ElL pi'0n Riange. ONLY $30-00. Very iatest improyed with D'îpler Grate, Oven Thermometer, Uigh Sheif and Roser voir.- This is une o! the mnaly b irgains wo are o«fering this seasoni. We have gathered tugether thie largest an d mont complete Uine o! Stovei and Rauges ever offere<l in <ibis locaity. Alil very carefuUly slected and fully guarauîteed. Yotir inispection jnvited. Phione 66. -shoe Satisfactionl - 1 There are some pleasures that muet be tatited to be understood. You Can't 1macgine Them. On. sueh pleasure in Q %UEEN VUALITY the famous shoe for women. Once Tried, Always Wanted. Tou cftn't analyze ils construction. You know yon like il and that ii enough. They Fit Where Others Fail. Sole Agent, Bowmanville. PARliOlî S14OE STOREB. S O I OST-Left lier home onOct. 5th a1lare white 80w 1ý Yrs Old had *et ',TORKýiRIIiI13 FOR FALE.-From bT,.n W aed frm bgbî young pigs. O(Û. as J[ ~ ~o e , d 1{iidgs ready to weaei TCton. W a chot dic I~sbob s. alBU, _____________________ lit fors - 11"' i n c~ farrow. ineluding %w "f es' In Poultry I bave \T NI ý-A îh@roîtghiy compet- for sahi-~ o~e Bronze he ae1l cr Turkeý ,£iiInîîgea o i Ai ibd ! les: Bn--------c., îh n Dr iii*de tý'jnÈ igh School, desires a Brahoxe . 1 a g-han , Tsnff '\yaxeotts u d lU. na -,die-,uer'or psto ftut B3uf n 1i, ons iJ. COLE, BoWtuiîiVi, jafjtN lti eene given and excbtang- ~~- ýM tc. Apl bMas , J. ZB-10LionP.0O,1 etowî4shp1,.42-w M, Zuu. dian Statesnian ANVILLE. OCT. 22, 1902 SOME OPINIONS. The editor spent Thanksgi ving Day at hoime in reading, the first week-day in a long white that ho has found time for such pleaenrable pastimo. Ater piseuvsnga paper or a magazine to rest bi eessu at the saute lime give bis readers soma thouglits that passed tbrough his niind, lie wrote a paragraph or clipped one that he considered worthy of production in TiiE STATES- MAN. Here are some of lits clippings, musings and opinions:- Bread-maRing is beeoming a 1 pst art in many homes, but when the health of a family depends se much on the four- ishing los!, ail mothers should make good coojs of thefr daughters. Bad cooking sends more persons to early graves than whiskey. * In this ageo! sewing machines and ail kinds of stylish ready.made clothing real good sewing is also becoming a stranger in many homes. Girls are frittering away valitablb eurs In novel reading. visiting and entortaining which should be oucupied in niaking and mending. Not one young womau in tweatv now-&-da3a of marriageable age le comptent te tako charge of a home. A fe-w days mince we saw three mis- takes in a simple sentence written by a boy grain t.he igh Sehool. If more teaching sehool were done and les. keeping echool, Yàew irncl botter it would be for the rising generation. Composition dees flot reoeive the at- tention its importance demanda in the Public and High Sokools. Oleriug prizes fer achievement in useful subjects la very sommendable Hundreds et people eould do great good at triffing ost were they t.o opy the example of Mis Honer Judge Ne. latyre of Whitby, who bas. effr.ad gold modal for oempetition i lb. de- partment of Englioh te the atudeut. et the Ontario Ladise' Collage, Whitby, and Ur. P. W. Hodue., Dominion Commlsioner of IÀve Stock, vho b"s *fioraid a similar on. hx-tho department of domestie science. A modal village, a aituatod on the banks of be river Forth la Scotland and the naine o! tbe interesting haxlet le L)unmore.says the Seottisk 4mericau. As we are looking for 1"models" la many thinga we shali ne glasd if any SrÂATsKx ureader.willl scure for un a description eft his modal village built many years ago by the Etrl ef Dan- more for workers on bis estates. Are there any modol villages in Canada? If s0, Whre? What &bout Hsmpton or Enniskilleu ? Changes are consemplated in Chia great tamlY journal in the near future. The publisher has somne new iMess and no doubt the public bave soma equally grod onéé too. 'Nov, as our great do- ire in tomabe Tun Swv,&nAÂainter- esting and helpfull tu ito'readerm, vo demire to kn.v vhAt bnprovemezet v. eamate tb 91VO tiiexa vat th.y vant. Bond -for idain vritlng, plise (Omtiomed on >Yrut-page. Wbé, * ftba m S cm W" ta~ w oed y t bUkeos- nu MSater Shae JORN uz"YARU nomLusai Agoe Huntrs' ound trip tickets will <jnda, Brocknjile and Excursionl sî t SNGLE FPîRST CLa.83 FARE, val1dre- Oct. 2Uth turningntil Deç. l3îh. to 1902. toi ealier f rom t Lake poinu nvigation NV, l. ut c!osa befýre Pec, 13,190t) 1902. TO TRI 'Hi ghIandi of Oulari' 1ThoSi l-se uparadice 1Lukoka Lzkea Distýict, Lake o! Baye, M'agnetwx.n River' Lake sNipiss,îug, Severn, to Nort h Bey icc 3lvaive, L-;udmav. to Hali- bu-tmn Ooboork.Vny Sund, ,Matawa. DEER HUNTING Opeu easnNon, ý , lt e5,e.. Prspeti fon 1902 eqUÀJdiy as gý,od a lait se ýcasou, M O00$ E Op, e son Nov. Ixete 1Mb5t, and in ikdstri~t ct bhti .) ' ia, ,hi~ilo- ing cC-rai i e e s, hT T&j 1.Y, CJ. P. à T. A, West End House. Leading Clothiers. West End ,House.ý 2Oth e2entury Trousers"I They are shaped entirely different from ordina ry - pants. They ai e made without waist band and fit them and you wiLI realize the difference betw'een 2th CeLtury and othler makes. . Price S3.00 to $4.50. 2Oth eentury evercoats' Made as go od as custom work with a few fancy touches thrown in; but a vast difference in the puice and will fit you better. $3~ o 4.O.Price $8.50 to $'16.00b vrots1k u fÎrougers like eut 4.0t $16.00. Ceaper Pants, $1 uP.- Suits, $5 r vroat,$ p - Canada's Bost, lade Goods Sold In I This Store -ý STooke's Shirts, W. G. & R. Shirts, Crescent Brand Shirts, King Quaity Boots, MocPherson's Boots, McO-,ready's Boots, D. S. Co. Guaranteed Braces, Maltese Cross Rubbers, A Store for Men with Fineat Gooda at SmaUest Prices. Dr oosJOHN Mc M URTR Yt is me apparent that îa takee mghty lttle talk to convncm And îs t any wonder that the "Souvenir " (wth its Âerated Oven idea) should b. made tho standard for quarity <r-om what- ever point ona mal choose to vxew a' ?Menit will gelte the top-and 'ISotwir " pop*'alt proves it. The bust by tetsu comparison ; most occiomicat most durable- best appitd- mnost perfect cooker and baker-handsornely ftte- for gentral <good service without a falt WIlI yen taktetime examnine the "Sovlr"f SOefcvrywhee-md au. wili Iast a liftime. RICE& 0 0, Local Agents, Bowmanville. The Gurney-TIIden Ce., LImtd, saVoE, FUNaCE arNS BADIATCR UANIOFA«ecneSR 10flOi*1&&I ^te* 1 lut ICRNTO uoaa~ ~. ~HamIIton. Ont, 13Y WANTED-Sm!art,. respect-e MISS IEDITH FREELI Bable bey %afn e n . mpnuiitg 1,prdl gv ueRcs thnh Applta AN * venue. Rev ivit. 7-t - RSALE.-Lsdy»o dravlng peny, 6 FORan old, buggy anld 1 arnces-warranted noundy.anSdrquiet. Applystai Lovxa'& Livnay, idowmnanilu. il-tf $10( WEEKLY COPYING-At k hme. Nithorm ses. e tamp for PantiuIBl&r. NOVEBuE 5ursLr COUrànuT, Biox est. Quebec, Que. W ANTED.-A Trustworthy Qontle- 'ne" or lady lu each connty tu manage buaince for an»oId t.bli.hed bouse of toliS financtel standinig. à straight,)bons, fade V.ckly eaab salary1.fols.oe pel by check eAstr Wmduesday wih ai expenaca areet front hed- L*arters. Koney advane f o r experse.. Eavacer. 840CobraN 1I1tg., chicé,. i. 51-4v F ARM tOl RNT-IW sýCias 01lot le, cou 4, Darltànc, lai*e th*l.village of Hampton, es vblch are gooS Sw.ling and excellent prm buildings, tvo'tenuo-et orcharS land &il ttil*gble .îcptl aacres et ptil pesture wth stesa rituatng through It. Fai 1 lown#rdoue. Possession te suit. Appy te aoBs unas, Hampton 42-tf L'?he seaouott bs*if 10 ont c5, conS, C Zoe, W.sîDurhan,known a. the Uanro Nommtead; I&argeik homsebarnni, tone stable, elans. et,. The f-rai isla ar&t4ciaaestata of culilv- &ti n nweiliwattred FWI1ipiOU'lSg doue. possession the trot of ijinl. The. bou., ia the firet forth or ijeveasite soiS For furtso pat ItasBply tu Ji. bAltIE, Ms i fetorla Av*,ll, gIYh.aI»hISOU Cty. Out. 4-Mr ami 1h Shop vith on vîthout ools. tc.. tlrîvis, house and stable, good dwelling bonne, aIl lu Wod repoir; 1 oares of orchard, garden and pasture; bard and soit water., onse son to suIt purebaser. Decided bar gain to ngbt man. Apply to T. J. CLÂHEL, Hampton. 41-If. Everybody likes Freeland's Photos. They are natural, artistic and welI finished. You ean be sure of getting the very latest styles. Our Cabinets are swell. Fine line of Framnes always on hand. GEPOFEFAD HEAL BROS., GROCERS Telephone 57. We have in stock ou.r I Peel and OW Raisins Try our 25o Japau Tea and our 40e Black Tea. It can't b. beat. Poultry Wa1ntedl Cirh or Trado,, I4eal jo , 1 3OWMÂN VILLE. Ion Oan't Holp but be satisffed with our complele and weli assorted stock o! Wall Paper just, recelved from leading Canadian aud American fastorles. -The fail is a good lime to make every room attractive and my prices are right. Remuants at your own price. Special attractions in Fancy Goods and Stationery. Bibles, Hymu Books and Photo Albums, '"These long evenings y ou willl want something to read and you can buy books very cheap now. See my stock, special ba)rgains. Suniday School Libraries a speciaity AHAMIR Our Customers say that l I'eerleus Hair Bestorer in traie to atm naine. As a tonle for the hair it ha. ne superior, It aime renadors the hair soi I snd <loseys fkd eveut»uay turus gpsy bain tenaturai Try Hare's Dandruff cure te ld yeur scalp of Dsndruf SOL.D AT McDerm id's DRUG STORE., (Ui Pays To Duv at >kDeresW,') 4eFor A M0fl18lt., If you are building or repairîng ve eau perbaps help you 10 solve smofc the diffculties incident tb the. uder- taking. For instance: Csiuur's-We have Battle's Tkoroid for concrete walls, cattie stables sud cellar &lors; English Portland for pave- ments sud *cisterus. BiLL ,STup-Pine and Hemloek Joists, Scantling aud Boards. rIMBE-Piaeand Codar Square Timber and Sh"eopm. FLOORÎNO----Bedand White Pine sud White,ýMaple. CEUILNG andWÀSOTiPjtd and Grained. i Beaded sud 'V-_joint, ýeý SIone--eveedCuve. 'Shiplapped SMNrîLEs8-AliI rdeNati%,e.-Pin. sud Cedar sud B. f.11 P Cedar. - "_D)oas-Gi1mours'patcnt lumber,hard wood and piLle, Doors-aii gradjes -and prives. -SÂsu, BLiNus and, Àoi7uDnGs-GA.- mour's and Rathbun's Mnfcue -Sait, Piaster, vwoou sand PBest CIe. Sceanied Ca-!L r R ot Inpetin nvte. ~riesRasoa& e Cavker & Tait wsnt good soumît Ordor sale billsetaIS'riTusxÂAN office sud roceivo notiefr«e. ' * Openung. for a mars, boY ,te, oaru printing *alIbiâ office. Hunters oeursion via G. T R Oct. ft se Ney. lI. Se. sdv. Ta STA&TUswàN goes f ree balance o! 1802 te novf subscuibors for 19dB Marriage licenses otnly- £2 as STÂIW. mAI ffce. No witneuss neeided. Do you deal with us? if -,ou don't, it will psy yen te stars now. Cawker & Tait. For the -best 810 (»3 ever ceat ln Can- ada, eauaI tCoucb, Jofinston sud Cry- For th. nevest, best and chaaeset- resdy te veut clethlnt calas Coucb, Lohnston & Crydermés. a Cmi aud tee the f ur ruffs5eu, caponines, gauntlets, caps, robes, ceaIe, etc., et M. Mayer's the fui-ier. For thie finest stock o! ladies suitings Pnd dress gods o! ail kinds. eail at Coucb, Johnston & Crçderman'a. We have a fresb supply ot Eutbymoi toti peste, direct from the K6nufae- luzer, as M eDermid's Drag Store. The o mvlngrpicures-Our Ârm- given by AUr. T.- E Ky le -ituheTown Hal Monday nlght was the bout o! ils klud ever gIveu lu Bowmanviile. la va.bing wo.eaa mand lancels, the motS m.p made fromIsailar'a Dry Saap ta povder>, viiib. feund very satisfectery. Whon you readl Cawker & Tait's advt Ibis week, don't tbiuk it le only papor taik but go and test the truthfulness o! their statement, it will psy yen. WiIl our subsenibers oblige us by tel ling their friends and neiglibors that we are giving TEEi STATEsmÂS or the Weekiv Globe free lu end o! 1902 lui new subseribers for 1903. Both papens 15 months for 81 85, AUCTION SALES. Auction sale notices cost $1.00 to ai- pear in tbis paper. Fnee when bills are pnnted at STÂTESMÂN office. WEDNEisiDAT, Nov. 5-34r. S. Il. Reyn- olds, Bowmanville, will seli on his premises 70 mileli cows, stockers, etc. Also a thoro br ed bull and cow with pedigree. Sale at 1 o'ciock. Se bis, L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TiuRsDiÂY, Oct. 3)-Mr. Jas. Dempster will seil at S. S. Brooks', Countice, 60 cow.s, 2 yr. oids and yearlings. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis, il months' credit. See bills. Good chance to stock up. JAàmuS Bisrior, Auctiorteer. THUIISDAY, Our 23- Mr. W. Hutchison, lot 29, con 12,Carke, wiil sel bis valu- able farrn stock, machinery, imple- ments, furuiture, turnips, etc There are 3 horses, 4 cows, and a lot o! good voung stock. H1e is giving Up the Munroe Frýrm wihh now advertis ed in anot'her columa for al or to rent. Seadivt o! !arm and bills of sale. Sale a , i p m, starp. L.AW. Toi», -au ccineer. ir, R. Foster w ll laot5ars of stni~tîer nVanCamýLp fartm, South arlin.ton. atch fh -rdaet . 1 & EUD69 One door west of Post Offlee.