Wealthy Threadneed 1 wae takiin over the Bank of Enig- 1auýd by its seoýretary and sbownthte enrmýllious fLnds on, bond in buiiion ru d notes, writes F"rank G. Carpea- ter- frein London te the Chicago FReord-HGrald. Ilhle Batik of E îgiand is perbaps the chief inauciai institution of tbe world1-. It le a private corporatllýi, but i t bas since its ergaization been the depository of the geverti- metfunda,ý. It bas mucb te do witb financfiing tho governînent debt, and it might be called the National Bank of Great Britain. BANKC 208 YEARS OLD. The bank ie new 208 years oid. It wae founded by3 Wiliam Paterson, a Scotchinan. 1-Te had in his char- acter many of tbe elenients eof Fier- pont Mlorgan, atid he saw bis chance te make money out of the British Governaient, wbich was thon, iaon- ciaily crippied by its wars witb France, FIIhST GOVERNMENT LOAN. The governiment wanted money and Paterson saw that it couid give exclusive banking privileges te an institution which would fornisb a permanent ioan aLt a reasenab le rate. 1-1e organizcd a conîbînation of sonie of tbe cbief British nierchants, baeked by a capital of $6,000,000, and offered te banli that ameunt te the geverninent att the thon bew rate of 8 per cent. per annum, on the condition that the gVoverninent woold give the comnbintion,. a charter te dealinlabis of excbiangd, bulon and bonds, and pay it $100,000 a year for bandling tbe goveramnent debt. This offer wa.s acçepted, and tlîe Bank of Englnud vmias the re- cuit. P3aterson was 0one 0f the or- iginal directors, and during hie HIe thîe bank became theroughiy estab- liihed. The institution was a preeperous oie froin its start. The goveramont eteadily încreased its connections witlî it, anîd to-day it'owes the batik about ton times ne mucb, as whea it wns founded, aitbougb tbe interest rate bas failen frein 8 per cent, te 241 per cent. per antnin. During my trip tbrougb the baik 1 spent sorno tiie in the printing dlepartmo-nt watchi cg themi make the Banik of Engiand notes. BAN~K NOTE PAFER. The Englisb batik note papor le ns wbite as tbe witest pach et. It bias a sert of transpart whl"'1ýi ate- tiesa, and it is exccedingiy t,,rthi. n remarkabiy streng. it is made of pure linon rags by a secret process eacb bondie of 10.000 are in tbeiî £bin -ita the- u xajuIts Nwher-c bunleýs sonote rfti1wedJ te boid a million pounds worth of thoîn in My, two bande. This amio u hrpebitciaU o"5T- fuiiy guarded andtie oiticiels of the baink wbe ctood about iei wero hls. ty folbows, wbe would cor.- tainly have rcsi1ste any- 1'atteîapt at deatr ittl thEr n1ublpapor Uleioo~l faict, weigb very littie, oiy 1821 grains te the note, and yet .they are teo stroug that a cingle shoot of the paper of wbich they are made wili supýport fifty poundcî weight without tearing. 110W NOTES ARE DESTROVED. Ail notes are.destroyed after tbey are redeemed, but tbey are kept a certain tinoe in ordor that nny ques- tieni concerîîing titeir ownership in the past mny bc trnced. The Engiisbnîan takes the nom- bers of lus batik noes, and in mnany cases hoe niakes the mati who paye t1écmnever te him inidorsehis tnime on the baýck. The batik keepe the znumbers, anid after the notes coe ta thoy keep a record of the batik 1ending themn, ai-d they cain i a mo- mlent pick out any note tiiet they have received during the pnst fOve yenrs. Tlie Bank of Englaad notes are usualiy redee,ýmed witb gold, golden sot creigne being sboveied out in scoops juet, iike rhc littie sheveis our ýnrocers use for cogar. The gold le net counted, but is weigbed, the telicrs kaowing just how many cev- ereigns go to th(, outnce or pound. The notes ar aceo ytarn a -'ceet of 1e oone f ebatid ar tonfledaway il, the bh nteo catconbein boxes for aL period of bye y"e.r. At thoý end otf this turne they'arc burned. IN THIE BIJLLION VAIJLTS. I went down int tbe bulon vauits. Iu thein ai-e great piles of gold bricks and goid pigs, which are sent in frein tue laines of aul parte of the world. I eaw gold froin Aus- tralin, Soult Africa, India, ai-id tbe United Saeand the an toid etht it waýs clrnost 'abso iutely pure. 1- saw ais gi-ont vaite in wbtch i re gold ooria in bags, eacb lllg svriuat.The bngs ~a~ pilcid olp liRe se nucb, I. bave pen of the Batik of Eng- land1 as ai private batik. Il you have the lht kiad of an introdufrt,,ea yen1 canMI~ a acceuti un it-,1bu1ye L&v t' hp eneugh rnuyond- O0Ld Lady ci, IN le~',ý LSre. ~rî yen te iistery of tbuis j qulat riuîg I alway e wear? Why 1' ~'~î~sitenidYen tiak itlibas a hlsbery?" posi b aRelb py te huR t do. Ican't sey wby I tiik so, Mon- i 10 mk i pa te bnk o (0uce, hut 1 an suce there le one. yoîîr busi!ness. îsn'b biere note?" coaxingly. The officiais estinuate that cacit cd- "Mes, dean, libre is. I tilîl bell ceunt musot yieîd 12 conta ote iteyeif yen rmail aet Iori. bank for every check cesited trougit- ThYspcurs ero tohgir ite- out te yeam, ce if yen issue a thon- edre etî a enu iern candciucksbit heu teîl tex teaLove aliuuded te. Sniliag affection- maRe at îeect $120 out 0f yotî, oratoîy at.liem companien, Monica bo- it will refuse te koep yonr necount. gan: Tbere are notev about 5,000 prîvate "Two years cge,, ny methor and I accouabe carried, and te prît ate de- were cpondiug te winter at Bath. It pecits average over $100,000O,000. bcd ite"n a very gay eue, teilit any PAMINGOUOIT DIVIDENýDS. nuniber of dances. I bad onijoyed A lrgoputi o bia bsins~ il Ite yseif imtitnsely, and ny nuest fî'e- heR lae atdofitgebi goftetquent par tuer tes a mati thoun I bank s inhanding he gverment il cali Iiegiuîeld t'maven. 'I1Iiked délit. I enwte ielerk puying out jin extrerneiy, and hoeitad pcid me I dividelnds la the dividouud-roenu Hoea- etdaloatéty. Jews are gevemument cecuribles of lla Pe rfect doal 0f tanto e,> lae wa Rlnds and te stedîthoiders doiet cnc lac daner ed, te m, oineet cash their coupons. Lt is estimiatod utn ma egadloig tee, bah cand dat-k. Hie was very that tuieme are 275,000 pensons miho mucit runacf tem, for bosîdes belng ce ewc sncb stocks. and a large nui- alec in himseof, ho tees looked upon be fthei neni ool.Pro e as a very good catch. But ail titis Iber nocy.atîtntion nover nîade iinl te The iluboet paid ont aneouuts te bnsc ceoted. He bcd tiever aceu- more titan $3,000,000,000 e yeux. aily bold me thai. ho oved ne, and And dees the big IBank of Englaad yot Ikuewte iat hoe did, and I did evor bave a ua apen lb? net need thte mionde speken. Just Mes, indoed! Titis bias been theo te feol that I teas te oee oman dace in timres 0f panic, andti iere ibthe wonld 'te hum, teas joyCa- have been instances en te bak ougit for me. lias lied te suspend apeclo pay- "Bubtt e enntes drawing te t moents, lb did se during the Omt a close,anad se teas bis bave. Ina e yecr of its existence. The1 govera- few daye hoeteas going bcck te Ai- ment bcd calied linte clrte ave deî-siob. it reeeuaed, and the nît es ard "Hoeuvas fa bbe Militla, and hue up fer comency. Ita stock wOut hattalieuî lid goîto theme te replace f dowin frein 110 te 83, anîd ts di- 0n0of te rogular régiments tehicit rectors issued a ceil for 20 per cent. bad been sont te South Alica. f on the sitareoldema. The batik sus- "Ilot elol I mcoilect evony littie pended specie ulcymoîtte frein 1797 détail of that lest tecek. We met te 1819, and wlieîî it moumed lb luad eveu'y day at oe place or enether, about $100,000,000 worttbof gold and'ieho tes ful 0f deligittiol plana and ilîver te begia titit. for te future. lthemo bave becal tintes tehen ilblbas "But ail geod tlîiugs must coe paid -oui. depesibome lun shiluings, and Vo an end, anîd blîs happy tiuue teas sixpencos la order 10 gain lime te ne exception te the rue. get n'oney te meet its obligations, "lb xns te lest bal of lte soc-i and otice at least lb bcd a litie of con. 1 eau sec lb all hefoe me mc ifs oîva mon tho accepted sncb sil- nemi, droamily," anîd Monice pcuced, ver payîuentc and depocited bien cppamoably lest li Ibonglits of the egan as fast as tbey wome receivod, pcst. se that a continuena strean of te'Theme tees silence for a be mo-s carne cliver flowcd ilanatd ont 0f te menfte, and Ihe site. continned, bank, wtelîote depeaitome wclted. speeking mooe terseif ttan te NOBLES AID THE BANKC.lhemrdonîpanion. "Wlial a Iovely hall' At one lime a deposibou' dernandod [t tees, and bote happy te eree, la 8150,GOO Ln gold coin, and et an- sPi te of te unden-current 0f ced- y other lte etmain tees so great thet noss, eausod hy te titeugitt 0f te- ceine 0f the riceset ofthe Enlsit1 auomromi's parting."eprpto nobility drove te lte bauk l Wttdd o 'e? ltîmp cochs ilec wthgode gi.,.ýthe youager girl, teoumc-ie 01 teiici t bey deposil cd te heîp tboitng thel Ibis teas ian iportanti heuR ucet its demande, point, do yen rmmnier?" 1 spent seine lime iii lhe colinnil- -Romomibon! Is titene ý anlyting U reoin wbeî'e the direclors meet auidaoutit at nigbt tebicitIlegï ? ia the library clattiag titit the sec- pa'sslOnately. "Rex loved uie in iitt rotary about theternivOnt ocf thoemss. île said, 'l shalh laituis Ile nd ts dividende lest year teone e , at least, I-thougitt te dud"- MMÏÏ M EiTl u nUeés on ane. tlyLTYkvunte oaîe- uf geld and iliver colnacnd bullion, mouat cheer up end bry bo look for- and citogethit lbleilasncb c con-,teard 10 cli te good tiaies te eere a-% Lk' _' - - -s-anlou- h _ -- ~. -, -nbnotes -are ni yug aeae-utn ot txen-thttI-luuldg- night for fear e is nsf ecy -_doen 'ber bithe Aldechuet eek posslbly mnnge it. Inideed lte managomiont0f i te "'l euidn't go doten alone, Rex,' - lunch s u'under sncb restriction, tat ï saiti, 'and motiter weuld cOtainly it wýo.uld ho ýimýpossible loi' tito offi- ,net hostme.ng eneugi tole aRe me.' ciels te maRe way tittite ai, aad H o tas se ec>geî' and hlîecul. 'Titt bievanîts amîd offices arc guardied t'. iiijho cli igt,' ho declaured. 'l'Il and by a eompany of soldions at ou en iibten and arrange blîungs. i-ghit.Suie is coinl1ng down itit e party IIt is bard 10 couniterfeit lte Bank ad teil ho deligitbed te citapemone 0 f Euîglaad notes, utot ouly on ce- yotî.' cont 0f te papor anîd laR, bob aise j "b clli sounded se doeligittfui. A of te came telichit s uscd by te teiole week bogotiter. We sltould en- banlcte brade te note. Eveny ilote joy exeny minute. 'No, ne, ]Rex,' I titat coinesile ite bnnk uiust bho sald,'titemo e ie osncbh ck Ion une. indonaed, althoughit t is douitbni Moblier le sure te ho 11, anîd I Ltwetber sncb ludorseunent cenidho citent be able te lea volier.' enfonced, as te notes are payable te "-Poor maotiter, yen Ruîiow site le bearor. ce often iîî, Lucy, and site hates te B3LLIIED BM A JEW. hanve aayeae but une le nurse bier." Titore are lete financial institutions "Mec, I Ruote, donc oid Monica, wlîiclî dan efilord te have a question yen bave iissed se maauy pleasumes, mised as te titeir solvency. Eton bavon't you, bureugit Seing cicR te Bank cf Englnnd do't teant ibe nurseso n f ton?" notes 10 go to proteat and it le son--I Tiat'c true, but I weuldîî'b for sitive as le ils roputeti. torîds elier roclizo lb. I Nves told aI bbe bak bote a Jete "Well, I explaiaed ail te liexhuit once bufled the qficlals into paying ho teotldn't taRe nfer an austet, somO Pnotes tebici thte batik officeis but 100k off titis," iotiuigiy linger- Ruet eree stobon.The Jete ineas a ng te curions ring teircitse teere, man ef teecîtit and mias tellikuoten "and cald, 'Menice, I ment you te ia te Stock E--xehanige. IHo bcd tear titis until tee atoot agein. Ii heught $100,0100 tonlt culfBa of won'b give il te yen altogoîber, ho- Eagletid nteos frn a -clerk teho ceose niy bretter gavo lb bo me lied been enpleyed iii one of lte ten hoie ent ont te Sentit Afî'ica. hatiks of te continent, but teio bcd I lsle umiese, and is cnppoed to absceaded teit ti part of hie brng teondenful good loch te te baîîk's fonds. Wheu te notes teero teor Fred got lb dumîng tite tecu presnteiPd te officiais refused te-)Pcv lu1Iluu'rnah. Ilteas given te,( hM tiem, butlite10Jete ut omnce ioîhy : a, wLeudd miarit telse I111 e h bd thon iteuit iiit thie Stoc L- avd. change_, and tbhuioeprecla.imed biI "tfctIddutliet ael, te BauR rtf Fngi,.nd itad uibuppcdknowng ote nrb Rex valued it- paymnenb. île sald l it ad ocd te bu)Lt ho tees se auxions 1I cbould, se boiter Ils owuî bille for sîooooo IA, cortcluu lb would bring ne bock tat anuideho howed lte itesincre-unte end II gave wny:." Motilea's1 horatien of hic statoment. Ile saidoyec Ouled teiit teans,. "It hasa'i. hoe would continue te publieR bthe bougt good loch, for I- ha,,ve neveu'1 feet titat lte bcnk tees incelvent ceeu hlm or itoard oîf hmiron tat andl tiemeby almeet ceated a pail. day b0 til-" Thte exciteuîîent miacsncb that tuue "Neyeýr seen or board of hiin ince I cashîler'of te Batik cil England sont t 1e Feald goo.d'-ye 10 yen!" exclain- fer hlm and gave hlm teo money for ('d!Luicy, lu estoniclîment. "Wity,1 hic notes, lb le doubtîtti, oteever, Monc, tbt do yen maa? leiteo wtebihr n a titing could Se dotedip , dinng" aau ateectruek to-dy. vuce, cliplnglier baud cynîpabte- - *...,~ biaily nt br fiead's. "Idon'b kneOw.Lucy, itIis Julst Ho -"Anlobiternote drece! uud 've bito terrible part 0f ft il. _I ba ve ben osug e u i rnony la m1Y neide iïca m h,, ie l, Or tehat ea ituuloa." Sie ,ust or tuI aveiecmo0fitn I nuad teite moaIsoîl, (dleai'. Mon ld ne!(! e (ýtt aoné o ,btynsc e lob' anyboýdy net)LicetaI yon'u-el _'Voeem etoîggd s cud es might have been able to find oui somnetbing. .I simply can't believ( that hie was just flirting with me He wasn't that kjnd of mani at ail anid yet-'-- Oh, Lucy, what cati hav( become of hum? Lt is the uncertain- ty which. le co hard to bear. If1 could oniy knowl" 1"My poor dariing, what can I say to comfort you? Perhaps it wiil ai] corne rîght soîne day,"1 1 - used to hope so at first, bui now, aI ter two,whe years, it seemu impossibe-- Monica Leyland was staying witl bier oid friend qud schoifeliow, Lucy G rey. fIer life wasn't a veiw bappy one, spenit, as lit was, in wandering about frein one watering-place to another, with an învaiid iiother. Lt was celdoin that she was able te leave lier for any length of time even this visit was a long promised one, the Promise having been made the previonasomr Ilnviog got lier at Ia-st, Lucy was detleriiîined that bier friend shouid have a good turne. And te tiîis end, she had arraniged te take bier te a dance given by sorne neigiîbors. Wbcn Menica came dlownstairs for the festivity, Lucy thouglît she bad nover scen bier iook more loveiy. She wore a white dress, of some îsýoft. cioudymtei, which becamne bier, t.eicate benuty. But sbe looked very fragile, ami tlioro was a droop ýabout tue cweet nîonutb. and a wist- jfui look in then large, dark cyes, wlîiciî went te miotlîorly Mrs. Grey's hieart. Sho1l kissed the girl as she las tened lier wrnps about ber, itiwardly thani fui of lier owti Lucy's bearning- [y happy face.* They wcre radier late in arrîving, and dancing wvas in ful swing wben tlîey entercd the reom. Tiieir hos- tesses bosticd about te find part- nors. Ilaving found one for Lucy, she preseatiy carne up wlth a tali, good-leoking man, who wore on bis face a look of polite beredom. Monica was watching Lucy's ef- forts te keep up withli er partner's gigantie strides, and clid net see Mrs. Liddellndlier celapanioti. 3ut she turned, as the former said: "1\onicia, dear, let me introdoce you te an old friend of mine just homeo from South Africa-Mr. Court- noy.',1 "Monica - what! Monica!"- For a moment tiîoy stoodl speechiess, then, wlth a violent fflort, polliag iînseif together, lie said: "Monica-£ beg your pardon - lIrs. Verîîîont, înay I have the pica- sure of this, dance?', -Mrs. - Vermont!" sUinimered Iltica. "Mou aire making corne niistako; 1 cm Monica Leylnnd." "Monica Leyianid - then aren't you icrried, after a1l?" 'Mcrried! N o!1. Wbat in the vrid ruade yuu tlhik thaLt?" "Net nmarricd," Le repeated, as if unableWte tke in her îmeeing. -Cood baes Tiiere lias been orneterrblemistke ere - 1 can't îidertann-Iwmut speak te -tyou. Let', go. eut of thjis c(rowd; Is there no pcewhere we can bec lone?" "Mec," she sadJ. nmec1inicallv i ak- ioucty, enougit, oaly a few wmeeks cgc 2 -1U a =1 11-0 iuu'ii i t -ai! miy bmoctiu Flrsb of ah 1 nover ited a cingle bine lion yen, frein tht Oh, Rex, Rex Pireai bu ginning." -Weil,'btie evonjing of tho day I reaclîed Aldersitot,, tebilst te tere at Mess, I noceived omder 10pro- ceecd inîrnediately, %teii dafts for bteý 2nd Baltaluon, le oottmt "Teofficer elto tees tb bave tek- e n thon had iteea eimed eith sud- don illnecc, and bthure teas ne oe olse avuuilable. "Mou ccai oaslly imagine bote rush- cd I1tees. "Tueétaon woîe o t parade for de- partune et tea o'clock lite uîext men- ing, anud -1.iad netbing moady. "By dm1 0of cnporhmituuaexertioti I get off la tintie, but weithout a ino- mont evoît te telogmapi tote îîy peo- pie. Il bcd to beave titat for an- other foliowte t do. lanlthe train I scribblod ac hue te yen, telling ion telît lied itnppoced, and begging yen iuet t eirget me. "Mono I dnred nioV say, for I cm enticoly dependent on may falheî', and I feit timar, bolore esking you te ho îîy tvife, I muest coasoît hum as te tehît te tees propamed te, do for ne. <"Titis boiter I lI et ith a porter at Soutitampton. -b ectanp ai-id Post. 1 suppose lhe spetthe mneney I gave bitai and utevor pestet lb.,' "I neveu' got lb," inlerrupted Mon- ica, "sunoly, yen nîught bave kueten, telen nenster carne." Silence for a momrent. "Meia-if yen bcd reeeived ny letton eitat womild yuansten bave hoea? Tell nie,dalg" "Oit, Rex, yon hante -- you kuiote titt1I oved ye"o" hittecly. "Wiîat îieywo sitould have heen epared, if 11mb botter ited reewied yon- "But to euit a long sbery shtort. Dlmectly wm i'onded I tecas e snt np country, fan away froîti bie linos of commnication, and Iiuîre reîniaiacd, untul I gel can-lori. -I tees icvcludodý home, anîd, on the voyage, I metbtla dy tei tobld nie yoo mvoemau'rid. At fimcb I wae dreedfully hburt and langry, but xehen 1 iîad get over tiis feeling e litie, I meizdbtI ieîe c d been no promise itet.tetii us, Titat I1lîad nieyer asked yen toe h y teibe, end t1hat I had, btemfooe iîgib te assurne btaI you ivod mci. "lbtees"qoto a ancfime Inîy coi- inghmt-ig 1 îl, but teita_ ame bloulle," andi, aospoRe[)U, Rex,. t ~~~~and let 'stand one heur, th"en strala, UIPT UfAL and skRu Lot stand util loke- A boutarrn, ton add 1 lomon sliced fiue BUT TI-OTJSA15~S DIE BE CAUSE c and 1 bablospoon good yoasit. Lot Sstand 24 heure. Thon strain and NOT TAKEN IN TIME. 171 1I~~ put unto jogs, f iling completely and loaving nncorked util tue imulurities Swepng Stbm ente y are ail worked ont. Be suie and Bgs fteUe okRat keep juge filied as test as the rt ige fte ne or Hai werks ont, a,,d!tire wine wiliibe a IJeparîmeat t JELLIES. benutilul am ocler. In making Dr. lermnianMR. Bggsý, patheblogist Theb ipes 1a t tr futhiewioe,groat care sbould ho takenofteNwYr Io11J eîmle~ aytedrinfritnet to get n f the ste lutnas e o e okheat etriet h juice for jeîîy us to loy a largo pioce auy O Oth in t.ýt rn adlectured on "The Wai lfare Againist (about oeeyard sqoae)of fine gt ba t ,ako hoao teste reaIf ad onunto, i]*ybfr,( cboesecloth, or' cottoti and wooî istrit. aodaher oekt if aCons t mnomptio,"reeiy bloretheic fannel, over a bair sieve, and place wiIi more than pionce. Work condocted by the Cluer-itiiy Or- theec ovrnlreow.To No. 2-Tj.o 1 qt eider blossonis sIree ganization Society. H> took u i peur in the fruit, and by raicsing the freinstome, add 3-.1 5e Cofe A detail the hbstery and nature of corners of the cloth often, and let- ur, oinsiepn-1gi tuberculocis and emong othor thingg tiog the fu'1it slip eiong teoarclega!b placethe fruice sliceeu ng tbrceg b oiiiug weter over the above; lot ho eaid these plaethe aîy pe issure. I roghstand 24 heurs, streini, spmea d a It lethe most wideiy dissenîinatqul If yotî bave noe bau' sui. o,. tic the slice of toasted bîend with 2 tableý- dies ekow tntcis cuy1i diegnal ornes 0ftho loth te-spoons potato yeast, let this fonat tissne. b i i'tiosad on digonrl cdrnesueodf e the t to on the iiquid, let stand 24 heure m'rauaicebie, bot lb isufo>ýrtîuunai bewl, cinde suby pn ithercltheontheit cRu and stîcia until donc fer- that in the pplrmdit ehould -ol a long book in e ing tever thenmcntiug, when it la ready te bottie 'be classed se elten a. a contaýgions a log hok inthecasi- ov t e r use. This le fret dace mine. diseaso. On the contrar,ýy, a tuù ber- ptwocre, she ive, or na a a eten Bleckberry Cordial-TItis u'ecipe ie oulosis patient may lie la a room twocharsor heles,017In Dyinveluable ini case of sumaier coin- for deys or years wlitb another weil that your couuiceuis uiay ceg- plaint and othor intestinal disorders. anîd hboalithy' person witheuit dangeýr geet. Lot it drip until dry. Juice Poundad sqez ufcetba-t te1tý ithrgiGi -thet le streirîed withoutanuy pressure bernies tand sqneeze s isintbagk-taentelte.lth ih ee l maRoc tîte ciocrest jeîîy. la al cases tet hroa ubatorof ucPlain gtke. lgs tise rekdw wberete fr'uit muet ho equoozed o pomRceanquart of juico. Place1lbandTfifreulee tsue'I brook downage pressed, strain bbe juice the second ua,2taposgae une bclir3thw u.Oly n tino througb a clotit fluer than the canr, 2 ntoaspoospgraed n1îtegacili a re trn etereiyrin ene firet used. Jeclles are of fiuer cinnantce aîîd ahspice n 1 te-toeyrctnnt freidngte respIhra- f avor whentithe sugar is net bolled tspoo ln bovs Tic bticohs n îittne or tr act nctee dengerancesthrsi long witb thte fruit. Make not more muiahgad irbesurlacne dvcdistcs bîe tha 1 t. t atin, ad nve disolved. Cook tegether 15 thousand million bacîlli are bbrowuî minutes, cIter beiling begins. Re- eut la a cingle day. Tbey are, in- maRe on a dainp day, if possible te etesutr ný aadhlda utadldei ifrn raveid it. imo ot1subr cocjr e aldn utedldel ifrn Rol bc tmber tabo tnte, adcoter closoly while it cois. Wben tracts, Il conditions are favorable olo theî stamnndhla a pe of abotporfectly cold strain ont lte spices te, growth ini these tracts, the bacill wettr 1 sanhd ipawpinef1 hot and add a pint of geod brandy. tiullipiy there. water1 inh dep, w i iîtig. ifBettie and seel. This cordial xiii The geneial iasusceptibility, to bbe jelly le perfoctly skiuined lb is "iemte ueelssksvr rabi ti neot necessary to strain ilb ust ho- ep for years,and l iRe noter ubeculcleintiiesgatd, but It tsi fore fillu lrug the glesses. F111 oach used te mnaRe." nya eti imsadndrdm glace f ull te the brin, set away la foot Beer-This recipe nakes a tain conditions that a large propor- a dry place, or la the suc, and in a pleesant and hetalthful drink. I bave tion of persons are susceptible, ln fow days cever the jeliy with colt used it for over 20 years, and would the case of autopsies lu New York papî',cutte it ncde iteglas, ndliRe those wito try it t to pent itew hbepitals wbicb have ceaie under mny thonprut o ite in cole . reuga ,a dt hey like it. TaRe a 2-qt dish and IMomlodge, , ron uns onf paer îti oerslare u tnfilwîtb black bîrcb twugs amd bark FULLY 60 PER CENT. roun s o pa er ii tle lar er han broken ul ce as te steop quickly, f the dend had had at corne tinte teg switbfor ae, arndpate gather about a plot dicli ull1 of la tbeiî' liit, tuherculesie. 0f theso3 bem on itheur gl ace .teyeung checkemhnmry baves, dig three a little mor-e tian udf had died f Ceb Applte Jlas. ,ab h or four dandellon roots, get a smtali that dueae. The renîciader bcd me- rmetApthleiosen end, ah ted esbranch ofcirue and aise cilfciproco, cevered and in many Inst 1ancesi'hed remoe te bossm ed, ndcut in frin whucb pick about a plat of net known o f ils existence lu their emali picces,, but do net pare or eacb, Put all togetberi'nl a commet system. A third of those who die cere, for' te kins and seede improve silzod kettle nnd cover witb tenter, in our'hespitals di elfceusurnpblon. te celer and qualty of te joly. or if yeur kobttle le large, put ta Ia soeteof the older cîties of Europe Cover wlth cold wator, and couR about 6 qts of weter, and let im- the proportion is nîucb groater. goutly until soIt. ICeop theni cover- mer tli a deep, ich coleî'. Pour off The buberculer bacilli do net multi- ed, and toma te uetie olton, but and add about a plut of sugar, and puy oubsido the systein. Tbey tend do not stir- or mach 'bbh apples. tehea coud a cup of good boîte-mcdo te die. Infection nu by tbe oruginal Wbeu the apples are tory soIt, and yeac't or a cake of compressed yest. baciibus, if et ail. Largo numbeis the liquld is mcd, toma them n mb a If this is don te nîight, lb willi oaeqibc eteo. ietsn strainer clotit accu bang lb up tOe rady for use the next iîiornlng. Put light dostmoys theun quckly; day- dmlp ail nigbt. Iu the mrnming bell la a casR atid ork tightly. If the 11gb t ia tino. The dan-ger is in demie the liquld ton mtuntes, thon stmain boom is streager tItan yen liRe, add damnp oons. again tbrougb a vory fine cietb, and atome wabeî' mi ile earm, befome put- Tu.bemcules'is le an absolutely pr- nicasure ib. Allote 11hb sugai' te 1 bing li the yoasb.. ventable dîceace. It te on bbe de- Pt 0fjuice. Boîl te luice niene un- Muiberi-y Sitmub--Scueeze te luice croaso ln Noe Yor. If the de.t tii it beglus te bblukcui oui tie odge frein muiborries, let stand 10 dayc, rate of tweuîty yoame ago itad kept of bbe pan, thon add the sugar, and or untul fermentation ceases. lie-j up,bthe 10,000 ceths Irmî con- cook fixo minutes longer, or uuibilitlb atve scuni careîuîîy, and peur întoj sumption atyr inhsct, jollies. Thea 5km, and bora labo a fresit xoesseî Lot stanîd -24 boums wum aet eer 17u00 bis iety glassý,es. and agein pour off. To I lb cdlo0fba abillby lues simply la puttiîig iuto B1iackbemry Joily-LYse te iow wild ggr aliete 13 oz joice, Wben lb0e cltimple mules or ceuiduct. biackbiermios. Mash thon, and bent b iegias gte bell, strcln bhreuhjîy I e ntonype utb u suwy otl bc jle Is all bag, botie and ceai. Wbet deslredcrbe tismpyaqsio draten out. Then esqueeen±bthozli a -ifil] ' ,-I 1 f+- _-- eial. bt--ml netr m nensure, and allow the c me n- Biackberries-Aiiow 1 t co sut aricb-oieiti-l-4 eI I B.~~~~Î7 lr L47Iî-asabia lhn aciti drante shouid bc gatiîered o laPtalbckit h ete o hi opededt oti htte dydyand bfore they are fuly bell up once, then pour uckly nto bave tubercuois; their dûctora .f-a. wash the cranberiesuP- -ot- inn ougb Vo show ltroug thbie honies- about I culp be1 qt of hennies. eCoR untl btehenneries a-re sefb, nasiig bbemn ofton against bte side of bte kettie. Toi-n labio a cheeýsedbobt te drain. LuItt ite corners of 1bie dbeth - eltenr, camP iloebt eH!0di t1frougita e,-ean place. Meaisumebthe juico, and ahlote an oqual mnensure of sugar. Boit bthe juice 15 miinutes, bten edd tbelie sgar, neute he toscun and miten it, thickens on tite spoon, turc aI once labo lie giscs. Plui Jeliy-Put lthe plunus, tehicit rnay ho cither daisone, rod, or beach plume, labo bte pneserting Retie, teitit teter te coter. Heai. elowly, and elsnmer imbutuî te plume tell mach neadily, then burn unto a fiannol jelby iteg, and drip until bte pnlp le dry. Boit bite juice rapidly 20 ninutes, skinmng cilteut. Remoee lb Irn lth em, mensure, anîd reburn te bthe etoxe. As, cocu as l bouls again, add as miany betels of cugnm' as yen have of jule, and hou ltI lb jelliec, teiicit teihi h 15 or 20 min- utes. Peur labo bunîiblens, uad stanud asido bweonorlhroee(lais. Thon eoveu teitit papor, and puit ini a cool, dry pince. Bambommy -Jeily-Pilc citer the ban- hennies, ai-d teesut tier. Pubtthem lîtto a preeving kotîle, anîd toeve- emy 4 qts of berrnes ellote 3 pts of wtee, ind 1, doz cour applos, quar-' tomed aîud corodc. Boul clewly outil epplos cýnd hernies are soîl, thon1 tuma lîtlto e jehly bag uud dip, biug! tor'y Uceme-lul neilt te)queo itor bthe jeIlly teili net ho ear. ol bthe juice !20miueccnndmane '0,er.yttip f, j'uiteus1geeru cup cýugar. Bel untiil ilbois tebiit te ili ceob,imIes tae0 mn 01es. Pourlabo unir, and aflot ttreýcoronfou., days, coton mijtt-papoi WINES AND COItDIALS. EIder Blossouns-Tae 1 qt elder blessons, ndd 1 gel itoiling tenter dre wtetegirl cdoser te hlmi, "Mon ica. Moic", mny i;tho eue, talute e lest," ho muInmureýd, aseaoy -Y'Ms, Rx ÏyOs e voad v cm. Tite ringJlias bm'ouglitb ns hock, aiftoî il,- a ouc oke pe litii w'.h yc l-ont tehtIichIi tlo tal- fuinea lîd vnisitd. ad si o a sugar te e Pound ol fruiit. AMaRe e ÏSyruP Of bthe cîlgar, nsing only tenter raeough le dissýolve l.B g bthe 3 ymnp te a boil, :11-,AndPut int bte-hernies. Bel Int thee nuinuto1s'. 1Pnb unto jais andIml F A DIEFINITION o0F PItIDE. "Fatiter," calO hic son. looking np breni a book, "tebat le pËide?" "Pride 1"-returned the bau ber. "Pnide! Why-'a-cit suu'ely ion Ruote teiat pride is. A sert cf ho- iuîg stuck up-a kuad of teeli, prend, ioU note. Just get bte dictionary -- bhab's lthe tiig to bell yeu exact- ly wtti l. 1. Tliere's nobtiag liRe a diclionary, Johitny." "-lere il is," ccid the latteu', abtor an exitausbing cocicit. - 'Pi-!de - heiag prond.' "Um sies, tht'e it," meplied bthe lalhuer. "Wel, loch eat 'pî'oumd'! Titat's the way-yon've got teO but these thuings ont, nîy lad." -V've got i1," answered Jobauxv. "Pu-e--pnbpro teit--!" "Whîab doos it cay?" -'Pmend-havlng pride.'" "Thts ut. Thlene yen are, as dlean as day. I 1e11 yen, Jotuny, thone is notiîg liRe a geod diction- amy ten >yen are yonng. TaRe came Ob lthe bindiitg, my son, as you pub il ScR." NOT AN EASM TASK. Al n)ete milita-y prison citapînin w '.as recenbýly appoiîuted lu e certain ten v1 la Scot land. 'le tees c mc mibe ieal nuificed bis office. 0On cnoiiîg eue of.tthe rels on luis fOst rounjd ol insection lie, tiitnncit pornposity, thus addreseed lthe pi- coiutr Whiteoccupied lb: "Wlsi', de yen Rîtote Who I arn?" "No, nerT- Idinmnau',"was lthe nonichalant roply. "IVeel, l'au your noew ehaîn." "Oui! y« nue. ehi. I ble heeud 'd o yebor" AuîItitt dd ouite-"meu- ,cd lt lupaî, micîuoiygot-1 11 eldl 1huend itît he ha t i' RI i," u, u rncîd Iun theisalus of eepie b bcsoi tuhereulesiq, adnotelebietiue .te laRe ulecaUbiionsý." Thoitngtedelete calrnîîý'kly teita Ite isece a cd 1111 latc i'esulVc depond O \li lyi~on bt not of dey,ýs o fWo . bliiele living eut in th,, pure aaopee lU is netae ntter 0- f locality, u1t of puiiýty and of l oeut 0f doors. Of the signe of tuh1cul .ls lit ceugit is ltee sb llyierbalit ilb l,,i c ommoneat, yet it sIs net escil A striking early cymptoiti is onR f endurance. Whben 7yen1 toliiii, li, did twice te womk teithit bil ito f atigue tiiRof titis a otiiiy ln certain failles tuLemeu (1-losis us preî nient. We ernoIyvhougitb lta trausunlaclon ai nionhetance. Titis is not lte feet. Tlhe citild is utot boi wthi tuborculosis, but ceîîtracts ut. Tue ilstomy of l family prevaleiice is e bistot'y cf bouse iuel- toetl. By fan lte Lest biîing te do: is le reîueîaVe- noepnpoî', nete lalsomniie, ahoxo nl, carpets, irugs, textiles of cli cents. Titeo are sources 0f danger. Tlîey sbould ho dusinfected by steain.or exposed Ion days uîîd days iii bie s un1igitt and boatnbon aud hateîî. I spoak frei a largo expo-iemtceli nutepsy werk, teiicit eletue stery finclly and tebicit bas blt(d l det ' ony. r '1 dn't hv îeoAiotc ir.s Mrd. I-Vd, eiten hie 'iot iuîlly ex than's aoîf-improut eumen Oity. bheir deunectie dobies and l fan bten. Tit's my opinlou?. Let 'oniiifol- Iote St. Paul'innicosty a home, cmîd cskIhr îsane i toey tract te keote an,1 Iling." "But, J h- "I' lactlodIV, t-ccd thil's ci ouMrJn . "ButJohn lhc's 'bat emon ýti