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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1902, p. 7

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Lîelrary Notes. NEWÂY ÏTg STOP I{IUTS. IRE-.UfSE IS MIGHTIER THAN It is riskngmting toe sk the THE SWORD. Public te place a piece of fiction Instances Where Vgly Ifobs Hlave alon.gside0f Poe's ,best work. The Been Ds g sd y Editor 0f The PCosmopolitan enursWater. this in! th-e folowi g note, hc p pecars inithfe Sept,ïnbeýr issue: -Une London la apparuntly finding ýtha1t doe 1ltofe ", asoy which ils fl ire nles arei Pgoofi for othier smsto ýorne in th ca1sfiatin f purposes besicles Cexi;nguishing ires. Fdgaýr Allen Focs best work. Yet On thocanfIhee rtn g t one rligbit be t l,epte oas1z such a mlita-rytaoo tIb Aexnr place for 'The Canonic Curse' _bih Palace, for instancth at rw Artbur E. MeFarlane contributes to swarmued on bo the Parade grounfi The Cosmopolitan for September."- n spoilt the spectacle as a spet- The Suptemaber number of Ains- fee's Magazine contains maay inter- esting articles aad stoies, but the most strikiag Leture of the issue is a spucial announcemient page, print- cd fn colors, iaformiag the public that. beginning with the October number Ainslee's wilf bc enlnrged te 160 pages, and will cost fiteen cents, thecopy. Each number will con- tain a complete novel by an author 0f repulation. Ia addition, the magazine wilf be made rip of a bost 0f short stories, dialogues, verses, and essaya, fromu the best kaowa wrilers. la breaking away fro>a the field of the ahl too nunierous tua- cent magazine, Ainslee's blazes ea new path. Tlie departure 15 0f the most attr'active interust to the Ainerican public, the greatest maga- zine readera in the world. -Home Nursing. "-We bave recent- taule. 'Ihey would, ioubtless.lhave' succueded infapreventing the ItnclionI from taking placee at all, but for the hnsty requisilioning of the local ire brigade, wlîose mumiburs drove back the foremnost of the sightseurs by turniag the hosu on thumn, says Pearson's Wuekly. A day or two Inter, a somnewbat similar upisode took place ia the hcart of London. The inhabîtants of Grafton struut, llolloway, in an dese 0floyal, enthusiasm ,over the news of the favorable progrees of the King's illnes., lit a huge bonfire in the middle of bbc rond, theu dames fromn which blazud Up over the tops of tlhe adjacent bouses. Thuy also atlractcd the attention of. the look- out'man at the' Sevea Sisters Rond lfire station bard by, with the resuit that a powerful stuani ire angine promptly appcared on the sceeu. The Graiton Streetites, however, werc by no mncians m inded 10 haxeI their fun spoilt. -Tbey hadf Ld the bonfire with ýall the availabeflt UIEAT VALUE OF llhJE3 Bits of Inforrmation AotAlinest E-verytiagýý.. A SOIL, COMPONENT OF A VERY A nessatge travels over an otoani II1ODR cable at about 700 jmiles a second. ETxperiments ,by Professer Shutt, Every square miile of sua la aesti-. of the Experimental Farax, maled to conta-il)oe10,0,0 Ottawa. Themies f out Aîfu g0e(Concluded). worýk to, betwuen 60,;000)ai 0,00 The chief value of green manuring, mua,. or tbu systumi of pl1ougýhiég-unider a The ounatin of theBan ofgrowing trop ofuoer lies, in the roo is66 eetbu-adition of nitrogen otburiseî( un- Englanii stýrong-rýmî obtainabla. By the subsequent de- low str>eet lovef. cay ia the soif of the lurnecl-under A purson xitb goofi sight ca seec lu 'er tiîs nitrogen is set frae, and another puisons syet a ds~c converted by nitrification into avail- of eighty yards.: able fod for future crops or grain, Switzurland expots regufarly to fruit trees, roots, and the fike. The other countries seventeca dhîferent growth and harvestfug of the nitro- kiada of cheuse. gen consommaer leave the soil poorer The W1hite flouse, Wagtiingtori, .s in . nitrogunIi' he growlh of clover an exact copy of the fluke of Luins- ai-d other lugumues, even wben- the ter'spalae "t 1i1ý1ù.trop bas been harxvest*ed and tbe tera plae a Iubln.rols ouîly left, Icaves the soilfifa- Ia Highland regimeints 12 men pur 'xariabîy richur in that constituent. 1,000 are over 6 fetil height ; i Thora are other advantages though English, 6 ;and in Iri sh, . of fesser importance accruing from Two hulldred and seventeen liens this method. Hrumus fa large have bcen borai at the Dublia Z-oo amnounts is forn-ed la bhe soilfrom dur.iug the f ast seveaty f-ears. the organic maltcr 0f the clover. A Geriman bas arried inf Vionna, In addition 10 the functions of after walkîng 14,000 ies pushing a; manuriug witlî clover there is the paramnbulator cotiing his wil e.ineubanical as weil as thu cbuxical adchild. impro-venent of tbe soif, the addi- ancl Ifof îfood materials, and the en- The fiaest orchard iii the world isitiourag 'nt of micrbî' I L- ' bi la Kansas. It is S80 a res !n ex- the soul. Then, ton, considerabfe lent, and 65,000 apple itre ýs arc bu- amnounts of polash, phosphoric acid, ing plaatecl therein. and limne are absorbed>anid but u-p For, 210 years Loundoa bnci its into its tissues during the growth of Lord Mayor's Show on June l2th. clovur. These in part are obtainud The date ivas allured to Nox embur froin depths of bbc soif net reachufi e >ood for everything that runs on w11ee1s.' SoId Everywhore. by XIPRXAL OIL C-O,

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