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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1902, p. 4

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Rate Buy the Genuinie vr3 PlyffontilOoId-indal isth iltshing ~ers.de subnis] the Co *that a moues Twine G eo P Hal g Longest, Strorgest, Evenest, Hart consequently the Cheapest. ý Lei q In every way it is the best 011 the market. Cali and soee B, q ee 0W samples.Bae * Phone 66. One door west of Post Office, Bowinanville. Coo T B L rI1l~~A'nnHewB< TheC ~aadia Statesinan. oe J. S. RundlBI & SOils Olumo BO WMAN VILLE. JULY 30, 1902 R 0 P( We have in stock a ehoice bot A SUCCUSSFUL EDUCATOR RETIRES. W HIJA of Sereen Doors in walnttt and oil JohnI grain finish; also window screens, We publish heoewith the addross Thos]à hay nd anue frk andes.hoepresented to Mîr. W. W. Tamblyn, M. A DT' h.a ad Mnue frkhanie, lceA., by the pupils of the Hig'h Scâool,ý nandies, root scufflers, summer at the clope of the termi, and we think M Jex dusters, wool and plush lap rugs, it 'lot amiss to give a short sketch of M JaYi fiy nets and oils of various kinds at Mr. Tamblyn's work as a vupil Pnd a John 1 teacher, especially as ho has loft the Fielda J. S. Rundie & Son's profession to whichhle devoted hlmself offi Cariag-, arns; nd %viýEnpr 80 earnestly and so successflubby for no Field Cariag~, lare~3and Vwn ess than thiirtv-six yoars. It is worthv Co- ium, oppJ)Sit3 17.U', Bvermaavi lie. of notice that he h<Ws pamsed nearly alilARHDi ____________________________bis life in Bowmanvilie or near to it. rer Af ter boing the "HIead Boy" of the Sam Ci Public and of the Hi-Il School at New- Thos011 castle. bis native vilage, ho became Fîosd (~T1IU D (UC~~1fM 'the 'Head Bov" of the "Modol Grain- S'~UMNEIUR SESSION m ner bSchoo," "Toronto, from which ho H F IL FROMJ'UY 7h NXT. entered Toronto Udiversity first in W RO FRO XUY 7h NXT. Ciassics and History, first in~ general Thos Me * roficieuucy and second in Modern hanJ Will be held in connaction with the* Languages Jon(I gulr wrk f ech epatmet < th * At Toronto University ho won schol- R Jl Cr CENRAIBUSNF8 COLE~ ~ arships and prizes ia varlous depart- D W '0 TORNTO monts and graduatod As a prizeman brii * TRONO.and a medalist. fI may be montioned, Sentine 8 hpeiai courses in Accoanting, Short- too, that ho is one of the very few that ga( handTyp)ewriting, Penmanshtj, etc. are specialists in three departments, Paterb( * No vacations. Students may7 register* beine a SPecielist in Clasoics, English 4 o utor partial course at ainy tm. and History, and French and German *Circulars free. Address moitîatrgadtin Mr MI W. 1.S14W, Tamblvn taught a iear in Buffalo, N 17 J Na Y"oage andtGerrardC@Sts,,tTlnstPtLte- AA Mi Yong andfxerardSts, Tornto Newcastle six years. at Oshawa ton, T J Ns *....,.* ..,,** *yoars, at Bowmanvibbosi sears, a the J, H De Whitby Collegiate Inst itute ightyesolTBPei ___________________________and for the last five years hoe fas been a teacher in our Hizh Sehool. n G Ml Many of Mr. Tarablin's pupils have lati V Ion greatiy distinguished themselves at T A T diffterent collieos, and maîny, occupv offii prominent places bu society. Among M eLrSquair and Parks of Toronto A A Chas. Farwelb, ex-M. P. P.; Messrs, BT Is'the experience of ail who have Bagg, Odeil, Potter, Siemon, High T J Na, bought WalI. Paper from me. Pat- sdooi 6[teachers; and àfr. W. F. Tamb- A A Mi terns and puces are riglit. -I have Ilyn, Ph D5., London, Ont. aHIH W spocial sample books from the lead- The following adduess was read by offic Miss Pearl Osborne on behaif of the T H Tw ing factories for you to select from pupils and fellow teachers - .row if you want somethingvery extra We, your pupils and feilow-teachers SE Ferg and exclusive. of Bowmýauvil1e IHigh School, bog leavo Rivq Curtain iPoles, complote, 25,0 to take this opportunity of expressing Hobt Fii our high approciation 0f your labors tion, Window Shades, from 40e amongst us during the past rive yoars. Hugli We learn with deep regret that, after Aile Don't drive nails in your walls, upwards of thirty years of faithful W T1 put up moulding. I have a largo service in the cause of ed ucation in this DU ~assortment to suit ail shades of Province, vou have thîs day severod Thos Le % our connection with the teadhing pro- Cree pttper. tession. and have determined to spond Geo Spe Picture-framing is a specialty. the remaindor 0f your lite in weil earuod A A Mu A fine assortmnent of Pietures. retiroment. btid Croquet Sets and Express Wagons. . While we recognize and admire your w o Tal Cornaio Satonryjut igh attalumients in mauv fields of T D Alino of Cmain ttoeyjs scholarship, we have not failed to mark bridi received in] ,boxes, very pretty, yu nayn hefins fmno Equa lize froMI2e up.vour faimness and kindnies2 ln the midbt Special froI2e u.of duties, which often at the time of mitti u- % E U C l their performance must have appeare,,d Donald Il ~Il Il [1 [JEU 5'5 ifH more or boss fruitlesg and ditteu ofi r ~ iiDJ.i~JUft.W e ft'el that your efforts have boon J H Dev P3 11 J successful in instilling ln many the idea mitti of seif-reliance, and the nocessity of Accoi COUNTIES' COUNCIL epayars in these United Countieu [ute large sums of mone-y in taxei year to carry on the business oô municipalities, hence they have% to kuow how the monev Is ex 4. It is a singular condition o s, however, that TUE STATEsmA? only newspaper iu the two grea oes that makos a practice of pub ý the Finance Committee's repor bail for the benefit of the ratopay Wo want our constituents espec to kuow for what sucli verv largi of monev are used. The aceount shed below are for 8 months- t, April and May. l utc ounties Councillors we mav <tat iverv large proportion of th 5 spent is uncontroîbable by theni 'IN.&NC13 COMrrrTEEs REPORT. 'lunke'tt, coai W N R office$ 45 0 & Co. uniforms county con- ables ................... 94 5 Mulholland, reps E D R fIce................ .... 25 8 & Riddel, stationery ...45 6 Allen & Co, county offices upphies ................... 9 8 is Jollow, W D R office me- mirs..................... 10 0 aHubble, cleaning Camp- shllford bridge ............. 5 5 Hallagh, labor ........... 4 5 hlum & CO, coal.. ..:...... 12 5 ,i & Rosevear, coal....... 6 O S& Riddoil, stationory...... 5 6 urg Etectmic Light Co.,.., 2 O Brown, repairs........ 4 6 r& Herchmer,livery to oeaol 28 5 sland & Co, advt'g gaol sup 12 0 ýftpp, do il5 in& Co, gave supplies. 96 4 ýy&C.do 5 4 )Bros, do 8 0 lost , do 7 2 lohns, do 12 V Allen & Co, do il Floyd, do 22 71 Rayden, do 82 il Mitchell, do 7 7V rhroop, gaol repairs....... 9 7! do W NHRoffice paint 1 S& & & o, reps W NR office 8 5( nos reS. County offices., il 5,; Elade, sup. do 195 t Bro, linoleum, WN H fice ............. ....... 824( & Bro, carpet and reps. ounty offices .........558 e uudas, gaoi supplies and ,pairs...................832 61 ,ann,c.leaniug cess pit gaol 16 4( ýNeilI, }ivery.............. 8 5( York, flags -decoratig .. 0fo & MeGuire, printing acct 92 5( 1elland, legal expenses. 24 61 Vhitelaw, stoves, ec 4 44 lacNachtan, countios' map 25 OC )avidson, work on Scugog id Pt. Perry road's,half ac't 6 8C Lyle, mals to priàoners 8 7â «ig stationiery ........... 6 15 Vri1-ht, cleaniug Hastings idge................. *- *S6WV lel-Star, av edr for o01................e.... 6 30 Joro,t reps. Douglas Br'ge 4 65 do - Wallace Br'ge 9 62 do Dunlop Br'ge 47 50 SSIONERS AND SPECIAL C'OMMITrER. lylor, at'ce He-aley's Falls 4 0 ulholland, 1 do 4 0 a vlor, attândance councils 6 00 bvîtt, do Port arry and Sougog Iboadway 7 60 arlaw, attendance Hast- ys bridge .......... s. 8 60) tiye comimittee .......... 14 80 rhompsou, E D Hegistry ce..................... 900 ame, W D Hegîstry office 3 00 ,Com.* County Property,. 180 10 Mulhcdîand, atteudance lires, Bridge .......... 4 0 ybor, attendauce Squires ,dgo ... ... .. . .. 4 00 ylor, atten'de Thompson 8 O0 lulholland do 80 Valker, Co.m. gaol W N H ie and Couuty offices.,.. 86 10 weedbe, attendance Ntar. ws bridge ...... ._. 12 50 gusou,attendance Pigeon oer bridge ............ 7 50 sher, expenses consulta- m .......... ...............18 55 Masterson, attendance ln's bridge............ 9 00 Doualdson, attendance îlop bridge il...... 140 ,eith, attendance Douglas 3k bridge............... 9 50 ence, purchasing agent., 20 60 llholland, Campbellford dgo .................... 860 pies, Bensfort bridge .9 60 Donaidson, Wallace Pt. dgo ..................18S201 6ation Committeo, 8 days 148 40 Hoad and Bridge Coin- 1eNMcDonald; Coin4E90 ce ..................... 10 50 witt, Equalization Com- 0e.......... ........18 60 )JNTS PAin BETWVEEN SESSIONS muth. indigent supplies.. 82 25 net, do 99 80 Mitchell, do . 14 62 ýo gaol supplies... 59 91 "A alays iuch dustt A little finish covers uch shoddy, in "As gocd mfiMethe Hooey & Sou, iquor in digents.. 2 70 W Burn et, indigents supplies .,. 85 15 Geo E Mtchell. do ... 117 94 W B3umnet, do ... 91 45 John Routh, do ... 27 52 do do ... 2760 Mrs. Hoberts, do ... 13 84 do gaol supplies..89 78 Water Works Co, water rates.. 8 27 Goo Plunket, coal gaol ........ 29 50 Barnum & Co, fuel office .... 70 C J McCallum, coal E N R O .... 14 63 Mrs, Roberts, gael supplies .... 96 99 1 ïo do .... 16 84 W Bumnet, do .... 116 75 John Houth, do .... 28 si ATTENDANCE OP0 MEMBERS FÜR JUNE 81SSeoN. Name.Miles. Attendance Total. at *U day. Baker, Thos 89 8150$ 18 90 Carlow, T1 B 78 150O0 22 80 Cowan. Robert 81 15060 18 10 Cryderman,G M 82 1500 1820 Devitt, J H 46 15 00 19 60 Donaldson, W T 80 150 18(0 Fisher, Robert 87 15 00 18 70 Ferguson, S E 80 15 00 180 James, M A 30 [50W 1800 Leith, Thos 20 15060 17 00 Mackbam, A M 26 15600 17 60 Mastorson, Hugli 25 15 00 17 50 Miller, John 26 15060 17 60 Mitchell, Geo 7 15060 15 70 McDonald, D C 27 15 00 15 70 Nlulholland, A A 77 15060 22 70 Naylor,TJ s81 -1500 2310 Rickard, Wm 25 1500 1750 Staples. Geo 30 15060 1800 Spence., Geo 15060 150 Thompson, T A 7 15 0) 150 Trebilcock, Paul 80 15060 180 Tweedle, T H 28 12060 17 80 Waker, HH 18 1500 1630 $137 50 îDO YOU WANT AN ORGAN OR PIANO? ASNoTHER LOT OF ORGAN AND PIANO SNAps TAKEN IN ExcHANGE FOR DOMINION PIANOS. One H S. Williams square piano, car- yod legs and lyre aud in zood shape everv way. Original price $350.00. Cao ho bought now lbm $100.0 One Wilcox & White Organ, (Pneu- matie Symnphony,) plays anv music liY working the pedals, or eau be played same as anv other organ. Nearîr '830 worth of music goes with it. Cail and 500 what a great instrument it is. It is in good condition and cau bo bou-ht for 890.00. Original price 8250.0 1One Bell Organ 5 octaes, 5 sets of reeds, 10 stops, solid walnut case, $35. One Bell Organ 5 octaves, 4 sots of reeds, 5 stops, a good piactice organ $25006. One Dominion Organ 5 Octaves, 4 sets of reeds, 5 stops-a good practice organ $20.00. Onol Mason & Ilamlin, 5 octave, 4 sots of reeds, six stops, stool with each organ, $20.00. Easy pa- monts. One twa-wheel cart. one light wagon. I am offering ail these things very cheap and r expect they wili soon go First come first served. 1. JAMES DEvMAN, Concession St., 80-tf Bowmaný il]e. S 1TUATION ý,'WANTED.-By young kJman, iz5 yearm' city expei lence. Apply B. F., Loclç Drawsvr 7, Bowmanvilie. -51-1w> ()IOUSE ,FOR SALE-Good large J.Lbrick esidnceo Church St , spacions rooas.. Terms easy. For particulars applv to Mns, i. B. TAYLOR, Church St., Bownianvifle. 27 tf. TO THE PUBLIC. Notice ishehrehy given that mape or plans and books of referene aud profiles of two d eviat- Ions or chrgres of the location of the Grand Trunla Railway, oine west of Newtonville Station ho the To)washlp of Clarke in the County of Durh-am being fron Mile Post k79ï te Mile Post 283J west of Montreal, and the other being through the ureken FronDt Concession of the Township of Daritigton,Couiity of Durham, fron, Mlle Post 2871 to Bowmanville, whiclt bave been approvad hy the Raiiway Committea of the Privy Council, have this day heen de- posited by the Grand Irnnk llailway Company of Canada lu the office of the Registrar of Daeds fbr the West Riding of the County of Durham, in accordane with the provision% of Section 125 of the Railway Act of Canada, and that application wil l , nade to the persons whose lands or propertLy are required for the purposes of the said deviations, and which are shown on the saiS plans and books of reference so deposited as aforesaili, for so much thereof as nay be requirefi, and that the saifi Company- will forthwith proceed under the provisions of the Railway Aci to aequire for the purposeg of the said devitations the lande showu on the saiS mape or plans and booke o.f referene aes ucces- sary for the purposes of the Company. 0f ail which those interested are hereby re6nired 10 ta.e notice. IJateS, twenty.sixth dair of July, 1902. JOUXe BELL, no.hiitor for the Gi and Trnnk »a~ilway Companîy of CaL ada. 81-1w. Getting a Negati 've Dependa ou the way the photo- graphor undemstands bis business. XVo know bow to make thein aul be sure of perfiect likene,-sses. Proper posîng,, and carefuh ugmn wihb enable us to get jus, the right expressioni and guar antee ý ou joîýt the pictulre that wili ploase. Ha', e a look at our pieture trames. M'e havc a lot of tine largeý West End flouse. (Leading lothiers.) West End HouBe. LE We counted our Suits this week and have just forty-eight Suits that we want to get out of the store in just seven days. Starting Wednesday morning, July 30th, and ending Tuesday nightl, August 5th. The assoî't- ment consists of All-wool Tweed Suits in liglit or dark colors and Double Breasted Worsted Suits i n a 11i gizes from 34 to 42, Every Suit o the 48 is worth from $6.00" to $7,00 an 1d the big reducetion in price ouglit to make this the Banner Clothing Week at the SWeQËEnd flouse. $7IO Mon's SuiS Red'üood to $"4.o90. Ohit o h1WsWohSufse9- i, Thatmeans the pick of over 50 of the handsomest and best washing garments ta eveà eme into this store. $1.50 and $1.2â Wash Suits, iiizes 21 to 26, sale price 98c. I Pure 11ool, Dark Grey Halifax, Boys' Kiokers, at 48o per pair, Unlined, Boys',, Ileskin Knickers, lice patterils, 25e jer Pair. SChoice of Boys' Separate Wash, Waists and Blouses, 50c and 65c kind, for 40c. e Big Reductions on Men's Straw Hats and Summer e Clothing.' John McMurtrY Drop Sale in Muslins and Embroiderieýs. figbest Price for,>Produce. MISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Fpuil.of.Prof. A.S Vogt, Toronto Conservatory of ,tnsic, will receive pupil.s in Piano and Theory of Mnic, at Concession 58, Boww ua T HEAMERICAN IbiSTITUTE 0F HPHRENOLOGY, Incorporated 1866, opens iii next session, September lir,, 1902. For par- tirniars appte1 the Secretary. M. H. PIEs CY, care of Fowiyler & Wells Co., 24 EaSt 2unS St., New York City, N. Y. F ARM TO RENT-Being 100 acres of lot 26, con 4, Darlingion, on wbich are good buildings. Plowiflg possession after ýharvest, Fuit poisession next sprng.Apy te JESzi< ARNOTT on premnusea or Solina, P. OY "WANTED-A companion -and nurse IrY wanted at onpc to tal<e charge of and e are for Mrs. Nancy Crawford at lier home in Bowrnanvii e under the supervision of Mrs. Rhoda Crago te whorn the applicant will apply. The applicant must be strong' capable and trustworthy. 10-tf T EN ACRES FOR SALE.-Being Lnorth east corner of lot 18, con 7, Darlitig- ton. On premimeB are a goofi frarne bouse and barn, haro and soft water, also good orchard. wlll he solfi on easy terms. Apply te Em.As GRaENwÂy, Lot 10, con 9, Darlington, Hayd on P. O. 28-6w' FARMf FOR SALE.-Baing lot' 10, con 9, t4arlingt6n, except thirteau acres. On thep remises are goofi buildin gs.0g6 orch ard anS best et water. The land Isin the tuêst of cultivatton. Will be toid on very easoy terras. If flot sold by &ug 16thl, will he retited Apply to Er.Ias QnmiwAT, on the prernises, Haydon P. O.",8-6w* P. 0. O&~TDA +. ,. BUGGIES FOR SALE-Fine second .0 andtopBuggies newly Painted-some nearly uew. Aiso 2 road caris. J. PERCY. as if FX FOR SALE-A first ch1a s a F ARrmof 116 acres, vithin Ji miles of Burkeion station, where there le a first cia,. market. The farm tsecomposed of parts of lots 21 and 2,1 ln the 9th con., Township of Darling- ton, Soul, day 11o11; in a god state of cultiva." tion; welI fenced; ail the neeessary building and ilu good shape. A neyer faillng stream of water; orchard and everything necessary for a confortable home. Plowing pseso fe bar veet. u il hasolS cheap, J. W. WI0,LAMS Enuikillen, P. O., Ont. 310- S' TA A Coffee The very best Chase and Sanbomn Coffee, for somethiug good it ean't be beat. We have a few Specials for this week-Pure Map le Syrup, Canned Pineapple, Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, the vory best, Have you tried our Special Baking Powder, it ean't be beat 15e per pound. MISS EDITH FIREELAND Io lrepared to give muictssons at ber home on Beech Avenue. Bowmanvilie. 37-tf W OOL WANTED.-"'There is now Vy a great cry and lUtile wool"' as the Deil sali when lie cllpt the Sow. Well, it; is true for as the market stands there le no profit to eitET buyer or seller. What I want to tel my o1id friends is that 1 amn stili to be found aý iche là reliable stand-the Hampton WoollJI, ýMtile where 1 amn prepared i elher to buy thefr wool or exehiange for home-made goods. 1ol11 cardlug and spinning attended to. Hoping tu see mïy old friends once more. D. TAYLOR, Hampton. 17-3m. Yonî Attention For, a MoInlt. If you are building or repawinav can perlîapshobp you to suIvear,,'Ig of the diffculties incident to the under- taking. For instance. OEMBNTs-We have Battlo's Thorold for concrete walhs, cattie stables and cellar floors; Engih Portland for pave- monts and cistera BILL STurt-P 1 n e a n d Homlock Joiste, Scautliug and Boards. rTmR-Pne a n d Odar Square TSitiepoan. FULoUoNc--ieei and White Pinie and White Maple. CIDILIUG and WÂîieooTmne-Painted Sand Grained, Beadod and V Joint. Smni-BevIo~,Co ,e, Shiplapped ,and Clapboardin, iSms6GLue-Ahîgrdej. Naiv' i

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