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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1902, p. 3

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1 e, t-ce e. iF. 1P. A. (foyer, MV.A. hy& Jfginohm&Sn th&Jury and lise uokstin ot h o WMDcrmid, DruggiFSt. stigf) lýt,failiar Anglo-Israclite ho y h Queeiin corame uded the autbor-'s at 1- tendlance at Windsor,, andcpesd ber i-pîcasure With his book, saingi -tiiiat she and Prince Albert. had longi hedthe. views it put forth. 1-11. aetyordered the Royal family tro bch produ-cd, and tbcre at the. mot as he aine -fI)vid, with ict oîla in the topnîost direct *AN APT QIJOTATIOI,. * ~ . Some years ago a preacher inaug- urated ini bis Sunday Seooui the ~ prace of having the childrea quote eome(Scriptural text as they drup- tion bo)lx. 011fthe first Snd in quest;i, ialittip shaver '.alked [up _______and ad "The Lord 1,ovoth a cheeul ,g vr," a ;ila r Ipdlis "ei .. (l i besd t Ivle ýiChaa to rr' e iv'qotd .ehr, adsuoni. Js hn u akda little fellomr wiH thon isakb remuants f olsse cnd u bis eHubb fa, ada1h dop ! is cet i awle'd olt: "foiland A. seýcohndfi i e i iv-i Crn h7,c eargad Prs weîi oîepulias ctonrumst No the rrney osssse sch iCsur-prise iih omod cruncraled in itý bdsand b:ank notes totu Te ae perectclensigheaingandpuIl el £2O. .The in'-ttress hlad ho,- fyingproprtie. loged u onuid aa w bu ld ij a eisSurs les aaprn ettto.Tehns Externlly, deler a once anded he teer oreergse you atinc lylerhuoe t eveing l'~ie t-u ualadgee -o re t luet B.BB. ilI estue 3OU tO te 14 warlodunti dalght miat ihm. Thfeinvestigation 0f trtopical disemses is nuw pro-' reeln onliossuggested by 11,11 di oxr ft-le pa1raýsite of m1alar ia; yellu>w feur ba aready yielded to expeot în t iectivoethod.e uf rombatingitheedîsaiPllr- ward theivsig osno%-, Poinýg, caxried on in arcordance witl t-be maost recent meihods cf la'. etiga We have long lknown tho placr s uf The 1ny (jd fcosrp t-ion tofaris nele3e cosumption.", At tefi.etssiinof I consumioîî geýt a bott1! ie o Scott's Ernulsion and beg-in regular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thouisànds of cases, turned the balance in f avor of health. Negiected consumption does noit éexist where Scotts Ernu1 l- P rmptuseof Scot'sErul .1onCielstedsaewiei 5cuTT & fiOWNE, t7hcnu-îis, Tuante, 50c. anS $î.oo; ail druggîîis. periode of his lite, a1d t-lntt-b ue for its kùOwled]geuoft teAlleg dis-- ru' ry lecomipose u lies.Tlese1 biographers have le1(d tlhe world t-o bel!eîvO t-îlt Columbos7.' faith une due to a etter about- a rond t-o t-bu East Iadies by way 0f t-le Wet- frum Turcanelli, t-u lorntneastrono-1 nier, t-o' ernenuu Mmrthns, a Purtu-' guese errînsiasir(, ubo shoired the let-Cur and aumpnnyiaiv.ig rbart t-o Alfoiîso V. Copies oýf t-hise tter and chou-t, ut- jesai, ieeanded t-o Coubaitu,îý and tlereîîurun followed lis discomery, of t-lieneir moud. No.v ruines Mc-. Vigiiaud n'îd de- rîmres wit-bout any hesitation and barks up lis d1-1cinraýtion mit-h ,Lrong proofs, t-bat-t-lis [lot-t-r, rnnd n su- ralled seconud Setteir, pirrliagt-obu Tusrcanelll's, aeni gr',ex.uto by Coluîmbus'seodsnBatl- fooiud viiieflyClmbs ha self as a pa1rt-y t-o t-be ,frn'.îd. The motive utft-le f ml sasMr i- naud je "-o clar is of e t t-be i-epî'oaci'. t-bat, n OiiEus sa ic le lad ral icvrdAoiau t-ho informatfion ien hlm by an pilut 'Min, as le ý l , -ding, t-old t-o t!ý-li uthnpar 1tsbard y bu lad!by chance phoua h1ouaieeur ont ~ ~ I,( oflifors n a laîi o 'all- 0 -u Anis,"Ts: at nlan&! nýcoua, ana lscrJooIeU apasse the sintr fwihstnr"tled pourl A eaiARD T;IllCET; cetiblu, for whvlicb ?ýhe ld tu nedyafincid ulbi, w ad bam'ing h o w Ml1t. l, w'r1.hbu did to taia bis snlary, tack!ld huîn. "I a, Walteur, uny boy, , ho h- gani, "you don't- perfurm a ýgî'eat &duel of labur, du yuu?" "No, 1 dun't have to." "Aren't you experted t-o wo'l:?" "Of course nut," was the ca.did reply. -It takes su mucli bard wurk t-o got a job like this thal.t-lie a u- thorities haven't- the rnerve lu nsk a man tu do anything mure t-o earni bis saiary after lie gets ît.- are nefecIve§, btgete laatv; heeoràa, mm- d vael 1pecetibc fct up i.J.Nget Ia;,rl s sa-, - "t that lu FIld Cheis 1praiced with Considorable en,-crýess. 1Il hajvC seeon ci-cla arm i s ýt-thodailry, practically a solid fozn ass alteri bcng PIve days la ranitfrom t-le1 fai t-o the dairyý. 111;s sy.stem ofl sending frozunrrea m, Listead uf iilk, tii î ri;iy P, ngoed one, as- i. sa'. s arag. lho crenîn le re- frigerat-ed fitn oloinHmunu at the faria. Neary eey faýrier lias asprt- .'ii(,creýaimije rua into the tinianlawhIiMch t-willnmaiýe it-s journev. 'Tbis tin le ined aa speclally dusigned wocden '.'ib, and imailI pieces uf ire packed cli sely around ut. Over this fie a rolumnon kiad of roarso sait is sprfnkled which intensifies t-ho rold. A rareful record of temperature, bot-h of th,- fl-e oing mixture anactcami, le bept. -During thu proces Chu ci eu-u., op.stirred f1mi ime t>o tlme until thle reqoireci degree cf cold lererl 'Pli trinsare piovlîdIcr. 'itb cpu- cm ris o take th-<cei-oii. The, touapratu ofutthese cars j cpal of bU 1,--re or raised!, accor'dlng tot-ietieolofye-ar. 'The cane tof r frige'atIdCream àon arI-ivl ai at th diyare flret weigLed, thengrd, asý te would butter. The quiýtiois are soally Isi., 2nd nnd Srd Aftcr grding, thle tins i-e plIaeda th tha-wiag room. Crat rae ijs ru,- qIrud flo t t wt- v o u qiekîr. Wbatonorossaýry toentuîre lb ruahed t-e cruaa le itakea t-o 1ne i-riening ro, ana cIr t-s t-e sie s la any dairy. Ifisle flotire- commendud thaLt-creani should b froze cou, ast-le resiiltant bte leii> no u srIaYood quality a fîomt- , ei ifrozuen article. h ,ann mmcd:vary ik e Ofroîn -e. pietCU) flgallns.Tley are very strongl nmlao. To malesf r - l Fialan lias isabau e(OOr t'- BRu-DIG JPWR la Ive sock reedng, s mnutr t-linge, here lel riglit ad a wroa dlean, saaîmy sonna wool, afnms une or two valu1able iambe.- 1One of the most esnilcondli- tions thai 1 ,ka;iw 'uf ni the roi of a good t-bre f wool je tho kep- inp of t-ho shuep in go c ondition ail th1ruugh t-le 'year,.Forwhnei t-bute is n falliag offla nd,(ition -buI( staple le affected. AIL7PZNIEDI 'E-1 in tue middle oý tue nîiglt Mrs. Carter smielt gas. She lad a, hablit of smoling and heaî-ing thilgqEt hoors wlicn muet people' are peace- fully aslecp. su when she shook lier husbanfi aad tried to wake hlm te the present danger, hé snsptectud ta ut iras the saine old stury nnid refusý- ed t-o ruine ouut b is dreames. I'inally Mrs. Carter lerseIf crepýjt' doirastairs tu investigate. Ret-ur- ing ith great excitement, she sliook ber husband vigorously. -Wihat's Chu miatter?" le murymir- ed slcepily. -John, theî-es a leak in teas pipe in the iitcbeii. If fti. ii. t,-op-' ped ie shah ail bu asphyxltedc." "Uja mn! 'Syplhyxiatec?" 'Wus, do bu quick!" "Lenking niuoch noir?" "Not mach.' but*itl's dangerous;,. John, yuu're guing to sleep aan Go dowa and put it rigît." "' hCl, put ;apoýil mnder lit land ceie tu bed!" WIRAT 22 ARS0 AD WL acre'-0f(nad are nieressnry ,-to ss sanie spce 0f lad, ifdvtd t- uleat cumlture, wOlPHedfut, t peupe ;if t on-s, igh-y Igît Ontario

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