J made tapaint baldig widL We are showin- an excellent ]!ne o, Seree1. Docrs,Sereen Windows, Spring aiines, Greenî Wire Cloütb, etc., at rock bottoin pricei. PHONE 66. OS'E DOOR WEST 0F POST FFUICE. Ita i tYns In n L v 1e anaaiallStatesiiail. Tiîa'~ is u~cs. OWMANVILLE. JULY 2, 1902 IF AUlRL IN kV?-LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, IF TIIEY GI' %l UN1ID, Mrý B. WVerri-, Salem, intetids!sowing T iai's out' business. 6) acres of bnckwheat.M lMr. R. D Davidson presid-ed at the Because wc kîjo." ithey- arc Fure t' , tracexainsiiit Orono want Luttrell's Jetsey-Ct-eaînBreatl. M X iýý CZ 7Nli"un 15 visiting Miss Rde. utrel.1 ~Stoveli-ý, Pe.terboro Alex. L ttreiL ýM, ' nd MVrs. A. J. Hloney, Toronito, Bo~v~~xvi.t.a.o dwaie g1iests (4 Mr. NV. W. Tuckee'. -Mt-s J' B. Tavlor is ad vertising lier ___________________________ l'auil somo, residence for sale. See advt. Please Mr. Druggist give me what 1 asic for-Ulic onuePain killer, Perry »Davis', 1 know it is the best tthing o 1 # arth for suxumer complaintS. Sodo vuThank ý oit. There is your money. SU~1i 1~1i. o 'Miîi Jolin Berry bas been %isiting * FROid JULY 7th NEXT. *hber- mother, Mrs. Mentosh, Clarke : Niii be held i-a ton' ocli on u iLli te 44,* Di regul-ar work of cadli dcînjrti)iozît oft I e *4 lev. Il W. Foley, BA, letton BJE[88* Fridnr for bis ne-w appoinitmut South TORONTO. Mr. N. Butson. 13ooklin, is snffering Speial courses ini Âceouiitllg, 81101,-_: fromn broken ribs the resuit of a lu baud, Typewrii6g. Peiirnalis!luit, etc. *f -om his wagon. * No vacations siudeî la m-ny îgister Î: 1ev. anIl Mrs. J. J. Rae and Mis S for a fuS etr' jnrtial i<ure t t tY Ltile. t, Neilie. Oshawa, were in town Frida y *~~~~~~~ CîtusýUc.Als alling on friends. . 14. S A W, iior's Worm Pow-ders correct ail * ?11NCIP'AL. such troubles as laec of'ppetite, humlius- Yong ciSGeratd î~. T~oto.ess, drowsiness, sallow conkp1exion, ~ ê~,.e ,. e ; nic0 ta tke. Sold by Stott & _______ -__Mr.-__and Mrs. ' Wm. Âbbev, Port Dalihusie, are, guests of her brother, Mfr. Tihos. Bassett. Mrs C. J.filmes. Bnffalo, N. Y., an old turne residant of this towni, has been viiigfrîends here. Mr Johin IMaPViard and daugbter * ertriido .Campbellford, were guests of hî<, ester Mrs. 1-1. Baskerville iast ecpinthe inost effective remedv for enVs, wonnds, ulcers. open sores, rheu- -Our stock (,f Trusses is b matism, bites and stings of insects, etc. :A large bottlà 25 cenits. Get one at :complete in every particular. your r.gs. TUE' FAMOUS b Mr. John Chaplin and brother Mr. W. U- Chaplin, Newrastie, attcnded * V etm re rus ~the wedding of their nepbew at 'Camp- W etino.e Truss Mrs W. J. Wilhamson,, Lindsa-V, Mrs Ei Riches, Cambray, and Miss Aîwavs gives perfect sikt- Grt rin a. are guests of Mrs. * sfaction. Wmf. upry 4 Canon and Mrs. MacNab, Toronto, Our experieîîce lias tanght :0 cilebrated their silver wedding on Sus to fit T1.russes properly. In Satnrdav. Their many Bowmanville ailcass e stisy ur us friends extend congratulations., tomers or refund the mouiey No Reasonable Man expects te cure a nezlected cold in a day. But timis and AT Allen's Lnng BaIsa wvlil overcome the 0>, Cold and stave off consfimption oh t> 1i cease and lungs be sound as a ne"w dollar. 11ev. R. Seahorn, Rector of St. John's othe Rockies and British Columbia. ~ Drug Sto e. ev. Mr. Boyle of NMontreal is supply. BOWMANVILLE G The 'pupils of Bowmanville High *School met in the Assembly RoomÊ Tuesday afiernoon and Miss Pearli Osborne read an address and Mr.s Norman Moyse presented a handsomec rocking chair on behaîf of the gcholarst to Mr. W. W. Tamblyn. M. A , Modemn d% Laguageteacher, who Is retiringe la B from the staff.f The monthly song service at the1 Ivery enjoyable.- The choir of 22 voices i rendered a number of anthems splend-U idly- and was assisted by Mrs. C. A. Cawker and Miss Nellie Saunders who Is:the experience of ail who have aise sanz twe solos eixeeptionallv well. bought Wall Paper from me. Pat- Rev W. J. Jolliffe, preaached a very terns and prices are right. have practical sermon and said a, few fare-P spécal smpleboos frm'th lea- wli words al. the close. Thtis closese speialsapleboka romth led-Mr. Jolliffe's work as paster of this t ing factories for y ou te select from people and the good wishes of the r i you want something very extra wbole congregatîon follow hlm to bisp and excusive.new field ýin Peterbore. The floralU and xcluive.decorations were very pretty. Cûurtain Poles, complete, 25e The Methodist Sun day Scbool held an r open session Sunday alternoon when aM Window Sitades, from 40e program was given undeor the direction r <Pon't drive nails in your waîîs, of Mrs. 1 Jewell, Missionary secretary. 8 i A short review of the quarter's lessons 1 put np moulding. I have a larg was conducted by Mr P. Trebilcock. è assortment to suit ail shades of recitations were given by Miss Flossie t puper. Densem, Miss Hazeî Sinclair and c Pieureramng s aspeiaîy.Master Alex Lvle and a dialogue by fite fa~mngt ofa peitre. Misses Eshel Gamibie, Mary Painton, A ieasrmnto itrs Leta Densem and Mabel Barrie- Mr. r 'Croquet Sets and Express W agons. T. (J. Jewell on behaîf ef the school is A lie ofCornatin Sttioery ustread a very kindly worded resolution te fa A ue o CounaionStaionry UatRev W .J.Jolliffe for hiv work as teacher, i received in,_ boxes, very prettYe te Mr. Norman Jolliffe as musical 0. frm2cup. dîrector, and te Mise Edith M. Jolliffe, tc frmjOcprimary teacher, whe aie leaving tbis h( OKweek for Peterboro. Mr. Joiliffe made w M 2 a verv suitable reply tnanking ailifor i the kindly expressed sentiments and i BO WMAN VILLE. t .s ecuse .1 o t blve the average farmer on a 200-acre farun eau afferd te, oneS light herses and ale w bis beys and bel p te devete much of their time eo looking after and breaking such torses in. I know a great mauv farmens i'ho have trieS the experiment, but none who have succeeded, The bemt torse for the average fariner tcs raise la adràughî herne, wbich, if bkuinished in any way Oan URmliktbworked on tko ImSaving at the Spigot Wàstlng at the Bung" rhat'o ha uyngy ata 'means. Paînt m=y be l1Ow.N~e by the galion and b. ezxavàaaa to ms owîng t. tue. poo c Svend th. paint 15 ap4cfli ItS etiq mae. 8tat 4Iita4 u COUNTIES COUNOIL. (Continued frou lest week.> Moved by (loua. Baker, seconded by Ccui. Cryderman, That if any miner unuolcipalality In'tho united counlies of Northumberlanid sud Durhamn appeale againat the asseasment for equaiizilon pîîrposep, thât the Ceunîtes Solicitor be lInIucld le appeal on behaîflcl ail the otber munîolpalitlEswithin these unit- cd countîts. Oarcied. Mr. Trebilecock Introduced £ by-la-r f or the counties to ascume hail main- teuance of, the bridge over Barbor's creek iii Bowmaniille. It vas given a firat readu<g but no strong vas the opposition ahuwri againet il In the second reading thst lb vas wllhdrmwn.' Coti. Spence opposed the councîl Ibindling themgelvem lu thia matter. He un ght go for s grant. Cotun. Miller agreed te what 'on. Spence sald. (loue. Rickard sa!d the bridg3 la of suc'u longth ibat ît la a county bridge, and the neceasity of keeplng It up ap- parent.ý (loun. Trebilcock aise apoke atrongly in favor ef the by-law. (lun. James alie supported the by- law. C <un. Mulholland oppeaed the grant. Coan. Cryderman opposed the by- law, but wouid ha te fayor of a grant f romn yair tto year. Couru Ferguson folt like assisting the Townu of Bownîanvllle i thia malter, but ha oould net vote for a by-law.' SCoun. Trebilcock tAien wîhdrewthue second resding of the by.lIaw. Coun. James thon gave notise that ho woold at this session arik for s grant of $300 towsrds the repaira neeesaary on the bridge over Barber's (reek In the leva et Bowmanville. Couneil adjourued ai 12.30. Alter routine the Auditora' teport was ret ddsad adopted. Ou. James preaantud the report of Rosd and Brfdge Couamittue, wbich vas amnded eligbtly and adopbed, Couru' >ulholIaod vas .sppointed ta bave no.easary repaira done on Squfreao bridge. The Comamitte aime reeemm.nded the usu-àl giant of $21 te tbe Ftrmeris Luatitute, $10 eaoh te Womens' masti. butes, $50 te Cobourg Cottage Hospital. Report adopted. Couru $pence reported sePurahmtilng ýAgen.t for %ho Geci fle thought twa dieîery la the Indigent departiment vas a Iltie extra vagent. The tollowlng by ls v ers raad a ird lime, sigaed aod aeated:-To authorize borrowing $14,000. 'To levy a rate for country purposea and sinking f ced. Couaty rate 1 10 ulle and m<nktng f unS .00816. To appoint No.xinattng Officer%. To appoint a caretalter fer Bentfort Bridge. Moyed by Coun. James saconded by Couru. Thumpâon, Tisat thue sun eof$25 bai grkînted lte the Salvation, Ârmy te- ward their social work. CarnieS. (Joua. James moyed seconded by (loun. Trebilcocli, That the cuvaeo $200 ba granted towards the repaira of the bridge over Barbera Croisi, Bowman- ville. Carnîed. Moved by latin. Trebllceok seconded by Coun. Mitchell, That #Yb5 dollars esch be givez to the Homes fur the ÂgeS iu Bowm.uvile, sud lu Cobourg. Carnied. THE MODEL PAIR IDEA. "Tim STATESMAx always aive to the tarmara' interests la now Seing acapital work in Ptirring us up le diligence and duty in trving te keep the Wesu Durham Fair in th7e laS et aIl the neighboring secicties. Go abead:. keep up the- agitation, Our farmers are with yen anS they will de their part" saiS a citizen at week.- Yes, we believe the farmers are with us, qulte a number of theuntat laI, but we want everybody in the riding, farmers, citizens, boys and girls,-everybodv te exert their be6î endeavors te leaS the procession et medel fairs. If ail join banda we can de il easily, because the West Durham farmers haye the stock-herses, cattle, shcep, swine, peultry-all classes. The FRED. R. FOLEY, Pa rlor 'Shoe Store. I BOWMA2IVILUI S WAN AN TED-For generl housework. App-Y at once'to Mrs, (Dr.) A. S. Tîliey, ChTreh St", BOWManville. 27-1w- B3UGGIE'S FOR SALE- Fine Second hadtpBuggies-newiy Painted-some ne'a1y neW. Aiso 2 road carte, . J.pLIzcy. TTOULE AND LOT FOR SALE.- ..LA brick cottage gn King st., containing 5 rooms. nantry and closets. Goocl water =n ,garden with fruit kpply on premises to MRS. Jos. MAYNÂRD, Bocwmanville . 2S-tf MISS BERTHA L. TAMBY Pupil of Prof. A.s.Vogt, Toronto COnservatory of Magie, wiii recelve Ippilq in Piano and Tlxeory of IMusic, at Cneso t.Bw ville (Gcslg t.B m STP-AY-D-From lot t6, con 3 Darlinetonghabeiersey heifer, and seven morih old Pig. ring in right ear. Any person Cisin~ information as to their whereabouts wil be iuîiably rewarded. Rosir. WoNNiCOT, Bowmanvtlle. 2(-tf F ARMI FOR SALE,-The estate of the laie James By-ers, Tyrone, conststing. of 100 acres of lot s, con 8, Darlington ; good frame buildings, water and large orchard. Ploughing Posseston afier harvest and fulIl pos- session lot Nov. For further %Pply to N.Bvaas, Port Perry, Mes, J&at.ts BY]ERs or R. FÂLLis, 152 Spruce Street, Toronto. 26-tf wilh stock and good wIll If business, . )tffc lu store, gond house and a rn wlth every cou- venienoe. Reason for selling, giving up busi- ness on account of old age. (). W. LENT, Courtice. 19-tf w OOL WANTED.-'Tbere is r w!A a greant e nd uS tie wool", as the Dail said wben lie clipi lthe Sow. Weil, it s true,for as the market stands ihera la ne profit in aither buyer or seller. What I Want t tell my elS friands la ihat I eue stilîl tbch found at thse old reliable 5tandf-blue Rampton WQ9llen Milis where 1 site prapared cithet, te buy their wooi or exchange for home-made gonds. Rol carding end spiuniug atiendad te. Heping to sea my o15 friand, once more. D. TAYLOR, Hampton. 17 3Sm. F IIRST CL ASS FARM FOR SALE- of loi 9, cou. 2, Clarke, ad onn he village of Newtonvllle. Onts rmises are ore ted a good brick dwelling, frame barni-70za.5 feet- with hay fork,>sioea foundation wîth 8iabling for 6 horses, 20 caille anS poultr *aIe m1 a ment shed and slraw barn. Afin orchandîni full bearing. Ilood Weil aI dwelling anS barn, anS large cisteru wlth pump. A neyer failing creek crosses the farm. The farmta lu a goond staSe of coltivellon wail Sae .d 80 acres dtean- ed, balance Su maple,-beach anS a lutila mixed timbar. This farta offers splendid iuducement te parties lu waut of a firsi clos& place. Wjthln I 40 rods of sehool, churches andi post on"'ce; cn venieult t raiiway station an ilthîneasY reacli of Port Hope market. Resions for salfling 111-health. For terra sud further partisulara apply le Wu. RucH, onear, Clarke P. 0. 27-5w' J. S. Rundie & Sons f STORE* 1We have in stock a choiec lot' ot Screen Doors in waluut and vil grain finisfi; aise wiudow sereens, hay and Manure tork haudies, hoe handles, root scuffiers, summer dusters, wool and plush lap muge, fly nets aud oeus of various kindsata J. S. Rundi e'& Son'si Carniage, Harnm a nd Twina Etupar- ium, oppomite T. Tod's, Bjwrnanrllio. MISS EDITH FREELAND la prepared tuO gve mualu leasons aI hbû' hou* 0a Bce.g Avenue. Bowmauvllc. à7-41 --rYoni Attention âO For a Koffleit.ý If yen ara building or repaîrng we cau perhaps help yen te solve soete01 the difficulties incident te the under- taking. For instance : CHimNs-We have Battle'a Thorold for concret. walis, cattie stables and cellar floors; English Portland for pave- ments and.cisterna. BELL STupp-P i ne a ndSHemlock Joista, Scantling and Boards. rIMBep-Piue a ad Cedar square Timber and Sleapers. FLooaîN--ReW and White Pine and White Mapie, CEILING and WÀnuSoenxïy-Paiu;ed and GraineS1 Beadeil anS V-Joint. SImiba.G--Beveled, (oye, Shiplapped anS Clapboarding. 1SHIIGLns-Ail grades, NMativel Plne anS Cadar anS B. 0. ReS Cedar. DOeR--Gilmours'patent lumber,hard - wood and pine Deors-ail grades aud pricea. SÂSII,, BLiNDs and MotrLDn'lG-Gii- mour's andRathbuu's Manufacture. Sait, Plaster, , vvoea and ', st Cia Screaned Ceai-liard and ; Inspection Invtted. IPrices Reasonable. 27'6m MOCLELLAN & Ce. BowmaDvllet TA A Coffee The very best Chase a.nd Saniborn Coffee, for something good it can't be beat. We have. a few Specia.is for this week-Pure .Maple Syrtip, Cýanined. Pineapple, Coru, Peas and Tomatoes, the very best,. tIave you tried Our srpeeial Baking Powder, it can't be beat 15e per pouud» Wool Wanted. TELEPHONE 57 __ __ - -~- -~- -.--~ ~ -~ -~------- - ~ H EOUSE FOR SALE-Good large -AA.brick remîdeuce on (Jhurcb St , spaclous rOOMa, Teýrma eaey. For particulars aplply to IWM. J. L. TÂYLOe, Ceurcli St., Bowmanville. T HE AMERICAN INSTITUTE 0F PRRENOLOGY, incorporated 1866, opens ils niext session, September sri-, 1902. For par- tieulaurs appiy i t o he Secretary. M. H. Psancy, caire oSf VI,';'er & Wells Co., 24 Eluilt 22nd St.. New York C;lty. N. Y. BASE BALL. Bowmanville could flot stand second Place verv lonz, so on Thursdav last climbed back into first place when they defeaied Port Hope in the most excitîng game here this season. The visitors started the run-getting and for hall the game it looked like another loss for the home team for Mis score stood 5-2 in favor of Port Hope. But that "Iucky seventh" turned the tables and when the game ended the score stood 8-6 in favor of Bowmanville. Both Osborne and Pethtck pitched an excellent gamne Joe Stapleton of Oshawa umpired the g'ame witbout a disputed decision. Following is the score by inning- R.HLE. Port Hope- 10 4 000 0 01-6 8 6 Bowmanvîlle-1.1I0O() O O 2 4 x-8 7 6 Batteries-Pethick and Bo1 ; s Lborne and Wilcox, ",Pratsc the sea but lceep on lan&" Admîre window sm- that's what they vW=c iade for. But kccp on wear- 1 MgtIw.hacyou krow to be"as geo4f a 'IThe Slater She JORN KLYA.Sol@ Local Agent BOWMMA VILLE MARKETS. Correetedby J.Miýo-Muatry eaehTuenday VF t,100 ibs ........1 80 to32 20 WiaF.i,,bush ....O0O0'>tnO070 t' Sprïn . .....0t00 il 0 70 tg Red Fife ......000" et0 7.- il Goose ....0 00"tu0o6 BÂRLy, fbush, No. 1 ... 0Oaet"0045 il l l tt 2 ...040 el0 43 fi f n 3... 025 if0 81 il' unTwo rowed 040"et0 50 DATS, white f'............000"il0 40 Rxu, il............000" 05M BUCKWEAT".Il............ 0 ' O 55 PEAs, Blackeye, VI bush.. 0(00 f'Oi0 0 te Canadian Beauties O 70 et O 80 fi Mummey le 0 00"if0001 Il Smnall il 0 60 'i 0 65 t'. Blue le 000' f0 65~ Burrr,Bibet table, VI1b_.000"fi01le f"oîTz ' obuâh .......080,110 401 Y ENT S., Good Work, Best àMaterials, Artistic Desions, Prices Reasonable, E. Re [iB0U NSA LL; 15 ~BoWMANVILLIE, ONT. iH TORUN Leading Clothier, W tEdHouso. Are, Ion A YIti Its the man who is a victim of the eustom-tailor delusion who first thinks of Summer clothes-and orders and waits. Its the same man who, when his eeae bee pre h is cornes to us. For hirn our highest priced Summer Suits are ready flrst; ready now, as well as Summer Suits for shorter purses. MEN'S fine pure wool chalk line pattern suits in either fiannel or tweed cloth, made Up i latest styles with high eut vests, best of linings and trimrnings, beanti- fui fitters $10.00 M1EN'S Irnported wor~.ted suits, cloth shrunk before it is made up, fine farmer satin linings, neatly matched trimmino s, 2 hip and 2 front pockets in trousers also watch pocket, suits that any tallor could flot po'ssibly turn out for less than $18.00 ujur price fit guaranteed $12.oo MEN'S good strong tweed suits, lots of themn to pick frorn, fit the sarne as our better ones only cloth is not as good but you'1l get your money's worth out of every one, their regular price$6.50 an-ct$LOAO for $ 9 Summer Clothing We've had an extremely cold spring, but the hot wave is bound to corne and we want to tell you whero to get cooled off for littie rnoney when the sticky day8 strike here. Men's Washinos Vests $1.00-Men's'Summer Coate $1,00 to $4.50-Men'a ~hannei 2 piece sults $6.00 to $900-BOY's Was Sut@60e to $1.50-Boy's Wash Blousmes 50o to 75e.- Boy's Summer Pants 25e. X.We can satisf y the rnost liard to p. ease iwho is looking for lligh Grade Ready-to-wear Clothing. Jo ihn McMurtry, BOWMANVILLB. LeadinX Mea's Furnisher. Bootgi and Shoes. Hats and Cap$. The famous shoe for men. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, THE FAMOUS SHIOE FOR WOMEN.- Most Perfectfttîng Shoe Millons f dIi~ltcdwusîuen la the Iunited States andt Canlada -cstlf\7 te bbce perfect cuise and satisfactory qualities of Libis shue. BOOTS $.3.75, OXFORDS $3.00.