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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1902, p. 2

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Ue as acSmlle Wrapper Blw yT52âa ani»sd es easy " " ORUACI I VE FO E S y AT GIVE1 FOR~ALOWSKIN U. CRE9 S1 CK H kDA GeiE. Dit. Pl. II G~~ ~ ~~ CDONCSTE S, DBD S, Hïouer OIris dîatelb Dentistry cf Toreo tf niversity O)FiC:-Over Central ifliey Entrance ilî itieor mest of Bir 20, Bomasù% l MISS ETHEL IMOP.RI, APîTIST. instruc1t imin given in PAIjNTING il ()P. Mamer- Co) lor sudChina. Sketthing sud 9' îi PRf-s îtur'e. KILN Oni ptemis, tir lîga ciri picei.61.6m. Dit.*J. cV* MITCHELL, M EBERF CLi~f~i0FPHYSICIANS Y ii oigensntarioCoIoIreece, Bteideucae, Eunuakillenl. 74 1 EL -là SSIFu L LI E Leson DawnErnithe Crerof' the King of the Cadas c,' aa, letii, eam 1svliocîsIiimn Ram kddeîa WO7w î, Lmj l iyt ilev, Franîk Do Witalînage preacli- cd rom fi oimn et: Daniel V, 27, "Thou art iscigii lu tise bal- ance anti tounti w n tiîîg Thsee mrde more spoken linflic royal banquet ;hali fleet the tef ta m-- eous cabpitzal lis tis enest. Tis-is i Babyou-eau~înjiîcutiusCor- rup, uxuic s, iameIese Babylon; 1 Babylcu the Priiie oet fho Claltcai Babylon ftue monder of tisemni Cfosias felsus ticflaf Bablon as Sixty miles square. T1af menus fs amen mas more flan iobse-fhrd th cize etfflic modem-n cîý itototin tise Eugiish bec hive, mithis5,0, 000 inýhabitant sý. IU ms oetsuC!li vas mailithaýf miin ifs cen1ri tepe Mas, anl idol ai t oii 1h tl op c he, wabul'.ïe lic 0moo ehimmacreim up-.-A250wacii fomers a hundroti ýd gafes et oud brase micisugopen to lo1t('t, 11(ýis i ani lmîei ht1 te o 1p Ueneie eut. Stan inuponeflie îigstcffi famuous hungýigggardons, mhlihici ihtiezas fic kimîgwho lad coulrt- cd Am tisiiriong thc his cf Eclia- faal, JisiLtlrown n rp f0humer a, wliiietOfhie. quecu, Nme Cali cee ofitin fihe disýtance flic miflif'y riv'rup> flic usjetropolis 1anti cntitng fliccityv in tmain. Alonîg f ho mi-fis et flic river acre daily lice md tl'cres fli ,sailors iînloatiing fren ts cip cargoos of mî-hatise ntifooti- !Stufs a4s %mli as thlic gcl 1tiat cie ant in 1ny1lIanti precie1us stoc i- perteti frem oVthe'ail b centeî- cf fisccapital me eau aise secý wmIectise engincers lisut gatLheme-thli ats fuiamous fe11dNst hcnflic' luf Aexicateti oye hecae more tilila (la flic d CiamIoontsgteinguono gnsat IIli the Ilusîntiliels retie flantheminci, te-;o e ppal a menrveloJnsiLit, Ouf cf sp lacetutlier. trtchs baunnamcessboil- cr i andnmî lit h flic linger,', cfy fli s magonibaut(,dfor.nPouaii quet v hal lý*,l(l s e inorpeieue cf filossirdufeel" hlii menue "thon art miglit iitie blancesp, aonatfonimatn, ila I ain teda peah;! in srmn. t prnnnlyfliCo un Wiiordlicause Bed ih, i bIng forfli-Chai- deans J itiltsa i sat iq ue. corantweihs.îbe miglîs cvery manzacrduîîý ýig f Il mqrk ahdil h eu r iln i proprint teweig- \ins Ieppo1ý]-tnnifIl ttin vc sof r- jqrontietibuslite. le megs - eryýI1 fran Wil rtecue othe-oClirih cht i heuire uicli lie wia hm nt foth aers o ffCrstn onani bisar' lichit.GoieigpoLs a mis nfo dony wili reardte iglysueLer o- 1 îiss ttln, .ebut aii ne the lint. 15--Y mxs.outo .-~iEacn3er as geam, as tise jeweleond of m anar- oppcstanlty, tumacti acide tise coin- l' ,c 1 Cîniro a1gou 1)et)yoîîr j'IJ l rng herses 'of flic riaIt typ fore ,dbyn ar,aoi i.5 1ii the new improcements are piaceti01, istecrat puslits lack tise tapestry or cf tfl ic vicm- upisiates antid niin issthtesriîfnei.toyurosin- liçnaviolelt-dy . inliz-prceot ly o -n-nnesin the msarket, 1 aIways rmale it a SPecial lifts tise golden cîsalice o h'lp arly hohurso et flic ninsg umrl rimtoi iiclc.Tcs- SliTM EEOET peint te spame ne expense iu conipning-1 The t-nz Lsn. o-nt, t imdii- P l (n-1ni l 1- e ,-- --d ii;,theýr adlthiati-i nt--------------.m . -n-- - m-".-~~ A bremor mîillionaire iiaving pur-' A mtoranl hcaoran Lis Car mb the appýý roa1chi cf mi penIlbrid!g e bt stoped)i21 ih tefeeratllov- hauï-ging the ýguif belowv. He wouidui't La(-t) epet1te exper;-iment lbeause t7ue cfIaIicesý- are tlat hei'd iiever again hve tce same goodfoume. wlesomne one 7-j Wnolhastre- ed tgCof h e er stemali dis - à,MET.1OL>0 Case stops j Mt in time to save j ....... hishealth. But it'11Lnlajoity vof p-ople go acrosai the ine, and sih symiptoms !ý-Of ind11ige tien gr o dsaeof tLhe TÎhe first synîpto)n of indiges- tion sio] ecieprmtattenl- tin. Id-iges-tîin sud ot tr forms of stoniaLhI' troubila" arerfectlsd per- manlet Ly cured !by the use- of -Jr. Piîerce's Goldn MdiclLicovry.It trenlgthi- cls the wholebdylby eaiu the pe-ci fect ,ýdigestinaud aim'iilation offod wrakuss aud oerfor stomacb troule, ut ahe efeesmbveb Le"god.i =urthe deOCters care serauîmr efr titis. I took. Accept 1n0 substitte forn"Glden Med- ical Dicovry. ý Terc fa uoting Ijust asgo ?for dIiseases, of the stomac i. Dr -iec's Meia Advie is sent fr12onrcei'pt of stnpto psy exzpense of csto-mesuld nailing p. endi 31 ûEue-ce2nt stamips for thse boi-k in paper covers, or 5c) stampa' for cloth - bounti Atira r .V Pte2rce, Bullialo, N. Y. plt the horier, of a s,ýIner'seeu coui ofer aparor for- al il Ie te ail People ýif they svoul nily all lie svlingtebe ceueiofteir sins in Ilie blom(otl f he Laiîlb. There le n10 ne1,( cf au eil azia 0f uni touday bcingqfuial anting wheu he he eih inl God's baanesf i Crsbeplactýýdi n 1h sae p posite te ha wilîispleihg with Ihis pasýt sias.. But in aIi l that. x st throuig thereoý Wa5 rnauy a sudlicart, mauv a hope-ý BIY I P A(ISG offriu tau ny thr dseae. f en avea scrt dainfrm eri~ abse, ltere7 cesso xoue o sut xetbat7nie rie crvtlî seo std 15 uit so eey, 5 1 dait u clo ,3ien Lmak e ir rii n , t. er l.y haveS mnucou fain sin t1are mry he lo e I o ancilri te takfr e rais efet ssc oe t reet-SoL obta ienicitei quinty rom arm frrs. On the othe* oiibal,)cnreameries manufacture i suclïqua;Lit-tIalseq-__ ____ ____ ___e_'_____ ____ ___ ____ ____ __1__-i____ __c____ ils_ cerai hundred poun ;llr sitantin pessibly o seea tesjt, i pud, m y e0 adn ss. )'ol iese l imo rf- ýu,ý l ,e 1ý-_pý1ie-1mfr Cn pro d i rcdfi.n(eue j day, i'cfwpicA e-tYosWoweermeu te Epeni- elB U K N 1S cfuniform qtîaiity. Even tromaday turc cf large sInus cf moneybay te day conditions ai-e s vvcli lu0aason foie,2anti f'rmersrshouiOf not large crc(,rcry that Ihero 15 yArlllook00forftheGservicesjet imleortetilan- lite v rn ien i te paidui, hi te ima il 1; l t a r- fe A suci t ,yai th1reiy,,p weau l char spre1 -,vür - ,gc 91ei a mraery man l de àlthcenato.pyf-smeftesrund- One cfL ti;e ost ce omonaleis tke sciptStaliois atareailto thezitter' ,iwlrge asaCogro.vn cmieelytiwbsttps fhessilemetvauhSteetb reets, r i (owcls thealiolclie beCmos a lid mý,tatss n-1tovlybs ie n h xr thIs condtio t. je- aimpef simposci mof more tJ imad0 upby the es- irc e sit i one day, and the endea- ausedmvalue cfcth oîisdr-ngRCare or tnio roperaity. mix sai mt hif uireedinge ant1iicarfuofoo1ing'miii o edee' aiùý,Mw trcenty coniin, atresuc in aSli succei. bupn, CtaPPh cfthe StomahD]z;t lfarge grarai. W'e lin e f is tanevys ofrtl ,- c, filp itdI, Mlee utr is aimc opestan oi, SIAY fioie of teTION.ior as fea ous and i who inked over tmo jýpi or( tliree u otims fo r' lmes in W itemash will kll' nt (i loid1 aili obtin prpermtue cfs ait, tat.lathaLte ff ctetmiigth et ~ ~ ~ l unioîm ch racer lu or Wh lessse fo t e an m isb\,psa. SuiitiacWu tlie Lsa c eît î cc ilic cieiy re c,1 f JI- stoîîpe ahen he prouci j~ 1j gm,- ctlît purpoe, os-mit h niar condiis Theme iiii pra- brsTA. On rougl ails, the mn terii shultilie erandick ospciai or ien the aticîc rett othsize ein3 ubet gais.Llîie n fue oni- f uy uilin spaye sverl Sretenhoreai'iudileria acon-SS tienoette bu frmik aylie t ra ie uig tesasu xiile at osnudmt ru h yt Ol ti a sraier plaetur, or a li. c rnci le s hetefsrefad ýkge e i rc 5.abtifo o L i eir gî aule inl letlst. Whuetin thiï______car_____________________ cd ovper i c bu'ttar s fia aem l iAn ece litai n feet o r caill e ~ o' otn~~ o p~ amr onlt 0 olici-le jrequit% l i to csele ,ts Und o ,eui prs, mcli *rn saIt lAt th ;ti e i h ut IVg foni. If en tzt r nf o iinie , o aissîcefcaî.aîss !'raos. I)Jl iiiLhi cbran !fgîtiun t 1eatsevren- yeler1dbcgbtst fo r oek-s cott l eoote worke but very litt e ani afeî--~ -, FJ~ii111r'.riif- nIh as.11 i.-t,,-w .01 .,, ----------

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