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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1902, p. 2

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T _à.. Ul2 I stozdad t the wihldow of My peor litie meaniy furaishet sut-gery. Titene tas scnrc-ely a patient tr-- tliy of thenanme ou mny hookis, anti ray libtle stock of savinga n-us neun- ly exhanstct. Iu facb, it begaî tot lok as if the metiais anti di stinc- tions 1 lad ton ai coiboeoandtihCe "'Ispi bat" ncre useleas, for L lut neunily matie up amy îmindtot abandon ail hope of werking np a pracbice la B)eilinrst As I ooket toma t-e iviole icagilu of the 1Rugi Street 1 atw ene of bhe Peauerey teg caria tun the cerner by the mat--ob place. LTt containeti ut grooum, tressetla inteir trou-linowtt durit bine ivery, anti le drome îhe thoruglibreîi clestnutt thbe street ut a splitiug uae. To my sut-- prise, he stoppoti at te door of my humnble nurgery, orticreti a bey ivît iras stanmdinug nienrt te ld tbe herse, anti spraîug eut. "MHIiyen please coure up te bthe ensile ut once?" ire sait breathies, iy. "lhe carilins deut lia liant met-y iatly." 1 belilee I metbscarlet wti lias- "Dr. iherabon genornuuy attenta bis lerdship," I suiti iitît hesita- tien. "Vos, ir," saidthtie groomu; "but tie toirager cet-ntbsiras bat seme irortis mitl Mnr. Ieraben, and site Partiicary legs you ii drive bnci wiiflme." A montent later I1iras seatet ia tic togcari, apceduuîg unny te île datho, net knowing blmt thut simple au1-'Innns bo attend nireunteti lant n-stelent be the niosi extruet-tin- at-yIncitent'0f rmy caneer. I iras retiet inmte merninmg- rooma by the doîvagor Guntosa, a wix uman 0f abeout ferty -years of age, tWhotrus siill iu possession ou' the iretidet-f'ti bouuty wniirlilîtmadte ber fanions ihroîîghout Europe. I ariulti mention titat thte pt-sent eut-i was her stepson. 11f- îYoung wmb, a girl of abocut tîrenty, win ftbhe reeni irlien I nrnfvei. ltst u very libtle te say, anti I onietstot ut a giaixce tat the pet-sou te bc concilitet tas the de-wagon, ilie appenred te mile exerybody. lie conversation iras of île ondinat-y yPo; te eut-i lad treutuet luis baud soeuchat sevecly tith a liuuiing- kanfe. Heo mals ai proseimb in the liirary, andi tley moult ifke me te go blere ut otîce. 1 iras about tà beau-e the e oun, iren the don'ager cailet me bnci. "îlot-e is oe tteeler lutile matten, Drn Ligliboot," aie sait. "We merm iiimd fourt- hat theecai l'a lienrttla sierf oualy nfectet." SIc stoppet, anti I olket proper- Iy sytipat.letic. "Ceinl'eyu manage te ntako uan ex- anralea n-wibîeun. aiunming lit? Lie is very net-voua, because hent timaase fa ia île fnmliy." I1 preutistedtotedo my lest. Thie ont-i eceiveti me moat cet-dinh- iy. île n'as a a nnof about five- andtbliriy, hele-hhy anti streag hoekiag, tlîoîîgl semeirat paie, te resuit of ieuting a studiomîsliffe. Tlie wiound im lis banti iasnto f ach cousequenco, anti nithina nquarter of att lieut- it iras son n up anti baud- ageti. Ilica1 appreaciedth ie heurt question, of cet-rse, very tieiiatoiy. ILe laughet. -I don't tiink thuero la anything bite maiber wih ifiy beant; but you are melcotîlet e sounti lb, if i's eahy te pieuse the ladies." Noeî, if bte fsa n-iorga irlifcl 1 profeas te unteratant i irblisoute thoroughness, fifa btne hban. But I ceul ind fu tiinlutlh et-ird te mubtter mibi bIs. The actionu ta somnetvl'aî w'eni, lut blînt mutile expectet lna amati tro apontsala- meat al bis tifin athe ilrany. Se far as I coulti nacertbain, ter-eiras uîei a trace of disease. 'Iiiere'a no eaeut diseuse fa eut- fnmly," saidthîe enni cleeî-ily. Thuiras a direct contradicion of te doirager's tends, but Iliati pit litho attention te it ai bIte ime. Et et-ytiocton linows bei unreliabie patietiuarue iu ieir atatoments. 'lthte at-c some n lie balte a telight ini exaggen-ntiumg emen-y tritiing ail- ment, tiene au-eebltetatrIo bale an equai teligit fin ittiuizig blheui. BeoeeIlef t I lînt come to fIe con- clint lat bbe cari n'as one 0f bbe he'-i flloîs I1buti met. There iras imt a scrap of affectation ou- nen- "Reir dit it hîuppemm2" I1abket. "fa het-rdsiip menu to tic ibruny af feu dinor, as usual. 1Lie fel aleehi iciis arrachiait- before thme fit-e -rtnrtind Itic-Dittanlieut- ugo te busseleeper fcu'îd ht, sir. île mas deat!" somewa atoebit fault, but it was une time forilo ojetre 1 sprang into the do(gcar-1t, andtre- quamrters uof aniheur litterstoii thie c-astie hall. Everytiug ias, of cours'e, nco- fusioni. The servants were herror- stricheen. The young ceuntess, over- conte witLli grief,, hadi beeni carri(ti unconscieus te lier room. The Only persea wlo showeti any nerve andi presence of mndt was the dowager. She lookoti pale, but cool anti col- lecteti. Ia fact, she was oeeof those determrined,- strorg-nîindeti wo- mon whe can face any emiergoncy. She loti me at once te his boti- room, where he hati beon carrieti. I shall nover foi get the sceno bliat foi- lowed. Ile iay on the bed, his face just us I hati seon it n-the morii- tng, except that ib was iiew pale anti rigiti. "Flow la it, Dr. Lightfoot," SI-e saiti sbernly, "that wlion yeu saw the eari this moruing you were flot able te forese this calamity?" "I don't believe it was possible for any maedical man te ioresee l," I replied i rmly. "But 1 warned you that the earl theugli, of cocurse-, lie rememibereti neubhing th;0, bad 'happenetiafler the time lie fell as'eep la tlie library. 1 tolti him wbattchadlappeneti. '~Btth', matter mnust be husheti up, Lglitbtot,, for, the salie of the fan iy"li e i geriy., "Qiese,"Isii; "but we must ager cuntess be sent for at once1 anti confrontet i wtim you." My pln xas carrieti eut, anti suc- ceetietibtter rlian 1 expecte d, in- steati ofatbempbing to e oy it, sIte entirely lest lier self possession, %nti, falling on lier knees, beggeti forgiveness. I peintoti eut that ia remuining silent 1 was compounding a felony anti jeopartiizing mny future career, se ils5ttion the dewager ceunt- ess roiriug altogether from secieby, andi living on lier ewa nproporty la the Northi of Englanti-Londea An- six rs. HI15JIiAJESTY'S PORTRAIT. htIr. Luke Fieldis, R.A., Is No-w at Work On It. actiieroti front iis heurt." As tas unnn-' unced anme time ugo, -1 fount nething amissa iib tle Mn. LîeFields, H.A, is tho or earl. - tunant rtlat selectedti tepaIýnt t LVe hopedti hut fa sending for eficial port'rait of lisa Muýjesty te you,"- she sait bitcnly, "ire abeuit King, antci nuwte tuaai-imuportant have liefteî advice blun coulti le oli- wirrl isin lanau, titI a vewdouît- tainot front an oit practitioner lilie îess, 0fits belag iready ifa time for Pr. Tnoratoît. Evidently, our do- the Coronation, ay oaotAn- fi douce nas mispincet." anet-s. Sbe swepb conaehptuousiy frein Tle studio of Mr.Fid' beaubif ni the roottu, anti bIt rmut bere, feeling Itoame lanblie Mlbory 1R'ond, Rcn- muore perpiexedti ian I1liavo even singboa, is, te use a common phrase, heun before or aince. "fit fer a king." liere lis M1ajesty il. wili fiat innulmerabie olijects of in- 1. kew uit wel tht 1wasnottereat thicli iil net bail te appeni I lier uit iril tnt irs ntot ha anrtistic tastes, anti turing bic fa any sense of bie word te blinte moments of "retýtiug" in tire course foi- wtri bad lappeacti. The cues- of a-'Sfiting" bbose wmliLte ontImîsi- tioeniras, Ouglit I te grant a cor- asticnîîy tlatet uhion. tificatc? If I certifiet thut tie ea-ilimhe studio is oecof the biggeat fa tieti of heurt db-tanse, I stuhiflet London, andti, oogli not se large as mlys 'if. If1 L refuset a coîtificate, a thie laie Lord Lcigiton's, lb fa, if corouen's, inqucat ironili e recîirot, nnytbing, more cemnoious. for tie andr tih, wbole ceutysiie iroultielaePestic Intn-ron l indignant at îvhnt tley iouit calil ,ays rse oidttshavelatiitg ron ni tMY cutîr-niness in net avoitlîîg i i t'O 5 eoetit uearr rîit a mting the osfioa vriniy The great blirone, tItre blie sitter mmnd, ihna the bublor enter-et beg- fa omet inf front of the paiabcr's gng nto te go te the sentants' bail, 1 ifauhiefron fîe ronu. ns te housebeeper lad been talion er coeialiti kly t ili.concluce te blie case anti comfort of It iras she wbo fouadth be eurl te sitter is te lic fouat., teien ubis cbair-. Fuily two heurs "Ris Majesty, bbc King ivili a it liasset beoe I iras able te louve to-daty." Tie utist is apprfsed of lier, atîd by thuat time it n-as nearhy Chia fiportant fact, tegetier titi one o'cloci. Whlin, uthet, he ubleocetinc-seMjesty's arrivai. et mac rei the iueeer's onu tEmerytbiag is la reatf ness in the ed ne feinthehouekepers rculstudio ; the canvas la on tire ensel, udt-osbthe gront cetrider, it n'us on- tie panabr's palette, colora, anti hy tiîniy ligliteti, but te our great ht-ushcsarue ut baud. Wfth royal surprise ire saîr a figure ettuerge from uculta cnrtniuýlo, the ibray, aud-oalkscoror. andiag broughnmn'ilb drive up te Mr. apoleti y Che tmeorifdoerl's Putes' residence. anuitheartlst re- betroon, andti îen, tunîing roundci'sbe igt h loobet ut us. lbt iras tetmt, MOMENT ALIRANORD FOR. stera, igf t face tof Lord Penuoroy! A fliglt of 5-ains Ienia te blihestudio, I heoit the butter - a ste--n Id>'anti lere tblc King iiliy fur, ny Scobtsuman, -nieh lutalicou iith thble timne betîrcen hLL a u uot te an famiiy since boyiîed- thispen alheur, accortiag as iisenamet prayen unden lis brenbh. 1 seizet permit. Mucli, cf coul-se, epIoats is at-mn. upon the liglut, se the time selocteti "Coume ifth imae t he ontl'a bcd- for a royal îis'it is generaliy nient nooen," Isait. -I-Lsha irwaut youî- îoouî. Whist tire at-t tis nitrot-h heIp. flie Ring iill genanly clubtnn'ay on We encbtetbte reonu,anti fot-nt topica ptiuipally concet-ring the art hlln lying juat -ns Ibaad ccu him 0of iriclu blie painten la se distia- n-boithble tinîger countess beel mc guieti a reprosenattit o, for tlie fiote.erou. But tîteuns n Ring possesses an excellent oye for citne-g. Tute lunch of finirs nhici a geeti picture, ant imli discuss its liat been placet on lis irat iras peints nlibthe boenest of critida. lying ounblie grenat. Wlin it fa at oC ceiaentfor hîs I peinîti titis ont in silence te the Mjesty te riait the antiat, bthoy'al huiler, WtrI ronubied violentiy, anti Acatemuiian mili go te Marlboroughi for te first itimO siîon'et signa of Ronse, or whlenoîor the Ring may fear. -Piacfng mny fiagers on the le. A specil roonu ta set upat- ontl'a lent, I feît alter a moenta a anîdblet-e are înnny sudlithbb va- sliglb nuornent.LHe iras ahive! tions rnyal resitcices-xvliro alih I bogan te seO tere iras semetiitg may heo oltainet corresponting ns ml'stenious lante trole affnir. Be- fleur ns possible wt t lat of the tîreca us ire appîfet, re'teratit os un-- artist's studio. bib, tIc faint glcami of iife becautue Court pbetogramhet-s iilh bell ion met-e steaty. tint bleir vrty lest sibters are to he Seeiag tînt thiere tas neofiamedi- feunttimongst bthe mombors of eut- utc danger, I tecf ted te blave the owa royal fumil,,. Iloy noter seent butien tithl bis ana-Cet-, iile I vis- te tire, bliongli bey ut-c frequnaty itodth le llbrury. Wbile atili caîcen- "tabou" in ne fenvr tbina a tezen Sdi ous it iras oxidcat tiat Lent difîerelat positions ut a single Sit- Pounerey lad vialtedt lat aparfmont. ing. lb migit lie metbluedthtîn I iras curieus to kneir irlat lad tlie Queea is regat-det as_ prebbly lunppcaodti lîre. thl iost patient of ail, lier Ma- I fouadti tir elecbni c light bunnig jo'ty's fav'orite pheto being oe bîigltbly. Hl ati sîitched ti lb onuttub- o seeyearsaugo, neaiing a ontuerînig, juat as lie ireuit lave dorme bontnet anti n rose fateniet on a tel- li the ontinnry n'ny. Notbiag tas vt bei at the nocic.j tisairnangcd. Iiretut acros te lis Mr. FPutes cannot lie saidti t le aij wrtling fable, andti lene I founci, rapit ivonker. lie la met-y carnoat. 1 penîtupa-, bhemeat nemat-kable piece coasclenitiona andti tet-gltful, anti! of evitence iluat eter felci fte man's the talimii behobus bofore Iim, liant. t irusliaif a slieet of note- noir is wtbbut tieult île most in- paper, tibt tht-ce sketches traira in portant commission 1 liIas evenl tle cari s mabcrly n'ay. The fitst iras a sketcut tf a utile tuedicai syrige, bte second ina npoppy - the 'opium plant; bhe thinti n-a n portrait - exact anti unnîltakabie- n portrait of tue Be-wagon Cerai-- cas 0f, Pontct-oy. I undet-stoodth le mcauing of it ut onceO. To sktihl iratorer iras in lis minatixas n kiat of second nu- bure te teeaon; lire rouitidci la- moat uucenacieuaiy. The înoaniag of ifs sketch iras tint >soaeboty îhe toirager detuttoss - lad usoti a sytinge te itjoct àa tmg, andtihie ding ias opiumu. Bunt tiecocututess itat n-ide a mis- cncuitiea. Sic lad lajecteti suf- ficieumi opini to danse blie appean- ance of deuil, but not sulcieni te Iili. 1 conît oaiy nuarmel at tetialioli- cal cnnniag of bhe teman nlio at attetaptet the crime. Rer metire n'as dear - alie wiialitetoee orme of ien oint chiltiten iniioit bIne bible anti estafes. The mebt fainîhnicb alie itatap- proudiie thie crime n'as mastot-linl its- ieag-aiglbetiiesa. Slie fitst quar- reihedti v the Icbmiiy tiocton; tlea, tukinmg admaninge, ef a trifliag ac- cident io tihenu-rl, aie sent bor a youuug anti unkiota pruciiiner, ixho treuit natumally lie soeoîat easiîy lot away by aaything thnt was sit by sudh a gront lady. Rer design a mt een frusiraiet îy te ad-- citent of my boirmg dtairmeti in te lieute, for if in theie orning site hati scon igus of rotuning conîsciecraaes in île cari, ni ioulti, ne teult, haxe finislretilion trtk 1 luati tnix tn'o tasks beoeomue- te restoue the carl tb eliliandti t proeut a - ecuu-rermce of an ubtempi oui lis li o. I'Ther first was c Cfmf-arart,, 'tr lv ac-, About th-e Thevale of th compote as a deli- cateti eieosform of dessert has 1omgibee rocogniizetiabroati, bu ibut ut een(Itly found exteuded favor here. Lt is generally served with boiled rice, toast rounids or Stale sponge cake, andi is easily pro-. pared, appetizing and dainty. The breati usoti in compotes shoulti be thoroughly dried before browning. Many fruits an lie used inl com- bination. Bananas anti oranges gof well together, always using a littie lemon with bananias, ant lad n tliem sightly under-ripe. Peaches anti Plums go well together, aise a'pri-, cots andi plains, strawberries and currants, quince anti sweet apples, barberries and sweet or sour appies, peurs anti barberries, etc. The foulndution for ail compotes is about the sune-sugar and water in the proportion of oneO cup of sugar to one-haIf or one cup of water, de- pending upon the juicluess of the fruit to be used. Put the sugar anti ivater with wliutever fiavoring is used iute a dlean saucc'pnn, andi cool, until syrupy. Mlien boiling drop the frulit ini a few pieces ut a time, so that it xiiitnt be crushed and "niussy." Cook until tender, but stili firni enough to retain its shape. 1-Remove the fruit with a skimxaier, an anging the pioGes in rogularor- der, or in any îxay se that the ef- foot is ploasing. Let the syrup bill tiown until thick, anti strain over the fruit. Cool thocrougliy bel ore serv- ing. For instance: Appie Com-,pote.-Make a syrup of eue clip of sugur, one-hall cupful of water. Flavor with two inches stick cinnamnon anti the thia rind of a haif lemnon. Pare and core the appios (sour oncs cook more quick- ly thun the sweet), thon drop care-1 bully u inte hot syrup te lardon the outer sui-rface. Cuver ciosely and cook vcry siowly until soft. If you use the chafing dish cook e-ver liot- water pan. Serve on rounds of toast witli plain whippeti cream., .... iog the centre of the apples with briglit yeliow jelly or proservos if desiî od., Fig Compote.-Ciit oeoPound of fîgs la very smnall pioces. Have ready a <syrup mnade of one pint of water andi a haif-pounti of sugar. Add theo ûgs, a couple of, suces of Ipemon and a, sinall piece of stick clu- i:imon. Cooýýk slowly ton or fifteen m1inutes, stirring often towarti the list te prex eut burning. -Pour into a disli te) cool. When ready te use remýove the leJ(mon and cinnatnon.anti sere wth hipedcream swectened and flavori,, with vunilla. Fig comn- pote ma be servet inf sobret .-lasses with tie winiped creamn on top. Ehubai )Compote.-Cut fille rd rhubarb fante pieces about an inch andi a if long. For eacli pound of fruit allow a pound of sugar. Put the sugar over the fir0 with about a cup of water, andi the rteti-el- 10w rinti of a ionien. Put the pioes of rhnharb la the boiliuig syrup, and lot thema simmer slowly until tender and transparent. llnOve careui-lly,, boil the syrup a few mio- menits longer and pour over the rhu- barD. This is nice for a simple des- sert serveti with plain boileti ride. orange anti Banana Compote.-For six bananas a littie untior-ri'pe make a syrup of one cup of sugar and a haîf-crup of wator. Fivor with six whole cloves and one inch stick cia- namon. Boit eight minutes without stirring. Atiti the hanunas andi simmer, until thoy begin to clear. Put la tho juice of two oranges,a haîf lemon and a haîf glass of sherry. Hemlove the clovos anti cia- namon anti serve on roundýs of toast or sponge cake with whipped croam. WORK L N IRE SEIIIOROOM. The rutenrlie lias severai littie ones te oi lte andti tes the SeWiag bot-self, souteon sees fthe time ilion she las ne seiing ou. meuding on liant. 1Newxv resse,ýs mill usualy it neoeti ferheat n'eut-, and ti lbla elh te get oulough extra maberial for n seconti pain of aioomes. Sofb ahl- n'oel imanerials are licat fer children. beon cahot upen toe xecuite. TIs is lblaqîîbc a sanug uf titfl bu malle hiatonical canva îxihhliec hundet thiemmunlu udlit n îaY tînt wihr ue down nbtonu geneaion te generufion wmaltoteuse blientforetcvory-day lb ns "King Etir.art VII."1 iil ho but littie trouble t e roe tle trimmiag, lean g a plain dt-o55. Lotthbie acheol drosses bc siniple, ALAWYER'S BLUNDER. cotafoettable eues, but of geet ianu- A luîvyor tolalueirw once a smahh tonials. ,Muny woohîcit fubrica maay boy got te letteon0f lbm in cross- be iraîbe«, asnicely as calice if eue, exumineao. l'utt of bthe question-1la cat-efuiomf theun, anti it isireli te fing andtihîe replies blereto more ns choose a, style tînt is easy te mron. fohboîra : Notblag la botter blian the suilor "h-aro yoc aîîy occupation 2" arits. irlicli ai-e usunliy beccutiitg "No ."1 anti have the ativantageý of linariag -ne "BDoa'b you tio any net-k ut al ?" buttons' in tle bnci fer the haýii tt "Ne.", catch.on. TIc abirts nmay le goret "Juat bouf arount homte ?" or mate of sirai-git wtitbs, plai "Ihat'sanbout ail." anti full. Pull shirts llookb)tter eon "Whlaitees yonr fablier do ?1" abonder fligures, woaî mdll ai ut-e "Nethin' nuncl." easly lngthenet by lot ting 9ontthîe "Becs le do atîytliing te suppert liea wbeîî tiey beceme too sýhort. the f aunîly ?" If île crcae uatheîle bi e t sgowunr "-le tees otti jolis once lnaw ile ilion aabint is hcugtlioaot covrnif ivletuh- lecau gel blemn.- wiih bt-nid, a bi-as piece of plnid, or "As a miatton 0f fact, îan't your soine othpn trnumig. Woinrot's fablen a prctty wertliless feihoir, drosa askirta anti ether garmnents tînt nouniy alînys fighming, anti a lave bon i, s-acet by tlio emen loufer 2" may lie blcn put, irasiet, press- "I tie't banow, air ; you'dliciter cd, anti bilie best putbs mate fate ali lima. L-e's sitan' oe o there on very f isiafadoty achool dres-ses. the jury." Littlc girls are uften dreFs. o hit -~ mtutied--over ,chotîtos wtbouit nyet An Inialîmun applioti for anti ob- suapectiug that it iras flot acw taineti a situation on seuîe railtrry geecîs, for if île inaterfal is fadeIA. if mot-bs."Wit's l'ornt-ame, rmy can ho ft-eshoucci anurîibigliteucti ly man 2"-abedti bt timl ýleoper. "Pnb- dyeing lb. tick Cahlll," tuvas thue reply. "Rot lb la just as easy te haie stylisl te yen apoîl it ?" -at crntdluod ifs treses as ibose thai are not, if orme lient. "Imîdate, an' Ol ton't kuot, lias goot pat terns blini fit nicrîly, sot-r. 0f net or alupeit it ; un' me andtihbe chiltren nbil like tenu lot- failier, lie flot ou aipeit it elthet-. ber. Rare a tiflèrent pattern Ior Paitt, anu' Itetu t think it nos eîen cuchi chilti, for iioy are uci expea-ý interidet te 1c sipeit ai nul. Pnb sire, andut i laetton titan ecantging it deixa- mitiecut slîpelliig, sot-t-!!- or aîaking lb amailer. If is tic fit Ella-"Belie tclt nue tînt yon toit anti style ratbon than. île exiionsive lien tînt secret i boit yeunoaîte î rinuming blini uuake a lauisýoîrn tell bert-"Stel-"Sbe's a meanaganrieni. y ,i - T ., - + f.1 T-1As a ut-hang-e nnort lie madec s opi f upnderwear or eni flannel of nmderato eigi.ltwerwl, ani! fa easiiy wsed'ithr re untersirt tebc egtinei mlteý a yek tat fit's smiootl1y abouit the ipcut tlie.skîr.t front týlieoltiband orwai, gatheur Ithe up e ge, anti sew it te the yoke. Or if the îetli- or lias takea the pro-ýca-ution te run one or, twe tucks above the liem, they can be lot eut. If you have oniy elle chilti white flannel fa .al riglit fer shirts, but wlien the bamni- ly is lar eI extra washing is tee maucli for lierte untiertakze., C"A--PETS IN :SUNfMER. The burtion of the housekeep(4'er wlo dues ail lier ewa mork infa wam wea ther, la, ut leat, a hrcavy eu,at unless she takea every pi ecautien te save hersoîf it will bcooat 1tlits almost ulenale )f Uthodubiesý tînt baIl te ilier lot, f W ae re trying Eia wpngha vydusty carpets on a warm dy, andtithel question arises: ]sailbnet botter te discarti the carpets dur'iag th sin- mer meuths? Stnaw Liatt.ig oaa lie purcliased for a brifle anti it ia certainly cleaner, ceeler anti more lmeatlful Chan carpets. Nothing is more delightfiLil ln sumumor than haro floors with rugs. Maay liousekeep- ors will liolti up tiroir hanmds in lier- rer ut this, but once it lias liean triedti ley will change their epinion. Any floor t hat la in ut ail g*ooticon- dition may ho matie te lIoil, quite weil by using the foiloing rï'r ation: Four ounces of guntsiic eue ounce gumn beuzoin, one ounce of gum maýstic, cele quart of alcohol. B)issoive tliýoreugbly bof ore using. if the floons areý caref'uily cleaneti, this polit w.,ill1 mat 'for soeUie. IRardwoeti or pulishuti fleors ofanuy kinti are generally more rujureti hy tee mucli cieaning than by negloot. Nover acruli or wush them t vblhot waber anti do net use SeaP. Oitiin- urily they miay be cleaneti hy imp- pinig with coul topiti waber la whicli lias licou dissoîx eti a liberal unrount ef borax. But if anythiug udhosive or difficuit te roînove lias been sPill- eti on the flon anti bIt te dry, lt ray ho nocossany te ule sonp anti warifl water, but nover have it boul- ing anti kcop a puillOf colti wnten anti a cloa clotli ut hanti te rinse anti dry iinmudiateIy. A flor te't- et inl this way -vIi look quite iveli w-'ith a few briglit mga. Lt laa goot i dea te puit aWay uselesa or- nunents and furniture for the sum- mer, aise heavy curbains anti drap- ery. 11E, WAS pERFECTLY CANDID. The beaubîful anti accemplislied, daugliter of a weaItliy denier huti the misfortune, se te spoali, te bail desprate inlalove witli a Yountg mua li ixusmployeti in amailway nflle. Rr uiioIl wn5xey ul euteiso barc as theyong mu was ccencocrneti, bQut blorewa res te inlfer thutthble x'ati te' pa would kick. -"WNhat is the hest xvay te cenciliate thie olti fogey-hlw can I get on tlie blinti aide of hilm "-akedth le youtli of the maidea durlug eue of their secret sessions. 'lILy f uthon," saiti the wealtliy mïldon, ,Is a great admirer of can- tier. If yen tieceive him ia the lilghteat palticular about yeur fin- ancial status or yoltr past 111e ail is lest t.Vien yen catil en lit lie straiglitforwat'd, even te bluntuesa"- The yeung man tooli the hint, a few heisses, anti lis beave, anti next day lie sailet injte the cosy littie studio of bis prospective fatiio-n- law. "G ooti iorning, sir," suiti the lut- ter. "Gooti momning îoursolf." "Wliat dan I do mer yen ?- -I caine te ask the hanti of your daugliter in murriage; but belere yen welcomoe me labo your famii1 wuut te gite yeu a few facts about amy pasi. Caeer." "Weil, yen are a cool eue. Hiave you any ussets ?" 'Net the sliglitest." "Yeu are probahly la delit ?" "Weil, I shoulti say seo. I can'b îe- member the titne vhen I wasn' b tiunoti seî oral, tintes a day. -I daresay Chat cuat you have on is net your property ?" "You've hit it. It's berroved fori this special occilsion ; the bat su' paiti for, anti the alemaker is ivait- ing outsitie te converse with r»o about the boots I've on." "Vo,, are eue of these canditi gentlemien." "Iliglit. I keep catîdor on liandtieb gixe away. 31y salnry la only $10O a iveeli, audti iiaithe raiiway cGem- pany 'is goitig te lower my wages." Tho astonisheti denler acknoixl- otigeti the facb lie lad nuenariletia porfectly cunditimaun. IEC"acertain- blie lands of its propet- owner,- ex- dlniming - Hey, McDeugall, tliere's your liat !"anti donneti lis own, amiti the cîmors of ah ptese.nt. Berlin lins 1,306 millionaires (i PERSONAL POINTERS, ÂAIEEfZ NAT Notes of Interest About Soinel Leadng leole.THE 1BABIES 01? JAPAN HAVE The gitocratic familles are row vieilig wibh oach etîter in bu-sIness Tiie Streets «Are- the Flaygrounds enterprise. One of the latest r-ne ï- l Aloat Ail Yoiegsters- droits,is Lady Allen Wadlam Shed :Few Tears. ýQuin, wlio, fa keen aIent violet 0f japan, wlth ail its mrvelous!Iy farrng, anti lias acres of alimoat rapiti changes front feudalisi- and every known varîety la cultivation isolation te a position urnen"oIg the ut Atiare Manor, Ceunby Lltunircl. pewvers of the world, lb is tue te" - The Genînoan Emperor fa a great day, us it was fortýy yersge, r ote f Sikseiail of lsewaSmIuenotAodwrt Plays lie las studýii cltesud etiefct "Jupan la bhe vxcnyp adsofl- Itl l l saýble te quobe aut lnbi is"Si rutmredawiar front tb'1omi. la his ibmryar anev able infan,. nts lathe bIrîce year h oial diin f SaseresIwas la Japaît ati as lie ws a ,ply- wonks, laGerai as wuii as4 itil",g- sician as xvchl as a uiinî nti liali. The- npeo' favoe Pln y wns a keen obsoner\--ns il pîys is amit."clans anti diploutats aflouIid w Thie îing ef Portugal i, an on-nu aei htli pk h rt bobilite( !fng unt i is lirublir, ie aub ix ongtritlastix t- IfneDon Alplionso, paet eor tie, i- unt irMjay' lritr te bite -,out1G1of Portugal agufnst bbithe ýcouý)rt 0f the "G-t'-t Prince," or, NenIothli athe ýrodent teuruamne-nt ut tycon, as tbue shiýooneniei itlf (Onscueýs for blie challenge up eý,i,,!ed fa'bliose .days, lad tuirriteabout by tlie Qoccu of Portugal. ry7lmetient. o ceulti net lelp it. Risý King, pînys a liard t'olîcyiitg gainle, bok, by the way, "The Capital of xith gond juclgnît lu pl.lcirrg, rund the Tycoo,-i," a viviti antidlilt can hbld lus oîva with e best fui picture of hble tiys irlen ot playons la Portugal. Jaî'aîî wus nonnîy rea--dy te on ihflt Mn. Andrt w Cainpigie wiras QaIt of itq clrvsa11,. jx, -e 1ba sbnuggliîîg for wenlth in bis eanly lifos of the twu-cietIî ccrtury are ais tinys the ealy r 'dreatiett lie alloveti irneslatible 'as thiey worc lanSic hîmîîself irasait occasional fisliugÎ ex- Ruther fond's do1. Tliey ure ipro(- pedition. Noir tînt tire vcaith lis cocieus, tee, for biîey a1re a y dome te hit lie is an ardent angler, oldth le moment ti ey aire bora, and anti lie lins gi-îxa orders fer btetir.e ois oldtihie iîst nwyerti. building ef saîrniotiant-r iut libc- t is thoeîvny the Jat-inen echon odies ou te batiks of lte EtI ,-v, ngo-coutîatig tihe yeacin vi, i tli about tht-c milesabroui SU~bn. IRis ayi oa"n,"tenx -, little tiaitgirier bris ci&eadyI oea ýanti se on. If ouiadi ben bora la tauglit the mystenîca of fly-tislling, Japan juast s tbo terný !,ik bllirasI atît fa meat enthrmiastic ot tire about te striiRe t hxd e oiîlto sport. Bocenîien 31, you iveulti li,acod lime Arclliibshop of Cnýýiî(-bibry ing te tlie J 1aa nost mird, wor, blîfuks pcrc,bo',>,y siiotild 'ela ie te leurs olti wjbli bue fit-st dlung. S do sontetbiaig witl i s hîtnda. Whoin f Japani, wiLicl te Eurepeautsat ie iras a ad -il Iilcf lita fathcr useti Atîericans ila a try strango coiatry- te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ned tuehn eacrobns so c on ee of a pain of tîvîns nîlguIt ern lenooýn, ati louveJimmi bieeje a ycatr eider tItan tîe o tl-cr. t'O loama bli so o(f teels. Totfs dlay the Primateteaus a herse-' CROWDS 0F4 IIAPPY cFILBPWNI. shîoe xx'ifcl lie intascIfif macndef a Some travellors te tira ivondctrf ut tlacksýniitiî's berge. LInbthetinys 0fempire bt aihtnt.pneela luý yo1utiî bhelie 'imnte iîtiqubea hies noter dry. 11mb is net qibet routtin sa îom .true. Thoy haiv'e ail the appanatus9 Antoica milionire ani n tnecessary-mnitiriiff lutîga and vocal wer'auîii ina rre not tr Iü idirS clords ia excellent condition-anti who saeok their ewn ututjjusenuent. bliey know heir te us-- those vith Vanderbit fa bthe inventer of a effcct ; but, t erortiielesa, oee e bolier. Colonmel J. Jacobi Aston la foer ntonasini tIe lanti of the rfing]V au aubler anti inventor of noir mia- sun ant ilents, swnln hn f cbiaery, iîîcludiag a turbine anti other contnios 11This serprises lie roati dienner. Mn. P. Cooper Roîr -visitor, for lie netes the thnéongs of ibr lias receiutly cievisoti a tîîencuny childrea la thre streets-blie îîiy- vapor lamp, machines for mnakinig grouati fer ulinost al leo youngstens glue, atndiobler noveiis. Mn. D. ta Jupan ; le sces tîcir tumbie abouIt W. Bislîep 1,as improet i motet- se on their awkw-crti iooden ding, cars, Mr. Stokes lias invoeti na frliitg 0f tOn ill a gocti lard gatue of "indoor-goîf," anti Mr. 'amp" upon the readxîay, that luec B)itusînore bas patcated atIr e wonders ut liearng .anly shouts of melving derice. gloe anti lauighton. The chfîdrenI When Lord(1Curzen. bte icor0yef boumico about as larmV- n y as n- i Laidia wa ns n;udIaae t x-be alls. Oltea wlaayetgrr fen-d lis ladntn oat um tmla ndttgoes -towýn ii oc illoglme. A'It tufs timo lie wr oeowenegh alamoat te tient thIe pvmn tire lettons, eue te a relative adtht be abrangor Iooking onit f sure blîcrïe eue te a cltum titI îvlom lie alw a:vs tilili e weepitmg.But tbbc chilt i laup tifacusseti te faulta of titeir ne- ugajut quickly.; bliere ila ýbelie tiec spective relations, anti acciteutally paiuse thicli dldren Ent home use put tîtese lettor n ao te Nrong en- ingmtlieing ail thir iretcrgy fer a veclopes. ILe iras about te irrite a gréat boo-hoe (the -tri- r 'or- kue profoîtat apoîogy te lis relative it fa cemnrg, anrd irootcra irlat it irlea li e rceiveti tho foiieîîîng. note -ixoulti soîruilite iii, Japaîic thoble, front im: "Cnn't rond a ivrorr f latiug recalicti wli-î it was bIlitk- youn leur pages, but guesa yen irat itig uboîtut tthinsant lb foul, the some auouey, yen yoinng rascal." youtîgster scainipcrs onit s îîîerriiy a9S Encleseti iras a a nlni fEngiauti belore. TIc fnii lad itemncptet its noefo er a gooti aniounit. Itraiof blieugît for ble m ornent Madame Not-dic.a, tue fa ence tînt iras ail. bocause bthe dhîliron ugalîl litLondoni, -econtly bolti an hplay nil otor te streota, oie e teeds, intiervýiewer a humerons steny. On a "botte" wiîciremîcsgoeut for a otie occasion, turing a visit paoit drive lu Japaii. A "botte" is a by the labo Buke of Saxe-Coliurg , fotman-n me. b appnop-i-mtcword- wbîc su lieti t CanecG, ivîn(se busirte-q 15 te mun on ahieat of FLus Reyalb RIglîness astoti for n bbc horse te donc the ,,çty. Ho tees gla-ss of seibzcc leinotinde,titici w-as not mcli for e fcie or f s ni-ms ot-deredti telie brouiglit. Thoeireati- anti leg-s aLýiýosyront the tîtue bhe or tas veny irarin on tînt parti cular tinte bogýfiis nuit is ort, .Ja-p- ufternon, andt quibe a long tinte aneso d!,idreanncnt tee careful, elapacti beore the drinklicnane; lu andti îe;rir mobliers do not use nenriy fact, bthe tclay nas audit n lengtby asmn uegn'sas, do teemoren omue tînt evea bue Buke coult net cf western counti s, b~ut there at-e imangine irlît liad liappetiet. At fl accidents. Tis fa rablior n ioîîgîh the tour us fluag open, anti mysbory,- for eeyJapuutiese lînuso te linter, niblian assstant vait- lias an ougnira or port-b, andti bese or, cateret inlaprocession te sorte porches doîlot lai foces aletug bthe lemnndo bo thc itoyal guest. flue etigea te -Jeep ble infants front The cuse f bie tiay, b irs - falliag off, net- arc tiiere gates u plaineti nîterîrards, iras due o te thtobp of stairnays tîtenth lehoas anxiets of the servant te rentier ahl happon te laie sbniîways, yebI, fifting hoîrage to Rfait Joyal ligh- notver suiv a Jupanese chit f ail nesa, se lie lad geneii sont-ciiof an doîrt statra or off a pondît, oretr -extra antro n'as etnplo.erl on al louerd of anyntie ciao nibnessirrg sucli greut occasietns. a miishup. Luis Mazzantiai, te noteci'-'pan- THE BLAIR RATE LOW. f ah bull figlben, lias lad -c renuark- Anotherbhîitrg about bue' e yeungs- able crrreer. Freibhe positioni of a bers is blint they ai-e ahl littbic gen- railxruy porter lio las liecorne fuir- tiemenanti ladieS, mot-my nnd lnhppy Ousas nthbe mont succoa.siul andi pop- as possible, but rot ncîugi.-McAi. ulun nmatador of Spain, anti ho truma- Claplin-Avu-toti sala tilstaitay bers amroîg iris frienmîs n n? tif tbc ho tanne appaîeît titan rouifer a ieudirîg people of blini co-ritry. IHo grown pensas jutiges ef tI, roogl- left thre Smat-isli rallîrnys te tube nessof dhildreîm's p lay iy te auri-- up Celcgnaphy, adîti ferîx arts begar ber of thintîg hey Lt ont, anti in a bile f,,cy 0f ti. 15 ext lie tunet ýJ,pnpase Imutse thcrc 1 île buntituro -My tenu, blunt pîcture teniti show preper place. Luter omi site orr to botter atit"rntage if yocu ivene to ateats wibh t -rieus desigus te dis- han-g it eter the clock.'" covrntli îoat becoruing. Somtomiimuos "l,'sire repliei, "l'en deublhos sic shuxes bue tep andtihîe rfa-i ami men if I irere te ng it abore the louves a tonsure; sonîctinues ahe) the cledlt. If I ireo boimng lb orer houx es only the t-fi, senuctimes at the dlock te couiti net bell the timue. scalp-loch andti bn-ovme lbd s ol I wisuyon trot-ili e More cnrefeii burt always lieu- n-ric la picuesque.

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