ai- unUiiritedt~. tet-,sloacie sed as the drowîîV i- The Paiuy Stick Pin Iio anfuss . hse areith à shown above: lias thle xîib ealiey 1 natural col or effects barà eiigpbi rmdon enamelled on 14k. gold. The centre setting is a e l11 ~i~.' ieare in iEagiiid perfect diamond. Ii-l ý'U We guarantee the sale ischitî connileo ofivry Ithis to any holhae a adâre-safor $8.50. uiitîC-iiW o e railiel. -About <6000 Yonge m dliest-.- Toron to, cîo ors O. ilbi a s lims eooiotios. A bout 1'2 Bli ug i Om e G O O The rest are lu thie control of the, ____________________________ ~o-coifoîoitsthaýLi. 1, of I'otest- anis whileaie outiside the Chiurca of The niot siiccessful farmners in Canada W_ Eagizanid. ?iowthe aew bill takes reAd ibeFARIERS ADVOCATE: thae i oinayseol ad po tilîk about their work, they act u p its tevliayshosad p eaiusanîd îley are its greatest afrmirers. vJrieýs for their sîîPpoî-t fionli public lthe Jtosand cortributors ar îlilst aes -md taxes. Theîr managemnent - -williri cxiii iipractically ix bat it ils i: ~ 'L/ - îow. IThe secular authorities xili FAR M ERS apoint oîl ,y one-thiî-d ef th eir ,à 1 mîalageîs or tr-Usteos; the renîilîiiiig ADV CATE t l)irida xiliiceoniue te ho Angîlï- cen , lman Catholics, Wesleyuns, and hOME MAGAZINE IBtptissts, and lrsxtrnsa e csrtains thse creain of agrieultui-al cliciglil and practical men continue to read i'tbc- cause it pay,.;iheîîî and because <bey want Whiere, thlei, il' the injiustice uf the best. We want tiousands of ,icw sub- e ribers who wil appreciate sounelhing good. 1xxhich the - Pros bý-Ietllns, Bnlptists, Thie sooner you suibseribe, the miore 3 ou niaI Wea1 opan ilio seboislar ijs! a Weili as the sciool of tixir îîtgonists? Th A BI I nglcanscliools wil l e suipportedi .lb~1lI state, it ils Icue, but se) iili Ib wbx ich are iii the bauids of a Iothîer icligieus fienoinin1ation-. Ex onl nox v oli nî1 iv lus recceixe G ;p 00 -1 emixient aidi. Vubei the bil xs pa'-s- ÏÏ! d îbey xiii <eceive coînpleîo 0Cet- L rillent support. What is the d if-1 ) fereixce li prineiplo? To these ues Stiens th1e Nonoieformis-ts tuirn ie Oiwr hnt thie Anglicans are just For $u oe we will send te eewv subscrbers now iitl nch ore strongly îotrenched 1 ' r issue of the FARMERS ADVOCATE 1-om noir tilt the end of igo- inciiiding the tk iii eie1incriIînry eiicatioll tbean tley ],lîcui Christnmas Nii mber ?or boih years. lineis moriey. Rcad 1 thinkl ctISe1 are, and ,d tat the new builiis aI ,- f- for afrec sanîple c7y ~if youtvaut 50 see a m iakiJngzî is teaipoy .A11licatn ad- practical, up-to-daýte -nar'es paper. It will p, asç 0, onugeprm at Drav, 1in g ceai- plleesipotfinni thec' ( iîrnilt ADDRESS:teAnlcn iiieethi rn- ChefW111,81#«I iidunî irv Ter. 'llii cio irui.Baking Fruit Cake.-Po net bake ' iachri-s deep aItute top mdtxo As shie lad tîled se manv c!ther things a fr'uit calze as our gianidnîotbers iliches deep at thpe fooýt. Fl iil- wit'hout being able te -«etanhep shel Iid. The latter day metlîoi of ihalwt însichgi osbe wvaii very cdoiibtfal, biLt ceneluded t taig polcs cte vbcî Cod i in iii r C or i- it e x- tlry this rcmedy. bears ne ittoesompari izx e ho htra troubleiixie. iovpllv Sho usedi sixý boxes and was cemplete dr-v wîcied fruit cake ofthie pastcaetec op'l~rau iff ly curei;. Bbi s te day sound and wclI., thaýn a çvell coeked cereal dees te o anIake a hein ?uily olrc re wthont a single symptom ef ber oki saxx dust. if fruit cake, lias teh u uh~~:a lr b iet troublelfti. -nmade il is easy te double or treble Iod1iiw ne1lk; h ie e She ivas cured noarly five years ago the rocipe anid haxe îxvo or thlee . u llu cmas o urlt ïsid le to day as, sound and1 well a cakes iastead of one. The lrkis eyfabinbeepeaeat ro voman as thora le in Napauce. Bbc ttle moro and tîîey xiii! ~ Sn sigetr ag elm on çais : yenr. [f you hx h alvsenirse'qo ln sietogxeî sxialos "I cau coilently recommend Dadd's Iliclî aceontaxoudatcs fOel tielj7rs, altliadtisexeepa e x- Kiduoy Pis toel.ev woman iin Canada put thee iii tbrce o-r touri tins.-ý for the.,.,curcd ime cempiletely sud mine hall iiliing uah sîi stetafori' helaou ixbihs eetL e w'as; a ver'y bad cas-e. esth-eV r(1L11 and 1Ivwill alwavs rreiicmed them tei nîust ho put libfr u e~ ilx sqiefoutt~Se nthe womlen who rnavbc sufterinz- as I wasgosolie frasasilt ogeduueeanIteqaeon te wihh Female Weakne3ss and Kidn(3 oy wo uil irte cakes. Whouî lîo1w Trouble." are cooke-d set tlîeîn N a iicloiollve, îlot te baLe, but si Ioetedrint1 Fidecly lady 'Avent yen ashlî-uporllioiis niîistlli Cool ias soon T)SETEI LNiN cd le ho seen sîmokinig cigarettes, lit soli ad et nau nxr xvî-aîmpe iAadrxv 't-acg ois l beemon te Ilie boy?"' Little Bo3ý--Suie, Iana); crîix ja. rd p ae laa clsey ox -cet lî,e umbobl c akLnm, tt but wot's a felles-te do whleni lie umccl r.Fuit bcage litîns tet h eallsinbe at ihpi ait't. got the price of a cigni" ioaîtl sthNei st ostroet h, Leadern. I has prhs +_ e__usd d from tlie yiîg BaLue ofWestmin- For verSixy Yarsster a plot of groad ini Southx ForOsir ixt YeraTIIE !URSE'S NE\ El!. street, ieadiiog loto Park L-ne, Just Mc.winslow'sSotliig lSyrup lias -bei o1ia lte iandx-eaie lieuse of J. 1). been used by millions o e teos foir Žsvc-r taLc flie smperat-ure Ii i e t Iue rJr ti ai h os tîmeir childrea xx hlile îeethiog. If dis- arîîpiî utîitil yen are surte the skiiiegn r ll adteles is [Irvxill ho ns iîxîuch like Air. Carinegie's turbed atilaiglît anîd breketi of y enr CiWgrett manîsionrinl Fifîli avenue, iii i-est by a sick ciîild sullering and cry- Neveu ieglect te chart tire toîîier- , NewvVik as il is possible fer ai iîîg xivtIlî pain of Cutt-ing Teelli seïad atitîe as sci as yen lhave taluet it. Lonidon bliuse te bc and thal the at once -,isd gel a bettie ot "Mca. Nover allow the patienît let L c ceit xilbii'somnetitg like $5,000,- WiasIOxv8S 5eting syrup' forc liil the tlomperaturo Iitinuself. ;llViiiy pa- 00(). -Mr. Carnegie xill bave for drcii Tobn- It il. iireliex o ftuetas are moi-e lliIowiig g ti nuri la is inîmiiediate iîeigbboi-s Lord Bras- poer uttle sulfeîer iiîîniediateoly - e- ses wlîote tîlere is a question of toux- 1x î pend Lpoa it, mothers, te _î pelatitre. ibutth (lwaerCeuîîtess of os e use1îîytlîiîîgLady-tduat Soamerset,Alrd iitk abl t tcul-es oxr-Keel s iyliigbtagradat Bo3it, tlîe richest man ii Eagnd, hoea. reguates tie 1-hoinacîxandairid lueasure fer nieasnrisîg doses . o I ad Al Ecksîetini 1aid J.-B. IRobin- iolees, curies iiîd Colic, slinsthi.e iiodicine, unlesa erderefi te admîlîxs- soulix e1 e ther Sentb Atnican mil- O uais, xeduces ixltxnte, a n -I te,-ie dose lun-"drops."' gives eno ati eliîg 11e, uicxxo Ne our otut a dese etftîîedi.6 ,lieuaiiçs sXsfiii 'Mvs. iiiîex~'sSooîiii inuwheo bîilt ear ltPe patient. Al S~ up'ici ciildoiiteeiîîg s p o-,osw 10 Nowrolig patieîîu. o!,ra don-I Of every no0 slies xlibsti-ike sautte ue astenia istue, pro~- icldose te thue ri-ghele mIý_ aý îlet Sentsoidier. o-l-!Gexvl lfge seitin Ci eef ite lde'l .Iat I l 1iii hie Patient, but itviIii cer- iii tili eg, t.cvticesd viii1 best~~~~~~~~~~ alnep~scno a uss~ liy ilariri voit xxleîî it l iscxc- og utoara.Ioi-xoar hieric i îtd tts ik i2 ets a cd.belxxea nek auJ breast, uin iboli 1,M ie Soldý 1 ggqt S Nover put 1a ibot xvatey bettie îoxt iv. ,iiec, naîleniovexi shots soutle fpaît et bti Sld by al i lidreanist te s kîti. it-5 etiicc,andi thhe soitcens bond. t Miuiethexvîl.B eai paîieit's safty are betîî iiîanced ak foi Mrs. winslexvs Soeîhiiig by surroxtîtdiig Ithe bottle xiîb ýsyup" flannel. F lor Sick Headaches Mc. -?xihbný, -ba.Viloxby, get L fediii cup if ihreiJis-a te,-ty tee faoa Pl are ycïour oeighbers Ieple niioîi you ptî b me havI iîîsieaci. cati cultixate 'i" Mrs. Wiliexby- Nover adiiiiikter a quantity of 1iney remove the cause ana -'i ci. hey aoed it, bult I don't food te a patient imî,tli yen have act quickly. Vou will feel tiiik shall undertakze il." fouitî out if lie ea sî hlxv Nox-er disregard ar, tea' intelli- like a new person after tak- 'Tagoalvc tcviiigtfoi-Drartect iai-iarticles ing ~ ot diet. i sad z0solute cure tar each Noeî is yut- alea aa1-in bleluadprtfdifples, Bë& ee c ka131S, the manufacturns hav e puuai-ented U. SilituD- rc e hwhi. itoghh tcs lim niaîlxeda'.lliesawidask y0lir eg-refi iin Iot v terad b1to iii colfi, ge cu only 1bacic if nct curfe(4.60c r a.bts.a ~ DrChasow Oltmentllioxili to btue xvnkQed S1ldýevrywhlere. liuboxeis,25cenW. f ul Brire the auPpprarnd tes tables were decorated with a happy blending of green 2.satn sd ut-1hile tulle, wItb a largo vuse of, loWey Aneûmenea gracing th cnre TereI eheGe par ex-I celleuce, wvitha lite bey7 of Most atten- tive wRt(rs, isft uoth'ng tsi bc-dee flu sý metenjoýYpbIeWL e sd oieter. iHiîcu TÂXEýs -Many of lte lix payera, of Bcwnville are aif the Opinion tha tbey are paylng taxes on the Evaporat, or p)roperty, btit we wlah lhem te kpno that we pot no bonne, sud psy env %rowu taxs.Fînle& crm . Mr. J gs. J arvîs et the Toren'o Police Forceý,sand son of Chif ef Police Jar- vla eÀthIbis towL, spent )Iondy wlth his parents. He was ýacconupaulcd bymrs. Jarvis, whe vtll speud s week herr. James la becoeîulg qulte an, athiete. On Thsnkogiviu.g Day lhe won a Geld Modal for throwing a 12 lb. hamuier, and Ibrce Silver Medala for runnlng snd jumping. MissaiGle, accomupaulied b>' ber 111e e - phow. master Alan, spant Stands>' lu Col. borne, wili bar brother. ' Toronto'sn nw Ceonie Wekly. The Moon atliicontinuas te obtue, snd improy- es with ever>' issus. The illustrations are calch>' sud slwaye origfinal, whieh mkes fi more intereeling. We hope the Maon will eontinus ta prespar. Itlal offarai te new subscribeis for 250. for Ibree menthe. Bend for a eopy. Mon Pub. Co748 Ade. laide Sb. last, Toronto. Mr, John Bandle, who bas bean epaud- ing nome menthe st ltte Sanitarium, at f3ravenburst, hie resurned homne,, mueh imrve en oîli. W.e Up the folio wing front theOCampbel tord Diopuleob. Me. Il e a son of Dr. Raid ef! iis lowa. "Mr. H. H. Rsid, taller of iht. Standiard Bank. leavea ibis w eli fer Stoufifville, wbere ha bas bai3n promuube.1 t. the position 0e! aeee*nIal, Mr, RiTj ais>'i lu Ompbgllfaxd ha. beea short but ts plesatn Oue te the patrons e1thIe B &nk inselaeirclea ho haî maie him3îI p>p ular aud hi. man>' frisaisewill redrakibis ha laq leavin?, yai thay are pleased to e ko lis deetr sn rmle.MansIEr W. 0. Bo!ýdy %na 1h. staff speak ?ery Àigbl7 T0f1l. la vlaw e! Ihe refeýrendum ln Dc. neit, the iollowlug fiAuces9 are )f in. tereat ; la the Ont irle plebîsolte ef 1894, thereb were 192 489 votes oai for prohibition,- and 110,.489 agintt. la~ wuiti, and 1womerUtiun(-ot vote on Poibsr 4. OataVlogeueral electiona ef Novcembeýr, l10 thore were in ail 42G,03,votes ceai. ýIt would take 213.4-20 of Iheme te carry poiiinlu Dtîsuab'ýr. .A trip over the G. T. R. frVoQI Bille- ville te Tarontô, ahowa watexte-nsivz improvemantsa asebeig udelugad sud doub7e trscklpýg. TIse icsult of these changel will h03 spprsýclatd whem, Itl a stated that the big Grani Tceik englues whioh formbrly hIu1aî l bide et î.50 .,jus avec Ibi streoe! ed eau uew eaaily %Andle :2.'500 ton os wbite under theisa nw onadîllons i te>'5 pull avera-e lea' !2,000 tous. Evar>' cQrinaisewiIl r8jOo0at bt upro3p3rou 4 coendhl!on et thîs roadi; net moraeso, i ilwovor, than the E igllsls1 bond sud A new induete>' is*pnxinging up iu Cart. wrigbt, vz, peacit grewiug. It ha3 bean the impreaiiounl inte pmb thtila we are te) far nortb for p3îtchr beubt thlie exp3ri. uni haq beau trieti b>' eveeel sud fouud te be a suceus. The m,)&e et prooaeedurô -4,3i beau t) plan% the peach et uns, aud j intres or four yeasait will bear.,,Mr. Kereia andi Mr. Parki, of Ibis village, hia bearing trees tItis year., ?U Parka 'gave% your carreipandent a;p2ach ltat walb-he4 ire aoncea and m3ruusued tfie aud titre quaàrter luches a-ouud. TIsay are the t-sgejt 1 ever «&w. 1 think lthe eeed item peaohs ralaed h îre wouli nstur41ly ha hsardier titis those from arAmer cihmte. App1Y for ssed sud try te exparimet. SUBSCH IPF r1N RATES. STATESýMAN te end t f1903 (W(-U) 310' STATES,1MAN, Glabe sud Prerhtum 1 83 STATESýMANM1ni '! klyMai 1i911 ýSTATJtSMAN suld eFamily Herald 2 C STATrESMAN su ad Faring (,,Weekdy) i 90 STATES31AN andi Frrmer'3 Advo(uite-2 GO STATESNIAN arddand 2 où) STATESzIAN sud âMontreal ites 17 STATESMAN andi 1seue STATEîs-mAN and i '1J1c1treal Heral (li. 75 STATES-MAN sud Western Advertiseri 7 5 STATESIIIAN aud Breeder'sCGazette -2 50C STAiTssmNadLadies'îonleýJauruial,2 W STATESY AN a nd Toron to Wrld 8 OC) STTESMAN sud Daily Glebe 4 75 STÂTESMAN snd Teronto Daily Star 2 50 STATEsmAN sund Evening Globe 3 50 STATsm.AN suad Dailly Witness 3 50 STATESNAN aud Weekly Sian i 93 STATESN suad Saturday Globe 25 *wlth Preminum Out cf 156,000 Ohousc osr fiatsisnl Glasgeow, 36,000 haie 0one t-nom only,ati 70,000 only txvo t-oms. Of tho 3153,462 ve-ssi asig Pn- ts otjý1 ),,s 27,888 arciiih eai. iug lae