Il rom Ca ýt, F. Loye, Pol ice Station No. Il59 Iontreal:-'We freqnently use PERRTr IlDAVIS' PAIN-RILIER for Painsa inthe stam- acii, riieumatism, et q/es, frost bites, chl- befailns, oud po 11 on.Ibave no wheu- befaln cime n d ail 1ffhavtine hwi tation ii, ingtbat PÀIN-KILLItR is the brfrm t-9 thave inear at hand" ulsed Internaiiy and Extermelly. TÈwoSize8, 25c. and 50c. botties. To the Weary Dyspoptia, Wu Ask This Question; Why don't you remove thàt weight at the pi of the Stomnach? Why don't you regulate that variable appetite,' and condition the digestivc organs sO that it'will not bho necessary te starve tiese tornach te avoîd distress aftei eating? The first step is te regulate the bowels, 1For this purpose Burdoek Blood Bîtters Has No Equal. it acta promtly and effectualIly anc pee'manently cures ali derangemlents a digestioni, The first British modal waR givon te Captain Wyard, of tho "Advea- turc," le 1650, for bcating three Duteh sbips oit H-arwieh. It was worth £50. TIoeai-' I suppose, noew that ýyen i're married, y ou eau bher your hetos' haîf ?" Jlm-ý' 'Yes' that's what 1 eaul ler, but sbo dees't ýlike it." "Why, hew's that ?" "Sbe çvants to ho the whoîo thing..'ý Ac to dra-w up an agreement wlth par- Ylen iutereiýtid (n the aewer draine or, Liberty and Wellington streete. Car- ried, Moved by Mr. Peïoy, secondad by IV4. Lgacombe, that the A-eý rsa fh ai ract hbc piinted inuoeeof tha Itor papere. Carriad. Moved hy Mr. King, geconded by Mr- Galbraith, that the Finance Ceai- eitte ho lstruotea te prepare a By 4aw for the Issue cf Local Improvencent Deheuturas and the seling cf ssmo, snd report to this Cenuoli balore co- aing the sale. Csrried. Moved by Mr. Loscombo, seconded by Mr. Kit g, that the Counili do now adjouru ta meet two weeks hem ate niglit. Carried. CARTWRIGHT CO'UNCIL ToWN HALL, Crtwrlght,Jure 2,'02. Council tcnet at 1 'clock Sand wae duiy orge uiz4d as a Court cf Revistor te revIse the Asseasment Rol ef the cald Tewnship for the vear 1902, [fs the absence of the Clark, Mr. Mc- Laughlii acted lu that capaclty. The mambers prenant made and sub scribed the oath to ha takan by the members of the Court et Revisjon, Gilbert Marowe sppeaied ,gaiust bis Aeseasmaut for the ressort that ha la 8sseRsed tee h'gi on reai preperty on bouae aud lot No. 12 lu the 9rb concew sien cf Cartwright. Mr. Marowe sppeared before the Council, snd af 1er soe discussion It wrs noved by Mr. Jobb, secoeded by Mr. Wood, that Mr. Marlewe'a asasess- ment ho nmade the oame as iast year, Moar a. lSamoelle and D. knapp ariked te hava their doge truck 'cff the îlot, ene havlng beau ahot, sud tha other lest. Both ailowed. Mr. R.Philp was a3asssd for a b1tch, which ahould have been a deg, sud aak ed te-have the correction macle. Grsntad. CourcU thon adjournad. The regular meeting cf Counoil thon Dpenad. Members ail presaio, Reeve A. Tasylor preaidlug;- menibera cf !Iaat fi r snyness, nis conversational poxxers deserting hlm xvhcnever lbe apipears ia comipany. The other day at a tea party hoe behiaved se awk- wardly that a foppish indix iduai on the. opposite side of the table thouglit he would ziv(e himn a *ord of advice. "My dear young mari, you are un- comfortable, are you flot ?" queried the individual, in tones loud en- ough te attract everyone's atten- tien. "Confess new, that yen don,'t feel at homne amoug ail these ladies and gentlemnen." "T d-d-den't, thank veu," stijtter- cd the bashful one, -I theught net," went on the in- dividu-al, with a patreuizing waxe of the hand. 'You feei duil, and stupid, and dare't open your lips, eh ? That is because y ou I hink tee m.uch ef y ourseif. Take mny adviee: throw off your shyness. and don't imnagine ,,that ex cryono f5 pefuting Yen ont as the biggest feel at table. e -I couldn't think that." said the bashful one, cenqucring his nervous- nets bv a violent effort, while Voni were le the reem.! Ail admuiti.ed that the shy yennig ma had s'eored. Fanay-' Mammna, Tommiy eau stand on bis head sealcec., May 1 stand on miy head ?." Mother' It is not nice for a littie girl te stand on lier head." Fanny-(with a sg) "Thon I suppose l'Il have to wait until 1 arn a big girl." no escaping the germs of consuinîp- tion; kili thein with hlealth. Health [S yoUr only ineatis of killing tlïem. Scott's nnilgion of cod-liver oîl will give you that health, if any- thing wihll. aSE.rom rRRE C @AMpS. ^NuS TNTSr. 10cr ONEîM ! t, 00 fer f ear of tunI'nig suspicioa ou hlmI- self. Who was he Whea 1 reaéed the stables, Jeu- kilas, the ostier, was busy greeminig a herse. _A few straiglit questions, and hoe collapsed. Ho reoegnfzed the danger his silence had brouglit upen hlm, and was afrcid. -1'11lteel yen cx verything," ho said, as seeu as hp ,reeoxerod his control. 'It was enix' te shield Alice that 1, kopt silent. As soea as the other serv ants wer@ lu bcd Alice came te me in the wood. Whlilçe n'cre talking a man entered the orchard tbreughi the gap lu the liefge. Cleuds covered the faee of the meenoi and, la the dark- niess, we did net roally recegnlire hlmn, but we thenght it wn's Mr. Sherlodk., "hInerder te gix e hlmn timre te get te bed, Alice stayed longer than she efherwise vwouId hav e doue. When the dlock struek eecu she lef t nie. A.s she neareti the house she saw the, saine 'lanc oiug eut througlitthe drawing-rom nwiadow, ced, toe s- cape bis notice, erouebed anadlid herseilf behlnd seine bushes. Tise moon was.shininig brigbt]y, aud fa turaing the corner ho passed se close te bier that she coule] hav e te'uehed him. The iani was Mr. Sherleek. Next morning, inistead of teliing the police what she bad seen, she, denied hax ing seeu or heard anyene, aed 1, for bier sYalie, denied hax ing met ber that nigt." Af tee n few searebing questions 'l hastened te the Hall ced interx'iewed Alice Heilland. She eerreborcf cd Jeakins laý every partieular. It wa s elear that John Sherlock was ln the hieuse at the time the axurder iras cemnitted, and as ho benelited largelv by the dcath of bis oncle it would be foi' hlm te satisfy fic ejury:thait his stealtby \isit iras a iegitiWleate one. >;ear the ds'a\ing-re oni window 1 fouLnd 't peculiarly-sbaped button, whieh the heusekeeper reeegnized ns beleuging te n suit ef tweeds often eorn by Mr .Sheroce Upen this ex ideace John Sherleckz iras ari-'csted, and, aftr the issuai delays, was eouxmitted for trial at theornext Liverpool Assizes. impriseemient bcd ne, apparent et upon Sherloek. When hle ap- wnion eau ceaxiecothe jury did1 net citer n'y ceunvietion that Johin1 Sherloek lhad murdered bis unele. 1 kept eny opinion te my self, but Tl -as none the less certain that bis1 acquittai biad bean secured by tricery. nmediately aftcr the tril Shei>- loc,k realized the estate and, aceem- panied hy Fred Hargreax os, the, triend ire n ote conipany lie hnd pcssed the fateful eveinfng, loft the country.1 ia the press of ether irerl, theo matter pcssed froue eny nsind and 1 I lad fergotten the Seabridge nîî 1 tory and] cli ceanected nith it, whrbes one day-ovcr tir e yars cfterwardsE -business teek me te Bath. As' I n'as leaxing the rcilxrey station 1J collided with c geatleman and, on) turnirng te apologize, touni] n-self face te face iritl, Johnr Sherleeli. "Hallea, Sherleeje! " I crice]. -What lu the werld aie yen deing bee 1 tbought yen irere abhroad. Hlov are yen ?" For a moment lie lool-ee at nie in ainazonîceii. Thon lils oves twinkledN merrily. -1im al ight," hoe cnswoi'ed, clieerily; "but l'in net Sborlock, yen lnon'. By namne is Franik Hais- ton." "Net Shorlock ?2"1Icried, incre- duleusly. -ý 11 -No; but, :by Joive, I munst 1)e awfully liko bbcn, fer yen are net fthe enfy main iro bas imistaken nme for hlmi-no, by a long ehlk" hoiescid, laughing heartily. "Corne and bave a drink and l.'I tel yen cil about As ire walked te the botel I look- ed at hlm eurlously. Ie spiteo f bis denial 1 fouud it liard te belioe that loir as net Johin Sberlock. 'Ii hoiglit, buile, manner, features, aeid voseo tlîey were identical. Seoir te- CATARRN CURE..2Ç ta Seat direct toaftue diseasecl parts by tise lai vd lwer. Mea t l ee ls these tI Pas"sge PS, 2 rppie n 'thse ti7-reas nd permananIfyCrS Catarris and Ha. Fever. YBloner free. AIR deaes orr. A. W. Chasè Medcis C.,To 0 eandi Bug"le lînctsng it diflleeslt te tide ever the joues. T believo I'M right iu saying last fen' wceks lenfthe eld country. that John Joncs n'as bora on the Before ire partcd lhe lent me a tesl- tarm and lias been there ail bits lite. uier and prenxised te look mie hp in Only threxreeks age, at the age ef London the ,vrek f ellowlng. Wheinffstty-tn ,ý, John Joncs n'as buried ire met iin Loindon lie told eue that frein the samne tarin. Hlis iriden'. la lie bcd beesu tiiseussiiig flie question prepar ed to lbai c at onîce if tnoces-- ot doubhles xith bis palsis lJivee'- sary1, pool. and bcd made a sîteelici- et And yet the gentleman didn't tàe. bots, aolenting la the aggrcgaf e te that particular tarin. Subsequonty, £500, tixat ho ironie] piedsce a cman askcd hy a trioîîd for bis reasens, lie se like onteeoft f dr tricîîds thaLt tItis remarilked mae shlîed sposse] ail e'enfr n -j'Imadle otiierinquiries is the 'vil- thele coinpaesy iitisout thtern dis- lage, and T carne te the cesîclusIOre eevering tîtat lie n's ncietfi pee'sosî that tiîeî'o nas a llttle tee mcccli they took huîn for. lie offcrod i'ne 'John Joncs' about that tarmn. £50 if ire sueeeoded, anîd ie asrang- You'll ho a bit surprssed te loarp cd tbat tihe tr'ial sIteuld tahke platce that Johnu Jones hcdn't beese at the on tîxe last siglit etfay stay in place six meuths t Englciid. "Thon the agent must ho a liar," -'In'as sailing fr'eîî Lixverpool te !ýaid bis friend. Ndw York caî'ly on the noies'isig et "I daresay lie weuld deny that,'- tise 1Btî et Novenibeci, aed on the was the rejossxdoi'. "H's inerely a 12th Tîargrecxes miet nie at Linto sitar-vcry sinart-ellow. But to street at six e'clock. As we leitthflicrotura te John Joncs, there irr station c porter greeted tue as Sher- ire etiii. The John Joncs irbo leqk, anîd front that time unfli sîcar- died, at the cge ot fitty-tn e nas the ly iiexitetfa li îsrniîîg îy identiyfy aft'et ifthe present John Joncs, wcs ixexor quesfiened. Hargreax os mie-at the ugeofe three mosîfls or had sent tlle a suit et Sberloek's therecuhonts-resides on flie ferm ced toge and put me up te bis tricks as tIhe agent bcd it, bas bee there une] mannerisins, ad 1 aeted the cl bis lite." 'eimTigADor, aen varelity ef manhofd éare asckigure t as neroua aad eaponeecn ired bin the ars.g? ayo te force yourself through the day'a work ? have yen littie am- bition and euergy? are yen irritable and excitable? eyes Lnnken, depressed and haggardloieing? meMory poor a d brain fa ged ? have yen waak back 'with, dreams utid a ulght? feposît jeurine? weak aexnally ?-yon ~ave bssa Ifervous Delbifity and Sem!nal Weakness.. SOur NEW MBTERODTERBATPEIST la gnarauteed t Cue r 1# pay. 25 yeareis tuDetroit. B Peî l. Seurky. Boware of qnacks-Causult old establiahed,- ',reliabie physîciane. oaie±nFr.Bok tCo. W rite for QuiestionB1n for Hâome Treatment. Bt HEB TR.EET. D E.T R G à ECHM.