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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1902, p. 5

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ilot Woatbor Spocials a m a IMbponges, )-cg. 25c, 2 for 30c. Lime Juice, 20e per bottie. Citrate Mýagn.es-la, large bottie 15c. Castile Soap, best madle. -35e a bar. Culd Cream, todet Soap, 3 cakes 5c. Tanglefoot', 6 sheets 5c. Fly Poison Pàds, 6 for 10e .1,10thY w.l --l mil- lions of fus Texas Fly 011, 25c a quart. Foot.Elm, 25(3 box, 5 for $1. 'Lorna ,Doone IYou have heard what a beauti- Jfui, charmlng, sweet girl Derna was; even her loveliness is surpassed by our special perfume "LORNA. For de1icacy and durability of odor it is linellua1led. Cali this week and sample it free. heDruggists and Opticians. Once spraying with our Paris Green is sure death to ail potato bugs. We sell the pur est and best at 25c ýper lb. orS 5lbs, for$ 1.00, Mak11e«Clilk ing( a Pleasure, 1 B3y spraying ur cows oc- j casionially with Texas Fly 011, It ,.n 'be used in any sprayer. 2 5 ùAQUART AT Sttt& JryS TLeDruggists and Opticians. B rî -Iciy er' S Ie'Iý I requqires a good strong sturdy man to tadthe strain of the liard work thatfaUlstotheîot ' of a mason. Eixposure toi tthe hot Sun1 a~nd the eut- ting winds, 111g thle finle dust of the lime, brick ýar' stouie, ail these things are bound zoonier or later to tell on the L-àducys nd pu Lt them ont of working order. The poor old back begins to ache1 and pain, the urine is scant and scal(ds wkcn passing. Aymasoii wtho finds lis baek BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 13, 1902. GRAND IBLJNK RAILWAY. B0owmAàiviLLz STATio1q GOIGEAST. OGet WIEST. ECY press .... 9 2 a. m. t Expres. 5 15 a.. Expre..... 011 ILcl 7 50 Passenger .... 15 ...Puege..i42 p. in, Local ........ .m. 1jExpress- . 7 38 *Express..,. . 10 25 p.e. Ex"re" does pfLog west Monday morning. PS.'nday S >, . . 11 -1-5. STOTT & JxURY. Town Agents Lady's Jacket iost. See adv( Mrs. Schartzburg 18a visiting fnionds in Paris Mn. James Ruddy spent Suuiday lu Pont Penny, Miss Martin, Dundas, le visitiug Mrs. David Gnigg. Mn. Fnank Kaigbt,. Hamilton, le homüe fer bolidave. Mn,.Menkley Boilman, Coilingwood, ie home ton vacation. Miss Ratcliffe, Tornto, le gueqi ai Mn. R . b.Turner5. Misesllalliday, Aunra, le guest et Mre. J.B. Mitchell. Opening tonracsmart boy te learu printiug alibhis office. Dr. Jas. Bray, Toronto, visiied Mn. John Fe'ston Saturday. Mise Launa Brimacombe le visiting tniensîd in Toronto sud Buffalo. Mn. Win. Lockhart, Columbus, Ohio, le visiting his faihen, Mn, M. Lockhart. The firet Suuday in September boy D. O . Crossley will give s song sermon. Mies Luttreli bas returned frein bon vacation and l e nedy te neceise lber pupie. Mn, Lewis Ciîap.ple, Aun As-bei, Midi. le, visitiugbis sisier Mre. Frank M. Souch. Mn. sud Mrs, Alex Asher aud son Ro.bent, Toonto,,are vieiting Mn. A. L. Nicliolîs. Mn. James Spry sud sou, London, have beon visiting hie brother Mn. T. Spny, jr Cottage te roui-close liv Moibodist church. Apply te P. Prebulcock or IL. A. James. Oshawa dofeated Port Hope at To- routinluthelacrosso match Saturday. Score 7-4. Mr. sud Mns. b. C Brittal» sud tamily, Stnatbroy, are guoste et Mn. J. M. jonese', Mies Edua Spnv, Boston, Mas, le vis.iting hon aunts, (lie Misses Spry, Ontario St. Mrs. Canton sud sistor Mies Eth'el Wesicomb, Woodsteck, have been vieil- iug tnieude bore. Mn. Lesicck Reid, Belleville, sud Mn, bubert Reid, Campbellford. aro holi- dayiug ai home Mrs. V.'. J.'Ocliene sud dssugbten Cbatty, Winnipeg, Mau.,sîre visiting at Mn. W. A. Neatis'. Messs Edgnr Adams, Relit. Ted, Alex Beith, banny Tyier, Toronto, are homo for holida,3 c. Mrs. M B Annie, Toronto, le visitiug bier grandtatber Mn. John Fleming sud other relatives liane. SMissLys. G. Cryderrman bas returnd af ter spendiug a month pleasantly mitu tniende lu bochester, N. Y. Mr. P. 'r. Pbiiiips, RochesterIN. Y. lias beoen visl.ting hie sieter Mrs'M Crnvderma n, BeecliAvenue,ý Mr. Milton Werrx-, Tynonie, delivered (lie firet load et alsîke dloyen Ibis year te Mn. John McMuriny, Saturday. Misses Joan sud(Geoergie Galbraith, Wbitliy, bave licou gueste of. their grandfinothor, Mrs. D. Galbraith. Mise Violet Cheeber, Toronto, bas been onjoyving a tom happy da% s mitb Mise Millie Mason ai Kalmar Villa and thie Lako. Mn. and Mrs. R. Worth, (ho Misses Worth, Mn. sud Mne. b. Cannsud Mise Carnie Mantyn ar(3e ejoýing lite ai Lake Scugeg. Mies Ella Stewart, Teronte, has ne. turneil bome atten eujeving a .ploasa nt vieil mitb ber aunt Mne. S. WV. Ms son ut Kalmar Villa. Mn. Thos. Perey shipped teur boming pigeons to, Chilcago theo-bezinning, et J uly sud near (hc o tlai menili eue eft (hem flom home agaiu. The "Old Mau sud the Young" les boy. Prank Taimage'e sermon, theme lu (hie STATESMAN. Every Young and eid usian should read it-a very excel- lotit discourse. Cononatie» Day mas quieily obeeryed in thie tomu. The stores more Lept open but busiuess mas slow. Plage floated frein many cf (ho business places lu houer of t(ho cromuiug et King Edmard VI[. Samuel Turner a recideut ofet(ho Towuship of Hamilton, Northumber- laud Couuîy, died ai bis berne on Fnl- day lasi agod 69 soare. The romaine moee nterned in Bommauville coineîery Sussday attennoon. Principal Gîlfilîsu le at Chautauqua, N. Y., sud writes THE STATESMAN -Il arn eujoying myselt very mucli bore." He wishoes us te eaul attention te tho ofuig th(le bigh School ou 'jues- da-y llSeîpt. 2. See annonucoment inl anether columui. T ho triplets mbo se arrivai recouîivi ai the home et Mrs. H. S. Moore et 52 Feru avenue, Toonto, excited se mucli interesi, more baptizo5d ait ibein homo ou Pî:iday evoning. 'lhoe eremouy mas perferrnod hy Rev T. Allient Moore, pactor.et Zion Tabernacle, bamilton, a a I a Country schools wIll re-open Augus l8th- Mrs. M. M. Linton is visitiug friendi in- Hamilton. Misa May Hocken, Toronto, is visitiný Mips Norma Couch. Mrs. Jas. Carscaddon bas been visit ing Mrs. S. M. Billings, Leekard. Mr. and tIrs. L. T. Vanceare spend ing a couple et weeks at Chautauqua. Moukey Brand Sojap is a cleanen an( polisher combined, but wen't wash clothes Miss Bertha Tamblyn bas been camp ing with fniends at Heydousbore Park Wbitby. Misses -Minnie and Mabel Cain, To rente, are visiting Miss Ada Allia Providence. Lindsay Oddfellows deconated seven teen graves et deeeased brethren, or Monday lasit. Editor Vospen et Campbellfend, ii taking a holiday this week, hence thent ie ne ,Herald." Mr. Geo P. Freeland won let prise in the swimming on back race ikt 'e rente Civic Holiday. Mrs. D. P. Kane and Mise Florence, St. Louis, Mo , ie vieiting lier inether, Mrs. Mary S. Nun. Master Chas. Bounsaîl bas returned fnom. India napolis accempanied by Mn. Walten Bounsaîl. Mn, J. H1. 1HJuîry attended the Council et the Ontario College et Phar- macy in Toronto lest weeIk., Yen wout be anuoyed by 500 children on Niagara Falle excursion Aug. 20. It will bce a pleasune outiug. Boys, wonk rosi bard for a menth te attenid M. A. James' noxt excursion te N agara Fa]îls on August 20. Mrs. Taylor bas returmed to bier homo in Tara atten s pleasaut visit witth ber siseonMns. J. M. Brimacombe. Mn. A.UL Nicholîs bas bnig'htened the front et bis store witb a ceai et paint. "The Fair" becemes its naine well. Mrs. C.. B. Sturgese and family, Syracuse, N. Y., snd Mr, sud Mre. S. Cutteîl and son Floyd, Orono, were in town Friday. Mn. Alt. McKeown, baudmaster of the 22nd Woodstock Rifles, was in tewn st week on bis -way te the baud tounnament at CobeurÊg. St. Catharines l9th Baitalion Rand, won firet placi at the band tournament at Cobourg Civic Holidav, Baudmasten Pool ws presented with $100 on bis returu te St, Kitts. Miss Florence Withrow, daugliter et Dr. Witbnow, Toronto, editor of the Methodist Magazine and Sunday school papers, ie in town vieiting Mies Muntie Curtis-Port Hope Guide. Take well filled lunch baskets te Niagara Falls Aug. 20 Keen appetitos guarnteed 171ot water free, Est luncheoni betone reacbiug Quoeuston sud leave baskets, wraps, etc., on bout. Mn. Jas. May nard, antistie painter, bas cousidorably impreved the front ef Messrs. lligginbothams' dru g store with the toucli of bis brusb. He bas aise painted a largo and baudeome sigu lu real city stylo ton (bis fin. The excursion te Niagara Fatles frein bore next Wodnesday wii be theoIst ibis season frein theet. ports. Beys and girls whe bave worked moul this summor shouid bc allowea te go. A nico cein- pauy of 5ouugn- people from temu and Darlington intend going. Dent mise it, The Mothodist Epwonth Leaguens piculo at the Lake, Monday ovouîng, was a splendid sucreqs. About 60 voung people took tea in l'Hubonton Cottaze" wbich bad kiudlv beeu offened., Aftr au hour or so lu games sud cdut ebat a largo benfire mas kindled on the beach aud the cempany gatberod around sii'ging songe, etc., etc.. until timo for rotiring Mrs. Hligginbotharn mas vLted a, jolly goed felow"). A baud Book et Women's Institutes bas jusi licou issued by the Ontario Dopartint et Agriculture for use at the meetings during tho coming faull sud minter It centaine specimen rpro- gramns for womou's gatheninge ; it sug- geste topice et study ; it ceutains liste et goed books, bulletins sud ethor pub- lications that should bo hoîpful in the home, Iu adidition te this there are Ieading articles liy t suadian sud Amenican authers ou subjecte nelating the home, cane sud turnsbiug et the bouse, caneetofcbildreu, treatmout et servants, housekeepiug as a profession, housekeeping lu tho country, etc. Trhe nom Louisine Siîke in ail celons at Couch, Jebustton & Cryderman'e. Our offer et eue eld sud eue actual nom subecnilben tor $1.50 still bolds goed. A full lineofe Miller's pillesuad po wders are sold at McDermid's Drue, Store. Ice cream-and what deliciens creain? every day at the lako store et Cawker & Tait, Children Cry for ChIIren ry for à Mn. James Scobeil, Peterboro, spent Sunday at homo. Fruit Grewers will neot meet Monda; night-teo busy. Miss Burk le visiting her siser Mrs, S. Hughes, Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Maso» are visiting relatives ln Toronto. STATnSMAN te nom subscibors bal- aue et 1902 for 30c. Mn. Harry Cherr.y, Schenectady, N. Y,, le visiting hie mether. Mn. A. A. Thompeen, Rochesten, N. Y., is gueet at Mn. W. Diugman's. M. A. James' next excursion to Niagara Falls Wednosday Aug. 20. St. Paui'e S. S. mii meet ai 2 30 p.m., next Sunday and followiug Sundays. Mise Maggie Sbeniock, Peterbene, is visiting ber sister, Mre. W. B. Tapeon, M A. James is Gevernmeut issuer et Maniage Licenses for Durhan Couutv. Miss Eva Tnewin le -spouding the 5motith et Auguet at Port Carling, Muskoka. Mn- sud Mrs. Thos. Coiiant, Oshawa, more guets et Dr. and Mns. Potter Wednesday. No botter ingle day excursion te be had bore than te Niagara Falls. Go on Weduesday Aug. 20. Duning Juix- sud August. Dr. Reid 3 îi le ai bis office clsily freon 10 te Il a.m. Suudays excopted. 28-4w"e Keep your blood cool, get a 15e bottie et citrate et maguosia ai Mc Denmid's Dnug Store. Dont mise the excursion te Niagara Falle Weduesday Aug. 20-set oftheb seaseu front these ports. For tmenty-four yeaa-s Vapo-resolene has been extensively used for ail ferms of throat and bronchai troubles, AR Druggists, Mne. (11ev.) Neil McPbersou and 3dauL-hter Jean,' ilamilton, have beer ý uests et hon sistin-law, Mrs. J. N. awrie Miss M. M. Amnur, Depuix- Regis- tran, iseDejeying- vacation witb Dr. sud Mns. John 'Heekin ai thoir cottage in Muskoka. bey. lD. O. Crossley bas gene tc Muskoka, toeuejoy a three weeks' 1vacation with bis brother bey, H. T. Crossley at hie summen cottage in that beautiful, spot. The body et Miss Ruliy Adams mbc was drowned ai Tormwanda, N. Y., en Au-. 4, wae tound Sundav at the Maid ef (Îho Mist lauding at Niagara Falls sud taken te Port Ilopeilfon intteînent Moud ay. bev. G. W. Heneon, pasten et Cambridge Si , Meibodiet cburch, Lindsy, w9Il eîîjoy a twe meeke' vaca- tion ai Coboconk sud nothern 'points. Mrs. Hendeneon sud chuîdren wili visit fri-ands at Bommanville an.d elseemere during' Mr. beudeneon'e absence. Thoeimerchants et Orillia bave signed au agreement te send oui (hein lasi dolivery ef goode ai five oeloecteveuy week day, except&lg Saturdax- mhicb will lie ai 8 80ý The olijeet is te nelieve man sud borse et the eztneoly long heurs at presout. Wouldn't it ho a godplan ton Bowmanville march t te adepi also? Mn. 0. J. Jolfiffe, B. A., Ottamýa, will Sieau address on "Theý Mari freinu elongarry" aith poth Loague meeting lu the Mthodisi chuirch rno-xi Monday evening. if yen bavennetneadi tlis intenesting book, do se at oce, aud«then conte sud hean ihe review b', oeewho îsi tamiliar with many ut (ho ceeues described sud somte et the characters niutiened by the author, Raîpli Cenuon. Sîlver collection. Ou Saturday attennoont Cobourg defoatod Bowmauville lu a veny oxci(ing base hall mnatch, betore a large cromd. Score 7 - 6. The home teaim had the, lead on the stant but more boston eut by botter liase-ruuuiug sud bat(ing. Theo featane et the gaine was the filding ef the visitons' third liaseman, gathen- ing everybhiug mithin hie resch sud lu the last inuinge mon (ho gaine hy catchinz a long fly atter having a col- lision mith (the catcber. Bommanville bas juci a beague gaine te piay ai home wi(b Oshama on Lalior Day. Dont miss gettirig a tew yards cf these 28r silks at West End bouse ibis meek. A epecial Brand et Cucumber and Olive 011 Soap 3 ton toc at MeDermid's Drng Store. Sllk Sale stants Auguet 131h sud onde Tuesday (hoeiSili at West Enid bouse. Beautiful silks at 28e per yd. Men's Hats lioth stiff and sofýt-tbe lateet Euglish sund Amenîceau stylos ai Coucb, Johnston & Crydermsn.'s. Nom is the lime to gei yeurself a nice summen bat, (ho pnîces ane domu ai M. Mayer's, conte sud cee fer yourselt. If 'ou mant a bar gain lu summen bais, caîl ai M.Ma3 en's Hai Store mbere yen find a large asserimnt ilual pnices et bats. bave juet opeued eut 85 chamben set mitb tour very pretty colons, ton pio-ces lu sot sud'ton ton days mili se.lî them ai S4OOsd $4,50 per st-the"e are3 liargains Cildren Ory for~ CO ASTO R îA At Good covered buggy for $85. Appi; to M. A. James. ,y Miss Birdie lleyball. Sylvan Villa Kew Beach,9 and Mr. A. Diehi, Toronto, 9are visiting at Mr. Albert Goode's, Lak( Shore West. g Al çummer-goode at greatly reduc ei prîces at the West End House. Muslins, S-traw hats, meurs summer Clothing and Boy's Wash Suits. i. Broken down systems, shattered nerves, and emaciated forms are rapidls restored by Miller's Compouud Iroîi *Pille. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists, Rev. R M. Phalon, B. A. ef Bla.ck. Sstock will eccUpy the pulpit et St Paul'î Cburch on Sanday next and Mr. B. Abraham, B.. A. of Whitby the follewing ,Sundsiy bey J. H. 'iurnbuli the [Bp aster, is spending a tertnight ai ScgogbLake. R ev. W. Il. Adams, Claromont, fer- îmer paster ef theMethodist church, Orono, is filling the editorial chair of the Christian Guardian, owing te the indisposition of Dr. Courtice who lis oui in Muskoka. The standard ef excellence has hbcen well waintained tee, Dr. and Mrs. Hare ef the Ontario 'Ladies' College at Whitby hayo return- ed frem Cottage City, Mass , where ethey have boon spending their holidays. 0On the way geing and returning the.? visited several et the American colleges 1 and seminaries fer wemen, with the 1 view et obtaining any hints or sugges- -c tiens thJlt miglit aid in the further eimprovement and enlargement ef the 5college at Whitby. They report a very enjoyable and profitable trip, and are fulof fresh ideas and inspirations for the coming college year. Addition'al locale on last page. THE REFERENDUMV VOTE, A paragraph appeared ut the foot of the 6th columu ef the last page of this paper last week frein The News witb. eut credit or comment, and has bccn taken by the Cobourg Sentinel.Sfar as *our ow»i comment on the referendum vote. We have ne sî mpathy whatever 1with the spirit et ridicule eft Hon. G. W. Rossecontaining therein, and further we are in hearty accord with the posi- tion takeon by the Premier, but do net approve of the action taken by the textreme temperance advocates ner by much that lias been done by the Domin- ion Alliance. INotices of BirthsMterriages and Deatits 50 cents; Insertion frise wilen mar- naelicnfces are obtaliner or fanerai 111ticespjrintecLat this office. BORN BÂLL-Ifl Clarke, Aug. '4d, to Mr. and Mrs. G es. Bail, a son. RoiBixsoa-Near Leskard,- Aug. 4th, to, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson, a Son. OCusiÂN-Ia Oabawa, Âng. ist, the arMe of C. Cureau. uf a daughter. CEVERETT-At Oshawa, Aug, 4th the wife of GEverett, of a daughter. W1LKussos-In Oshawa, Aug 4di, the wife rJ. J Wilkinson, of a son. LWExirEs-In Oshawa, Aug. l, the wife of 1-. 0. Weekes, of a son. JoNicr-In Oshawa, Aug. 4th, the wlfe of W. Joues, of a son., TANToN -lie Oshawa, Aug. ith, tie ,s wife of F. Tanton, of a son. CAL-At Mînto, N.W.T., Aug. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrm. John H. Cale, Redvers, N.W.T.,a son. MARRIED. CHAiiSuins-CoRNisH-III Peterboro, Jnly 30, by Rev. L. S. Wilght,, Mr. Samuel Chaimbers anid Miss Emma Cornlsh, ail of Leifkard. B7iAG-CLEisENSq-In Bowmanville, at the residence ofSthe bride's.parents, on Wednesday, Aug. Oth. 1902, by Rev. D. 0. tJrossley' Thomas GereBragg, B A., classical master of Bow- manvull19e 111 gb School, to May Violet, daugliter 01 Mr and Mrs. W. R. Clemens. Xlj,,t-GniýEn At Vancouver, lIC. , Juiy 14, by Rev. Dr. McLaren. Mr Fred G. Nýunn,' for- merly of Coîborne, and Miss Agnes Greer. The groom lm a graiidsonof Mrs, Mary S. \an,1 Bowmanville. DIED RVuNDLc-Ini Darlington, Aug. Smh, James I-unidle, J. P., aged 79 years. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeteti by J.iWeilirtry each Tuesday FLOU, e 00IIB ........ $1 80 to$82 20 WHRBAT, Faîl, bush ....O 00) in O 70 fi Sprn n........ () (0O il O70 Il RedPife .....O0 0Ons0 75 il Geeo........O0 00 et' O65 BALE, Pbush, No. I1... O 09 IlO045 Il le ri 2 ... O 40 fi O 43 I I l fi3 ... 025 il0 81 ntilTwo rowed O 40 et' O50 DA're, white i..............O0 GO i O 40 RYE, ".............. 000 fi0 55 SUouWREAr n.............O00Oin O 55 PuAs, Blackey-e, P bush.. OGO'tlO 0 nl Canadian Beauties O 70 Il O 80 ni Mummev 0e00Wil 000 a Sinal nl O60 in O 65 nt Bluefi 0 00'il0 65 Cu-TTER, best table, P 111, O GO a' O 16 P %doz ............. 0 13 t0 14 POrATOBS, P busli.,......O 030 rn O 50 EHAY, »ton .......'W..... 800 il 300 MISS EDITH FREELAND y 'a e El i Il s Pupils prepared for ail grades ef Teacýhors' Certificates sud fer Univer- si(ty Mvats xeulatiou-liotliPac a n d Q ono)re. 'l'îleScbool le thonenghlx- equipped lu ov%ery particular, nom appanatus is beinig adddasd ecditeachen is a specialiýt inu is depanrnent. Itl eiý rable (liai aillpupils ho pros- eut at theOopeDissg cnf thoe hool Iliat ne (irnoli e lest B4-ard max- ho olitaiwýd ai raseahb raes.For furîher rier- ticiste apUi pesonlb.or ih.%letton te (ho rinipal jGILFILNca Bowmanvlo. Ag12, Princi2 a lit We r _ pi cQk MThm lel' Aln o h eeQ fOresoes idn aso Q mrvn ulte ih u nraigpie okn l Along for tollar Thingse 22 Ib. Cr s et of ao u r sor $0; indn bs ue t himp aon ua otfstho eryut ic resîg re s; e rkin ougeal p h urVnezate ndgive (ho b pies \V and uid p nthe zbuin essb Qod fanrdalg.This list mB ouf es ontas roeresolted* Q Cakestfor 2e; id'o l hà"% ie Bsut fr2 Q~ fr Hihspcpadfom. ' awker &Tait. Oe N yyf llial11 ïï'i f 10 2 a- 1 (lz. Ldie' Sik ad Taffea G-ves blc n ooet :era 9 e ar 7 enl, Bie DuIr Drss, -4rt r aI.-$ î,t la a 1O àh 12 doz, oladeLad is'kPaind TaffeaCoas- black <Ho core25, to elear at 19epair pair. 6 5doz. Laiie< adies'cn ne libbed Bco Iloshnire Hlos2e,eto cleoýýar at 2 pr.r25e. t5d only,Lades' luisemoielek Caons- aseri Rosen, reg,tular 2 pair for $15e0 Ba10adce ofly, Ladies' Plnsespoted ash-rce Cadis' hmterearose, e2cte rat 2 pr. e ~ ol Ldit'Blh es emoidere, rns du ra Bace of ou des'fo es atall riced NetDo t tnad ak - YAVLE Biusail's Marbie Works,,.,, Good Work, Best AMateritils, Artistic Designs, Prices Reasonable, E. R. BOUNSALL,, 15 (I M \I L'E ONT GOUNTRY SOHOOLS OPEN JHG. 18. ýWe havve a full S'upply of.8choo1 Books. Be pre- WIL~N'5 pared by buyΫllg P'L . . arîy FLN. ALEN

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