i nd that is defijet in itrge.It a uu m w~*h~la Ootagen ~~~ ~ .4.*t I siou.id be borne inlm ie y I~~L lxfU~N LIFTE to the sou liitund e n t l te ___n______________________________ (),, __ _ _ _ __ _ _ORE EISC ACE WAS A DfUN AR AS A O U K Tj uaiy fmoeCourage seems cracod open lrom "stem to gud- n ak.cmltCOUld oach l-,-! ntr 1 sray, hrinme apul t s 1 yexpress offiurc e lt O. D, 8, tohave a sort 0f pickling and hard- geon- by the frost if we did lhappen ïpprayfrmS.Jocd Ni.tcae lth hi aero h d uiil o rec ,â e 0f mericiantD.,eaie$5',tin:ifsa il teto find oe.N w .dî)w bswa v ' 9 , flfi ll V" 1if 'enIing offert upon isisues thofne.-WOknowof i r - am - -- --- -- ing thcmni gainst infection, while treat the lhens. 'The world lias mot'- Such aso sali fromi $25 up ta$5 ear, by "unstringin-g" th e nervesa, ed and takeni the hien along WithU to weakens the whoie resisting Power t.P ~acrig ~syeandide! iil of the body, inviting the very ovil wPrombcprofi nt isnct intere Very ai ten prave as satisfactory as feared mnost wl epoi gaalnx it a new machine castin- nearly three The scientific heath joui-nais have It stands us lunliand to save ail the been dscussing this potent fact ia young pulots out of iost spring'a times as iuch, for the simplereasan iîygienir iaws iateiy to a groat e_ hatch and puish them aheacl as fast that when we rebuild them' they teni. and iurging its recognition by ns possible. It Is the puilet that are made ta dO work- equal ta a rew Itire masses, laya during the coid wcathec ilat machine, ail defective parts beiug 'Fear veaikers -the heart's oct- pays beat. replaccd by brand , new factorioni," says Ileailî, ia an article ont The Leed trust lias donc one 1ling jactor , . lot downt on the programme. It pats Teyar asegurate Ithis subleet; "induees, congestion, 1I invite-s indigesti, producqa poisýon a i-n h omr ey nu for Gneyear aisdefective work- tibroiîizh doeon'îposir ng odq, ii i boter pr' )licep sfor' bis eggs ithain for manziship anid 1teria]. If VcaTu il- ntirofat-osoir o-ea er ast. Noaigumlent bLrelor tire tusbut a big 0oLme for wold flik e au irlore aboult te bc ihrdietycue gtehe ý,old fr in a pstcad ii bingful aric!-ly a ida iinthe production of quite inoity per cent. of ail ont' diseases" Sliofai h rotra ocp ars. Price list issued mainnthiy. Tiïireeognizing this lawv, we-rWaty ined o w iter Inoîv. It it la just as weil to carry ini a sm-aill aa'as e0 fo m atrut ke THElI pocket of one's miemory the old ad- alt0 oses jus )fr Itle saLe uof T.~~L age, "Iiscretiola is thre better part ernthmco.Tepltand iyilrte L'xGillge. of' and to avoid running tr *o 43Adlad S.,Eat TROTO eedIess dangers. But it isawî- heqetii 5 etms aslked 43 deaie t. Eaý,TOONO.kiown fact that sima-lilpox andli- ite' or nlot oysr seilsa aie contagionsa i iiattack firat tIioe es seoia, o opoi;î['-l.ion oc eg-gs. who are tromîrbiing for font' of it, of- Ayoywolials t hed te Liens ADYETLMM RATS. Jonieavinig unaiîed the brave one,ý ryjnul noshovIiat i-d who are in 1thel -thickest of' it-nur-s- tiyset e.t r a fsil TaECAN D1 AN ý A1 1 N S ) a ýc yîng, teudiug -and or-en buriyîng - tiheespc iaityiftheyha. etiea eived .slBiok, inrStrît.Bowranillo, 1Ont., by W i tii an armlior welded of equai neal u y0 it ugn t n$1 e aim r$00i adsrîty~qatities of 'preu-îtion and couarage, I_ -q ])sIcd lâ ~dvaee.Advrtiin~rats t--mutent adver- one stands ai good '7'.ce of 1im1- f îrti t ind1anr l t1ntoncentsPQ er. frtinsert01 ion;liv uirity fomteatiackiiug hordes aegefr o « oyatr shils. Çexs ter Elne cadi subuIý jeet iIIser:îaul. Cou- of disease microbes. Ils mik lkany betier fr liens thoni tr&l t r 1 eMon irpbloni. water -? Egga aro argeiy albumen. 7 CONSII)ERA T'.' not. 1Put the two together for y our- SECRET TREATY. "Voti say," reinarked tire deborairsef doitor, -that t1 ans owing niore No 0 srest box ever patented couid Mvasive Replies in the British moaey than anybody eîse tîrat you woo froma the biddies -more eggs Comn.firm have on their books?- than an oid soap box. She sceema to "Vos, ir"," replied tihe collector. feol as miccl at homne there as nny- l'rpchfotIoncdon nt,, r:The Ai ii,_aî notte ayihere. general beiief tbat a seciret treaty la pesliwchoi ~~tîîey irai e trou- The srrraliest aite la b g enougia to iin exstence between Germany and blPh etig hir'i mic?"nals a lhen uncoinfortable; she will Groat Britain relative to tihe pr-o,§- "'hat's wlmat tlîey told rue."' not do her boat if not confortable. Pective division of tire Portuguese "YoYung moln, 1Ilite your botks and Out' duty is plain. possessiors la South Africa received .1 ljý o loîmaninrer, and I'm goig YEA A(TO'lCR? further confirmration in the Io'S to Le a fi-ernd to your. .17l hato tAsAoP11 of C(oinnïrns on \ednesada,owing toii bar-o ,ta etkncigabout my Iii ro(p1Yl"-to®the mq*ly of a cor- tl e ai ve î-eplies of Udr"IreCI u1tbt11 yu sL li ptr 10Ideit aoutthese f're, toy rarbrieJO questions oir tireupriit. If Iereto pa11p:1old ay t wuld undloubte(diy sujet.Th Scr;ay trried-ii he .hncs i-lt-, to cre t 1l: t yu 5V aros -clen uroefor waspeid' rn ilgit on.te lel rr-î ogv nsi. o- i u-oc, prinal oni Bonks. Uler catrocrw of eighitc 3)rislhed. Ov(g o vrecent ber tales oe hPn s t s eeedth wlrein yen driýnk Abbey's Sait. Extracted fr-On tie juice of pure fruits, it is Loti a giver and pre- server of healtlir isreonide bypycin because il purifies îthe blood, the live-r ani gnty eguàts iz the 0yeË)rig;h,, andthi ollx oongod ïhd=ieUlti _S11,11 1- 0[~ kL 1 Li plots; ant litiioso sprat OO live charges andi tau tie le1u Ednot au roncoidthn nefii nverbetimes 6-9 busisels mrroîe to tire acre represented 3raluneeýd fot pay one cent. cry pon.Tr raeý ii opeCtîniii the uîrsprayed. Il you send cash with ordier we pre2pa,y mat coating las obtained tise mt per- Bopartîaeîît of Agriculture, Otta- the postage. fect ivill Lce ipîttm rad it wa. WE ARlE MANUFACTURERPS ofa i cano Onit Le securod b.spiraiyimrg care- kids af Electrical Appliancesi. Write fuiiy us for'aur bool, giving prices and fuil W JTI A FINE NrOZZLB,ý.- BUTTER 'eATERS particulars. It !,;sosnt free. Whube Bo-cleaux mnîxturc elsis ot I Do not buy a fleit until you soe the3 posiosto insects it is,-m di- APr ! n <~ii~1 Po.Mos', tatflto thlîi, anid LP1lri-Ac gicun ar ad riiaAl, Pof.more' cobie wtl t onL nor r-n-i Write at oiita. AÂddress ly itri iutod b ltue spi'rer tian The F. E. 1anG . iiiamy oirr wy.rtie uie ii he In the larzer znajority aofbornes con- 132 Victoria St., Toronto, Canada. Bordaux mixurewiîîcaise iresurners af butter-aid and young-are 41 poison to adfirere to treiaxo s artieular about tho calor af butter t1hat ,its poetreimleil, piaced befGre tiîam. Whitish or irnpdr- strngtiend ar-Itir pemiod of it sfectly coiored doas flot attract the eye eiýtica!cy prýoingeLi. Flou Lbeeties I,, or tempt the tasta. It is the weil made welli as the ordi-aryý-potato be-tles buter Wl lUhahdo THE OL N R boureg poisonerl; and nPpliie t~ed for and appreciated. The iovaiv, tire Bordeaux iiixture Patria greon d, elicata June shade prosluced by WVells:, -N1L L MAi wiil not bur the folinwe a t i,:L'ichardson & Ce's Improved Butter ~ N E A tine u1re wn api sa d)-.\,Color is weIi known. t easy F1tRIHD 81 timerdoesr hen sanppy iid w dtt the butter coiored with crude SALHE 18 . water. _filany attirhorïties,,too, Le- Pand common colors rSuch butter is us- ,,, lier-e tba ,,thte Bordeaux mnixture it- uaiîy bricky in color, sometimes motti.Th Iv uIIîIfl oewlll; self exrt afvorabie infuilsence np- ed, and often strong and rancid. It liJVlIl~lUiltILUJjU on poanflaeiot (due to itsep-ys buttai makers to use Wclfsirtich- AND ABSOLUFLELY T'RE fec upmi isnse orimiee s.Thee ardson &-Ca'sliînproved Butter Colar. i-casos comine ii fat r of hen used by buttermakers, it gives glflfiIt1iriJoniorh6WI. it on pottoes;andi0 tirei inextra vaiueof from 2ta 4 cents per exer- ond. Don't be deceivedý by any Every devît-rtnritte by ue~lus i mcîrs tiad, tre ppicatoa f Pt'-dealer; insist upon having Vie kind that bighest authorîticu mtheir eupetivejînles. deaux mixture aod aris grûa 'eemakes pi-ize3 butter. Ail druggists and No otier iraperrte ir cope with L in pro \,ta Il oein La acasouiwii fn etes bictouof cedîtorial _staff. gosdiese or carceiy notice-Gives the agrivitural NE'Ws witb a , degree Tie oîeaîxoiture for use nin 1 IP~ INIDESVENMIBLE TO poatesouldire ade ns 1,foliorva ILL COULNTRY RESIDEN,ýT,1 (bie vtroopa i i cu l)ate11 a ïGOO or Zalaor 2OutO WHO WISH TO picof tîin tirarordinaiy s-it, ACER ie ol fOhw EE1F Ut? WITlRTIIR LES. bag vwiil amiari ettw'ell tirer suspend 7 it fonta s icel aarosa the top Hllhmýst prios ii Cash fortildes, Single Subscriptions, $LM0 Iof a co,;l 0o ot imor brel hall ~Tailow anti Fure,-Cooa, iink, 'Two Subseriptio-xis, $250; f1le l tL danwtesotirat thme Fuk,.ox, &a. No. 1 ilOruelhides, Five Subseriptions, $5.50. bag may ,7le jat enehirtire surface J$ 25 eaca ; extra large $2.50. Twenty Seilhdcuet oRieso 0fth rmtrwhn ir cpprsci- I poend pille 0f Nis,,I LrrJ; $2> 55- 5 lb Larger Clubs. Iphate lilssi efiu]tnt boum - or 68cfi .Smoked Hamo, 1 ofth n aetr eaelsiko for17. iv torogbrd ; aoen FOUR MONTHS' TRIALT RIP b5e, two Io tihbedYorkshire -i pumdaefft lrmc, i ficqlInt w- Basand Sa,) e8 w.eek9 olt, $5 eaoL; SE'MNCP J ter t a-isea iiiwlc' i.SriuToSws20IuecB.prl i willbetmille d fiee on request. tlpaaty tins tlriocg a fine aier-e or 1 1ktiiweI-ht.Sooird200 ti hte S , rl i ai Ioyneetdnnwyl onr et renrve «t inps. Wlrer tu copet-1 Ji~î, og~, iCtter wll tei chap end for tbem. Addresu thiepuiue j aîlprae lasil lseir-'. pur heWanedgoo bleh! atte lo we LUTHER TUGNER &S, 111 ptiebarl tai re top v.î i J, E L. cOLE olhe, anpln.PliupmtgerrI..