lit TERMS :-S1.50 P~~~u ÂEEUN. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY PIRBT;THE WORLD APTECRWÂRDS.M.AJASdto nPrrio. NEw Sumns- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOIER 29, 1902. VOLUMEXVIIN.4 Gran' Coucli , T uyers of Dry Goods Id not fail Ito see the .d Display of Jofistonl & rydrman's he fine st, most eleg- LOC~AL AND OTHERWISE. Rev. Dr. Carman will preach at Nýew- castie on Nov. lGth. CHAMBER MÂID WANTBD-Goo0d WageS. E. C BURTON, Bennett Ilouse, Bowman- Miss May James o f the Western Hlospital, Toronto, visited ber parents recently. Miller'a Drink Cure is $1 per box. For sale by ail druggists. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Robt. Collacott, Salem, wbo fel from a tree while picking applea re- ceiving severe injuries, is recoveriflg nicely. Song service in the MIetbodist churcb next Sunday evening-theme-' Save the Boy" cond acted by the pastor, Rev. D. O. Crossley, and the choir Public cordially invited. Go earîy to secure a scat. We introduce to- our many readfers ln Oshawa, East Wbltby and Wýest Danl- ington the firm o! Messrs. Burns & Co., Oshawa, who knowing of the wide cir- culation of THE STATEIIAN blave un- soltcitedl contracted for over 63,000 Uin o! spaee to be used witbin a year, 80 watch for their annorLncements, Tohave a big dress good-, trade le one tbing; to increase it lsaDaothor ; but whien you suit one lady stie tells ber fnedhence more trade and that is jtîst bow McMurtry has worked up sucb a big- trade, by nsing- his customera courteous and giving style and quality combined at lowest figures on every yard of Dress Goods sold. Ail wool Suiting Cloths, 5( jucheis wiide, lu -4 different shades, 85e yard. 50 Inch Suiting Clotbs, 50c per yard. At the residence ot the groom's brother-in-law, 76 Belmiont street, To. routo, un Wednesday, Oct. 9-2, the marniage took, place of Ms Keturab A. Tindali, of Drayton, to Alex. C. Wright, of Bowmanville. Miss Priscilla Tindall, sister of the bride, acted as bridesnîaid, wbile Mn. John BI. rni A IRIP THROUGH ENGLAND. Continued from oct. 15. Approacbing Plvmouth f rom the wesl one has a fine view of the city as li reaches the summit of the hILi.To the loft lies the valley of the Tamer, stretch- ing to the, north a short distance up the river is the noted Saltasb bôridge the groat engineering feat of Brunel; right beneath you lies the multidivided har- bor dockvards, etc , awav haere you principally on the sasteru bank of the Tamer lie the 3 divisions of Plymiouth-' Stonehouse, Davenport and Ply mouth Strange t hough it may seem no yiew of the sea can be obtained from this point The harbor below is strewn with vessels of ail sorts. At the time of my visit there wers 8 battleships stationed there one, the Queen. in the course o! con. struction, it bad beeu recently launched by Ris Majesty, the King. From 1'arpoint I crossed the Tamer on the lerry to reach -Plymouth. There are manv points o! historicat interest about this city. Prom one of the whar ves the Pilgrim Fathers embarked on Sept. 6,1f620, setting out in the May- flower for the Land of the Free, drive n by religions persecution. A stone placed in what is now the middle of the street marks the very spot where they last touched the soil of Old England. On it is carved "Mayflower 1620" on the wall to one side of the street opposite thî8s tone is a tablet placed there in 1891 at tbe tirne when the descendants of those pilgrim fathers returned in a body te visit the place. "The IIoe" is one o! the great sights of Plymouth. It is an elavation--of land -on Ahe edge -o! the harbor surrouuded and partly sur- mounted by the city. liere yon get a fine view o! the harbor and gea beyond. The barbor la guarded on the le!ft by Staddenheîghts, on the right Mt. Edge- comnb, between the two ta tbe break- water light bouse in the middle of the mouth of the barbor, and close to it a battery; to the'south-west 14 miles out Ar FOR THIE MAN WHO CAN WRITE INSURANCE-WRrI'E A LARGER -AMOUNT EACH YEAR- DEVELOP HIS DISTRICT-GROW WITH HIS WORK. The Coun ties of Du rham and Northuniberland ,whieh are already partly organized for the IMPERIAL LiE, offer a splendid o.'ppor- tunity for a man of energy and eharacter to work up a first-elass b3usiness and secure an annually inereasing ineome. A liberal contract wilI be accorded the right person. Communications will be eonsidered as confidential if so desired. Pull particulars furnished upon application -ito the ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE We got off near the reîervoir andi took a walk tbrougb llantley Plate pleasune grounds. - From this -point- we -conld- look awav across toc country ta the Dartmoor hisg Retnnning we cast a casual glance at a bouse on Tavistock Place once occupied by Rey. James Thorn, one of the foundens o! the Bible Chistain denominatton. Wtth regard to the buildings of Plymouth I wont take space to descnibe' them you can see better lu Toronto at aîîy tirne. Flaving reacbed this stage I deter- - TORONTO, ONT. E WEST DURHAMI FAIR The Toronto- Globe coutained Ibhis editorial paragraph Satuarday, Oct. 18;- The Bowmanville iTATESMAN makes some good suggestions for the ilunrove- ment o! Wgst IYurham Fair, and urgýes that prepanations should be commenced at Once, that there may be abundaut time for the perfecting of plans. Mts proposed that each o! the f!tv five public sehool sections lu the riding prei3ar a senarate exhihit . ,hich Ï-l