3â01- -'jijiji i'M'l- For Bronehitis, Coughs and Colds is selling m i EMbriskly already. ILis Sure to be the popular i~ SCough Remedy this fali and winter. E Ilii," Another favorite is our 11 'M - il,,.hm & So DruI ît,1â owmnvll à"i" à-à r ..-i àfflsÈuîîéîàîs EOWMAVILLE OCT.29, 1901 FARMuERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS A VACANCY TO BE FILLED. The advertiieement et tne Imiperitl Life ffr -a District Ageunt fer thse Countijezetf Nothurnherlaisd and Dur- ham i i weil woî-th the consideration et energetic andpuin men whio are uet afraid te wonk The (jcoenpaav 'e Th;e sea son ef Instit!eetinsisrprsrsaisare mýeetiDg withlgoeod appreaFchiug agzain ani (he offïiceneamIsi.4, 1 jin.caedby is unpanralleled drtos sheuld kc'e!e hesbeiu ngesadthe ehove ountiýs lmake mD tram nîl l vow award i ten plnidaenu tna live man., ef tre aninual report for, the ya sd ingý Jue30, 19)2, ta ld >West Dul'hrba nadiïsAJ orîc is i Haay down ln the list oet meetin' ehq rethr a lM WA L.Ceýu-tice icen isg bob". lîil illthe Prjovjince, hle OtILn bein 14h l 3r pi ce lua [î 1 laely is Fiao. Aui a adelegate Otietakts Idpao nal-t1fro Eben)ezer S S ta the Provincial îinstittes baving the lagest attendanisc ' S sscato i S.Thms u wl At theiýr meetings a curing the S43&on, SSAscaini tToas arnd wi. -Wn.t 1)îsn;ham does Det appear ai ail. give lier report uext Suudayatror. MME...lUSS!MpLmft NuO[JR- £ i Mr. ïRuesel Sulley, Courtice, made his fret exhibits this year' at West Durham Fair and informe us that hoe intends te go more largely into it next year. This is wliat we like to see - the Young farmers taking a hand. Ambition in ibis respect will bring-its- certain--re-- ward. We were instrumental inin l- ducing two Young ladies to take part in the fair two or three years ago and they have now become very succeseful exhibitore. There arc hundreds of otheryoung people who Bhould eiau- late their example and make a record for thomeelves iu the eommunity. We are continually aiming to make' Tmib STATESMAN interestlng te ail mem - bers of the family. The outside pages are speially for news and the inside pages for useful information of an ed- ucative and instructive nature.- Every columu is carefully edited and few papers in th is country are more inter- eating throughout than this eue. This weeKc a lot of local news appears on the insde-age owng--o resure-on -Our~- other pages. We $hall tare it as a special favor if present' subseribers wili recommend this journal to neiglibors and friende and try to get their sub- scription for 1903. SAVE THE BABY, A Mother Tells Hew Many a Threaten- - ed Lite May Be Preserved. To the loving mother ne expense is tee great, ne labor tee severe, if it will preserve the, health ef her litte ones. Childish ills are generallv simple, but se light is baby'sheld on life that it la often a knowledge ef the riglit thing to do that turne tbe tide ai a crisis. And i baby's illuess everv crisis is a critical one. "î think the timely use of Bab*v's Own Tablets wouud cave mar)y a dear littIe 11e," writes Mrs. P. B. Bickford, of Glen Sutton, Que "I1 take pleasure in certif .iug to thse menits ef these Tablets, as 1 have feund them a sure and r(liable îrinetdy. My baby was treubled with indigestion ai teethý- ing time. and wae cross and Èestless The use of Baby's Own Tablete made a wouderful change, and. I amn glad te fTHE MASON Co. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. j W Harnden's funeral on Sab bath Oct. i2th was largyatedd Wesley was welI and 0aorbly known. On Sabbath last aimemorial service was lield at our church . .. . Recent yisitors: Mrs- D, A. Wells, Toronte. at -ler sister's, Mrs. C. Cox; Mies Gertrude Stevens of Brigden at homte; Mr. Sid Scott and Miss Brimacombe, towun, at Mr. R. D. Snow- de.'s.. . .Leag,<ue meeting on Thursýday evening je under direction of Literary and Social committee Members are tebring a badge bearing the name of some book ...Farmers are biusy harvesiing their mangolds and apples .. .. Next Sunday weeký the quarterly service of South Dar- ling-ton circuit will be held at Maple Greve. APPLES IN COURT. Mi. iRobert Coyle, Jr., apple exporter, appeared before Police Magistrate Hor- sey last Friday te explain how a recent mix up occurred among the apple barrels at Newcastle station Mr. W. -Rickard, MI. P. P, lias been doing a little business in exporting apples andI an impression having lodged in hie mind that some ef his barrels had mnysteriously disappeared, - imvited Chief Jarvis te make a search amoug Mr. Ceyle's pile stored on the platform ready for shipment and in the look-thro three or four barrels of -suspic- joue external appearauce in the under rew of tbe inside tier incited hic curiosity and the Chief ordered tli opened wlien te the amavemieut of beholders the under side of the heaidinig bore a f amiliar in- scription soujething after tbis f ashion- "XXX, Ben Davis, W. R., J. Rickardn in the familiar chinegraphy of Mr. Rick- ard's muan 1Peu Moyse, the packer, and the business iruprint of the stencil "Choice Caniadian Apples packed by VV. Rickard, New,ýcast1e, Ontario" The court began sharp on se o'clock a m., te ascertain how the covers on these barrels of apples becarne inverted and a new handwniting unlike Moyse'e dis- played on the upper surface that read "TR Coyle", "J. F., store," or corne sucli ;ibbreviations. Barrels five filletI witli 'Choice Canadian" beauties were pro- duced in court bearing en the headinge different inscýriptions on upper and under sides., Four of these, thougli outwardly beariug the naine ot Coyle, were positive- ]y ideutified by Mi Rickard as hie pro. perty. Surrouunding the 51h BBI is a glow of doiubt as te owuership which re- mains te bu dissipated M r.J. W Kerr, K. C.,Couuty Crown Attorney, Cobourg-con- dctpd the, ixymination for T-is Maiestv MORE APPLE$ WÂNTEII. 75thoueand more bushels of apples 7ewanted et tbe evaponator for peeling anDd we 'will buy 25 thousend of eider a ppies of sound stock, naturtil fruit preferred. FINKLE &AcsiEsmÂN. opposite Is hSehool. 44-3w Recent visitors: Mrs. Clarke and daughter, Toronto, at lier fathen's Mr. James Hýudson; ,,Dr. and, Mrs A. E. Auin- ger atMiWm Aunger's. The Dr. lias sold hic business in Durand, Wis; Mis. John W'righit visiting Mis. S. Thompeon. Bowmanville; Mr and Mis. W. L. Law, Solina, at Mr. Aunger's; Miss Edith Creeper withli er grandfatlier Mi. W. Creeper, Hampton; Mr. 1H. Collacolt, Tyrone, ai Mr,.M'm. Trewin's; Mr. R. Woodley spent Suuday lu Maiposa.. Mr,. R. Slemon lias reuted part ofM. John Meountjoy's farim. SeOasollable Advioe. Change of Weather Disaster-~ ous To lma Iry PeoÔple Bad Blood Makes You Liable to Cold -A Cold Makes Yeu Liable to Twenty Diseases-How to Proteet Yourselt'. Changes of the season affects the health more or less perceptiblny. The effeci ot the hot summer weather on the blood leaves hit hin and watery, and now that the weather is changeable this makes itseof disagreeably feit. You feel bilious, dy speptic and tired ; there may be pimples or erupiions of the skin; the damp weatlier brings little twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia iliat give warning ot the winter that le comilig. 1f Sou want te be brlsk and strong for the winter it is now ihat you should bud up the blood, and gives the nerves a litte tonic Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs are thie greateet of aIl blood- making, neîve-restoring tonie, and will make you stnong and stava off the aches and pains ot winter if you ta,,, them .nOW. Mr. James Adams, Brandon, Man , le one et the thousande whom Dr. Williams' Pink Pille have Laie'and (hullduens' Coats., 11 was told you had the *nicest lot of Ladies, Coats ini town." This was what was *said to us by a lady who c am e to purclhaso one. This is a general verdict and you will find our prices a littie less also. We invite you to cali -and- examn - - DRESS GOODS AND SUIT!FNGS- We have added to our already large stock some very new thiÈgs, anid have arrang- ed for som-re very special of- ferings this week, Jet us show them to you. HEAVY HOISEýý%Y Knitted with strong wor- -sted yarn, the kind that wears well, made wif h double 1noes for boys. Having special ar- rangemenits with a large knitt- iug factory we are offering better value than ever before. CLOTERING