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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1902, p. 8

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I! mijcm Nhmbe O[0 !dI3Cough Remedy this f ail and winter Aniother favorite ik OUI I CroaiofWidll lazo ViiiIl1111 krrrll kîrîiiii F orrr "R urîrln d a - Fîk, I Ciii;V Druggists, Bowmn-anville.M SSUkkkkkkflfkk*k flurnkfakkkkkWBkUkklkkSUUSk UNtkS5uUuS9 Mi.flu.. .,,k .kkksu rnkkkan kmk% mMuk kkk kkkk~kk ase-----------D kak J The floig isthe .PFIMZE TLST:- I~ ~ ~ f 0W(JILE CT. S, 1D0OIRSS _______________________ DaAuoniT-T e a m, Anscu Talo;r. Brood mare and foal, Ausou Taylor. CARý-PTWRIGHT PALL P3,IR. Fred Rundie Two yr old colt. gelding or flly, Fred Rundie, W Ormisten, WV Dac.One ' r old colt, gelding or at 1 1-V W rmiston, WI)arcy. Foal, F Carwrgh Eu Fir hldat lak unie J Orchard, Sý J Beacock. Two stocouTuesaytud WecdnesdLayeof last vr oldl entire Colt. T ]Ltland. GBNERAL wekpssdoff m ost Lsutcessfully . This Puur's-Tefam, W 'Samelîs, Aus«i Fa-;it c]ibîgupward, anîd isý fast be- Ta 1er-, G oha..Brd mare and t, - f f aI, l.;. Vrr J', !rc'îr. T Wbit6eldl corning ani event of equal impottance îv r~ eiiî rfhy no with man ofthe surrounding & Cuo1tF jTs1crI c2,A euiu n Fairs This îs,,3luir-elv dite te the unti rodg ri~ or fi'Iv, LBiers;, iR ring effýorts of itslYecor, ho lhaxes PipDIivn FaA Stapies, T Whitfleld J Par 'CRRîGE-eP, w0rthily ad(vancedits intres rni year -MbudAîî oe, GEodle, S J te la ecc.'ia.udr1- bauds, S Although the weather was un favorale. McLanghlin, W HI Panr. Biood maore. and foal, J Bail1,ILadvS Parr. Two it being threateniing ail day Tuesday and yr oîd geîding or fillly, G Proutt, S J a, heavy shower falling on Wednesday Beacock, J Avery. One yr old geldinz mGrning, there was a large number of or filly, I Laidlv, I E Chapman, E 1 epeon the grounds in the afternoon. Galbraith. Foal, J Carscaddeu, J Balil, peopleI Laidly> Single driver 15J hands and The herses and cattie constituted an over, A Euglish, S Parr. Single driver important part of the exhibition,all class- under 15q bauds, Dr~ Archer. J J Jobb, es being weil filled. In both light and D Irwiîî. Single driver undor four ye-ars. A McGilI, Dr MlCulloagb, '1 hev essthe enrylitivs agean cKee. Speediug ilu the ring, open te th jugeshad ne easy task te pick eut ail, R E Angle, T Swain, C Ellott. the winners, Thesbin in sbeepý, pigs Open te resideuts e! Cartwright, T and zpo)ultry was a 1S(, a mlost creditab! Sai (protested), J Hf Devitt, N iMe- Gil!. Best turneut, Dr Archer, J J Insîde, the dislay of graiin, vegetab'es b, C ATTLE1. fruit, &c , was a credit te the township, Dunir.4m-Bull, eu r aud upwards andwa fully up )te nth) we have T A Wrigbt 1 and 2 Cow, J Me- seen eisewýýhere,. Roberts, T A Wright, .1 MeRobertbs. 1-eifor, two ýear, T1 A Wright, J' In the latdies' depýjartment there was a Ceates. ileifer. under eue vears, T Aý lot of veriy pretty things, some specimnens WVrîght Cal!, Heifer, unde r oee yr, of nettiog, tatting. ,&r , net being excel T A Wright 1 aud 2. Calf, ull, under onue vr. 1 J o r H.erd. T A_ When the Bowels are Constlpated It la a serions matter ta negýlect consti- pation.- You rnay do so fora time, only to find that your health bas leen under- mlned by bodily derangmets ci the inast fatal klnd. Yau ahould have a movement cf the bowels every day. To accompllsh th!s, avold concentrated foods, use veget- ables and frýuits freely, and takie anc of Dr. Chas's Kiclaey-Liver Pis before retfrlng, two or thrce tinmes a week, or oftener il required. Dr. ChaWes Kidney-Llver Pulla are flot au ordinary cathartic. They haveaa specific and combined action on the kîd- neys. liver and bowels, and consequently cure constipation and the accornpanying derangements thoroughly and well, by removing the causes. For the information of those who are not yet familiar with the peculiar merits of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis, we might add that they,,are purely vegetable In comiposition, pleasaut and natural in action, and remarkably prompt and >far- reaching in çffect, even ln the most serlous and chronic cases of constipation, kiduey and liver diseases and stomacli troubles. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box DrlCms' SMCLieaI1 launel, ail wool, Mrs M NMcbean 1 and 2. Flanuel. mixed, Mrs M Mcuean 1 and 2 Wool flows, %Irs McLean I and 2. Wool stockings, Mrs MeLean 1 and '2. Cotton sox, Mrs MMLa. GRAINS & SEBUS. Eaiu wheat, red, 1 Whitfield. Paul wheat, w1iite, Ans-oni Tay lor, Jasý Parr. Spring wheat, hard, I Whitfiedd, J Wrigt. Sriu' whatof t J right, Wv C Fergusion P e a S, Michigan Whitos, Jas Parr, J J Jobb 1. Oats, white, Anison Taylor, Dý Irwin Oats,ý black, Jas Parr. Barley. 6j rowed, Abram Beacock. White beans, R Crawford. CLAiss J-VE.GETABILES. Ha1f bushel potatoes, white, A Bea cock, RU Crawford; half bushel[ potatoes red, A Gboj Gallagher; haîlf dozen tuxnips, T \Vood, T. Wîfed half dlozen carrots, white, Anson Taylor, R, Crawford; ha f dlo7en carrots, taibe, S Jeffery, J. J. Jobb; thiree heads cabhýage, winter, J. Y. MýcL-aughllini, R. Craiwford; two tab'e squash, J. j Jobb,'R. McNally. two Pumnpkîns, Anson'Taylor, L, Byers; half dozen beets, table, Rt Crawford, R. McNally; hiaif peck onionsý, white, W. Porteous, R Crawford; haîf peck onions red, J. Y. McLaughlin, R. Crawford; half dozen mangolds, R j.Ferguson, j jobb; half dozen tomatoes, G Proutt, R. j Mc- Nally; three citrons, J. Wright, W. Sa- melus; one dozen ears Indian corn, Eng- lish Bros , i and 2. CLASs K-FRUITS. Haîf dozen winter apples, Anson Tay- lor, J. Wright; balf dozen fall apples, T. Wood, J, Abbott; haif dozen russet ap- pies, J. J. Jobb, T Wood; haîf dozen, snow apples, J. Abbott, J. J. Jobib; half dozen northern spies, Anson Taylor, J. Abbott; haf dozen fai! pears, T. Wood, j Abbott; half dozen winter pears, A Beacock, J. -Abbott; collection of fruits, named, which may include different va- rieties of apples and other fruits when practicable-haif dozen on, plate, J. Ab bott CLASS L-LADIES' DEPARTMlENT Gents shirt and cellar, Mrs. . Y Mc- BOWMANVI LLE mer, Miss S. Parr; guipure work, Miss I. Parr, Miss E Brock; drawn thread work, Mrs. J. Y. McLa-ughlin, Miss S. Parr; darning or netting, Miss McLaughlin, Miss S. Parr; tatting, Mrs J. Y. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. M. Lattimer; five o'clock tea cloth in silk, Mrs M- Lattimer, M rs. J. Y. McLalughlin; embroidered centre piece for dining table, Miss Ella Brock, Miss S. Oliver; berlin wool work, flat, Miss L. Parks, Mrs. J. Y. McLaughlin; emnbroidery ou wvhite cotten, Mrs. W. Forteous, MrIs J. Y. McLaughlin; point lace, Miss Ella Brock, Mrs J Marlowe; fanicy knitting with cotton, Miss L.Parks, i and 2; fancy knitting with wool, Mrs j Y. MicLaughlin, Miss L Parks; crotch. et work with cotton, Miss S. Parr, Mrs J. Y. McLaughilin; crotchet work with wool, Mrs. J. Y'. McLaughlin, Miss L. Parks; crotchet work with silk, Mrs, J. Y. M1cLaughlin, Miss L. Parks; collec- tion of crotchet patterns, Miss L. Parks; patch quilt any pattern, Mrs. J. Y. Mc- Laughhin, Ms L. Parks; log cabin qult, Mrs J. Parr, Mrs W Porteous; knit qult, Miss L. Parks, j and z; pieced quîlt, Mrs. W., Porteous, Miss L. Parks; berlin woo.1 work, raised, Miss L. Parks; chair scatf, NMiss F. Abbott, Mrs j 'Y, McLaughlin; baby 's dress, Mrs j Mar- lowe, Nlrs. W. Cerguson; handkerchief satchet, Miss S. Parr, Miss E Brock; collection of house plants, Miss L Park s, i and 2, Ci- Âss M-FINE ARTS. Painting, in oul, Miss E. Brock, Miss Ida jParr; paniniting in water colors, Miss E. Brock, Mrs R. J. McNally; pencil drawing, 2Mrs. R\. J. McNally, i and 2;, crayon drawving, Mrs R J. McTNallv; monochromati drawing, Mrs. R. J. tvc- Nally, Miss MLay Parr. The Mother Tells Howv It Was Ae- complished. "A wonderful change," is the verdict of a lady correspondent who writes us about lierlittie onie. 111take pleasure,"1 writes Mlrs. RF,. B Bickfrd(, of Glen Sutton, Qu-e , "fn certifying- to the merits of Bb' Owni Taboiets, as I have fcund themr a sutre and reliable remedy. My, baby was troubled with indigestion, and was teethîîîg and cross and restless, and the use of the 'ablets made a woniderfut i cange. I1 think the timely use cf Baby's Own Tablets might save mnîîy a dear little life, and I would recommiend mouthers to koep them inu the hiouse." The opinion cf this wise mother is echoed b)y' otiter corresponidents. Baby's Own71 Tab)lets give sucli comfort and relief to a sick býaby, they se inifallibly preduce cal1in, peaceful sleep, that you would almiost think themn a narcotie. But they are not. They are anly a health g.iver for children of auy age They cannot possioly do harm-they always do êgopd. May be had fromn drugisi-ts, or by mail, post paid, at 251 cents a. box by b writing direct te thi. Dr. Williamns Med1icine CGo., !Brockville,On2t. or Schonoct idy, N. Y. DURHAM W. C. T. Ul, CONVENTION. The anniual Convention for the Couinty cf Durham met in the Methodist Chiurcli, Orono, on Sept. 25th. The mornina' session was opened by devotional exrcises. couducted by Mrs. G. Long of Orono, lu the absence of the President, Mrs. Thos. Hoar. Af 1er the roadiug and adoption of the Treasurer's report, the following tofficers were eleeted for the eoming year : President-Mrs. L. Tole, Bewmanyille, Vice Pres.-Mrs. R. Moment, Orono, Cor. Sec.-Mrs. Trebilcock, Bowmanv 'le Roc. Sec.-Miss Wade, Port' Hope. Treas. Mrs. (Dr.) Tueker, Orone. Auditor-Mrs. Moment. Cern. on Resolutions-Mrs. Joneas, Mrs, Tuecker, Mrs. Trebleock, Mrs. Moment. îMrs. D. O. Crosslèy, Bowxnanville, conductod thýe dovotienal exorcises lu the afternoon, a! 1er, which Mrs, Long teck the chair. .Reports from the Departmeuts showed good work doue lu nearly ail, but particulariy in the Lumbermen's werk,' parler meetings, temperance work lu the Sunday schools aud the anti-narcotic work, Mrs J .G.Hon@Y, Orono, reported bales o f clothing, cem!ort bags, testaments, litorature and moeo y as haviîig been sent te -the lumbermen's camps in good quantities. Misses Jennie, MeLean and Maggie Tait, Bowmanville, favored the Union With beautiful solos. The address of wel come was givon by Mrs. Moment and repliod te b Mrs. J. M. Joness, The Cern. o slon roported. as ()Resolvedt that we3> the dlolegates e'f DuýrtîarniConiynuConvention as-1 semblýed. destre toe express our heartiost wistn for the succoss of the prohibition vote in the pre(senlt temperance cam- paigu, and te pledge oursolves. that we, as white. ribboners will do our utmost, by our influence aud prayers, te make it aillthat true temperance moin people may dosire. Carried. (2) Resolved, that the cigarette habit is miucli te be deplored, and that we plodge ourselves te do ai we eau te overcome Ibis great evil that is se degradîng and weakening te the yonng cf our ]and. Carried. (8) Resolved that we mernorialize the Provincial Convention that Durhamn County desires te unite with Northum- borland Conlnty in W. C. T. U. work. Carried. A very excellent paper on Scientifle Temperance was given by Mrs, J. L. Rowe of Orono, who consented at requost of the Union te have it publish- ed. Iu the evening a platforrn meeting was held, at which eariîest addresses were given by Mlr. Jas. Gilfillan, B. A., Principal Rigli School. Bewmanville, Boys. MeKleen, T-ueker and Young, and Mr. R. Moment, Orono. Music by Rey. Tueker, Orono, The Misses Tait and MeLean, Mrs. Chaprnau and Miss Batlon, and five little girls, Onlis'ened the meeting. Mrs. R, Moment eccvipied the chair. Mrs. Rowe repeatod ber paper o! the BETHLSDA 'yarn. gooci Black Sateen Underskirts A beautifully finished, iiercerized Sateen lJnder- skirt, handsomely made for $ 1.00. We neyer had as good Value, CHEAP PAPERS. JANITOR WANTED FOR BOWIvAN- VILLE PUBLICSCQL Tuir STATESMAqi and theledn Liberal weekly or the leading Ceuser N ilb eevdu vaieweekly -or thQ eadn A Lll breciv NTEW7ýt (LOTR"' ING We show over a dozen kinds of Overcoats. We have received over 20 new and handsome patterls in Boy's 3-piece Suits. Some D. B. Suits also in good heavy' winiter we; ghlts. We believe and have flot a doubt but that our new stock of Clothing k the ]argest and best ever shown in town. Ladies' uCoats- Our New Coats are correct,'in style, made of the proper cloth and our prices will be found a trille lowecr than usual. Please see our si-ock before buying. La,-dies'and e Jhildren's Underwear.. Bouhtdirctfrom faLctOry. We offer as a spec i this veeýk P10 dozen Ladies' Vests, heavy fali weight. nicely sh.--ped and trimmed; regular value 25c each, this week 2- for 35c. Shalker Flannel- A special line of English Flannelette, very heavy and wide, the kind that wvears well; usually sold at 12cand 15c, this wv-eek only 10c a yard. Heavýy Wool Hose For Boys, special kniit w ith best worsted Prices from 15e to 35c; other liues at equahly valuc.

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