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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1902, p. 6

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We have sold piles of i3oots the last five or six weeks aun have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goocis at very srnail Drincel. Oui carry a good assortient of Lad'ies' Oxford,colored and black at $1,00. Mfen's Caif and Cordovan Milms, sewed and rivittel, from $1.40 to 2.0wrh $2.00 to 83.50. Chiidreni's 13utton and Maims 25c, '50e, 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', oys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock is ia each and every pair..i Tho season we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now ln trock in every line. The publie is invited to inspect our -stock; no trouble te show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain;- Dresýing, the very bcst that cari be bought. Cheap trash dressing is doar, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. 1Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my cuioiners for past avors and hoping for a -continuance of the ,aine. Beaver Block, Bowmanville. DU I. 1ý" 3 PIIZES 0F THE BRITISI- BAR. Incounas et Sorne ef the Leading CALIFÔRNýiiA POINTS. 'Ts od Lamye -rs. etG't - Bs-taissu s sýcond onily in position Round Trip Teurist I'ickets goed for tetise Arcisbisisop C'anterbury, anud nine menthse n sale to al (tho popular hie eujoys an ineoissufet 110,,000 a Wiut ilsora oCaIforia.yoar. Thie Les-S Chief Justice et Wine Rsôrs o 'Clifrni.rlngtaisd bas a aniary rît £8,000 a nrnnnr flilffl~I vcens. Tise Master-etftise Relis iss Snt~~as-ay et £6,000o . a- nS ts Eset rain equppedwi(hLords of Appei in Oc'shinryehave wiSe vestibule coaceos Caf e, l'acier, tise Cous-t of Appal andl tise Judges Diniîîg anS Pullman Sleeping cars. efthtie Iigis Court curîs 15,000a Prompt cenneotion wxith ail Western yosr eacis. Tise lMaster-s ettise Lo.liglis Court, tise Londons Po- Lios itou MVgistrates, anS tise Ceuntyé 1iHI[ 6Ai[ Î!U?1L) ~ Curt J utge, oas-su £1,500 a yparcacl. -Te Mastes-s o!tise S. Catharines Peivni, Ont, asni th", IligisCons-t are riieesoiettîerfic *onS nrenowned Mt Clemens Mie.h are b asristei s os- troisoseitcitors, butaili s ituated diroctly on luneo of(ho Gis id t tise tor offi oidrs te xvbom me Trunk.have a-lludcd musti base couse trosu Descriptive Beokiets, Tickets, aud ail t'fblA-. îeyCsea uarsuse Information for agente saoessoeey- liais any'(iethtese digas- J. I. H.JuRy C. . & _ Atncies. Iliesnaay is ousiy £7,000,t J. 1. 1. usy C.P. T.A -but lie bas tees as x eII, soînotilîses W. WOOD, Depet Ticket Agenîtte a s eu-y large amusnut. Tise Solici- _____ -_________ tes- Ceuscu-ni lias £t6,000 a y cas, bu-r ides lits tees. 0f course, tise double v xork, legal anS pas-iacsetary, xxisiri these ofilcers liave te cînder- Not dP take is ana-ismeus, rnai-g anI Sis-en donstituftels anS a rninid tisai requ ses but uitile tiun o fr reet. Tise Butprivati psactiee- iii seîuefeu rases usake las-gor îsceusses tisan a ny' of ttie official peroslit tise bar. It î Tisa most scccesstui farnars la Cansada te siet irsdecd inauyu irse iuake "live reas! (ha FARINER'S ADVOCIATE- rhey fiue; u ie-e may bc alssaysi ibiink about Chaeir Nvork, (bey art upon iSa 5- es" u te taactiýigs, ainS iay are ils greatest admirer oeeotr txso leadners x lieas-e cdie- 10> editors ans! contribuitors arcepaidii: ng tis. Tise leaders xvho ns-o chiet- The ] y' betore tise public tu os-disses-y 9 caoses de rnît ottuiiake moeothas fs-ensL15,000 te 16,000 a yens-. Las-g-1' eu tes-tuinea s-e tîîuentiy manie by i B nîmr, xvto siscciaize ita itent case t!mise are esigaged nt sratiîg appeal and t1ME MAAZINEanS conmpensation xxouk, or l- cac~i~ aid hOM W~I~~ ~ ps-ntice tliser professioîn a tise Par- causebeon iseStby sniandebîsaetentetises-s t thi-est by a sick chut u-ilTes-uiog acidsos-y scribrs wo wil appeingié snitisng pod.ioriOe ty -stisgTes The sai.eoncen udbgetiaebetteemrrt "Ms- w in WiiMs insv's 'tsinSothnp' s ('liais beien Telsedb iionlrs of reie-ts îsnî ile sudrý ifeeimeinte Iy dis- Sntae about .lt u res lolas-s- a BIGER.'es, teglate tsilStrnacad P"oelg sît , eus-es ofXis ttCoig c, otosase gisoes teso aS e a ytetse fi"Al. Pot esooira ît sns! e ,sw susariers ys-es. "S-sin imsSeti .e Sys-p" r hiS u-uîs fotiieg a ies- frem soiitiltktisebout ut atcuresdng tis Tiîa a ioeey.Red tbii i ett Sns ba fomalu ysitine StoaanS u-ndl praticl, ip(u-a5a~nas are. ~~iow s uriestindos. Ps-mo 2 its ta plese~. tte SeS Ibvail drîtggoitand ogistoiletatise xerid. B te sus-eîl ADISS sk ti.- Ms. Wiasome Soothing For x. We ll seuil te£ew ustl. r Syrucp- o hlrnt"tigi la Lvriseo h DIERSONAIO Wliiatewastheniado etandic he aîsd beatifu Critms umer r ât yar. cro fone-al oflicLtie o ess n Timeisýinoey.Rea 1 tink1 nt 1Sen betIbia p y ii ns a d nuss i CLEANSEFFECTUALLY; OVERCOMIES PTO HAÇIT1L CISTÎ AT lIABITAL PERMAN ENTY ITrs B ý e.> TS,1 BUY THE GENUINE -MrAN'F'D BY au OMU ESPRCI SOc.PLR BOTLL CARTWRIGHTOQUNOIL TowN HALL,OCartwright, Nov. 3J, '02. Rçgular meeting et Ceuncil; marcbera aIl praent. The minutes of laat meet- ing read and confirmed. Communirpations ewere recelved as fo!lewk: -Freai- Provincial Board of bealtb, with Report of oontagious dis. &aaas f'or paot mcrnh. From, Clerk of ricanvees, regardlng roadway, -on the Carý7twright Yanýveris boundary, opposite lot 24,, con, 10, Cartwri2ht. Fromn J. W. McLanughIiî, Esq , aaking fer use ci Town Bal, oit Dec. 4,,h. From, De. Archer for servcec, vz , diainfectýng ho d welling of Mr. John Arme( rcng. P~rom UOounty Cierk, wilh ]lBt of lande lable to ha eold for taxes. R. Peint. Eeq ,and Thomas Graham, Ez q,. tated that they had net beau . otitied te perforai their Statuts labor, sind were sexions to perforai tho sane. On motion they were permitted te par- forra the sanie, oppouite the peau effice and narrhward, Carried. ir, Thonipsen gave noti,ýe that Mr. Sloan et tu plained te hlm that obstruc- tiers were placed on the read aïlowance on qluarter line in 10 h cencesdion, and wiEhod tu have the smue removed co as net te Interface wlt1 public travel. Ou metVon Mr. Ttiemais Woc d was appoint ed te hw e two culverte, oe op- posite Mr. Win. Nosbitt'e rasidence, arid ene oppodite Mr. John McLaugh. lin', reaidencée rrepalred. Ceýrried. Mr. Gýo. MeLauýnhlîu (hen intri- duced a By-lawv for tlhe appointient ot Olr.Movcd hy,, . ae MLnigh- lin and teconided by Mr. Robert Thomapecu,' thi4t ia naMaetofWi' i John Beacock ho3 fihled in the By-law èsCak arried. Dh y-law wna thon duly algned Oni motion, Reselve;d thaït this Couzi- cli are wilng te take @teps t-. open up the Doanda,,y lins bewaen Cartwright and 1Manvers, provided that the Man. vers Counou bhar eue hait the expenze, aud that the Ceunne3 Council build the bridge and appreachea theret.- Carrted. Moved, seconded and carried, that an order be drawn on the Trensurer for $9 75 bbing balance due wltnesses,who attended Judges court for Revis!on of Assessment ]Roll. Carried. On motion the Reeve signed orders ari foliews: Robert Birtioy, an flndi- ,zent, $5; Enoch Laenbkin, $4; Wm. Hocken, 82 Dr. Archer, for diainfect. ing dwelling of Mr. John Armstrong, $i6; Androw Kin, min, for repaira te licraper, 865c,; Howard Gienny,. repairs te rond. $8; Windail Ginn, repaira te road, $1; INrs. T Poliard, f. r 198 loade Rravel, $9 90; Gao. flewkin, for 21 ioads gra e , 10OS; James Gale, toc ad- vertfsing Court of Rcvisèku, 82 50. Connei! thon adjourned untïl Mon. day, Dea. Lt. 1902, at 1 e'cleck. TYRONE 'lhe lo !owiug is a rete'ution pazoed by tne meaihers et the Ïdethodst .Q isrterly Boaid t the Tyroae Cîrcu't, on No v. 3, d: Whereas the bfrthodjeL church hs troui tinte to time declared itself positively and unrýservedlin tavor of the leRal prohibition ,Â, thea Vq uor tsfc sud % hoccos an act pro- hibiting thqi' sale of lq cor as; a beverage Purpoae3 within the Province of Ontario (% uoeaRuze of prohibition apparecely as thsrou;eh as is within the powera of the province te ec> hbas paosed the Legilà- are. iae eoljrctrmsn ubject te the dccsîon f tla pea.qk. we believe that we an' a pro. viuca hava npw re&ched a stage in the tain- peraca movement hitherto oea'tined and that the responsibiiitied oft (ahe ur are Rreater than we have Pver facai d ore. We ho am orae of(he, tilicilhoard th ,reforo eainestJy and re-,ppatfu1lv recommend (bat tha MeMbero scd adherenti of the àMetiediat cbuech orndia Tyronaeica.t, uniteby and ioyatiy support (bis measere hy their syni. pawhy, priyors, votes sndrinfluece, lu order baÀt the greatoat prsaibl-î voti may ha rogis- taeed in laver of proh ibition on the lcurtia day of I>ececnber eext. The, P . yal Tompiars hald thoir Accual "al IiIl liastTuesday aveaing. The roi! iras calied, iboe prement reopondlng. Lat- taes wvece rteeivel 1rm T. E. B. Henry, Pa., U. B.; Dr. J. A, Jamoq, Ilolly, N. Y.; Ilov. J, Whitlock,pncs ,Parre; mcd 11ev. W. A. Bunner, asatleoen, rogretting inability te be preeent, and containing enciuraging svorde te the Society. l!Jr. T. 0. jowirl rave a goeral history of the doingsocf tha BORE DISC'RACE A Sad Lettet, frein a lady whese Husband was, »!sqipated. How She Cured Hlm witii a Secret 1 Remedy. H IERIIUSBAND8 1,li" A Lady V-3-cureperhusbarid of his Drir.ýink, abt'witsof lier APATHETIC LETTER The followiug letter tia a frieud un ~ Bowmanvilile àdieemed eo uch genecal , I adfera long time been tbinhking f tygt .1~Tactas samaria Prescription treatmeiit onr, inteiesi t the ubli thatwe hae re ~ h safr his drinking habits, but i1iras afraidh; qucsted its use for publication in (bis hsadf jurnaal. Wieknew too that hecr mnv .>rvoldd sover that I %as geviaghimmediciice, at friede iil ejoce e ler;,(batMl- te houghtunnerved me. Ihesitatedforaearly friedswlireoic teJearr, hat IlÎý'8week, but one day when'ha came home very mu>l âtaclin' hcath hs gratýYimprvedintoxicated and bis week's saiary cearly ail spent, Mkin sheah a gety mrve hrew ofeil fear and determined to make an eSco ic e aeet weSt, Eche having gairied te gavaeuehodie fromt he rein i saircomicg, at a in weight 15 Ibs., and altho' she was 1 had for yearspatiently boreethedisgrace, bazarde. 1 sent for your Tasteess SamariaPe tee frailithen te parzicipato in herse. sufféering, mnicery and privations due te miy acription, and put itein his coffee as directed nex hack riding, she wrîiee ,Now 1 eujoy a husbarid's drinking habits. Ilecaring of your mcrniicg and %watched masia prared for the resul rid r marvellous remedy for the cureeofdrunkenness, At cou> 1 gave hita tare and a se at supper. H( rieocer (ho prairie on the fasteet wichI-is t gise niy icusband secretly, I e neyer suspected a thing,and I than boidly kept rigl bronche youi can give me."Il Yon giving le regpiarly, us 1 bail discovered soine clded te, try t. 1 procureS a package and telstg Chat sel every cerva ta my body tingttsg wid 1$ don't know wetbec yeu've avecr ciseS it in Ibis feuSanS cotte-anS, as, thaehpe aShpiea n oi e bihtt been in tb<i North west or isot, but rcmedy was oderle,ýs anSd(tai-lesa, lhadiS neterdot betora me-a peacalul, happy home,a thought possibi y, as youi said.yoi 'd iikei knw what it iras that se quickiy reliaved bis shareintahie good thingsof tte, su attentive, lovi, My lnlrcFsizls o rill; craving for ltquoe. Haeaunabegan to pick'ùup bsîb id, coinforte mnd everyehifig aise Sear teE e tlspart- f theoo Wonan's haiàre; for ny huwband baS toid me tha mv nîresineflash, ihis appetite for souS ffood returned, hie whisiaay-,as vite suiiffand hociras takt'eg a distitE Country,. iv a-y it iz fao cnrewbat dil s tuck te bja work rgtr~,adce nui ava a te te. iras cnty tocet ce,ý for before i bad gtvei forent frei t h'e dccipdon J h1ad h'tppy home. AtrhbrsceatttcrdIt hlmefuitlcourse lehaladstoppaS drinking aito fo3md. ,Wrou 's descruip tion -"the uu- Cl im ra ad due trsi ckaoi-ther, but 1J pto-tgiihim th& medicina ti1li shoru fielde, banisesd b-autiful" aged7,,that it baS been nis savic, aý-s be badvas gona, sud ehea s'eot for another Ioi, Ca haveri ý ad if ha shoul apsaid iddoef doas net agreceatal il ith is wascala n r e rasoutiors te Lreak off of bis nwn ptois s ef r- i psé, as h adu a tee district We read et the fields ef wav- accord. I heartiiyadvise al iromena athctodas ypnomis e betoeilalcaverbas-,aipkfi cm.ît ing grain oxtonding for miles as levai I1iras to give your renscdy a triai." hoaaahiy baitave (t Iviti cura Chuc worsý case." me the floor. Mhtle (lais le tru en oeadpmhltgi fuiarclas places, here we-have a b'îautiful bit of!n aple ii,,yfl atiuas varied sceuery te break tlie Ionetouy, r" E ,e -M L sealed envelope. Correspondence sac beiug the Wascana. Cottonwood and "Dr reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., -2 3 Jordzn Street, Tor 'Qu Appelle valaîs, with their winding streams With Ruskin We înight Say ___ "No fluer or diviner waters t3ver sang" TuIE HOME IVMEDICINE CIHEST. lieuse, but 1mw many Pire caretul te witls constant lips 0f die haud which keep it eiosed ugamnst thse particles giveth rain frein Heaven, "lWo have What It Shoulri Contain and 110w floating in tise atmuosphere ? FEsosec mucb more besatiful sceuery at home the -Contents Should ha Ifsed. eto peppermint, Janiaiea ginge-, spir- with our forestesud purple distances, ets ofcaniuphor, acloFec but here al Nature appeals te me. prompt lotion is otten the secret isr cbi rnl There le sometbîg fasenating about et succes in eoerge ce a d a- bad yarianea o respi ritsof n i on theoe ubroken prairies, ciothed Wihicidonts. Tise cry of a chiSla inpain afo rnthircarieeusnouetuindt'ise ilueumerablo wild flowecs, filin- (heanasd tise sight t fbiood will usually se frtervrou sfles h air with (bois- fragrance sud again terrify its niother tisat hec' wits for- idea is te have thorns always on trailsoet(ho buffalo sund bank8 coyero'd sake lier, and a eall tor-thse searest; han d., Quinine î ilis. belladones pins- witla thioi waiiowes, reminding US eOfrioctor, eveii in sinmple cases,,e is te tors, mustard lbaves reudy te apply, Byrou's lino, >Esen bore we sehie only apparent course, wxhile with Rohlie saits andS llaxseed are tee sucierit feeteteps stamnpod beside the tried remedies at hanS se m-uch well knesvsî 'let te bu always ready. pool." Thon te s land crn the edge of a valuable tisue is saved and thse littie It wtil ret se uittle te add a niedi- high cut batik and leok down one patient is rclievcd beo re te co ima i wozpers for asin glassshu hundcod feot into (ha valov beiow with ar-rives, if,, indeed, it is teund sieces- s ar' istet sers o hag and varlions its winding river eopt ou beth suIes bv sary te surnsmn hlm. esmp l t ass ier pend aricls heautiful willows, wlicb are reflected1 Surgirai cieanilirress is tire fisst reo- ml an nxese atce iu (lie watoc as front a mirror sud agaîn quisite, sud a, goed supply et tigistly which are tound of sucs great as- sistance ia ilines s ad lifs cse of se- ou (ho broad, green flite-aS at Crayoan- sealed antiseptirs wiii be fonnd lru- ciruent. covoced wi(h hordesud Long Lake. vainabie. For cuts a speedy bath,I nestled amoug the his lu (he distance, wtth carbolieadn iitise siater te la indeed a quiet rural scene wich fille wash ont and sterilizo the wound WHAT IS COznr a pacson with a Senseof etbauty unex- againet toroign particles, shculd be pressed. toiiowed by a cas etul staniching with WVord that Covers a Lot et 111e - I uïtually taka mv consti tutional ride absorbent cetten anS tîsen bound- Origin Explained. in (ho vallov sconr among tho wind- up, neot tee tighly, with a siuding professer Lolisberg rîubiislses lu ing- cow patlîs sud iu Ibis, enaetf(heofetantiseptie gaule, wili Le touaS tise Viessna Clinical lleýv-ewais esay1 best atmosphores ou (ha continent, it ise ete ccos n iigadou coldiSnutise hsad. ii-le ttsts simply exhilaratiug li n te oriep tuoru- against tevcrishnoss andsidte Ilordusîury cold is ne individîsalintu- iug air., Many delightful atterneens FORMATION OF PUS. plaint, but eJuiy a collective naise or I've speut sketching (bore wih cen- Most wemea rush' for soisse favor- a kinS off tsmll nainse for a large gal comnpany te read te me. I caui- ite salve whichi presumnably acts for isumber of differesit complaists"- net botter express the ovquisîte heautv ail cases. Wiile it te truc tisat mnany Ile says: -lise attempt te discov- sud deligb( (bau lu Jeffeýries' wocds: "I ointmeats rontain snltiseptics1and or a, universal remedy agaissst a linger ini (ho midst oet(he long grass, prevent (ho dangers arising -irous Iceld' os just as absurd as to sesrch tho iuxurv oet(ho beaves and thecoug- in tise laying bat-e oettie muscles anS fer a generally efficaciens recnedy frs the vecy air 1 eeem alllIf CentS feel aIll bleod vesseis te foreigss pas tîcles, a iseadacle-Tise partisnilas- cern- (ho glowing- lite the sunshine gives antd imple astiseptic course xiii usually plainî tofwiili tise "colS" is tihe the south wind calîs te beuîog * * ' The iusake a cleaner healing, andS nature syniptosa cati enly be ascertained by flowers with ata heusavd faoes have ,vil, art bettes witliost tise assist- "cateful examinatiosi efthtie nasai col!eced (ho kisses ef the morniug. Iasîce oft eus. cavities andi neighbioiia parts." Feeling wi(b (hem 1 roceive soea A bettie et antisopttc gauze shenid Ilernce sufferers shcsuld be cis-cusuispeot loss, etthei fulues et ifebe kept ici oes-y homie. Opeis it only in tise use et remedies. We bava had a wetocoldsuminer ,but a eneuîglite eut off pis e large esi- Tise protessor says essiy that wilsii fine fall. To-day te aimeet as warm as ouhleso orimdae ue hni re u o lihtenas o anSv his -eartin, y u fiho contw,(hotightly ces-k again. ut xviii eest suankisîd isignoeranît. Colds as-eet crophi le audauithAsfacas we cahe about 40 cents, andS ast isidofinitelîr. insinonrable s arieties, but tise sssest cre (ho ouatry Asco fred s wih goupBora icci el-lerre ilu sisme, bust tise cemmesi one is at xvticl is porsist- Seth toutray it o (red-big whob lemildest cf ail autsepusc---sais tai- estiy nsiisunderstoscd. It la attrtibut- doue ln tise field. It lsa busv sigb( t xaluable oeereruedy, sesvtssg in ed-te umyttsiug but tIse riglît cause, cee (lietwenty or more mon dcawing manaifold çvays, freni babys firet x isieîeaIsmicrcbe. sud bauling te (ho clevater. Aitogeth nxesth wasls te sa clu-st tes-tIse nst Ail it~s smptoîns are thoeofeta er for stack lhres§hing about, 30 mon eriticssl et surtiici oe'attosss. iig].iulv ilsferttis Icuer, aiS tise pub- arereniod ud(hovfor teno (rl"osor s cf sulpisur iss-e a fr baclk lie issteid et biaaiîg tise microbe, of wveeks at (imos as facmieg le ou a much jute tîse ticroat wmli check a baS itcinaSsrxisdekh t vi lars-er sosie bore, althe' whoat le p*in- isere ths-oat, while sprays, anS persist in5 denonring drasîglîts, met ci.palir growu. We don't know what douches et tepid mater, s-tsts et ortsi'airec it useaus lu (he enst with tweîve or mes-est drop ofca-bolie acid, wiii go Tisey eeuieastise eneiv et tise tourteou meu for (wo or (hreo days. am- te ps-evecst infections Sific seoe rus tîs;r oo emu-; thoy slip- Straw le used for fuel in (ha englueansd whirh attack tise îcceus ssiîmbranssPly a temsper-ïtus-e tesivîshiel it cau thon what le not roquired is burneS. Of tise iead anS tissoat. 1multîlîly, andr havisse beromse finir- It is a protty sight te eea as îeany as A box et abserbenst retto susl far eughly inseeslaled by isceathissg tise tea Stackin flainmes St night, quito bettes- tîan ail tise olS linon sshtcisgersu-ladors utsssspisî-îe, tlsevfinS ligb(cng up th~e country around. It is olS tashioned iseusesves bave iin tii-t a colS cesrent et air causes very, dangerous tise', as quste Olteun iaS for accidents. bccause tise cet- thsesîs tesites-. The sliives-tng1 tii prairie lires are started inth(is way. tocs is kept iss th isrsedirino chest anS tise ortlinary îrdid recides tise ques- I bave ceeu two anS asîde front being ne one ks-nws vhos-e tisee ld int te tien et caîssaticu. au awtui eughte mucîs damage bas been te ho toueS. A pap- etsafety Pisse tit le sgssiiticacîu ct f ves-y tîx cs-tlat doue. dees net cocue aisssti a collection it begisswsiti s sivcrisig. and a. Until receutly land lias beau very tor- tIse>Isolsse pisysidian, ats thsose are "colS" is neo exceptions. ('<fi. xct cheap. Auyvsoling in in the eset fugitive convessiescros, ini spite ot our foot, Sîangists., as-e at. cîist startiuzoe ut for himeotf wi(ialittia se freqnocsrtly purrbais-ig tisons. eniy aresci.By püttissg a capital would do mach botter boere as OLD LINT AND IJNEN gi-enter straisionethte animsal eceo- thore are net so maux' demande lu dasitnsbt twllntmy thydres trsian o 30eity nd t i th CUtor toPUtUp ar 1sicesobal infection. "Colds" are net scsubaisutlom(ngbotter bce mach troisble te get a yard etofksîemsslici tise Aret ie segies. eau bc dusse. It le remarka-ble (he god unblcached sssuslin sida teoffI ___ variet(- yo! People wo meet bore. There. a few stripe about twiriches miSe,1 are these wbo came ont of (ho hoart et rolli n ite tigist saseeths reils sud CALIFORNIA OREGON. EXCURSIONS.[I citios andScettiod Sown ou (ho prairie scue ittli txxO pis,0 tisat ticyl wtb ne exporieice of tarai lite ihat- arc pesfectly stretdlsed. Tliere May Evcdainhoya Tsehca. evsý androuged i fo yeas ; nd b a tm x hen tise nouS et a streng Eevdvi-teya.TeCiao eva er ucrhe it fcae cesu td boatae miiibuetofpressing iiu Union Pacifie sud Norths-Western bine agi àec rluaaeis ite adg us throug-b firet ciass Pulman and mon, graduates ln usimc sud acte with -portane. Tourist Sleeping Cars to points lu whom it is a 1piessuro (e converse. Yet j lveryoneo lias vaseliine abouit tise Califoruia anS Oregon. Tice tbroughb bore (bey are in a eue roomed sback I" '~ traies daily. The routa et (ho lainons, wi(heut-(ho coiorts- of lite. yet aux ____________________'OverlandLimiteS" . Pecsonaily com, eue wbo bas lived bore would' net- go : ducted excursions frent Chicago te San aset aeRain. Peqio eaf-o vo-y sociable o -' Francisco, Les Angeles, Portland sud and tutoty Thoy 'have tse 6'esolGls other Pacifie" Coast points 1eavinig greateet confidence in each other and fl' I I hics go ou Tuesdlays, Woduesîlaxs, tsox'or (biuk et locking (ho doors at- 1l hurdy41F-ows oetae niglat. I have spaut a vey oujoyablo IlWhy You tshou!d I' ist on Iiaýývin,9 , usay udFiSis.L e1rae summr amng hem ud ave ei Choiceofetroutes. F'iuest senory. Mais, smu rieuSe f hraeandhome mugtESS IL ilus(rated folders etc furnished' fro-. (hem Mc. and Mrs, Davey freai Les- queq aulled by an y threRaes uaS. Ant d2re s B.il.Bne kard. These tew rambîhug notes may Rlendors liard leather soft, eoa gn,2 stKn tot luteroat yen sud it inay be a gratifies. Especially prepared. Teronto, Ont. 4-m tien te kuonw (bat Tîîa SqTrrQuMAnn i o n ep et ater. l sbe M'y she mnd la -rt aï-r my lati latc o te romred msohlrosto- e. Sriaking, anS <wcutd do se fora time but ttii uxt returned te it stronger (ba-n ever. Onea day t. atter a terrible eprea, h .2i ( s:- 'is no He usa. Icn tpdika. u eresee lit to tara (o stie cdm acddte try tha b [e-Tasteess Samnaria Prscipio, hi c mC ia ar ceaS about intisa pape,ýrs. We gave hics thei ,a remedy entireiy si tisout bis knowledge, in bis Ie ta, coffe, or ieo4 ra, gularly, accerding (o , directions, anS ha e r kcir who iras taking it. lhe Ona package removad ai bis dSure for iiquo-,r nSd.hocsays it la nov.,r stasteful ce bim. Ilis s-. beatisanS appatitae aso ýwonderfuJly imn- it proveS, anS nuoiuev.reuid keloi bics1(or tise n sime mac. It is nom fifteen moucha da c i DM gave it te bim anS mc feel sure (ba t(ho ebIauge I la fer good. Please senS me neet your tl hoka, as I mant te give it to a friand __, Ïý testimonîals sud price sent in p lain icredly- confidentiai. Enclose stamp lIER FATMhE A Pluey Yung Lcytil o esef te Cure ir ae of theLqurHit STORY OF BER SUCCESS. The hawthorn cornes into leaf keariier than any other British tree. It has been known to e hinflleaf by Fehruary 1lth. Birch cornes 'next, and c'lm third in the list. T 'ho Ring of Rarigos- Bu cl's H¶appy Thought- rrom the worst worry to the highest satisfac- tien. One stepping stone 1Leave yotir culinarytruls worrIeýs and expense behind you ; enjoy the econorny, the convenience, the ab 4<o1ute reliability of The "flappy Thoug'ht." The best friend the careful houscxvifc cari have. Just a touch to the 'patented dampers and it is ready for any worlr. Its cfficiency will be a revela- tien to you if you are using the common kînd. 19 this ilot worth investiga- tion ? Scnd for bookiet te THE W M. BUCK~ STOVL or cail and sce the agents. tlid hy W. l. DUNSTAN, Yo1 Mz Nee For Cuts Burns Craivaps Bruises Diarrhoe&a Al BDowel compiaints It la a sure, a e Md quick remedy. There's aiy oneaPAjN vuIL LEr. DER Avis'. Tire aizes, e.dSc, Society for the pat year, which wms l'il et inter-?Et, sndnasthie meaibors lllwert the speaker thoy lilvd over agoin the eeeesof the Order fer the pgàtt 12 menthe, whioh iniulýed manY happy avants and instruc- tive ex[perienee. A votn of thanks was tendered c. Jai. Arn e hapaoti rolr eslimecta were sîerves!j. The Aaniv<r oy f St Poui's Women's Foreign M 8ains-y ecety iris hoid on Tueoay by a Tbankefferizig sud tea and! iras largaiy attendeu! bv dia ladies cof the nongragation. The prograir as muah er- lYe 9od13 bafare tes iras serves!, the ploie- ing annoucamont iras made that the Gel- tectlon aninecies! te 0. WASCANA DISTRICT, N. W. T. MISS MACKLIN OF, COBOURG WIRLTES DE- LIflTPULLY OF'ri-I NO)R'TH.WEST COIJETa iý7 A portion of her letter rends as follnýies :- NIv father h.id nft&. -th- te, t- il

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