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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1902, p. 4

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SEND OFF TO DR. MITCHELL. -lor E'verybody 'O fr everythlug Utmde the eau Fvery 'home has nee4 of psant. Bach kind Of le q*dItlly suited te âmre home use-ether ouffle or lum4u. -It', kuowing the righit kind of paint, andi puttîntg h on the ight :lace that makes painting a success- Tei US What YOn Watt te Psit% and well teli you the right kind to use. sq fGENT- We are showingan excellent lune of Sereen DoDrs,Sereen Windows, Spriug fAnges, Green Wire Clotb, ete., at rock bottoin prîces. PHONE 66. ONE DOOR WEST 0F POST OFFICE. If a Man's In Love The Canadiail Statesilail. That's bis business. IJOWMANVILLE. JUNE 11, 1902 IF A GIRL'S IN LOVE, Tbaî's ber business. IF THEY GET MýARRIED, That's eus- business. Because we know they arc bure'-t want'Luttrell's JerseyCreamBread, Alex. Luttreli. BowmANVILLE. 9-sw Oulr mail Course iu WIRELES8sud SOUND TEL* EGRAPHY now hss manv studeuts Nothing- like il ever given. Ttio cost is nominal. The resuits are good. Write fcr Iparticulars, Addrsess TELECRApH DEPARTMF.NT, -.CENTRIAL, BU81NE88 COLIEt[...: ,ORONTO., PRINCIPAL. Hon G. W. R)ss, Premier of Ontario, sud sons, Ms-. G, W, Ross, Jr., wilî sali Saturdav fer En.-land te attand Coron- allen Hou, aud Mss J. M. Gibson F ail ou Tlîursdav. We heartily ceugrat ulate Dr. J. C Mitchell ef Enniskilien on bis unau imi us electiou to the important position of President et the Outario Medical1 Association ln Tes-ente last week. The nominatieu beiug enthusiasticalîr secei qed. WEST DURHAM'S RECORD. llOUSz 0F COMMOS. In 1887 Hou E. Blake, Libes-al. eleet- cd by 407 majerity. lu 1872 acclama- tion, lu 1874 itlou. E. B. Wood, Liberal, elected by 545, Bi e election, 1874, H. W. Bus-k, Lib- eval, elected by 27-2 majorits-. iu 1878 Ms-. Bus-fr elec¶,ed by 42 maj.1 Bve election, 1879, lieu. Edward Blstke returued bv acclamoetioa., lu 188J Hon. Edward Blake elected by 118 majerity, sud in 1887,leuES was-d Blake, Lihssral, hv 116 min1 t 1~Yenge anSd Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Iu 1991 Robest Bcich, Libes-al, clected .*..~~ê.êê .**ê.by 198 majosity. ___________________________ In 1896G Robes-t Beith, Liberal, elected by 52 majority. TuSSES :HEALTR FOR LITTLE ORES, Baby's Own Tablets Make Childreu Iel and Kcep Them Well, If yens- eblîdren are subject te celic, Sindigestion or suy stomacli trouble; if they as-e troubled with constipation, diars-hoca, or any et the ills that affiiet Our stock cf Trusses is * utIle eues. give them Baby's Own :complete in every particular. : abets. This medicine will give relief *ih away, makiug sound, s-fseshiag TU11E FAMOUS sleep Dossible. It will put chiids-en on I the highroad te health at once Il is T * Sing Ibis teday les- thousauds of chuSd- W etimiore russ ren iîn ail parts ofthe country. Ms-s. R. * LÀ. MeFariane, Bristol, Que., says :-"I *take pleasure iu testitying te the merits Always gives perfect sit- ofe Baby's Own Tablets. I have nieS islaetion, them for my baby since she was tlsree mouths old, sud previons le nsing thema Our experience bas taugbt: she wss a delicate chuSd. Sheis.new, M us te fit Tlrusses properly. In quite ttic reverse, as she, is pinîp, :healthy and streng. I thiuk Bb' ail cases we satisfSr' our eus-. Own Tablets the best niedicineý in the tomers or refuand the mfoney world fer littie eues " These Tablets as-egeed for childs-en et aliages sud AT* dissolveS lu watîer or crushed te a Spewdes- they can be given with absolute ~ l ~TITh1UT~MA safety te the yenngest, weakest baby. ~ IvaUuI-U.lIIIII~ 4Guasanteed te ceataianeoepiate or ~ LI~..LF j1LU1U J ~bas-mInil drugs. SelS by ail dealers at 125c a oxor ontpesîpaid by writing - I direct t'the Dr. William s' Medicine ~ iiug S ore. Co., Bsockvilie, Ont., os- Schenectady, BO WMAN VILLE. *~~~*4~4** fTYRONE. Satl fotOf le the experience of ail who have bought Wall Paper frein me. Pat- terne and prices are riglit. I have opecial sample books freinî the leaS- ing facteries fer you to select froin il yeut want something Very extra and exclusive. 4iurtaîn Ploles, complete, 25e Window Shades, from 40c' Don't drive nails in your - Walls, put up moulding. I have a large assortment to suit ail shades of paper. Pietureý,frarning is a specialty. A fine assortment of Pictures. Croquet Sets sud Express Wagons. À line of Coronation Stationery just reeeived ilu boxes, very pretty, frox42Oe up. Pa TREBILCOCâK Mrs. Ed, Channon, Lindsay, is visit- ing friends here ....- -Mr, Carscadden and Mr. W. J. Rov verv acceptably supp!ied the pulpit in Tyrone Chureh, Sundav.. --.-Mrs. (Rev.) J. S.' McMullen, Miss Hazel and Master Cecil MeMullen are with *friends in Bethany......Ebenezer attracted many Tyronese ....- Mr and Mrs Jas. Collacutt have been -visiting friends in Marinosa ...- Church re-open- ing at the Sauli Sunday when Rev. A. J. H. Stritce, Lindsay will ipreach Tes on Monday ... . Tyrone Societies with the Fnrmers Instîtute and District Division will hold their annual.picni June 2lst in Mr. Wm. MeLUghlin's Grove. Orono Baud in attendlance. The usual sports and gamies. Eyerybody corne. NEW BLACKSMITH. F<arniers! If you are wanting a goodf set of Iron Harrows do nat fait to cali and see us. Ours are fitted with steel teeth and made in either *three or four sections. Will soli cheap. Call at Darch's old stand, King St, East Bowmanvilles and see thein,1 il-tf A, W. PICEARD). a (lenaîne Catoria always beare the Slgnatuoe et Chas. H. Pletchor, t Wbeu Baby was sick, we gaehrCgls When ehe "as a Cblld, sbe crieS leW Castorîa. e Wbeu abe became Mise, as lung b castoria. tj Wbesb a Me~gvsbem Cases-ltt Dr. J. C. Mitchell ha'ting-sold. ont bis medical practice at En niskilleu to Dr. Frank C,- Trehilcock about 500 friende gave hlm and Mrs. Mitchell a surprise jparty ou Mondav Ju ne 2 at their home. The compauy gathe red soon sIte- 8 p. m. sud the spaeions lawn wss soon oc- cnpied with seats from the Snday School rooms Shortly after 4 o'clock Mr. John Me- Langhlin, Councillo- cslled the large Company to 'osder snd explained the objeet for. which Élhe friends bad as- sembled, ln a brief but appropri ,ate speech, then ail j.,ined in honor of peace hsving been declared in South Africa la singing "God Save the Ring" wbich was followed by a patrioticbv soug Ms- Frpnk Brown. Ms-. P. C. Trebilcock, CountY Councillor, read the followiug address which fuliy explaius the cis- cumistances which brought snch an !m- menise concourse of friends togethe- on the occasion: To DR AND, MRS MIrciMLL,-In your wisdom yon have decided to pull up the stakes, many years ago driven down by sou, fixing this spot s your home, and that décision has been re- ceived with general regret. Some there are who inake their part lu life's drama se lusignificanttht 3hY corne and go without being noticed or missed They make no friends-they den't want to-for to them "1frieudship's an empty name, made to deceive those whose good nature tempts them to believe." 'his surprise of ours composed. of only a small faction of vour many trieuds, procîsinis the fsct that you du net form a part ef that sîtogether too large a seetion, of every cormntuity Truly. we are only remembes-ed by what we have doue, and talents are given aud embraced. Cecil Rhodes aptly expressed amorîg bis last utter- ances, the true view of life and its bect story "so much to bc done and so littie accomplished Looking back over yenur active life la our midst with its contless'hours spent lu the service of God sud hnmaîîity, with the deors of your home ever open lu the most hospitable manne-, with your beas-t's lilseral aud practical sym- pathv for every good work, we knew that yen feel that yen have net doue ail you would like to have doue. For "Labo- with what zeal we will. Something still romains nudone, Som ething uncompleted stili Waits the rising of the sun." That yon wllhlob misseS goes ,withont saying, sud we asbure you thiat vour dWelliug amoug nus will be one of lifels mest pleasant memories. We siucerely wish yon and yens- aged mether, lu your new home, sud your two sens, ail the health, wealth anS heppiucss that can corne te von. Aceept these preseuts-Dr. Mitchell, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Mitcell, sur-as slight tokens of eus- respect, sud as ex pressing oas- best wishes sud ps-avers, sud may youî- hives be long spared. to [enjoy thesa. Dr. Mitchell thon replied inu'a few wehi-timed sèntences to the addrcss.- He thankcd all those frieuids who had planued sud so successfully carried ont the arrangements for what was te hlm and his wife such a pleasaut gathie-ig.' AUl the msny.vears he had spent labor. ing la Ibis fielS, he had kept always before hîs mind au ides! brothes-hood of matn wherein such petty différeuces as must neccasarily arise weuld neyer be barriers te real friendship between neighbors. lu leaçing such a host of friends he spoke feelingly of the pleas. sut associations sud kiridly remem- bs-suces the years bad brought hlm sud looked forward te their continunce. Iu aillbis speech was such as pleased those of us who heard it sud will leave a lastiug impression of good cempan- ionshîp sud neighborliuess. On behalf of the frieuds at the proper time Mr. R.- Moment, P. M, Os-eue, preseuted Dr. Mitchell with a valuable gold watch sud chain; Mrs. Mitchell w.spreseuted by Ms-s. A. E. Clemeus with a ps-etty gold brooch set with peari sud by Mrs. Trebllcock with a silver pudding dish; sud Mrs. George Argue*presented to MrE,. JohnMitchell, the Dr 's.aged mothesr, a silves- mounted siik umbrella- Happy sud appreciative speeches ivere also made by Rev. J. J. Rae snd LDs. John Montgomery, Oshawa-,Ms-. Wm. Riekard, M.P.P., Newcastle-, Mr. W. R. Clemens. Ms-. Levi. A. Tole, Principal James Gilfihlan, -B. A, Com-' nissione- Tsebilcock,1 Bowmauvlille; Etev. S. Crooksbauks, Eniskillen, Mlusic was fus-uished at intervals by Mir. sud Mrs. C. W. Soach, Miss Heatle and others. NOW FOR TURNIP SEED, I have in Stock s choice. selection ef al1 the leading varieties, viz :-The 7aMOUs Jumbo, Mammoth Clyde, Baugholm, Skirvings, -Shamrock, Suit- ton's Champion, Grev Stone, sud White Globe. Prices rigbýt. ie Burton echool cas-e of Miss Was-e, d give thera ail the information 'ask c' for sud as much more as you eau a .nk ot Plesse. mention that you saw b îrequest ln THz SATn8a*N Show a de requost, te you; tesche-. please. I COMING S. S. ANNIVERSARIES. Maple Greve, Juone 15 sud 16. Enfli, June 1 sS16. h:aydf.n, june 29, J uiy 1. Hlampton, June CA, Juiy 1. A plain questïin; Do yen really get the only Paiukiller-Perry Davis'-when yen ssk for it ? Bettes- be sure than sers-y. It has net, lu 6) ycars, talleS te stop leoseuess sud pain lu the bowels. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY Juan 13 ---Dr. J. C, Mitchell, Euniskillen, is leaving the village sud will seli his horses, carrnages, robes, twe gebod culter-s, double anS single carniage harness sud other stable uteusils ; pas-les- organ, parler, sitting reom, diaing soem and kitch- en fus-allure anS fnarnishiugs, ranges, retrigerator, cas-pets, enstains, croch- es-y, glassware, caties-y,- pots, pans, aud 100 other things tee numner eus te mention. Ail must be solS Tes-ms- 4 months' credit on ail suis oves- $J0. Sale begius at 1 p.- i sharp. Go easly as this ls a large sale. AIse eune acre1 lu os-chas-S. Secbis. L . A. W. ToLu, Auctioneer. Otilidren Cry for CASTOR lA. 81.00 size bett>e Sarsaparilla tes- 60c. -an excellent remecty for ail oves-- worked pliicians-at Wottea's. Ms-s. E. L. Livingstone New York City, anS Ms-s. Lewis Quick, Os-Taveu- hurst, axe visiling theis- mother Mss Roger- Cole. Pain fremn indigestion, dyspepsia, anS tee heas-ty eating, is relieveS at once by taking oeeof Cartes-'s Little Lives- Pis lmmnediately aller dinuer, Don't lesg et tIis At Triuity-Chus-ch Suuday eveuiug a Thanksgiving Service wili be held. Rev Brandon Greenaway wilî preach- G-ood musi- Everybody weicoîe, IVill positively cure sick headache and preveti ilsretus-n. Carter's Little Lives- PilIs. This is net talk, but ts-utb. One pill adose. See advertisemeut. Small The many fsicnds et Ms- F.G. Humber who leIt liesre ceatly for Aberdeen, Dakota, wiil be pleased le learu he sud his tamiiy as-e now located iu Portage la Ps-ais-le.,Man., wbos-e bis beaith bas nuch impreved. 1 Up Laie Nights, eudless engage- mnts, zenes-aiiy s-un. down ? Take The D. & L " Erulsiion et Cod Liver, >1. Il will toue up i oas- systeî anS nnke vou feel yens-self again. Made y Davis & Lawr-ence Co., LtS. The South Bend, InS., Tribune June .h sa,.s: %cr.Fs-ed. Dickinson, (termerly tf Bowman-ville>, tîavellhngageui foer ce Seuth Bend Papes- cempauv. was operated onfles-aPpeudicilis Ibis fore- toon at Epwos-th hospital. The ýperation wss succesaful. Los etFlesh, cou.gh, and pain on the ýhest may net imean consumption, but s-e bad signa. Alleu8s Luug Balsani os8ens the cotigb snd hosîs iîîflamned ts- passages. Not a grain ot opium la 8ERVANT -WANTED-fos- generaiWXOOL Wauted.-Hioehest msket K)honse work, Apply te Mr7f. J. B.Mitchii rc aS o n uiîyo el ,ngi St. 241f LEvi SKINNER, Tyronie.of 15-tf, 13 ARESFOR SALE-Tha t dîsi- rabie brick bouse and 18 acres ot land, four acres being yonng orchardý aiso- good eut- ibuildings. Situated on Liberty' St Northi. Apply te J. ýHaNBv, on lte premises, or Bow manville P. O. 23-3w, ENTORS, SALE Farin 11East lWhitby. The Emecutors of the late James Shand wl ofTer for sale by suction at the ff.otel ai Raglan on WEDNDSD)AY, JUNE 18th, 1902, that valu. able farm containing about 175 acres, parts of lots 13 and 14 in 71h and 8th concessions,, East Whitby in bis lifetime beionging te the late James, Shand. Soil good. Situatefi between Columbus anS Raglan, anS convenient te Myrîle on C- P. R'y and Bruoklil on G- T. R'y. Te ale is made te carry out the directions of the Will and affords an excellent opportnnity te purchasers teobtain a vaînable property lu a choice section. For terms and particulars npply te the Ex. ecuiors, James A. Burns, Esq,., Raglan. John Sadler, Esq., Columbus. Dow & McGiilvray, Whitby, Vendors' Solicitors, or LEvi FAiR- BANKs, Whitby, Auctioneer2-8 BOWMAN VILLE MARRETS. Corrsected1by J.MoMartry eaoh Tuesday' F VOI, 100 ibs .......$1 80 te $2,20 IeHoeÂ,P, Flbush .... O O il O 70 il s-mg......00el0 70 fi RedSfife....000 l-0 751 fi Goose ....0 00 fi0 65 BARLBF, e bush, No. 1 ...- o o 00 O45 19 il il2..,. 040"il0 48 fi i fi8 ... 025"le081i il ilTwe s-ewed 040il 0 50 OÂ, white i ....... 000"il0 40 RYR, il........0 00"fio0s5 BUOKWHEAT I ......O0 00 i O55 PHAS, Biackeye, P bush. - O0 0 il O00 IlCanadian Beauties 0 70 leO080 fi Mnmmey eif o0 00 00 li Smaill il O 60 fi O65 Il Blne "f 0 0 il 065 BuTTER, best t4ble, VI lb. , O0 0 'sO,16 Faes, ýdoz------------...000 fi0 18 POs-A'sOIS, P bush .......O 080 '0O 5 H, »ton ............. 800 9 0 I UGGIES FOR SALE-Fine second "band top Buggies-newly painted-soyne nearly new, Aiso 2road carts. J. PERicy. MISSI BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Pupil of Prof. A.S«Vogt, Toronto Oonservatory of Music, wiil recelve puplis in Piano and Theory of Music, at Cloncession St., ilowina - ville (ENERAL STORE FOR S ALE-At ACourtice. midway between Bowma ovule an dOshawa. Generai St,,re,( chiefly ero cerie8) with stock and good WilU f busines s, ost Offie in store, good house and b arn with every con- venienoe. Roason for sellîng, givI ng lup busi- ness on account of old age. C. W. LENT, Gourtice. 19-tf T:iIARMI TO RENT-100 acres being _&» lot 7, con 5, Darlington, Ibis farm is nlc,,- lyb situated being convenient t o Bethesda curcli and school, I18In good stf.te of cultivat. !on, weli watcred, well adapted for stock rais- ing good bearing orchard. Plowîng privilege afterhbrvest full possession Igt of April, 1898. R. H. 5011cR, Providence, or by post Box 21, Bowmanville. 23-tf JANITOR FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOL, Apl)aio e l b15recelved upt lystt he town f Bwavllslry $000 er n m ,d tI.e. t t. c o m m e n c o n th e 1 t S p t . îAil communications addressed tu JOlHN bYLE,P Secty-TreusPSB WOOL WANTED-"Therelis low Wa great cri' aod littie wool" as the Deil said when b eclipt the Sow. Wel, it is true.for as the market stands there is no profit to elîher buyer or seller. What 1 want te tel! my aId friends is that I am stili bt be fonnd aIthe aid ,reliable stand-the Hampton Wooiien Mills where I am prepared cîther to buy their wool or exchange for home- made goods. Roicar ding a'nds sîining attended te. ioping 10 sec my oid frn sOn ce more. D. TAYLOR, H&mpton. 17-3m. f-1OOD FARM TO RENT-165 acres, %_T lots 34 and 35 third con.. Hope Townshlp 9 mliles west of Port Hope. Fîrat clas ian fi, clean and in a good state of cuitivation. Goofi buildings, ample stable, room, goond water. Weil adapteS for both grain anS stock. Oc. cupied past fifteen years by Mr. John Bright- well who 18 giving up farmiiîg. A favorable lease wiii be given to a eroodfi armer and reli- able man. Plowing priviiege aller harvest. Tes-ete, 2 4w* 44It's not log tthata Larger1 Stockç friSnd gets." UTý Rather give too Reduced Prices. Mých, than too littIe We do net want yen te accept Our- - statement, but cail anS examine goods value!1 sud obtain prices et eus- Palmer-ston wé aud Brantfor-d Buggies, Single anS A f po yfo Team Harness, Wool lap Rugs,Summes- Dusters, Whiffiets-ees anS Neckyokes, lWakers, who brand sîso 101 other articles aI their own pice Sn- J. S. Rundle's, I Has-ness, Twine, '"The Slater Slioe" T anS Implement Emporiumi, opposite T.Tod's store, Bewmauvilie. JOHNIWLIS!AA 8oi L~.I jWhen washing gs-easy Sishea os- pots and pans, Leves-'s Dry Soap (a powdes-), wiil Aetremove the grosse with the rotut M&e MISS EDITH FREULAND Io prepared te give moue -eon t ber home on imeti Avenue. UowmanOvifl. 7-tf loul Attenltion Fora. goment., If you are building or repaîring we can perhaps help you to solvýe somae of the difficulties incident to the under- taking. For instance: ,CEmzNTs-We have Battle's Thorold for concrete walls, cattie stables and cellar floors; English Portland for pave- ments andcisterns.ý BILL ýSTuF-PI ne and Hemlock Joista, Scantling and Boards. rIMBR- Pjne a n d Cedar Square Timber and Si8es. FLOORING--ROd and Whlte Fine and White Maple. (JEILING and W&U<oorNG-Painted and Grained, Boaded and Y-Joint, SrD.NG-~-Beveled, Coye, Shiplapped and Clapbearding. SHIXGLBS-All grades, Native: Pine and Cedar and B.V.- Red Cedar. Doous-Gilmours'patent lu mber hard. woocl and pine Doors-ail grades and prices. SAsH, BLiNDs'and MouLDiNs-Gil- mour's and Rathbun's Manufacture. Salt, Plaster, wvooci and Best Cleu Screaned Coal-Hard snd Sott. Inspection Invited.tiPrlees Reasonable. M0îuE,.iN & C0. 27-6m Bowmauvlf le, Tea.AN Coffee% The very best Chase and Sanborn Coffee, for something good it ean't be beat,' Wehave a few, Specialsi for this week-Pure Maple Syrup, Canned Pineapple, Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, the very best, Have you tried -our Special Baking Powder, it can't be beat 15o per pound. Wool Wanted. TELEPHONE 57 HEAL >BROS. 1 WESI END HOU~~~ <Leading Clothier anldFrishN)WS ED HOS. iTooke's Shirts. D. 4S. Co.e"P If OUwan aShit hat~iesyoua enuneonl'Ii guaranteed solid b rass and will flot rust shirt or vest. fit, that NO-RUSTO BUCKLE it w'usedoonDominionl Suspenders ~ fi, tat he olos wll lotwas ou, tat illAlso as the buckie le ail one piece it wiil not break or fali apart. stand the hard usage of the laundry try a Tooke'8 It does not touch the Shirt as, the web comnes at the baek of the Shirt. The popular Shirts of Canadla are buckie. We seli the President'Brace. TOO E' S IR S.New Lot of D. 5. Co. Uoods Js n TOOK S S IRTS ïl Summer Braces, neat designs, 25c per pair. MesStra HJat-se 3 PAIR If it is the thin edge Straw Hat or the thick 2Pi edge Straw Hiat or the fectora shape Straw Hat, we STA1.NLESS have them aih. The finest straws and shapes ln BLACK COTTON SOX town. Prices ASRIKERR soi FOR 25c. '25c to $2.00.' FOR 25C. Men's Fine Fitting 2Oth Century Trousers. Fellows used to pay seven,, eight and nine dollars for Trousers. The y are changing their way of buying n ow. 2Oth Century Trousers are madle >X 4 u,p to fit, not to hang lîke sacks; they are out by skilled artiats and sewed and put togetheî- by tailors who know the ir business. We are sole agents for 2th Century Brand Clothing., 2oth Century Brand Trousers, $4.00, $4.,50 and $5.0o. - King Qâa1ity Shoos for KIen are the BeSt-,--They Have, Stood the Test. Th ht ealur GROCERY DEPARTMENT. ThehotweaÊerseason will, soon be here. There will be lots of days you do flot fçel like eoo king, a hot meal. Phone 83 and-,get a- can of choice Speckled' Trout'ready for, the table, 10,3 per tid. 2 Cans ltippered Herring for 25c, Choice Lo-mbard Plumâ, 10Oc per tin. JohnMctlurtry, Leading Clothier and Grocer. Dry, Goods. Boots and Shoes. BOWMANVILLE.ý

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