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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 8

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I ~ Feelin Is one of the greatest pleasures of life. SGain this strenot1î by taking ou great Spring medicines. Iro75ets. per bottie. ~~~~ Ie~I~nad Wine 75cts. per bottle. J. IIr INOTAVI1 SON, -C PiONE 92, Chemiists and Druggists. Sà- Paints are right; it is easy to do your. own cez painting-. You'11 find the Jewel Paints perfect D' in quality. Thiey are just right for interior and exterior work and you can brighten your homne without wo rry or expense. W.IL Duta. S PIIONE 74. BONMANVILLE.04 EXCURSION TO SCOTLAND. MAY21 AND JUNEI2.5 If you Wish ta --0ta Scotianti bore is vaut clamce et 35 ncvay; $(36 50 te- iun ticket. Moîtreal ta Glasgow direct. The Alan Lino S S ' Sardtinian" salis frani Montreal an May 2L anti June 25 for Glasgow direct, earrîinganty Second Cabin passengeni wbo 0wi il have tle entire dock aco*inmadatian anti equal pivileges ocri' whero on the vessel. This wili afford a grand chance for sebool feachets, ministers and other poesional 1men t o visit thb c Olti Crounletmy in caoin ett excursion rates. Write i a M A. JAMES, SiearnShipi Ticket Agent, Bawmanviîle. Ont , for full ptictiarsofthis excursionts t SoW anti EDI-and. Calil et tIc aBrher- Shiap foýr a good Sha-ve or Hlait Cnt, opposjite tisa Standard B5nk. W. CHARTRAN, Dowmanivîlip. Proprietor. MT. VERNON. Bey. J. R1. Builer, Biackstack, wili preach aaniversary semmons lu tle ilu- feresi afilhe SabIrail Selool on Suntiay June isi ai 10-30 a ni anti 7.30 p. ni Collection at oacI service. Special music by tle chair. SJJAW'S SOHOOL. Report for May: St 411-Boy Rickard, Hobarti Kuiglit; Jr. 411-Gertie Maos, Joan Galbraih, Nanman Trewin; Sr. 3rd--Lucy Galbraih, William Allia,, Arthur AÏlun, Fred Bragg; Jr. 3rd- Gea Allia, Kathleen Trewia, tao Bragg, Exxie KaigIri; St-, 2ad-BertIa Allia, Gladys Galbraith; Jr. 2ati-Edna Riekar-t, Ethel Allia, Mary Gaibraitîl; Pt. II-Robert Trewin, Roy Allia, Poney Manning, A. L, Aitmtouh, teacli- et- HAMPTON. Mrs. Cias, Pa5coe continues 'ietiously iii .,...Mr. E. Moore was quite serionsiy injureti Wednesday while assisting ta tirencî a horse, the bruie roiiing against bis leg hnrsiing a blooti vessel.. Attend Dr. Miiehelh's big sale June 13 .... Mr. Jas,. TIrmpsou, St., is necaver- ing slawly froni bis hanse training injurics.... Mr. N. Daitigo came up frani Descroato ha speati Sunday ai home. -. -Mn.,W. Doitige sn. continues very iii .... Rer. E Ro6benis, Lindsay, caileti an aid frientis in' île Village Montiay_..Rev. F. J. Anderson is attending coalerenco, Mrs, Anderson anti liazet are rîsîting hem parents near Bellevuie... Mn. Clarence Rase dieti Safnnday, ageti 20 years. bis modicat attendant succeedeti in cîecking tle foyer, but in an atompitat gel ont cof bed le feu ta the floor strikiag Iris beach causiag concussion a!fIe brain. Ho was bunieti in tle West Endi cemetory Monday-He was îhe solo support af an ageti foster niaihen .....Sunday Sclool aauiversarv June 231h anti July t. Parlicuiers lahor ...... Mn. F. A.- Cale was canfinodtiefahîlebhasefonra few da.s HAYDON, The !amous Sherlock :Quartette af Toaronto bas leen cagazeti forthîe r, Dominion Day ceebration bote. 'rl&r si ngiag us Warth caminz' many miles ta lisar., Watcl for piitticulars. 1r Some [romi homo atteatiedth e big tiemoasination ta lanot- o! Wm. Riek- Wl' Iar arta Newcastle..... . bear tle Slerlock Quartette ai Hay don ou eyoning afit J uiy. You wiIl miss a rarte et if you W do flot. -... Ont enierprisiug bhacksniitb A ~ ~roveu doiag quito a tratie witl McLaugShlha bu-gies-Mn R Marlon, Mn. A. Moore hs antiMr. T. Stemon Iaviîsg purclaseti P hotog a G Q"eecetly.... Mis-; Campbell is prepai-in,., a goati pnogram faor île aftennoon ai Thet-e'- a zooti word spoken Jniy lst ta be given by the cliltinen. b. i l x h tt're eta ans- Plot- Miss Couch andi Miss -A.Creepen, Nw ogrîaphs Thev like tl.em far casile, visitedti Mr. W -H CneePer's mans te asie sOnrt Song poinIts tecoiily... Mn. Jno Rundie las Pt are np. some of!Mr. J. C. Montjay's wrine ARTJSTIC FINISH, LIFELIXE POSE, fence on tle side line which atits verv REAL BEAU TY, EXAC[ 'RESEIIBL-ANCE iutC'i ta the appci-aarne.-..Attcend Dr .MiteIells hiz sale Jnie 13.M..àiss The eqt.a' f tî;e,- c pIotuglraa)lb EttosCamubeiml, aur excellent teacher, can'î bornaeor 'lteIl,iceO as recoiveti appaintment t île prID- W-e !ave Is( ut 'mi r r d e ,Ot of! ipl hip a! Floen'ce Public ScIanti F010 iaW iiiru.nligs fi ritiQl1rO Laibtoii ut.i', ith-east a of ctis Irama. 3Hve a. lhjmz tk w'acl 6 miles NIe are very sorry ta sec ber Icag, for sIre is allowedt tabc à t)~jb ss fi-maIe tmacler la Durhami P . F e 1IdIlà-,î , 1a-yv SI nte uos pon hIon n-w I I I BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 4, 1901. MAPLE GROVE. Anivemsamv June 15 anti 16. Rev.T. J Edinison, M. A., B. D., wil preach. The chiltiren are gettiag a, fine pro- grami ready. Mm. Samuel Colo was toa feeble ta get out ta vote-îhe first ho bas misseti. Sait beuni anti aitcematous con- ditions of the skin are cureti by the use af Milher's Com pounti Iran Puils. Solti Fby Stott & Jury, druggists. Sevonal o! aur boys went ta colebrate Rickard's rictorv in Newcastle. Miller's Ki Iney anti Blatider PRIS cleanse the system anti purif y the blooti. Sotti by Sioti & Jury, druggists. Tho Goverumeni chicken.,Iaicîery anti fatieaing station ai A. WFoley's is atiracting great interesi. Miiter's Kidpiev anti Blacider Pis are soalta 25e, per box. Solti by Stoti & Jury, timuggists. Congratulations ta Miss Mautd Lucus on hem marriago. TWO LETTnERS TIcy Prove the Permaneney of Cures by Dodd's Kidney Pille. Over six Yeats have gone by, and t his Cure stiti stands-only onie ai many sucb cases. Sr, MARY's FERRY, N. B, June 2 nd (Special)-Mr. Thomas Harrison aflibis place bas atitresseti twa significant lettons ta TIe Doddts Medicine Ca., To- routa. The Firsi aile. Sr. MARY'S FERRY, Dec. 18, 1895. Gentlemen: I fell it My duty ta you andti thtI public ai large o tellwhat Dotid's Kiti- ney PUIS have doue for me. About anc year ago I be,-an ta suifer wilb severe pains over the -negian of mv kitincys, foleweti by a very lethargie feeling. Whou I lay down it was torture ta gel up egaîn. This siate contînneti for sanie tume, anti ahitIre -whito 1 was s5h11 gotting weaken anti lasiag flesb rapitihy. My appetite was very mucn impaimeti, and ti i ast I was obligol ta caillui a physician. Ho gave niy suifcnings a vemy leamneti naine, anti doctoreti me for some lime, but I gai no boiter. I calleti in sevenal allen physicia ns, but il was ahi no use: My suiferings gai worse ail the finientil I began ho des- pair ai life. A fnienti atvizcd me3 ta use Dodti'si Kîdney PUIS. 1 was vory skeptical but1 was prevaiheti on ta commence a treai- ment; île finst box madie me feel sanie bellt. I passoti a stane that lad larmeti in île blatider, I cantinueth te use of Dotiti's Kitiney PUIs until I lad usedti htee boxes, anti now believe thai I bave a radical anti complote cure, as il is six montha since I useti any o! île Pl'is, anti bave hati no symptonis or roturu of tbe malady. 1 knaw tIrai my cure is due la Dadd's Kidney Pulls, as I useti no aller mcd j icino aller cammencing, theit use. Yours truly, THOMAS bARRISON.i Thre Second aile Sr. MAItx"s FERRY, N.B.,Man. 24,1902. Gentlemen: WIai I said lu 189.5 I can ai ibis moment masi empbatleally subatantiate. I have nover lad île stightesi svmp- tom o! a rtinao! my aid trouble. Youns truly, THOMAS HARRISON. E "NEWCASTLE. - CUrawded out last week.) Holiday visitons :--Mr. anti Mrs. W.1 Piekarti wih Mr D. Brokeashire, Pick- ering; Miss Ada Allia, Providence, at Mrs. W. B. Allin's, Miss Flarenco ellî1 wood, Troanto, ai hoÏme ; Mn. anti Mns M L. Argahi, Oshawa, ai Mr. R. B:. Allin's; Mr. barry Rtowland, Tornto ai home; Mn. Thos. Douglas wilhhis tiaughters ai St. Mury's ; Mm. anti Mrs W. H. Gibson with relatives in Hope- 11ev. Fletcher Chapman, Kirby, and Miss Bertha Morris, Providence, ai Mr.n A. A. Colweih's, Misses Milly BrowrnG anti 0di Warren with frieutis noar Orono ; Mms. W. F. JacksoD anti Miss 'e Dama Dickson in Toronto, Mr.T.Bickor- 5' tan Edmison, Toronto Medical Cotiege, E aI home ; Mn. anti Mrs. Ernest Gibson, t' Toronto, et lis father's, Mr. Jamaes Gibson; Mr. anti Mrs. W. Webber " Oshawa, aI Mn. J. Dicksoa's; Miss Mabel Riekard, Hope, ai homo Miss May l'inch witb frientinlaToronto....t Rev. H.1 W. Fatey B. A , Bowmanvihe, t( preacheti very accepiabhy in the Meth- a odiist dhurcI Suntiay marning,. Bad Appetito, Indigestion Mr.,'Jas., McMath, 31 Inverness Street, Stratford, Ont., states :-,, My digestive organs were entirely deranged, my-appetite was poor, 1 was run dawn in health and hiat severe attacks of dizzlness end mier- vous headaches. The use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has entirehy cured me, eas my digestion is very much impraved, the headaches have left me and my appetiteis real good. t1 can recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food most hieartiiy, knowing it ta be an exceptionatly good Medicince." Being slightiy laxative Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food regulates the action of the excretory organs and thirough its restora- tive influence an the nerves and muscles ensures the liealthfal and vigorous action or the respiratory and digestive systeins. If you are weakened by overwork, worry or disease, this great -food cure is bound ta be of benefit to you. As a restorative it bias nevcr been approached. 50 cents a box, at ai dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Ca ., Toronto. Ner"ve Food ENNISKILLEN. ediean, i-Ve Mx-. S ..i..a.s.... .. Ir. W. Ashton gains slowhy ... . Mr. A. s]ý Ioartil fractnred some rils recently. c Messrs Wilson Gerrow and James C aras vîsiteti Port Ferry election day .. Mr. b. Wil1ieîîis lies lost a valualle Th rooti marc, -Allia B-os., bamptan, tir, avo purchaseti a yaung prize marc 11I om Mr. 'nos, Baker, C C , aI a gooti juri gutc.... Attend Dr. Mitchell's big, sale g uae 15. F w w ai ai di tt D cli N Bm l fig 'JU Balance af aur Sailor bats witl bc sold at clearing prices. Just reccived somoîhîng rery choice in 25e Japan Tea. Leave your order for Luttrel's Bread with us-yau witl be, pleased. Try aur Excursion Biscuits. W. , M.WOToN, 'rhe Peoplo's Store, E.nniskilten. Omitted fr'on repart of' Victoria'Day anniversary last week : Singing by the school was gaad. Messrs Albert and berbert Stanton, b. J. Werry and Dr. F. C. Trebilcock rendered a splendid quartette. I'roceeds about $30. Rer. and Mrs. J. b. Oliver were guests of Mr. Chas. Williams during their risit here, Those who faiedti ta ear Mr. Oliver's lecture misseti a genuine treat ....Dr. Mitchell baving deeided ta more froni this locality will dispose of Iris bottes, carniages, bousebold furnit- utc andi effects by auction on Friday June 13. Sec blls for partienlars. "The D. & L." Emulsion o! Côd Liver Oul taken in cases a! general dehitity and hoss o! appetite, is sure ta give the besi resuits. It restares health and renews vitatity. Davis & Lawrence Ca., Ltd , manufacturers. $ 1.00 size battie Sarsaparilla for 60c. -an excellent remedy for ahi oror- worked politicians-at Wotten's.. Mrs. '1'os. Paul, Lindsay, is guest at Mr. W. M. Wotten's. Mrs. Gea Milison is visiting frientis at Mt. Vernon. Wolcome, Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. J. Pas- co andi family ta aur village. Miller 's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stoit & Jury, druggists. News af pence in South Afnica reacî- ed bore Sunday. Patriotie citizons hoisteti their fiags in honor a! the occas- ion. Thec durcli boit was runz Mon- day mamning. To make monev ut is necessary ta haro a chear, brighit brain, a cool bead free from pain, andi strong, rîgoraus nerves. Milbumn's beart and Nerve Pitîsinvigorate and brighten the brain, strengthen the nerves, aîîd remove ail heari, nore and nrain troubles. Dr. Mitchell and family weme surpris. eti Monday by about 500 f rientis and neighbars who gatharet t give theni a "Send off " somewhero. Dr. was pros- enteti with a galti watch, Mrs. Mitchell with a galti broocli set witm pearîs andi a sCver pudding dish and Mrs. John Mitchell with a silk iumbrella silver mounted. Grand timo. Fuller partie- ulars next week. Dr. MitcIrell's sale is an Fridav June 13 and it is a very extensive sale. Be- sides the things named lu the bill thero wttl ho solti a gooti Dominion parlor argan, two cutters, and an acre af' splendid orchard on rery easy ternis- made known at time o! sale. See bills. 1Mr. Wm. Riekard, M. P. P,, and Mrs. Rickard were here Mondav and nocoiv- ed mny warîn greetin.-s anti band- shakos. The annivorsary was a gre9 t succeis. Sundav services were largely attendeti. Rev. R. M. Phaleu, B A., Bl1ackstock, (Presbytorian) preached two rery suit- able sermons. Collections aver $14. Excellent singing Manday was fait but windy. Mare than the dhurcr coulti hoid came ta hear tIre first-ctass program the schalars gave. Dr J. C. Miltchell matie a capital ehairman and put through the literary bill o! fare with neatnets and despatch 'rIe sing- ing was Linder direction o! Mr A B. Cryderman. Ail remarked how wetl the children supphemented by the choirs sang. ihe selections woroquite appra- priate toa andi the liroly anthems went t with a dash and a swing. 11ev, F. J, Anderson, pastui-, oponed with prayor. Dr. Mitchell gave a brief addtess; thon came aliernate reciting andi singing. The rocîtations were splendidly fiea every boy and girl speaking loudlye tad distinctîr. 'rIe apenîug wetcome by Clarence Vice was apprapriate and weîl spoken. Recitatians were also given by May Reynolds-At Sunsot;S Mlamie West'lake-Reason Wby; Irena i, Argue-Stummer Day ln Churel; Gor- Ion Reynolds-My Neighbor'ýs Boy; Ethel VanNest-In the Olti Church; a Eva PascarPiano Practîce; Vota e Baker-Cbntn Siowly; Plastie VanNest S -ber Answer; Mabel Argue-Be Cal m 1e Edith VanNest-Dick-ie's Christmaid; t, Edith Vice-bate o!, the Bowl; Perey t( Westtake-Brown's Example; Mary v VanNesl..Triuth Upon Houer; Lena U Taylor-Jesus Laver. A dialogue was f nicely given by six girls. Mr. Blake e G.Stevens readtihfe Secretary's and a Treasurer's report, showing the finan- i, ces ta ho lu a boalthy state and the b shoot well equipped. Master Nanman S Reynolds gave a ctosing address witb p roe fotcefulness and complaicency o! B n experienced palitical camDaigner. CI l'oe chairman introducoti Rev J. D. t Fitzpatrick of Toronto who, put the anti- d àmcc in very good humor for lea by ti shtling twa' or tbree goati stories. ThIe iur bteathirg bcames easy, the cc 'heezing ccasts, and you drap ta ta .eep. For croup and whcaping- L uh it's a quick cure, 16 th Vapo-Cresoleve ta sold by dru'gp,.stselr h rEr he Vapur izer and Lamp, whicli s-ouid last a if,-$ rie, and a boule of Cresoi ne complete, $x.5o; xtra supplies of Cresoiene 25, cents and « cents.li ustrated bookiet eontainirg ph5a~sic esti- niais free upan request. VAPOC. CeSOLEsa Co., i SFulton St., New York, U.S.A. T Sotd by Stott & Jurj. Bawmanvilhe T THE MAON Co. BOWMANVI LLE. ENFIELD. 3 Recent visitors: Mr. Albert Niddcry, Toronto; Mrs. E. barris, Toronto ; Mr. A. J. Reynoldi, Scarboto; Mr.bealy at Balhant3re; Mr. John E.Dycrat Peter- bora ...Mr. Thos. ball's horse was killed by the train... . Mr Benj Powell hias a new McLaugbilin buggy, ....Rev. J.RButler, Blackstock, preached here ýunday. W8 liked hlm weHl...Mr. Tom., Thorne will still carry the mail froin Burketon-an increased salary too ...Corne ta Enfield anniversary' June 15 and 16. bey. C. O. Johnston wiIl lecture. be's fine. Wonien's Fortîtudo SEVERELY TRIED BY AILMENTS PECULIAR TO bER SEX, Ordinary Medicine Will Not Cure Be- cause it Merely Touches the Sym- ptoms-How to Cet at the Root of the Trouble, Bebind the voit offlber womanly mod- estv and fortitude, nearl y every wamen suffers indescribably froin time ta tume, and continues ta suifer in spite of ahi lier efforts, because ordînary medîcine is powerhess ta do good in such cases. Ordinary medicine may give temporary relief--even a purgative may do that- but the one -read.medîcal discovery capanle af permanently curing the pro. ventinz a return of ture ailment is Dr. Wihliams' Pink Pis. These puis are nat an ordinarv medicine; they are nat a patent medicîne, but the prescription of a regularly practising physicran who used them in Ilis private practice for '3 cars before the *y were givon ta the public under the namo of Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. Tbey are the best medicine for man;- the onlv medicîne for women. Mr$. John McKerr, Chickney, N.W.T., says: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis bave sarcd me many a dollar in doctorg bills. For same years I was greatly afflicted with aliments that make the hf e o! sa many of mv sex miserable, 1 tried manv medicines but found no relief until I began the use o! Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs. These pis have made me feet like a new persan; the almost con- tinuons suffering I endured bas passed awav and life no londer scems a burden I know of a number of other women wbo have beenr similarir benefitted and I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pis wortb their weigbt in getd ta those wba suifer fromn female complaints o r gencrat prostration. " The bappiness af bealth for bath men and women ties in tbe timely use of Dr. Witliams' Pink Pilis, which. act as a nerve tonie add supplv new blood ta enfeebled systoms. Tbey have cured many tlîousands of cases of anaemia, 'decline," consumption, pain in the bac1, neuralgia, depiession o! stDrits, heart palpitation, indigestion, rheunat- ism, sciatica, St. N itus' dance and part. il paralysis. But substitutes shauld bc avoided if von value your health ; sec that the fuît name "Dr. Wiltiams' Pink Pilîs for Pale Pearle" is on erery box. Sold by ahi deaters or sent post. paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by add'ressing' The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockvitle, Ont. PROVIDEINCE. Our Sabbath Schoot anaiversary was a sptcrïdid succcss. 11ev. E. Roberts, Liadsay, preacbcd Sunday afternoarn and eveaing ta delightcd audiences, rnany being unable ta gain admittance ta Lîcar their o'd friend and pastor. Thc schoot furnishcd abundance of music as- sisted by the Allia Bras. The front of the platf atm xas vcry attractively decor- atcd with flowers and plants. Mundav afternoon, a splendid programn was furt- nished by tIre schoh-recitations by Dora Pi out, Harvey Wight, Helena Hen- derson, Eddie Haar, Lîthie Hoar, Flor. ence Trimni and Millie Jackson; a dia- aogue "The trials af a School Mistress" was well given b y Myrtte Bragg and c F'rankie Cotwiti; other dialogues IlWhat f ;isters are good for", l'TIre poor Music- ian", etc., werc rery interesting; a duet vas very nicehy suag by lîttle Misses Effa and Ella Vv ight; also one by Nellie and Milton Wight;ý the motion sangs, ex- ercises and marching by members ai thc school were exccedingly wcli pcrformed, especially the latter and tIre ubldren and their instructor, Miss Bertha Morris, v ceacher, deserve bighest praise for tis R 'ery excellent part ai the pragram which t' was repeated in the evcniag for tIre bene. it of those who -were unable ta be pres- b :nt in the afternoon Mrs. Jos. Wight and sons furnished the music accompany- ing these exercises. TIc scbool assisted by Allia Bras furnished tIc singing. b Shart speeches wcre made hy Beys. E. S Roberts and %V. Jolliffe. Rev. J~ G. a Brown, junior Pastor, made an efficient hairman. As usual, whcn tIc ladies of a bhis section undertake to serve tea, theya .0ý ;t infir-c las-sy-,And_1tIc goo-- LESKARD. Recent visîtors :-Miss Louje Rabbins, Toronto, at home; Mr. Frank Adams at Omenice; Mr. Robinson at Mr. Fred. HIockin's; Misses Me GiîI, Bowmanville, Gertie and Jennie Gilbank at Mr. F~rank Gilbank's; Mr. Sidney Fîndley, ',Iarkham. at his brother's; Mr. J. W. iornish at Toronto; Miss Neta Pickup Lnd brother Harry, and Miss Under. wood. Kendaîl, at Mr. Alfredi Trull's; Mrt Chambers, Toronto, at bis brother's ... Miss Iva Billings entertained. some of her music pupils, froni Orono ... . Mr. William Lord and Mr. Alfred Trull continue paorly .... Mrs. Jas. Cole is eonvalescent .... .A very greatinumber vended their way to Newcastle on Friday night ta join the happy procession... Mr Wm, Coram and family attended the funeral of Mr. F. Thompson on Saturdav last,. PEACE PROCLAMATION The Boers seemed but a feeble people wben the war- started, vet tbey cost a great empire muchi trouble to overcome them. The bores in a woman's life causefi by soap adifiteration may seem scarcely worth taking into account; but the women xvho have overcome them by the u!e of Sunlight Saap know now how real the bores were. Try Sunlight Soap, Octagon Bar, asnd you will realize relief from boredom like that ex- erienced by the nation on the innouncement of peaue. BLACKSTOCK. The Methodist Sabbath * School anni- versary held on Saturday and Sunday May 24th and 25th was a grand success 'bis schoot bas been steadily increas- ng in attendanco and interest sa that 0iW the attendance is every favorable 3abbath over 100. Rev. J. D). Fitzpat. ýck, the voung and talented pastor of rorth Parkdale Methodist churcli, was ;eeured to lecture an Saturday on l'in- lividuality" and ta preach on Sabbath, lis lecture was one of the brîghtest ind mast profitable lectures ever beard iere, with plenty of entertainnient yet uii of strong and stimulating thought. lis talk to the children Sabbath mora ng onupeknife" was enjoyed by ahl. 3abbath eveninfg the over crowded and ence list.ened to an excellent gospel ermon on the Christian as a Light be music of the services was most de- ihtfully rendered by the children, sd the manner in vihich the.v acquitted hemsetves refiectefi credît upon their nstructars, Miss E. WVright and Miss E darlowe. The entertaiument af Sat- tday night was enjoyed by the large onpany present. MuÜclipraise is due oMiss B, M1orrish and Miss b.,Ale- ,aughlin, aur efficient teachers, for th' uns taken to train the c hilîren for .e fisg and fan drihks, so excelleutlv endered by their pupils. Proceeds '1.25. Not one in twenty are f ree f rom soine tic ailmeut caused bv inaction of the !ver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pilip, Che resuir wilt be a pleasant 'surprise. boyv give positive relief. HORSE ROUTES. TH1MAKSTON, owned by Joli, Smith& Richardson, wilI stana at Jos. Ilawkev's Monday noon; own stable, Hampton, night; Tuesda-v Geo. Leask's, night ; Wednesday H . Reeson's, East Whitby, night; Tbursdav noonWeslev Glaspell's, R. Oke's. Courtice, night; Friday Ben- nett Huse, Bowmanville, noon; our own stable night. Ternis$15. Jorriq JOLL. groom., THE ARCHER, John Joli's, Hampton, will have stands. Mondav noon, Jos. Bell's, Enuiskillen; own stable night; Tuesdav, Geo. Leask's, night; Wednes- day Herbert Reeson's, con. 6 East Whitby, night; Thursday Wesley Glaspeîl', Taunton, noon; R. Oke's, Courtice, nig-ht; Friday noon, Bennett bosBowmanville, home night. Terms $14. HÂRRY WELCîr, groom. INGRAM'S bRrR, âMr, Chester Power's World's FairPrize Winning Clydesdale will have stands after, May J_2 during season as follows: A. E. Rundle's Mon- day nîght; Robt. Moore's, Zion, Tuesday noon; Jas. Moorey's, Enfield, night ; Rd. Ashton's, Haydon, Wednesday noon; A. E. Clemens', night; Wm. Patterson's, Kirbv, Thursday noon, Orono for nigbt; Bennott's hotel, New-. castie, Friday night; Burton blouse, Bowmanville, noon ; own stabl'i Maple (irove tilt Monday noon, Ternis $14. SYLviEGO, John Peic7, owmner, Bow- manville, wiil stand at Jno' Cornish's, Taunton, Mouday night; Tuesday Jno. E. Dyer's, Enfield, noon; Hawken's, hotel, Bl!ackstock,, night; Wednesday Coulter's'lotel, Pontypool, nnon; Blue's, Kendal, night; Thursdav Webber 's, Garden Hll, floon; bugh A. Wàlker'a, Welcomd, night; Friddv Jones' hotel, Clarke, noon; Bennett's, Newcastle, n!2'ht; Saturday Bennett bouse, Bow- manville, noon, own stable night Ternis $12. J. B. MoMAiiLO-, groom. BRrrrsu FLAG. the property of Dr. R. Younz. V.S., will have stands: Monday night, Bennett's hotel, Newcastle; Tues- day Jones' hotel, Clarke noon;- Thos. Welch's, Hope, night; Wednesday, H. Gordon's, loti1, con. 4, Clarke, noon ; Blue's hotel, Kendal, nignt; Thursday, W. Oooney',a, Kirov, noon; Coulter's hotel, Pontv* pool, night; Friday R. Davey's, town line, night; Saturday to own stable, Bowmaavllle. Term, $10. J61IN POTTER, groom. «wilsons Fly Pad POISON house of flic Our hat sale this season has been very arge. Probably the fact that we are Sole Agents for the celebrated CH RI STYS E NGLISH HATS has helped to increase our sales. Our stock is stili tully assorted in-Stiff and F'edora Hats. We have a nice range of fancy ST R AW HA TS for men. '1 We also show a very superior assort- ix ent of Ladies Sailors. ReUÊad-y-to--wear Olothing We are seling more Worsted Suits than ever before, likely because we have a larger choice and better value. Our special line at $io.oo either grey or blue, is equal to any tailor miade. Our $7.50 and $6.5o blue worsted Suits are wonderful values and selling fast- We have boys' bire Suits in every size and prices to, please, We are oflerîng some odd lots of f'weed Suits at leSS than the regular wholesale cost. We will seli one case blac< Ceylon Tea "Glenc-airn" orange pekoe, factory bulked, in perfect condition, this is w ell-known to the trade as one of the best brands, and is grown~ on one of the best plantations in Cey1lon, and is well worth 40c a pound, we will seli this tea at 25e a pound, for ter days only. Gilletts mammoth box blue, regular 5c, now 2 for 5c. Pure Grape Vînegar in bottles, regular 20c for 15~c, certified by the Government Analyist to be of superior quality and strength. Boots and S'hoo.0 We have received an immense stock of Boots and Shoes this season, We bought froni the best makers and at best prices and we know our values are right. Save your moni>y and temper by wearing good shoes. Dy Gos EMBROIDERY SALE We have just received over iooo yards of Emrbroidery in mill ends of about 4'~ yards each, we are selling then at less than one haîf their regular value. If you can use a few yards of extra fine beautifui embeoidery do not miss this chance. TOWELS Pure linen, fair size, 8c each, iýc pet pair. ýGINGHAMS, PRINTS AND MUSLINSe A job lot, worth regularly 8c per yd. Will not lait lonig at 5c Per Y d- TH"P"E MASON00 ilats I-Iats 1

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