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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1902, p. 3

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W1U U' Entered according to Act -fthOe Parliment t 0 ~ Caeada in ieyerneThouand NinQe Huu- drdadTwo, )y îvWilhm 13.11y. of Toronto, at the j rtot !Agricvitues. Ottawa] L',L i er j1s. A despatch frolu Ciag as mue5t Ben,-intuef ed fOUI the following text: Il Kings, v, 1, "B3ut he was a leper.' The Syrian nation was a milnitary ~ nation, with ail that the word iia- plies, and Captain Naarnau wns the Se.FacSlmloWraperBelw. commnander-i ehief of fail its larmies, Seo____________________________ the headquarters* of -whiich ivere to- V -Gie Adensybe found in the Daniascus capital. tc iy e ml apr aeDut Naamnan wielded a higher indlu- te sas1iarece than that which beîengs even 'FOR HEAOACHL to the greatest soidier of a miitary RIUFOR~ kingdoim. The phrase used Éy the LE~ FOR iLOUN~. iaspired histurian, "a great rmaa with his mnaster, and honorable,," TORPD U1R , mples that hoe heid a position more LLS.F~ICONTIPTIO oerfu inl the kingdlon than the FOB ALLW ~ head of the priîy conil, the prîime ORTNEO'7 IG inister or the secretary of State or - --- oecretary of the treasury, and lie> .~may lha-e, id hrough the- prest1ige 0f lis mitaysuccesses, some or0 ' CURE tSUOK H;EADACHE. ail of thcse offices ln his ovn pr son, as grecnu pashas olteni do ila DR. L. POTTER. Orientai lads. Heeoccupied prac- O)ff e aid resicdence.CiurchlSt.,eppste Triieitytiailesmepiio lateB iCorgregatiorial ebureh, Bowmanville. 2.5-t m niacs caia that the Duke of ~Vei]igton occuipied alter the bat- DENTISTRY'. tle of Waterloo. The Duke of Xel- G C BONNYOASýTLE L ns, n nS, Hlonor iingtoni, by the overthz 0w of the Na- Gi ad1(ute b ,Dititr-y of Toroîîto Unlversity poleonie dynastntol eat OFYi1cE1:-Over (eitral M'illiery. Entrancstfoonybce f set door West of Big 20, Bowmaoville the prime iaister of Engiand, but for awhule the miost iiffiientii MISS ETHEL MORRIS, statesnian ln ail Europe. .ATIST. Listructions given 1 inP AINTING. Leprosy, himaaly speakîng, 'isai, germ is infectious. It is sprea'd tbrou gliut a colmuity onil7Y bythe leprous gerrai on one physica'l lbody being brouight into contc ithe anr- etiier phlsical body wh,ýEni the latter is la a condition favorable for the development of TIIAT LEPROIJS G'RM Thus la the lazar house ,estab1ished la New Brunswick, CanadÀa, lu 1865, it was found by investigation that every one of the niniety patients con- fined- within that Leprous hospitai had coatracted the disease 0f'lep- rosy iithir,a radius 0f seventy miles froni the point whiere the flrst case of 'Canadiana(iprosy , iasdis- covered. Convibnced 0 f its inifectious clnracter, Dr. Eiesor vh us or manry ears iii theltu, po f thoe HTa- çvaiian Gvrmagave as h!is ts timronxi that it is Lutteriy uaselesa to fi!glit the leprous dliscase lna ay oth- ort way than by isolation. "Fo 'ex- po_1rmet" said lie, "with this scourgeo any other theory than the infections theory Is dangorous, reckiess ins'anity." As the disease of 1leprosy is fatal- ly liectious, so are the leprous gesof si n. The evii whichi is Vitin I sb ail diveli iithin others. Tho wrongs we do against our own sue-s are ti uiy pt to beconse the sins which others shall do anto theinseixes aise, and as this infec- tion imipiies that to scatter the gornsof smi vermust corne lacon- tact with others, is it riot a start- ling refiection that the peopie xhomn For llay Fe-ver. You probably know that within a mon tl-two months youwill urdergo your an. nual hay-fever torture. Von dread it; you knowi you'1l suf- fer, and yet you g-o to it with ail the stoicisin of an ancient. No need to; Pwe' Liqui- fled Ozonewill fit yonr tierves so tliey w-111 resist the attack of this disôrder, if you will take it now regularly and carefully. Those who nsually suifer hay fever tel!l us tliat Ozone cures them eifectively of any disposition to the disease. We can ]et you see their state- mients if you want to. For sale at your drugglst. Two siZes, 600. RAfr The Ozone Go., of Toronto, Limite&~ oronýto andi Chicago. Cenuine Men Are Indifférent to Ail That is Vital for Time and Eternity i l il . vver uCoir and Chnîa. Sîretctuîg and inucurable csease. 1cetl'ts leerSie cre m£L iab hLle tLU .LaL'-Y Lyweret oi aIit h utr--"'lthie soluble nmaterial is dis- 85 V IVL I /i L.VV. PJIV iiir.iugfroinnature. KILN on pirI i f Oc 'soybgnhv o td-rsn re hs ii ny b near- d i hey oisonalin the airutieled y i-i ganiaefu îga t .usal prices. 51.tm.trybear ]av'be asud- ur. e vd y ae i e ________________________ ng the onîvard niardli of this fatal est and dearest to us? It wil b î ef ar aeaohroud dhlib the ou nsthe water Dit. . C.MITCHLL., destor. Athough rrost prex a- the mother,. herseif striekea with1 So there are mon and 'wninspirit- passes through the tule. It is doalit- lent in the east, it is comfed te ne lopresy of sin, who wiii destroy lier ual lerers living la the homes of the fui whether this objection hias any We have sold piles of Boots the last five orsxwek dhaelt m M BEROF COLEGEOF PHYSICIANS cIinisie and lis pedutiar te 1Do ago, 0owan daulglter; the father, ]lis own rich and poor alike Wl-lo aensu-wight at ail under preseuit condi- to dispose of yet, n eyha-is.lsgostvr rCi esd rense, nniokilioere , ae7r4oniion. Am who lias son, the brother lits own brother, try nî-eettetearo asdu- of Qudirycep-istca o Reiee.Eusiln 4 the lepreus poison ini lis si-steirlias the wiie lier sister. Kiadred ties eernaindfe tt e apby sa asweeofIINQui çNarry . ens aif oadordmtofn ies' eedad Oxtefrm 1 no hope fu'em niedicinle., Pe must oand cvîniuiip Wiloniy scrve soete of deth nibtntcEganfi Those wiio objeet e faINGpiowNG. Ingt $0, woth .00ts aadCo van50. Chldr, e'wuto adBms2ei5 A.B. MOLAUGRHLIIN, grow iorse and worse until fie, te faciiiIilitathe trasmission of the during the wiioiesalle sldaughtcer Of Toeand d 7 o al lwli t 5 worth 82.'taano'50 'lr' s ad ouhstt pister, Solicitoni Con eacr Office-, COMES TO THE G RAVE. deadiy infection. human life in the great London anduge doing the work in the 7c, 'tb5c, T5c, and$100 Msses', Boys'aicrep &Alýskley Block, lhbeg sîreel, Bewmauvilbe. L-eprosy is lto be found la the pau fsrndi htlesoui me-npie. money te leanat reaisoable rates. 48-lyr, It is as ,,incurable as that, dis2_,esehoms oaVe ncioaf hepoor 10, fresi fre e n i es mand in Webwl eiyuwa.h tc i aec n vr ar h ]ROBERT YOUNG, V. S . oWb idb we a acra-nd it lî idoS aie;in the palace and la lie AOTTOCENTURIES AGO. 1the very best condition to receive season we do that is becauise we know. Lateats rigstesnw FFIÇE IN HdEOSEYIS BLOCK, OPOniyand pliîli esutfatlon islleos ho'el ni the king's banquet table But, thougli theiepros y 0f the tha seed. The Sun ena perm eate , O lie Town Hall Entrance, itîlere lie will bcIIW terrible ai-e these diseases as wl s ntegote. Êrminy ol like tic lepr-osy of the fleslu l pie gPoýe rudqieraiy trock i vr ie h publieci in spet or sock n cudfon am.toùp..Nihtcl t tiat physicians coîkfess tiienîseixes years the worl.d snpposed that lep- a disense hoiond the reach of the hastea germination anud push the de- trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Tins aa aces res1delice, dîrectly opposite Drill Shed, I1.Iýh jraIe Vo -cure! Il o w startîiirg, rosýr was able te Virix c oniy inithe , human seul, I wouild again draw avelop setarfthepln trnsreway i getshbouhtrpfn adlin;Debg tho, s te ivo satfthnttît ete ass Tît uposiio asupupaleas0 thixees nd aks scof Ceattashdrssng a eaandwll ui te bot i isapli j~1AHAGE LIC'S S-.Athe seulnay lie aflictefi with sacliîîaî Wot'Lpo~myO iyields te the touicla of the Divine vgous rwtîery tateto f ý~~hsiin as tue affliction of Nann.._i-ro d to CeateIsue fMrîg Lcne isaesuiarybyn u a ystart auaeng the 10W social out- an yielded a i Jra wtr.rouths are net se apt te injure it Repairing done-in ail its branches lu first-cls tl. iewr lei e e: C nr te .m i canment. Smbis aheeprosy. Sm aliycal' And t e eIn t ol ter in the seas n. f course, lad m ade to order, sure fit or no sale, Thanking m u t u e s f r p s - saiacr fte el nwnaa nd, utthie uleru esttrhr scaI e or tlir-eehudb lwdqiedel nteaosadhpn o otnac ftelal 8-IMPSON &BLAIR. its viVais. Smiisthfoeunrflead thrixe nder he darzlof incidents about the zphy\sici cure fivi upoe ut epyh h vr n olgfracniune ofth ae lights . of a brilliant balirom as Naanian with wiliich IL would drive sPring and horougliy worked dowuî r. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BL^&IR eternain deatli. Tiiere are mon te- iveil as ini Vie stifling air of the thstuh m nt edyuV i c is are b ron u ail the pr liarileteus, Solictors, Notaries, etc;, moîrti day within the sound of My voice ti rt oeai l1 o o h 13l&'kl, u llsairs, King Street. Bowmnanvie xvhîe in tlielu' exn strengthi have been uiark hox el of fountain of ife. 'Tlie-st as Vint cieds are proetty ve canpcted D .aAVrS ,cfIit0Ifor b tle Ontario Bank. P rivate tn iufriiels xet r A CRIMINAL'S EETHET. lieivas iducefiVo trael fi-ni Da enenreys lcauecd at lowest 1 atej figlingsnfrtels wnyo ERA. lewsidcdI)tilif a The principal objection Vo spririg neaver Block. l3owmianvilla. thirty yenrs. But as you gu-ex By handliing the coin wihe is poli- nascus Vo the hoiteof the Prophet pîowing is Vhe facitlîhat it makes a ý.F HNEII krthe peower of yeul siui is licly umcd l in idia a traveler may Elisia tireîîgi V11-'ienflu2ence of a lot of lieavy work during April and H.F.HUTEgî-ewing stionger. Goti have pity becrnie infectedi tI leprosy, serre uttle captieJws slave lying May, ivIen the teans are workung ARJIISTER,SOLICITORNOTARy 1i peu70ye, for yen;iare adoonîed lepeu lai inghiufdl'ed Vie sanie rein. aivake upon hohum1ljtble cou nas liard anti in ne condition te do extra B Publiec onvey'ancer. aioney, Private and leper. -You au-e' doonieti by leprous By siunpiy tocuching a rock at the nigit ai o gter111 i heas the grentwrk Thn as noteti after faiNevt, te se e Cî'unpatîv îFonds to enant a west courentî ratei sin foot of which a leprousi bcggar lad Synian géeeail1Vramoping up anti powk i, i oedfiutV e Denta CIIs: Hi, Sopposlie 1Ham, Butlit îougui froni our stnidpoint creucheti, a prince, armai ed in ail thé o deiv n ahis ipalace roois. She comupact seet boni in a ligît soit of Thonsanuis cf ToungandMiddle Aged Men are annualîy aettareaur a LENDhep'es~ 1'incatabe, yt tc lerou lîilliant robes,;îof royalty, nay lie- hears hlm grealhen hois aiake. aykniat osqetydoiî îog alldsrtosat aeecse.Slaeenceîttoa 0 fscales wene cienet by n divine pew- ceie a iepeî-. She fleurs hun i met, na h is sleep lie- of .Juiy and August nia' de more > r ise have rîîined andi wreclced the life et many a promisoyun a.Hv $ O OO OO TO LEN f or. Tlueefere. t is te Christ anti leckiess aund indifférent ivas Vhe ais- cause hoe is al iopeless leper. She s c I h olwigsmtn8 rge sE trt e ee rateso îto eChrist nlone, thnt ive must ieok titotie of île people of London dur- hears uiaVoss restuessîy about hs eu. danine Vln Ai the odat-plembiton;h Meie rPo;eansnrinsFatit i; ciabesati rial'efî. A.E.McLAuGcHLt',oicitor,Bowmanvjlle,ont . or the cure of sin. Thie mnoraIlep- iuîg the guent plague aheout Vive cen- upon hais bed. S-ýic hears liari the hnistoiiaxvy epiowed fa the EysLitceleas re ndLcko i6 -6mn. lrandy sbiîouonidece e Crissi rus ae Aiîsorlî e isîr mreroat, Bair Loose; Paina b oi;Sne readiiy boemausecofsdenis sleeping, uriesifgpossiblertsehehatsothemoeetsadies brviuse ss;ils Sleeing faianf posaiblofo nergtheantits10r;241 wîîo euedtiVe'phîysicah hopers by n iau, tells us tintduriuîg tlese bar- fna nnearby rneeni, at te foot of wilihibu rooteti andtihCe gîound sutf- OrÂe;MdU ramn wl ul o oPy oi-d. Wilien the ton epens camne te rowsing anti gruesomeuîîeuths the Nanman's wife'5 lied, or ia an adja- f19>ty eioantde ak tc rec-x uaureAs 15 DErO. anK SeOU tue Sa ion leadig feriielp ChritZbo oes w ere neariy ail closeti. cent moun ,te hem' nîistress. Thon nie pttratior of a suitabie seetibetiposs-aWoNneUedlhutrtt ose. DENTITS, tr~eiantisui: 'Go shiow youn- The doors of île private homes weme lears the gonral anti bis ivife talli- ble. This is more netabhy iu f.ÂNROSwnzcKg.-A .np:LF selves uuto the priests. Anti it nen'ly ahi barreti anti bolteti Saxo i i'fltecau-se of Naauinn's Vtrou- prairie soti1 0f the amne grasses, IvIhi e aT. P. aEiiSOrf bas a NarrowEca ce o epass as they iveut tbey ivere vhien thoy were ophie. te. "I l-7ivý 1 ' 1 eak n a faro,. At achool I learninearyhbtwil oponeu at le ap So une tday shlie tîunîtly pulls at tie exception possibly 0f bltiegrass. we deetmerphysicamîy, sezlually anti mently 'm otr Wifl bc at Blackstock o the frst cieanset." Naanîx, tlîe great cap- proari of 'a bell rilîgor wiio iras lier Inistress' skîî'îs anti says : " Is- oiever, ia any laeent ft ils ativisa- ý.a.t 1was gong îtto ,ôecl*nel, tcnsntlo).rnau. Monday o!each nmonti , at rono 2nd taiu,, ias heipless in the matis of s"catied upon a pile 0f scenchful mtess, wh l de yo ut have masterbcVorekaîpsusaniua-'olnMoir" detbvr. oed Krgtfejtam ble tobreakail psturesand ica- baulds. I lamtoedil thldee ret hanti scaese. tSelfaue aieapd Mondas' ail day, and at NeWcastle lst 'lis iuman physicians. On acceuuîî corpses because lie ivas out drivuuîg seck the propIIlt 0f Ismaei ? 11e6niew handi or ivilti prairies in ,au- vtlt.IckiNwekdrameada0ru yiinatikIa Wedniesday from 2-p m, fls vatl nifaine Naamïari the uont cari anti colîectilîg île di- ivoulti cute h flslp's "Cmî ire cailen os bei- villa lt Consumptien. I bave sent then nnfwoî decr4 s r New Methoti Treatinent su lites vigor, tatlity antidnooi~ OruE-eperance St., Bowunali nusnot have ad the best tiectors île fereuit bodies of theticati. Xeisat Thon Vie borne Wrehitchud otite ejeciion tehs anti everything isThun iilerof Hgibohmsdrugstore, royal court 0f Daînascos ceult sun- tint tfncin Louîdloîî thone e oro iin chariots. Thon iIte jouraey il-s a- its othr. leguY l vu-CnulalaF.. ek r. rItfor Qoostion Iskfo b. ramêt --mon; but ivica Nannînan, obodiont Vo anti iven who whiitiod and laugi- e, ontei fatr-otlï prerhet's home. eiinpsue ea h iiiga »EN t~ I ~ Y th divne omnîauudtîmogli hisa, c ant daneti ntisang anid ias Hme îx o-othr, is 'thie ChrIist- long as possible, so Vînt stock ii1 Iw (-nt antidlippet ýisevra baIes la the, pherniet naion heî'ryShndoiv 0f ian's tiuty. ThehîbesIiis dhilti Of geVthe mont frem Vciefildi. uer Jordar bis flesix becamie like those horrors'. Tue oteI vile elcou- 'dlna'lirmh.Te seîvuce nen- C. HARNDE , L.D.S. theaflesh of n litisho chilti. Onîy hans 0f the aristocrie eîiaeu tii te the i-onit gnmlby Vls bretgeu- ,r ndtisister, you who are broi,,cn laie ant]i rlet.Th,, chliou cýi,l aptIcl iIdlti en an rnt(lir1to 1tho TUE FLAVO F mUIvON. Qraduate of tQal Co!lleeo,! 1 curse,ýiti ilileprous 5sin, vil youi net anditi ho-:cLth.ei-l( ie oibeIt iI, -ýI ofmorl hpepo rorii en Iar d ic"sîcp ase"lu mttnL ie le hlivtitelîngutf ls o-SA(NJTE ONY De » t. l S u r g ec o n s , 0 O n t a r j(o r e I ot e t h e d iv i n e f o u ir ? W i h i t h e i r p e i n s a tiL ui p l s , a n i t u ci î i e o r i ntf s f u ouit e uTg h e r a l y c u ei î a r sin u c s s a m e y , n îtilo W lli ' o h o lg , li t i lr e a' e T ri a Vc r a apnIb I t a ÇFFýICL -Oppos n Bnhm' fie ou otbatiîo. inChist's blooti? iite tan,-ce 1a115., lucLre t1Iiyoîuuîgipit n elugye leeteedesigat aîug I acstfsmewî iesc iotn iii-tc eîcosieeîneygi on VITAL1ZED AIR. lilyou net to-day by itue CivryîîOnniti ouîîg ivomouî ivoulti r- î ialrfor Itiîtitldisae ow- ou b oi.îuîî)dig bILtee fIlI y. Thinient improvýes getyl o resslcîn otiuin o b cos seel s upernux oal imedica- os -o teln er f Vecc ratynaybIf výOI havelj aste is untieubtetiiy stronger f inte 1anit ilfaquality aiter behng killeti 5ev- kirk. On cungVoawehd nt? igli auxi da as houg tusaivioliyurnte IOiiy îriries thîna in the motion cmal tiys or a iveel. litie hovel, Ve eiaeiiiie Lepresýy may takea e long Londn plaue w u ei or str .ike TUE GFR-M 0F SIN, , ri- toor net tendntemi,,buis fiua-iordocitieti A w'y U to d t m11:in0-,Ihîte iatsully develop, al h- .Thywould daiiriro anti sing 11 rebeti o lyiuep ntiit scrbase ad ' t try them uc"Ablo ar d t togiî sucli is net alivavs Vie way aniibiasphemoe n whlle Vue driver i I say, ns tifd the I-Iebrew uuaid :- doubtfcdi nduoti by scmam e POntiN) AOR gted î 1k tedsaeprogresses. Semeisimes of Vthe ti caris ias iç%oetding hils '"Auitd dyen Iv ouitigo Vo .110505. . prosence af a lai-go ainount of yolk Putyln eom nipratIplalacdt huelu mat.Bu e1cf the sceurge ti a foiv menths uiay vay throug licthedcseu'tctistiOOi for lHe ivoiti lestore yoo.- 1 ctyin ~tue fleece makos the mmet .par- Pbmandliasof uînius u- po tanstiihati nQthing t ieVinI esii This la îy otto --Each 3ear as chanige in beautiful liedy fite ringing tlîe bell anti cryiag :"Briig t oyetl as chfiti înhlumble puenciier, ,iual al eVsesep. BFrance cepfri iviithso risiîs"n nt~ ieu omwuk? the new improvemieuts are placed onlielilagiat srgamA lshm HDEOUS COVPSE, eut brig1otior deati ' hoy s 0oe t dy, tatei hr- withî careful fcoduîîg, even theouy o unîy A i sfielndeionie 0f the vstn sci N, WC aret Iaiwaya pu make it a special but Vue riuick rosait ils the exception e1l a fVedncîsiolilsH.Sogo pnbsgonieus>9 Menuers may bce made it0vemy pal- fesru', are kepis on an acre of lati; le sai, "ho(intdîî wuk Vùll O lltio sae eexpenso in equippiganti mot tlie ruhe. At tuifs first ek vinh nit Yoî unatabe Ic tten. Ibut cerefol attention us given anti Pemhapsisthejlecutifrg h mny siop witl the best goods and appli- oucli of hpresi usually tîienemamy trop at tiielu' feet with Vie fatal ahtilcteti iitJi dei )ts andtirubles, iTic besi uIax'or in musiten is due te Ie profits nue lau-go, la tîis eciti- 'pheasurres ofsuf.Nhtiinsue ances, iv' g y paronsoppotuniies îîlybo aor rather n arko inh nlsboî.To olt 1ss ei Lo both breeti andtifeeti. h 1 comtaun Vu-y the peuîisry tepanismenis satn 1ufi. The leiespeaeit iunobiabl otsdehu'neswosulti lauigh andîtisInganti blaspieieeW 111 you b infaChrist's bleeti ?lVn etsneifunetefae ft i eodtentc ftefam iv r."tpabt"cit I blii os lAs ply O o! lemanufac- nunîibness, of the skia in aspoitxaiîi îe vm iiovigVeiXilyo ahenwfhll~u mton. Ta luenexamptushe p ft O.bVe blions theinotuicetofove fr V o ot ello. "IpyanyVel- dnies aiway s kept i n S1tock. lBrazing. , îi ttîtoo ic îirî iaf oief ier aeconîlpanions te 'Christ ai lie spiitualiy coreti ?' ft pn tedivi i îga, tiche liiens:nîbegtr 0f time ld e înl, ooiwoec veyStît Enamelin-o, Grntiîng and tli sinie n no- 1 oui ontoie IIýopen uchuricli windo-ws lie second fart about the cueOf iviere' herbageissin ni ivotb i n anc eerit of Vie nenfarthtfr îvngm. el i G e e rll lî e p- a n u n v t i i v i:i 1 a n ti i v e e t h e r e a r e g i- o t q u a n t i- p e t a n t f IL . P o u l t r y a s a b u s i- m e en i s t e n e c a i l v e te1t . I Rpepalt wor Tredvulaizmngea înothaeiing about île diseaso, yoi wionîti imprelýss ou ivasiliais Elisha tc lns - hne o spcci]ty.Your steeed paronae îîay îîoî woury aboeuîtit. Von nîay, 'tis0f sucli p ana ilti nes dinis toec, imur, Ili cerne ai lv chmef respectfu]hy soliciteti.,for a long iuue, bc indiffér'enît Vo tic th Ve prephet, Vomi inî Vo go armi etc .,anti ie geV a qualîty of miston ia Inlaivntrteexee ior en- W.FISHLEIGH, nuimubness. TIen, some day a-honbiue Veu'xo dtda.le iithat is fanionsishe iveriti ver Se te came for Vie foivîs. iffammmKAATR KS BOWASILI'. arkt qure yu rli a physician's office e- îna esoo neoit NaIummto go anti bathe'aise wiith te blac(k-faced sieep 0fa-il ienir osiirtonV fern pol.eHo.iti ne teui iai teScotianti, ivîro a-utdgrasses mt olm lnsle iyiiifni HatîIaddlihflpesr ____________ ug tivce orsoie txe- r ueyuu'Tlzearc f1orms of indigest3 tiaIeu fasualbsi.Eisa oli r iepicpa ot tcynî.iycaiscrenuhlagrpoft rins» tebcilksad iea ________________________________ uîîa tarit e VIe(toctor ati nay: cwbich eyer Naiîmnn t 'Bn ihe îay, tiocor, I bae a vouycq en b. relaclei teltigo aii tliip fIlie1'routi. Isnotni atcirIr îi lcfo ian em i mo h burt 1. melbut I digectants.tulure1q(ens1eie:y Overfiftyyea sahoxmsehold e lege ais y um- lan'l.eTonîlieieyi irmirrfeet. .a nti agairm . 1-in i ag ai Se o -d y, a f e iu g p u1sd-ee1)acmai CorileCols ati il rume: a Ji u fVehae fiiirilven h auntry are eple'whoth e m -yl" t itNtîInn, I iyoudti bd"eheotfat i'iilsi il"\(,, oafa ie r cati aoc ux ietai-re it t OtassSr.Esx.o hie te courla evry home.iloIIlli mm i lianis'<-'otreno-Tly't geiiteti cby ox ea-dofarime u uîero 0 aiosn- fe fei i ejc-srvugilul arao. Carol satioam ad5:5pm icp ta Mn e r lraytooi, - j dont us, l e tengtmdcn. D.lf.I-woi i ouV i ft soaiisîeyVseilnpocl xeln i s spatrau i uigJi n uut i vnn Vîmugi ealuulnybuyuuçaWy. ChseEKdny.icr dli rea i3iy tuai nîe wbuch flea- ilfroni eut f tmest iftio erl!pate briste nnod nID timei :0 u i audv h foorlyin is, italedots, oru u yý; ca, iid mli l i I Ohistaipeti urein ofm estinahigs inobaccbe ntilsataie,1tebysd at bdytie-ei nite uc i is W IilteCproinbe Ilcù.foalnsIVP olesrtcapy oTeTrn a Cough3, cols. and allfnciofftsfIlnistue 0hanp-s 1antiitî,moteesleorea is. fri lefo. txiii kaepou Dr. Clas'a Khet-Ler Picastisee-dens sah om is,- ihire Ic eo iftre nsoiiteni fa vo te bidanie. Evearte oisl r.ma ritee i abucri veyhie it:111) 10Wl[I)I!"rie l iveuitn quc ly abserbsn gseoui s l isc ut ', niu d rn npreulig n rttte sia leats ,1uxti compsa th ie anc. Dîpr. aeynial edy ft ciimnIn -t u hrnnee crusat u anfil u.S rmp ni fetv aato.Thyr ienr0 ie tneI i to l- lte tiais zeîee btatithe cmas s hîr ryensbi hXo-î vrd& Tm dsiilayconicitm sauu Ve ana viefu-- lpres sa elirgb r pran- meicn, nt arprovnb e ars îofyonr as isoierientijo, fI ivot o Vlicesh bas a .liad se. la onsîn-connu. Tere s te atnini ntintfoe I iariser6.rett30 querVs ie ace, tnt scmen teit makel lprs îee neonuliy kupt nfortbsnde o!brnsastdard tnkThey yohaitI fîtmiu, ani, n akînfea oit afior alty(ire- ig1cniag n attegVe it isrecae ofers Mnhba a utm ruhtle Lot onl everysecondday." "nti pue ns amutile chuas.sndea11u1 lyîniîiîaean maer. Kep ut as anti nithe arianobnp, i)oi netcil1deliriet Vo' atmnit tnt Vil irtel box li ou iai is asaor futur, odyas v n,sVe ol i eti, eru niisn. xjln nanoisnato àvtepete lruu iierfeo mntbIve o Ls oiiuu!ySobnc rdnepreitcOlne t sure y h on t hv steihe epey sanifoîou isae.ls fId vIIv w 1f os i ln io t iereUo1iL( lotvieez elt trit heth bangi matialstselp'v as o ler,;leut mploset. fieV'terwV a ivl sharpn reprumand.sse an in M,% mm heâ W, ým mmomma . 1 "10< <ho GOLD DUST <viles do yow' worka" 1 0 Phowuig himautumn h as Vive very distinct ativantagos. In the firs5 place Vie ivorI rail liedone ivler f arn eoperations are net pressing anti us iscis tuof tlie way in the nprlag a-len se many thimîgs tienanti atten- tion rit once. The second consiter- aion I nis atorn any soils a-here plantfeod iIs hecletiup fa insoluble fons Vie action of the frosisistes te break downa ihese cempounis anti maIe availabieîmiaftonrs that cari le eseti by VIe crop. Thue noilibding turneti up Vo tic action of the exy- geri of the air anti frosiss, is more effectlveiy acteti upon Vlan if fis lad net licen sinjet with lie plein. Where Vhe seil is heose, f ail plowved ]anti las soffidiemît time Vo become iveli conmpacteti lietore ft is îecssnry te put in the seoti. On henvy soîls tis is net ne important, but on saniy landIVit s excetingly noces- s ary tV o ol after tissfeature. TIec ciief objecin aisci agaiast fali piowing, esporinhiy on heavy Souls, is Vint before plnntimg tume tiere ni-e apt Vo le a aunîiber of heavy nains which will 'sOoampact tolanti ns te make it necossau-y te go ovor the fieds a aumben of timne, wiuuman dis1 or- timer deep xnoklng fitplemenis. Iben, tee, If Vhe plant- lîg is delayeti for aay ucason, ees are apis Vo staus anti us is rnoredif1i cuit Vo koop tie crop free frem ticin. Anoisier objection frequcîitly urgeti is biais Vlere is ahwanys danger tur- ing a a-ct neasori 0f VIe soluble plant foodtinlatVe upper layons bourg wash- et eut and lest. lis nîght have becut quise serions ivien surface trais, wore tue ruile, buis mith the ativent of ile. tiiere is, tte danger. SlaLve if you wiIl, but if you perfer to make housework easy, use D Mde nly by THE N4i.FIRAK OPAY

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