-u- fÏct, it !may flot rpryb aiIan artîficý;t IVfya al cn mlno ati t wa oîgnaiy in tc-nded tu boca:st ad iae n.no fasthiou lejSt eo h uraeo Wiato1r-. ts ~asgi-cn acie pv rtly enclose a bigh ivr o glinîpses of whicb aire giron t0 tle1 fisbi by allowing tile lino te i- un \vitb th#, coi-ent anti then drawing it back np sir-caîi1br short, suddenI jerks, wbirih epo nndcose te harkic-s. Iatif conu-ywheI.sa mlon arle not tnkon il) rs hwto y minwur ohrlrehi sin tMie Britsh sies ths butateti-e pot liolmnch a]îfeCtedbysinoofsh t in dwaïrti's dugte, Atiiong thseima-ssof aetoa Dccs0 i la deoteiti ote ag- mattr reaiic by bc cronaion f liigandi penI iuch cfti e bilu& KingEd~ad Vl., anaisan speî-Iat bbc sýiprtacconsanicti y1 ie mii arc intercstinig tesles idatghxer,wiîiie bbc ukIe is awayîý reinisceisuces 0tý f thu e iacko(f skjil as dcstliig anu antgler r paetbv Mie King lsinhg AsMebcfax oramusemnt, wi, in tr he ou-sof hia pogrssoo. tf lthe lîttie sons 0f; the Prin-ce throu)ijglhe Dominjiin iii 860as of Wleantd i tby wcrc iýecentiy ornc f W lhviie om fqit proud 1of Mseii-abh -snij. 'I '"_uIL- i lM, (1 1, -lttf>t ct - - ti 1 (à î t \voil 1 a-- tif bbcfte arg eN ir th ,pr - ;ïli ,u Sal m oni i Clubii anti thon1, , as no WS v hoe 1ral! tha thétie lole nA o, i raya, 'ant it'yon x party coulti boast 0f. son. Pnce aggratinig a bit, for, i-om tik hoOket a ile saimlonfor tCe Pé-bsecing, Ciinge ail teme'd ho room b ant gae b t ha t laîd bu hs- bMutîFor,' OMsaYs MBtI in a hewen abimp wapfot successîn. lTh(e OIT hbiýtaui-ti irats ecagei it'S' ire la saliton flising te enabie hmp elini) ureI'saa ltlarge tekiia agefsh dÉese fi- sbmaII;ii ann nsl Tis eliitLhi-oriali ef Lbise ts' ial." hidced,0one ivould jud(ge ron was nduly poftblwhi a fart otonly iste !Iol(- sar wnge caer, b ut taking onebush3i fs ihanother, is, iii view 0f the j very large proportion of businessesi that fail, probably flot moree thlnan fair interest on ncy nmi pay-,ilc-,nt for labLor. Sir Crsohrpooe los>e. t au s >f twlo to nmoke, tha brn, wee, aniia. buii.sines -- qui-eMto evryprolfabl t make At, the ,late annlm eein o P nes fhY & C.,hoeprsdli delsi-e to gv hs soitdwt Up frmal'y s110ssnoma1itte whtsort, begin ith ia lt ti s food, anu mrethn ;-Vi- r oo ou cn er. SENO à FI'O R NF E A ,L N P t s0v. ala<. $.o; aldruggistv. essy t tae tfacseandth te oppor-totir Wis tultii reenet or ddIag ebijhbilig iog-innsalready: nii-- cigent. it wilho me the Mareîmas t1e chicf Seat O 1w 1 fn'-st( "Illethn Fance- Fanc bt favoiteremdy or nearly every ail- costuiionflamrc riosat mnent. A lfttie later leve ani agnewil onhxociten0 hsGas wvas snigecmbcynnd iFenuian tovtbree oi- (lemnîany and i ie forC) bark wMms in univerai dennnd. PîtteMjitSStts.Tesitjlo Who bst as ornete ears 0f diu obnt.Eganihoot-n dosei oxry pring in bisohiltiootiigd snanttsrenfi ine Wit suphu ati iea 0 ta-ta, ifi fa 01a-lRusia orît sixeenfor thi-ug ise ulsm>- ib be'Li oi G i-nsany. Groat BIndiain antihm winte i t cbai aolcl 1er-foI'ty-four fori. ssi, roacent ponîstisomna anoslm? WUs now1e,, nany.Tise COfcitiSimýO]î0f0 the1 hecars of nny ono 0of ioeieiieNvlAna ststf I 1,ï 1t 4~Ll~-~ tots e cueimd ontas a Pt 101 Asa nate- 1, fc, 1;ot ot diseoes îîtim xiirb ofobeaî nuSi- t sager nt sff hioitbdi ureaonbi otiag a-emnitilydv 1 hl"ri,"Il ý'gi " gx'Ol'-n i vi I g Wc)iltac toe crcnsacs " pasnrs Wfpay as iJuc1 as any iopent tenot, o ta to v, klnd o0 tfa ," 1ng, n b orOioscan 1be Lbacked iiýqforuffloat(i 0 !u !o1 -tn si 1l p ei b P !, g oi l t htso tb s e t )Àat b t s vo 'l '. vi1 of~~~ lax to a oit vhrc1t1Nl tho ný oi' mlit, rtr;at u x ___________________ l_ The Invent or1- Say it L3 Less 1 GIVETEMPR EAYREIE BUT BWfcOM LSS F w îef e tîven e e ct q I getin. Th y uri 1 ~~5CENT5~ Èii -' Jil to' ogoproibite ud tho lis 0f phositlor- dom. Tho prohibitinbaC simo I 1sttila etrs t pi-oduc athe is Jos quait, ntiseeri ncw k! "iri reason0f tis faci ta etbey con- fanporpo-ucm îdi u sr me v nrhbon as theold and cf- CKOUP.. 25c. Boule fo~ ~ Slmpje Celd. 50c. Boule Ipi- ~ HOav~ Ce'd. 01.00 Boule for ~ Doep.o~atod Cougli. 8014 by ail Druggiste. RJIGEBWA1 DNU AKNTJLER ACCOUNT OPF1-1IS POOR ANG- LING IN CANTADA. Hie liTas a Reputation of a Suc- cessful Hitlter of Large -,y vit L- pluliet, wirn nis, Tenu- roi-