*~'EBMS :-1.60 RER NNtTM.OU£ TOWN AND OOUNTY PIEST; THE 'WORLX ABTEE'WARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr Nrw S mizs BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY- AIJGTJST 27, 1902. VOLUME XVI o 5 CII (0A tRiP THd rOï_.uGH RNGLAN. 80 WMAN VILLE FAIR I RICKARD FAMILY PICNIC, (Contnue~fromigustlBth. n. The annital picni'c of the Rickardi 1 1 W But I have wanldered from myei and WedaUIhIUt anTLUU liUiUGy amiiy which was heid at "Meadbw* wi. oback to whl3le1 I iefite. ou Lark Farm" the home of Mr. and Mrs. reaching Woiverhampton, the fact of Sept17-18 James Rickard on Saturday was weii at- ý he postpoument of the coronaîjon be- tneoe 5 eaie n red tng placed beyoncl a doitbt. Idecided West Durhamu Fair bas benaa engesoet. Threlwatveas adfi tha to tura aside and niake awhelit changed to, the above date. be gi could be desired and everyone en. tout t~$1 SAhe dav's outing thoroughy The ous Minng appe ar eey ie t tcCtCp a vaLhg eygyappearance, reflecting wr li, the aparance of thefse broughct Valley Raiiroad August 29th and Sept. credit on the decoratîng committee. ~ cai in luScoiad. wa mki aBridge to Atlantic City or Cape May engaged in, a game of foot bail being - brief stop lit the litti(e viltaý,e of iMuir. and return. Tickets good 15 davs. piayed between the married and single B' rulruk aiwytKng kirk ad havng soe tiîle OnMY Good for stop over at Philadeiphia. men, and some of the young ladies hael stonhncbvamgfietple ene of the ueigbboning shafts and pro- and en)joy thegreaîtcean d uther criner s w ingepoyin aigCoqeudr upcso top ehig'h le. For tcesadfte rknlsignec During after Tempars, ou Swere thé englue bous'e aud what 15 aticulars addreis RobI. S Lewis, nonthecopnwspoorÏhdb k lna tetb î hd where by meaus lassenger Ag-ent, 33 Yonge St., Mr. Geo. P. Freeîand, Bowmanvuies SA TUR of aillit, snall cars cf c0 1 were Toronto. 3_____ 5-3w. enterprising youngartist, getbting a splen-AY Sbrought 10 the surfae a ud dum ied it -mb itrearelyexcellent oeÙ T K Slarger transportation cars. ItWas HADO. opiesmay be obtainéd at Sac each. n"~ erly 1, o'clock p,. t, the end of theThcmpnwaafearsnvedt Nv roB r i i sminer's da.y,so the foi-eua said Ihat he A..eCmpn a ftradinie o was going to inspect ie min ne and if 1 issCapbli ae gne te assume ât down to, a table well filled that virtual- VI. nal our afouned,atis ioseed, ave e C.Misnitl. isiotosut rs.R aer han e oraed, n thear in wich ay nesge on ny stpe nt h uezta agvi gg eo,..M. reAunger bas gone the ee saw a table so weil arranged Tc e~a way and down we sauk , by the aid of ad agble, Oshawa, ut lher fatber's the cakes, pies and other deliiacies dis- to retturd nay mriuAg., n inu u l k in d s o f stuail oil lamps whieh ive carried lu our M)r. T Goodman; Mr. and Mrs. Meont- appeared from view, was a good proof uiohîurnSontan trai u teMed cap, W Imld ee ct arknAis 1 iery, Toronto, at Mir. jasAs ton - hat they wecre flot made for ceoks only. oa Limtd, was iin ve, ru openg te£ receive wifth Mrs. T, Mountjoy ; Miss Eduaf er and Principal W. C. Aluin, Glencoe, Excursionists will b ovvdb butotwa dust to dlu.ýt byy Greenwayitl Britain, with jm was invited te the chair when the foliow semrfouKnso ontru means, rallier dust te mud. The damp- unce,1 Mr. 'Wm. Trewin; Miss Miande ing pregratu was presenited. Addresses the 1000o Islands bAeadrtBy ues o!theairsemedte enerat ~Trewin at home; Mr. Albert Hawkev, by Rd. k'ostcr, Esý, Wm. Rickard, M. N .,Irougli'the Aeia hne 'IY~ th boe. resntlythebuoet ameTyrone, aI Mr, Trewin's; Miss Lily P. P , anld Rev. . J. Edmison, B A ; and returningIbol th e aada E u ru ~ ~~~ le oa hait and we stepped outi m nto Grabamsaa thm;MslEfearcttosb iss Laura Rickard and Clhanu 1, 8seeug everyh fltra *~~~~~~~~~~ ~k s/' Jalopeeheedneap lc- Wright, Toronto, àt home, Mr.Wrght, Mr. Geo. P. Freeland; solos 1)y Miss on the trip, passiugTsndIln Oue nessi ceuld aimeet be feit in iltsriuîeusbitvTeronl'o, with Mr Johin Rundîs; Miss MaudBcke Canton, and !Miss Fer-, M,- Park, Fine View ParRudIlu rour small iamps eere able ýte dispel the Aima Br-oad, Toronto, vfisitiug relatives Intyre, New Yerký city, and Master Carl Park, Gananoque, ec gioom for only a taial radiujs and for 1he; Mrs, Squair and daughter Mina Symons, Welco)me;- vocal duet Mcasters Aeadi Bav is te"aaeae l ime we were uualie le proceed, but aI MnI. PZ. Ashlon's4; Miss Elia Me- Carl and Clare Symons; violin duets, thte St. Lwec, u nobel *~ a oureyesbecae moe act~1eed au Mui. Toroutoat àMr. John Ilc- Stanton Bros, Eniniskiien; Phionto,,rapli thle central attracinotewoi le the place we sawr that we were lu a Lauighi's: Mis,, Aniv Ford, Toronto, se!ections by Mr, Will Harding. Editor- summer life cf 1000Islud-on of-1 ssalrectangular cellar-ilie place the aI homne; MIrg. Bond aad, family, Te- James was present but unable te stay for mo.rst popular aud ms ahoal .'U.walls'of which werea ofrued irregu- ro-ate, wltà licr father, Mr. Ford. the progratu, watering plaes in Aeiawil îar masses cof ceai; the eiling wihiui olwigaeDme ftos rsn- eusand w lits vu ilo ie o h was about 6 luches above our beads A 1HWCASTLE.,Flo aar ae t hs rs nt- eouns sior te 'rn mm = hesae atral te ior fGrandma Rickard, Win. Rickard and United States- Thouad ftuit d uîu composition had aI eue0 Bide a The Miies Addi8én, Toronto, are wife, John Rickard, wife and family, jas from ail parts visit te10 sad 4"saall trench lbrough wbich flowed a visiling Miss May Ri ncb and other Rickard, wife and amily, e. icar, every yenr, attracted teeb b au contiuai treat o! alerThe ro- nds here.... Miss Dora Dickson bas wife anç family, Samuel Rkickard, wife of their natural bealy nuraue 'TYbletu of ridding a mine of this water I returaed fretu a pleasanit visil with andîfamily, John Clemence,, wife and for Island scener inay outvÎ aQTQà lo fund was a mosî important eue, I, fiends in Oni1lia.Misses Ida and family T,TC Bragg and wife; W,C. Allun the world, umuuw,,~,uuhI-, uiltoand day îi t riIis mine sAuna .Cameron, SaulI te aiMich , and wife, Glencoe; Mrs. John Higgins, Saos dis ie <V ewerking -Waddvi dthsmn are guests o1 Miss Lefhtchnonj. Cobourg; T. H. Clemence and wife. Ion Scarboro junction, .235.7 LI 11oL 1 fuetsw 44. Mr and Mrs. Elford:andMa rErnest Cemence, wïfe and famiy os. Chap- Markham Road ions, oue ot these we3 followýed. The Rcads eeul . isAn le Ewart Clemence, Kiiîby; Mirs. W. Chest- Ro,,ebank.........2 84 BOWMNVILE. assae wa etvaryng sz aout ft ougas lav~ ridiy t taîe apositi0nnul and family, Rochester; E J. Symnons, Dauýbart....220 S7 passagd ie eigbthofasoi ityc h re nMcCl C.wîleaefîllnn'wife and famly, J. il.Symions îand ife, pieknn..... 0 85 I eaue trcgli hbb ssouïe t lhb os, oot .e Canon Morisb; Geo. Bamýsay, wife and famiiyIwhtl uxto - .5 9O mean cfcontct I vaiejs pints b-FancmTaiouto, vî*sitcd 'lis ;mortier MichSl Elford ;-sud wife, Mr.. V il Ob' uiei1.. .0 91 ~~ ~ ten cnitdm crum. eîrs r lstwc.- c r.Snclair, n-iîamrs and son Roy, Misses C!aaý, MblDr~gi.... 0 92 in îl wabf asaîl ree~schislledWhitbeonuc c tIc ervies l tIcand Liy Symons anýi1d Flossýie MatyBxiujî. .S93 ited CthelSun a.Rev w.and Masters Claie anudCaiS osadMwat.....i8 94 ism heall eny iceyne a-ticisued a . ih4la be r antahree E1ýrnest Nott, Wlom;M. and issNwvle.... 5 95 thien. Tbey are used for i tui-n hewes'hlda.. Ms daTlr, Mu ike atn isAaBeiPi oeJn .15 00 THE METHODIST OONFERENCE AT sm-el csw'cbra logIb rd MplinGrove. visitcd MssLena Clark courtice; James Stainton, wife and tami- Cbug..... 4 0 Aftr evugte tbe1ewuddcu 1e gldthe Methioist congregaîlon enn;Mrs. Mcelntyre aniiddater U'ei Frn,CîdraHfFne Cleicl ndLa Dleats e ay lIrou-l ho le u n aîrSua eeiowîhbrnuenu !NwYrk City; Johi) n nar, wf h otfr ilb xr o Sa e honube c 30 reprnauglulrough dark passages aloag wic w e l ea-utiful golIo, "The Great White6 and daugliter, johnii Stanpletoni aad wife, round leu*oaaI ____T eave about Seprt. ItI, for Wiunupeg lad le crawl, at paefo buù0 boe. hs tpltn 'f n a il ere Arvu I igtaaotno Stapleton, wife and famnily, Nýewtonviile; Speelal train evsKaso euu le 4tnd ieGeeral Conféreace of tIcr4s-tenw lnd atlnub LOCIAL AND 0TIqERWISE. Rev. and ji7drs. T J. Edmison and family, ing ai. 6,0pn.bu O F ~ ~ ~ toMedt hur . nmbr f leof corners noting that at places - ne goof Êtoi -lT:lý.r,_-:1 1 amsStaDeo.wf. n i 1v_ 3 .i, u ikt