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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1902, p. 8

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Sec ur i nes of PERFUMEI) TOILET SOAPI BEST QUALITY. LOWEST PRICE. Hlave you tried our new lotion? Creamn of Roses and Almonds It contains just what many specialiets recoxnmend to re- move spotes, f-reckies, etc. We carry a funl~ SUne o! Sponges, Chamois, Face Powder, Talcuni Powder, Per! ure, Toilet Waters and cvcrything for the bath. Whcn you nced any of these or medicines call at * iliginbth am's POE92.D r « S o e BowMAN VILLE, BOWMÂNVILLE, JUNE 25, 1901. HAYDON. DOMINION DAY at llaydon.- - The anniversary services of Ilaydon Sabhath School wil be hold as foilows:-On Sun- day June 29 sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7 p.m. by 11ev. H.B. Keniney, milbrook, Collection at each service in aid of Sebool funds. On Tuesday July ist services wili be resumed 2 80 p m. when a choice, program of recitations, dialogues etc , wili be given by the school under the direction of Miss Campbell. Music at ail services by the school. Tea serve.1 at 4 p.m. Jn the eveuing at 8 p.m. a grand concert wil be given by the famous Sherlock Quartette of Toronto. Their singing la worth coming many miles tohear. Al servicos wil be heid ln open-air Ad- mission to tea and concert 40c., Children 25e ; Concert only 25c., Chiidren 15c; Tea and program 2Wc A game of base bail will be piayed in the a[ternooaq be- tween Courtice and Salem. BABY'S OWN TABLETS, Cure Ail Minor Ris, and Bring Joy and Comf'ort to Baby and Mother. Disease attacks the littie ones through the digestive organs. Baby's Own Tablets are the best things lu the worid for ail bowel and stomach troubles o! chidren. They act quickly - and gently, and always cure indiges- f I ~OL1NA. BOWMANVI LLE r ý 1 COUNTIE S COGUNOIL, (Continued from lest week.> WFDNSDAY Arnml-z N1. Concil met ut 3 p. ri., Mr. Robt, Fimher, Warden, ln the chair. H. H. Walker, Oommissioner, re-i ported on repalrs on ceunty buildings, gaol and RaviBtry offica, and contract foi wood. Report adopted. Geo. Mitchell, Chaigmau of Legisia. tlvz coramittee read hie report reoom- mendlng that a memorial be sent theà Britishi Government saskIrgthem bo take the duty off Canadien cattie. The report adopted. W. T.ý Donaidson, Chairmen of Con- tingenDcy comrnIttee, recommeuded that Jet. Oalehan, o! Grefton, and 9. A. Northcott, Solins, be coonty students for the3 Ontario Agricuitural College. Report adopted. Dr. W, Il. Tiiiey, M. A, Public Sohool Iiispector, acddreaned the coucoul on the condition of Public Sohools lu the conty o! Durham. The number o! female teachers bas lncresed and maie teachars decreased. The Model School under Principal Wood was do- Ang excellent work. He was sorry to ieey Mr Wood was very eick. The main portion of hie report wasi publiahed ln theae columna last week. Ihe usuai inspection of the gaol and SOLINA. 1 Dr. M. W. Pascoe leoft for Chicago Friday to take a post graduate course .,_Mrs. Geo. Stott is paintingMr..W. Brooks' residence 'Mîddiegreen Villa" ...Mt. Carsweli Division intend visit- ing this Division next Friday niglit.... Dr. Mason, Toronto, wili preacli at the Advent church every other Sunday.. .. Mr. M. Deweli's family have had a severe attack o! the scarlet fever.. Miss Laura Hogarth has been quite il ....Mbr. Ellis Pascoe. Enfield, visited here Sunday...., Messrs Vice Bros. have a large amount of work to do before harvest . . . Mr. Cecil Vice is home from, Midiand ...Mr. Wm. Ashton is pro- gressing rather better of late .... Mr.H Cameron lias been ill. Keep clear o! engagements for .lulY 21 other' than M. A. James' excursion to Niagara Falls. MT. VEiKNON. Visitor,< :-Mr. and Mrs. Jabez J. Souch, Dakota, at MN'r. Wm. Souch's; Mrs. A. Hardy, Bowmanville, at Mr. D. lleddon's; Miss Aunis, Port Union, Miss Irene Langmaid, South Darling- ton, at Mr. E. Miiison's ; Miss E. Wottena a Enfleld ; Mrs Laidlaw, Brougham, at Mr S. E. Souch's .. Scariet foyer patients at Mr. Doe&l's are ail recovering.. .. Mr. Norman and Miss Mina Heatie took a trip to Toron- to by hoat recently' ... . Mt. Vernon choir and Mr. Frank Brown, Enniskil- len, thorouighly enjoyed their outing to Cadmus anniversary. Neyer have they met with a warmer hearted pastor and people and the very great lsindness, shown themn by these good friends wii Everybody who lias exainined our Speclal Sale Suits that werê $9, $10 and $11, pronounce theni startling value at $5,98. They are seiling freely. We shall put out a f ew more to keep Up an assortrnênt for another week. Don't fail to sec them. Eith er Cutaway or Maek Styles, Black, Blue or Grey, only $5.98. W orik Clothing. We have a fulil assortment of Work Pants, llned and un1ined,blaeiz, grey and bine drill. Drill Overails, with or without bibs; Cottonadus, Kentucky Jeans, Drills and Moleskin Smocks, Boys' Brownies, c*v.ry size, ail bought before the recent advance in prices. Groceries. We wiil sell Redpath or St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar by tie~ barrel at $4 per hundred pounds for this week. Salmon, Cascade

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