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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1902, p. 6

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lielood andlegwila nnçhsaiid mo f I 0 aLess anidRest.Contalns neitiier iÏëT NAR C 0 TI1C. ~,OdSour ZLflL Jbu .?is 0wJ , s,,01 FAC-SIMILE SI GNATURE OPEIIJ LOTTLE OP poda all.D n'til.aysstosi I i f rIg 1i1'---'ý el "4ý N'O TES AND COMMENTS.', The slcdge journey on t he'ice nmade by Lieut. Peary lat spring la aau illustration of some phases of Arc- tic work te whose imiprovement he bas cntrlitedl more than any oth- er jII ma.Twny-i ears ageth'e gallant Biish avatl otJIce-r, Marký- lsam, ;ith sveten c, tied te reacli the Poie over tie ice of this very ràgion nerth of Grant Land. M-e attained 83 degrees 20 minutes nerthi latitude atfter a -tçrr'ible jour- ney of tlîirty-two days, and then the party returned te their ship, one man dlying on the route, while cv- en ohers of thse original egte weecarvied te the vessel on slcdges sujiering fre m scurvy . When Peary setpeut over the ice of thlat same part of thse polar sea last spig e had with im thse negro iLonsen, four Esqjuimiau deg drivers and six sledges and dog teamsi,. Af- ter six marches, two of tle inatives wcre sent back and Peary went on withý threc men. Before the ico suir- face had become simp]y impassable he wcnt on te the paraibel of 84 de- grecs 17 minutes, sixty-five and a iaif statuité miles furtiser nortis than iakam nd he made tIisetrip fremn perished isad net the steamner AIent sent o ut, a relief expediti!on, but fis ton Urnes greater than Japan auid laý correspondingly harder to change. J apan was a 'centralized, feuldal couatry, with a homnogeueous, pa- tniotic population, while la China, the great viceroys are almost in- dependent sevýereigriiP, ruiinug people who speak different Lanig-ages anid wý,hos-e patriotiarhas oaly been developed by the irrîtýatiug presenc-e of the foreigner. The nature of the Government and of tise'people ma1kes it as bard for tise central geterai- ment te centrol thie malcentents as te begia reformas. There is netbing for the foreign ininisters te do but te insist t1Iat the court shall have the order te suppress the rebellion carnied out.* If the court is net able te de se at will become aeceýssýary for the allies te intervenle, with what resuit no one can say. Mn. Sharretts believes that the end of 1ihe integrity ofý China is in sight. Atf all events, if the Chinese casnrit paiss througb theu peried of transition without dis- erders like the one now reported, from Pekin, they cannot- pay the la-. demnity nerl withstand the agg-rcs- siens of tbe powers. If the Chinese prove thernseves able te take a d- v-antage of thse epportunities ",hich aýre thrust upon theul tbeycancfl count o)n Brîtlsh and Amrerican Sitp- port, buit ceaitinued otras wl flnallv exhaust the patiec-e of tise ChristiaLn world, and tl.G independ-ý ence which bias se far been preserved': te, the empire wiIl be lest throug the fault of the Chinese as much as IguaataryLts ebdr<etnn to be a permanent and poritiv e ue for Vaîôe l ndSr e, withaut cutnstretcbing or loas 0f tune. In Varicocele ;t absoba he sggg, r wrmycorditonegulizs ~rcusaionstops pains in thegris ais ai drins , r in ogn terpreper ntrtla, vtalizes the parts and re- stors ist ewea; n Sricoteit;srb the Stricture tissue, stîops srnartIing sensation, nervusnea, esiseesbactaus, ec>,whii in il rocataio r -ub i3 hla te tree- ncn recellence So posýitive !arn1 I t a t lmy treatrnent wxhll c ure y 0U, you ean You ]need pacy nOtbng nýýitil yo!u are c(onvinced that a hoougi nompete cure a iaen stblahd.This spidcnince you tt I1have coinidence in m VLatea ete 'Pre., ment, thrws,ï,,l 'otmke ,you ibis propos:ti1u. Im !Î0 UU ife ronce who bias failetocreyou, Cal] rwieme. Each TimeYQU CalaYOU See M Prsnaly 'Dr eacbuntime Pyou w ritýe it eeivs )y personai attention. T ie rnumbier o, yea.-rs 1 amn estbhshui Dtris, ae d c uri accomplished sfter g;,ven up jy qtber dùconer, bL epls-eî [ meI as tefrma pcaist of the country. CO8 uLT A1T-N FR EE. Cal] o thoe ho aner ai. e i, rIe. Aint ledcns orCaada ptint sipe fuo insr C7.A]]duy ndeproes harges 1repaîd. Ntigsent C. O.,11. THE CHILD AI' SCIOOL. -impllerfect vision wouldntrly iriterfere with the progress of is Uhl i as le.sons.; vllke oeuitstat that thu deI-Jetiv 1vi- ion is; acyCmo cuec p paren aeta dloes a yoY that he docs net s1luirfe ake geod cyes ight . Une writr si with bis dirigibie balloon are Weil enough as spcctacles and appeal te tise populir imagination thse experi- monts in neralnvigation new be- ing ponduýcted by Sir Ilirani Maxim have muchi greaýter interest for thse scientiflc md This is due of course te o efc that Maxim's ex- periments are for vtise devlepmeat of a flying mciethaýt will ly -net an a ir ship, It bai hnsajlý,id ,ilwith trulthlthat "Iji aue hr sn balloon."Afcr il tattlise i-innd Courage ý'0of Mngilr eae,0f fardý, Rear, Krbs, ;Ze(ppelin and Satntos-Dumiionit have dene it is gen- erally ogee the baleeon typ e orf "flying mcie is wholiy at the

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