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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1902, p. 5

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AMM6 MAWM 1 AMIL à Imm êpeb Attention is given ail family receipts and doctors' pre- scriptions. These are care- fully compounded by Grad. uate Pharmacists auid the very best ingredients used. We buy for 3 stores and our atock is always new and fresh while the price is as Iow as the lowest. ~TOîTT& JURY Druggists an d Opticians. B O-WMUNVILLIE. Seeuolld Sgi Ne But a pair of those per- foting IEyeglasses of Stott &.Jury's. Properlý fitted Eye- glasses are flot only a com- fort ro the weariNr. but tht-vl BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 24, 1902. GRAND IRUNK RAILWAY BOWMoÂlvnLB STATION GOING EAST. (iOING WaaST. arprsa-32 a. M. 1Express.....51536. M Local......U58 p..1 Express... . 7 38 Er Iess doe8 not go west Monday morning. SrTÜTT &juRY. Town Agents Mr. J. H Kenner, Stratfard, bas been Visitin)g aid frienda. Miss Luttreîl was pianist at the concert la Orono Fair night. Mr,. Jack Ho p or, Toronto, has been visiting at 'Mr. J. B. Marty n's. Mr. James Carruthers, Cobourg, at- tended aur Fair on ThurEsday. Mlessra. Chas. and Walter Dickinsan, Toronto, were ia towa Fair Day. Came and hear Miss Smith's lecture on "Cooking etc." Friday afternooa. Methodist Sunday School anniveraary snnday, Oct. 5th. Particulars later. Iteader, have vou, a dollar in your pocket that you awo us? We need it. If yaur tongue is coated, try Millera Granules Sold by ýStott & Jury, drug- giats. Rev. Brandon Greenaway and family left Manday for a two wooks' vacation at Hamilton. Mrs. Thos. Hoar la visitlng her daughter Mra. John H Iigginbotha'n, Virden, Man, Mr and Mrs-. G. Parent, Walkerviile, are vstn hor father, Mr.G.C, Haines, shrtCotage. Mrs. J. Robertson and Miss Sadie. Chlicago. 11I, wo're guests of Mrs. S. Arnold Saturdav. Mr and Mrs 11-P, Eckhart, Toronto, were guests of ber sister Mrs. (Dr.) A. 8. Tilley ovor Sunday. Mrs. Harry Vann and dlaughter rýuth of Ingorsoli have returned home atter a pleasant visit with relatives bore. For the liext two Suindays 1ev. John Sharp. Toronto, wiil preach la Trinity Clmxrcl both morning and evenlng. Miss Medland's millinery opening is on Thursdav and Friday Sept 25 and 26. Corner Kin- and Temnperane ts. *Mra. James Pallock. Broakl, as been spendlnfr a few days with ber siator, Mrs. Rd. Jennings,, Ontario Street. Mrs. W E. Pollard wiiî receive at lier homa, Manyers Raad, Darlington, on Tuosday, Sept. Soth aud Wednesday Oct. lat.1 Miller's Grip Powders Cure.- Sold by Stott & Jury, drugg.istS. Two papors for price of one-see our offer "'Cheap Papers". Our off or of one old a nd one actual new sulacribor for $1.50 stili holds g-ood. For the best $1000 over coat ln Can- ada.Calil at Couch, Johnston and Cry- derman's. Millor's Compound Iran PuIs, oqnly 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stott& Jlury, druggists. For the new est, best and cheapestý ready to wear clothing caîl at Cauch, J ohnÏston & Crydoirman's. T hat weak, tired condition wi'I soon change by the use of àMiller's Compound Iran Pis; 5) doses 25 cents. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Millinery Openings at lladdy & Co's. Central Milliner 'v Parlors-Thursday and Friday Sept. 25 and 26th. In washing woollens and flannels, the &Oi t $cap made from Lever', Dry Soap (a powder), will bo found. very satiafactory. Tickets ta Cape Town. South Afrîca, via Allan Lino fromn Montreal,, from $09.50 upwards. M. A. James, Steam- ship Ticket Agent, Bowmanville. Pain froin indigestion, dyspepsia, and too) hearty oating, la relieved at once bi, takingone of Carter's Little Liver Pils immediatoly after dinnor. Don't forgot chis. If yau are at ail interosted in Mil- *linierv cali and inspect our fall exhibit on Thursday and Fridav Sept. 25,and 26th lladdy & Co., Central Mîlllînary Parlors, Bowlnan\ ille. The latest and prettiest th 'ings in the millinery' world will beo-on exhibition at Miss Mledland's corner imillinoery store on Thursdair and Friday, Sept. 25 and 26 in Bownianville Every lady lu West Durhiam is co-dial- ly invited to cali and inspect the very lar',ee and elegant stock of ladies' and chldrens Coats jusqt openod out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's WiIl positivoly cure sick headache and provent its rotura. Carter's Little Liver Pilla. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose See advertisenient, Smial plil. Small dose. Small prico Couch. Johnston & Cryderman are snowing the finest stock of new and elegant coats for ladies and misses ever shown by them or any bouse in Bowmnanville and 25 per cent bolow City prices. We respectfnllv invite the presence of the ladies o! this town and adjacent couintry to aur Faîl Millinery Openng an Thursday and Friday, Soptomber twenty-fifth and twonty-aixth. Mus. DINGuÂN, Bowmanville. Every lady lu town and country should avail themsolves of the op- portunity of hoaring Miss Agnes 9mith 1 FARMERS, soc the Onbkrio Riding PIow-one or two furrow. You cor- tainly want ane. Its a dandy. Sold by Wi. FOLET, BOWManVille. %6-4W. Papers for 1902 shouLd be ardered irow. Seeo our offez. Smart boy wanted at once to leara printing at THE STÂTJSMA N office, Sick headachos are cured by Miller's Granules. Sold by Stott & -Jury, drug- ri1sts. M, A. James is Governmont issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durhamn Mr, and Mrs, Chas Coombe are visit- igtheir son Rev. Wm Coomibe, SLanoniville. Bowmanville council has boughit a now chemical firo engine which la now ready for use. St. Paul's con gregation wore delight- ed with the disc0onrises of Rev. Mr. Duncan, Sundav. Miller's Granules >t-e aniali; children will take them readily. Sold by Stott &Jury, druggists. For the finoat stock of ladies suitings Pnd dress gaonds of ail kinds, cali at Coudi, Johaston & Crydermran 's, We want your orders for papers for 1908. We can take orders for over3000 different newspapers and maLyaWnes. Yes. it la true, I was very woak and Miller'a Compound Iran Pilla made me strong. Sold by Stott & Jury-, drug- giats. A big asortment of Ladies olegant Fur Lined Capes la ail qualities and specialiy g'ood value at Coiieh,Johnoton & Crydorman's. We noticed somne large boxes of English goods unloading in front o! Couch, Johanston & Crydorman's last week. Thev -areaetinl a big stýck for this Fali's trade . 1Equinoctial thunider starm - very heavy rainfaîl visitod this district yesterday at 8.45 pm. just as Orono l'air waa at its heighlt. About thon we foit glad that it was flot Bowmatnvile Fair Day. Coucu, Johnstan & Cryderman, the largeat direct importera and most ex- tensive dealers in high ctlass dry goods in West Durham, have openeýd ont a buperb stock of ail kinds o!f[al and ,vinter gonds. M1r. Robt. Beith M. P., la expected so this week with tyo fine Hlaekney atallions and a mard-the best hoe eofld find in England and four or five CIlvdesdale stallions, maid ta be ail very superior animais. Correspondents, please send us aIl the news. Seo whit an intere:sting budget appoara from Tyroa2e thia week. Consider that ton ta twelve thousand people read TriE STATESKÂN every week and your duts7 la to give thom, the happenings of your respective neighborhoods. Sond ail the nowa fit tn Drint. , Highest price paid for al farin produe. invite3 EEAnd sce the finE SDry Goods we1 Cawker & Tait. you to visit our store. ýst dÀisplay of Fail and1 Winter have yet- shown, comprising ini part Ladies' and Girls' Coats,,Ladiles'. Costumes, The strike at the O)rgan Fstetory is ()Ver and the -rin are wvorking. Both sides say they are satisfied. Miss Thomnpson, Miss R, Poacock, Mr. J. L, Thompson, Port Hiope, vited Mrs. W. B Coueh lasi week. Mr. and' Mrs. D. M. Tod, MIs. T. H. Everson, Mrs. W. E, O'Brien, Oshawa, Miiss N. McLean, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. J. E. Mac Wai.x over the Pair. The Christian Endeavor social Tues- day evening at Mr. James Gilflilani's was a happy and successful ,one. The t"wedrding of the fiowers" was the source of much merriment in relief from the close thinking leading up ta it. Bv special request Prof. C. T. Paul recited a portion of ecripture in Greek, Latin, French, Italian and German and utter- ed each with as, much readiness and grace as could any one la Dnzlish., McKinney Bros. Minstrels, played in the Town Hall Monday night and put on a fairly good entertalument. The audience fuiy appreciated the clever- nese of the actors and expressed their approval accordingly. f ho Bartelli1 Familv Acrobats, Roman Gladiators and the Imperial Quartette were among the best things presented. The coin-1 pany made a fie showing in the streot parade and furnished good musi" CHOICE 0F A DRTJGGIST. Along for the eeltOt aur Ccus,ýtoLnrs; finding ways af imnpraving qualitiosWteieos ingprico-s;,working al the timo ta give the i)osi valu and build up tho business by fair dealing. This iist Of pie on staple G-'rocE3ries aught to atrike a chord mi the hearts of ho011se,,-keepers. ThLey show how ten cent piceau be saved on dollar purehasesi 22 ibs. Redpath, Extýra Standcard, Granulated Sugar, $1.0O;ý 22 lbs. Crystaîized, Oekieraro Sg;fo)r $I.O0; 25 ibs. Pure Cane, Liglit Yeliow Sugar for $1,00 3 lbs. Chiristies' Ginger Cakes for 25e; 2'-,îbs. CluicMod Biscuits for 25c. At this eaa of tb, yvetr y0ou will requiro ta sen tFhat yo nl get pure Vinoz-ar aril Picklnl Spicos, We keop. nothiný,-bat pure goals and whiat we rocernrnend you find cxactiy as represu ed. 'I Wise and prudent people should choose a reliable and wel-quzlified druggist to whom they can go at ail times with a confidence that their pres critios wll eepromptly and accu- rately flled. W are in a position to of5ur sou our long experience with a guarantee that your wants will be properly attended to, and that our prices will bu satisfactory. ALL RANKS AND CONDITONS 0f our people are now regullar uisenw of Paine's Celery Compound, the great health re3torer. Ths virtues cd this miedicine are astonishing-. Faine 's C2elery, Comnpound pormaneutly cures rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kid- ney complaints and blood troubles. Try a bottie of Paine's Celery Comnpound if you are out-ot sorts; it wix1 give you cheering resuits. Stott & J1ury, Drug- gists, Bowmanville, Ont. 86-6w. Notices of Births.Marrlagee and Deathe 50 ente; Insertion tropi Wflen mar- rlaa ioenesu are obtained or tumoral 13ORN WiLSON,-A4t Por~t Hope, Sept.2H, te Mx. andl Mrs. F. W. Wilson, a daogl4er. PAi;CoRý-In Datiington on Sept jIbth ti. ife of Mr. F. (;. Pas(coe, of a son. KKN.NEDt -In Bovinanville, Sept~ 22, to Mr. and Mr@. Bd. Kennedy, a daughter. SÂIL¶ER-At OSinWa, Sept. Ilth, the wif e of Mr. Geo. Salter, of a son. STÂR-In Clarke, Sept. l6th, the wife of Mr. Isaac Stark, a daughter. PETERS - At Hamnpton, Sept loth, te Mr, and Mrs. W. Peters, a daughter. RoliIng%

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