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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1902, p. 2

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_____-------- -- - I nd lig2on,heebds LIMITES. FROM Bowianïlleto To^onto, Service jute effeet FiaMa 8 92, and Friday. BqWMANVILLE 7. 00,a. iii OSHAWA at 8as a ni. " 'W)"BatS.415ea.nin.l Arrive atvToro t t11A1,-a. m. lat 5 00 pil Toront'o and leturn 6c omavleta Toronto and return 6J c, GOsha--wa auWl byto Toronto èand r ;tr)Oc. Tickts mv be extended for 30 days upo ppm a tion to thne punýrer1andpaym-ent of(À 2âc additional. StLateroomacomoaiat reaLsen- able pe. Fr(ight solicited an d hardlýed careflly anýudIpromptly. For furter binmaton apply to A W. HPUN Genl Mng PubyCpOt. R. CAîAgent, Bowmanvill'o, Ont. TOWN i<.OUNOIL2. Reglarmeuhlymeclngheld on meet'ing roati andconimei A communicailon wee oreceved frora the Counîy Clark, Mr.McNho, advislug oucecîl hat owiug te the fao tUat the matter oueuaizho f As seizment hati noýt yet "bee3 ereDgeéI,, that the Counidil de neGt re CouAlc by ,IuJge. AIse aïotifying Conil of ameunate ha relsed by Mnelclpallty fer the cur- rent year. PFrom Ihi Guelph, Pàvemont (Jo, s,.ttig that just as a0eenese peesîb,Io Mr. W2lker would be sent here te Look aLler neceear-y repairseon eldewalks. Prm heMuiclý.pallîy of MoIrvine, iiingtat thsy wErg iisappotnted le lits ~ ~ ~ ý- shp uwlhîEnglue anti hoas expectd te ave a rot dwheu they pucae u eld Hani Engine, and offaleg$19 f r sami ilafuýil. MIoved by R. R. Lsobscna by T. Bcardais, ti,ýttttsCuclhv bêeen nfmd!hat 'byreco of anL, o crIdant onthýe CG. T. R-.,b flt Rnd Fsile EeglnesoU byus tethe MunLiiaIpal Ceuncl cf oirvie wasgrsaly dm suw of $190 b splac% ie "IeI cf 21,tha p17-ca atwhLoh saI d egu waef sel t lIensf, ede hIby egres, tu accept eaid sus cf $1 90 se fulilpsy- maent fzo ald enginsi. Oarrled. Ou motion MrI SmthOiffthe Cen- nigFecîery, wee hl w wtev fi-ns teu town at Lite rate ofý50e,. par da0Ly. Movad by Me. L 'cnhu~ne by Me. .jeffary, ltaI alacvln found neceesery te be dlo ein opïjniag drlains, laying ppeo:r forny othcr purpose wthin Ihe limIiteiof!hIis towai be oly dons and carried out unzder the supervision of the Romds and Streele Muiipal hiistory oJ eue town, has it beesn Lue ay olevy any greater rate bhan 20 aillis ou th- Ti7 q uesiocn eau ,0wethleIkbaeaeesly asrd.La the atplazýce WB wîll Étt hat 20 milla on 1the $ ýwill more than uo ordinary expeiiiiture for 1902, butý we hatve also the f ollowing sums to bec provlded for, which wa may tfïrm sesvý, or out of ordiuary items3 of exedtrViz.: 1. DèficIt fomysar 41901.... $210 2. Intr ic ti,re iy... 13 I5 3. Extrâceon Foundsy ,,buid. ln 3Rsy-............500 5 oa xpeaese, ra Foundry and Evaporator,stc., oùy '700 Total ...................$4e244 To menet the five foregolug liabxlïties wrill rquire the levying of over 4 mille, 'w!hil ch 1iddod ta the 20 mille requîrad te, ne rsed te m o eetour ordînary expenses thlsyear imake tha to'ïal rate 24 miils on tlite $, te be levled for the yegr 192 or ail purpçosez; and ehould no un',orsesu circnumetances occur, and our Ino e hawhst L 't leetirated a+,, w. feel con!ident we sýhah bn ,e bl ce eeb ail1 au r laUt *e, lej fuio.1 rom tht, forgongexliâst;on, sd ycompir- Iee ihfoïli-'r years',o we fel thst the~L' Cou9 f1902 cýnnOt justiy ha caie xtravgt. WI-')e thine tt p c&c dut un b oncal ny tlefrOmth 3,,qd7our ctGion la levyiîng, a te ffi- ctf nt le mmlour MI'l is ufowill cril tlh yu prvlsdth-e appro- ~alof itagenralpubic.For %fa are hav iser mae b nty oËoui, lard'- est ~ ~ ~ ' raeaertathi thei'r h,(îe ehoed nt 0o1y pay off ils 6wn bi iV s seo tiat our ec'-essors, wbover bqe in iti,haýn-,d thebia pubic may h bltejedge c theio c spauiy te Usreorldd-thY siah makiin i to ame ryar ewhlch ii%, à ' e 'r<flicys.,We haetriad t'mw àhe eprtascle-ar, vue, expic1tl as ws cen, y' ttri slat zi, we fnd thcu,em; antiVve tut tathe, couvrse wa pr,1oose te prsue wiibe l Mie bof Cnhet ftti uiiaîy Many a hard oî-in young womnan spends lier noon heuýir in qin eideavor te get a littie rst te carry h ler t!rcugh the remaining heurs of the Ay'. She is weak andi wearyý, îbuýt she, cannoti give up the occupation wich supports lier.Sie niust go back to thofice ati hetye writer, te the store anid its duties, ;%ithi tiresrne cuistemetrs te wit ion andc- acting emrployers nte lese For pemeleou) are weak andi run down there is nen ieicine se valuale as Dr. Pec' Go(1lnMictDcory It cue()sae f the stomnacl nd stomnachL ave tir ei (rigiu in aiisaease.C1ýd condiition f the sl1ý tO1nauclidn Îi, iliil organe. When the atomatcli is z wea there is a falr epoel et and asiuaeticfod 'wich is catenl. Hec ,h vhole bdy nd cccl organ of it, , sfesfoslC1z of Initrition, 50 that ia osqec fwa"soi achi-, theu-re maybe, wea-%-lnge,'ý eak heart, Cwak rtriilve,- ek eresec. Ev cuîuwlg dse(e'f the stemaïýcli and cthezr orgaus o dge.io lrnment ecssary or te requlin ents of- aheadltabdy. ItincreaO-ýssOnac- hopitycf the boomakg!gans at se icesshesupply of 1 bliwhich la the vAi luid1 of the lieY. There zýis ine alcoliol i in h iscovcry anti it is eirely free friom oiuce caine, sud il othernaceti s Sick aialin epeepcal hsi sufferinig fron isassein jts chroni e frmn are invited Aterosut Dr. Pierce by leter fe.Aloespndkelîc s ehelti as strcty pivteandi sacredlyconfidentiaL There i5 ne sintlar ofer ocire h eut- icèa tvice wéhlu is behind h i ahin sttue f national note -snch as the Tu:- vaid 1s'Hoe ant iiSrgical Institu'te, Enialo N.Y.,presideti Over by Dr. Pierce, its Chief consuLhlg 1phýysici,:a wwih Ue nsitwce ef-Jnearly a score ef skilictipealt. Tho Yery Latu[t t ùins FFonýi AlFr-E Rdpn~X> Offota *.1ndys f0 Parts or theO 1iJ.-it oap oontai;l.s "iA( ý"at Ldgh peïrcenîtae of CANADA. Hawksbuy las voed Il ,00 foriasy;i niof waterwerks, 7,0 for sewersl andi $20,000 for 'gooi1 The initoretPuiblic Vorkjs iasý auniniud that ihetasotto cf the grantlaeswi1jll alok' afttr by a iaewly-ce-d uf cia The store anti banl of Pixo rs maple Creek,N.T.warobeif $2,000. The tillaias wet thîoiili! Î two -feet et brick wall tigi t t lci booty, which n'as iu the vafft. 0'of theLet ?,,'4 Ottawa nierchants hIlve lipen Iroubiccl witlî counterfeit $2 . biille la tely.______ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thie N. 1Z. A. lias fc Ie datee iiano. al Satrna 3th. malilpox cniuseiepc i upi vsin u'tud ea 1 abadoas.Al i te other i .s tclaipost., wih a r'ing ut t TUe Ter;ritojial Shieep Breeders' Aýs-' Wes-t Induý! !tp oMih i seciat[ienwill hoid a sheep show anti ai islade hve iiposd aixeop ho w )i iche naso tiht attiiot sale of i-anis at Medicine tit esttec, ilt:atLucini, the him crying oeut. Tueic iud ar î1rTt front Sept. 30 te Oct. 3, nith uturderer of flic ntîas o usrc,,,Jy ticti on. aiclici sd1 at lite aI î 'te' teIinîproving the quality et andi tho tcin ttI cî-bopu-tct eare secureti,î igsa U sýhep-a ,ised fn tha Nerthn'est. 'T'n(e ilshînant of soiitaycitieac la otn.Atrrodn U etpe c,i-ad f etipertad firt e an erg ilest hiissraon ni ion'inarar toexecutioer tpace, idn csteraîi rane frein Ontario wiii belaed alnatieasiunnl;L (lti-a kouLtias tiknsa Va'nr, eirtfi-sale. ea.gi eeuOut, d1ad ak bu GITEýAT BRITAIN. Lha miîîed ytU hag t epe--hertund at src aan n ytc SAliil' of valubloîeîe 'sol niuîaiuc i orsdaglairons fi-ont place t l. artfîcalceabieofa bhi' patlent- 'fi o fsbjcigawmnt dn,n'hvicli tUe Coulasa batJi dce-lisila îdaisarpuddaîîdludrutoettU uot ahed -ecntyat a s--t et-5200,000Vute a s î t ne udio oj cteterrible,"Enou 1tiîgs'vu h:te-y e Hata-uithliaPbeu eferai t hu,pure. 'lu pernaiieodail e h til, ns ka £10o,000 for îlte r--cion of a fraccant cd-1tiuguihd rn guliebaui and brlaît eau lîia-y y AMî. Caruegia, weac'ahole. Maaute Capucî, are f ît1aleti proposa-s tIoxiapaiggeaeF u niee o u , t 1cfEliabt h foi. tUe clhilinof t.hr. f lsi.Sa lat acepo V'i ari of Dudey il l lvlysuc- T IIITIIII ~Tl llçT de îegial'eali with anlI ualMý.oetIîlau. ,daladte av br tonguwe eut eut, Xst Grearu ats o- 4 'MS T TRIL SIG O btnhis ithe El1nîpee ltiaeit ofk t sii,ýhiiiîu Mr uniEVR NV1TD.lo a caiti dî(11sati(uacai-elos o- hasinurti -de foi.,the ientiei, turne,,lý1 ,anig il a hratagglneq4 pîauabeatntea, rulikuen, groers'. Dahte1 ntune Which 1 tac1d ieigsuee e fritantmi flou-ar sellais, andtihue far- le Being tlseti te Qî,ve11 Re - olt ifrietîtis anti amirrýs 3 ioi lîti- niera, wiîese creps ara poor aîîd bellious Studienits. 'terfere te sat a Jiai-. But the people' fret eue ýte thrc e wks late. "The knout !or sudjt,"May 're auxieiis îte ccc licotthet. Thcenl'glisît cetteu nianufacturers, of us have reai hi hatuiain qcou'- andtihleuutrusaelady bac teI whe hiae fer se long depaudati On necîloîln witî le Tisiariote ulU sîidai-goe i thtr trh-e wliicli lte T' iitati States for the ait-mna- the sauie equiuîity Ls they N7ou]d n'as net mtigaloI, ii tlic iasi tenda, lhava taîseti a guai-autea funti "Thle cat toi-hig]-way nicu," titink,-! ON ACCOU1\NT OP1-F IR S

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