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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1902, p. 3

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-7 7 ýýila lýý!rcl atý, 1 91U; t)ie"damp, Y.1 er soft qnd pli- 1, àLe. Stitches do mot break. Na rough sur- face te Chafé ç,--,Icut. The lict J Made by Imperia] Oil LAKE ON -rARIO NAVi('ý.à, 'JION, CO, IIIITED. -ýÎ i Sý l -, A l' LE tF at.e, e i oon nC.r Lit rary Notes. cerni, heped aneddnecI oLF Y 0F L t r y ed nin, ai an wltepeper aiManitoba Agrcut-al Department ________________ Q5~ grating of nutmeg andai ite cyIs Optimistic. SfineIy imincefi paî'sley. Beas. inteAwei riiLtbto 'iis Sthis two eggs and elegscraat AWn.pgdsati as: Xithis r icinSeln',vr-re miake a batter. If the cern aad po- regard te reports irons Deminien sketch Liaclthe Augus McClu rie c tato are botis moist, iuse less cream; I iiiiiiigration agents frem"Easteraadr o ifdy, mere ia proportion. IDmpICaýnada uthat Mwteaiill net hecJehnMitchell, " ae edr0 if (IlTe-day." "lI tihe oid days," says' frein a speen. inte beiling fat aund 1chie te get enou.gh mion fer the har- A DAY IN A CELLAît. fyadc rw.'et lgs lelscifceke Mr. Steffens, -labor knew osly its fry a ecpbrow. ives, 11 Lili , ii iý bîclek o 1ewn emiotioas; fet only that seaie- Ar 1heea7 soskeprs wise Snad, New Style. Make a siiadI ie Pepar--ntasof Agr,ilure , dis- uhn-tksw nt wa a uvul je b il linig ,teexhibit their desin s fellens: A tesispeencU1iig1l)t iceidî,iu, lwîdsreng," ,Te-day J eus Mitchelli nclr? M.-aehrcla a ugr n cn esensi01Wdesd 1 iltlit i nows tisat, sinice laber is' a Corn- nevr n xhbiio. ndI have e ri i u f nusad, litile paîutika, tino crions strled ereCio dity, the capable leader is lie who rel liis of!uII conpany ever ee abes1e v e a, awel-beat- afuad neceuld net ge, eeui Ca cocntre] the eutpust of it; that, seeing it. Býut iil it iiad en on ex- on egg, butter t-ite or 'cia hazeoîot. And lot enly did 3Mr. 11;1n, 1 ouri'lshort, tise business cf a liser hibitieus, cenpeting foi' a piefe Use atsitcf garlice or mint leaf for 1prmanent Toronte agentil.f';urnlsis i leader is business. "le -nouid put ecanliress, und erdeî'liness, if weul.d favoring, reilloving it nvisen thse isith reperts of this kIni. u pe-lssi l eiint o snn have non it. writes Mrs. Pre. dressiig is coked. Tient tîsis aux ciel agents n'e sent Jndo utesecuso lhr uet ia psition,.,cksll ini' inul 'ihemo isre twe kitclsens l îye uie in a cup set ia beiiing water, nmensnoie aise ipet hp'u The .l u,~I.laxmyrsuae hoeî.'Tihe eitrance te tihe cllai' land stir unili]i thickens. Add et' geiloral censisuis of opinion was political boss publite franchises. Iwas froinstise wiater kitlcan. Open- or cream anti] it is thse ceasisteiicyltist wo wuld 'let get n'ere tihan Capital, however, wlîich has feunud ing a dooî' froni fise latter, one facefi of tliin crearn, using mûe villegar il 5,000) ien ut tisee ut'id Whlen the taîîtaeu eb.ýeeyhn a fliglît cf coîssortabi' stairs, paint- reeded. Ihave the riced petatees la excursions started, ho-n'ever, it n'as îlse hlslefîgts;fo the e 1i ed a ratlser dark sisadf yeilou', a deep dish. Toss thoins ightly niChlininiediitely seen thli t ilir calcula- ~vca, uî e oa nd iinniacu1atel ly ean. On tIse a ferk nnd issux s-tl thnsiniîcecd tsens noenln yet Fi triade la laber." The restcf thse ar-, and iththen 1werea lng ut.Theticle, wlserein Mr'. Stplteas discusses rîghit side, eveis wIlse top step, 1 parle 'v aind veung calons. Pour numbers svie llckdte the West Io a icell'a ncee n Iwkas a leng, narrow sliseif.au cdean,1eveî tîseaitise wursss diesi-g-- d[neue beyond înost cpi iistic estin- hwfrMthl a ucee n a nd siln s teseis A h îsi arîyfacod as ts ti utepsil î ieis likely te succeed la his puipese, is the stirs At te ss it1uiomyfaoe n te.I sqiepsil bttewritteisla tise saine terse aîsd is- end ef this narrew siseif was a sheort, celeî cd. Set nway te ceel. Serve saisie conditions iill ebtain tiss I broad co, extendtng acri.1es1 tho lai neatly urraliged isoaps eos bcds ef ,uenr, At any rate, we have a safe-' cisivo wa1.. It is capital reudiîsg. .steirwaiy and witlsin easy rendsch f:lettu;ce or cross, with tisin suices e1, gnard this year il. excursions ho- ùI t losairs. Tiseo wo s eiýves were i adish asu garnisis. Tîsis is a pleais-igra tdsorn us.î e The August Atlantic is lau'gely and st cesîvenientp csfor may ut adnovel feras(If potato salafi, find tîat tise propertionacf the en- seanahyafcinnnbr ie coistait,ý1 iiiii by o c iuc mocitatiniiug thse conitinuration o f the0 tishgs u cnstnt ehiad~A.ttis andfoussi byIauny o h 'melsi5s1 tii' equirensint n ieich expeet te IeBarosîess von ]E-Iîten's delightful NEW hPT EATANTI UfLeJ11il FIGURES SHOIW GRATIFYING STATE 0F AFFAIR.S. ~Ompaufls barots tsi s.tscis: pitzonurgs, IItilea sure, Sure and quieckremiedy. greciings, uussts, pouisd-sws ets, etc. Frei tise main cller going j There's oniy onue PAIN-KILLER. stmaiglut sîleati frssi tiseIfoot cof tlhe j PsuusY DAV. s.Istuirs, a dees' epened lie mishat inue Two sizes, 2iC, aud 50C.Jtiser calli tse,,lîrteen. Tis r('0-11sVzles large asndi ight, inisg lter. niliur!ieus anti a glass tei'sed Ooc'a t ý oRot Omo~ or "r'gte ais outside st.l- leiLdis afeefeia.L1lss Ne uild rîster tise cellur inus ne ciher us o resasd wils toc lngsv iz., tlint box' : No. ', à0 degrees sîtron ger, $8 eYb .fo fatiser sur a Wise andt geiierous' 1ior 2, m-alijeon receipt of priee and two2e-eent 1"pres'5u'(!r,"- and tlisas. aotiseu' as stamss he Cook Comspany Windsor, Ont. tise seul cf eleanlniisss, crdein1iieýs VFNo5. 1 aad 2 soid ana recommended by al responsibe Drugglis lu Canadab. <and lssptiity, alse, thaf botis cf Ne i and i2 are solid ln Bowmanviile hyboît ienilocoti meli f0 the may of tise Jury, J 1-liggiuubotheti & Son and J Wceriotiseolti. mid, drugg'sts. WITI Pn'r1TOES. IPetato 'Cîcquettos.-To one cupi coiti iceti prtatoe use oe eaens egg. fhree or feus' tahiespoons cî'ean, sit, peppeu' ansd a guatiuîg cf tnutasieg, sith iu nluceti oisoreî'pars- ioy an'desiiîed, or a pinch cf eonrler- od isrhs. Drop luy speesifuls ilito bohiliiîg fai or cil, anr] fry a delictie browu. Goed mîtis coltinasat or t caucane. t Pot isedgeree.- To ec cp of Po- taieo atit ono-iscif cep. or isore funely 'T HAT'S T HE S P T! sis1 c cooketi aio o te lssd-hoileul eggs. Season iiil Right irs the umal of the. back. wtris W ecestei'siine salace, îrescîssp Do you ever get a paîn tbcre? orci îrrte powtiei anti addi crocuscor If so, do you know what it means dnraîna butter te asake if liil' a vesy tlsick sauce. (toitnin iuutes andi Il is a Backache. serveý on toast. This is inexeieu A sure sign of Kidney Trouble. aisd quickiy îî nde lusuciseen on sup-' Dont neglect it. Stop it iu time. per nilis. If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles I ete 1eP"I nff. T oocuraceti ise- are sure te foiiow. fine, twen eh heate1s eggs ausd 0ouîe îup iell irik tr Seont nisi i f'u c-e-sudceou sit a Dht-)fjý--d iien. Oh, wisy, els, whiy, difi 1 esol ei -,seur jayiuliawîeusne "'a"- -- - -vt.Texpssiserr, tliiik tîsat 1 could Ileesuch a held up six mnnand forced four, iii uile' oiic tli awidthenuraabvalaneprsceeseîge. î,, ia XO3,50, erreeneWlic5 wrctcls as i.oui ?" lciudiîsg' the captala of a large gase- aise 'eld mais of tise son" ster-Y. ,aiass te hase doctise slsoetifig. rn atyalae ,si'so At tisis peint Mrs. Tiff buîst liste une ianici, to eiibark nitish Ia onCeler printiuîg lu many diflosent Six s'îcks ef îscoy wero sicleis butfimiatys'lovsaurus f teai s. aîd Mr. Tiff put cn i is batý Puget Sounsd. s arietles is n foaturo. A isor ots isut is net kaown. Tise' pas- £,367,000 te provide ferfrthiser " ap- andf wý,îlked ont cf tise Isese. sters, "Ciieffuin," by Sewoll Foi esgî nîe ne s.etd."esprepiatess atfer suiim tr s_______nainusiag cbaracteî trains attacked ilsoe o in efe otepbiwrkfudinql RARELY, TASTE B -AD~. "1" us']' ' -rihaasisilu uInthe wcmld and usuaily tise uies cot ctmts dfr ieuuitas A gesoisoy, nusiels nîs Iuust haver o a od risnii ci ilu ýf tise construction of issssininntklrkk liel c -x~,S's, wîsrk otl' tiprueLtto Galiciai Laborers Work for Eight fire-- ieiine Tpýeusiby Careline Ducs h eeui kisewi by tise isigiwayissei. Tise ef tise cestruction ef mouids aaid erpsh le es; but lt is ietty coi.- Cents ;a Day. bssii fafi-eesiieudoad re1iher is unknc nlatissvi- beridges. ew ou t;OnIl tiafthere are tfîmes \Vliea hatil rpsd or.s a i,y(i.ecrfeili. 1.onu-ls teput (sac ict A\îîia eîacsays Af" t adanis oiicler lsy F. C. 5 chu .ciitviý. lic uns a iiirîdie aged niai f£,5, ,t oreee ets en tise taile nnd tace tiier on ts -ei]mîsticiî asou is g~" ise Cmauidfatles of Bois" is îan-ns eide 0( iziiiiitt tle by Mary R. S.srcin o ru k i( iw 1usd whiile s(trssggliagu'tl tseriv]iuailas[eis isEn ti s al-ofshe nnîsig al o 1îî Vîland ESITTtCONBIO. c milay aîr tsecestuc fewl. ee.tli esel"ei ?rs dîso f rends, tracks andi bi-idgos- ___________________________gloeissfi isure0l- tiseissia f Dhl 'on"nil]ho elunch l4c efd-,Tis eisw loa vill also hecîîsod for lus Ms l'2iths lsnrtea's sketch of n Wels l a g iaLkeyto Fo-prvdg fitesielsgsoc vtcui wiii c1l ed ttise exi jStino ey -poiin diina ol Stuik'e. Isenscag iserortiy fronsi deligis iti va-cc 1t ie0usltrip thrc gll in:Friends te Canada. eand ferr ueying tise persnat ss'uy iiiiilregions of )t w leg l ýi iteiy.nePiixotto1[in uas iiiueîinost bcAisn twnrisjsateis says: Mr. W. foir deveîeiig tIseglilefs fauiise forsesera icar lue t ne cr' cf ise. A for- elegr.sph etnso cordiusg te tis e cc re10Press, îtg- csruis jetat o ras .(liCausuria Coe ciient i e teaisiProf gregnted lifcy isousanri. Labcreis' ~,,-Agenst lus U\aies,lias jutst retursf sisossi telc dPrin0 mages range frein eight te sixteen Stoci c" ,psîintod n f'ew v r go -thuc an cin thue local iiey iliumr- ccust e dy, aud woie'nî'ni's frin bi Mrs Dor Wbeeler Keitis, is me- frcii n sii ets Vll -uacink foui'ente , ca' -igZllît rena (lyirouefthseths flusfemrsettîcinat utSait Ceets, N. W. T. slw Tis iodsied iu t ch f!isfrmrýTise werkiag cf tisemimî hw bsaat'mnl nsehed n x oigclerA. Convent, N. J., by his TieWli5esnmj is othvtecies recuits, preducts heiu ar- ýpealinq rtiIv ýst bradandËx-n-ihbo A.B. Frost. ipeesus bx pr'<s5d successîsul settiers. Aa effort L1 ist echied1. tua 1sel> isle pincuipluinl-'Ms h s isBaiusas s.wiii hoeasade te hu'iug tfisc msainder icd ut iess tisa a tisird f tise cost gredieîIssof wýýhLiare ivater ansd Ceiton; artlstic photogruphs by J. of tise ceoay now in Patagoîsin te c tb c rio y udasvquartpas seuiss -B. Caruiagteis. n colored fsontis- 1 Cansada, as tise-. hase suffcrcd sery 1SIesaecsre taqatrt Id ipioloeencisyte hoimards ndalo si xthis hss. Tise recuit of 1this is I ~TTT~ roer by htenry Pyle anai clccdasis tiyopeIrns sins a diceno armeusly iîsrcased traffic. CUS WHJALE IN TWO. cvry1er McCairter -'cosuspîIlt-oarIts ucil n iiadstute con- Tise genî'inl *cnditioa cof tise ci tisis ichdisaîs tistic FciesNa- ditieu.ThIie Cîsehut Valley i aaii is wenderfluliy prospemens. Steaier Rfls Down nand Kills ber floodefu. Thise stiîug sncms in tihe Oid deas and old customs Eighty-Foot Fis1. ---- . --.Arndes, fegelis' es' nis ns îîusuuuly easy ainall, hase crecredl ass ver- KEEF APTER THYM. rnuî iv wy t te m- A Il3nli ilieedespnfci s ses: Tishe iw lunthe rives' whiicis lins carused Bouit nuit foir people f0 aSiRyou provements of an advanced 1olticers of' tise _orwsrgïaii sieaucslip 1i fisecacpital of tise ceieny, Flasn ru, if y ou soll a certainHle of goods. ge Th acen ton TiJesîue, whiclii u idlieu o011ts- te he flooded, and tise teuns cf Tre- Kc iosîetdessbtynd crie issuceede bythe ,dsiy fruins Cape Bu ioten, urepor't thaf 1cm assd (arîsan are undcr mater, ccli ccd teil this oîrwmcarcfusliyyu mode nespaeran th cf CeegesBaiks ti" es isti tie pons' people are fioeiang tte, ise lii aîtle every erder ,ai hem se crîs upn lago cieel fills for' selteî' ansutsety. Tisere is asîxicus yoai nul ho te coîssider f anciutharh pysis b muiesecdag A -or ,nssîugtisnsa crcilV of tise first aocessitics Of oei'y rueed. ln tîsis wayyo sll niotheer strius ftircsiesswlmncs it, and altegethes' tise coîite cfippaetsifr oruie nd 9 i'. edtish ll' re . Tis; l jtiepe0cîtie is depiemuisiýe. Tise dis-. ust lcol niferfscftue u ýasd by uey ie eodsn b1loodth1youlofesi say bowe12. uoitica of ilose rtsiigiigi ts'p'prig a u insfor is iu1s ie osl u ts îo ,fts m fil, tahreeabo- .clsî ii eduuh t olwDîss xet u~emtnms ri 'Pjîs 1 gî is'îid ul 8 h lo uiir en oe ter uecst asre, to is ' smsI ivesfisss c bal oe frt onabuttieasdrlec is euitoCosiptomenbd f"rdtsywIIess lnmrerthui O5hcptlaagatyI ttTervjs lngss _go- îgli a oIie io.Bd-lomenbahat, lssdstttecniin ct iim- fcs.Tieisamsept ei -a-bd-a1 Î"g cureBacsace, amaBac, Dabeespudding disis Buke isinflu'ates' Drepsýýy and ailE inyandi Biadder tu1 -"t' .l ie lu;- T ro0".uble S.s. Loisvers o f heled or frieti cub, fîsey niîsodissprovo tis Prie. !DOc. ahoiror 3 for $I.Ê2,a clld ,D isis. DOAN KIDNEY PILL Co.. PefoasiCsec ueusssal '.ê'oresto, ~cup grafod cheese, preferahlyPue san or Eýdani, toeaecis gene.rous cupf ___________of riceti potuto. Foi' fESuisaeut tIs tuo mil-eatus ggs and a la1g Mdmini5ks oniy datý1,e irons 1798, cplii, s niik. Snoswitissl ntf misicis date 'tis rsorcso f Dr. afiug ndclcas Piiet 'P pm Lewinlutise dlîmitry of iiak J, ,isnu iku dda nict ps'ie otà1.i Srs ili notf have mn11e1114oneu ikt.Dent cil ther;uglui foi' me w111 tho'n 7tue ike tise phari- mwitisa or. eu'iutec otist (I. ai. 36) . Coma11ri i;t t ais,-TS ech u1,1caîcîi! The great tonic laxative. It staris Pt the root of most ail common ailmrits, the StOmRch and bowels, gel- ting îthem into action in a gentie but sure way. [t has a tonice effect oni hedigestve organs adn 5odby dIl îuiss N7V5W YACHT FFORTHKING' a h g maiag uterfe lisTIs fý) ils Lifi'Lisleae fiiis luei sron~ix uqeana tiie Cure are a genti1e lxtve ana splend2 id tonic Theyare flot a ctatc Cahrisdo n-ot clure ________ space ivwillinionet eves',fiie S00 TRAFFiC INCREASEB. TiseT nmshlip of Etneig iu Hlandled 301,326 More Tons Li ing profane, hînspiemous, or i July Than Lact Year. Isufin lagange, or miso frc gailv Ais ttum deputc scj: Tse f scauduIz(ous or bati heisýuv cs is An Otawa desptch steets oý1 n lapuîblic places in ise total fs'osgit bandieti by tise SooCaý- tomuisihp. Tlue penai1.sugsuo nuld fer Jul 'y nus 5,082,398 tons, îu te $20 anti ccsts. comupareti miihý 4,781,072 tons ius tiseadFrog same mentislsh er or an increus n dyageulîsa ntst of 301,326'. Duiag Jaly fIsc Ameî'- rsîu'nat o'eoiapne liran ecisntlei ,58,62andtitIsecu.Hss ieiie rultI tIse seaýp fr i o ment1O1ý21' 1, nsi 1tIio ostuo sase nsy ife," gts-rr L "ut lît is IfL1W2 SMALLPOX PRECAUTIONS. Enisployment Oisly inÎ Lumber Camps for Those Xaccinated. A Iorento de. patch sys: Thl regul-atiolis to go'.orn tis eciaployers cof labor and eninloyes in uimi raî,z-ý V. - -- m 1 (1, ý i- ass ýý . - rtu- 41

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