SOU FACT8.ABOUT UOÂL TIItE WHEN NOBODY WOULD BUY ANTHRACITE. There Are Soft Coals on the Mar- ket. That ,Are Weorth Mor-,e. furniace started, au her- shut the dolor and started lhome ii disgust. One of tLhemn forýge)t lis coat, hew~- e\ er, and came bacr -te find tliat the closed door lad soixed the draft preblen, adfthe ,f urnace vas rcul hot. After tîn anhracite was in regular d(-wnaad by the aianufac- tu!re2s1 ÂUTIIÂJA8 iAD VIES Entire Ccffee Zone 'Destro \edL by tic rupt on.COUNTRY -ALMOST, PLUNGED A desq'patdh ùfrr a rscso 1~OBN~Utî says:-h, Ti nir oc z e c (luteaalalia leîu cstovc byHeaierTaxation, Is Needed If In-1 loiaisadstot ra u ocr pvny I eB Pro W.Hodsop ~ZsOfflitï7, Analyst ta thteDow-nîncw lve,»tnrepor.ty that Sz.Ugh Soat eoq cdn* sapnifed ati-tht mansna wse C. P. ,T,.A, fer tI(bld(" sial, was rult eal ieh ou Oc,. 24.h &W foloi %Mbeog% score Wm.MoI hai -0; . 1 u 7-, 0 030;A. ,C-ei a1 a foeil becoasthe propert cf aoy Main- ber. On Fla if lereýonu -iil wa:u w(n for 0'o feurIthll ime b1ky 'M". Wmn.Mrhe Wàc iàhieue saoani lapiuslu rock Shot cýf île Club. s thotiug (ou Frl&ay, àu a shrug sund triay wind, prov- eà hiam1 l e h kleisdrellîbe ot Thz elo ig a he stndigcf LIe Emem- bers !*-le : tei >Wm >MoslaaRd,4 0. Osborce 2 ; A, UCîre, 2 ; M.UFH. Du tlSD, 2 ; j a P.s~ t cf -cmwauviie re ocf the oiint tbe ar pyin txesountde Evaprat Le p"r0;periy, but wwlsh211 3lhemteo (w AU ~ twe goï ne o nus, "d Ply or sv t.zes-1mnke & Ackermaa, u~i~ ' ' ssiun ii- snuac'let--------- Li 1m e'r. - thei eiug lii c, iluenul aw&,tien -to scuompilili this,for if itho money nîî ien abca-ladcftbec fuel te pent by CLiadaabu1 l a vear for whenhe aîerwa-quor, coul1d bcéliverted from that CL etfrj-nisaion-,r e ,0 forelgn hnda1, wo 1h aa iaxînhsa Cnupay k 1,1nt ilow vsion tlhe w( rM wold 'be feruci ii 178 t clartueLeligî cequeedfor Christ. Tha greeteat cf ',fîas sag', anAintereat sf i]l edat r en it Iwas fe r cnseclirate hi hr' ml ciici. le ehgl arnea't Woî 1kerï and glvers. Prav âa1 Coail M e <OiiVH, iji a b-wcan, s!tiiiy ail- we C&, ati giVeai Con dsergd 'e tire- w-e eau.CR']If, esoh <hrs'lau lu tha werld- i e c.i, bt teyais.t-dy, would couvert one othcr per- fajd e c a iake. 2 Pee1pît !uof luna year-, and each iChlrbtian then uvafonbcnig ef cai-nM î idcouve-it cmeothçer porsonthe next int il tueunrif 18 , hen ;flic ysar, sud ô-e on, how sonthieworld tl uli,îý c uecosUbGreat 1[lit-bebuhteaknwigcfheS aiiîinae \igiiin cai oc eîse- elur. In three yemra every person lu Sfl~,h .th oMwould bu a Chriefan. TIf cii utcdleiuisIlx da eai After vols£c thwAna were pansed to larcs ti ~ fileda tirdtim mcMrs Stvencufoi bar able sud In- Eh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ reýv, e *alcdsuce tztd cm, a Ra;sd te the Hampton Mcccl Chuîi'.mec hilaeipha ~epiefer h ofrtroub nett-iinlug Wax~~~~~~ ifttflncmdfu io ae ina cf tho ssveu), eloed, sud overy une e wlie-cakrs cuglt te me weut h-ime profited from thae xer. fiel,'n i~9 n nn.Cises of the day. igfe flic fel prcpeluiac da 88 nAusrauan stockmanzl, te, Pe .!dolijilac e ase. T0elaîgîo-hlimtilng, -picke1d,, .a1 a c iellgt iugteSe Ic1pî'e £2O O werthof ol. T"ie prperre- gcf oeaf. Look after ta otipr tatpossessi~yu elh A-'-i eget or crlsns and yen epei e cc te seriolus getyrglates the, bowels and Sold byaul drngts. blîhels, which consideriug the c')Id auni is ScSmewhat rematkable fer this i titud, biit ;tdemousz-tratra thefact Iat peacheËý eaie s,,uccees fnil y grown ar ih artu 6 l lyexr ise us teg the h 'ýardie, kunda,? MOmemlrs o îleCrokni fm i1r eaîdng iu th? States, sîya a Oiaopasrae prill-~ mug ierdih eievadwi h b 1g pros-pu-t; cf succnaa, te u estatenun Bllaud whicb inyrcve!isoins mllions cfdllr Me.R. Hockin cf our towu laeeof thèe duc anrsd it s etmte siPortion 'n îll amouni t) net iesi ",an $500;we t'uu't. in the lut resi cof is it-âmsd farriiy residing lu a riAt, tIse xpcttiu maýy lia sal nd u tee no, toi e~ deayed. Mr. F, W. Rthrfr, nw reialdig in Buffsub, N.Y., san cf Dr. jas., Ruthlarforui of cale towun, las bveau uoithidby île ueu of Pensions cf tne Uuitsd Sqta*e3 Goirein. muent that ha bas be awarded a pension do $1.4 per month, datiug from tie tima cf lias dlçha J a.4 i'l ary Ufer tIres er service in tils Amelrican s rmyl. W'rnfworlthliese 'fur nlls roml ~Roheram, is tIc Lacges4 lpivt dueiig iuse lu ELngiaad(. AND AI3SOLI IPLY TfHE ~bigliest autho it Lu!lseir rsetv ns Neo otlier pi'pe r nIîeteads o omarIît it ilu Gisgle girultoàral NEWS w'; ttlu a degrc cf 'onltns nlot evu atemùptedbyohe. AAL COIJiîrtRy RJSIIJEINIT 'I' nO WISIH TO KEEP UP WITII TUIE TIJ4ES. Single Subseriptions, $1.50; Two Subseriptions, $2 . r0; Five Si1bscriptlons, $'5.ý50. Speeial Inducements to Raisers of! Larg-er Clubs, FOUR MONTES' TRIAL TlRIP 50e. S-PECIMJiIN<COPIES senrd for Iihenu. Addreýsst eplubtiels: LUTHER TUCISF. & SON, - .sAlbany, N~. Y.1 4~"ueberptinstalen- rîtisnfi.- I Pretorian REDU Fist Cal upmards;1 anC Coricit SecondC ether stean don or Len Tbird (la irocu i( finmNov.15 -TER RA-TES.ý ,: nul]3Bevarbian $60 and ï~ upw!AdsPreterîsul du'ingLy.pcLn fic omminitievery- asoDcrr", anC BelI- onl $iO Sud Cabn $5, Alliasu State Lîne Srie New York te Glasgow-xia Luosdry. Cartiagiitîu............. !ia. ma. Oct. 19 Lraureu ltian..- -...... ........9'ýa. m. Oct. 30 ilt 1.88 $45 ta $60; Sud cas$5; tid lasa $26. For Tickots and every îinformlatioiî - . A. JAMES, Alîsu Line Ag,,ent. Bewmanville. TUE CANADIAN SrsrESaîAN Ius pbsr v Wenady uuening at tleofc 5 -Ai5 U.aeh Block, Klniz Street. Bowymauvilýe. Ont., . A, Jsuca Iîtor aud Propieter. SLIbsc4rip. tton 4.5 r 1annnmor $00if pail t iyun tdv sîce.ALdvertising rates, trpuuient adver- ttsteig, ueîu cenI-ts per u e lrin*s "ertcicu ; ive cen1s 1-.-Ë ;neecach sube reulser tien. qCou.à trçact rsi napplicaItion.