exceptionai. Iliseaso la very eflen A COMING TRADE. breugu i h1 a poultry yard by 111e I o'Ymtnyasae e introduction o! freah stodk. Ii InNwYre yasgoad- shoeld bce a strict mule with peuîtry- rîsixe smite w'ouhd baie groeted ltme men thal invhenexer a fmoab. bird is production that boolacklng n'oul brougbl itîto th1e pemltry yard il beceme a recognized indeshry, n'it. LSbonid 1be kept by itseif ferA es large, batîcs omneuy femnished offices a n'eck or ten dumys, dnring xvbicb in premiadat positions, pustronizeti time it slîouîld be n'etl dusted severai ynee siein ,.Nw limnes wilb disinfocting peivir ; and mi oter xcaggoan'wiil cath aI youc- it' shomud alse 1be carefully observed mesidence daiy, colleot 111e boots and ah this limie te sec Ibat il ia, so far shoda, and roteu 111cm, pehisuico, as can bce ascec-taunoýd, in perfect blaqk>d, or, oiled. luoaltiî. - 4--144,063 Etih chituiren under i.1 The final Frenclh coliiery n'as, open- Iyears of ago ar'e n'age-earner-3,eut ed iii 1722. *of tme 5,6Oî,219 inho atteild achool.

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