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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1902, p. 5

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Gold Bracelet. 'The findor will please leave it at Stott & Jury 'e Drng Store. able reward will be givon. suit- Paris G;reen Is Not Ail Ali*ke.p If it woro it would lot bo nmeossary to exorcise the care we do in buying. We go to a lot of trouble each year to get the best. article that can be produced and that is the reason our Paris Green always gives -satisfaction. If Paris Green wero al the same quality the only in- ducemont wo could oMfer would be in the price. loi Get 3 Advantages At Our Store. lât-Righest Quali ty. 2nd-Lowest Prico. 2rd-Mofley back if not satisfactory. If wo did flot know the quality of our Paris G reen- we co uld Dot make this offer.. 25e, a pound, eSlbs for $1l .00. Stott & J urF-Y, The Druggists and Opticians. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 30, 1902. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂNVITlLE STATION~. GOING EAST. 0088(6 WlqT. ÉCYpress.... 9 U a. m. 1 Express.... 5 15 a. m, ExpreSS...... 10 27 qi Local ....... 7 50 0I usssener....3 56 p.m. : Passenger 1i 42 p. m1 Lbocal..«658 p.m. IExpress... 7 388 *~Expres...10 25 p.m. Express does flot go west Monday morning. %ud Ys . .Il 45. SToTT & Juxv. Town Agents LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, Miss Violette -Osborne is home for vacation. Miss Ruby Gale, Coiborne, le vis! ting relatives here. Miss DolIy Sinclair, Toronto, spent Sundfi.y at home. Mise Nellie Pattinson is visiting rela- tives in Brantford. Miss Minnie Colgato, Guelph,is guest of Miss Ida Trewin. Miss McCullough, Trenton, is v isit- ing friends in town. Mrs. Jas. Truil, Whitby, hias been visiting frionds hre. Miss Edith Rowe, Torontoi, is spend- ing vacation at home. Opening fora sm art boy tei learu printing at this office. Mrs. A. Luttre Il, Toronto, bas been visiting frienda in town. Miss Ethel Cole. Woodstock, is vislt- ing at Mr. Y. H . Mason's. Miss Mossie Powell, -Toronto, is visît- ing the Misses 'frebilcock. Miss iElhel Campbell, Milton, ls visit ing atMr .Thos. Bassett's. Bev. F. B. Stratton has superannuat- ed and settled in Belleville Miss Hope McMurtry. Toronto, is guest at Mr. Jon. Stephe ns'. Mr. T . J. Grey, Kia gs$on, is guest of his cousin Mrs. A. Mcready. Port Hope Oddfellows will observe August lst as Decoration Day. Miss Kent, Campbellford, is go.est of hier sistor, Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie. Mr. Richard Trenouth has been ap- pointed caretaker of the Public School. Mrs.FW. Couch and Miss Cora Man- ning visited relatives at Port Perry last week., Mr. S. McConnochie, Toronto, travel- er for the MeCoil Oil C., was in town last we.ek. Mr. Ernest Brittain, Toronto, is.visit- inZ Mrs. W. Y. Brittain and other relatives bere. Mr .Lucas, Cartwright's veteran tonship clerk kas resigned on accoxint of faiing healthk Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Alen, C(tbourg, were recent guests of his father W. I. Allen, Esq , BeechAve., Mrs. M. Prout and Miss Gertrude and Miss Bywater Toronto, have been guests at Mr. IL11. I¶'on's. Mr. T. E. B. Henry bas been spend- ing a few days at Oshawa-on-the-Lake, guest of Mr. A. D. Henry, Rov. Wmn. Jolliffe has a Crimson .Rambler rose bush with three thousand roses on it. It is a beauty. Mr W. J. McMurtrv and Mrs. W. G. Perry, Toronto, are guests of tJiir mother Mrs. W. MMutry. Mr. James Gilfillan, -B.A , Head- master Bowrnanvillo Hligh School, is es.ioyitig a visit to Chautauqua. By the postal rates, no correspondence for the paper or copy of any kind can ho mailed for loss than two cents. Dr. J. C. Devîtt took in the Maek- inaw trip. Mrs. Devitt and babo visit- ed friends lu Cartwright and Lindsay. Agents for Dominion and Beaven Messrs T, G. Bragg, B A., sud F. H. lino Steamship Tickets. Frost, B A, ans lu Toronto assisting as examninons at the Educational DepI. BowmÂNqvILLY. Shoomaker's The oonmt bending over that of noces- aity a sho.- do when at work cornes ks ~back and hard on the kid- neye, Backache, - lame, weak and sore back ý-1f are the, bug- bears Of a shoemaker's existence. The kidneys get eramped and strained, are unable to ûlUor the blood as tlioy sliould-they tell of their disordered condition by mak- ing the back ache and pain. There isn't mucli use rubbing on liniments or sticking on pibsters ~when the prime cause of the ache ,-ies in the kidneys. The remedy that le mest effectuai -or "shoemaker's backaehe," as for ail kinde of backaohe and kid- ney trouble, ie Dr. Pitoher'u Baok- ache Kidney Tablets. INTENSE PAI. John Saunders, shoenaker, Whitby Ont., gives the. following evidencegd procured a bottie of Dr. Pitcher's Baek. aàche Kidney Tablets at the drug store, and Can sy that they gave me great relief im- m datl I was suffeing with intense pain in th back and biliousness, with bad taste in the mouth, and loge of appetite. Under the influence of the medicmne ail this quiokly disappeared and I féel well agan. Onething 1 wisb te Bay, whils t-y did ' e work flnely, they were V"s f.k e -in a"ton, no distres, neognping k. ther medicines, and I waa il>b té erk sfl the tiuse. 1 can heartily eoa *and then to ail who enffer tram bock. *cht kiduaey troublo orbiouesY PriC. &W a bx, t al drzeit.e> q.a4, Tas De Enc r" ivaaa ««q In the usines et the Entrance pupils at No .12, Darlington, MI. Brooks should bave read 70.5 marks iustsad et 795. 1Miss Minnie Jeuess attended the summon seheel sud missiouary cou!fon- once lu Victoria Cellego, Toronto, hast week. Mn. P. C. Haro, Dominion Exponi- mental Stations, Ottawa, speut Suuday wiîlî ber graudmother Mns. D. C. McDowel. Mn. W. C. Frank. Maple Grove, is suppls in z Newtonvilhe Methodis t pulpit durng the illness o! the paston Rev - J. G. Lewis, whe bas typhoid fever. Mn. J. W. Emery. Science sud Cern merdiaI Master, Port Hope 111gb School bas ne9igned bis position lu orden te pursue bis studies ai the University . Mrs. J.B. Russell, Wiunipeg, 15 viait- lng bier sisten, Mrs. John Fenguson, (Panning Farin.) Mrs R. was called hime te see ber sick brother, the hais 0. Triok.-.Port Hope Guide. Miss Mac Waiu sud Miss Thompsou heave ton Muskoka ou Friday toe sujon the invigorstiug broozes et Milford Bay. They wiIl be joiued aI Oshawa hy Mns. D. M. Ted sud chlldreu. Mrs P. W. Ross sud family wbo have beon spending a couple et mouthp with h e r sister Mrs. R. R. Hos- kmn lot Monday for Los Angeles, Cal., whers lboy will mako thein future P. C. Pethlck is agent ton The Edison Phouograph. Prices frein $1010o $100. Records 60e osch or $5.00 a doz. Cal sud boar h talk The Oshawa Reformer bas Ibisklind word te sa% about our excursion: "Mr M. A. James' excursion teo Niagara Falls, on Moudsy lasI, was participaied lu by uesnly 400 peopleofe!wbom Osh awa supplice uearly 1.10. The morning bosng dans and clonded pnevented a great minusfrein geiâg. but ihoso wbe went repent au exceediugly pleasant day, aud tho weathen turned eut meat azreeabîe fer îha tr'p. AIl speas îof Mn James as au idoal inanabrer delug ever %ihing "Il-shîe te add to the pleasure cf the pavmingers l'ho senior membens of ýincoe St Methodist Suni day Schooî, te the nimber cf about ý100 were proseut. snd ,'oung snd clii hugelv enjoved -the day " MA. James bas another exebtraien on, Weduesday Aug. 20. tir-ket# for round trip Si 25, gnora I mn déowiý? Taie - rbe 1.& L "Emn a.on of VCcd Llyer 011. Il wîll toe up a,. or s1,stew sud ni ke sou foot -vour"'Aof agaîn Made ýbY Davis & Lawrene» Co*, Ltd. 1 Dont ho both"red ILnIgiug basket2 tn the lake thim hot weather, bus your wants aI the o;tore dowu thAre where so miwili tlnd the pni'ea nio moeathan at the np town tètore-Cawker &Txitý ONIldren Ory for 1 Miss Nellie Saundere, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Geo. McKow an, Griersville, la visiting bis mother. Miss Davidson, Dundas, la guest ef Mrs. W. MeKowan. Miss Barbara Yllowlees, Toronto, la visiting ber mother. Miller's Grip Powdars Cure. Sold by Stott & Jusi., druggists. Mrs. C Waito, Port Hope, bas beon visiting friends lu Cartwright. Miss Ruby Crago la visiting ber aunt Mrs. (Capt)ý Crawford, Toronto. Miss Ethel Bennett. Toronto, is gucat ofber sister, Mrs. F. J. Manning. M. A. James' next excursion te Niagara Falls Wednesday Aug. 20. Mrs. M. J Bates. Parkdale, bas beon visiting ber brother Mn. J. E. McWain. Miss Effle Bond, Oshawa, is enjoying ber vacation at Mnr, John Buckley's, Clarke. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Tapsen and cbild, Buffalo, N. Y.,, are guests of his mether. Miller's Worm Powdors make tbe children boaltby. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dibhs, Toronto, were Sunday guests of bis father. Mr. W. Fisbleigh. Miss C. Sainsburv. Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting ber uncle,. Mr. W. H. Williamns, Concession St. Miller's Worm Powders, the medicine for hblîdren. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Miss Beatnice Foster, Orono,, bas heen guest at bon uncl' Mn. John Feston, King St. Miller's Worm Powders for sallow ekin; old or yonng. Sold hy Stott & Jury, druggists. Mn. and Mrs. Baird, Plattsville, and Mnr. and Miss Epplett, Teronto, were roceut guests of Miss Veal. Boys, work real bard for a montb te attend M. A. James' next cxcursion to Niagara Falls on August 20. Mn. Bon. Hosle y, Canton, N. Y., and Mn, J. R. Alexander, Toronto, are gnests at Mn. Jas AlexË-ander's Mr. Fred W. Cherry, Schenectady, N. Y,, visited bis motteor on Wednes- day and gave us a friendly cal Màrs. W. R. Jackson and Mns. George Jackson snd son, Fred, Toronto, are visiting at Mrs. H. Baskervilie's. Mrs. Wm. Giddy and sou, George, Pot Hope, have been guests of ber cousin, Mrs J. J. Glifillan, Orono Miss Madeline Charlton, Parkdale, and Miss Fb. luiikard, Balmy Beach, bave booma guests of Miss Madeline Dustan. Mrs. Wm. Feild, London, aud Mr, . IL. Hobbs, Jr, Toronto, attenaed the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. S. W. 1Sanders, Sr. Mauy pensons snffeing from rbeu- natism bave been permanently cured hy Miler's Compound Iron Puis. Sold hy Stott & Jury, drnggists. Mrs. R.L. Werry and Master Wilfrid, Montreal, Que., were lu towu Wednes- day en route to Solina. where tbey will spend vacation at Roselandvale. Jul y 15 evidently eclipsing June lu thonain tounament-the hehavior" cf boîb is witbont a parallel in the memnorv of the oldest inhabitant. Mdiss Kate Dingledein, Miss Aldrich aud Miss Maver, Buffale, N. Y., and Miss Kate DevelI, St. Thomas, bave heen guosts of Miss Florence Mayer. Backache is almost immediately ne. lies ed bv wdâring eue o! Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna 1Backacfre Plasttrs. Trv one aud be fnee froin pain. Price 25 cents. Several pensons have asked how te get te Dr. John Hoskin's from Union Station, Toronto. Take BoIt Lino car either way te Howard St. off Bloor. Aligbt aud cross bridge over ravine, turnute ight and a few stops bring yen te The Dale. rhe Ladies' Charmpion Base Bal Club that drew possihl ' the largest crowd that ever witnessed a base bal match bore will play our home team again ou fhursday Juir 31 at 8 p. m. Admission 25e Dont miss seeng the Boston Bloomers. A Hlamilton yacht, 'Hully Goe". ne- turnng from the regatta at Cobjurg was caught ln the terrifie gale Snnday afternoon sud capsized about a mile aud a haîf eut in the lake two miles east of Newcastle. William Griffith, aged 21 years. was drowned. The bedy bas net heen reeoyered. The otiier memibers cf the partv-Meisrs. Beverlv Grant, Wm. ',býambrook and James Lawrv- clung te the boat wbhich tbe wind turned ever again. aud after twe heurs pad- dling neached shore. MnrJLawry ii; a nephew of Mrs J. H. Cryderman o! Ibis town The party called bore on thein way oast Yn can procure puro paris green at MeDermid's Drug Store 1 Good Work, Best Materials, Artistie Desiý, ns, Prices Reasonable. E. R. BOUNSALLI 15 BOUN MANVII-.E uN 1 BIG 20 BOOKSTORE, Cheap Books for summer reading by the best authors at 10e eaeh. Hammoeks and Croquet for the Iawn at redueed prices. For the ladies we have a fine assortment of Stamped Linens Sofa Cushions, etc., aL-o Silks and Braids. 'W.T.ALE'lN, Good eevered buggy fer $85. Apply te M. A. James. Misa Stewart, Terouite, is guest of!lber cousi Miss Millie IMason, Mrs. A. Brake, Toronto, is visitiug bier fathen, Mn. R. Darceh. Miss Livingstone, New York City, is [guest cf fhon graudmothen, Mrs. Roger Cole. M. A. James is Geverumont issuer cf Maniage Licenses for Durhamn Couutv. Miss Williams, Mitchell, la visiting hon unele, Dr. W. E. TiIley, Pont Bow- manville. Rev. J. E. More, Kewbung, wili pros ch lu Metbodist cbnrcb noxt Sun- day monning. Mn. and Mrs. F. Mason, Peterboro, were zuests of lber father, Mn. Thomas Shenin Snnday. Miss Jessie Brown, Port Dalbousie, la visitiug lier gnandpareuîs sud other relatives lu tewn. Mrs. T. J. Mason, Toronto, la onjey- ing the lake breezes guest e! ber sister, Mrs. W. E. Tilley. Quantenly services will ho beld lu Methodist cburch next Snnday-Sacra- ment smrning sud eveuing. Miss E. Oîborne, Miss Thomnpeon sud Mizs MaeWaiu speut Sunday lu Oshawa guests of Mrs, T. H. Eversen. Mn. sud Mrs. Alisu Sharpe sud danghter Madelino are having aueut- iug tbla weok at Lake Scugog. Duning July sud Augnst, Dr. Reid wili ho at bis office daily from 10 te 11 a.m. Sundays excopted. 28-4w* Mn. sud Mrs. L. A. Edick, Chicago, are visitiug their son Dr. Ediek at Port Bowmauyille. Both are 70 yoars otage. Mn. sud Mrs. H. C. Harrison sud Miss Olive Harrison, Buffalo, N. Y., are visitiug their nucle, Mn. C. L. Mun- âon. A capital article on Cousumption ap- pears on au inside Page, Read il sud il may save von'r lite on some other person '9. The Officiai Board eft he Mtbodist Cburch bau gnanted Rev. D.0. Crossloy, paston, leave et absence for three Suudays lu Aug-ust. AN Acuii.NGBÂÇcK-Is tue first indication of kidney disease, sud sbonld ho taken as a signal e! danger-s wsringto use Dr Cbaso's Kiduey-Liver Pilîs while yel thee18 time te avoid the dreadful pains sud certain fatality et Ibis terrible disease, Thene is ne gitess werk, ne expeimenlîng wbeu you use Ibis prescription. Il brings relief lu a remarkahly short lîme, and beesuse et ils combinued action of liver sud kid- usys, cures compfieated cases wbicb. canuol ho reacbod by any ordinarv trou tmont. Ail summer goode aI greatly reduced prices aI Thse Mason C'.. Ses adiv't. Keep your blood cool, gel a 15e bottle o! ciraIe o! maguesia at Mc- Dermid's Drug ýtore. The Mason Ce. are offoing special onrces on ondered clmt'ing ah Ibhis month te keep their tallons husy. Now îs the lime te gel younsolf a nioe, summer bat, the prico' s are dewu at M. Mayer's, come snd seo for yourself. bats, eall at M .Maven'ýs Rat Store whene yen find a large assortment lu al prices of bats. Miss LuIs Steele,Torouto. las pending vacation with Mrs. J. T. Trewin. Mrs. D. P. Kane and Miss Kane et St. Louis, Me., are visitiug lier mother Mrs. Mary Nunu. Mns. H. E, Spencer and daugbter, Clevland, Ohio, and Miss Eita Coulter, Pontypool, are guests ef Mrs. John Grigg. Mrs. Frank Davis, Toronto, is visit. ing Mrs. John Babcock on bier way te Ottawa te) spend a couple cf months in the nortb Country. DURHAM BOYS' RE-UNION. Monday August 4th is likely te ho another Red Letter Day in thse history of Dnrham Ceunty. It is a unique social feature for the city people te in- vite country people te, the eity te a picnic, sud, se fan as knewn the Durham Old Bessud Girls in Toronto are the first te try the expeniment. They promise ns a rigbt royal weleome anid a happy ne-union sud their invitation is unlimited-all rosideuts of Durhamn County are invited, hotb lu tewn snd conntry, so that ne perEon lu the county need hesitate te accept 1t. Several lettons have reaehed us frein fionds lu the City nrging a largo attondauce as the dosire of aIl citizens o! Toronto taking part lu the n-uniion is that the function be a "prenonced social success" and the greater the numben wbo attend fîom the county the botter they will be pleased. We shonld net fail te accept thein invitationý se widlely and generonsly extended sud as very favorable excursion rates bave been secnned from the Grand Trunk Rsilway for the occasion, as stated lu suother columu, we hope te ses overy- body thons who eau eonvteuieutly go. Our ily frienda are aetively pusbiug te completion ail the arrangements sud are deîermined te make the day as enjoyable sud iuteresting as the.v pog. sibly eau Wlie the excursion train. reaches the Union Station, Torouto, about 9.80 a.m , there will bo a reception committee te meet the visitons and direct them te the lovely grounds se kindly effored by Dr. sud Mns. Iloshýin te the Association for Ibis social func. lien. We speak from peigsoual know- ledge wbeu we say th&t Dr. Hoskin's grounds and ceuservatives are lu theinselves worth going a long distance te Seo We hope every resideSt of Durham cunuty will feel a certain measureofo! personal responsihilitv whicb will prompt hlm or ber te acceçpt the invitation teo enjoythe bospitality cdf our city fieuds ou Mouday next No-ras. Mns. C. A. Cawksr sud Mr. 1H, J. Knigbt will assist on the programn Buy tickets at Stott & Jury's Satur. day sud avoid the rush M ondaymerning, Dinuer wilI ho served free te all present er former nesidenits ef Durham Couuty. Seca annoiunoameut lu another coIn-i about train tfinesnd rates firei other stations. Free dinnor te ahl Durham people on Dr. John Hoskln's grounds at 12 o'clock, Monday. Staff-Capt. Edwy White writes frein Pittsburgh, Ps., that ho intoib" being present at the Durhamn Old Boys' Re- Union on Ang. 4. A member of Reception Committee top- Nowlls a-nts" Ep- . . - E 4 tm d Ed li n FnyDes E 4P. G 0osWorh0et7$yadyur EE chice or 2-yc 49 d mpotdS--an radeMuln,2t 12 yîd nds woth 0e .o 3c, or 5e d.u =tp21E 600yad PEnts heaiy and faclosreg. 10oie afor2c or5e yd. 15 pieesooed Ssati rn ibbosns, 2wo 121c yd., for 5cS yd. ~ E10 dozen Ladies' Black Ribbed Cashmere E Hose, worth 25e pair, 2 pair 35c. E5 dozen Men's Flard and Sof t Front Shirts, worth $1.00 to $1 .50, for 74o ~E10 dozen Men's Heavy Kuit Cotton Soeks, E E 4 pair 25c. E Bargains AIl uOver E the House. E Great Bargain flouse for General Dry G oods. E SNext Door to Standard Bank. BOWMANviLLE.E Hlaviug a lsxge stock et sunmoer bats;wivbmet the Local trasin at Scarhoro ou baud sud in orden te reýduco them I with.badigos sud pregrams. have decidled te soli thera off at ceat Local-train noaches Toronto at 9.30 piice, give us a cal. M, Mayen, Hatten. arn. Rolunniung frem Toronto ex- STATESMAN te neW subsenihers bal- oursionists may louve Union Station aI suce ef 1902 for 30C. 2. p.m., 5.10 P. iM., and 9 P. M. Man's Hats both shif sund soft-tbe Excursion tickets, $1.80 mroîre, child- latesI Euglisit sud Amreican stylos at reu 65e., are ton sale hy Stott & Jury Coucb, Jotinston & Cnyderman's. sud aI (G. T. R. station. Goed for Our Ready-mada Clthing 18 new sud Monday only, going by Local train frosb sud made np lu the laloat styles. leaving Bowmanivills at 10 minutes te Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman, 8 a. m. sud Dalinglen station at 8 M1uslus, Cbambrays, SkirtingsPar- Oecleck. asols and ail kinds of Summer Goods at Mn. John D. Keachie wriles as chair.- redueed prices at Coach, Jobuston & mari of the Program t orumitteol Pieuse Cryderman's. state su your papen su the kindlest If yen tbink et going te Europe ask mauner possible our destrs te seo as M. A. Jasmas for rates sud saillugs. Ho many frein oun Heuîeland ef Durhamn kuows the hest boats sud gels the best as cau coins. We'il gfive sala hisarty borths fer bis passeag ors. welcoms sud htndshaks sud yonr Cali aI Pethickt's Barber Shep sudpescewldenged hea n esof the Gemmie Edisen Phono. Notices of Births,Mvrriages and fleaths grsphs the Ioudest sud cloarest talking 50 Cents; insertion free -when Inar- machine1 ir, the world. n rage licences are obtained or funerai Forty eight goed strnZ . senvicable ntcsrneatfl fie suits' evory euoe worlh frein $6 te $7, BORN zoos aI $190 Ibis week at West End CLARE.- At Port Gramby, on Monday, Julv "th, t) Mr. and Mrs P. A. Clarke, o Port House, a in should nover go witheut Hope, a daughter. (Preinature brth.) a uew suit. JEFFEUT -Near Mapie Grove, Dai lngtonJuly Haudsoms chldren's wasb snitb aI 29th, te Mr. and Mrs, Wm Jeffery, twlns-Doy 98c, Beys Mleakin Knickers 25e pr sud and girl. GIFILL&N-Ie Orono, JUIY 219t, to Mn. and good wasbingi sopanste childnen's Ms. JohinJ.Gllana ngtr blouses at 40e aI West End House this GREGORY-In Oshawa, July 2th, te Mr. and woek Mr&, W. H. Grep'iry, a son. Ail mon's straw bats sud summen MITCELLl Oshawa, Juiy 21st, the wife of elotingredcedin piceat estEndJohn Mitchell, of a daughter. clotingnodced u piceat Wst nd OsiIN-IîI East Whttby, Juiy 23rd, the wifil House. We are sure to have lots o! 0f Sebastain Oonin,of a ugtr býot 6ax s vol se bore is your chance te buiy iight weigbt clothinZ cheap. DIEO Attention is directsd te Couch, John- PuRLw.-n Port Houe July 24th Dr Adam Purslow. f,rmerly headmaster oi Pori sien & Cr3 derman's Sale et Summer Hlope HÎghSchool, aged 68 years. Goois. The firin doos net pretend te GaassWOOD-A4t Whithy,Jtiy 24th, Charlotte,i seil alwavs sud everytbing at a less, reflet of the laie J. H. Greenwood, aged 56 yirs. but when they advorlise bargains yen HÂsAcocK-At the residence of lber son.,r can dopend upon gotting- thera. Win. eunney, Ottawa, July 2Srd. Caroline Coombe, relit of the laie James Haucock,aged Dent fergel that Caw,,ker & Tait are 72 years. Interred at Bowmanvtlie. the largest direct importens o! china SàsNDEs-In Bowmanville. Juiy 2rd, Mary sud crockery lu West Durhamn We Stacey, rellet of the late Samuel W. Sanders, bavejustopoed et 85ebabor otsaged 77 year&. havejus opeed ut echaber ets TRICK-At the residence of hi. brother. Mn. with four very prelty colons, ten ploces R. Tni-ck Untonvilie, on the 19th inst , Charles lu sel sud for ton davs will soli thein ai Tiek, oÏ Manitoulin. Ont., in hi.sS5th year. $4.00 sud $4,50 per ýset-theso are Deceasedleaves a wfe, ene son George'. sud bargainstwo daughters Mand and Lanra, »e.Ides a barginslarge number oi relatives and fyrelns te mocrn The remains o! the lato Mrs. C. his takiuig away. lanceck were bro"n-ht hors frein Ottawa for bunialinl Bowmanville BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Cometory ou Friday. 'Deceased was well kuowu sud bighls nospected lu Uorreeted by J.Mehlurtry each Tuesday ibis town havirîg resided hera for man% Liu 0 ....151 22 years proviens te coing te Otawa three WHHA, s, V'eIsh....81 o 82 2;71 cears ago le reside with lber son Mn. il Sprn .....oà (0 il(70 Wm unBtinnev. Thnugh'nover erjeiiuii tiie best o! bealth asewas able b ha le Rsd 1ife.:......O 0 ' i O 7 -r aroni'd the bouse nttil the Fridaiv t Goose O....0 0 ilv65 I>revîcous ta hin deslh wben 'she wau;.t., BARLicY, e busti, Ne. 1 ... o o0 etO 45 'beid n uspite ofthe bet medical sI.it " , "i te 2 .. 0 40i 04e3 grsdtzslly a'rew weaker until Ws.d- il fi fi38... O25 'i0O SI nestiav ut iruing when msIte-ed f" ilTwe newed O 4o if o Su [quieîIt it t land wlare tiýer(e s n .jAT8. Whiteo. l............ 00oilo() *à imore saiiea..or death and wberc, tho RYEOil(JO. 00 f 0Su luhahitants shait enjot the reward of B KxVHEA "il....O.. 0 'I0le 55 contistout Christlin livas, The funendl PEAs, Blackeýe, e bush.. O 0 0 lO0oo to~ lceFidt mrnîg rini il o Canadian Beauties O 70 iO S) residuer (,f har be Ms r MnChas. Mumme" te' O(Oo Ceemba. (Ontario St., service being Sr 0o6()o O 6à coîîducted by ilcys. Wm Jolliffe, W Bu o o0 O 0 O65 Coombo, sud D-O Cro.zslOfy Mson e)d uTras, boat table, f lb. 00Wfi0 16 friands sud neigtshors ;assemhled ýîe . -113, e doz ........... O 13 a 0 14 nie, 11whom the P ai .. ..... Oidote0 5o plie, respFct lIfa.to,.........8 0un's, h.i kefown sud lýovfIt for s No lury&ton800rI Mn aud 'Ar,Wm. BnoOtw aud 174-v. W. t-sne iaiuv~., Monkey «Brand cean. sud brîgbtm8s aeeoerpanled tIse w ema ibre. !everïuiisg, but wst W" hClothea,

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