Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1902, p. 4

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Buy the Genuine PlymouthliGold-modal Binder i Týwine * Longest, Strîgest, Evenest, consequently the Cheapest. In every way it i8 the best on the market. Cati and see our samples. *UQ RI-%&Me. Phone 66. One door West of Post Office, Bo'wmanville. J.S Rundie & Sois STORE-. We have in stock a choice lot SSereen Doors in walnut and oil grain finisth; also window screens, kay and Manure fork handies, hoe nandies, root suufflers, summer dý%sters, wool and plush lap rugs, #y mets and ois of various kinds at J. S. Rundie & Son's G&rriag-e, Harnes3 and TwineErnp r lu., oppisit3 V.,2o's, Bewm1wv'iLo0. SUMNER SESSION I ROM JULY 7th NEXT. Wi1î lbc held in connection with the* re«alar work of each department of the* I -C.ENTRAL BUIES 9HE& TORONTO. hMeeil courses in Acceunting, Short- kad ypewritiDg, Penmanship, etc. No vaeations. Studente may reglster* for a fuit or partial course ai any lime. ircalars f.ree. Address *Yengeand Gerraxd Sts Trnto. j lsIthe experience of ail who havet bought Watt Paper from me. Pat- terns and prices are right. I have >pecal sampte books f rom the lead- ing factories for you to select from if you want something very extra anTd exclusive. TeCanadiail Statesniaiî IIOWMANVILLE. JULY 23, 1902 THE LIBERAL PICIlO. West Durham Liberai Association purpose holding a monster picnic ou Wednesday, Augast 27th, lu Qeo. Pol- lard's Grove. Lot 32, Con. 4, Clarke Township, It is expected that address. es will he delivered by promineut Federal anti Provincial Ministers anti thse opportuuity will hoe taken W0 mark appreciation of a prominent menîber Who lias reetly leIt the rtding. Every eue will please remember this date antd keep it whotly for thse picute. Further particulars will be announeeti lu tise press of the riding from week to weec. ADVANCE TEACHERS' SALAIRIES. The faet of so few mates eaitering the teactsing profession is a calamity that Canada will have reason to regret. At the reacse' Sunnner School lu Toron- to osier 200 teachers f rom ail Ontario are present and onlf 18 are maies. The reason of this wholesale abandoumeuit et tise teaching- profession by men is that the rate of wages puiti teachers bias not kept pace with the ever icesn cosi tliving. The wages paiti lu rural schools are so smalt that ne yourig man Iwith auv confidence wkatever in his own abiiityor any desire te get aleng lu the world would tisintk 0f accepting the salaries tisat are offered in most schools In ibis banner coueaty of Dur- ham thene are 88 female and only 34 male teachers-. We have no word against ladiy teachers, for manv of them are splendid teachors, anti for young pupils we prefer them; biitNthe discipline, manly bearing, breattiof view on subjects men shoulti untienstauti, and tise sturdier qualities that aloee can be lu- spireti, by men require men teachers If Public sehool inspectons in Ontario titi their full duty andi bat the courage toi tell truslees wlsat they think about the pkaltrv salaries they are rafing. they coulti do very much toward,4 improviug pr osent deplorable conditions., LOCAL AND OTHERWI SE,. Mrs. Moffatt, Paris, ls visiting ber Curijain Poles, compiete, 250 sister Mrs W. P., Prower. Capi. W. C King is makiug some Window Shades, from 40c lsigh scores nt Bîsley matches,. Don't drive nails in your wails, Bey. S. B. Havward dieti July ttI put up moulding. I have a large at bis home lu Albany, N. Y. assortment to suit ail shades of Mrs. Cummings. Gaît, is visiting at paper.Mrs. M. Watts, Washington Place. paper. Mr. WiIl Darliugton, Ciicago, Ili., Pieture'framing is a specialty. lia beeu guesi of his aunt Mrs. Andrew, A fine assortment of Pictures. Su.I 4roquiet Sets and Express Wagons. Miss Louise ilanson, Toronto, is A lino of Corunation Stationery jnst gi11st of Miss Velma Jewell, '-Orchard received inj boxes, very pretty, Vila. eu ieakilt uTrn froml2c UP.to, July 10, bas two cousins lu Durham C Cunty. MA M mi' Miss Kathleen Mimer, Detroit, anti Miss Mary Dingle, Oshsawa, were re- BOWMANVILLE. Its a favgrable time to orter a new suit, Tise Mason Co. are showing some choice matenials at reducet prices to keep their tuilors busy. Mr. antiMn@. Antrew Brown, Vic- toria Harbor, Mrs. Wm. Werry, Dun- dalk, Mr, anti Mrs. J. E. Beaeck anti family, Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Ferguson anti family anti Rev. J. R. Butler anti wife, Blacksteck, Mr. anti Mrs. Samuel P E , 1 A L Beacock anti fcmily, anti Mr. George Beacock, Myrtie, Mr. anti Mrs. John SPEC IACard, Uxbritize, Mrs. Morcomb, Mit- cisel, Mrs. Rîggs, Tloronto, Mrs. Wm Clemence anti sou George, Elmvale, Mrs. Phetp, Eoremout, were among tise relatives who atteutisdth Ie Golden B3rand of Cucumber and Wetiding of Mu, anti Mrs. John Bea- Olive Sa-P.ecok on Saturday. Olivee S1-2 oae fO ~ lage 31-2oz. akesforA 10 cent packet of lOc. Wilson's A whole window full of Soap at FIy Pads bas aotually Kiled a Bushel Drug Store. OF~ 15OWMANVILL. M' Foy# To ,Buv at.JiDonM<d'&> DURHAM OLD BOTS, lu1 accordance with the re quest President Hughes for the names of a who intend to go to Toronto on Auj 4 to participate lu the picnic to be givt by the city Durham Otd Boys and (iii to theïr county frienda on the he autif grounds of Dr. John lloskinr, K. ( "~The Dale," Rosedale, a Central Cor mittee bas been formed to assist i carryinz out the request of the Prei dent, composedl of Mayer John.. Mitchell, Chairman; Mr. W. Rickar M P. P., Vice Chairman ; Mr- M. James, Secretary. It is deBired th naines of att persons who wiil be like to go be sent not tater than Juiy 21 the Clerk of each muîipality in WE Durham - John Lyle, Bowmanvillc H_ Eiliott, Jr., Hampton; John Riek by, Orono; W. Lucas, Blackstock; 1 B. Davidson, Newcastle, or to ti Secretary, Bowmanvitle. This le vei important so that suitable provisic may be muade both for tra.nsportatic to, and for entertatument lu Toronto. M. A, JAMES, J. B. MITOIHKLL, Secretary. Chairmai GOLDEN WEDDI KG. Atmiot pieasing event, onourred leit Set urday July M9h, eitt h., home cf Mr. andi 1frs. John Beaeiek. Bowuisnvilie, in the celebration et the fiftjeth annivernry of theil marriaege. The campaey vrai; a lkrge ont comprising the children and grandehiidreor of te happy couple, togother vith the cged ois Ser of the bride. The Roy. D. 0. Cres- aley andi wife, et Bowmanville, aud Rey. J. 2R. Butler and vite. et Blackatock, vers emong the honored guesteu pcn -the heppl occasion. The Roy. E. E. Howard, ol Jeenetville, an olt and. resplueettifrienti of th. femnily sent bis regrets abi, bc unable tc bce prosent rlhortly atter 4 o'clock, the Bov. D. O. Crosoley, pester ot the respeeted conusl. requentedth .e oànpany'e attention aud inàtroeluced Mr. Ge.Boeeck,o( Myrtie, te reeti the following addres: Mir, anti lr@, John Beeeock: Djiâx FÀEITS:-We. yronchildeen andi grandebldren, have ment te)-day ln this jour eomklrtable home, te do homor ta you, bey- ing bean madie âare thet t5his t he %nai- teilléary ot the tfikieth yer of your marrieY life; We amour@ yen that vo feeu that tkia le indueed a grecS occasion, aot clone for you,. but for ne. We are full of joy and thank- hues. te oui kiesvenly Fatser.,for Ai Hia kiatielisige te yen durie8 these jean cf jour loiti;knowing tutilwelll tst eu enhave borne jour pit falthf ally and lovingly, net &loneue aUn. buai eRiesa ho uo trut. Yen have, no doubt, Many romemhrene et thème put i lity yearg, privations tfis ves eiwrctieritic ot pionter lite in thie country, change@ SteS have èwken place in thie methods cf thoughe, oftcavel, o omnxemn and lu tînt every depansmeont ef 1fe.Morne Yom watt kaew, have faugbht thae batlle and4 îlot no hope have beaun rowned et lmst. Yet ta nu n. uifamiy, itlei an es3pee4cl dulight îleS yeu have limon sparodta S recel le gel.&d es ag o m et iunity ; Shath anti in, heeidjeu have aneeaded the bill, anti now, hanti la han4l..you are deeeseLdiag luote .yaliey ; butDo nulsie, fer Chnletio jour lather. jour guide nad your etey. Th e vsal kan, Shat ne mevw falletit lightor thon thse snow et cge;.but nope j. keavier.for it never melts; jet ve f«nenStfor jour future, bolierîeg Skuit a lighted ti thea ndyiug andi au- shifting lump of fA -itbfallanss, Love and devetion to jour God. LeS us express car grecS eppresiation iStSthrou4tsout jonr Ifs your course hm blien mavked with viger, up- rlghtns nsd succeas, and thét; new. in the evening et your t! e, jeu are rslig frain yen labors, in tilisa onsfoni.ble home, where you cen noS enily coive the wlling mini6- tractions cf m3ny ef jour chiltiren but aise the bell tut minhstiy of th. ohurcis, viti vIsop. intereas yen have go long been ideti îfied.VsetntIsSileegclonfoSt yon eht the membera of jour owu tansily arc tS l living, the' death has madie noms md openings, in tisai of youî grandchittcen' May it eomfornt jen %)kaon îleS ttse' aIl tise mombene of your ewn terniiy are net able tn bo prestent-seme bocuisetftistance --pet tisese tisa rs promeut, desire te let peu know Ihat they rejeisecte linbero.ripon tbis upcoeu% occasion ant tes part ln thse celebrtin et joui golden wedding. Yen may lie sure SIsal va esem it e veny higbly pnivilege, liecause eccurdeta te w, of fsemez the bride aud bnldegrooin et to-day in seul au i heuritishe bride and, bridegroom et one belf-cenlnnj aga. We beliaeotiseS time has sowu freash ffbvers in jour heurt, tIsaS urne lies nidievetijour affection# vhichlitrie 9,ooti vine have but improyed wvus aga. We some- Iben Se felialtete yen on this fiftieth annlvsrsery of jour weddiag day, anti whiie wvsunir yen 6l,)acoopitIthse. Eas Chairs, that jeu meay reit ynur w.enieti frtrmes iunte evening of jour lits, jet vo voulti have yen el tIs e br but taintlr ex- press the deep loe andi devotien vo have for poua enîparents. W.in.roiy prey Shah manY aleng jearmty jet »ss betor tIse golden link tiset binds usnSegather as parents andtildren, shall have t. le hroken; but vhou the iuevitable comme, vec menteret- ly pray Shah ait ef ns tuap b. totud se living te veh all havea ailoricua re-union about fls Shrone. "Y ite! e v', hinbeaulogetker, Tbrongt pleesamit anti elondy veether; 'ris bard te »art, vîsu friande are timer, Perbaîje 'twill oest e sigh, a tsar; Thon eSail ewey, give lutIle varning. C koote thine ove lime ; [chute. Say' net. god-niigît.but in sorneliighter yeeris ot he,.lIs anti hppitneas, Oedar For Sale. BT TENDER -Part et Lot No. lu insouces- on5 Sot the rovnnsip ei Certwnight,enslstlng )f 20 acres mors or leis, anti eontaining a quan- Iy et valuabie cedar andi oSIer tlmlisr. The îove preperty wiii b. bld bv trnder, tise vwexi er anj tender nol nâec.seenly aecepteti. nfermaiion me y b. hati treni Mn. William 3arien on Jamu eParr, a4cq., et Blackstock P. S.ear thse promueot, Tiadere opene4, Juiy I lt. (ign.d> un. A. . OAI5pEBLL *rygskurs. Onit ERV NT WANTED-Goodl gen- ]ELOUSE FOR SALE-Good large BEUGGIES FOR SALE-Fine second sEoral rat Highest wages to compet- Â brick residence on Chureli St ,spaciou5 L> aud top) Buggies-newly painted-some eut gin . &ppil to XRs. G. W. M£CLAUU, rooms. Terms eftsy. For particulars ap to elnuew. Aisoâ2road carte. J. PaRcy. Oshawa. 2ZL-3w 1MRs. J. B. TAYLOIR, Churcli St., Bowmauvile 23f ___________________________________________27 tf. W1ANTED-A companion and nurse U' MARM TO RENT-Being 100 acresTEAMRANISTTE0 VV wanted et onu"e te teks charge an sd X of lot 2e. con 4, I9arltngton, on which are IAM RCN NS TU EO cane for Mrs. Nancy Crawford at her home lnuprood buildings. Plowing Possession fter . PHRENOLOGY, Incorporated 1866, opens Bowmanvllle nuder the supervision of mrs. harvest. Full possession next Spi,n Ï,Apl ilsext session, September 3nuI, 1902. For par- Rboda Crago te whom the applicant wll apply. to Jasi ARNor on premises or Sonina,,o tiursapyote eetr..f.Pîn, The applent muet lieerongl capable and z0 3w. cave eof owier & Wells Co., 24 East SSnd St..l trustworthy.sot New York City, N. Y. S HEEP ASTRAY-Strayed o n o r abot ut J1i7 th, 4 emies and e iame; two of ewes kave a noeh in lowlar aide ef lef t ar andi two bave a oltght red mark acreus the baek ; oeelainlhan igtlueut off. Any InformatIon leadIng te their wbereaboules will lie thenkfully receiveti. R, D. SXOWimg, Box 100, Bowman- ville. 3-L FOR SALE -Afrstc 1as s market. The fari ieecmposed of parts ot lots 21. and 2V lu the,9th con., Township et Darling-, ton. Soit, eday le.m; lu a good tatice of cultiva. tien; "Ill fenced; aU th. neeossry buildings sud in ,goed shape. A nover taillng atreain ef water; oreherd and everything neteeeaery for a coinfortable home. Ptowlng posesinefer harvest. WIIIlbie hoap,. WWILLIAUS, Ennaiskillen, P. O., Ont. 2- BOWMAN VILLE IMARKETS, FLOUR, e1001be... ..SI 80 to $2 20 WHMeT, Fal, 'bUsh, .... O0 01) Il ()70 il Spning.. ...... aGO (i tO070 ie d ie ......0 00 il0 75 et Goose.......0 00"il0 65 BARL imof, bush, No. 1 .. . o OO 045 il 1 le t 2 ... O 40 il O 43 laI le il 3... 025et 0 31 le taTwo, rowed 0 40"te0 50 OÂATs,white u"............000"le0 40 RIrE, le............000"lacl55 BIJOKWIIEAT".......... 00"eO 055 PEAs, Blackeye, VI bush.. O 00 e'ioQ 00 il Canadian Beauties O 70 la O 80 et Mummey t' O 00t' O0 0 ta -Small la O 60 la cO 65 la Blue 'l 0 00 il0 65 BUtTTHR, best table, VI lb., O00 'tleO016 oz ....o.......... 0 183t014 Po's, VIbush ......O 080 t'0O5o HAY etOn... ...... 800" 00 JOUiffNiLLYAR, Bols Local Agmâ J7,19e p~~e5t o "te that tidren oryforil;but15.d atla t. Wormsuor ah mn4 . 1>.*WS WOMM SYRVP. lle, SeliÂd 1,wÉl T EN ACRES FOR SALE.-Belno- nonth est cerner of lot 18, con 7, Darling- ton. (n premises are a good t, anç liuse and barn, lara sud soft ater, aise gooti orcherd, viii bcesolti on easy termas. Appiy te ELIÂS GIIEuNwAT, Lotio, con 9, Denlingion, Hlaydon P. O. 2-w F ARM OR A, -Ben lot 10, C o 9,Daringonexcptthirteen acres, 0.pheneminea are geoti buildings, gonorocl anti an lient et water. Tise landi is in the liest et cultivatien. Wililie e qlti on very eany termes. If net solti ly Kug 151h, wilIlibe renteti. Âpply te ErAS sGRaisvÂ, on the premises, Hey don P. 0. 28--6w, ARM FOR SALE,-The estate of F tise late Janmes Byers, T 'rOne, consiating ef 100 acres et lot 3, cen ,, San iii on ; goed trame buidings, waten andi large orcisarti. Pleughing osson after hanvest antifeul pos- session ItgiNv For tunther x pply te N. Bvxas, Port Penny. Mas. JAaujs Byuan er l. FAIS, 152 Spruce Street, Toronie. 26-If TOOL WANTED.-"Thiero 15 now Yygeat env ant iutile wool" an tise Dell said wlen iie cipiihe Sow. Weil, li. mtrue,for an tise market stands thene ia ne profil 10 eltiser buyen or seller. What I weut te, tell my 1t triend tat dI araeuht lie bcfeni 1eolti relialile santi-tse Hampton Woolteu Mille whiere 1 amn prepareti elther te boy their wool or exclings ton homxe-matie gootis. IRoul arting anti spinoing atteudet t. .H-oplng te see my eldfitnends oncermore. D. TAYLOR, Hampton. 17-3ms. DO YOU WANT AN ORGAN OR PIANO?, ANOTHUR LOT o,' ORGÂN &.WD PIANIO SNAPs TAKEN 1[X EXOHÂNGE FOR DOMINION PIANOS. (Une R S. Williams square piano. car- yod legs anti lyre anin zu oodi shape ever.v way, Original price $350.00. Can be bought now for $100.00. One Wilcox & White Organ, (Pneu- matic Symphony,) plays auj mumsic by working tho pedals, or eau be playeti -samne as auv other organ. Nearlv 830 wortis of music goes wits it. CatI anti soe whata great instrument it is. It is in gooti condition andi eau bo bought for 890.00. Original prie 8250.00. One Dominion Organ, 5 octaves, 5 sets et reetis, soliti walnut case, 10 stops. Original price $1.50 00, present prie $40, One Bell Organ 5 octètves, 5 sets of reets, 10 stops, soit walnut maso, $35. Oue Bell Organ 5 octaves. 4 sets of reets, 5 stops, a good pi aclice organ $25 00. One Dominion Organ 5 octaves, 4 sets of reetis, ô stops--a gooti practice organ1 $20.00.1 Oue Mason & Hamlin, 5 octave, 4 sets c of reets, six stops, ustoot with eachg organ, $20.00. En sy payments.i Oue tetît 12x,15 test, ail complets andi 1 nearly an gooti as new, also 2 camp1 beds for about hait price.f One two-wheel cari, one lighi wagon. I amn offsriug ail these thinga very cheap anti I expeet ihey wilt soon go. E'irsi corne firsi nerveti. J&xMG D1uxi, concession St., S 8O-.ti »owmnuville. c MISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Pupi f Prof. A.S yogt, Toronto Conservatory ef tlusic, will receive, pli in Piano ad Theory' of Mutsie, at (Concesin St., Bew ma ville1 Caîl aitishe Central Birber Sisep for a good Sisave or Bain Cut, opposite tise Staniard Banks. >W. OHARTRAN,ý ]Bowmanv ille Proprietor. Getting a Negative Depents on tise way the photo- grapiser untierstantis lis business. We kuow how te mnaltet andi be sure oaI erllect likaesseg. Proper posing anti careful jutigmeut wtt! ena bis us to get just lthe night expression anti guar atbe yon jusi the picture lIai will Pleasel. Have a look ai our picture frames. We have a lot of fine large frames fer enlargemeuts ai low prie. LET US SRAP THE PLATE. WE GUARANTEE RESULTS. GEO. P. FREELAND, Studio, nexi one door woal of STTA4N OhIcs, Iowçnanvllle., MISS EDITH FREELAND In prepared to give munie lemeons et ber borne ou Bee h Avenue. Bowmanville. 87-tf 10111 Attenltion ~~ For a Noffeit., If you are building or repailng we eau =ehp help you to solve some of the dfiutes incident to the under- taking. For instance: CEMENTS-We have Battle's Thorold for concrete walls, cattie stables and cellar floors; English Portland for paye- ments and.cisterns. BILL STUP-P 1 n 6 a n d Hemlock Joists, Scantling and Boards. IIBER-Pine an d Cedar Square Timber and Sleepm~. FLOOp.lN--ROJd and White Pine and White Maple. CEILiNG and WÂisomG-Painted and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint, SiDNGa-Beveled, Cove, Shiptapped and Clapboarding. SmNIGLEs-AII grades, Native. Pine and Cedar and B. C. Red Cedar. DOORs-Gilmours'patent lumber,hard. wood and pins Doors-ali grades and prices. SÂsH, BwiNDs and MOULnnqaS-Gjj. mour's and Rathbun's Manufacture. Salt, Plaster, w ooc a.nd Best Je Screaned Coal-Hard and Soft. Inspection Invited. I Prices Reasenable. MOCLIELLAN & (30 77-6m Bowmanvifie, Tea N Coffee- The very best Chase and Sanborn Coffee, for something good it can't be beat. We have a few Specials for this week-Pare -Maple Syrup, Canned Pîneapple, Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, the very best. S Have you tried our Specýial Baking Powder, it can't be beat 15e per pouid. Wool Wanted. e,, TELEPHONùE Ô7 HEAL BROS. "A good caust makecs a strong arm." The Makers know- !2 kà- ta evev pair i:sWorth itÉC!àLt a flzed vaZwthvugh thefr prîce oni the WCl ""The Siater Shoe WES EN BOSE. (Mqoney-saviug Sale.) 3'EOBUE I - W ee-oinqi to crowd Ithe store this wee., BRRGIIINS IN "EVERY DE0TET MColored Underskirts, 75c $ 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 Men's Shirts, 69P,. We have just nine lef t and cE).Lisider them Eeysf-oo. ooejmLcSiti h Sextra value at $1.00. There are made up out f Eeysîfbooclrd0amtcSiti h of_> store has to go this week. W. G. & R, brand on ~ tiped mercerizecl goods with wîde flounce and evoehm Tkeyu ikofte1lt Sto. frilis. Regular price $1.00, this week 75e,-ryoeofter6Tke9Crpc.o helt ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ sîzes 14 to 17, for 6 e Elegant Wrappers at 1.00. We countel our Wrappers and have just 29 Men's Black Cotton Hose, 5c a pair. left, but that's ýtoo, many. This week you can 5 doz. Black, Cotton Ilf Hose, reg. 10o pr., for àc. choo.:e front the lot and there are some beauties, 20e Black, Cashmere Haif Mose, 2 pair 25c.' worth $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, for $1.00 Men'ys S'olîd Worsted Coats, $ 1.98 SWhite Underskirts $1 .25, for 89C. We have them ia either single or double- These Skirts are made out of very fine and breasted; the regular price for S. B. was $3.00 and ~Meven thread Cotton with -wide embroidery flounce D. B. $3.50, but the cool season has lef t us with, Sand some have 10 rows of tucking; worth $1.25 more than we care to carry. $3.00 and $3.80 Sencli,. this week's price We~. Sumamer Worsted Coats for $1.98. Snp i iil trwfats - - Bargains inI Ifen's clothïla *Rememb)er the big e;.olored Muslin: Sale. 40o and 50o Muslins Drop Sale Price is 20c. M 30c and 25o Muslins - Drop Sale Price is 15e. John McM"urtÀryl BOWMANVILLE.I King Quality Shoes Sold H&ïe. Highest Price Paid for Produce.

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