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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 5

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Read "On the Farm" inside. Trunks and te1escopes cheap at The A CARD. flfiTlTfll_______________ Boston Bloomers next Eriday. Mason Co's. Ki~upu8 W 'llLadies, read the household column STATESMAN to new subseribers bal- We, the undersigned, d o hereby BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 4, 1902. this week. ance of 1902 for Soc. asgree to refund the nloney on a 50-ce nt _____Catit_______________ have Domin- ais r nvtdtesethe female btte f ren's Wrane Srp o* tona k e r« l i .. ios '--D t . a es srecam in splayCawkeFr & a it's Chi a rbotie f ito ve s tfcure y o r o neyo wk - r Icasier and cheaper than gettiflg GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. Good covered buggy for $35. Apply Ladies, if you would sce something cold. We aiso guarantee a 25 cent BO jWMA NVI LLE. well. The secret of Uealth is the t.M A.Jme. rPar ievstCwe tsCinar. eted.probv, satsatoTT &oJrRYnd ,abllity to digeot food and eliminate BOWMANVILLSI STATION. Rev. W. j. ilollhffe is attending con- "anaee ntoCls"I a rticl e . SolHAM SOT&JR n the waste material. GON EAST. GOING WEST. ference at Napanee. on an inside page every young farmer ______G O E I~. ET presti....9 â2 a. m.1 Express .... 5 15 a. mi The Boer war is over, peace baving should read. NOW FOR TURNIP SEED, bus Ris odined îhhtct tat fGor er than w by e To do this it is necessary that the Expres-... -10 27 t Local .S 10 il been declared May 31, Mil ter's Compound Iron Pis, 50 doses buies--ie wt h attatfreevhn zcjmach and bowels should be in Loalseg.... . 6580 m Ep rePass.gOr- 57 p38 Farmers will find somle verY valuable 25 cents. Sold by Stott & Jury, drugi- I have in Stock a choice selection of fpav spi got c s,hrfîenbesutoeitemaprcsskd perfect condition. Express does not go west Monday morning. information on inside pages. gists. ail the leading varieties, viz :-The UG R C R D M A S STOTT & JURY. Town Agents The new Louisine Silks in ail, colors Spring ouercoats are stili in demand, Famous Jumbo, Mammoth Clyde> ,IRC R DM A S W&G. ~~~~~at Couch, Johw4ton & Crydermani's. mheut agomkrig Shaimrock, Sut-O arhihadwlibhghupicdrugteum rmoh. Stoin c h & ive r OCAL AD OTHEWISE. o,ooo doz. good fresh eggs wanted aMstonBaoc a euudf o Gl mpobe. P rlev hStone, sand White We ask you te try our Ilams whieh are eured srteeiaN o u O"t - a h& Lv rWill py ou 13c. akr& at pleasa9lt visit with Blackstock aud J. B. MARTYX, and eut up well, in Plac fte îhrpredhm Mrs, W. H. Hansan has moved ta 323 Our offer of one oid and one actual Myrtle frienda. 22-tf. ____ Bowmanville. CcefteRY NDGLe rie as R . TON 10. College st., Toronto. neg usrîe o $o0sdl od Coucli, Johnston & Crvdermau areNE LCSIHCR K RYA DG S W I Opening for a smart boy' ta learil e etalrmusgood. th nydaing a big business lu Carpets, Cur-NE BLCSTRO Our reduction sale lu this dcpartmeut bas been v i ttuc Is a purely vegetable bitters that printing at this office. Youien ail rem itm ES îvE itîny tains and Linoleums. i armers! If you are wauting a good and scores of eustoniers have expressed themselves as pesc u rifes hc lod ad tile u th Mis arn Lod, or Hoe, aspaperw nadeeia SAEMN Annual Farmers' Institute meeting set ofliron Harrows do nlot fail to ca profited bv purchases made; and te make room for heav ueaef purfeth loan telsuth MisCriLodPotHPba office. in Councîl Chamber, Bowmanvilie, Sat- andeu sOrae ted itsee O of import China we will continue as far as possible eleybrgi stoachan bocl setht teybee vsitngfnind hee.m A. James is Goverument issuer urdav June 7th at 2.30 p, m. teeth and made in either thrce or fourO previously advertiscd. easily performi their natural duties. Very interesting article on Study of of Marriage Licenses for Durham Areé you a judge of tei? If se. try sections. Will sell cheap. Callat Darch's O9 IC IN RS T F R $.0 Forehoni cnstpaionthne Weatber Sigus an inside page. . County. The Mason Co's. "Glencaira" Bik teat aid stand, King St, East Bowmanville 97dz.D uPlate, I doz. S E lTesF O.TaPatsRo For cronieconsipatin thr MissMis duana WebstterabrCambna MssFan8 Misson FafanyB.re.tont 40uffalol N.for 5c.wadrth t40e 1now. sellr Pagefor d25e.op anaessecdothem, no better remedy and whcn taken visiting ber aunt Mrs Win. Folev. was guest at Mn. John Heliyar's over Men's Blue Warsted Suits D. B. coats il-tf Aý, W. PIORARD. 0Cups and Saucers, 1 doz Fruit Nappies, 1 doz Butte upe, systemnatically it sconI establishes a Mr and Ms.Williîam Nelson, Keene, Sunday. an vests onîy $5,50 suit. These areO 2 Platters, 2 coyered Dishes, Sugar Bowl, Tea Pot, So ol visited bis sister Mns. Geo. Biekeli. Ladies' New Sprinz Coats selliug off ouly ta be had at The Mason Cols. Addition te MeGili Building. Cream Jug. The regular selliug pnice of these sets i 75,b regular motion of the bowcls. Mrs. G. C. Haines visited bier neice at haîf-price atCoch Johnstan & Mnsatbehtifadotte t clear out we wili soli the balance at thte above pnîces If yon are troubled with bouls, Mrs. llarrY Colton ut Coiborne laSt Cnydenman's. îatest English anil Ameniceau styles at This is the day af big enterpnises and O1,,s PiePidfi ilFnî Poue pimle, dsppsa bliusnssorweek. Gaad gaods. f air prices and every- Couch, Johuston & Crydermau's. eaegdtescBw nvl byP->e pimles d spep sia, boiusness -r ev. Brandon Greenaway is attend. thing as represeut6d .t Cawker & 1'ait's we ae gld tasee owmaltll boyC .FçVV T any, disease arisng f rounimpurenWhittemoretoGe. Ege, Elite and at the bead of some of them :-An ad- blood, yeu will find a cure in J. & ing he a ngegtoniuno l goer toe Champion aisa Ideal."l Quickshiue, dition is being made ta tbe MeGill G. tomch nd ive Toie. Ottwa.lik voug e Wtt Turnip Seed-fresh and carefulyNausuch, etc., at The Mason Cols. Building, on the south side of G street, . tmcan ieToi.How do you lk on eWt seleuted, noue botter or cheaper. WhnahiggasdihsoposadutwetoNihsretotwstn Talmage's sermon's ? This week's is ia Cawker & Tait. (Wnwsig raydshso os anjsh eto it tetnrheti SOLD IN caia n.PanwieMsl lue 5 u as, Levcr's Dry Soap (a powder), wilîîWasington, D. C.) wbich will add cptloePliwht ulaBoss7eadPnseventy roams ta the big office building, ___________________________ 25e and 50o Botties. Mn. Henry Puley, Fencion Falls, $1-()(0.Print Blouses 50c, 75 and $1.00 remove the grease with tbe gretst cf or double its present capacity. Wonk ifne stiacorvisited bis brother Mr, Philip Puley, at %Vest Endflouse. Annual meeting af Womcn's Instit has becu going on dnriug the past week , Your money back i o a satr.Ontario Street. Wrappers $1.00, $1 25t $1 50 at West utc lu Royal Tempiars' Hall SaturdaY in excavatiug for the foundation. Thie Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Down attendcd End flouse aiso a new lot of Parasols at 3 p. m. Ail ladies eordiaily invited. building adjoins on the east the Na. the Webster-Scuithorpe wedding atPort and Pewny's Kid Gloves. Spring Hats arrivcd-mTbe largest tionai Rifles' Armery, and wiil, when ~.It II IIIJ I op, Mai' 21 St,.h rtyld bs alsspa and best selected stock af new and stv- the iîew addition ia compieted. take uip 111 V Miss Helen Walbridge, Toonto here Friday. They travel in a palace Ilsh Christie 'and Fedora- Hats at MÇ. the entire space, froutinz nearIv sixt St-e .~ III V ~ * * * t aon G street and extending tote 0 'Ù 1 JI"% AT r. eB SipsT.IfJouÙan yunInsyacHeîwys A great chance in E mbroidenies at 11 1 IUneriybabenvstgheucecr. o' auasetemMarsallev i n the rear, a distance af above A'JP Drugits ndOpicins SThe Mason Co's- Mill-ends af the veny15fet Drugistsand pticans. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Miil- iooked alter, ealu at nîy office or Phone choieest designs 4J yds each beingvsoId Tepeetbidn a osrce _________________________brook, are visiting hier father Mn. Rich. No. 50, Harry Carnu, agent. athîfpic.Theaprs aga byilMng Jamecst. Meid ~ _____________________________ Osborne. Town Line. Our Ileady-made Clothiug is new and Cail at Pethick's Barber Shop and at a cost of about 8,250,000. It containsE Mrs. (Rev.) M. E. Wilson, Prince fresh and made up iu thc latest styles. hear anc af the Genuine Edison Phonoý sixty-six offices and four stores, and al $1.50 ~ ~~Abert, bas beeu visiting Mrs and Miss Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. gah.teIuetadeers akn I hv eurne ic e Cryderman, Church St. 58-inch pure woal black and blue machine in the warid. campfletion of the structure. As the ~ Mrs J. F. Eby and Mrs. J. Hossack chieviot serge just lu again at West Rer. W. Hlerhert Moore, pastan of the new addition is entireli' in the rean, ihm Woods and baby Eleaner. Toranto, are End Urouse. Price $1 00 per Yd. M. E. Churcb, Edwandsburg, Micbhigan is estimated that the cost of construe- a- guests of Mrs. E. S. Meath. Fram ta-day Cuh, Johston & Cry- wii] preah in the Methodist Cbiiec' tien wili net exceed $183,000 It wii be Mr.Ga. C. Haines' sale of carniages derman wili soi off the balance of their Bowmanviile, next Suuday. 'oa the samne design as the present struc- was net iargely attcndcd Saturday. New Sping Cjoats at haif-price. You hardiy realize thlait f i turin c. seve stadfiesmins oeagh aud wiool Mnurbanges Mrs . ontn Pine Apples-T bis is the week ta wheu taking Carter's Little Liver Puils: The main bail willi be cxtended ta the Mr. ad Mrs C, A Johnton, rs enve -Fine Apple, Corn e t us-we they are v'ery smaîî ;1n bad effets ; ail rear and another clevator wiil be lu-40 F'W. B. Wbitbyand issTomnds iuîPrsestu ake lat troubles framt torpid liver are neiieved stalied lu addition, thoeewill be a -f ThsBuxton l e uy oti Sorsperbaps bundreds af suits have power. The work 1 is gdoeunder s-M- $ P c ta le GCouhndi, uto mpndsonsenad t Twe at th e inroa i for bense. d t ass stc wek th iectaiut olathetan deîgh nd 1 0 N L Y s , LF I hav rtunedteToont ale athe Summer trade. Cawker & Tait. The Mason Comsbig sale. Bring yauir the bdi Cti RbnaIt s ontinenta j'leasant visit wîth friends hene. tebidn . .RbnaWhi a-- i. e Hunterols iorees adole tra ren ihyu h a bangaîn Mn. MeGili also bolý-s aller the work.- visited bis aid home at Clarke Union. nealttnensebxbter ee.d Wsigou(CPs. We arc gctting ready for Mrs. (Dr.l W. W. Andrus and son SHINGHES-Go t a H. Hockens large -audience in the Mthodlst cburchL dTar lot ef edds and ends in Spectacles. Miss Grace Ireland are guests af Pnîn- arc extra qualîty and cheep, 22 4w nant, Oh Isroel". She bas been render as mercury wiiI suroly dcstroy the sense of esriad stek-akngan ac icnig ut alsoG ile i tv otn, n itn ot fton o oo hnis.Te uda vnn wt h ol Fa e ladConpltel ain eury oe y Z cia ifha.Young Gents, M. Mai'er bas a full ing valuablsistnet techoir tsm eii aod cin iîethdragte mutisewoiess- Ye îI ld hm onarFred Foley and Miss Annie Cryderman nobby and nice. Caîl ta sec thema,please. "A Grave-yard Cough"' is th cy fces. oSirsc riins soiild euabe bicnscd,-~ anc lu Llndsay attending the funarathefdamage 15eyv ', tldo je ten foid te the m- Jo t Itâ aoue sncetinsdsPyiestwcnd25cg tsheRoent Jolston.New lot of cadv-to-put-on,-dncss tortured luugs for mercy. Give thlic good yen can possibly derive fromtthem. Hall's J slis. jutoibatrest nd lous als ..mercy lu the form i ofAlien's Ln Catarali Cure, manufactrcd by F, J. Cheney & m- 35c,50ë ý1.0 ad $150.Baisam. wbieh is uscd with good effet Co., Toledo 0., entains no mercury, and isr .35eSOc, 1,00and $.50.If you think af going ta Europe ask bie- range of Undcrskirts ta pick frntm. ee ucuupto' al ta nes. nalssuracesngcf 15etsyunthe nblo kakeaviutrially, atiug dtrctly upon steabeoo M. A. James for rates and sailings. He . os;as oea h ele i ae n esrail f y, an mI b oidne IyIIaif-P r e 'Y o r hoie fo naste ei otsad esNh est t ot ofa Coranation Tics just in ut Neyer hflc a couo-h, Hall's Catarrh Cure bie sure yeu qgex tise genLuine. benths for his passengers. sweliest coiored shirts that ever wus CUess. ho, by F. J. Çheney & Co. Testimeisials free. A ib Mrs. Grace Hobbs only sunvivcd lber shown lu tawn. UTIE Sold by Drnggists, pie 75c. per bettie. 7-es are all new hubntelate Corp, Hobbs, four F C. Pethick is ag-ent-for 'The Edison Hali's Family Pis aretise besi. oo..-LL.i-.I i L-~ iL~ E davs. The luneral Monday week asPhonorp.Pie rn 1 e$0, M.S .Bok oi-'t on aili attcnded. Rev. W. Jofliffe oe ci- Caal.Piesfo $0t ioo. Mr.S.Beak s bougt ayougBomnvll, unest t - stylres and y au m Records 60e each or $5.00 a doz. Cal cî(fo3ME1Obnn alction day BORN Wh le th y as. l W. H. Montgomery aoSlf adGeutale, witefii o than usua. But vea Caones high when acd Mrs. Frank F-. Morris, a son. dro- m adLe, but m ust be elea ed, who bas beeu taking a course at Union Getmn, witetmeobu Liberais win. - ~T--~k Theologicai Seminary, New York bas nu pigbt a rnete.M MARRIED. - rn+ + 'ii Mae a ulfieIfgns urnisbings Fine fiie expeeled ut Ebenezer Ça-ab--nBwravliMa 3h, o'.Lu Ci once. xn'corne, beau liccused ta preaeh by tbe Pnesby- upcin vtaanniversarv next Sunday and Monday by yW.JLuffe. BoMr. ille amyams Uory t iJrggst an Otiias. o. o Cnadf Kingston.esf nlS Bac- une 8Sand 9. Rev. A.C. Crews, Te. ofOsR.ha, and MissLylia Mad Lucas, of:bthe fi s cicc0fo . ~N. B-Whenbuyîg theaboveuneswiil issue a new subscriber's directary Stock-, and Miss L. VanNest andi Mn. E. and 7 p. mn. Special music and coilec- BARTYN-LYLE, In Bewinanville, May 30ti, Z ~ ~ 1 A yau make your awn selections. If for Eastern Onturio, iuluding the town Werny, Sauina, were guesîs ut Mn, M. tian. Big day Mauday starting ut 2 Miss Mary Lyle. boiS of Bewmtanvitic, de-I$ 15 ostumIes f r $7OE you want the finest gaeds in the af Bowmanville, eaîly in June. Onders A. James' Sunday. o'ciock-scarf and ring drills, recita. I o market ut macierate prices. We fan new connections and changes in That stomach trouble will ceuse if lions, siaging and speeches by 11ev. B. OE.E$ 0 wiil test yeux cye fre af charze, firm names sisould be sent in ut once ta you will take Milicr's Compound Iran H. Hayden, M A., and Rev. J. H. ROEer-Jo Hamptoii, May 3ist, CiareneEls - me.-I>1I1e neturnuyour money if Glasses are insure entny ln this book. W.W.SHAW, Pille. One alter eac mal. Sold by Oke. 11ev. J. H. Hector, Blackt Knigbt, worth Rose, aged 20y ears. IÈ' fl . nat pcrîectiy satisfactary. 2 grad, Lca Manager. Stott & Jury, druggisls. lectures ut night for the Ep. League, E $i.O..>C~ostumnes $5o0 uate Laalan. h correspondent af tihe Orono Coa with youn familv and have a gaodEfo ___________________________News doesn't.mine matters about the Those lit tic black pis for slomach social timie. Sec buis. EE treatmeut aur base bail boys met ut and liver (The Perfect Liver Fil) are Cobourg. He says "the deadgat sold ut MeDermid's Dru- Store for 15e PROFESSIONALS MARRIED. E B ricklayor's spantsoaIthat town cau stand delcat pe ox or 2 for 25e, E 0A-~uE mci, thy aur brs eut Our Ordcred Cothing 1 elct ABSTNWGT v a s r ackache. elftwn in arnost disgnacefui fashion." welimade always --ives the utmast sut--E l thy al suaeth warreCucAller the iast aet aIDavid 'Harum .E show bere ail the same. " That's right. stan & Cryderman. wuieh was being perfarmeti bv the 4El0 g ~ equres rea the lie getlean a an Harny Canut Generai Insurance Harry Lindiey Company lu Virden~ U1 gooidy maon te CboArgC boyMs. îs Ter cident Insurance; Real estate bougbt, 28. Mdlle. Yvoune Ferre (Cayrie &Eo, à>stand thesri character lu Dr. Cbase'sOitetadsl.PoeN.50 Wight), daughten af Capt. Jas Wight of the srl n iar o- us uheaace sbsmdoD.t eneral Insuraîsce Ageucy, also real oaI-Bowmauviile, ,I.adtng, lady for the E Great Bargai buse for (General Dr yGoos of he ardM70-k ustsuc' carateras is adeDr.estate handled. The best stock and Rarry Liudley Coanad Erie Carn'ington, Chae eteeed id dmied he onl muualcomanis. Phone No. 50. the juveuile lead aid silver voiced tci- . --thiatfallstotlnouot over Dr.Cbas's .iîtmnt bs'stodi Next Door to Standard iBank. BOWMN v ILE, of a niason. tbe test af lime and romains to-day the H1y anBwmn'le o.,neuitdinmt;îon y;1v Disese.Il s th stndad O nt-neer sh.,wn as fine a stock af Drese ceremony was parformed, on the stage n hie t -u et a Ds nelyo r hs' ep as e tu bt hflrunta thhe sdtYn ardl ~i Goods, Dress Musiis, Chamhrays and lu full view af the audience. Mr. andijI "Im fb (lf-1-en_ _---- _ r% p Prins a thevdo Ibis scason. Mrs. Ward B. Mattice of New Orleans I could traigbsen up *hen I arose frem chiieken gaI a few nuggets, -a daubl. Bowmanvilie team hene Friday aller- troubles so camman witb young aid aid *0 00 i mi u ma OMNI ,OT my bcd in the merning, and 1 suffcred 80 'ibis nugget le worth $3.50. This ln noon ut 8 p.m. The organization is are quickly bauished when a diet aIAl2onfe ot mauch Ibat I bad 10 give up My mason cident explains whv a few men bave know-u as the "Boston Bloomers" and deliciotis Malt Breakfast Food le adopt- s, WA colors, 2ad3 per f H. IFAos-r , tTnr work aitogether. I read n good deal about iseen stroîîing au thé sand east of the lthe Sun Francisco Examiner says the cd !an a few weebs. WeFad1en . E.MCU GEIN, FSecndTeo De','itcePi ateher'sne TbltBackaeheng.lhee Kidreney risTabletso la haH.ThîrJ.oa KNIllfGHT, Findnet BaseNIliT Frs ;_ýdbuh upyfo ydugs.pien hssnlg br l oeg i il nwbwt lybil hi tmcewI idMalt, Breakfast a'd osgt uplyfommydugis.there. throwing aid base running were a Food soathîug aid camfarting. This Ama FU Tbey aeted like a cbrm-aktesr-gatupietail Their batling true bealth food is a grandpromoter aof FREui W.tFJ. U j COCER NAEMNS n and stiisees up ithImy akeo thatenC for and âleding were excellent, and their physical strength. , t n6ui8ihes the " ' 'D' ia I1JIiYLiJCONCEdR TsEYalcrcpîec eF 11 Ipau nwstaigtend I p w tb cgasde. Tie rconduet le thât ai perfect ladies;flot a nerves, tissues àaid lood. The bcd Pro heStr.Fo',Muia icln.BwavMs Pie 50 ail ox anld run n el', C ! ~ A word on action autelf the way dîd we physiiais reeomm end il, Se youn Bro SoeS ore.NILE. omý lOBo muvî l. Pnie 5e. bx, t al duigh.m ayseon heur. Gracer, . -' 'd niil '2u Du. ZZA PMU£&o. oam _______1_____A_

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