ijonLnegiccýitý ~wta rn , VxuuýCe 01 l£'11 CULLIS. CLIIL-l- l ý- lf you don't, ser3ou.s Kidney Troubles ithcdam asprovenl, and e-1 gave'arcea e~dbv ra-pjickers ýfroi tile are suro to foiiow, jirdgaieni. for thre plaintiLi for ir e silis andi allîcys andIsent te Amer- si 0fli ,-80, with intereet and ire ;ica 11 s1Iipload, ,w'1ierethey ilrc [cst of tire suit, scclisur-iri ýiý , intretprcilased by a certain dlass of fran- TDOAWS KIDNEY PILL and costs, tolie declared a charge tfcrrr.wire. in, order to ta-ietr on Itire defendant's lands, in tire crse 011 tii, aieterm ithe stui cure Backacbe, Lame Back, Diabetes, agrediint nt entioned, witl tire ight "re-u sed wo ibr. It must be ice- aail Ridney and Badder tpaitforaslofesaidncii ~,ho)wev-er, tirai in mccl laî-I iilt def nuit of pam .otirer 1tncs, iloeu tearing tis shoddy1ý PrIce 5e. a boxor 3 forsl.23, ail dea f eswho ai-e fthus a Ide able te' preces, IpreperatorY te gi in nlmlos't evcry cout er fwavn l rt cletir, it is found te DIDANKIONEY PILL CO. ar ire se otion a-nd dead, tiret iotir- Toronto. Ont. iliig 15 piodtred but dust, nd in EGGS FOR SOUJTII AFRICA. order te get two ends se that il. can ADVERT1SING RATES. ire spun. aniiilnium portion of wool AProfitable Trade Is tikely to loI' COtton ie'mxe itil ih, ti order TUE 0ANADIAN STATESIMAN s ptiblished every Be Buit Ur. ttira it Fedpesday meraing et the offrice 26 Sr.TFTs-MA EHL TOET11 MASN -lock, Klnz Street. Bowinatîville, ont., iby A desp-,tch rom MNorenl ae M. A. -JAMis, Lditor and Preprietor. Subsprip- Prof oi ,-berýtsùii, Pnino aiyTe et nterwaîgcne tiontil.501 jer atnum. or sio if raid stietly oiisinr etUcMnrali ouccrpiu eale , i sil drarceAd~'eîlsin rate, trasientidvse s1ngfCelcets per Une, first isetion;il ive Coaîiionmrh-seggd~t~ roion te tire laboriag pieni fil c Mile nee lcirsubseiquent inseorooien. Con- tie rodice trade. ro. Rbrso ni a e L ai ds. e 0l so ttera.eson aple ,ICat0on. spoeioftlire aragmnt ebecloifi pr wo, trsgeta 'otie po ew South AjII'-I frica. Enci ae oe ta ire :et 'C RF IST DININIG CAR. c ) cj tamrsefei ýneW re ieii1aon. o dcuaecc ultby the Pulliman Company ~in efte t ar-weLnrdtosfad it 1m)vptui ie os mfcr nc; o ,ýl)Ild storage Tirhl l as tErça auesi ep the Year 186. -try and egg :Lýpeopî, lelidnLi-I nc In ir ti srepndoo Tir1fist dining ca eas cailed (jtiret2 o sub1itandthey I li I. efore igeer fAeia adewee 1'Demonce, crfcouse.It uet irecomriceone. Tey orr'iiper bave resembled tour recet beatifl tht:rlrle geat !,iailiraI îcriei olengrrreiya ln 'ineer rs biuCtcaoitrespu eg ane iratbencepaVIvLIacfce aOi esarevlkl were truciit carieireLre LIy en t a cended ite the position 0f,, bordtin)g orle. nd oodsring-fce'e arfer censtructors atong tirý;e Ue oraenn. t tb i ft Irel nainj h mtetr'cj beleut i id rot come to!this, f oerreh ir ecricolle s1,)tog octeabesuc fdaie et course. until great imLproeenrntstranporat ion!. tIreIg tades e pulille'ti trrng ifecticîr. md ben ade upen it i ni-cnidetha0teyco- dbuluqe ýIbelv, eradl d quent nmo.els. It reesbuiltiintWo lareedpoial uies rfmtc ia on hdi eietr sections, witlr a kitcheri in tire ili- Rbeten il bin tc oterh- d.One end wriS rescrved for ld oe ieateto 'f theCvr-tainaylx-rccwos v les and irere no smei1 w aloe-met liiteatdet1 a ti sor to ed, bunt the otirer'end r-asa bufeti,------b-rd al uttu e~ec arrangement anl ot itecîfnicr- witlr ccdsl"oTdiiot-b a!ecrrrliIo 1L,ifloor 0f tSreïar2w:e uncapet- r W limAllain te 0,îh ed ac1 he satsmer erdnar îo- ~ ay. radeIn il oîrurie rerereirgela t fi, !ock te lqIilatron on tIre ;ule baci coch sats upolstrcd in de.patîr reinLoniensaye:- ion i lnut, utirtceLg m soveer ~itlrojîcltir.Tire roviion eppîymeobe"ot ire - Ieusof 'nmre idrto ftr cbe u h foe ded from uýibl ie0 tr a Visitt elrer' miI le ir'tringiîcreSi ilinidellrd ise hrmmbnyEng. Wer a rea may cverti ir'dge a-u, arn Ira elip asi ltsrol and ele ostucios log tIeuecldieonohafte - Bri i toceniys mici wuld~ re nom xiendd. cad treAd trip dliîI ire lite0rselacer rcct elnaio.NeeSouili Wales .Appr--opriLates1 Ititernwas sppled itir nlondIin- A catlfriSdcyN.. ùf ali t tese prl-rd1d vrtac. n boute urefor 'oach etrWaeàtenatuorib e tiebioffn fil ior tîrat tie ms U n e yfornmoet, n.ciiiogin u eutdl i Vinedrc b-retoie orUt blednadDtOl~pls,[re-tot'"nl iefLIiloî--e of Par eII, I rrterec Iîg tin1 g, lîoW- tie n1 nraït, es i gan1- rteed ilit. i c t esb- e r~~i r e e n i, " ,O c ic p a e e m a e r C - C i Ler'd tre cr tre cad'cto irande Or ci'airdtit iri~atori<if ic oun - *l Li iIIO irltgLo oll orvLille Collsl Snîpnqcppe veth cevi'rai JSoLvey ltY 4n 48i',iSAîSuur. ed. ---, -,en came t5 CLeN2msLtLttieisovipln oiircrms The or fcuitivntrmng pro- Illessri A ~ ln dpairreiLoindoîr s'ai s - ds <cntin1od t aoras a Tie cotiliJuto 1 -ntrti A- outenniit-yse'arrtb mere tr ei cdgntnria11',)crît O-,Tr retipratsucsof hui- soinon uid irlerdrsip Of tld ei>7 rjîrdwhijii cl-itouer, eirenby rieans of n (3 îe meon tie ce-age arm refan Biliria . [ruieciccte' f tire, Opc ii tP"Pg"fun nccpiîg Igatrg) double moulti board pîow Ireyadmuue id rp eide. p os;74 wree1iilled andi 1,738 1,u epue IpMtc rueo Laio'nory f Maineo'ZoologYy 'ejk '- -surface sol to a deeti of waot4oLh rprrplcto rueo Edinrurir, ascoorietni range- rcrlwed whnst errup d Arrr aous I ncepisjput trîto drills aou i2 trse irratermats depends eifuture mens e ai fr ir Aîacti n- irr icrtngopt'tions, making asdie aaiani8 11i re fCanadiari agriculture. ploC en ireauxi~ry cree îtaner ttalef 8 Illedaird 2309 lijurleduhigir ý iris Hfouand telire Wiratreeppyofhmu 5 iit Sc iaery nOtoe' Tr ii ile shctingi; 20 were kUlId andni ' cd itsaio &to sn location becomes a very iiai je pindctx qupuniurdhe ~r ,,I- 109I injur'ed i y being caurgir ic frdoa rot o'gi Wc por'tuîrt coideratior.Nom, mest eru nrdfetîre, îrii n a-- tl'cen veiictes; 9 reorre killeti,,anlie64 purtusfortaliri brd'~-l wrer gainkcsorn, irusot Crod1,er0 f oucr creps draw tire greateet part fo ýý,, sinî1liuîd it 'y inirg or beiag c"ugb. t irobir foi frea tme s-a ce soi, seeding ute toa considcr'aby ennîreoit ý- mulecorerocf otpat fo' bciaugreoîs h hemeer ec oîe' îldandt 117 iinrenijs rcle perrtrute te a ceaisiderablle- depItir, mene 0 SetirSenonrrri-nî, ad Wiiit wi'krg n tre ermnen nrstroots of au plants une near 6,000 0 damr MKîth ire o- ray andi sidnge; arisluireene kille aoigiiirtri yte .0fari-thie surface. Plants of nuyail de- jat f 'ontin tr oca r .rt S Ini ;301 in -,' \ mIrtIct wýa l ling cu vttvaion a proper rî'eýtt i cjtosthrive bcst wiree. tiresur- ie fi lpd u nd bottom c' sig r o Tilsure teoiLofoiiow. Ascioer'is ic iii> m. i re1(7guret cirops poduceni iy rajurni Inn ire corsýe î of cilwz exmpifyun, -s desais tre a tr'alirc, accjdout to tirar1 tf)irnîpoveriýsirtire soit, yi egos i fpat norfrss coniterc-tlri ilir' be-auty nif face, aine os ,ac52imilin an ,07uciiet IaIcoens-l tk we tirho hsoTjeee efr ameaite $10.00orse" 5ramis. 'c derprajî satnintiiii, afî rttos umn fr huIialent unt i lornce for i-il me g"Iy viro 1h !iei l atn o tr urbe' 0 ie i u rvng o c rn ayirýH- e aet e dnsvi. lt me u î ee wiris emni9\CI ti irutrlimgoperat- Tne-crroain()grain. (2) plant footi sîoniti lie nearire sUr - lios.jai-:rng irecotpîngar u- lveoia , ()pstr.faec forf1,iche anoitiltua insr coptn~ r( oirclIi.îî o. sTre-ei otto 1 cnfacp sou iroitil,,ie ipriua I 192 o 101 irdcisre inrîr mmici ard rde (2 grin,(3)cioer'lry. goot-1i pirveicaicondition oftit. l eidohin en 62atr of Fmr-erotion - () orn i I libMmteasur'e ireh me equre anit.iormalraSilWay lre e ni (ca- <'otite opns, (2) grain, (s)idoyen mnls 0fyrnpu, rck rndeerin'ate ta 189ý2, týir- nîme'of Cnha erIr 0l,!h. cOner ced teupSewuccesii armer. îExpeî' ilnin ant copbn oiuMeopirgoptVîr o mma for feniiii'zear,(2) ora anUM long practice Cen uteprove ta o'd mes 9,cc jainnl arots,(3 gii Pl() doen hay, israalvcotvtinui sonnreota- n4citsl I mun 286je prri- li m (5)irait or pasurue.-ton ne'epcîiyirîrreea. 1ad42 n18718ai41iipasttemot evicaiei icreusýing 4the 1898, 16 anti c4567 ii 18, 25 antl iTireneI n o en-fce cîmitvationhumus incsrfae tai 50l 65in 1900, andti il I imit -,71I in anýi tire use 0f4" meir irottttos 'npoig tr i iu otl m" 1901.Y cegie brove ite ihm-mmne tie vinCir am -U"trcsg ticpo TITErît IlLEIVîLEII ijunrtiy of anti place proprl t u0jccilty" of<inn fle1iis. cîrci acNrinrnlnag orsoufe-ti- Mniii 189 i, 136 ernli ,9 re irade:in ie ain bv ci --ieMnt-t_ o- bwofy but s re;,;eenth spctieîv tai intelecua owes, c-ai, tre unr u 6 19; 0Mîon, Pli tio'nul., Oibrnpraiie, wAi irri- innm m sueti - S; cutoi2,548 jîr 186; 97 learIoC s-ojis ýýcaun nic se ocamýH- Afcculcr cm montrnlsn vithii anwll.Hedache m !d,00'ini197 2 nno 24int i-,e1', of tîris no1iateIal FpsncTicchei aottcnc trttr so "'.e f mtise eycs ?bat ostiSy- 16 anti2,357 ri 189) ;,16 - e irut boa t inointcmxur 0 îeicaîr lîot'gunrorniîeppss SlederLcondition of the %t- Ci!)1"Une tr aigti.0 epooi, igrcîirr copihng imil deeptoInDiiir imliteCaadn auchand dtgeunve orgas. aciocasholprenojem t Iar un- lowung luvin,,ienir',idii' bct- temULmj ie enotaltr a Do not suifer.The pic tiu m mn ' n m D n qa is- 1ailc becnrdyirhrrlerîneyIil' so cnnnt r nimca er-cie iaen isimt us iit t omnntiiltrea ,iipmci iri paties itapeens tra tie ncciemre liOs raiitîyant ricerclcdmxai - ie. cftir mre.'lie errnal-m jîmeni asugmnct63 rîîeciami 1 I acrooei rtinetIoire rîmoiure l s iecil. epti1saetr eferesen jrjr-di 100 Treauiniri'oln ii tui, utmii ho al ci Aercua eall l eiygoagt mas 22, cii etpet-luonsreutr tor-npiiy ati stnsips ltIo tr t tires injreti154,as aninet288 esem perobut te ire lorec' eDmilawc.c.trei ucoImmiLetu Ï111auniber 0of siie ieu-,ne lthu ociorcecbd o ninsma ri 0 lne1cabo (ýis don- j t InemenlosesiY effect.Cures ugaiIttîsih123in90, ad 17 tcrirs gotirerMAnS Merrese ooum ende enplintieea r camr by dHivng ce Ate poisn, auîti reeneinjureto ul parnE-t- ec'm sal udpovtea oocdI, Oit ur InlieS.Luiric does trot srply deadlen tire pain tenrpting te commnritmuin:e;amîi of root hounefor lns i rcsdnse, XI.Cinîhmli, tihonmutrIgtluIfltie as do semna-,,y prepara 1inos crin-l - piormnre <rot IcinitI lai Iur3o ahome iipreii el pn-rn i p o l'u, Ifle-ie pt i crel l. cmiti tIrat tdonng narcis. classifiaons roi %ol mui v 1acre periti ire fr'oc cirulatin fire irerisnoîieie flieittn Abbey's in the mmorningWili t 1tipre'auiray mpreuF eso bnmi crIntant atruniuclîwa tr tos lieAnnicncerite le Makeyeu ieland keepyonweu.,I 41rcel iln ni ,0ircrnn Neair rootlete zto pcntraetire cnet-muyonît hrtmsg- c ia hromugi -~~ ~ f"fol. laitl. nfItis tire1ucief me- Luatch i'e rdte tir hlrmu ie ýT ýl Tl -ý 71 -n n -r mi n -rT