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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1902, p. 2

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Clastorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cbiidren. t contains neitiier Opium, Morphine nor- ether Narcotie 'substance. It Iîs a, harmless suzbstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups aud Castor 011. t is PIcasant. Its guarantee is tliirty years' use by, Millions of i'uothers. Castoria destroys Worms and llllays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collc. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach irnd Boweis, giving healthy and natural sieep. Ca2torieà 19 the Children's Panacea-the Miot her's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent niedicine for "lCastoria la so well adapted ta eiildrea C11ildrea. Mothers have repeatedly told nie that 1 receînmend it as suDerior ta aoy pre. of its good effect upon their childrenl." scription known ta me." >DR. G. C. OsGooon, Lowell, Mass. I. A. ARcHiER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y. THE FAC-SiMILE SIGNATURE 0F ri 1 pu NOTES AND COMMIENTS. Not long ago a promninent publiali- or expressed an, opin)ioný which m any people were glad to lhear from .hlma. The historical niovel, lie sald, Was beg ï1iing !to Jose ispopiilaritY. Fretty so one ma,-y hope there will be occasin for a simnilar opinioni with regard t a kind of book which lias bciosimiilaýrfy ofensiv. -Fo three years we av had slanig sony- ed up to us as sauce for every pos- sible variety of literary edible. We have sometirnes had reasen to fear without slang literature would ceaso to bo palatable. The begînnings of the thing wcre harmiless enough. rhilosophy la saloon slang waS charming. Fables in office slang were charming, too. But letters in slang, sonnets la slang, triolets in, slang, historical essays la slang, epica ln slang! One begins to ex- penience a todium. The fact is that people have for- gotten that while a tour de force ini slang is entortaining, still it is en]y a tour de force, and is by no nieaits to be reg-ardeci as an abiding forma of literature, like the ballad,' the novel, or the tragedy. Slang bas its own place. A proper use of it iâ divertîng. A daring and picturesque foray into that borderland la which now words range ns routlaws until with years and mnaturity they pass over the lino into settled habitations wlll always have a charra, and a fas- cination. Nothing is mioro interest- ing than a netv word. 14iow dcl it originate? Doos it stand for a new idea? Or dees it cover adjacent parts of old ideas and so provide one, TO Elcp VVk-ý 1(10ommintterd. Tt.is, then, nmaterially eairfor periptrautors of fraud ila El-ngiatnd to-dlay to escap ega puaj- get your stoniacli and Iîver ilietbtan it was filteenI yearsv acting riglit. The easiest, ago 1 It follows that, unlless rlg- quickest and safest way to pnshotare prorptiy taken, the de it s to se increase o!fravud will go on at an do itis touse ccelerated rate. What remoedies are proposed by S Mr. Herbert Spencer? an esy o-n "Thie Reform of Compally La," W hoinsit that the oxýten1t to whiCb PF A ALminonities miay be-coerced by. ma- jorities lanilway and industriali SoI ilerwltre laboes,25cens, corporations sbould bo lessened; that the powers of directors should be ceived itschre and the names of curbed; that the Chairnian of a fory-iii o Lie ify-acadomicians Board of Directors should be pro- fort-nin of ho lftyhlbited from acting as Chairman of are known. It is on the atodel of a. sharebolders' meeting; and that the philoso)phJýical-historical sections the systeni of voting by, pnoxy, of Germnanacems that the new should be carefully învestîgated and institution is framiied rather than on drastically modifled. Inu n essay that0f ho cadmie ranais; aon the unaîpractices comrrtted by thatof he AadenieFranais; asolicitors, banlkers, executors, and f act that is miacle noticeablo by the trustees, Mn. Spencer propounda "aa absence o! puriely'\ literary naines. To business principle" which, if flot be sure, we find lin it Mr. Lecky, Mrn. new, is certainly flot acted upon in Joh Moleý, Pof Jeb ad 'ira large number of miost important Joh Mole, Pof.Jeit rd lntransactions, 1le urges that, with Leslie Stephen, but they are tîtere regard to ail persons acting la fidu- for their scien-tific achieveaient rath- ciary capacities, including the, direc- en than for tho literory itratin tors of incorporations, the maxim observed by those who trust them whîch it is presenited. The prepon- sîsouîd be: "Do not suppose things derance o! uuý,ivrsity professors is are going right tIll it is proved tbey narked . This, follows the Germnan are goiag wroiig, but rather sup- anaiogy nnd not theë French. Within pose they are goinig wrong till it la itsljmtat(jIý, ý ie is isa mreproved they aregon right.," Itis itslimtatons thelis isa mrepointed out that, while this mb o! than respectableI(, one. The roll caîl conduct is foilowed tCwitly, if flot of British phÀlologists is veîry cr0- avowedly, in ord!inaýry nmitters - a, ditale;and lienunber f nmesfor example, whien we request a re- ditabe;and the umbr 0 na ecipt for money paid-it i S almost unknowni to thol outen world i5sm iial- always disregarded in dealing wlth 1er perhaps thanti usual in such bod- ban)kers, corporation directors, so- ies. Thenoleu and politicians licitOrs, executors, and trustees. In who are includod, with Lord Riose- smiall- transactions we act on the as- sumption that the human heant i bery and Mýr. Balfoun in the lead, deceitful above aIl things, and des- have ail macle somne effort ln scien- perately wicked. On the other hand, tific jetters. Some day, penbaps, in vitally important affairs, mn iI_ 1_1 _111.tacltIv assume that the human I ~arnte y~LaestMekid retmnît. Se a perniasent a.d 1poali;e live or Vu 1rcj"cle and Strioture, wlthout Utatrtlg or loss o! tic&e. In aloeal absor1sa the bgi or wormny conýrdition, qaie oirculation, stops pains Ji, tbe gro!nt, ,ls]ji drains,, thereb)y givi;g'Liehi oras tlseir prop e r asrition, vitiilizas the psrtsnaad re- sto1res l osi powe1vrs; ila Strietare i 1 aborbs tha Strieture t Fes tops smrtia seaatiou, ae'Snes en, bakace. tc, in In ilprostatlo toubesK 15 l5e trea- monti nar exGGIlncoe.Sa posltrve amn 1 that My treirn1ent wi1l Cure Yo.u, Yeu aa Y ou need psay nothing until you ae oavincedj tha t a thlorough saàid comple oure hasR1 Sleen estsbL'ibed. Th1cis souii onv ince you that I baye cortideace in my Letest Method- Trnenei, cotbere;wse 1 eould not ,mali eyou ttis pooio.It maLtes no difference who hia, fsiled tao ue icpl]or irirte me. ral ay une loking oh, a freour posiions, ud la he grydw O ou ear pos enwritionmfo sons ionP oîoînundThe upero, arso1sas- su edstrihin detronthi rs 1poin ed heoters bveng in dffer ot pohs- thylim rd p dcm steýî,xs ýenear"oie.ctons spot , CNULA IONf :eedaishour 700 yards blnfor teilway bridge, hot. Commandant Prinsloohome th t o The KrugersdrRers and VrheidersCaroina brghors, wpatents si font wh erestato aendoepresvedand thpey1.bothe brusnt 0f.tCi. at- ther ir un them e re qtote atk. , They ere int fintsttoogain cl oe ut hen po itddforpoe nie. thmenumi, dthe ey ]s o pratt effetst orsos-o a enrit. e haf heir mn in35domns, kili- sue stict ordrson hispoit-edande o nded. The Carlinerps- thylmIrCESS FIandIcame. were tisupporteupbport fredo va 700 ards flemthe mai boy 0fbri-geoua oher drit comno, andth tih infanry svatlpoediuer on hervd nt wasbrthe un tevse- let aide u0f the railwav lïrc -..owards ond Tehey eh elp ro t o ainf thoe; bitr. here i d tante th hc vmitorynd 0f Spio top wAaý soe mc na kopje under Oosthu- gaind. Teysme i ndedin gao ii L'e an Kmp,0f ruersorp teir a bdect; theydrovhe ont he ene- Th ,-hilf Ctryaai this p oint w r u- eusthoughisrtl outanumberad jodtis no the most rcess fuslndte and after seiin tedposition eld nnf d whofthe pigt f ueguawas eit iltherugi he battf . Itwou son ey en dkpepere tmtshoiosiblTeytoseak toioainigl to get across the lune to their suc- of the splendid dash and courage of cor. Five timoes they tried, but it these mon.

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