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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1902, p. 6

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and ail kinds of Summer Cern. plaint are cuickly cureci by taklng EXtract of Widl. Strawberry. It has been used by fhousands foi nearly sixfy years-and we have yeî te hear a cemplaint about ifs action. A few doses have offen cured wheir ail other remedies have failcd. lts action is Pleasaiut., Rp qRlîable and Effectual. Dr. Fowleir's Extraect of W9iId Strawbe rry îIs tbe aorIgIna Bwo Complaint Cure, R~efuse S bstltutes"È.>Tluy'roDangerous. THE MOSTNURTU. Prc'pared firom the-ý finest selected Cocea iuu[didstingufish1ed evei'y vvhere for dlia o tflaveî,, superier quaIIty and nihl u- fritive pi.oper-ties. Sold in quarter- pound tins, labelled JAS. EPPS'S & Ce., Linîited, llomoeopathic Chemisfs, London, England. BRE!-AK.FAST-SUPPER. WE WANT IIEN EVERY WEEK DAY. 1000 MiEN WANTJD te beave thoir measuîro for Fai and Winter Sulla te be od uplu vey întatstyle and fit guîtiautued. ,We uxakermen' and bo-,s suits equal te a ny antd pnire lower than malle. Bin'ýius youtrwriuxkied doueos te be prs-e nd made like a nelw tuIt. Wekeep caplesof ch'fI-prfees fig-bt Je-u 1'. A,s, tefastîlenable taller, Dcarly oppositeSTTEMA ffiCe, BOw muximaille,45-tf 3 _ie GmatEc! 101ih Rmcaub. - h# Soîfi and reouirded by &"U à . x-ginhaCanada. Onby rei sbfe ncdfiîedscovered. 2e 'xi~~~ .'r gcuptuaiued to cure al fermei Suxna 'eslnee811ileffeets ef abuse or excea,,s, Me-ntaV;WerY, Excessivenus cf To- huico, Oium r Simulants. Maled on recesipl Wood's Phospdiîxe hs sld tin omuii hy J Higglibcuiam & Son, Sttt & Juiry u d W MeDeimid, Druggists. Are no respecter of persons. People in e very walk c F life are troubied. Hàýie you a 13akahe -' if you have it is the first sign that the kidneys are not working properly. A ieglertedl Backachwe Ieaïls te seriOuz KidrCy Tri uIe. Check it in Urne by taking DOAWIS KIïDNiEYPL "THE GREAT KIDNEY SPEC IFIC1 Tbey cure ail kiiids of Kidney Troubos from Backache to Brights Disease. SOC. a&box or 3 for $1.25 &Uil elrs or THE DOAN RIDNEY PILL 0O» Toroiitc-. Onit. have !Ll cuties lookw o h crac, e;lh ocil fhep l-, ie,, i s cfminau.flm-,.rîanc-,,,i- v, - - l1'L'u il i, ý(lo fW nIlOw -aimtne uts disagreabue as audlvss anud e'ugy utm woeîytmcaîse etfWlisaaleyfthe builder oet nuded flîuxmstt e breugui ti.hxcîapyen magnirf d your word et cî ocir1tiui. r ,,edlu(ie - Mircooo eega pîeasfls ta41"heysaHiltfs. cîîî'î pa utpîe fsermdchidrenithdîlystene Liglithouse. Ri frhfo Egypi. (Ex. vi, 7; Levysti . îns ceTheaxuis. lemillidpetpi-y u Q cttut ime Uipdedein later - (lxofxC, 45; xxii, 33; xxv, 3l,42? xxvi. licro l e c "Holeluiamîîugutid I d Uoa 1pe n nîuecned W'i-Pha diicby C ýS lutU iiic1 1wYday, glysiinsaIidnd o - ýeUi'ui iae atrday lknewledge, ' Lh13; Ps. lxxxEIN0, velil Mx lealldHýis edbls anme, nîdIOam l oek-ver, amd xi fi' c pnIli ii er- hi"îomoNnu-xor celd.Ta fW irmmeca bte. udbaldugstîîru "w tthiewonld. Bsm sdaitfrMr. struotture lpe1sessed pa auiilan ou tuiiado (Tiut. iv, 20;:I1 dîhot- P iswrdixe 11treat. is ifs s uee- ell ui vltet- vi- it ljn- lan a t-kite mut veheixsaowï'Sotiuuu ru y exryteaULtuta"sridu cM- Kips«Lîgnsix ,In ct u,4, fot th<ieynne'bu xmsns fIe colorer. Stina1 fIxes thtiouee alve-ugurumdiecl ugli+ nefite,have flad. Fr miiî hcP-is oxxîx peoplo e dsue 81 îieîlrtî Stlth a aiî nfll fi ies aayar'e ftlie zere nit em' tp anenud (i 90eaxpe t as tp-ie t y;w vn1Isut. -telup iL -. of. ie ecrddanoneeecsen degee mxali I ee asixtsnli Tlen l n bttr aelid f eai-polygonal instad et cIUCUl),:ar;aîd, I 3.1'flo '1haî bve n ebergoa Tul ceimnt>taeeilss bmtteo m in2il.da, lie apa-fuiade iout il iimîg for ie'difîy citndl-,ing f) reple itiixilreugh ul afwteaiolein ii s 1f dii' devotjýinte licoeMe e. f hteweîd *'remenîber" ii uiowmie pemoefeeta io1t1ui intoe0t u erpessibififlet-, to put vex-tusliient tat appeala. te the ornataonltatin, Wis.ne lltç îr wby ere rdeedbilie poefmxflui tus tp semethuiig b ,lt t-teî-m li -undapcst, 68 mmlm sdiat' (i) witih IMme or caa,"eeteu. ualt t1fIe mountent. ttuwgîunt nfIe pncdihea eturtmif- vi mtylvng tu eduioA mAkel MAuÎlnoa. 1The Sabblh ves tant. The uma be fessened by warm ~~, 8+ itnls uwinter, adcool, dark Y '" pAioies hi sunxarner; but as yet neoama- f i I j~ ~ cine has taken the place of, man's F R Destructon o iir r haud as a sucemsful milking device, ILLU.l'F £ m mii ~~~ Tee off on dairying is net profit- *S.Per r~ce ablebecuseit is cone on srich a I E ~ a r IC ali the conveniencs te do it 7, jrigt If rillk is seld te the ;r CAFE OF MILIQ rrnxi it oftea requires soinSe The eflect that lhetatir, rr emaeatrip every dao. If but- arlhaaypritinemsit.fourpriesestercn. weaMler preduces on milk l i ainly Ilrlisnmade tbcro ilb aPn ecrait r ése dacticnlly cn- ta ret oeat pe'ibe s stuctint in hc evpopnen ofcetai fomstowfx once Oet xice a weel', which firîned l: aIs as tA fM. Matnin tMe action eoftUn wavos. Eveabe- Of bacteria Mhat are naturalfy pTre- rwa tai.es less than fit a day, Balla'scncornîng St. Piere and fore the buildigng os conipfeted the sent within it. Tt inecessarfly de- u-1ile if it is dced tecustrorners ift the volcano iwhihblas de. troyed it. chorus ef con&drnnnorv an nings*-- Irand a nceh spécidl cane te keep tac-o odditioral time. \hen milk 15 lIn bis "Equatorial Aaîieieau," pub- began. l'ut Whitanley was dont,q. lq in good condition w hile the retaitod there is the expen 50 0f de- lil in 1892, after referring ta for-,blind and d unb.Oce, and once xeather la warnî, and the niilk 1ino- lîei'1 îaggens, caus, botties anid'-ler eruptieus et the rmounlta'n, lie lonly, lie condoscended toa, aswer bisi maake the effort. Startiug -itli the donoe amen days lA the week, min Oor rinonus înuftenings have been heard hope that hecnight himsoit bc shui-t niCjire.I ctasnihrOpu, ophefo cows, a cow la goed heafth cWIl Pro - i.', hot or cold, wholdy or Suivm- n Mont eiu', w ici itiIscon- UP in hisliglithouse during "oeeofan 111re.-ui dure as gaula ailk lu bot weathr ns do Y-fideatly pr111 d x on ee day déluge fixeéxoi'stl teiriostis Cod exer sent otiier Narce ~sbsgeIt is a urmsubttt fa celd, but the ouiside condimus PîFéoilahly the greatest drawback te St. 12iiîrsxitli asiles and lava, re- from aboee.rPrgre rpSohn yusat atr01 surrounding ber are nîxichIx morefal 1dtrirx ying is a a cl 0f lenodeldge Otfieating tte-ttory of Ppoif." lie got bis wish. One evening ne' la oohneSrtp v erab e for Laxiliseurlg or sw ifiag is pi ofitableness, and ofits value Anîong tuettens of thouslands of No-vtanhor,1703, fa very dirty w ea- t1 Pesnt Lsguaranteeis thirty yeairs'cnse by-ý white thie weather la wa.m than n.a susif impreven. No fine et fartm- People wblo haLve pený1ished la the re-Itl-ier, lie curibarlied for ihe- it, anîd ifou o Mte.Cstiadtry Woxs n xxben cold, w7rites Prne f. A. L. ldnote i requires se mutix attentrion to cent catsrohe, tixere IniaL have a'irIosi imî1nediately kit0r a li ad PikeVr. CNAMciTON etaif, t-uchi ngularity fa work, sucfi been xeryranyw ho lîad read Mi. faddthie burat ver tho British lasFvrsnsCsora rvnsvmtu o~ P4EVEN CONTAINATD eveni îsting Lcepng at it, sucli lind- BaîlonY voî-k, and Whio ac Riabelt-lestîxat ternffic Iurrieana iiclifu 7-(ýDv Ta avoid unnneceissany contamnina- ly cane to anImnais, sucli thouglilite apprecia te the full signilicareOf lhisever 1t-ne c ben -knowa as the' ud ue irhe niMmdCle atratl~e tie o sorc 0finecton isthec mrsii ierion etnaiures laws inthe passge quee. e tîy xvent"f nerat Si onm."When it suibsided, T hn tobecures constipation at ltlny 0Eratstopl to take and thfs(ce an ol. fti mappiieation te the problnîs of cOliving itheieaî,tîdciti, laup ., awnd gins co ued be upuin turr d atraasnite teFoieuat teSoa be ccmpîshd brugi dean feediaf', Irecding and caling for i- t îphm esou elaa oair rn Lyxul aiogitejti-Boweis giving helthydanti aus te eCatra r sauitaryy methods la ex ery phseetI r ,dîîts, as dots dairyiîîg. No Apro- orn, morie pry, eeîuîortîng th- il- -P, -Jift, it was t-il (fat Moeevs adBwlgllhLatyadntr milfi production. Yirsti sible' dueant et the fana roba, the soifas selves wi thoreTeoýtien (fia,.i t1 1 ne1li'ghthouse. j ~ hlrnsP~ae-h ohrsFini it h boter te hase, milli prodiý ng fittleas do thIose etofthe d'iry, ,and cttm1sx, Mcm tutt- d 11RE AIP.i h 'fe1ýjýnae-jj jte colis on pasture tlinnjpoîîf'id lane protinets deffnielrate ns qu Imldy wowid iii aIl Prehability be defeirad EI ever the position et an ia-tri.Cstra barn. Tlie pasturaîs mnaturafy frne if not mailtIdpercly. Unati f kttetheir time. 1horta t cit5 w eid sCOl a tehave àtr~i neciitmdcn o Csofai e~elaaidt l!de doem any bci.bc 1i viagwll di-nS, fn callousnesa ulîdiierfilkel cour sai edulnuiseicne oton, if was teiladptclhelat lare fected by na i"r's snii11jsffue and S â iMî"1î PLLýDINOClI or TENS. coon ns , f it i.ni snuua. he G-sIxstnn ielt as h i V.ldreii.Motimas bave repentedly told me tlat I reccmmend it ai sucerfor tic any prec- sxeather, whif le ai-un is habile to The theery e. ed to lie tMat tFamM, .bî-dscoîtnî :RT s, nd fût'nd0f igodfetupmtifrcide' icptnkotme holexlycagd ihsores ai'd I colf ge ber eln living ou the Faîn i fî ' aItbjectte-D. G. C. obuuon, Lewell, MI. Il. A. ARCirFRý , LI. B2,,/ya, N bo1 ci hn P oiîfireie aai ivL 1! dis, the close of thpe mea Othen minute dusi. panticlser 'iugtaail ftlinoîgb tbe sommer. NO .vol coco. In 1878. torntance, a:,! belote bat-t. Smurted ona lonîg, gorets et varins ihînda. Tiel l Ison,. hiought it ue-ssary toated beî agairin la 1880.the Dut, i Cove'îîi-, adaanxcsny is'adac-TH FA - M LE S0 TU F j pals cn h se eveed a to pro-a\huixg dieu. And the lion usmudf.- nent se'eaaîly warn'd te pweolu ip-ngte it et of xiy , toeaa vent the ecuance oet uxueh l mate, bartras nif she fi ,qbt "tuma aiiout inie- - a sfiport tuie aa ciuyan oto ti o- las tha wul ntualy al tor1te if'î Plil - ? of"'d, île egpe. 'tuaicd cmi the Sînaits of Sunda, six o iltfeaiv orditianiII ride udcir anîd sîdes eA the animial. 1Be!i. sPvcet ? But xxc aie-exSgnevDiglPighxn malleste the w'usi.xxand e eeaî iyo febu-sar ostiiifth nfue re cet too 1had, Ifa liuela .fnst i tva-tha.;,iext.idogflîcr vei buil Iai xvitfitbhe oIgli'Yt it in a goed plan to nîthe ficcows »lien cnuhi to ent cp ite 'illx iy sfe ivr oîg hmthe mark et pni t. tC ir audexer eout of deors.1 I Ilietus faonecm fi.tibc suninier or xinter. Bn't low ,ýtLyîag s Cucesit, tiey iere iii- Iagilma a'eioogs, î'tdouf Icoeeî xhy eImmlîrso mach about, tlinîîv axay the pan ut sksni i itfng eullainif, nas bfItagvmia xhuly1-stv,ý,rng in- bad illiurnowadaqs, Whie oxîîfoie-Mloti xou-attei' feediig île (l n maîxea tA h p9ïiI l 1 l ncie and ige our t At a pn an rory et the us inda soit-adal- 1romi alHPicqs y i ping tide, the pince-Y ' ý TI od asieedcov wsgeea ,ytet if alueetlhc liens can getlif. pamdtidf ae' u1 f ud Ne doîîd.Ad su it proxed; fer V R ildou ndcr a lang, emre0orin aNohxîg inx tPe xvoîltlnakes eggs, ddh 'isebue ,,tîa 0fitM, I u u ixe eh ogottenidaytie -ne y ,,vSpwwv0KCT ra il eeci't r.wiere'stable fiies fit-er fâan i. ki. icior feed flic noix cim aîîel v c lue M Suaittieiox U,, 'yeca'el efaits fy uti ...... ixee mîinwn Acrtaîm mwtcoufof lins r"îi xx'ior l tthe place. , tbm.ir mîI'n;,iallvl. lt îîenf tve fi eCity il -cehont, eeuntag hacenia ledge iii the -ecmtelltiai lo4 liter duct et thetest anie f the CJ{N LV..JAVA idISIiF&Aîîpp wATI'xICc blai. densicrW ?% u a rtînt-tta or three streamas hLunà Aed Won fcr ixe nsehnm ltinugf lokl.0 i, . H~ ufii -qiiee. i Si Oretnt l upon the -okednface.'inun vol to it sinoetilieipemnivîîmivtnutnpulation vsse], a largo ainoount e of enl- Ty n'tllrm.e P nîuieî fcne cuîini iui ii tamimîtien ivili lie remox cd. t us -alki5 latl oîr iifi i - xx'f1 way if fias boen fouad that iiilltwifllta .Wli on tIi bais citi iisxleul 1u. ga ,18.te i iae liep froni one te two or exemi fixe itli, Odiaarx,,a , flcaae eon epceilnlim i .'rx'x ~ Nnne teaoeiîdîesl heurs longer than vxxbene dr',antI"" t t a care est puytP jr i4o mx'ict"nlhysMtnit, 'toforsiq --1 c'a ittndtire" hnîning nie 'uîfairîikbtybwav 0 o'tedn l. CtbVs g- Te L dig Spiai s à Arneer .25 cmyoar [!n ui.SBny pycrnn,. ALL THE MîL I 1SAVEIJ. iid ICovonsl'eldle cutet xi, ldy it uotali eocb. Toniers- file b- c ýAftmen fiiolil fas heen tinawn at d!flu t-cn luncbîed up and urod b entuîndiuosiunratcîl OHth, ut "?, xxas tfli la 'î eoena.rc wca-nord mm If yenj ave =ctranygrmea apnu 1=9 awsof froxa fliccoW, tuo e.îegitae mtîx- tcoms. 'Turc flic lay oor fiMu 'ed lk Shujajtloîî 'thé lie liitfl. îaet Nainis TaiDBUI mtr.ommeelr.~I bslîrxes oa rmain fer lie.piuo' it, ns fo tbCom, 'fd' iand plat - nert iîoinUIis 000Arc D n, liîalias n'ns't.&IL gemsngive.Tra wt slnI pssiiY lews -:ifeat, anîd coelmng anîd acmai I remIs .~-~ ~ e itm ' oblti Iiîîg tte ctofters med 'fo ttheé e ecrt vi qak.~ .sdee iug. ii.li bai. ie fbave lasteuripitig +wu'pos!iUiemofamiaf.S c tOi ,ing ns mbt-dî9oîrceaems1es tetewtidîaotrloî and sterifiziug, whliî naec ai iglit ?EISOURCE-S Or TIIE FLAG affleîgtheiesft (, u'i. aleîiyeivt'iet ouiî lel-l- 1r seîcttee.Temmymee d is coutodteejeae.SSI haue andint excellent methods, butn it - rlOv'iva fer thatIn iestto.'fo-tP-jvbti li; uîl Spfî! i, uo, ebea Ve.îhcdR jie uetecaitD-..& ,,lmdnued lmý. ,A nlways prkucticaýbf enet deairable. Statitiim a -îTabeSo',-I_ tdf vv, litf ltr rew" uit I oxm nt îîfluî tic Aime u-tahfeaeced or:s thelym, r eneyaretocr eo - -il id: aiaMt=07irMeme Teamei ereî ieeus uît f Mecaoue XXbre uaîlk is ohtairuîcdra, a cgce Strength a itefas rArîny. ot-dypmd, heraltlrxalania, iflA btter t o-t-fltn-n le topped cieilf aliieg ont, 1nrf ne beca'e wcmcrat a enhoraevtizd a fi y aitgami cofuîîg than hîxfia fi W-1mPuliAfia txeet ur m oc'dsr, loo i'1ft0d.niriycrd y '- eeed mu ecmme bnafomte toîrfmohar. lsiti iîtlifbns bhencu ouîidiis*cargyunscxpî1d'ds en îiroc uud enthvlirI ug Wa Tr" and suez Syphlie, Gei Vaioeiç m>epe pastenrizlag and sterflfzfîg ; fl i15 atlxit-c ute aite a 10a,, i.th" me- 1inlu 1 nter axtosWiOuqc it-ioi e-ver ! a inl 110110 i r-o- Str-ilure, Unuu1,itýuval _ý îwl knas, Al for miilk cmeisua-tftioa. Fori-uhsus ton et-C i cn ey, so'nc f iîirfyBrfitih dtaaî clce~eînliupasteurlzing -,i l de, snese lcot iguîdfn u eaxbidn i: ireutlatis, eue g'd nto - offumors and tît-xi'u fr oenIreame.N UR1 OP Orixîtaheiaili lipnon tlnio fflice, irular anmylot lc o- to tdcRBi a- f0 t-fe t-tpaît- and IltundtM-eds etE. i t-7 or h i-ca (o beiîllteus iowho or ,"ans r c, dfor tie task. Tainiug'i exîîdî-s vus aa ifn Captaiu n nativos. p DRS.pqr E itehuîglit taeinfcted it v'ul hAbicani a state for the fini. day et Cowexi (mn ons.Hle ias iumdouhtcdbýiy 'ILAS RJA CIC. Julrw d o afîu r.,Jîn'1902, 'e tind tInt tbîe eee an ulîle atari; l'ut lii' lîad a e0t Deîïiýot fIeA TudC lerqui-t wmlk ibceeandcd exî'sexofetdefits,2 egiintsetOf ry te 1 1-c cîlec.tlîaf slips hî.ving .Jelin-oxmi, Pernîisyfîia, tg-in, airtf,(li bote fi ufi l amd eOP.Lite, (hîîirds ot n ngan; 1 eait aroîdtuirret- spptedf ifd eu etesimcuxMy There ai-e oitthe maarlet îîîaay geod b 3Ist 1889 f ilerxitence onIi9 H_ ___________________ cooMfs and acraterswhfnh i aîsxm régimt l fB~Al iHm-e Cua'ds, iu by cotipara ix iy higii.anîd sliaiiîly- I _______1889_,____________ ____of vcry Wel. Ilomnîcuate coueems areî"'a<l; 7 i'egiittfs et Dragoon aimnoured hil Ia, xx're (ho veî-y etintits iiîLafitatcus, lîud received nolct, 'îîeo lc nil a flcfrmil udfieSne a a u-re i, 5 in Souft Atnica; 21 regi- type eofîesofr boflth a 9îo'nud- xat'iig eîy thon tics spreviou'siy14 a -CO thcIarfin heiidfonmadheSnl ett et efwitb and arcefiifinhl os unoutilmagoniîi, IHssais, Lune- figlitfîg pufirpones, and fie uricd his etofxîaf w's liklýey (ta pei. -he 'siglit of ail n-tiens, (IlSana. vif, li Lord of th ie Sabbnth (Mark fi, sonamu fai. cheaper- (unxtîose on(ln crI1iiieot'A11ca31;bffaa.W u fxeAdtiniHte12cx eo1pc-rc t Baclo i ton Steiild,23 l-a.lxi2812)1) hortoe lict2, 8>.If dei e le s m Lrd marliet. Any arugenri WOe1is,1 nSuhAk; 0b.'-ve nl fariyt uei odPol fBaâtia lefe the ~ arngmn mMlttlffov li i -ii liepeBnt-eu Foot Cuards, 6 in Soutfî put-poec th ley cennirmted hua a wrie (01(1 e tcd srgiiat Weme toibiddcn u fhave uughrte ode the Sabbatfx l speciafly rtifne tha.t mvr old surfate Winil 'irx lithie ' 5 blalosOtf af-ntl'Yte design tx,, battlcshl in a acord- (UA- rennvir %auns uuaaf. \( a' ua xt (i oisoni a hv pmalcman x'ra 78 in South Atnima; 0f (lie 197 réi-- nie aiti his jideas. Iîecai"eeofthé o et, (loy pliîof e- ro't 'uxtiens, idois etfxxeod wfth Hum. In lt-a. Ivili, 13, 14, vw-u PumPescetfa Couler ad aciaftr.Tf - '.tsof îd stey andlie w tîî'ofet a'cuî' anuand11t f5 imîportanit, hxeve mte aie nT tclyeîhtans et le iTudl Yve theonarmît aut nd. iuPa utndtîdî, thei. mmlx îîfîî bandsire taiîglît tînt ve arce b onir -iiifinlry Ill ecixne aSouth Afdieu; fi atlbtxpicru u ie'1861, fi. hum-ttbo'îmîds and Qnea-ixcd (1Kugs xxiii, -96, 37; ion. x, 10, Ilini, miet deing our ucixxays nuer cornt- n 2 ha.'cieset oya lint- Aitii 23 etthc'i.11). iuding our ou'n pleasîienoir uer ali- prsWibvimiteht '8 btieies oufl Attia; 1Hors e r- vetsels te looki at, but bath regard- saie 20o hn.4,(G. I the Lor-d tiy Ced an a ing our own words, and tîxat flua conîtact se arranged that Lhey , ed 7vifliograve dit-tru1t1lbyttert-f - W ixcîxthe people et Sz-'geduîi, Ili-iiî dlusCd v lal eiltotcxsl l ho xi"sfied reatfily and d cered-ni crgrvia fs ynlitoh1jelu od esal eih cisvý l I, With saldingCooleîsîc - CF Ionfet oyalimeltd Arfllfeny, 39 or experts'. The latter t-hic çvas gnat, ferctold teaItie 'oxemientLodInCl i,1617,w .ýI ivifi madiu xafe. ee1uscon--OSuil îAtrima; 10 hattet-ies et especially critimi'zed. Ct leact launit-t- the dia", uici, ctuuillud Ced il mnhfcd jenloi us rt fsevetiLîdnaCl ,1,1.ieu angc cfxc nea boft o 0 lluuicîiArilbcî-y, 2 fi-iSouthi efa, wihli ady if seme'r, bat sardeonic jthe liur 'lteiusi ac t feiigtfîeiicd, Ue' Tîte othen six pinces ai-c o hnst oiprasràc arratxed th thfi eter Win] tOw Atuica; 105 Muarauis et Royal Gai'- iîeîeî-re-histenod lîci'the Cofllri; fi. wand imt,'vftabiv givo w ay soermEx. te(iiO k14;ingeet. ivea24tîtat me thrluh hen atic tanstadbu rso AxxervinSothAl4,15 Pet x it. iv, 24; yi, ,92,tathemî1,-e cgou a, pebapha eeî'in flîrcîgi tema aller Ita staîdilu misut rtiicr, 7 a Su 23i An;anîd naîost iîîîaîiediafely atter t-ho i0orlater,xIvithx the resuult (bat flic vi,1;Jaî xv 9 ai,2 wbe me iv ater or Ire fa used tét6h nisofRoalmtieesf uswoldb fer-, tyPe, p ooanpiie utth liitTTeetss, aisedte eoleoiCd, nif 76 uîuhs et RolleEngacera, 3 fa ias basinclied, Mn. E. J. Raied, clitf toxî uoidle canocdtu Ge- nd iiai bu te lt- î irs Sot fia 6cmaiso rycousmrueten, vîlose advtro and xi'un- ' ruiiletîet iltougitfully t-ent ait x- pkn oft it Cutiiectionî ilflthe (veiv 9,e1dan Theatfeexeo lcr MANY CONSI-MERS CF jMILK Soi-vire Corps, '41 fa Southifli îa; -gshiatb alie bîcen tysteilnatic-115 peut te initttio îethe mîîteî . Tue worship ef itils. 'fie wom- ttans- (1h v ,1) h xr Sl are aclesa wivth tlieiî'produmi. 23 çm'paaitt- et Army Ordutaume I - e jeaien sonci)taby àl nesrsadtU_ i it in îs,9I Žt-li gîîored, piaced luit- rolgndon iunttc expet.agrted wiififie peple, ani td "' ato rst ey, baffi mnushrist, andin1.lcr t n afiex'fug r testandfa w ria9einraSouth et My Leds."sjid se i'x lus iepor, îbtt untoîtuut pu mlaseor redein. lie aire me- t t ou fa cloe ese efs orlaenigmt r TxvinfLulencniy mei' tîxafthe ai- DSG3E' JIAP~ately, w iiuelie Nws una Icî.y pixfiug deîîîed te be n peoilfe ferlu S oxta ed iSe runli. Wc mo c f'ud ts uni fiîîeryi!c Ol xvaal!E cus inul. hitîxis te aîîy extcnf f fiAT ., .Se damît Ad give xvayatîi Secc iessIon ('f- it., 141,R. V.), and dtefeiaioroviefrs u )luions, vith!i snîî ders, et.,adlip.lt-ai. iuns :tshe feiinpthc i-o- This- mcirestnm,.p-'ilixps umere cdin a l- iS .îo iîeny ceaoe exs-mie' b'aunaddufi. f MIS,,mu 'an -tIontc] d tits peîiîg txcixuîl aterut l oi-u ;)me~s Tti. la mae up flia ayuy tienartîuiiun utuensy fAc. NAeiie f oir the mntter of untîv-kset iici'nbaus, nti fi.Tla iet e ta gasWi Ï reemp beeî heixî-d rtheuix in geod cont- et A Ummn Y et x,î ' i a aa a 'um-feefiung e ay cis ai, nd Ad-' cat. lad flice eponit. nre ly -ffy Lte boxv dxWate at te.Tte eîg a'e yI Odnbte rkrohe I icuder wf 1 eas (lie ati.mail]s yn irai Su' J. M. C. 5, netds vent- uinCItWC Ce mati iae, aif eil r eau blood, xvASdlieludes lits 1t0, 1M ditieti hîy fic înifk prediceu-. TItIs parbuiýsacauises ivrof xîi mî i. fluemoniet tomegun. iulimgtti- c;îatdterpotgeeafyoi x mIl llhx iO ae îî eleildatxamdli rsumetiu, s ne a gronici inlfliuu ctue pîeîete nn aýý-rset ees iv e aI)fhqhp,,, et xu AL ~ îa ~ ~ (i raoifrtf -co~ oînn-cealg rxaaloniWOk i h 411d011gA k tîfituany oti- sourc uetow ogef fl I 'tict-iebCrs. Héisin tIc docuyent douxtttiig lis ' 'c t- îotap. o afy lteasClusias ""Mdhof 1 Fo exmplp a »pwýu 1nasî v wax bs. 'Bonnet-e ttere ivasnotef vus oen Auget-t 27flî, 1870.îtici.tIls gu i. u ront pht Ce devers fa na otit teun elI)innd Flte o exaîpl, apureîtntlcniudg nullte r man ei.teagive if te." euîplsizod in thîe streegear mauner lu CLTERNATIONAL L E S S 0o1, bexvdeaI te gravouuimagsbutftif afu oft Is good pleasure (Flifi. fi, lme Winl lose fhs trade for tflIc f illile aoftcci thui.tfhcAînîy thl~uisenxorthiucst-of et hlivosels, JULY 13. j aiythuiug ist- ffeiteil li our hlîdals' meaon tt at husittnîlk "50ued," blie SrieContasiurniihedflic lau-geai. atxd mtore speciafiy efthfie Captain. aiéin a rvnsCi ýr if ý Waa mups et Pis tttult. T11Ixtît- pcr, ut îg'n, vehîîxshows (the vet'ftelte et rh.eayTx ote 1i 1es rmhvngis pceWae n ged may mfflieut u-edîvut t 'tthiMtafcerxns oun tt'ýajisport, we'txer," Pciv rete, 't-lie a ilin laalf Goldeni Text, Lule x.,27 groitgtxIeySpmf11)NTNEOAEW N. tueur taille fit oreî- te cet-ps. mn-nud go t7. Thou tliit eftaiie thticnanie A custonven dainel ehUrdha dru eg' llki rdrt'halad 'U'Ihîe trnîîspoî-nicîe fleiiod tt- ufl, g , Aîdofelt-'I lfls t t Lr .byCe uvtlx frflelai i.axeufffîgesahilmîî i tMeirt'rade, by a mias et peeple wvebe ns for mn andaiherse Is the wliolctue bottruî,' Yetinii tpile oetan, Aod,,iuinuit tlpae Lra .yLe xfl ueeodt oidnhlvgain, .fosste Bt inxailgaulmfilIet1od o sxIl,

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