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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1902, p. 8

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ý î àý' tkt~~ iïaudiu$ ào a BOWMANVILLE, AUG, 20. 1901. Sington, M. D., and wife of Milwaukee, Wis visited at Mr. Jao. VanNest's hi% old home, on his way back froni If your trouble is Dyspepsi' and curable visiting bis daughter in London, Eng.., r. R. J. McKessozk kas returned iýmhsholhdays having been onu ie Great Dyspepsia Cure ' rseting' tour to Algoma. IHe bas t 1906 at e engaged as teacher here foi W illCur Su e. 108 t asubstantial increase in salary ~Vi1 ure Su e.Reent viitors: Mrs. 3no. Fletcher Why sufîer from Heartburn, Fullness of Weight la the Stomacli and Indigestion when, you ca.n geta bottle of the Great Dyspepsia Cure. ON LY 5 0 CENTS. kT and vers, .Jxsamazoo, Mickand urMars. A. J. Reynolds, Danforth, at Mre. D. llogarth's;- Mr. and Miss Wrizht sud Master Frank Vice, Biackstock; Mr. and Mrs M A. James, Bowmaaville; Mni. S. Shortridge and Miss Aima with friands at Witby; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cole and son, Hampton, at Mr. Thos. Pascoe's; Miss Atkinson, Mrs. W. H.i Pearce and Miss Fisher, Newcastle. at' Mr. T. Baker's. . .. Mr R. L. Werry has returned to duty at Montreal. I a I MAPLE GU.OVB. Recent visitors:- Misses Josephine aud Emneline Williams, Dansville, New York, aud Mn, Fred Brimlacombe, Buf- falo, at Mr. R D. Snio'wden's; Miss lHi. 'Toronto, at lber aunt's, MIrs. C. Cox. M.A, W. Yole-i bas erected a new wird fence iii front of is place._ The Womnani'sMssionaary Society hiad a quilting bec last week. .. The toot of the throshing. whistle is agalu lieard in this locality. Tht5 yield ii good., Mr. and Mrs. .lo Siowdeu spent Sun- day week la Oshawa,.. ..M4r. JnoRuffer is on the sîick lEst DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CIJRED by local apcain, as tbey canniot reaelb the dtseased portio f the sar. There la only one way to e defne3ss, aud that le by conotitu- tional remedies. DeGafuness is caused by an In- flamed cuaditioni of be nucous liniug of the Eustachian Tuibe. W nthis tube gets toCsin- ed you bave a, rumbling sonnd or imperfeet hearing, and wben h t i entirely closed deafness Is the resuit, aud unl es the- inflammation eau be takên oui and tibis tuibe restored to its nor- mal condition, heainig wlll be destroyed for- ever; nine casýes oui of ton Preý cau8cd by catarrh,- whicb is nothiug but on Iufla.med condition of thoe mucous surfaces. We wifl givo One Huudred Dollars for any ni be cured by Hali's Catarrb Cure. Send for circulars, fees. F. J. CXENEY & CO., Toe do, 0ý -SoIS bvDrnmri.,ts. hc._ 1HNlON FUi the best, HAMPTON. Mr. T. A. Brownansd family visited nt the old home, Cedar Valley, last wee-....Mr. Wm. Taylor, eniginecer, Chicago, la vis;itiing his sister, Mrs. C. C. Me1rrill-...MisLottfe Truli bias rettrned Vi10 br home lr Pickering accompanied by Misses Effie Robbias and Mauid Short,...Mrs. T. Elliott %peut Sixnday with friends ia Port Hope. .... Mr. W. R. Allia la re resenting Court Archer, 1. O. F., at týe annual, usaâsioni of the Centrai Ontario IIi1h Court ia Guelph. . . . Mr. 0. J.- Jollife, B. A., Ottawia, will give an addren, on W~estmnster Abbev, Friday evening under the auspices of the Epworth, League. Everyone wbo caa should attend to hear this iuteresting address. Sehool opened Mondav with the saestaff of teachers-Mr F. J. Groat, principal, and Miss P. M. GalDraith,ý assistant.. . Farmers who have threshed report an excellent yield. 20 YELARS 0F 1TCI3G PiLEs.-Mr.- Alex. McLaughlin, Bowmaenville, Ont., writes tbat for twentY years he suffered terribly from itching piles. Seven vears aw-o he asked a druggist for thbe Lest cure for piles and was tbld to use Dr, Chase's Ointmeat. He continued this treatment natil eatirely cured, aad as lie has niwer hait anv returunof hl& ahi THE MASON Co. 80 U-"WMAN VI LLE. This'week we are at it in fuli blast, Carpenters, Mi ons, Painters, &c, tearing down the &d, building, up thc newf both stores wilI have the fronts negly painted with niei signs in front of each. Just see them, 1 post pa , at 50C. per 01e IJUJIJLFPUN fuI'-K~biL~ itGeorge Street, l STEAMiiER-5IPeterboro, Ont. Rolf in f 7 elepholies 180 2,»ldCI195. 2134-f FOUTIH BOU N. Lv. Cobourg do 01 p a TTE1 Lv. Port Hope, North Kng250 p as- Ar. Sum7erville.,;N.3. doES7 47 pna2 NORTH BOUÜND A T 9 A. MI. Lv.Rocestr, X. NYC9.0 a s. upils prepiaredl for ail gra-des of Lv. S a -ille. N.Y, .0an echr'Crîi a n sd for Univer- Ar. iobourgý, Onit2 l p s siy MaNI uaia-ohPs aad Arl Pori oe.Ont 2.5 u. Hon rs. laio -oi ps n witbut otic, i evra -icua ne aprausE ~ ~ t a qil pupils hepîI-e- if1 ï\X s It IIE. el mL, alm eb B 1 p.1. 'ti VI~~~~~~ Otl81 1?lAeb t iDrcni ut t 0 nbe ae~ FTfrl pr sweet contralto voi1ce sitd h eh odist choir Rundsay evening and sa-ng the solo, "Face to) Face" which yas very highlY appreciated .. .. Mr Tom. Douga' a throwan from his wheel Tues8daJ eïening and was very badly shaken up. but is recovering. . . . Mr. A. W', Pickard, Bowmanville, spent Sun. dav ti Mr. W.-V H. Pcarce's... . Mr Fred Hr.Bowmaiavil-e visjted at Mirs. Wv. Allin's Suinday-. .. Mrs. M. E Barrow, retiuned to be-r home fl Chicago lai ceafter ,péindinlz some weeks kt T'o AssinIlate Food see tliat your stoniach and liver are iii proper condition, To, do îk easîily and eant Itake LYetiolisi ,tLunday b0t1101 UtWhiileub ï-tes cher, «-O-nFnd-y-aftereou sund tihe Iutile flock enjoyed it irmense!y. - .Mr, F. Il. Brown visited ai Torouto recently ...Miss Bilstrice Alexander visited Clarkýe friends. .. , Mr. and Mrs. Wi. J. VIreouh 1Newtouville, and Mrs. Jno. GihrTowm, visited ai Mr. J no Pye's riecentlyv. ý..Scisool ne-opened with a ver) fair attendanco Monday. . . ,Vr. Frauk, Scoît, Brooklu, guesi of Mr Geo Preston Entrauce :-Roland V'irtue), Ollie Wil- liams, Allau SylvesteOr, FlorenPce Pye. Sr. HIl to Jr. LV-Eva cCaci Editis Virtue, Mufiriel S,taltoni,'Magg'; LlWahter Chapman, Ina Hrig WaiterO~te.Jrý, II1toSr. I1Sde Stainton., Sr. Il to Jr. 1Il -- Elsie MutoHanrold Siainîton, Gertruide rnMary, Bell, WîieYetu et LoteCaiver, idla MuoeY, DouglasBantonRssel tf eora ~Mouîomer. Pt.I tePt. l l StalrOnt., states :-" My diges;tive orgauswere entirely dsarauged, my appetitc vas poor, 1 was rmn dura uin beali ilnnd b"d severe at'tacks cf dizziuass eund ler- vou hadaçcsThe us-of r, CIîs's Ncrpvc 1Fooc bas cndrely cured me, s my digestion lu viry riiueh improveýd, the hc.aclies have 1(4t me sud my arpptiteis reas good. 1 cati racommeud Dr. Chase's; Nerve Food moaýt heartily, uw4git ta bc an cxcc-ptionially pgood madicine." Being slightly laxative Dr. Chas's Nerve Food regzulates the action ocf the excretcry engins aud Wroug-h Its restôra- tive iFifluence om iha -nerves sudmuce enisuras hthealt an sd vigorous action ef tie raspIratory an!Id (igeatiVe systerUs-. If ynre eaeebyvewrorr-y or dis,ase, thîS gre7t fond cuLre la boniud tc be cf baniitot you.ý As a Festorative it bias ncvçr beau- approached. 5o cents a boxi, at "ail dealers, orEdaon Bates& We nt ach farmer to grow froas 100- t0 1000 chickens next yesr. Rock, Wyandotte snd OrpinLoni cockerels -and pul-ets--for -sale et a nominalpr-e A. W. FLSManage-r, 8f3 2w Bowan.iIle Ont. Onadafier WdedyAug, 20, we ivill buy apples !)r evaporatiugpurposs-al variety Of ap]ples that are ,sound, large, en'ough fior peeiing - not leis 1iban u21lueejS iiu dtameiteýr-d(eliver- e'd a'ft!]be evaporator opposite thie 111gb ebo Bov mla!nville. Moit 111,3iF, FIKE&ACK 1MN apees;but o C uerSept ]SIt pls usi be ai iŽeleusflot ees bauf lu e dimete deivre a ie vaprto-opoit 1&g Reduced te FIF'I CENTS A YEA New Idea iWoman 's 'l Magazine T Hý ls he he'aetard bi Ir, i4a nFa2lhions, in Millirsi la Emrbroe0'-Gr Y, ri Covking, WmasW-ork axed ini Readin 'beu'etï,ilv Illusta -i in, l colorsa In ack and wic by i STLa, ide fr>om N,ýw IrEa',F rEpmis, which cost only Ioc. ceý Sendi ('F lvc Ccn ts T o -deai B Thi Prepared and sold by The east store wîll i ;tc ug. ,- Apply l>- .1 it d a y

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