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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 7

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f I ____________________ 1I YO-TESY.Q AVfl rflilfrZrr 1train tfli reat vle+ ,r4.-.,-4. t ,,+ Resu and eweat bave nou ffert on harnesteatd wtt Furtka lUr- ne3s Oil. tte- sste tac daap, mofot break 'taon h en byngaeicra for l pnIsaadt eed on&s 1fe. LE'SLN BaLSMnn-îs~ pltr Ir anZ ortnds.nS, ue Colda, epsted gh7Cughsn. Try i bthew, and ho eonvndj Fen ci ng a nd tiato. hny îlie Lest malde by the Oshawa Wîre Fonce Co., Limnitent, Oshîtîa, Ont. J. S. Rundie, 13-rf Agent, mlwmanvîle. The disturbacîce ut tho oarth's crusu caused by the severe oarthquakc that indlictei nauch damaege iu Guatemala, un April 18, was dufly recerded by flac seisnxegraph at J ohn IHopkins University.,IReports et the. records mîade by these instruments at other peints cf observation xiii probably ballot box, Se far as the ncw bill nodertakes te deai with secendary and tetcheical education, thero is ne doubt that the general purpose is an exenapiaryl co; only fin regard te methedasu d 'leail is there any dilierec f opinion. W hat la revciutlnnary la tho proposa-ii with regr eropo te rceixeit i Ter he oarîh imove- visionas toc priimry edecation. 1lu ment naIBaltinacre avs,I cf curseEngiait since 1870 ttc farcitities foc: toc light te te detecelt ncept by I btaining pninaiary oducalion bave tte dlicate inaîuinii noav useol tens sitededitw ao vaya: fdrat, by aI nu,ýy aereulte cstationis te record r ttc 50 calcit national or hennit sncb pt'oiacua ; tut thc ovidouce setools, croatoit cuiter tth eosIon that ttc rock vibrations catstit by Act, organizeit anui govemceit hy the stocks la Guatenanlja extenitud scisool boarda responisibie 10 ttc fer 4orthanrd lathia continent 15 'Board et Edecalien. These acteels concluaitve. Iare mainîniieit o he crates, cm local taxes, sepplementeit hy an au- Ttchoidistarce eo tcf I the(ustra- nuai grant treca Paciameal. As ce- unah, cei It ars etexînme -ic-garda neigices instruction, ttce For- baicc., t'oin Baltimore la about 1,750 al A rsiofnl htwat geenapien nalca Bu ta moe oePr inatructios et a seligieus Liait atitiug evidences taxe beon recordeit stenlit tegixcîo sheulit ho iaspartei lu icceal yenrs oetttte tar-rcachiag aIt tc tegissinlng or ccd cf ttc ofedts cf eattqnstc iisturbauces. sehoeoecing anuitthal su un- Vony violent stocks, ton et-ample, broîçnapeiitofet laveheurs in ecet oiginating i Asia, hase been ne- mîeeting steouli te dototetoie accu- ceriteit y ttc aciscsognaph aI Ur. han instruction; secondly, tat ia JIota Mihi's Oe cnatery OunIthe Isie tiain table saotîiîg fostliteleail ttc cf Wight. Itlitas becs kucava ton tours tlebc e dot ettereligions anui ageaatlthe efiecta of canthquecs snna utictnae e pt arc dIteu f011tfon teudroda et males lillp iispîns d in esot selacol roula, trnuattc place et eriginailen-s tat parents ateelit taxe ttc anre. Ttc jjar cantis t y ttc Charles- nightl to uuttraxv Il irc childreel ton enrîl qeatonus fol inNeaw fhooma snp eligica a instruction cï York amu it il aa catiaxatbeiyt t eobservance at-bletheby dsapj,rcxcd; Goe rament experts avto stuticit ail ttlrdlp, thatluinaclicols i rot ic,'d or ttc ptenoîcmta cf liant occurrence maragit hp chool hboards ne cate- ttaIt te caint]iqeaittc-ax,,e traxelleit rtisma er eliglevîs ftemulany iistinc- ut ttc ate et aboet 17,0010 ted a tte etf rap srligioensitenominatean secondandait Ittal eblo reta aere steelit tetaugtt. tilectei to10a ditiîaof ineemiles. It la euî1Y ultin tite pnst bxxeîxeorcm These protoscisshaxo tecu accept- ditnu eara, itou ver, lIant tteitd as satlsfnetery, neot oc]ly by thc aý-ismcgn'apjh las teen usei tot record gr-eat mass et NosConfermilnsta, bet cantasevescentatat a netcl cier- n1so tp ahi Itese per.stvbc are la- aise perceptible. Ilt as long boca dilbercc inlutise ciatton et religion, Lnexvn tisaIJapan ila slandt cf nîny or toIt on public greoundsta t -Saedou'cntion ateulit ho con-soc- esnttquakc-ls; but il nas nI t isccv-SLt cedt[11-Drn, illec set up Pis Sis- boriner. On ttc cIter baud, a greal naogapt isa TelLetat Japan is lin eiy t tcuemoac t constant stale cf menton. Ct'mrcîet ofEnglassiandsuit sct ail lcunan (attelles tate nefusweitot sendtIheir etilitren ote cboardt The eghiing of iterntio a chee cls, suit taxe ustabhisheit tor aciuienapieobservtilons la atil tacm hy a elnntncy suacripîbocîs dc- more neecut. In 18929, bhe hate Drl-î, stlnlsieos ahre sat von Lotrncs'izdxieiaseis- diclen l esceular instruction, thcy naogcapiî avich uns usedin lutioceaun eenito neligicos teactiug ch tte Uoolxra'ty et Stnash:g. Ilt avas iait appno-.ni by tbeir parents or accu touai thIat xcrp distant canIN geandi-rus. Te seet an extecît bas quakesadairaninfluence rpupe ttc, Ihe niox criien u aver o e tnomin- i-nmac x'i'e"t of rae penrîlnre and uothaaalili setocla beon cannici thIat the rate o e poo itt avhsicli tese about eue-unit et ttc chilitren la iistuntaiîea are tcranii itttreugt Emonu àd recel t ieg prniaary insInue- ttc rockrs îigbt te accuratelyip de- tien are croititei tote tese lostilu- temni.Taersults ch ttese ch-tiloams. 'Tisait utc asupporb t em Is a pureiy vegetable System sent aticus sut ut these cf L.ht ln1opascte tctrt li1oen la Jnxagreat iy intce etoitetc aip rsaltîîug roni tteim telng cen- Reîîovator, Blooci Purifier and sciuntillc atont, anuittE i.eata sn pelîcd Io 0 catrlbete by their sianre Tonîc. suggestei tbIat rogular sesmcleoh cof the rates on local taxes to tte stbieus mini la nscpparts ef mai ntenance c0ttth oeîi acimools, A medicine that acte dirosCtly ai flctent .ent ;od preaicte île atitpd. av wiiel their cîsliren do nt pro- the saine tiuie on the Stomach, cf oartt.cliuakc ptienotnu. 'lie Cc- fit. la 1-383 tîiey succeecitlan pre- Liver, Boxvels and Biod. gratptical Cngeat rot mden un curnng ttc appoîstuacut et a Royal It cures Dyspepsia, Blieusucas, 1895 aitepteit a nes-,ouin anet nnt- commaîissien 10 enquire inctothE edgiîg "te nil 11vanuithIlecscicnclfic tx'rtiug ofethbe ,dufaLtiliActa. A Constipation, Pinaples, Boi, ea u eccssitv cf nu internaLional m sit o atoutmisin -cni ache, Sait Rheum, Running bores, sî3îns n ,enitonit il cteel boas-ds stonlit eh taios oc thcehobsrsatieca cf te esnpett,.'ei to antidize t-01el- Indigestion-, Erysipelas, Cancer, . entisquaabo ."This usuggestionibcre ayscuiocols aIt tc lcnst Ichlocal Shiuglea5 Ringworm or any diseassa!i fruit. Sisusuce eh(,rnt alons ame ow ets'res, litthlie Geenumnet o ttc arisîng froua an iuapoverished or ienomeit oeus alange nnLro t-(lydsvwdayitnino n irou-ccing saîcnsunc te thul cced. impure condition of the blocit. ticus ttrcugtcut b' c n ci u. qTe leq ose presont Gevecneut teels strcug For aleby al aagglten Ports are cetînetel bp a comniite enougis ta pursue al tiflrent courseo, For alahy al Dn~gstse aci th re leani -janliiaci etorpnd,,iit, sl-lcughthbocehlabo toi ta ic heri ts BrýithishAe aticu utyleivbthtecbill wiiil aine is as pot bea in h rts Ascainunit cidet, tore la hut iitt'e dit ' l a-efo 11Jepn.i troct toscurdiiofsetmaintaînsug ftho cvery locciity tia-cugli I . --in I cic l il e lc eutt C'asdî t too icdceniîcxisînalchesniiLpo- etonteri o tou fseOur goudo, tackg up! The scienceocf seîssniugp, ini Ibis et u'bilp cm o in part upen -ttc epicuono planes, aise ditinibitox.g snsil adn'etist;g btiif timnt, lias grottu i ,ondcuthlie si cotitets r-tthse natepaper. matier. CocieÈsiutuorslary [Q bpermntlhsd t cand hige aîqac u espeotoe, not ta excet tipor day. tçte-dy, nrreodi-featiaksad1 enspi ornant tru «md, bost relîshie ueo. No eiou ce-ts.. letcadan ei 1leiy Whnt avIi bcte acpolîlseai cfloct exp-irosinedul. 'oisaor il srno isri 'of sncb a laav la obvions. Againat IlE UMPIRE MEDICINE CO., Londlon, Ont. 1etfert mes, -iaeis, uiado possible tp tc earnier cars cf seisnaic ebsur- bthe Ccxernînont avisietshnlh have vatioca, tte grent vioeco f nnnt-eNcmctorists llbauital tilsethe qeatos la tct-iug Inss important lunîin cfrit en als Lseoito ceinpaiaur, x itis tsorlmneosc lunes- tce cest et tic coissinity cuguit te sal cxcîeas of a geuthun type. tenoa-scctnsri-ac. rlty il te- Tuasceimtlîic aviter, setnininng top sîcrîce as OuI n asiLe a1îie of lgin-ý thearîs, iowsisîntica titaIcecpelsts îî.cî lemain-1 tis cosclsiea ce-inla r-c.tain, necon Oly tth oardsetocis, Mines lai est tooku , in sut- but aise cther cd ucabicnical-bah- - . stanice, tI al ts osratoslisima ciathle pupolas n 'lîin la nre coller-toitgo tb steow Iat te s ehOlgei t[o rmceixcreligions lrstroc-, tien ohf's distionetlv scetoriais innud face et tis ecartis laneitiser fiscd olmTcis'iis acut.etfIboso griexaucos utiet I fimr, btiIs lin astatecofchcontinuons thc .-feîcr vili nuvun-le ras td - - dutels'; andthttrt lirsl, utfart, tri fnrgot. h a 111is e isceset l iie. ire rogardei ns massaing aceut a, te ita bptise iericiticorl tisit.ofchet ttaa relicter. T'it itnt la xx na po rsiicn cf enîuillhuniiuî, tistcont cd sua - u'..o- 1' ~. . FOR COLIC,, CHAMPS-,1ýl- "f PAIN IN THE STOMAClII AND ALL SUMMER (OMPLAINTS.1 UTS EFFEOTS ARE MARVELLOUS I'!' ACT$ LIKESA CiARLI. RELIEF ALOST INSTANTLilEOtU&t EVFRY HOUSiE StIOULD HEI-oSfT. &e ai o'îia esr 'RDUG TF R .TAeesNOeeosa. 1FRICE. - 35C, c' c3 etatittoiur cfrîsaton ou c.o bialt tIifsitht~e revialn fchdu- ttae, 'sto ca -n bp caomenis oh Lies eii groin aedt heur tmuîemg tte air anuitaterm'as n-cll as Isp te poo'fs itt te Inionist GCei-mmen uno s tiaIt te uniconist CGtt0 t n/clt cflocla cf oarlu'bnsores anait ti ome e vrlrw ï a olcausc ruptls. ttc toet geoteral elenlicîs. IlOT DRINKS FOR THIBSTl. 'I lc vcisîreite cfstu l' SocI. Very colt tri Ua,,, as s raie. lucresse Atrlca suit tce aI.sl expntoiitiecim-fic[te ecist condition cf tcent cuitan a ela et le tise osecustinafetchat F teiniet, ait se croate thinst. cmmlst, batvc dia otei t pblie nttesa Ir is sa nistake te suppose tilca luEu5Inu1it and uit nite cf itthat colt dines sre nccesîsary te fron aproosa. wich uner or-1« iisce tisirsî. laxpenot-uce siosoana h l frei t rep' a xxuiea, adu ixr- e nkt act tuaIthoI drinks relies e tise niai cii cunstasces, w outit iavc sont tiraI adIcl ci!of"lmtheioy tahen lb -anetie bbc oiacrs oeth, c p inmattn a ataemaliy isenteit condition sent niolist e r i better thon ice-citd drinks. It ma fan acuo FoicuistGotouarnt. W Oi -bettem' ait saler te aveidt[hoetise et fer o e c duatboei il rm: ext u - edrrks tootssixîy tngmees. lu tact, s iscsrcatini, tra ibotUs lho pr- Inottitese at-liearc muelitr tie wit til isies t1ieu - I sst tasil t e votetry ttc adv.iiaîssges visins hici Cnt t a iooî-s ,ýmo unatlebe t-it-oit liita botdiins, lu- en acter b bise Forstcieducatieto tends cf colt ileita te avitiet tlîoy have Act cf 1870, and oritri bs mca.on la bren aeiiSîoiuoed. îlot triaLs aise have uitiusit t( t, hoiitami e bocadi antage oc i iug diîgeaseson, in- llLeiv 51o .add- cid I ýL f eaasiug debiilv cf ttc stetîs- xioe'ance Io m li s t, i1ean oait oas-l'. o.nethe l Lnio- o?,,i i)' oh ,lesn"p l- C lsaîaîteoi-nat itJobst iii 7,Il telu Tslia cqse' les cf di:iaisow x crI tise Coeitocati or- t a ttaIol .aool ntnoîra' 0,f i,îîe - .sueci s: testt uîadretaoh frosîs m-pc lus i nIu rsi 1'me r eillil] ceialp ofi inseeta are teioog ait- ,Iene. I 80 n i -sou ý esc ti. dco ï,.-- r, tf , 1. ht - u tien cifxxe.etier Signas, n-t hproeeiNo'na- 5¶ fere et mpefc hat. fiuet 'iintercat te me, ,E.A . vîte Your remie Itpurifies the i '" t-an fIloat iSpriugs sait ail the ditoi keeps the head clear and ' Pmesidoait Loutet con bis atxlaI J :-' tr , 1 hav70e 0vit f;@ a St. Petersburg froua. Taýon. i ce Scief-herowatuo isasud haeen stomrcliwee. aa acended itluenthesiýstie nid ocaîuowntos reyag.cain a e.n A positive cure for pepular receptian. 'Theitecrat-iena 'PRNM NafssCOUaaLATINPEuÂaAaOCaspAyZ. ner a- sh ant cii -eoa ca,irevi chronic constipation., ll.o Ètcneet',,n a-iiln" tri- cc log Recornlmended by the The Vr cet Pro h-lent a' on seioui c t the sitileon b 'e lTeior unof St. ~I S1L3 TT . DRI edclPro-, tO, j et siu" t/asoftenc h lm cutouti- j STU I B WE TIER JUN fcarc-ying ont thcir employer 's in-' STUDY O WEATHE SIGNS unction te "werk like beavers.- "1ý,wý,7ý7_ý The alight breeze of the early day î WOIIICOF NECESSITY IN FA'I11I had itdi away, andt the heat was ING CO1IIV[INITIES. terrifie. The heavy awaths et hay acemeit fairly te abris ci in the (miv-Wùtrae yu li lercng atmosphere as seenaus they htm d yo -li A City Mhan Recelvea Soute Valu- were spreacl ever the atuhbY, ý.while cas? C m o able Pointera Frein a Tiller theieroselu lavish, wnistc ttt mea nlgt are? op sav s a et the Soul. subtie and fragrant cf ail pertùmea o gt'oapsvslr Among la clasa cf people the prose- theo eder ef "ncw meavu lîay." il - ention cf whose aaîppcrting lîmeustry tt±ak it eperateit ns a soponitec upon is aicaot xvhoiiy cntnen pon tac, for, ia my-courfortable retreat ilaterelogicai conoltionait la i vin- beueath the mnapie's touiage, I accu tu.aliy inaperatixe that aveatlier imdi- , apaed into, a state cf semnelency, catious shculd te cnitically aud la- j ron wiieaI ws auddeoaly areesed teiigatl ostr ot.lente it is la by a deep, ahuodcnîng roar whlch. fanmiag comaauaitioa that auy in-!aw'eiaed te cauîse the tory o-th' t dixidunla are te te touait in whom 1'tremble. Siitoîîctted agninst to ponsonal observations aad tradition- fan western horizon avene mus ses cfR D J ai bc bhatvo combiaci tot predece le-biack clouda, resembiug dis-I snrpniaingiy accurmote aveather preg- tant mntalu ponks. As tiieseEX P nosticators. pushed their jagged plnavles lcigtec "Cocnang.events cast ttein shadeaas ait higher a wniterteîiy beay scoe, befone," lsa a mite andt cit-quetedwaascnactedin la the hay Ifid. n. Asis fer tse Oeùgon Bar aaylng that is emplaatiuniiy applie- seemoit ns theugh caca ttche rses cf s-iel ue ai c tnceorology. the hay rates andt the cxcii on the Indications arc atuadant la aateie's, wsias apprcciated thec aecessity cf __________________ demiain-ttc coentry-which nocit but vigot eus action. With a rush andt-________ te te îlghtly iaterpretei tot con- l rattle the crempy masses cf hay stitute an micro ing aetter chart. ,vere plcit coeatte waggen, wbieh "Nature ducs rnothir g ecîeraideit."tce ist lead baxiag jeat passuit its JL1 A eity maci wtose attention svas di- portais ns a shaftcf cicetrie flnid neetei totehie subjeet wtihe lan tirestet atbwec-t the icty bIarres ceunitry saya on tbcs sebjeet oecrbearl!, fr'iiewed by a rnshiug, LivEsi'eeL On a perfect Jeiy day, whiacu thc roaroing deinge cf nain and an unr- s2 y avas itep, bine and cieudiesa, sAiittîug deoenticu. svirl a gentie bncox.e frem the xtest., "Yen sec, it's wortt aoiaettiug te ortIn barely sufilcient te mastie tc leouage be able te reait aright thc signa that 1ý Nismidian .. 1. sat icithae sbaitow et a anode. aprieait- nature gives te us, farmers,"l salit lunian .. iag mnaple, w th a tarmner nuit bis mv trinid, as hoe suit doua tronc the B AT baud cf taymnakeîs, avho avore eating lest icait et bay sait steoitxsith me F% iret Catin their imidfoeoea euncteu1i. (Of aa nctiug ,Itho aur cf thc ciemeats 155 le titi; L auditea ttc tara or jumpeit ep, acizeit frein a -aucrali, ahtereit riccay. autoSL6; LI, a teck and ahcutcd te lais racu "BOLtu5O 1 rad the signas rigty Nsav Yesc "We'Ii quit moiving nitwork lite ad it locicit'cmrIu cscxed a coupleCat bun vers te taLke care et ttc hay ai- et tig limasuft tht'est ktud et tny, MRuigelisu., ceady doua, mad avc'l liste te pitet tverth itt thc loest caiculatien net Firsi Ceb! lu lix ciy, or thc tay'li 3et avet." lessthan $35,-"lho cetiauct, sait, 192.0 Tir Tc iýeaonbey cd with aiscritv. note acan a tteroegt cernvert,GîSgS.w ad questieciug bis empieyer'a juditgmct. I AGREED WITII1-11M. GIog. carrt Iwaa boath te uccept this sumrnary "as, tay n etGt h lasgwe îoeccetiaio; urgio ton casigna wtich 'ttc tarmecas arc acces- 1i'or Tie ditinsas s they appoarc t t e , toînei tote bserte-haxo bacc haudeit'lyt there t'es doava by our lattons, vtho, loi ticir tt NO LIREIIIIOOI) OF PAIN turc, iecei-Ned them trem ttoir for tte aoxt tiee ouýrs at leat tfathers, anit se on bac.k fer gencra- sud I vecturci toce ltimate as ranch tiers. home are the ceset t ofniy teîy agnieultural Irîcîîd. etta obser-,ation, at toast ['te net "That's becauso ycuj'ro net peatcd hearit telu ccutioneit by ctera on the signa etfttceavotter," hoe esi eciailly tic actiens etfte deg. FLAVIA FIIOCIC. LK gûcit tatue itiy noponitod. "If 1 Noem are itega the ecly aulmails that A meat attractive itesiga fer amaîlLAEO avec e btîing-mue. l'il net bieaitao maireat unonsiccs on the appresct girls. The akint la double; that is te riat an 'X' that tve'h l axe a etfaa terin ; iearly ailldoacesic anl- te ay, th e e iisteit ouad the autn at soxer 'foie ha' past ttroo mals net t'rctty muetla ýuth e raine dge aitt squares, drops o ci thec er tis sftrneon," , iny. Cats, inateait et lyii:g laziiy baver crie ts'irt la aupposed te tave "Andt I'ci net tositate te avia il arcuai thec ouse, avi1l va ascrýlcas- a liniag. Suppose ttallunersksirt tronc 3-c, I ceclideutly retortod. ]y atout and gct inte ttc mest omit- saidthttcblouse w1rlat n'ae c i b 'tt Bw Thon I questiened blm as te wtat adist pinces to tny te tale 1, aa. bine pephiasaidthtie upper shirt nit'li the 'aiguis"store upon avtieh te ne- Wth. IVvo kacott air eut cat te te belene are et broava aotain. Service la plieit se iiphicitly Ee slit : ijîtsp up en the bureau nd caca con lore yen have n seteel dresa tat lis aller Ti "IVoîl, ttey'nc plecsty eoeugh alnl ttc ntauntieshelf oser thc lire, xvtone stihl drcasy suit ge oici ailcoca- nound. Iu tte irst place, utile siccritinsniiy abe'd acter ttiik et go- siens. Thon again it may te de- La' avero eaticg leuchoon, I netiredi that ing ; thon, tee, atoll go toe cdeer vlpi ectongoa rl ile ae avton .Itbîew cul a littîe u-atcn on oeney iittlc tvtie sait saitf, just as on chale fer a "test" dm5s. cg the greucdit icaponstedin lua min- yeîs snav tte deg de this caornaiag. Qaîiis cf CoilIRnoiot uitc. Thon -I teck notice that tte lera, toci,ance aune pregnuaticators Ttc aise ton six ycana wviil require Arv lents osnca ttcmaple turnea tem etfstorn. ift tion's a sternn -bcctv- tsv yrsracrtiievei ov wreug aide toe taicit ; but wabt ing yee'il soc 'oni koep buedct te- cloth terty-four iches avide if s con-Rtung mnadenie juaap up se seitien andt set gethen le a bhuart, lustostcfa atdnatl ioiri.retîr (S thc mon uhs'tiing stas a greecale tening ail cicr the taraii, ns ttcy'll Ttce size for, eigtt yoars wîill ne- u rîn that 1I asvrunaaîiig cicr ttceaatath.deoin a s cilet tf acir ttn Tr q r aonutocÇutynisondrnto a That la a igu that coer f ails, eten icys thoe scaeavn. a pesant y- qiton doe-orhyrd Trnoa a ae alt vettr, anino s n aîorm n tabnies. luches avide, cf conitrsstiag lho axtend( lna dreughtaheta aillsigna c-si eter hntees oso ntien te the te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~so fal;toesiie oe h thtc aorta, thcy'll go cif on long 'Pire aise ton ton yoars avili coquinea'diel ttensoltcs but ji;gt tetone a nain. trnamps, semetinîca miics ,wlcy frei uesiteeuî yrsce c o- ati&nel 'Vtesced pctye etr sn, if 1 bec e ; but u'tcs you ace 'ouia tng traating fabnies fcrty-teur inesat pic nerld na;ttiug nacre, te centinco arcuidthecbanyard unit atay lu a al rc me tisaI it'a gcing te nain.\Vat tenudle, vye nlay sicy aîuotewaide.baddo te knosv 'lo Win YlI, jiuast taLe a 'Il nain 'fore th' dav'a cver. w ton xleiv e sldonssat alon e look aI that dog. Yeu, notice lete c ain is close nIt hnd vets'l Sa eig cuennly tu ilo detan t lic stîllinsuone spot moen ail Lieds' e' tsl tadn nooi oin searcelia iu eu oetrthilcon- tiait n minute nI n tiaae, ; icav sec oiling them vingsancd tea.ttecrs;." rt1osaelvn u ftri o tins gelulp andtanif, andit stealacens 'Tbis coînanie sesi sacte î-iegt. '+e -H.CAxa, doava, gots up suit turcis, aneeniand - Wty, iii't ycuevoer sec a boan KAWARTHA LAKES. Bowmi t r ies s cew spot, can'l got cens-- cil hensoif 2" tortabie. New, jasI at ycur oye' I coatesacit aegntivly andit ltinoat- out oter thc pond.teec tboso tub- eoithat 1 had iot c coo ,eto in.llealthful andt deiig-httsi pleasure bles ail ovor thec aaer ? We/il, tiont sidoratica cf thc sebjeet svitl alt%:!-i",t tri ta on ttc bacir labos sud rivera- cf its"fif l aatonre aiga cf nain. TaLe [o tuniosquiog il. "'ICoc conkteoLakeflold z770 muies et as pe ,caoo a bt n tt ay ;sectboc are' "ica ptontoat, aa der csasl"turoaque scenons anti pepîlan sunamen i' [ oka h sk e s ails' 2 aas tc creat, ejeinitor,'lirlL!n ecisorts asexist laibntis Proviace cf iak'o. 10.0 tailExeiieuthe taaiabcatooervicc, hrougbiat pk7n. Tak I locteit as otojocncd, andt, sure intention et matiug higbt ofthe ttln se r (at"ciothru ot eud ar ceugi,the blîbooto talc cxpan:c of topie. ot course, yovee ccu aclt in eounejtimn wstlIG. Y' 1'y trahi-s, innittiors a bite atratot atlftlon ,_ yj 'WASHING BEllFAC lne ai e Ot 1t IrrSahrie s arn ile tI camera cf cleuit or vapet. m-eIl ilot 'as ttey calli il?2 feli, h c yoton", eoc s Sr suro ta 1 as te, te nimoal indiatiru'istnbo, nover scen s toen goiaig tiarcoogb ibavýes bindqay foir Bebcasgeosi daisINs sate as ttc cahaltbine terniahedt s prevtymnîtthttcane Liait etcao- r ai Il a in anit 5:45 e ce exeept tisai esponsiblo.1 itar tac egrouait. 1 wsicauses itu- lions ?2 Wtionghit so. Nov, tchboneunuing .ltsy and Auguat. tc set-cama No s seda prcsacd u'ith svt nay inici haituan't 'uasticg ber face,' bits ise tome ns 6:30 . artd ou Sataritav the Jtr'y. J i-ig; tout me ; atili 1 ava seseptical nitasalns Ineiackcd btore, eiîing Ievoein'boat savaita ttc Kawartha o'idi, itroggosl cenlit cet bcing myscif tbtelicte hte lf agaiast thec.coaing eofn ais, ri aîn oet p ar e that ttc tain day aveulit ue manreit sterna. 'lie ncxt ltime yee tit~, . a Fer rates fer Excurnaea ate I by a i n . I s a i t a s m u e t a i td a a s e i c k e i s s e n t h t n m g f, r i n u t i b o a r ok e , F l d e ns , ke t c . , a p p i s t e t c 'T r on t V l e n ,assuncit that r just taLe noctice eof a lutte .11 1o Navigation Co., Lut Bsibcatgeou.B 1I'D BE CONVINCED M. l NIGHT, lite n pliapie, on the tact cf tthe_____ Mleanvîsubo tche cmens aeehiteraliy cJ euîts,,i ight esctop roifx lin t s ceail-j 'e ,"~'- _______________________ d the 'ipî O 5nese.' 'î 'oit îtiinii s nethig more soor ina, thîs. a enos il Lake Ontaleo aud Eîy eo'Quinte fiA M biî?0Lgotîf ? t .t al .oeed;th~on asîSteambeat Go., <Limnited.) ROY nuis lienrti oten lier eatiscîs, ni- &OUMlDBflltTG Mis nai til - tords as wtai aas gi TO ti ocaseitua an ohit ressing juat te- SB N RH KN , fore a nain, fluets, gnose aothItr soura BOUND. u'7atcr oles penfort tiese iaineora, Wek",o lbnn~tica betore, going imiote c ter, se Wek ayst'ômmenecng 11ay 6 h,. ANI) LONDONDEBETRy OYAL Mxci. Meut, cal Qusitea 9 a. M., May 1iT..7.lprn, May i7 .... 24 "!14 31 "ai 'ES 0F PASSAGE o, 05 and tupwardî; Second Can ,oden, $1.50 extra; Third Css, $24 ,verplool, Derry, Belfab, Glaagjwv re 20GLASGOW AND LODONDcaEnR. ni ......... ........ Il amn., May £i .... .......1prn., " '28 >, 1,45 and upwarde; Second Cabin, 'd Olaes, $26, 'ilulan ocilsaat frein Mectreal tu ire, t Wedoesday May 'alet, ai day în 2dca ; asisnes oniy. Fate gh Tiekurt t South Africa, ,el.ea and every Information M. A. JAMES, Alian Lino Agent. Buwrnaurville, N TA RO NAVIGATION CO0 LID1 1TED. FROM ianviI1e to Toronlto, ite effiet Fridav, May 23, 1902, vhich-date avers Tueosday and Friday. < NEWCASTL.E at,6.30 a. m. 13()%, rXANvILLE 7.00 a. M. )S3HAXVA at 8 00 a ni. VHITB Y at 8,45 a.m. et Toercnto at 11.15 a. m. gleaves Teronto et 5.00 P. M. -Newcastle te Toroite and 5c 1owmanxýille te Toronto , 60e, Oshawa sand Whitbv ta ind return 50c, Tickets mciv ld fer 30 days upon appleca- epurser aud paymcnt of 25c om accommodation et reason- es. i reighit sellcited an d :arefuily and promptly. For efrination appl5 10 A, W. flnc'aUt't, Geu'l :Manager, Pîcten, Ont. Agent, nanv ille, Ont. cu-ccesifn1ly nsed moihily oves' 0Ladies. ae eta. Ladies ash idruag9,isi for Ceok'@ Connulient Cei- teo oeLer as ail Mixtares, pilleaudrc re dangerens Prie, ,No i1, $1peM ,1 dcigreees trenger,$S per box. e. doen recelpi ef price and twu a cent ion Cook Companty Windsor, Ont. Lu an 2Sed anla reconnended by ai Dreggiais In Canada. are eeld lu Bawî.aavllie hli',tt iTuboibsu & Sou sud J W Moer- su. .THE. 'AL MIJSKOKA )koka Lakes District CANADA ly Purntsbied Fine Cuisine autiful Surroundings Feet Above Sea Love! IN AMERICA I parilars, olsiae srq trc, raies,tu. ualiceo )ICKSONDis'tlPass'r Ag't TOII)N¶'O, ONT, and pecash-vhich only saup-ý Laii whea bhappy le donicstic un ) yen. Our New Mlethod -ý, i ý,- - - - 4 1, , i. ,

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