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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1902, p. 6

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TITE T. MILBURN CO., LIMITE», Toronto, Ont. Eellable biLan eery lOcaiiy through. out Cana d. t. nrdc our Xoeds tnkig n zhow crdki on trees, fences, aing raa nI i cn JCQU lae aise distribiutinig amali advcertising e.aienes, net t. exeeed 8'"5Ui per day. k>eady emiipicynent to good, houest reiabie men. No ixperience needfui. Write, for full partieuiars, THEI EMPIRE MliDICINH CQ., Loqdon, Ont. CRAMPwS5 Stomach, S Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Choiera Choiera infantum, Seasickness, and ail kinds of Summer Com- plaint, are qulokiy cured by talng Dr,.àFowler's Extract of WI1J Str awberrvýyO ncarly sxty years-and we have yet te hear a complaint about its action. A few doses have often cured when ail other remedies have failed. Its action is Pleasant, RapId, Relabie and Effectuai, Dr. Fowier's Extract of Wlld Strawberry Is the original Bowel Compiain t Cure, An eaîlien Einigii peet, Pope, snys that Aunera, daughf or of the dawn, With rosy lustre, purpled c'on the lama. Aadfrin Shakser's"iî llicha'd Il" ireay quote: ...Ho is reinle te open The pui'pie testa4nea of bieedîng ivan. Anothen Eiizabefbail wmifen, Fieftch- er le the, nuther ef a poi, "The Purpie IsILand," the subjert oet iid, disguised la allegery, la thc humian body. Home, tee, 'purpie" nefers te fhe crnison hue of bloed. If ire go stili further back ire shahl find thaf the Roman peets trequemtly use the ird "purple" la fle icense 0f crim- son; nom' cees any doubf exist that the cellbrated "Tyrian dye" iras net purpie as ire uadcrsfand if, but tlie raddy liue. la the sali-le îry, tue expressioni "lira la purpile," oengin- aliy applied te the scions ofl Roman royalty, dld nef laiply tic Iurple of our day, but fl ic ninsen îhirh iras part 0f flic insignia of powrer woemn by the "empurpiefi ruions" 0f w boni Hemare irrites. When eme reada elflihe amfuierup- tien ln Manflaigue.-and Sf. Vinrent, flic appaulag lbas of life and flic horrible agomy iof mauiy of f1e vie- timis of the disaster, if ns wuthl ningled feelings of sadacss and con- sternation. If is diffucuifte r oin- caiaaiity. Whlen fIe heart-nending acreunts of flic fei r vivom's are ne- ponfcd if gradmalhy seýizos upea fIhe neadon fiat this terr-ible pyrotechnie and fitanir upheaval of flic eanf h stands w ithout a couaterpart at icast ln modeni istory. Capf. Freernan, wbe iras t em.ibly burnaf,but ived totef1 lichesteny, said ila part: "I renenîbon sccing linge (louda etofafl e amîfi stoai n r is- ilng tm fi'slip. Someofet ur 000,000 gallons of mater a yabromned la butter. against 32,000,000 iu Now Yorlîc. Mock Witos.-Put hall a plut In 1801, 1,570,000 ne-wsuuanoi s f i-nilk on to bell and tlîicken with oxeis i cer.---inueecn -Ier e-rv -rc-- igseri-Tec -uv-m cf xanpie exstig wlchnever &Ieei how=ie lre" -sthe- titlief -an ar- the light et prnt. Se strong la fhe, ticie la uhicli. Charles Ely Adamas resenîblance 'ln al fhe elemental teed- portrays tic actual characteristics ings betireca us cf the greatfa oi f a ciasa concerning whicî. the pub- were. issueC monthiy. Tli.iSý has Irather more thian an ounce of greund ene in such particulars, is true of al, rive its information fifom the cari- grown taday. i q cda Icaturisbttetait.a"Japan's Mission In the Ir.Qeifu: Dolittie grted (1onlien anld a saltspeo-Fhy',Ten- _Uivrfl -"D ýu- -fui of ulace, and ltal cool- -togethi- - XAWARTHA -LAKES. aga asthe funlction of a mediator dear, that I, thijik the býl.b somne- er for ton minutes, stirring frequent- - bot-ween the Wes,ýtern Powers, and times cries llalier 4p? r. Quiv- î 13il throc pntateeq ' W fi lhflan NlghVl lasr Uia . J. jnearer protestâ eru (aagl) U oatlno0w anud while hot add to the rice or lt tris onthe baddogtack laks and re aiitFaulty Grading la Our about that; but 1 know sh elcten triislonethset woll. Pourninto a dish * s hi u hw cresii mne" n st.' Pu it dsCoboconk to Lakefleld 70 mniles of as pie- Public Scools, and . Brk hw cisimie-adwhen quite coid and stiff cut in- turesqeseeyadpplrsme the possibilmty of harmiomous mela-, te slices, rollunegg, and bread rsosuas exist iiatndsPoprovine inmaes.tiens hojtu een "The Old Education cr'nnbs, -fry, a nfi serve with a pars- EelltsaentstambotisePrvice hofugbnut and the New.- This month's nana- lcy sau ce. The mixture mnust bcin confection with G. T. R'y. trains, ber conicludes with two literary ar- .tifî, for the rice softens wben frled, cum~tesao.ticles-"Ameng the Constantinople anfi he fa-olllard r nuclin une l.st te Oct. Ist Str. Esturion Booksbops," by DrIery ts mnust bc beonfi the boillng point. wgtan -vtoHuthnv Tue uties wil ton ecris an leaves Lindsay for Bobcaygeon daily Dihaf Vco igtenv fro cufren oily lavor. e ip asdev et il a m.and 5:45 p rn except that cilst,by Prof. Monits Levi. ~ sace oqures one unc ~ iit~i'during J uiv and Au4,ust, the, evening inelLed ila asaucepali, with onedes-ie s600 n n audaste TRICKED THE AMERZ. spenfu 0 flur tiredin ndevening boat awaits the Kawartha Soit ~~~~~~tai aving Toronto at 5 p.m. Tedahe h ior0 fhn mnale ponrfectly frec fren lumps. * Thon add a teacupfnl cf il and Fer rates for Excursion pris sa ruh u loi0 nc - sr fi i bos. Finliy ad aFolders, etc., apply te The Trent Vailey dotes concerning this centradlctory lare taspenul f fnei copped Navigatien Ce., Ltd Boecaygeon. mana-a mnan at once se full of nia- l arg t e a p o o n ul f fi ely h dd om a n d ig n o ra n ce, cf g en tio n ess lapoaring altseubstitutes and savagery, of humeor aiduno In rep al tes suSOSWEE TLY INNOCENTr. lenting vindictiveno'.s. A man was iîrriber that thei excellence andi fiai or depond largely on the frying. lie had been te the boardiig- once condcrmncd te have bis cars There should bc plonty of fat, and scheei te pay aTupieistt issie haiuihnn eadda it siîould ho very hot. daîîghtor, his only -iild. Ho had i rather mlld.Te cuiprit, hewever, paref fenilirpred e e thad a poîverful friend wiîe ient te LIIL AS FWSI~ parent 0f -1 handsemne maideri, the Ameer and begged, as a special LITLEUY O ASIG 1U pleased with the innocence of bufi-1 fai or, that lie iniglît ho periited ACTS GENTLY We-uing' the saine clothes ecdiding wemnanhoed. The principal ar- to eroicri the delicate eperation. 0,,AND week as they comne frei the wash. cempaniod hlm te the deer.1TI-l Aineen censented. Thereupon Leaiving il, siik umbrella iii a case. ý"i'4adti," lie said, with 'deep foot. the fniend askod hlm te indicate how Hl fbci eby causing it te SPlit la tile, ing, -1 owe yen mauch for the man- mc foc a owse dnic lier la which yen have rearcd rny The menarchl ightiyv toudhed the CLA S9THE SYSrE fTur n i ng skirts wnong side eut child sirce-se lias been under yeur cr ftetébig itn.Te when haiîging thoin up.? cane Wher I notice the ceatrasit te ingenious friend, net w itiout CLEAN5ýEFFEGTUALLYý Il'acing bruslies with the b-istles betwcoa that inuoront rnaiden and trepidatien, prececded te quoto al side up.sreu tugipflirae assagie frei the Roran, saying SFailing te soir glove buttons onihave net had the advantage of sucli tIn anyting touchLd by Uliceee beor eainor aîcnding them ho- !strict supervision, 1i bel that 1 haiesentatix e offlihe Ainiglty 1iceca 111e for cleantng linded d reidpirin .jhic2Ž skilfui tnick nw.-ed OVROMS .o dry and iînoid; thon thrown ai1ay "And hoir prend yen mnust ho, tIein loth. 0VECCPATIý Fili tef dry a box of soap for' said the principal, giewing wltlî sat- sevenal day7s before usimlg it. ifcion"tio lch fatîci' of s _Mn. and Mr. ailey, a yennigi Dmle fuisloi t uncovcred adrand nddxec fily! couple recntli iarrled, xei'e ho- PERMANeýýàNTLYJ consequonfly ailoirefi te becorne "Large-devoed ! gasped tIc gînnîng their housokceping, and wr weriny. prend parent. "5f bat do y ou coing thc work cf uttii g the ITC j%.ýi'-¶Cl 1ish toirocls used for holders. 'y' re in u rder thoinselies. Sheets used for ironinig tables. "Loi eoted, te cari efber," said tIhe . Bily ia avn oi z" IIA _Napkins usefi for Ofli toirels. principal. "No fower tlan see trouble la hanglng oe eof thc pro- Toirels uisof for irash rngs. of Ciara's brothors have bena bore sents, a linoe dock, uion the iralof 13UY TH-E GENUI NE -MA'FD BY The face cfof iut irons îîserl te crack during the past tinte neGks te take 1 li 1e diii'g-reemi. Snute ou1. hon eut, and sue is expecting ail- lhy i.s if laking yomî se .ong, 1?I1'3 1'CPU f~ told potaoosalloîrod.te szoun. otlî r fe-ilioi'rnoir" de,,r," asko,(d the Young iife, "te Ih~.II\1I~JIfJI\I~ Sour mlk liroîru away. put up7T)îat, d-ock, ?" ~ vo ITue eosncn ici f epen teovari " L-cn't gt tpmbhorped K ~.wq~'v t oae 3iimadHladsik 47 To b eîtynsaifr1h ___Ced dh hr~vaam. 0 tbace iad Ceainy 8o.,pluIe ?"si ake~, n e ft Leave NEWCASTLE at 6.30 a. nm. .. BOWMANVILLE 7.00 a. m-. OSHJAWA at 8,00 a. ni. WHITE Y at 8.45 a. ni. Arrive et Toronto lat 11.15 a. i.ý Returning leaves Toronto at 5.00 p.n. FARE-Newca;tie te -Toronto anld return, 65e, BowwarMl1e te Toronto Toronto and return 50c. Tickets iay be extended fer 80-deys upon applica.. tien te the purser and paynient of 25C additional. Staterooni accommodation -àt rea'son- able prices. Freight solicited ft n d haudled carefully and promptly. For further information apply te A W. HErPBuRII, Gen 'I Manager, H. CANN, Agent, PctnOx. Boa manville, Ont. QoýCok'e Cotton Boot;Compou7,4a lesnucceESsfnhly usedmonthly:b yoe j10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies askr yordrutgist for Cook's ecollg roloofCoyl- pal. es o ier as ail Mixtures, pis arc Iitations are dangerous. Price, N-. 1, $1 per box*, No. 2, 10 degrees streiuger, $3 per box.No 1 or 2, malied on recelpt of prîce andi tro Vee!nt stampse The Cook iConîpauy Wirdsor, 01 W-~Nos. 1 and 2 soid ana recommended hy ail responsible Druggisto in Caniada. No i and 2 are soid le uewmenrlle hy Stett Jury, J Bigginbothan & Son and J W Mefler- mld, druggists. W ATER-TUHE BOILERS. The London and Seu,,,thiresterii ifailroad irn Eagland, is îaiakîng an intcî esting expenimnent ln the, sub'- stitution ef mater-tube 1boliers for boliers of the oiedinaryfieub ce'nsfm'uction on its loceaîlhfives. l-, tyt, e, and they are said te gi eauco satisfactionî, ceisuining jeýçSiCoul] the saine araeuîî f 0f mek. l"1 t wîater-tubes travecrac the iO o borizontaliy, frein side f0 side(. Thep place of the usual fdre-tubes li ih !e barrel is taken by a single iig cylladrical flue, cressýed diagoiialiy- by 215 îxafeî tubes. lna a mnek the aivorage Englishmnj, ents 91b. of bnoad, 500Z. 0f ment, l ocf butter, 36oz. of sugar, 911b. 0fpotatees. 2500tous efloutens ae grovaa yanin Cyus'msf e ý i an(i Petara fifie. Oshawa and WhiÉbv m , - x»âttArý Commissien or salarY860.00 vez mon! lianà 1 ýl- 1 -1 1 r-r-

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