__ w-- Hundreds in this Cou nty- Are -Wearhi g Spectacles Fitted by Uç Any of these peoplî can, if 'they desire, re. turn their lasses and get back every ceni they paid us. Do you want bette] evidence as to our abil- ity to give perfect satis- faction, both in- price and accuracy ? Eye comfort guaran. teed with every pair of Spectacles we sel]. N SMuLL D) Jur Y, The Peoffle's Opticians. BowmÂ&NviLLN*, Dellghtfully D elicious, Surprisingly Refreshing, Decided[y Invigorating, Emphatically llarmless, Superbly Charmning. Ail these expressions can be truthfully used in describing our new Dentifrice Wt. have been trying for years to make a better Dentifrice and we believe we have suc- ceeded lat last. Lsa'ge Bottie 25c if -You ever used a better Dentifrice we wilI band back your mnoney and thank yen for pointing out even the slightest defect you can find in it. STOTT&J URY, The PeOp1e2S Druggrigts. BOWMAN VILLE. vwlk et BOWMANVILLE, OOT. 22. 1902. Mis. M. Mayer visilod tiende lu To. route. Mrs. W. P, Prcwer vas home foi >Thanksgiviugr. Mn. Norman Thickeon spent rihauks z gving lu Oshawa. e Miss Bessie JoIlow spent Theuke- -giving lu Toronto. Mnr. Chas. Xeith, Toronto, spont Sun- day withbis mother. t;Mises Lllie MeLeau, Oshawa, spent the hoiidays et home. Dr. Garuet M. Trewin, Collingwood, spent tie holiday aI home. rMn. and Mrs. W. W. Dowu spent Thanksgiving et Coîborue. Mns. Stewart Bruce. Port Ferry, was -receut guest ot Mrs T. Shenin. Mrs Fleming is lu -the citv visiting hen daugblor Mr8. M B. Aunis. Mie. P. Trebilcock la visiliug her sisIons-lu Brantford and Exeter. Prof. Edvend Barbon holds ies second fconcert in Port flope Nov. 11th., -Miss Bvator, Toronto, vas Thenks- giving gutest aI Mn. H. Molon's. Mn. Wilfrid Norrîs, Port Hope, apeni Thanksgiving witli fieude bo.re. Mn. B. S. Vaustoneofo thé Ontario B3ank, speut Theuksgiving et Gaît. Mn. W. A. Hanes, Toronto, spent the holiday at Mr. John Babcock's. - Readen, have you a dollar in your peeket Ihat you ove us? Wa need il. Mrs. M, Porter left lest week te speud tie vinter at Drury's Bluff, Virginia. Mn. sund Mme. A. L. Nicholîs spent Tiauksgivlng viti Seagnave friendê. Mi. Robt. Jehnotonf, Liudisay, spent lie holiday et Mme Wma. Crydermaan 's. BU13o F. Llornibroek, Toronto, bas been home and called en friands home. Mns. Thos. Tod spoul Tbanksgiving wlbh îelablyes lu Brauntord audDuudas. Mn. Chas. C. Tamblyn o! tie Stand- aid Bank, Ceiborue, vas home over Sunday. Mr. W. Roenigk vas home oyer tb. weok eud te propane ton movlnz te Lindsay. Miss Emmerson spent Theukegiviug villi her sdater, Mis. L. G. Eastman iu Torento. Mr. eud Mme. H. Doubt, Port Ferry, spent Tianksglvicg a t Mr. J, B. Manètyn's. Mr. sud Mis. W. F. Date' epent Thanksglvlug wllli hie mother e t Brokilu. Miss Sybil Hoclien, Salemn, has boon vislwing ber ceusins, th. MimsesLoug- don, Canéon. Misses Edua sud Nin& Bond, Toron- te vére guests et Miss Ethel Moion Tfiauksgiving. Mr. Y. 4. Mitchell, toiler et the Ont- aie Blank, spoul Thanksglvlug viti Port Hope frieuds. The Misse Oram n sd Dr. A. W. Winters, Toronto. speut Thauksgiving at Mr. C. Osborne's. M.rs. M. Wltheiidg sud âtie. David Grigg sud baby v sted relatives lu Oshawa, Tbenksgivlnïg. Mie. Fràani H. Morris lias retuuned frein a visilte heu brother Boy. A. J. G. Carticaddeu, Gravýenumnt. Mies Gertrude Hallaudale bas reluru- ced froin a pleaseul viil villi Mr&. Alfred ace IteBiin Dr. W. E. Tilley sud .Mr. P. 'rbl ceci are altendiug the Provincial Sua- day Scbool convention lu St. Thomnas. Muass J. H. MeMurtry. W. J. Fuis., F. J. Bionne. W. Vanu sud Frank Kydd epeut TiA&nkegivlug day iu To- onte. Mr. Geo. B. McClllan o! the Stand. ard Bank, sud Vater Gueiusey Me- Clelan vsited relatives lu Wiitby Thursday. Mn. C. B. MeDoual4 eoftth. Ontario Banik w4gveet oeLl. H. Gne.ui)e Thauksliau &d' bei s haud! et !srnfungopo&atiqui. Miss Jnie -Metean apent Suuday vith friende, et St. Memy's enroule 10 lie Provincial Sundsy School Couvent- ion whîch moe luinSt. Thomas Ibis veek. Mn. R. Cejie. or., Coîbonne, vas 'et Newcastle reoenbly sud took borne s very large Baldw'in apple measured 146 luches lu clucumforeuco and voighing 21 ounces, Blev. J. J. Bac, Ohava, Witi lecture ln lb. Methodîsl 'churcli next Monday ovenlng Oct. 917th, ou "Soins Nov Ex- perilences." This la Mn Use's newest lecture and viii ne doubl dîaw a full house. as usuel. Bey. J.J. aec vas driven about for 23 hours lu a terrifie itorm on Lae Supenier, enroule fromn Genemal conter- onceeAt Winnipeg. Ho94%vilI descn-.ibe% Miss Faunie Ellenor, Millbrook,sper the hoiidays et homo. Miller's Gnip Powders Cure.' Sold b Stott & Jury, druggists. Clean youn pipes and chimxieys noi -and save trouble latex'. Miller's Drink Cure is $1 per bo3 S For sale by aIl druggists. Soid b Stott & Jury, druggists. 3- Messrs Bert Tav lor, Reuben Coi Fred Trebiîcock and Wm. Prower wer home from Tononto for Thanksgiving. New life for a quarter. Miller' Compound Irou Pills. Sold by Stot A new lot e!,ties direct frein the tac tory. very stylish See saine o! thei iu The Mason Co's Gens FurnIshiný window. Mne. Robt. Collacott has returne( froin a pleasant visît with her sistei Mns. Wm. Sauires and othen relative iB et Bnooklin. bl asrvssness has Ieft me entirel, as reultoftaking Miller'8 Compoun( Iron Pille. Sold by Scott & Jury, drug rgiâs. Mise L. Tourjte, Orono, was re-eleci a d Organizer fer Bewmanviile District etthe brandi meeting reeently held ii Campbellford. Dr. J. W. McLaughlin, Registn tseeme couiderably botter lieving ne oeutly spont e pleasant week witl tnieude lu Toronta. The Drink Habit cuîed at home b' tMîiler's Drink Cure.. SoId by Stott Jury, dnuggiets. r We were pleased to receive a oal! or Wednesdav froïn Dr. J. C. Mitchell Iassistant Medical Superiutendent, Pro- vincial Asyluin, Torouto. Mr. Richard Bailey foUl froin au applt lie eue eveulng laet veci and broke hie cellar boue. For a a nueo!his age this lu a ratiè erins accident. 1fr sud Mrs.J H.H Jury le! tTbursday eneing ou the Ticket Agents Exeurs- Ion. They expeet to visit Washington Philadoîphla ani other Amenien citles. Do flot sufer frein sick headacks a moment longer. It le not nocessery. Carter's Little Liver Pille wlll cure vou. Dose, oue littie pili. Small price. Suieli dose. Smial pili. 1fr. W. E. 'Pethick, Inepector andi General Agent representing the Home Lite Association e! Canada, vas ln towu Satuxday and reported business good. AN ÂOHiNG BAz-Is -th. finit la. dication o! kiduey diseaso. and should -ho teken as e signal of! danger-a waruîng t useo Dr. Cbaae's Kiduey- Liver Pille vhile jet thone le turne to ayold tlie dreadful pains and certain fatality o! thus terrible diseese. There le ne gueis verk, ne expeimentinir vlin eu 1o use thie prescription It brinCe relief- lu a remerkably short trne, and becmue.o! its comblued action e! lier and kiduoye, cures complicated cas vhlch cennot ho rescied by any ordinartreelmnent. -Mn. G. T. Charlton lia been appoint ed sexton of the Bowmanville Method- igt charcb te succeea Mr. W. Hlalop who le now niglit watcliman at the D. 0. & P. Ce factory. Ax OumTTUCASE 0orEOZNX.-Mr. W. Johinson. 'lilgouburg, Ont., writes that his fathor vas entîreir curod o! a long standing sud obtinat eucae cf Mcur& by the use o! Dr. Chase's Oint- moent. Hie Ieg sud foot vers a mess of soies that rofurod to heal and ho suf- feîed tenniblv fnom tie itching aud stingur. Thoutiho used a great many reinodiaesand vas treated by flnst.clase doctors ne permuanent relief vas obtaitxi until lbe used Dr. Chaee's, Olntment. NexI Suuday evening a t Trlnity chuîch Rev. Brandon Greeouay viii precch the Oirst o! a mouthly senies o! sermons3 on Labor Problome. The fins tubject i s -Profit Sharing between Caprital sud Labor.," Gond music. Everybody velcome. W. bave met a<vaukeed the pub. of «r t obec. Ambon um*lns tée- eo, Bobo, CuLrr*eel &hdFaim Play eewlag tobaceos are the »âme Muse and pucee to tic ceucumer se former- Iy. We have aisoecxtouded the time for the redemptlest of Snowahoe legs fer lanuary lot, 194. TIKEI rtRU TOlACCO -00, Limied. 46-if The Monetary Turnes le hot-a-foot aiter Orouhytekha sud th I -O. F. Somethiug luterestiug la premiuedl nexti veci. 'Themysteny tW the public le hov the Foieeterg en au attd to spend hundroeao! thouâande lu advertising sud travelling expeuis te the' ends o! tue esîth sud th. membere Who foot the bille nover do any klcking. But there viii crome a day wheu a complote statement wil! ho wentod and thon the members vill know where the mouey go e sud whet for. nt Horse wanted-seo advt. General servant wanted-s-.ee advt, bY- Mrs. M. Burk visited Linidsay laE week. ýW Papers for 1903 should bc ordere now. See our offer. ' Don't faif to read The Mason Co' Y new advt on last page. Mr. John Tapson, Peterbero, sper x, Thanksgivig at homue. re Mr. James Scobeil, Peterboro, wa .-. home over the holiday. & The Westminster Abbey Choir are t ho in Port Hope Nov. 7th. Mrs. T. F. James and son Frank invIsited recently in Oshawa. g Nr. Jas R Jarvis. Toronto Police,! vIsiting his father Chef Jarvis. ýd Mrs. C. C. Merrill, Hampton, ha 3r been guest of Mrs. M. Cryderman. Smart boy wanted at once to leari IVprinting at THF, STATEsmÂN office. dMrs. W. R. Bond. Oshawa, was re cent guest of her father Mr.Jno.James Mrs. G. Rodd. Whitby, was Thanks t.glving zuest of ber sister Mrs.R.Crago , Mr. A. Hardy spent Thanksgiving ,n with hie wife et Gravenhuret Sanator ium. Mr. H. L. Creeper of Tim SiATESMAe ,staff, spent Thanksgiving Day in Tor ;h ont@. M. A. James Is Government issuei of Marriage Licenses fer Durhanm y Countv. Mrs. *W. H. Osborne visited hem daughter Mrs C.Blow, Oshawa, Thanks. n giving. Mr. A. Higginbotbam, Milton, vigite< hi, brother Mr. T. E. Higginbotham recently. " Mr. Grihain MaDonald, Toronto, " spent Thaenkogiying et âMr. 8. PF e Hlooper's. Mr. R. Kinver and Mies lKnver. SOshawa. were Thanksgiving guests of Mns. Johne Reid. a MisseB. B. Brggg'. Providene e, bai *returned from an extonded visit witl relatives at Stratford. Mrs John Gigg le home froin Abion and Kent, Obio, where she had a very *enjoyable'visi t with fiends. When your business hecomes Inksome and distasteful, you are net welI. Miller's Compound Iron Pille will make it a pleasure to attend to business. Sold 8by Stott & Jury, druggisto. John F. Grimison, Peterboro, was fined U6and ooste for cauiiiig distur- banc whle dunkin Port Hope. Mise E A. Allln, B A., Moders Lan. gua eacher. Bowmanvllle 111gb ch.eol, spent the holidaye et ber home la Sanderland. î Have no equal as a promi-pt and r positive cure for idi headache, bilious- >noms, constpation, pain lu the aide. aud tail liver troubles Carte's Littl, Liver LPille. Try thein. 741w E. E. Raycraft visited hw broth or et Broilin.ind parente at Mvrtle on on Thankeliving Day. Mies Hayeaft bas just entered utpon her 18th ywr sai local editrees of THu STATEUeAxi. Miller's Drink Cure le a home treat- ment and does not neeessitate boing coopod up ln a gold cure establishment for woolcs with consequont publiclty, and comment. owiug to abence fron business. Sold by Stott & Jury, drug. gise. James Wannamaker, whes Uved near Kendal, in Clarke, was kilIod Saurdlay nlght on the railway track when returning from Port Hope. eIl.Ê.areuiC7rlievd b7Vapete. Tho Wet flui hain Woman'a Instituts wIlîl hoît their rogular meeting ln the S. 0.. L, Hall ,over Hellyar'u Shoe Store) on Satuxday. ct. 25h a t 8p. inEvery member i8 urgently' requested to attend and brin1 a friand. i nteresting pro- gramn. veryoue should propane a question or two for the. Queomon Drawt, or. Eveny*hing the boy vean trop$ ab thé, West End HUissef,nsoeca ~uderwearbo., b"otaned ahoo. If vou w^nt to izet the lateet la Purs, up.to.dte style and the boit goodoe t right prices. Caîl on The Maonu Co. If yen bave any furs that need repair. ing or altering now is thee time te have thein doci. by M. Neyer, Pnactical Furmier.1 Fleecy-Iined underve at et Ocand 75o par q'.nxnent. extra- value, beught direct frein the nitils bv;The Mason Ce. 4 des of these sold on Saturday lest. People corne many miles te get- thoir furs rep*ired by M Mayer becus. lie lu a pracetic.al fumier havlng servea a llfetlxne et the business. If you thitxk of going to Europe aek M. A. James for rates and sailinge. He know* the best boats and gets'the beet berthe for his passeng ers. Boker T..Wasbingtou wili lecture lu Massey Hall, Toronto. on Nov. 27. Miss Florence Hoar has neturned frem a pleasant visit with friends lu Cleveland, Ohio. We waut your orders for papers for 1900. We eau tako ondoesfor oven 3000. difforent newepapers sud magazines. Ask your neighbor if she bas over used tie 20th Century Baking Povder? It le sold et Mcflermid's Drug Store fer 10c. per lb. A big assortinent o! Ladies elegant Fu', Liued Capes in aIl qualîties and specially good value et ConchJohnstou & Crydermau'e. F. C. Pethick le agent for The Edison Pheuograph. Prices fromn $10 te 8100o. Records 50e eaci or $5 00 a doz. Cal sud hean il talk. Mrs. Chas. Smiith of Jimes, Ohio, writes: I have used eveny remedy for sick headache I could hear et for the past fitteen yoars, but Carter's Little Liver Pille did me more good than al the rost. "PIJRITY" AND "ALONE". The above are the tilles o! two most deligilful pictures which are being sont te subscnibers o! the Famîly Hon. aid and Vv eekly Star, et Moutreal, this season. Il le diffieuît te Bey wbich viii g rovo most popular. "Puritp" le a beautiful pieco of color womk. -Il le a cepy of a paiuting that bas attracted a greal deal e! attention lu Europe. "AI- eune" appeals ponhape bo a differeut teste, sud is aise sure te ho populer. Th. twe piclunes are immense vaine with that great family weekly at oe dollar per year, sud thon wbeu they boomi to seatter around the country sud ho seen thero is sure te ho a greet- w w ww wwwwwwwwwu" We'are justly proudofif and Toile. Sets.' Manv cr.ates 0 have just arrived and a fuil showiný 0 NEW SHAPES, NEV a 0 NEW PF 0 Englhsh Porcclain Dinner *shape, highly decorated designs in bi 0wvere impotted direct tram lhe Pottei viuced that they are the best value t te convince you we asic an inspectic 35 uineby. seven picce Sets, va] * c 25 ten piece Toilet Se 'ts, v 'alue * Ilghoat Prie PaU. fot O CA Wl ,~ SInvite you tot visit our store. M: And see th@ finest display of riail -,ind Winter Dry Goods we have yet shown, comprising inI part Ladies' and Girli' Coats, Ladies' Costumes, Dreas Skirts, Underskirts, Blous.3s, Underwear; E etc SSee Our Special Display of i ress Goods j Second to none in West Durham, SReady-to-wearClothing , E We have just placed in stock a fulil and Scomplete stock of (Jlothing for 'ben and Boys. 4il new, up-tQ-date goods, which for quaiity and value cannot tue surpassed. %iSn WB MASOIN The Leading Dry Goods Store. E Next door to Standard Bank, Bowmanville.' amiW W~UWW4W~W haS ug, square box. end spring, will be selS cheap. Apy ai llrÂATEie office. MISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Pupi of Prof. A.8 Vogt, Toouto Coiservatorï ot Mfugie, will receive. ppill in Piano anS Theor>' ot Maule, ai flouccesOn St.. uow ma ville HORSE WANTEP.1-General vnrp ose herse. young. sound andS gdod in every way. senSl panticuiars tý) WILLIAM MANNING, Oshawa, or te M. A. JAmEs, Bow. manvil le. 41-tf s Suecial iýIducweu To Buycrs of lWall ýiPapecrg or rush then ever fur that papon-. BORN NrnDEY-In Bntlld. Oct. loth, the wie of FMr. Levi Niddery, of a daughter. Rose - Neskr BEfield, Oct. 1711., the wtt. of Mr. Hugh ns. of a son. ÂmxRTox-111 Hay(on. Ott. astI, the Wjfe ef à Mr. Richard Aohion, of a dauglotoe, ALLN-In Dar)ington, on Oct. iSth. the wife Mr. Wesley AIn, eta01 n 'y MARRIED., DÂWL1'-Snunîs-InToronto. oct. 4th, b>' Rev. A.J. Wlhamlo, Mien 6eorgia Sanouders, Whitby and Mr. John Dawley, Oshawa. STUrNBh-WooDzuy-In Darlington. 0Ont. la. d b>' Rey. J. S. HeMullen, Mfr. R. M. stephene and Miss Selena R. A., oldeot danghter o, Mr. Thon. Woodiey. Tncox-HowÀnD-In owmanville, Oct. >1511., b>' Bey. W. Jolliffe, Un WS. Thompson, Qlaremont, Ont., a nà I Mien Ethel Aibertha Howard of Ait ,na, Ont. SIuTE-In flEt Whitby, O. . rM, Arloner Smith, Ages 43 yeare. SWINRua-In nowmanvili., Oet. loth.,£lis&, lraliet ýof the lotte Abltam Skinner, ageo iW ayeais. BOW1AN VILLE MARKETS. Oosrreeenby J.E.Muftry.a11 Toznsa a " , VO100bN........$1 0 te 8220 WHA, FPsu, bUSh .... 0 0("ifO67 If Sprng........Û00te 067 Il Red Fife.......0 00 fi0 72 If Goose ....0 00 fi 060 BApiay, Ilbush, No. 1 ... 0 00 il 04o i te fi* 2 ... 040 fi088 il if fi 8 ... 00011 o00 il osTwo rowed 04do fi 000 DAI,v lses'..........0ia00Il 028 ÙYE, -.............. 0001 0 ho BuSeWHAT .......O00 1 O50 Puats, Blaokeye, V bush.. O0 0.il000 il Canadien Beauties 0 00 fi O 70 Il Mummey il 0 001, 0 00 fi Sinail f" 0601 061% > l Blue e 'I 0 00.'l 065 eBcrrut, best table, Plb.., 000 f 0 16 Wanot, fdoz ........... 015 '0 16 PoIATOzs, VIbuah .......000 0O60 RIAi, »ton ....... .....800"1 900 flOUSE AND LOT TO RENT- Bi.rooickbouso inOntario et.. eniaien1 ciercugood celiar and grarden, bard au soi vaeruible for two horne.. and a eow. vii b.reteSonreesoable lers«. Mas.Gao. Bîcmmaa, non..4141 Q-WLOST-Strayed fromn lot 18, ky B 8 Daltmton enOetttb a hit i0w, &bot f yers ld.Infrmainureoeve4 ai Mr. Tom P4117437'4Or CHARL» US TCHNn.osr, (Middle RoaS> iiewmanville. 41 lw* EDWARD ARTON.-E m 1ir-e n t ]ftuth Brltne, illronome e éeb. in~ e Saturdaysait he 111gh Sehool Bowman. l.Lessons i e Vola. Culture and Nai. oral Singtng ai used ily ail leading singera. Yer terxootand otbes a r foation apply JOei Spudlna Avenue, Toronto. 80-if DISTRICT AGENT WANTED. *We vould particulanly cal Attention te the advertseenot of the vacaney lu, the Impenial Lit'à Field Staff ceused by the ersignation ot ite District Agent for the Qounties o! Brant sud Norfolk. The splendid record o! the Imperial Life-unequalled lu Canadian Lite Inrance - wo.uld indicate that an energetic and intelligent man vil make a splendid succese of the work. ALSIKE WANIED J. B. Martyn wants to buy a quentity of Alsike, -ali grades for which ho will pay the highest prico. j FARMERS, ATTENTION the splendid, 'ariety of Mier.f ni new and desirable patterus ig is, ready for your inspection. V DECORATIONSe0 RIOES SETS S ets, 97 pieces, n2w reforin lue or green toues. Taese Se' s nies in England and we are cln- lest has even been offered, and 4 on of these goods.1 alue $11-50 Ictober China Sale $7.50. e$5.5o ),nober China Sale $4.00. (ER & TAIT.o