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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1902, p. 8

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_BeforeGoing Shopping. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 23. 1901, LESKARD. g g T Hot Weather Ailments. Careful Mothers Should Kecp at Rand the Means to Check Aliments That Otherwsie May Prove Fatal Visitors: Miss Leta Gifford," Oshaw,,a,; MrsWmn. Hezzlewood, Oshawa; rs. Wm. Bray, Toronto; Miss Reynolds,1 Oshawa; Mr. Wm, Hislop, Bowmanville; Mrs Brgmstr, Buffalo, N. Y ;_Master THIE MASON Co. LîvuaRPOOL AND LniuOMB]EIaY ROYAL MAIL~ Montreal, Tusian ...................... July 19,5 a. M. Pretetian ............ JtÉy 265Sa. M. RATES 0F PASSAGE First Cain, 8 and npwards; Second Cablii, $37.50 to $4t.60; London, $150 extra; Third Clea, $25 and t,26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfabt, Glasgow and London. NEWVYOa RK O GLASOW AND LOYDONDsuaY. Cartb aginian ... ... ................. July 30. Laurentian .... ..-....... ...Ang. 80. First Cabîn W 5and npwardg; 8eeond Cabin, $32.50; Third Ulms, $26. T hrongh Tiokets to Souti Afrîca. For Tickets and cvery Information apily to SM. A. JAMES, Allan Line Agent, Bowmanvile ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. Namoss of somaeaeudidates who wrnto aI Gshawa-Solina, R. J. McKessock', teacher, G. Northeole 693. Maxwell'e, Whitby, W. H. Tonkin, teacher, 1-. Lee 571. No. 12, Darlinglon, Miss' Riggs, teacher, B. Baleamn 647, C. Cool- edge 710, P. Laugmaid 715, L. Blair 8. m Brooks 795, 1 Glasool 738, L. Stanton 648 Base Line, East Whitbv, Miss Pollard, teacher, M. Boddy 789, A. Chatterson 565, B. Wilkiuton 578, A. Crawfourth 581, M. Brysut 621, H. Dowu 678. Enfield, N. Hos.tlie,teachor, 0. McCulioch 679, B.Stark 710, M Scott, 658, M. b~ctt 727 The very hlgh marks taken 'by ail the seven candidates sont up from M itcelil's Corners School by Mies Edith Riggs of Enniekillen, tamps lier as a mosî auccessful teacher and sliould add $5-3 a year to lier salary, BOWMqAN VILLE TO NEW YORK. The best route to, New York aud Philadeiphia le via Grand Trunk sud Lpbigli Va!ev Route of the -Back Diamond Express." Fast trains and eegant service, Pullmans Torouto to New York. lPasseugers laiided iilNw York up town near ail firste (-ss Il-bide I or down Iown near ail Enropean Steam- ship docks. savng passengers for Europe a ion"' aud expensive transfer. Be sure your tickets read over the Lehigli Valley. Soid aI towu aud station ticket offices. 15-tf $50.00 Round Trip to California. Chicago & North-WesIternR'y frnm Chicago, Auguet 2 to 10. The new Overland Llnited. the luxurinus everv day train, leavos Chcago 8 00 P. NI. Oui' tbree days on route, Unrsi'aled sccner y. Variable routes. New Draw- îng Room Sleeping Cars and Convart- ment Cars, Observation Cars (witb teiei)iiouci)t \ll ineals in ii r.g f'ai- Buffet Library Cars (with barber). Electrie lighted throughout. 'Two other fast trains 10.00 A M, and 11.80 P. M. daiily. 'The best of every th!ug. DLaiy and ipersoîîaily cou ctid tourist car excanrsions 10 Caifosîtia, Oregon sud Wasbingtou. Appl.v t your nearest ticket agent or addlreýs . l 1 Bennett, 2 East King St ,'l oronto, ont . ---27-6w. that lias engrossed the attenltion and Iabilities of the Counties Council of Northiumberland and Durhiam annaul- ly for a quarter oeutury will now be ethed next te Hear Curts hae now o the ttled b Hie Hoortsdgae nowo heen held for hea ring witnessee, mou of experience and judgment from duf- forent sections who testified as to value of lands. The object of these courts nf inquiry le to enable the County Judge to applv a uniform system of valuation in every inunicipality, so as to equalize the assessment for county purposes. The court for Bowmanville and Dar- lin gton wae held here last Wedneeday and a matss of evidence was given, but no idea was throwu ont by Judge Ben- son respecting the resuit. One thing made apparent, however, by the evi- dence produced was that there is a .-reat quantfty of inferior land in Dar- lington, and that thn poorer farmg are assessed much ton high lu the estima- tion of several witnesses and also of the Counties Solietor who -cnnducted the exainination, HOW'S TRIS ? We effer One llundred Dollars lleward for sny case of Catarrh that cannot be enred by ]alls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CEIENEY & CO., Pro ps., Toledo, 0 We, the uudersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe hlm perfeetly honorable lu ail business transactions and inancilly able 10 carry out any obligations made by their firm. WE8T &TRuÀ-, Wholesale Dru ists, Toiedo,O. WÀI.rING, KIIINÀN & MÂ1tVIN, Wholesale Drug- giats. Toledo, O. Halls Catarah Cure is taken interually, act- lue directly ripon the blond and mueoas surfaces of the system. Prie 75e. per hottie. Sold hy ail Druggists. Testîmouis is free. Ralls8 Family Pilla are the beat, rhe Most Oharmainie Iulaud Water Trip on the Amerlean Contiuent. TUi e Palace Iron Steamners "New York" and -Albany" or the Hudson ni-ver Day Line. DAILY EXCEPT .5UNDAY. Leave New York, Desbrossees ., 8.40 a. m. New York, West 22nd St., NB., 9.00 a.m. New Ytzk. West 129th Mt , N.IL, 9.15 a.m. Albany, Hamilton St.. 8.10 a. M. THE ATTRAÇTIVE ROUTE FOR SUMVMER PLEASURE TO AND PROM Thousand Nsands and St, Lawrence River, The uatskîll Mountains, Saratoga aud the Adiroudacks. ibidl Champlain sud the North, Nagara Falls aud the Wet. TICKETS VIA DAY LINE ARE ON SALE AT ALL OFFICES. A trip on eule of laiese famous steamers on the nc.blest tream liu the coun iry offers rare at- traùitois. They are fitted Up in the muet c Mot t yie, exeluisively for passengers. ï1heir gsreat sp)eefi, flue orchestrais. spacious saloonis, p)rvste parler s andi luxuriouse aecom- modations, in every respect renfler them unex- eied 1F1i .. , 'ýsoh-ci i7d!1:i..g roorne, wiffh sup erior ser-vice, aice0ou the nmenu eek, afforflug anuuiîuterrupited view of the ma- nfleet seeiy for wbich the H{udson te re- jiow'uefl. TflEOI.Gl TICKL TS eold to ail p,,îuts aind ilaggage echeeked te destîneation P. . H -IBBARD, E. E. OLCOTT, Gen'I Ipas s'r A gent. ',Geuh iManager. DesbrO~S~se Street Pier, New York. i andreuewnti nia acqualutances ... A 1number frnm here attended the Editor 1James' excirsion to Niagara Falls,.. Mr C. Brisbin was guest nf Mr. Jesse Wilam .... Mesâ.rs. Jas. Stainton &ndý John Martin of Boyne Water Mille vieited at Port Perry, recently,.... Mr, Jesse William is advertising hie farm forZsale. Sec advt. Hlospital Troatfflelt FAILED TO BENEFIT MRS. JOHN POTTER, 0F WELLÂNDPORT, Bi4 Dr. WQilliamis' Pink Pulls Cured Hep, and She is Now Enjoylng the Best of Health. I*t le nn uncommon occurrence for, Dr. Williams' Pink Pille 10 reetore sufferere 10 health after doctors, and even ùbp_ beet of bospital treatment, bave failed to benefit them. Among those who have been benetted lhi thîs way le Mrs. John Potter, a lady well known in Wellandport, Ont. Speaking about ber illneas 10 a reporter, Mrs. Potter said: "lAbout tbree years &go 1 was greatly mun down Mv aDpetlîe wae poor; 1 suffered fromn severe head- aches and palpitation of the heart ; I was vey weak and had a constant feeling nf wearinees whieh no amount of sleep could overcome. At night I perspired freely and would waka up in the morning in a v3ry enfeebled condition. To make matters worse my trouble became aggravated with those almente so common 10 my sex 1 was aïlicted with ulcere, and sn bad were they that althnugh at diderent times I had treatment from five doc- tors tliey failed to cure me. 1 thon went to the hospital in Hamilton, and altliough I received the beet treat- ment that could be given there, 1 was nI benefitted I returned home very much diseouraged, aud it wae then that 1 decided that I would try Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. I got a supply and began taking them, and 10 my, great gratification Ibey soon began to help me, and under their continued use my appetite returned, the headaclies and -.iolent palpitation of thie heart disappeared, my weighî increaeed, aud ail the troubles that had made mv lilti 80 miserable vanieli. ed. It will give me great pleasure if my experience will lead some other sufferer to try these PIl, as 1 am sure they will lie henetitted." Dr. Williams' Pink Pis are equally valuable tob btli meu aud womeu. Tbey cure rheum'atism, sciatica, kid- nay trouble, neuralgia, consumption, heart ailmen)ts, fernale weakness, aud restore the glow of health to pale and sailow cneeks. Iliere ar'e many imi- tations of this great medicine snd blie purcliaser should alwaSs cee that the full name, "Dr, Williams' Pink Puis f r Pale Peoîple, is on the wrapper aroundc every box. Sold by ail medi- cîue dealers or sent by mail post paid at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, bov writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont, hiorses died Sunday night . ... A large number of children wcre royally enter- tsined at "Clear Grit Hill" the hospitable' home of Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. McLaughlin Sunday afternnon. Tho 3 oungsters en- joyed therneelves, 100 ... .Tyrone Ep- worth League will hoid a raspbe.rry social en the Putîlic School grounds JulY 3oth when an entertainmcnt of recitations and music will be given by foreign and home talent. A gond social lime anticîpated Come and enjoy yourself .. . .A namber from hrre wil1 attend "The Summer Schoel" at Victoria Uiversity, Toronto, this week, ORONO. Mr. Davidi Bradley wss home necentiy ...Mr. William Batten visitod in the city recently. . .. Mr. Robert Winter and son Fred, are vi8iting in the city.. .. Mr. sud Mrs. Gen. Coruieli visiled at Mn. Bert Audrus, Bnwmauviiio. . . Miss Ora Caldwell, Tyrnue, visited Iton anut Mrs. W. Thoruton.. .. Miss, Aùnlo Fielding, Toronuto, le vlsiting lier uncie, Mr. T. W. Jackson... Mns. Thomas Sharpo sud family are visiting at Mr. W. H Oka p'si Newtnville, . ...Mr. Jolinston, PotPrry, visited Mrs .J ohn J. Gil fillan Mr. sud MD6. James Fairbairn, Tor- onto. visitefi aI Mr. J. A. Jerom's..., Mrs. Giddy sud sou George, Port Hope, visited lier sister, Mre. John J, Gilifilsu ... Miss Viola GIfilsu, Bowmanvillo, le visitiug lier brother, Mr. John J. Gilfillan ... Misses Elma Dobson sud Vina Coruieli speu a few days witli fionde lu Bowmanvillo ....- Mrs. Samuel Cawker sud aud daug-hter, Mise Mar- 'nrv, ni Oshawa, visitefi aI Mn. M. L. T0ravelies ... . Misses Maud and Gertie Lonsley, ni Trafalgar are vieîtiug their aunt Mrs. A Tamblyn .... Mise *Yiinnie Cailender lias returned homo fnom Belleville.Mrs Crane sud Master Tommy Oliver, Toronto, visitefi aI Mr. David Bradiey's ...Mrs. C. Graham sud son, Campbell, Winuipeg, Man, ar iiigat lier father's Mer. Josephi Campbel. . -Mr. Robent Fioidiug sud daugliters, Misses Edua aud Gladys, visited hie sister, Mrs. John Rickaby .. ..Mr. O. C, Callendor, Peterbono, vieit- efi aI Mr. Wes. Tlioruton's. .Miss Mary E. Colville le visiting Dr. andi Mrs. G. R. Patterson, Hamilton,.... Mr. aud Mrs, Arndt sud dauglter, Mies Arndt, Chicago, visited Mrs. Wm. Gamsby. . . Mrs. Josephi Williamson, Chicago, Ill., le visitîng Mr. J. P. Wiliiamon. ....- Mr. sud Mrs. William Wiuter sud Mr. and Mns. John Wiuter, Oshiawa. visited ah Mr. W. H. Bannett's ...Miss Loua Moment accompaniefi by lier cousin, Miss j4ilia Moment, lias returuefi home from New York ...Mre Carpeuter. Fruitianfi, who lias been visiing lier iter Mrs. R. Moment, lias roturnof homo, takîng witli ler Mise Bernice Tucker. ... . Mr. Franl5 Batten, Toronto, is visitiîsg hie father Mn. Wm. Batten.. Mr. William Pattenson was at Markliam sud Willowdaie gues ofnir.n James Sentt .... lIns Wes, Thoruton visitefi lier Fister lu Toruto. .....JohD Carveili Esq blas neturnefi home from Toronto, wliere bu lias been speuding s fow weeks PrI bis son's, Dr. Gen. Il Canvelli Miss Roba Leitdli, Toronto, visitedi I 'Mn. R. C. Cowau's..Mr. John1 Mý.ment, B. A., Lawrence%,ilie, N. J,, is ý homo fur vacation. cutting off er-s to take away as me- mentos. The motto on the arcli is -~Canada, Briton's Granary, Goi Save Our King and Queen," erected bis G. anîd D. Newton, Glasgow. As you are aware it takes frnm 24 10 26 dase b get an anewer frnm Canada; I might say that 1 have been. living in a state of susDense since that great and memorable day, May 29th. I have watched the papers. weîît into reading rooms, flot onueequint could 1 get of how the elections went until yesterday wlien 1 received a copy nfi TBE STATEs- MAXi. London le very foggy at limes, but on reading the paper the riglit sight came and witli a thankial heart 1 said "IThank God, West Durhiam has returned agaîn to île <former love" sud at the end of four years Win. Riekard, M. P. P., will have given s.îch gond satisfaction to the Cnnseryvatives as well as the Grils that ha will be elected by acclamation. Respectfullvyours. THomÂs bR. London, Eng., Junâ 28, 1902. A Tiffe of Anxîety and Fear for Thousands Arounld Us, Paine's Celery Compound WiII Banish the Summer Blues anld Other Disîresses That Make Life Miserable and Unhappy. This le the season whon -we hear mon sud womeu enmplaining about thoir uuhappy sudlialf-dead condition. They finfi that physical sud mental euergy lias deserted hIbm, and they are sinking deeply iu the,,pIt ni de Spondouey. The hot summon wealber always pro- duces Ihousande of miserablo feeling montaIs. They lack- nerve force, strongîli sud true viWtal*v; They canuot rosI day 'or nigll, sud ie becomes a burden.' The groat rocupenator, builden sud streugth-giver for ail wesry, wnrnout aud suffering reople is Paiue's Celery Compoundi. now sn uuiversally pros- cribed b v uedical meu. Wben lhe greut mediciue is used attbile season, languor, despoudency, irritability, uervousuoss, ,leeplessuese, headadho, dyspepsia sud digestive troubles are permanentlybnshefi, sud mou sud womeu go about thib duties aud wonk wîth a vim. will sud energy lIaI in- dicale bealîl sud physical etreugîli. Mrs. Anus Dawson, Wilkesport, -Ont , says: 'Il considen t a pleasure 10 put ou reord what Paine's Celery Compoundi lias doue for me. I bave heeni afiicted witli uer',ouness and dleeplessness. AUl ordinar Yfinedicînes iailed, aud nothing met my case nutil 1 used Paîxîe's Celeny, Compound. Now 1 nover miss a nighlt's, elIeop 1 strtingiv yrecommeud îour medicine to ail uoryn's suiferons." THE DAY 18 OURS! malt Breakfast Food RAS CAPTIJRED CANADIAN PALATHS AND REARTS. It Ple ases the Whole Family, Young anud Old. Malt Breakfast Fond lias won the day aud captured the palates sud hearts of al Canadiaus. Lovorsof pure sud true healbli fonde quicklY discovered'thaI Malt Breakfast Fond pnsessed mauy .health virtues unknown to other grain fonde. It gave entire satisfaction aud pleasure tu nid sud young; il kepî the strong sud woll happy sud vigornus, sud formed fleeli, muscle, and boue for the weak, For these rossons, Malt Breakfast Fond lias won the day sud wili ever ho the favorite breakfast dieli. AIl Grocers. IN EWOASTLE. Misa Lillie Pickard bas reîuned from a pleasaut visit with fiondsata Exeter . .Miss Aunie Dewar le visiting friende in Goderich... TheO overument dredge Nippiseiug ld working lu the liarbor... Mrs. PetIne and Mlrs. Gray have been viiting Cheir sister, Mre. Samnuel Moore ...Our music hall has been improved b; the addition nf 200 chairs .... Mr.and Mrs Sanford have returned from their trip t the Southeru States sud are ou- tertaining lier cousin Mrs. Wilmot,New York.... Mrs. Vamphlew, Toronto, ws receut guest aI Mn, W. H. Pearce's.... Miss Charlotte Rose is visiting frieuds aI Port Credit ...Mr. sud Mrs. T. B. Evorson sud fsmily sud Miss Eleanor Everson, Oshatva, attouded the Mthod- ist Sunday Schoni pienie bore on Friday, ..Mrs. Jas. Philp receutly entortain- ed s number oni inonde lu honor niflier nioco, Miss M. E. iigliet, Pli. D.., Cobo- urg...11ev T, J. Edmison iu accor- dance with the expreesed wish of the labo Miss Myrtal Bendren, conducted lier funeral services at Lakefield Thurs- day, Mns. Edmison accomçanied hlm - ...Mns. J. W, Bradley i3 coilectiug fufle for the Milligan memorial ... Miss Marie Davidsou is visîtiug relatived lu Brighton.... Mr. Geo Gray pnrchased anthen driver bt ake îhe place ni the. one recently solfi ho 1ev. C. B Jeffery ..Mr. E. C. Beman is building abrick addition 10 bis residence... Mn. Geo Biîîgham ,Brampton, aud bMissBin gham, Toronito, vîsited their aunt Mrs. lDr) MeNaugliton.5dîMss Bessic Alium, Bowmamvile, rneceutivvisited lier 5151er Mies Matha Alium .. . .About $60 was ioalizedifrom. the gardon part y oi St George's cdurch ... Mïss Bell Ilooper, Toronto, was roceut guest of lier eister Mrs. Geo. E.lbeci5,. -. Mn. MeCalium of the lr:ader's l3ant, le holidaying atj Following are rute naines and port office addresses nf the Publié cSeoo teachers o f West Durham and the Legislative grants to the echools nf the county for the -ýear 1008 Ttje gran t4 are appnrtioned to the municipaltioir on the basie 0ftotal p )pulation, and s the achoole on the basis ni average att. teudance for the whole of the previouv§ year. DARZLINOTON. 1 Amy L Arunour, Bowmn.'le $ 18 5G 2 Isabella Lawrie, do 5 45, 3 Eva Everson, Dariluglon.... 17 2FÎ 4 Nelllie L. Paitinson, Courtine 25 45 5 Berthia Morris, Bowmauvillo 20o 20 6 Albierta Hancock, 'do 21 90 7 Mrs Aima Caddyï Burkoton 17 20 8 Ada M. Bîck le, Courtice_.28 70 9 Minnie E. Hlowson, Bow'ville 31.175ý 10 Lils Sexsmilli, do 15 50 11 F. J. GrnaI, Flora Galbraith, Hampton............. 49P 12 Edith Rigge' , Taunton .......2 7 80 13 Loua Davey, Ti rone ........ 13 40. 14 Herbert Osborne. Solina..,,-1w 50 15 Norman J.* Hostie, Enfleld.. 2J1 7,5 16 W.' J. Stacev, Enuisklllen. 40 90 17 Etoanor L. Rose, do i,6 18 J. A. ilamsey, Alice Coakwell, Tyrono. ............ 82 19 Nelile M. Chéster,Enniskilleu 75Q 20 Robert R. NLcKeszîôclk, 5Sc.i;a 87 95 21 Ettie A. Campbell Haydon.. 18 --,80 122 Union wîtli 22, Clatrke--------.4 6O 23 Union with 20, Manvers ...4 10. Total ...............V CARTWIGHT 1 Edward Earchman, Burketon$ 22 7,5ù 2 Hattie McLaughlin. Bella Morrish, Blackstock.... 5o 60 3 Phemîst Hooey Cadnius.. 11 - i St 4 Elisa Coruish, JPurple Bih.. 17 50 5 F. A. MoMabon, Cadmus.,.* 28 50 6 J. J. MacDo~nald, Cadmus... 17 35, 7 Jennie Robinson, Cosarea.., 22 80 8 Jennie Britton, Blackstnck., 14 60 9 Maud Warner, Neatleton.... 25 38, Total................8208 0G, GLÂîuXE. 1 Wm. J. Joues, Pt. Granby... 14 7k) 2 Wm. Law, Newcastle ........ 10 9G, 4 Wm. J. Trenubli, Clarke.,.95 10 5-Auna Ilenstridge,ý-,rewcastie 1'8 80 7 Ethel Siug, Clarkie... ...... 132(î 8 Annio L. Waddell. 0Oron.... 2 150 9 Annie R. Grose, Newcastle.. 27 70 10 Minuie Woatherilt, Starkville' 20 8&) 112 O D. Austin, Orono.........91J40 Lizzie Watson. Suoie Hutchinson. 18 Fred R. Phillips, Konda .... 36 Qo 14 Ida Lang, Kirby............ 28 5C 15 W. J. Inch, Leekard.........29 80 16 Teua 1M. Ferguson, Clarke,. -S8i.OC 17 Nellie Mlitchell, Kendal ..1- 18 M-innie Richie, Keudal. ..hý 19 Julvan Lang, 'out.ypool.. .10 20 Union with 20 Maunvers . 10.j 21 Edna Davideoxi, Ke1dl..10 4(i 22 Nellie Hall, Oronc.......... 5 8(, 23 U13iou ili1D Gn n,. 5( 2-1 Union with 18 Cavan.... ....1i 2C Total...............$41 00; Chlde Oy o

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