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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1902, p. 3

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ui à,n Muet ear Signature cf See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. T017 smsflau seasy N C,'U f? E 7 lADA(;HE Cz 1M.LL. GWTT . N f . D S, HonLUor MILSRE 810K HMORRIS, DMTIisr.eti. ogeii.NTN Off cM e r resden ChichSt.oierinityu iii g r atr e. hu ch, omnvip,. 2 l DE .C KTCHTRY. Grad ei Deutis tar cf oruon e t OFF] CE:-Oter, e ntral C lnyner. Entraee tia dor estof Bl okw .ieaavillevlir A RytuST.n at ruction ien a?. NTINGr 1 ROB.W Er olO U d hNa,. S.cu n ge Town rlallt ra Ince, pernhlie ir DBm . J. tû9 . m. ChLLk a isien e, d e c e. Ennoste Dill e. 7- ~~~~' ~ Ki Strkly BocE g ieet. Bamuii 1 1 ytM'on trl0 0a Ble an. 4rivyr, cROBER ï 'dLT YOu1 NG V. S. O l. FCE IIN HOREBR, PO I Plie onveHall Entraîîcoe, rle ha ndllli ciiCoin lro S a m. d a9 p. m. urnilt ras a residncedîre t-oposite r Si. 17-lyr' - - . e-go. er sps w ere w reatied in Will bc et Blecks-9tock on the first sll Fi--er liais bat i sittiin ia i Monday of each inonth. at Orono 2nd 1tic brilliant colors nf the sut ilg Monida -aldas, ant at Newcastle ist suis. M-er bap as fuit of flowers. Wednesday from 2 p m. LIer coucl was the îiss of a cioud, Ci icE-Tepernce1 S,.,Bowa.while under tise slsadow of ber flosv- Oileaof :-epice hamS-dt, orean-ag robes crouchedth ie demoniac vihlrer c Ihgginiotam' drg s or nmof death. So Sataîsl tries to destroy the good suais li adulation, T I STY Byhis 1er-I sùCcesses fq T lF2 Iý"A:Y Satan1tries 1Vo tîsra lis humible eu- ýkt Of love inito a vairs heurt cof O. TTA NTY~iN r.Sir Gradllate cf tie Ros-al Coliege of DeDtal Sýurg'eons, Ontario. <IFFICE-Opposite, T.Bîngiiani's office. VI PALIZýED AIR,. Thsis is ýeîy motto :-Eacil :icar as )the ilw improvements are0 plauud on1l tic inaxkc3, I alwavs naeit a speciai point Vosp) r no oxpense0 i- equippiug --ny slîop with tise best good n appli- anccs5~g in mPatronsoprtate unobtainable outside of large mnuac turies A supply of higli-grade sun- dries lways kept ln stock. Brazing. E4nameiing-, Grinding and General Repîtir work. Tire vuicanizing- a speeîalty. Yoar esteemeci patron'age respectluhiy solicited. WM. FISHLEIGH, BoqWMNANVILLIiI. Market Square. for BarneSprxastWunds îie ovre ypu get Mhegeule soId onýyl b sealed botibes In buti wrappers. t, THE CANANDIA N STATFqMAN iS pi isu lsha eerFy WVetineday onsig t the clice 2 S-n ss wMAS Block, iiSte; Bia'vli.Ontr, li tilin"150 1er anu. r $1.00 f paid strwIcty i-i advanee. Advatislrîg rares, transieiiî ad ver- tling, tan coents par lice, first insertion; ive enrts ire Ir lin cadieîhequn iInsertton. Con- tr-act ra5so application. Tloiefi Satas indsatshsat worldly applause 'andtie ic -e cup andtihVe rnitniglît cai-ousal do noV stop tise career Of tVie goodtisiaiîso bas con- secratcd bis hife Vo gooti tots lho tries anotiser asode. He says: -i will unkennel anti unieasi ail the bllotiuounts of persecutioti anti mis- roproeitatioli anti siaunter anti turn Vhesi upon tie goot i sins track. 1 Wsill lotths pack of toiisoîlac blooti- îouîîts bury ticir w-hite teetîs into bis limlis; h îviii lot tiiese blooti bouîîds lbnp upon hiis anti try Vo ear out is leart. Ah., I have isGade many a gooti man on aecollnt )f s;Iantier tut-n anti ourse (}od! Pes- liaps I cais testroy hsiss1antiin tiss w-y." SATAN KILLS BY OYERWORpK. But af tes- Satan bs ris edtVo de- stroy tisis gooti mans lv botis popa- lai' appînuse anti ly Vise sountis of pessecution anti siandes- anti lis la li- et SataIsas one svay loft. Satan says Vo Iiiimnsclf: "I cannot isînke tint liais giveap Iis Got, but I can k7ill i i switb overw-ork-. I caîs pile the Christian opportutsities of usefulýncss pnîîstint iilliaît, o sýecratot, young gospe,,l sjst ii- will kýeep lis workissg tudm-ing 'Vie ani uing Icue sse;isvfIl gis e Isa a igget-charcIi thîs Ise cant- tend Vo:il h1\,,i 1 1w-i\,ave seeditors wr iteý ins Vo Io il ar ides or Vlsolî pa-! per;I :1w-il bave t osusames-campl metinilgs stet a ais y bis vacations;ÈI mvili stait a revival in ils cisrl %7ill Sap ovcî-y lit, of physioni streîîti hohlias; - t-llkili Iisa iy overw-ork, as Ih ki1lei iteWite, by oflering Ihlm l Cuîbi gilio I wil l il isa as I 1b1illot Wi57iliaLIs P'alu, at Vit-,is evars of -rgel ti01o is inlin linstian itl 10ci l ils d ; t ssml] kiýll ss 1,a stietta o-cis it-bivli lis ci ls1rvs ai round!til wtin Eseypyiiai n11 ihi, -otîa a pertineat question. You have 'sut had a vacation-that is, the kinti of vacation Christ wants you to take -for a long while. IIow macîs did YODs spend in doctor's bis last year ? "Wel," you aîîsw-er, -last w-iter w-as n.liard wiater for me. I seeniýd to lie takling coid ail the tusse. 1ly throat y-was very weak, anie-Lch draft wotdaffecýt it. Gise week 1 w-as in1 led teata wisith pueuunia asstise peli I ati broachitis. Iwa1 aayfrom Via. store about ton das. M y do tor'1s9 paid thens ail up yet." 1 wouid like to ask you aânotlicr pertisnent ques- tion. Wliat diti your diuggist bills amouat Vo last w inter ? 'Oli," you camsw er, -I w-as buying medicissesý ail tise tm idcns for My'tgs tion, roUtcines for sss cougli,mci cises for headaclies, tablots for t1is anti that anîd lie other thing. ECONOMY OP A XVACATION. Now-, ssy fien-ds, yoii are reatiy, 1 think, to listeis Vo rational ai ie. You kssow- tiat oneofol tie great, medical Vessnets statos tisat it is lar better to preveîst ctison. c ratier than cure tise disease after it lias come. Oit Dr. Samnuel D. Cross, the gsWat- est stirgical autiority of bis day, Mr. John Harvey, Mayor cf Arnprior. Oct., sates: " Ociy persons vlso have e.jnecdthe fliture c f icigpiles can form -any ide f w1,at 1 suffceei ro Dr'. Ciases ;Ohineni, and caposLiveiy say tLhat it ha-s comleycred nme. I trIedI very macny so-ciIlicur-es for pls 1and Coaa truthfuliy say that there is no rens-,cd7y on lie face of "tie cartai bike Dr. Chaàses Ointmect for tins puripos3e. I would ssci ho wilhoni it for aýny ainount of moneyv, and e heartiiy reccmnd it te ail sufferers, ai it is the bez;t th;lng 1I ever used' 'There are several imittons cf Dr. Chisels Ointmetst, but se far it is the only preparation etiwhich lsa a!positive andi certain cure for pilesofc evry form.- You caar, ly on iit absoluteiy, aond it la onya waste, cf ,irne and mioney te try or dm snats&Co, Trn lie la a IDear, Tender, Kind and io s t Loving Comip4anion Eii~r1 nîrdlg be sOf thi, r ruAmect et suiprising fact iow- niny tuuly goot CaCaa, i, t e n Theusseti Nines tia- Christian people feol Visei cannot tine ~ut Tw, lj lVlilc i , fls, tTorffte.et, us le pArtLzeai cf Agiiturs. oOaaus.i leas o their homse anti chai ci anti w-rk -even for a few- weeols isn5a A csuch frosn C IIisicago says: year. If tiey voie restet, Vliey 11ev. Fî-ank De WiVt Talin-ige preacll- couldi do miuci fmore isori for et front tise bibis iîsg exV: Mark Christ anti do st rmuscl more cusiiy. vi, 31, "Come ye yourselves apart Indeet, thesoldier 1 grow- Vhe more into a csrtPlace anti rest auhile.-"1h lieioe tisai iost good people neeti A desert pince! Whnt doos tbat Vo lmie tlîis atixice. Alost gooti peo- mean? ha Chrsist bidring uis dis- ple look tiret. Go w-iene you wili, ciples lollow- him over n grent sonus inte store os-hantIse home, andtihie of saîst? Does iho waist lis cern- one grent cossplaint Ihlit yoa licar panions Vo lose Vicusselves among cvery .Pring anti suasmor is: -l'a nii Vise esstiess dunes nîi livo w-icre so tiret, awfuily tiret. I arn as neitier bcast nor brt for fislisaoc ,tiret w ion I geV up i hVe rnorning iusect cen live? Does hie dosiro tbem as wihea I lie town to slcep at Vo lie error stricken ut tihesroan- nigit." iXhy, rnost people in tie issgs of tic simoons or in lic suiothispringtnisc look &s tiret as Vint eset in one of Viose nîrfai tesert ipoor Ivoman *whlo- caime Vo nmeonu ivintstorîns aisdihlie ibre as cosi- day anti sait: "Mr, Taimiage, ton't pletehy Test as (hoes-ecilcss occan itiVo me about heaven. I do noV can sw-allow- tow-n a shipivrecked 1Iatt o t eaoifraln cwausd lente no trace Iviere tise tirno yct. I ans so tiredthtat w-len watery jaws have.opoed ianti shut? h corne Vo tic I -w-nt C-odteVolot tie No. Christ is noV lsere allading Vo sleep in rny gi-ave for a thousanti n M1esopotarman or a Porsian or n ycars. Theos, aftor 1hlave become 'Sahara tesert of sant. Chist is tho-uglly sestet, I1isuit Vo Open practicaliy saying Vo is disciples, muy eyes anti secee c" My over- w-ic are phîysically andstinsally! workcti Chistia-11-n int if you w-nnt w-ou-n eut fromn toc, mach work: Vo do yosîr best vr foc Christ next "Corne, lot us go isto Vise country wiîsto- yoa nmust trent your- body w-bore w-e can b laoîs. Lot us, go just as yoa woult treat a tiret, rua ansonaVthe his w-bore w-e shahlie bcdow-ts, exhausteti horsei- icîs lias separatet fross Vlese thî-on'rs of peo- lieca worked ail winter. You ivouit pie w-ho are continuaaly folcia ing us taie ciii his sicies anti tuî-n iim out Vo bce pbysicallyiealet aîst spisitu- Vo grass. Mou mnust treat your aliy led. Lot us go oif alonse, whlere body as a kuisoor tients a finît sviici w-e sîsail hear only the rîtstlisg cil lias licou ovcrotwcrked ha protur 'ion. th, leaves anti V'se singing cil Vie lie lots, it lie llo,%7' for ashlc ou birtis andthVe rippiing of the brooks. shoalti treat youî body as nature Let us hie ais-y iiio îsatîsr's treats Vie vegetatien). hi sentis the lisaunts, w-lire w-c cau sesc Vue dcci colts eofiinter so titit al Vihe for- phnyiss iii isthe abcys anstiw-lsro w-c ces of tise tros cauî lie dormaîsnt. As ia stuibe t'ogh hewil VIîSe laChristian Worker for uext wiiter, growng t Or fc L.Letus o wen yu wll aveso nsuel Vo dci, aray, Vo (lie place wieie Vhe siop- w- tnt ou sîeti noir Vo enabe -cou Vo hecti lents Iis locs aiong the !do ycius cîext w'lnter's duty is usot Irosis green pi stusre lands.-' 1usotilo is,but rest-corriete ph, suai W1117 A IlF.ST IS NEE DEIS ant(liimental rest; the saine kint cil1 Satan is a pro-st ,tr.jtegist. Hie rest wis Jicî Chrst gave Vo Iis dis-1 uarely attns±s iis esenies is Vie cipies w-I-sn ho led Vlîein off into a places ihrisse lic thinisVisoy are in- dcaert place. vaînenable. lie is always trying Go INTO TRE DESERT. new- schises and planss. Wlscn Su- Tise fa,-Iisionabie watcrissg places taxi fints a truc Chsristian w-ho fs are ses-y expeasive Places in w'iich coîsecraterl Vo God's service, 1-se V lise. But suiscî Jesus bade lis, isreitoly calis togetsot- ils do- disciples Vo go into tise desert pis-cer mnoiac lieutenants ansd says: "Tîsut anti rest airîile lie cossîmandodt hei must lie sio)ppeti in Iis cureerof 0f to go into tic quieuure of th--- goot irvs.Tiiose lips cil his msust. coup-try. Gise can live very cIiapis' lie cIoseti. Thiat ]antrmust bc isnile jin Vie rural isti tIVtee nîot li ls.Tisat pure heurt msust lie' co0 very siruci o go into tie1 b struci,. wtl sosiso poisonoss rroir. uris0fVie ctasiliVe for l' ittie ýThaýit foot of This snust lie lct along w-ue ext Vo ntur'slea'tt, Vo tiuse toniy patis of si." No vision :1 l-,iiisouse quiet fai-sihouse f ar 0f -ý cartl can arouso Satan luto su ci cwV fons the- groat, hus w-os-id. a froazicti passion as Vie ,sig -1 cil n ît tioesnoVcost vos-ymachs Vo as goot mats ccnsecrating Iiis y cars Vo snciatc foc a litube w-bue with Vie goot acris. SciSaVans, w-on (s coîrs andtihVe sihep, Vto carry tic socs n goot inan censccrting l i sss santi Ucdth ie chiciens, Vo tos hIeVo ootdts, msnnediate i di- 1Viso îay andti o Isunt the eggs. IV patches ifs angois cof eaptaýtious. dots flot 005Vvery sisuci Vo siudy First, Satan .offers te thsat gooti Got's thougits ta Vie heaves, Vot tIfnan ail tho , 'f -_ - - - -_ - __ -1-1 c <-- ---- - -_.. . . .- Slue wstl thse brook gus'gliog liy us side lie wil thinsît tîat lie is sitting at Christ's feet, just the sasîsne as the disciples of oit usct to cdo in the opens air. Tiseislise selbhear a chirp. Wiseis lie looks ulp, lie w-i sec a littie bird swsnngg u_ lpoil thie troc branchses over Ii iet i -h turn anti coud fro!i Mttcw-"Are s-ot tw-o spars 0w-s soit for a faîti- ing, antionse of tîs isa iot flau on theogrounti 1wiliut youir thei-. Feulr 1po ot Vee1re y vae of mos-e %value tlan many 'la'-rows, As tjeCrsta io -istboil tise flelts ni icMtie asisand clos er toprs animise o!len-rcd anti tise lrigist lelovblttercups she w i11 resnembei tise v.ortis Juss spoke wisen lie sniti that as lie caret -for the lilieqs cf t1he- fieltis so lie svoul'd care for le.There 55 11no place on onrt w-ser a an aa'et scýlo se to Goi asw-it an peaiblel ie quieutieof te WOtet but t.il tl).le- sopoîe tsige I~~~l wolttpçka I wi: fiatd to- aly truieChrit 'In vorts ge lhick(.[]tl tc scu-essito d ti doe aftcr tIe ummor caton ise ouldti.Iii ise sprîsg ic rIL(e Clscitacbs is apt tecoîaIL. Se sys to ea rs,- fi "Wby otitiesl avor iccosis hucs bltoli- are to llazy footakelcare 0ftise- ryest iii hc fouitty w IIa GIuoti sh itleisstoeliz leroporuntis aýntfic sayns fOhi , bol gootGo-v isVome Tnkc the ýs opportun- it Cfhris n es I bave P lerloaps liy Vegace 0f GodI shah fot oîsly sginabomes from -liic V lie lomes SO learnedti o love. Tlio mother, the tliretimothler, atrshlia ns ladliser rest conses bacýk wtia lippicr henrt, a s-ete wîil ani a gentier prayeî-.MaLi, Gotipity' to,-da9y ithe men andtiwomeu whu a-eslp, i cnily exîsaustti that i cy tilink tiseir religiouIs opruiifor do- sng gooti areaeret'lbutin By tbe pow-er, of rercting i-et a aill Christian w-rkrtrig1 h eoiing51i555cr onts hvetîseI ratrosy -etint t Iic liap;)eit Se-ve the Los-iJe15Chit and heat prostrationsý can, neariy always be traced, to low vitaity-iu other words to an absence of oxy. gen in the biood. Now don' t imagine that oxygen in the blood is going to increase its heating power. The in- purities 'in your blood1 are the causes of its being over- heated and Powley's Liqui- fied Ozone remnoves thee m- purities; at the saine fine it increases the body's vi- tality. Just keep a bottle of Pow- iey's Liqnified Ozone baudy and use it regniariy; yon'11 experience its healing vaine i. sucli a way as you will neyer be without it, It is refreshiug and invigorating. Prl"e at all drugIsts 50c. andi $1.00 per bottle. The Ozone Co. of Toronsto, Liriltuti, eoronto and Cic ago. used to say to bis stndents, "Gen- tiemnen, any stupid butcher with a mioat ax caîs chop OIT a leg',but it often takes a very great surgeon tu save 0110 " Any mnan can taýke mid- ciîse af 1er lie is siûk-, but it takes a Wise man to look far !i iuh ahad to keep is sbody in Snellpysca triai that lie wili flot get Sijck. Anti, mny friensds, would 51; fot bic far bct- ter for you as (>hristiam worilcrs to look ahead and speati tho mionoy whicls you mnight givo to the doctors and the druggisits ln taking a suas- mur vacation ? Would it aut lie far more economical for you to spend some nsoncy in ton ing up x our phy- siylFIsteni bytskn' a rest ? Thon you can rosis't 111e ordiaary diseuses'; thon you vwill 'Iflo aeto lie placed upon an iaxii' idun-3 tl Goil saysthat your work is1 cloue; then you will sav ensosj y by' rosting as well as thepesost ime3 whjch you Oan ill i tr o 15e from your next winter's lrork. 1 ilut wben the Christian goes ol11 into the country to rrost lie oaa tngo off to pray in the sisie spiri t wi which. Christ wont. Winlegt away fromi the store, thefacoîv the homoe, bis rested mmi wti ie louesi-needs 50nbc cheu, careus fer anti hauleti It is a natural te- velopmnent of tie crois ,ingatbering plan, anti if successfit will lc ie vteiy adopteti. It wili do alway wiîl Vie retusn t( the f arin of tise spoilet conte~nts of a niltly skýiin-muilk :tak, as w'ell as Vie sonsewhat licateci dis- cussions s Vo hw mauchskirii-milk lielongs Vo Vie tillesont patrons. But tlie miost important ativantage xiii lic Vieus o oacilaisof iUs own chace0f oag soc ad sg a d1i-ý sease suhcli rnny i na itn faurs, wbessce ie ge-sss ssay Li, e- liveredti o tise c-' se anti arriet asvay sn tise ski"-ssiilkVo otherý faînis. is aiso avoideti.1 If theo is is to be sot, fori cream, it sîsoutbclie arateti andtisetf1 w-mis çvarins. Tisshoiulti lie donc as1 soon as the nîlli is sr-omet., If al centrifug_ýAl macii.- is uset, nora- tiontks place while it i, pLissng tirough, tic separator. Ubtsess it is tiesire otiVoîipen tise croîta n5e(i- atcly, it tnust lie pronptly cooleti. 110W TO GI'OW SEBISS. If une is detes-issisiedtio grow- bis owsssogetabie seedti tire ai-e some rules Visat nsust lie ouseuveti, if a îeasonable degrec of suîccess i-sVo lie expecteti. To prevent crossing only 0one varicty of ansspccics dîit ldbeu growvn the saine year, a relitot var- tety the îsext andt se on, tiiero w-ut lie no crossi'ng. If tifferent varie- ies are gro-w-s, they shoalti li grow-n as lar opart as possible, altiougisî as already statei, lises-o will oven lhiîibcdaîsger 0 f rnxig.1Vis il 0V ativisable Vo use any s(edet , tît s1 ovr 11 yaroit, if itcanbo'noi 1 noV' gooti essoagis for1table isse shouit n ioV l ie eCctti for seoi prducion. Thserl lnqiniiiig 1piistw-iiifr n1isi ed it nylie î-eieiupo for 1',s4rt. lasvn cali-1 libage sced save'm il fo m th, seerit!st 1 is pi-odunceti frot li0e fil he! atianti noV 'thestnp.TseCedta de-1 stroy Pevery plant t1ýin is noV p Vo 1 Vie iigict stutir Lemem1bes-,E VooVintw-io tPesamestock isi aseti orvera yars,0on t110 sine groisi, V i i ike]y deteriorat SPRY AiRL'Y ANDLATE. Prepre oc tse otat bu ani the blgî.Ti ii uioeptaotp ON THE FAR M., LARIGE AND SMALL COWS. Sornetîrnes the question sems per- inent Vo the taîryman irietien a smnall cow w'ill noV eut lcss Vian a large Coir, anti give a correspond- isîgiy groater amoual. of mfiik anti ecans for tise foodi nctuaily con- sumet. Il naturaily appears as if thec small 00w-s w-es-e botter ataptet tri milki anti cceam pnoducisg, wivfleý tlie ieavy nnissals ivere botter fi ttod foc lied purposes. In a.w-ny, oas' lireets aire (lias dividot into smail tainy coirs, anti the large beef ani- mnais. Tîcre have leca a nuimber of experimients coîstucteti ln rcent ycars' at Vtse tiferont oxperiment stations ici mili lielp 0110 Vo nr-ý ris-e 11Vsome sort cil conclson t guidceunImln the seicctioîs cf uni-' mals. Out of soves-al huntreti oows Vestet, itthVe higit ocims avenag- ing (>80 pounts oaci. andtihteclargel cimes 1,200' pounts cach lutw-as fciuad tint the Inuik of Vie smail ccirw-as tinifornily ridher la fat (han tlie ar-ge os-es, andst tin thVe large coirs aVe a gri-caes-amount of foodit(han Vise smaliec ones, aitieugi accord- ig Vo Vbeir w-igit score actualhy smaller caters. This latter-, hoir- evor, w-as besite thc Point, andt bat aotliing te do ivihîle question an- der consideî-aticin. But atiother point whlcls w-as lirouplit out la tliese tests, show-et that Vise ssiall cowid it îot hav 1e oIvorytlsing its ow-n w-ny. Tic sroail inîsisoals slsow-ot an actual loss tn, iii; production. Both ceiutively ast )lwslutely Vlsey protuceti less issill, Vlan Vise large csw-s. This partiy esesset up ssattoîs in Viej qîuestionî 0f riclsness of miii antid smraillor aisoant of foot enteus.'Tise lar-ge cows w-ere feusndVto lie more persistent nsihkers Vian tic susaller cimes, but the, simili cou-s w-iile giv- il-g out iiu miii show et a quilcier tetsdeuscy Vo fattoei up on Vie samne foot.- Cosîsequently, whien Vhe saihi tecreusodt f ly coulti le proparot for the ms-arket la mach loss timoe for the samne ansousst cilfoot. In a w-ny tVisesu xpei insts dit mot prove assytlsing whidi couîtlieb useti as isîlaillible cules. The smnali 00w isat its ativisatages, ant ike- w-ise Vie lai-go 0w. It is impossi- ble Vo suy w-idi is ti e btte-. Tic two w-Il l arys have tVis Iients,I anti goot iîsîiviiusals oif aîv fine buecr iare altos- ahrihe one Visiuîg w-e nmust anus foc. TIIE SKIMMING OF MILK. Tîseno are grent objections Vo hav- 1 ing Vo cane for on Vie fans, anud lîaui VtoVise factory, a large bahk of miii-, vw en onhy Vie os-ean is neede, a -nti ny sstei w-hici tdos naIy w-h the soessingly usehcss la- bori 0)f baadlusg igit or ten pouis fc VIe -teliveci 0f 0one, sill lie nsost welcomon. l ln te season of -bat ror'ds il is difticuht Vo carry large loats of cns, anti sometirnes it is imspossibhe -Vo transport auili Vo Vie cneasnery w-lien cresis aioîre mugit lie car-oS ia s--sides thse aenvi-un-t,.o- r"f Beaver Block, Bowrmanville. D. a rl I.0 Page Metal Ornamental Fence. feicthti ornamentai. very showy and surprisingiy oheap. l i mai what1 Ï4 wated for door yards, division fonces in towa io, grave1 Balking and Kicking Horses., Wiii control ucy vice known te a horse. InvaIuable f or isi-akiig in cous Caîs li adjusîed Is tvo milutte3, aniS nýe cdwit'isauiy fhoriiass,, validle or impiement To tlS progriîve fa rme3r anti lorsemnan tuis article is a néeas it.AIppiy to 881yr R OBERI HOOEY, SIFLHABITS IN YOU _T'H MARNERVOUS, 1 rWEAK, OI8AS F Mi. g TUE PRESULT cf IguOcancP -and follY 111Yoth, overeert!oiiof.mi and body Ln ntr appines'i of tisousands of promîsing yôlzng men. 1 Me fade and wither tanearly agfe, ai tise ilopsom of manhood, wiib otisars are forced to drag ont a weary, f ruitiese and meiancisoly existence. Otisera reacisr-,ai. mony but iadno solace or coinfortisere. Tise victime are foiinîd in ail stations of bile-tsa farru, tha office, tie workshop, tisa pu Ipt, tise trades and tisa professions. ryeDeI1ysdSmîu Wes nesà are guaranteed cured by ou ev1w rast.hod TteC, tmaor 1 ~~ Pay. Von rua norisk5 yearslu Detroit.Bnl eui. ~ ~ CUREU WHER ALL. EISE FAIflD. de esmea ased wlthoatur itwtýpçn3zaï. 1ý 7 «I arn 33 years of aça and muarrbed. Wisen you eg 1 ledl a gay 11fe. Rarly iudiscranions and later excesses matie trouble for me. - I isecane, weak and nervous, My kidneya becanue affected anti1' 4 ~] ~ feareti Bright'e Bîsease. Mariled Life was uiasatiefactory aud ~ ,,,3. ~/my hsome unisappy. 1 tried svryiing-ail f aileti tibi toole treatmenî frocs ODrà, enniedy & Kergan. Their nain Metsoti but me up mentaiy, pisysicaily anti aexoally. I feel aud &et t-a manon ae-rry respect. Thoy, treated me six years ago. Tisey are iionest, 1111in and vespousibla financially, Bo wisy patronize Quacks and 5'skirs wbsen YOn e ea u red by reliable doctors."-W. A. Beiton. üUR W G~RN1IED OR 1O PAY. Cafl3iiliuuon fr~-lIlFree--Oiiesll9 B810RkFree fo om TronMool, rust bas only himiself to thask forI any trial!s or flot, spray with lji- liAs loss, lioth disasters are easily deaux: and somne insecticide withi it. avcrod.There 15 no experimient about uisiag So soon as the biugs appear get bordeaux. tlie limne andti ie \itriol and the liave the spray and pump in good B3ug Death of Paris green asît pre- or1,set1a o angtu 1pare(, for business. egl four presýsure of l100 poundls to theý squareý p ond f good stone jl m nd sike cil andti in1ke ise pr-aY. A uc1ors it wýitH I ot1, water. isov fordipping spray is 550 ood 1Neihes polinds (0fîblue vitr'iol by hnig i ei ng caný1], ior a liroomi. En- is aý wod -tb i 0of wtr Di-! elOp your ptatoplantsin a LUfog lute lioth solion1n;ii td pour, thern 0f bordeaux lmi1xture verY 10 da-ys into the barro>1-ýl, pt ingla the lme r1ad yu nitoctie tfeurrst wasli flrst, Dilaite tbemu to 40 gai-1- -#- - Ions, thon mix ap ciglit pounds of iginally krs0wn as t he htaldy' H!omle- Bug Deatîs aind pouir into the luix- steadl, and it, was to Mr. -d Mrs. tare. Try this oni an acre. If tise John Rudy tha-t tho firlst two, pairs8 plants are only partiy grown it will of thc twelve l itie visitors came. do 11 acres or perbnps two il care 'rhe Prdy ssodtelosseani is used., it bcneteaoeof Da1vit1i thlS On another acre use the bordeaux oatiis fa1li1ily, TheStesswr mnixture anti a hall pound of Paris 1 ot loig î(ta teir new ome ao green istead 0f Bug Death. Mark twins arive. Tua icy taoN' cd out eaci acre ai-sd in the second and and t he f asnily ol A.1 L.Th sa third qlriaigstise Bug Death on inove i l, and Ia [bed witit tishne piece as befo)re andi Paris twîas. gren here it t lLbe'foro. At tiig- s i t i a io t u c y l e l d î r i a l i e - I c t a e y s a y ( býa t n o a a n ev e r selfwheheror naot Bug Dath does i Voice inl heCrod-I Do' i irati cameifor, it. Idw-ereoltica; or lc A ny rt, wstc o aemycag. "Let tb 0W OUST twins do yow work~" is a womian's becst friend wýhjn Ywash day cornes around. It makes tLhe clothes sweet and clean. Takes only haif the tirne and haif the liabor of soap. Just follow directions on package. We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cepfrs.ls goods at very small flriéel. Oui carry a good assortmnent of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black al 81.00. Mý,en' s Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2,00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Biais 25c, 50e, 75c, wortb SOc, 75c, and $1.00. Misse 1s', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We wili tell you what the stock is iu each and every pair. The' season we do that- is beca-use we know. Latest Spring styles now in trock in every liue. The public is invited to inspect our stock; no0 trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancý and plain;. Dresming, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruiu the boots it is appilU ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches lu first-class style. Fine work, nade to order, sure fit or no sale.- Thaukiug my customers for past avors and hoplng for a coutinuance of tne isame. -I

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