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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1902, p. 8

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i J i I set fo-r , are ront !hMif eirong enough "' and a congr'rtuiatory address xvas read made a new vwomaîs o!fnme Tepi etdue îacnr ale, àa bang - ness than a month your fountelui flower vasie, Mr. L. J. -Ellottr:TORONTO soc, a bDxI, ai alilCdelers. or Idmanscn byl- he i' fP rtPny, and s'anished, I grew well, and I neyer foitîg lamp and a gold rhmmed crystal set e aîMse Elo;f I Tev tahs,10iewtirm- Bares &C .rt.O e'rery bj:t cf ea -raeof gnod presented by Niaster happipr ln mv ile. Ah lhis is due ho After a 5suitable reply many of the fGiends grý,ay i ilhv l h , e ay ot; ancyam,£j. cne,2sesterplisîumts use genniiic lh O f',, oun lntzait au LNo, i Oe, grandson, fîomtjIse famhly PanDe's Celery CompoundI-." moejngituJlitory speeches. Rev. .ýahrihcooofýouLuther aid Mits Ahîce Hcoperý Lier! *PrîIîesocclt-g2 ci i oi si .ir cfD-.~<W hoe uJUr.~r*nzWere ir -- gaufuy îlc ch . coe.li;f yo, .- eecrM adMeJhb I*irei.huithz, zrzn-z1irur< A NEWTON VILLE. THE MODERN MOTHER. [ ...a..i.i.. .... .E!...U ~, frAn~IIOfer!so~à" Po~1nd l~j Hs Ways of' Caring for Baby that T H m f s 11~11 iUIUIiLiMrs.W. Jones on the advent of a OqbWHHH son .... Mr. 'm. Scott, B. A., Head-B WM N L E Hi Beitsster Toroto Normal School, was ,, Many a]mOst sacred traditions of!h O M N IL thenbiusebloseupied pulpit hereee seiin' ~ WeJ. A. McKeeE, Mr. . C. Frank, Bow- The modern baby is nlot led every time g~j For Bi oehitis, Coulis and Cois is ~ L~. Are Selling the Best Eletrie Boit Sunday eveniig .. Mr. and Mrs. Wmh rebtwe h okan~ne For ofnhts ouh n od isslio ths and bbyis bTe ottror it, buts It is sureto be thepopu Earin the World at a Priee Within the Rich visieed at Shileli Sunday .. .. Mr.tepoa ie h otrapoe H. ik1 a1reiy. ,*, Reach of' the Poorest SulYrer. W. Quaekenbush returned to Toronto odes andreguar h otrs for feedibut MisBaok omnilvisited gni utefcivada8oealsl.Ov1o t il a Co Jn. Hgi~es rcenly.nearly ail the disorders of infants are A______ caused by derangements of the stomach L CogliRemey tis ailandwiner. ______and bowels. Mothers' greatest pmoblem .~$20 ENSILN is a treatment for these ills that wil be o Another avoriteis oui *. . FOR Holiday visitors: Mr. O. L. Ber Mrs. J. W. Bailey, of Head Lake, Ont., tm o b t FOI& -iI. *' Welland, at Mr. C. J. Mountjoy's. wmites fmom the fullness of experience t m MtfU ~ 5 Q Webster Virtue, Toronto, at home; Mr:- whtin she says: 1 bave used Babv's Own 1Ji.VMiHHH. John M. Wotten, Owen Sound, at Mr. Tablets for my six months oid babyWeae hwignim IlT ForPof Mrs'aElctII.Bl [witb Byers, Port Permy, with friends; Ms. The remuIts weme beyond my expect- 11111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HHH susougii llornds andr Facie.'attach- [Dr.] Trebilcock and Mms. W. M. Wot- ations. Wrscno ovyt hs i soko e tls 1UHH 1HH men] isguaànted tepossss.more eni Toronto .... Quita a good turnout who have not tried them the worth of dis- to the Temperane Meeting on Friday these Tablets. 1 wilI l e ~i s We have the ba ausw ~ tribtion f durent, etterqualiy andnight. Addresses weIl received. any othem preparation for the bah . aseerd.Orsl o 1' dl T Xr finish than any other Electric Beit made Auction sales are scacelefrthsI amn convinced theme is nothiug se good t~ ilii g inu~ ian. egardless of price, season sa we presume the people are as Baby's 0Own r eets Um iýg nb t a o M11i[HI THE PROF. MORSE'S BELT is a content with their lot and have faith in These Tablets are a gentie laxative arevr * i~~~~~~~~:H sure cure for Nervous Weaknass,Ijiver, Laurier and the weatber.an oorng ediefrifnt trgiss Bowmanviid neyad Stomach Cemplaint,,Rhem- ______and chîîde. They are pleasaît to 1. We haeIlts i DruggisLame BowmanPains orAchesi aipt's ofLame bd. ain rAhesboin $100 REWARD, $100. taka and are guaranteed to contain no ;OerotadRaan ai prts ! he y.Wer hebetopiate. If your druggist docenot keap i'Oec .....aa.faa....urr hl o .epaui u oun Bab's Own Tablats send 25cta the 73 YeM.. .... u wil bel yaars rounger than when YO vr ie .s - IRivet tobed The readers of tbis paper will bce pleased to Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.1 Brockvilleir v _____________________________________________________________ youwentlearn that there lsat least one dreaded disease Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., and a fulli g !Pe-ot n Bewame o! those who a8k you to pay that science bas beau abie to cure in ailtissiebowllamaad stpdo frein $10 to $10 for: an Electmic Beit not sta ges.-and that la Catarrh: Haire {atarrhyomades half sa good as the Pr~of. Morse's BoIt, Cre I the onTy positive cure known to the ReeersrEerysiz h s1s. mical fraterdity. Catarrh bejng a constitu-_______________ wich we salI for only $5. We have tiouai disease, requires a ,,,ttutlqnal treat- only one price. We do flot ask you $40 ment. Halla Catarrh Cure ls takei ternally, i esa dao hevm ag , 1W fs of the system, thereli destroy ng the numcbar o f people who crossth B riti htAhericando boit a old priee. foundaion ofthiedisease, nd givqng hptetAtlantic Ocean wheu onea tamsiptheCold Weather Coming OU H-ONEST OFFER-If you do sstng th by bidin upte w onsTitetion an co h ht Sa ie .A ntar osend us the $5 we WIN send prietors have o much faitt-isnlis curative James, agent-arrived at New York ". *. 1. B u iess wo1 le ge y oie!o ureeitofooumea e r 8 ~t atey offer ne Hufdre à D:llar: for Oet. lSth with 880 saloon, 250 second Li e hotave Fur:soa the:n yarotî of heav yMcA.Bilding, g * - Yonge Sht, tToronto expesoffaiice .O. D if s ith ypivil- cs tatitFa J.bcreN&., oendfoli of .aln d 0 ithsofmirl.oaonpatsners waRbes ot n heFi lpes ln PrInopslDAID OSIW. Carer. Aooutat.charges and take the Boit. If not às Hall s Family nus -ar ie best. third-class $2950 up. weather, VIoo-Prînolpal -J. W. WESTERVELT, Charterd mrpresnted son need not pay one cent. _____ Aooountant. Ifyusn cash wt re epea OIA LADIES' FIIRS The only coilega in Toronto affliated with the Institute of the postage. HOW RELIEF CAME .Ar eln felyadwllil bsc c. WE ARE mANUFACTURERS of ail .sr Chartered Accountants, or having Chartered1 Accountants on kinds of Electrical .Appliances. Write Mrs. Henry, Argue, accompanied by bette r to buy early. We have Boas, Storm 1olras its taff OurPenanshp teches ar ackowldgedby tose us -for our book givin:- prices and full ber father, Mmr. D. Taylor, "Point An Interesting Story From Muffs~ aniteeala o rcs its saffi Our enmashipteacers. re aknowedge by hose particulars. It is sent frees. îhaîksgiving in Toronto with friands ianlte. l tlo prcs who knew to be the best in Canada. Do not buy a Boit until you saec the ... Messrs W. Werry and J11». Van- A clni etOet L DE'CA S Po Masi.Nost have got their silos filled .. . .Mrs. A clni eteet L DE'C AS AN £EQUIPMENT 0F 85 TYPEWRITERS, VALUED AT Po.Mre.A lHogarth aid son James are home 0OJER $10,000, OS AN INDICATION 0F THE COM- Wite at once. Address from an enjovsable 'visit with American W r hwn ieasrieti PLETENESS 0F OUR SHORTHAND-TYPEWRITING Th-.E anC friends ....Quàarterly meeting àrt Eldad Prom the L@gborg, Winnipeg, Mai. styles. Our prices are low, quality considere. W ak DEPARTMVENT. y Sundav, Nov. 2nd at 10.30am.... Miss The readers of Logbarg have long buy ers to carefulvycm1pr values. We e3. ct~trn Students may enter ah any time. Write for frec, catalogue and specimen 13 itraS. ootCnd.DlaWmywshm m Kdo, beson familiar with the virtues of Dr.,copr 43-4w, Sunday . . .. Brothers leading in contest Williarus' Piii< PuIs througb the weîî age only when We deserve it. We f eel1 sure orecp ,lesson iu Pcnmianship. tDvso ofr.. m.T acel authenticated cures published in thase tional facilities for buying enable us to givetebs visiting at Toronto ...Miss Jaessie columns each weak. Many o! Our il aus Six Hunded Posiions Ofored Ou Studens Last ear Su fadiau *oeys aid a MissssAlln, Tooroto.oarare ndoeadeerslare bla taooablefrtouvespossfor vcuras mnewing acquaintanc.es hee.. .. Mr.whchaaom udethi n ______ OWMANVIIAEI OCT. 22, 1901 E. aunie Cicago, is at Mr.ý J, T. observation. This week "Logberg", Black Mercerized Sateen IJnderskirts. _______________________ ndle's ... Miss Ettie Hall, Entlold le has received a latter from oie 6f its guast at Mr. A. L. -Pascoes....Mrs. A. readers, Mr. B. Walterson, a prosperous 4lines ait $1.00, 81.25, $1.50 andS1.75 are very speca ale(l E T B IH D19. P O FMAIN 4303 L. Pascoe continues very poorly...*. Mr, farmer living a t Bru, lu which ha gives are worth at least 50c.each more than we ask. EST BL1HED t 890 PH NE LA.K8TOL8. Shortridge Tisited at Columbus his own axperience in the hope that, it anonc ýedat f Clarke, Manilla, hava bean ues i Walterseu a .,"Soma eaisagoI__ VAI F. E D" E V E R & C O n Y'of h rom'inent'residente of We sTown- tsnd.y m.aidMl. gt y n: :nfýsne t:ruf ri r uw STOCK AND BOND BROKERSsintIeprnofr.oh mhwlh matism lu my limbs that 1i n for aEti u/i' Il iD WELL1GTON ,STR~ET, AST, TORO TO. ccrred on Oct. 6th,in hies 52nd year, De.-HBTTRA E long time uuabld to de any work. I1 ____________________________ 19 W L IN T N ceasfed was a native ch audIieaihilitidlu aîwasocre In the township in wbîch lie expîred, He both by patent medicînes aid madîcîne st r i n Fdl.Fral ces-- roawa O, ~î thosea anthewo-îd c n s Hf-Use It To Be S occsfi .Prsrbd ydctos btwthu HANKSQIVING WEDDING. bablecloth, Mr. andMr.R.Aey arn y, ew Iafford to los. one ho &IlwisIl ob4aining aîy banefit. I saw Dr. i, t. un...asming, hionorable, liams' Pik Pilîs advertised inl the two fancy plates, Mrs...oue rtst to c s aî%nd ' ât a n o 8nd ih, a xéiàr ndcousi.- Logberg as being a cure for this trouble SSrEPHENS-WOODLEY M r. and Mra. Thos rmaoîe BltadSold for Cashi or on, Margin. o.adurhtanempayadO Ini- T the autumi and wintar season the and detarmined to give it a triai. I The araeo ieSln od lkacut r n oug heut memberof hi. heloved~~~~~~~~9- Zion, the Church hast and most successful buttemmakai;, bought a dozan boxes and bafore haîf amrig fMs eeaWo-pcl nt x n m at or; Part4eular attention given to Canadian Securities. Market letters of England. aid for the past two Yeats was In Cauadaù1se Wells, Piehardson & Co's o! tham were used I faît a grat change leY, the eldont danghter Of Mr. Thon.- dos. bread aid botterpaeMad niailed daily (4 p. m.) on application. Correspondance invitad. oie of thse Wardens of Sc. John's Church, Improvad Butter Color in orderto give for the better This improvabmbnit Woodley, to Mr. Robt. H. Stephens, iMrd. WmFC. rargg; lsste e, m Blackstock, the dubies cf which hoe discharg. tha butter that lovel-v and delicate Janie continued from day to day, and beo ock place et the realdence of theaiMm.rakLBag;îleck- sa in a very acceptable manier. Aliwho ,tînt that is 5 mach admîmed by loers I had used ail the pis 1 was complateîy biesfteo hrdy c.1t.pae r n r.J TEMN URTU were et W.l acquehntcd Ïwith hlm speak in o! fine table butter. cured. Since that time I nave never 5fhe oThrdyOc.lh.paM.anMa.JmsO;pcke ,Wells, Richiardson & Co's Impmoved had an attack o! this troubla. Alter The ceemnony wss performed lu the crue%, Mr. and Mri hs.Wle lIE MNT N TI.tLIOUS T HE COUNITRY highest terme of prai:e and jola îamourn- Butter Cooris to-day, aime 1se the only this 1 used the pils i sev:ral oth:rprecefanmb ofledbyTehpyopebfsoStdy E ns oc awork in dons, ani he had accooeplished bis Dairys o! Canada. Thora ara other sa0 )oifcial ta ma. I beel it my duty to . v* . LMeMullsD. The bride was mornlng for Mitchellterfîr GENT EMANaid d ,ns it weILla leavei an amiable colors seld aid soxuetimes substîtuteci publiclv giva testimoy to the merits o! becomingly attired lu white, trlmmned home. An admira~ble food, with ail its eed y7- natralq îlîte~ ntat, ittd ETABISHD 131,leu .Ah moumu with tIsemouner in their and experiencedbattemmakers avoid siaiilarly affieted may be leIro try il "Br ulste, MinesEthel, pleyed the toobildut)mndthemainknowsting'they are net raiable. If sou are week or ailiîg; if your The GrocersofTi to bîld p ad mantan roustWheî youaiae buying butter celer, nerves ara tired aid jaded, or s.our weddiug march dnrlng the gieinz eway North American CotntWh health an'd te re~~isist %va ie'sisb pon geithn the hast, the strong. blood is out o! condition, you will lia of the bride by her father. The pres.' e lt h antoié t o resit i ntr 1 lb.llilhIllI lII m tnest ad thé most,,economical. Your wisa te use Dr. Willism' Pink Pîs, lenta wgememany ad -beautfu. Te Soif Various 1 a dsc etr, ea d JAMSL i S &lb.AND ABSOLUTELY THE AN ANIIOUS TR FOR naigbbors aid friands wiIl tell yoa that which are au un!aillng cure for ailgrogaetebieàhnsmhl-'CeasF, tins, îabelied JAMES ~~~~~~~PPb & ~Walls, Richardson & Co s IrnPfoved blood and- nerve troubles., Bat ha sure gomgv h rd edoebl-CrasFos s Co , Limited, llomoeopathic Lgadinu- AicliWruI Jo0rn1119 11 me ofld BttrCler is the best.-Ail draggists you get thse geîuine, with the fuîll oon in~l, set wlth pearîs. The lust of Cicinista JLondon, Eagland. Nrydearmet rîteub>Cieandsi dealers. name "Dm Williams' Pink Piilj for prests were:-Three pair certains, IatBek Evigh enatt w ritie utenrespetvelisse. Pale-People" on thse wrappem âxeund every box. Seld by ailr resectmedicine dPaeal-Mmm. Thou. Weoleley; Puras, hem father; ýIn TheirHom Nliictions of e dstoicomtare Ith i inTbls oard o; thPublie L ayhave, vrbo.Slbyalmdcndel otal erica pernpref, ds to cmhstareBor Lham rs sen t post paiê ah 50 cents a box fîey celomed table cloth, Norman Coco""~~a, Gtves tIse agrîcnltur&el NEWS w!th 2a degres a ut tbolm own expeuse, introduceld the Bec- or six boxes fer 82.50 by wiiig direct ole;t picrai.Ebl cf completenesasnot avait attempted L ,tr. anme s (:eler3r trie Lighting gystsma, wh'eh givea lthe R ad. te thse Dr. Williams Medicina e.,Wol w arcmanEhl Howard K. James co a racso, G31ING STRENOTi[ AND VIQOR. 1ND1ESPEt%$&JLK TO lng Boom a muaIs morer elâterful appuar- Brockvilîe, Oit. WlrWodley bel! dokl. pd foý rksScmetar o!tdseMalifrîaRt ________________ALLA COUNTRY BBSIJJENTN C mpo nd nuîan Wllbuitr Woedleyortheocc-besed, Stanleyý rtssflosao TYCN.KEEÉ'UP WITIR TUE TIRES. The OnlyMedicine That SaCcasS. it an wih te lten <w Iboos -and a HAMPI .. M r.and Mrs. Arthur Woodley; Banik "Thetruest thinga uteavrie Miss Hannah Mlay, O'Conîeil, is visit-lag aelyothhat mgznsadoe(8)M.nd rLuaPtr Ruiei Sngýe uberptins $.50 M. as Crilrmu atedott e MÈ, ;kements o! Malt BreakfatFo I hl ing at thseParsonage.... M r. R eiSnl uscitos 15;fully Cures ThIs Terrible large voanely!th ibe ast andgazimes ai<I Mm a fbs Cmvermn atedd hecusi bed-moom set, Missi Mary Pottm; 'thse manufacturers startIeod, i Binghamn, Toronto, spent Thauksgiving Twe Subseiptions, $2.50; pmoicî,tseLbay ii ladp m fanerai e!Pbisasîstar-in Iaw, Mme.tPark' at home.. .. M. Wm. Finlay,. Michigan, 1 Five Subsenlptlons, $5.50. Nerve Disease. abould ha ,emY Iargely patronised during Oshawa. Sundav .. .. Mr. John Eiliott le fancy lump, Mr. and Mmm. Geo. StepIs. qaiydesh 'a bas been calling on friends here after35SetahedeenstoRisulo'lb. an int imermonthi'. Mnob cre4il vliting friands in Torontoe... . Miss Eva eus; Bank îlte ($5> Mr. M. Cherry; "Littleebhlien whotrb!eey e35SeilIdemnst asrofWickett, Bowmenville i visithng ah ot îbaktM dM~ thhîg intthe cereal linowl tk p hs years ahsence.,.,We regret thse removal Langer Clubs. Bxperieîced physiciens know Wall in du@ Miss Galbrath, the Lady Direebor, àm.J. Cwîins.. .ThnmexhersoMr. and Mr. Samuel i liwt hwihn esr o from our midsh cf Mr. Frank Wilbur and thaevariable weetbeAr ro!thisauitai r. i g effobrts u nmaiizfg h. ea tsaEpomh eauaarThvighirWod-y;il-e fui.se. ad9ive-canemah-o---thn b--wl 0

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