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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1902, p. 1

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lit TERM$ :-S.60 P~ci~ANNUM.OUR TOWN ANI) OOUNTY PIRST; TUE WOELX> ÂTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEsV SERIES. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 26, 10.VOLUMEXVI N.4 !uyers of, Dry Goods Sshouli..d not fail to see the SGrand Display of 4Go *Couclhusoil &Crydorifan's3 The fine st, most eleg- ant adOepst Stocki 3of Ladies' Coats ever,* Ssho wn in town, I Quis * , s~-~-Wlat could be 4arld-* somer OP' mor'e appr'o-* -~ pr'hâte for a Xmas gîft. Most ien adLuie aý Morris C r yet few wiil treet theinselves o 10one. li-eie ]s a chancçe toîniake Fj.her, husband, or'br other an excellent present. Tt.is Chair will please humn, ornament bis 'den'I anti affort i hl many hours of comiort. Wehave n bookiet with mauy suggestions for Christmas, if you do nom receive one, kindly procure one at our wareroomns. I~. .WILLIAMS 0&cSOIFm' i UNDERTAKING RECEi'ES PROMPT anti PERSONAL ATTENTION Night Bell on Store Door. BRANCHES AT HAMPTON &BLACKSTOCK Corner Shoe Store, OSHAWA. Every Shoe Store Has Boots to Sel at $1.OO. But every Shoe Store does flot give you tlie same value for $1,00. Not by a long chalk. The Boots we seil at small figures are honestly made and stalnped with maker's naie, but how many fat- profit Shoe stores have inferior Quebec Boots, without any sole stamp, to off or at the-ze low prices? Therein is the difference. For Instance 'We offer mon, for Sunday wea3r, an easy, sewn, lacod boot, properly'made, stylish toe and full sole odge, matie by MePherson of ilamilton and sta.mped; pice - $ 1.75 Isn't this botter than'some of the common Shoes usually offered for best wear aI that price ? These be Trying Days on1 the Feit. PnnnrNc rCQQADV We off or for every-day knockabouts: FUTh Mî~ !ÙIflAU ~Ladies' Sîrong Rubbers 38o G n i0,f'N1NGOOD A Dvmiu -1v l Men'sWaterproof vrhe .1Let us holp you with Men's Lumbermen's Rubbers yormrktn fra$1.00 yourmarktin fora ~ Whilefor best wear-we offer: âw inice dinner. You want Men's finest clotb, Top Rubbers the est oa an gl ~ Men's fineet, cioth top, hi-front ýour family and guests Rubbers a t pricos which are fair.O Ladies' finest, cloth top,hi-front O I'h~.1ese qualitieswegan Rubbers -9 J' antoe. The prices are Received This Week: TILEITE MiSS SOUCH. MaryMatilda Souch, second d augbt-, or of Mr. and Mvrs. Jamnes Souch, was born in Darlingbon, nt March 101h 1868 and passeti frori,bler homo lu Tyrone Nov. 111hi 1902 as a rosult of Tyrobo-Pueumonia. Mary having a weak1physical conslttuion hati been the subject o! kind solicitutie and tender cane fnom ber tievoltid parents and bad won honr wav iîîto the a ff ections o! the farnily until she becamnc. apparontly lu. dispenisible when the wise Fathor lu Heaven callinghb o t, amono gracions home above. swang wide a mansion door for bis chilti. She hlad learnod 10 receivo anti givo a cheer ful salutation, a bearty bandsbake, >a joyans grootinoe anti ber last hours wr charactenizea by amiles anti cheerful words. W e shall miss bier from lier plîace lu church but most o! ail from thou home of love anti chiltibooti. May those wbo Weep be sustaineti bv graco divine and aI- tendeti Leaverwari b b vte sweot lamil- ian voiceo f one «"w hm tev have loved long since anti lost awbýi!e." Aftor ber pastors condueteti short devolions at the bouselber romains waas interreti in Bowmanville cemelery, j.iursday Nov, 5th. «"Friend after frienti depants, Who bath not la ýfriend-; There is nouiinolon bore of beants That fitis not bore au endi" HOW'S THIS ? We off er One Huudned Dolars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can ltie cured by ,,aile Cýtarrh Cure. F. J. C IENEY & COPs., Toledo, 0. We, the undensgned, have -niown F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and beleve hlm p'erfectly honorabme In aIl bnsbî,ess transactions sud -icialy abl. ecary out any obligations mde by therfrm WE5 & RUÂ, WoiealeDruggists, Toiedo,0. WALDING, RIassAî & MARVIN, WboiQesaie DrUg- gisîs. Toledo, 0. flall's Catarah Cure le takenin iternally, act- ing directly upon theblood sud imucous surface of the systemn. Price 75c. per b)ottie. Soid by all Druggîsts. Testimionials firse. Hali's Family Pilis are the be-st. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS Meetings are 10 o, ebeld lu Wesà Durham as follows: Bowmauville, Royal Templars' Hall, Tuesday afternoou Dec. 2 Counico. Sons' Hall, Mt. Carswell, Tuosday eveuiug Dec. 2, Onono, towu hall, veduosdcay a! 1er- noon, Dec. 8. Newcastle, town hall, Weduesday evening Dec. 8. Blsckstock, town baL~, Saturday aftennoon, Dec. 6. AIl aftennoou meetings u~ îTpeuce at 2, and evoniug meetings ~7-30. The speakers aI ail these me,.ýetings are Mr. Duncan C. Auderson,ý, Rugby, anti Miss Bella Miller, Guelph-a capital delegalion. Mn. Andenson's subject-Soil Cull- vation; Our Countnv, on tho FPanm as an investment; liorse Breeding,. Miss Miller's subjets-Buýteor Makine, Hand Cream Separators; Emýrergencios; Dainy Work in Gonenal. Free anti full discussioný is inviteti Help 10 m ake the meetin g enatertainîng, instructiý e anti successful ty youn pros- once anti help. Members intending 10 attend the F at Stock Show at Guelph, shouiti gel their tickets from the Secretany. R. E. OSEORNE. H. C. HO0AR, President. Secntary. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The regular meetiDgiot f. Women's Instibute will ho helti TuePsdaýy, Dec 2 , at 8 p. m., in S. O E Hiaill ov Heîlyan's store) to which ail ladies of West Dur- bain are cordially inviteti. Gooti pro- grain is boing preparoti. Miss Miller from the O. A. C., Guelph, will give an address on 'Emrnlgencies." Mns. T. Power, on "The Value o! Fruit as a Food,." Dou't miss the mectiug, AUUTION SALES.. Auclion sale notices cost Ï$1.00 10 apm penn in Ibis s plor. Free wbou bille are pnîntd at STATESMAN offie., MONDAT DEc. 1-Mn. R. Foster will seli about five acres standing- handwood timber ou lob 21, B. F., Dalington, (VanCamp Farm) lu lots o! about 25 trees oacb. Sale on promiseS at 2 p.m. sharp. Seebilîs. L.A.W, ToLE, 5 auctioneen. WVEDNSDAY. Dec. 8-Mn. J . L. Metcalf, lot 18, B. F., Darliugton, wiil soîl a valuable lot o! stock încludiug borses, cattle anti pigs. See buis for parbleu- lara. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. ToLE, auctioneer. TuEsDAY. DEC. 2.-Mni. C. A. Annis, lot 28, cou. 1, Dailugb-on, six acres of 3 standing timber.lu aec lots. _Sale 1 . 1 IMount Clemens, 1 Mich.. The Minerai Bath Cty." The above la the ile o! an illustrAted bookiet, issuediby bbc Grand Trnnk Rail way containing facts lu regard 10 the cures effectet inl the cases of thons- antis of rheumatic suferons, who yearly visit theso noteti batbs, ant i aso gives mucb useful information lu refonence 10 liotel and Bath rates. Mount Clemens la situateti dinectly on liue of the Grand Tnunk a short dis tance fromn Detroit, and is easil-v anti comfortablv reachoti by fast anti well equippeti trains, from any point lu Can- ada. Copies o! Bookiet, Time Tables, anti any information on application to 10 Grand Trunk Agent, or hy addness- iug J. D. MeDonaiti, District Passen- ger Agent, Toronto. THE REFERENDUM CAMPAIGN. We yieldti no man or woman a more oarnost tiesire for triumph o! the tempenance cause or a greator willing- u essto help lu ushering in the glati day wben ail license to permit the sale o! iutoxicating liquors as a beverago shal ha abolisheti than we possess, but we do not approve o! the course that bas obtaineti anti is silîl being punsuet b v a few temperance cranks anti louti shouters wbo are engineering the referendum campaigu, mainly for the money tbey eau make ont of il We bave no use for auy o! thon. However we regard the prosent situation with great bopefulîness, because wo bave constantly at wonk amougst us the ministers o! the varions chunches wbich are practically attendeti bv al l b people lu the respective communities;i we have a consecralet army o! Sabbatb school teachers faitbfully sowing the gooti seeti of tomnperauce while trying to direct thoin acholars imb anti forward lu the bigbway of bolinessa; we bave our Public achool teachers lu aimost daily contact witb the oilîdren of every neigbborhood, evory one o! whom, if wortby o! the mighly responsibfiity which tbey assume lu directing the future dostiny of the young lives on- trustedt 1 their mouldiug anti develop- ment, teaching by oxample anti procept the principles o! temperance. We have the mombers o! ail the tomperaace organizatiotss, thme merubens o! althe chunchos, the ospecially active anti Fuccessful temperance society known as the Women's Christian Temperance Union,1 the Epwortb Loagues, tbe Christian Endeavor Societies, tbe young men's Christian onganizations ahl work- iug along temperance linos and shedi- ding an influence for goot i al over Ibis lanti. Thon tboro are tbe chistian homes radîatng a wbolesome influence over the lanti, What foar ueed tbore ho wben the combineti influence o! ahl t)iese agencies are actively at work crcating anti sustaining temporance sentiment? Adtit ail these influences that poworfuil lever, the Press, oiver 75 per cent of the newspapers favorng or oarnostlv advocating tomperanco principles, anti ah the temperanco lit- eratune. Sureiy with ail these belpful agenicies sud influencios at wonk, whab need can-exist for importeti lecturers ? Do people require 10 ho tolti of the baneful effects of the liquor traffie? Do tbey not know that it la harmful anti that c ontinually ? Are they going to vote againat a mensure that is intendeti 10 removo the temptabions frnm the pathway of the young anti the weak ones wbo cannot resiat the ovil influences? W(e have 100 mnch respect for the people o! Ibis enligbteneti commuuity to even tbink Ibere existsaa doubt resp)ecting whaltbey will do on Tbunsday Dec 4. i Wbo in Darlinglon township wouiti vote 10 have licensoti botela establiabeti again ? Is thore a matn wortby of heing trustoti with the franchise, wbo woulti vote for opeing an botel lu eveny village again ? We shouiti handly tbink theno are mauy sncb The resuit of the referendum is problematical but we oxpeet 10 500 an overwhelming vote ln favor o! the Act lu West Durhamn. XR.BEITII'S HORSES VICTORIO US. Conld the people of West Durham have witrlessed the entiiusiasmn thal marked the awarding o f the $25o Challenge Cup prize t o Gribthorpe Playmate, Mr. Beitb's recently import- ed three year old Hackney stallion for the bost Hackutey in the show, the coin- petition being open to ail stallilons taking firsî prizes mn al the Uackney stallion classes this year andt 1 stallions having taken a finst'prize in any of the National Horse Show Association's previous exhibitions, they would have doue as several other Canadians diti- shout andi clap with greatest satistact- ion. The contest was an excoediugly keen one and very groat intorest was. manifestoti in this awand. This was the prize won last year by Robin Adair II, thon owned sund sbown by Mr RobI. Beitb, M. P., Bowmanville Later lu the yean at the great Philadoîphia Hlorse Show the H-ackney stallkiîm Fiery Dane won the championsoip o v e r Robin Adain. lHe was aIso beaten, by Gribthorpe Playmate, so that lho bad Co defeat two former champions besides ai!l the other 'firsl pnize horses that came against him. This wvas consider- ed the greatest victory of the show and rnany were the fiendly hantishakos andi hearty congratulations Mr. Beitb receivod from horseman andi othors proserit on his second gre tt vicboî'y, havingr won t heo campionship o! America bwo years lu succession each sear with a different horse, wbich goes to prove that. Mn, Beiîh knows a good horse when ho sees one. Mn. Beith's 'Playmate" had previons- lY been awanded $125 as first pnize 'in the 3-yr old liackney Clasg over 15 bauds in, a strong class. Another of Mn Beith's receut importation, B. B, Ivy, 8 yr old chosînul mare, 15J hands, was awarded $100 pn.ze over ail comn- petitors. Sureiy wben a man .eau sweep the field witb bis horses lu the keen competition of a National Hiorse Show it is sometbing more. than ompty victory. We join with Mn. Beitb's many fientsin l offering congratulation on bis splendid suceoss. In this conuec- lion we wish to say Ibat tu Mn. Thomas A. Grabam of Claremoul, brother o! Mn. David Graham of Bowmanville, wbo sbowed Mn. Beitb's horse,_ is due very much credit for t hein success, foi very much depends on the skill with wbich honses are han dled at the New York Show. la our opinion Mn. Graham bas very few superiors as an exhibitor of horses on the hune. "C.R.Co." rubbors are the most .asty and best oonst ruoted rubber shge in Canada. Il you value eomfort and wear, insist ou your shoe dealer supply- ing-,,you with this braud. THE LATE SQUIRE HAINES. Witb sincenest sorrow we chroniicle the sudden demise of a vory worthv and honoreti citizen, George Haines, Esq, Justice o! the Peaco, and labo Police Magistrale for this town. Deceased Imet witb a serious accident about a yean ago at the G. T, H. station wheu alighting fromi a train anti being a veny heavy mau ho bas not since been able to walk. He thon rosigned the office o! Police Magistrale and bas since lived quietly at bis farm borne, Prospect Cot tage, Dalington township, just east of the town. Squire Haines was admirably fitteti for t'e office of Magistrale being ex. ceetiingly Well informed and possessiug in a remankablo degnee the spirit of fairuess wbich onabled hlm 10 adminis- ton the law in ighteousness, bis decis- ions generally meeting witb public ap proval. Ho was a lovable man, kindly disposoti towards bis fellow man, and bore lu bis penson and demeanon the marks of a real English gentleman. Often have we sougb bis counsel and were invaniably met by the conrtosy anti attention for wbîch very mauy otb- ors have been placed unden oligation to hlm. Ho will be missed by oun citi- zens. We havo fan 100 few mon o! bis stamp lu Ibis eounbry and wo regret il exceedîugly, Doceased was borulun Cornwall, Eng- land, ou Marcb 6, 1821, anti came 10 Canada lu the year,1838 anti settled lu the then village o! Bowmauville Atter the incorporation of the town hoe senveti many years as a member of the Town Council and also filled the offce of Reeve aud Mayor o! the town for several ýears. Ho was anpointed Police Mag- Sistrate for the town of Bowmanville in 1874,a position whicb ho filleti witb great ability until February 1902. Mr. Haines was lwice mannied nis first wife being a daugbter of the late Roger Colo, anr., and bis seGond wife twbo dietiabout six yoars ago waS a daugbter of the lato Matîbow Joness,J. P, Ho beaves two sons-Mr Geo. C. Haines, carrnage maxor of tbis town, ant2 Mn. John1-lanes, Dtroi, Micb. MARK YOUR BALLOT THUS. We don't like the wording of tlig ballot, but we must accept il as it i15 issued If you are in f avor of temper- auce and wish b have the liquor traffic, abolishiet, mark your b allot under "Yes" in the first columu as foliows: Are you ini favor of the YS O bringing imb force of theX Liquor Act of 1902 ? x WEST DURHAM PEOPLE. I wish bo announce t0 the people of West Durham, that I have leased from J. K. Galbraith representing t h e Henderson Estate, the Yards, Sheds and Stables situated iu the centre of the town and adjoiDing my'Livery Barns and Premises, 1 pur.pose to improve the sheds'and stables so as to render botter service 10 the public.. I have already placed au Electric Iight in position so tha.t parties driving int the yards may havo good light to- lie up their horses or take tbem out. I would like to make as many Contracts for accommodation as possible with farmers and others using the sheds and stables tJtiose nomhaxing contracts will be ex. pected t pay a certain amount for accommodation as priuted ou sigu in conspicious place. Alwaýs on band abundauce of Hay and Oats. Yours truly, 47-2w. W. J. MARI'YN NOVEMBER WEDDING. COURTIOE-LITTLISJOHINS. On Wednesday afternoon Nov. l9th, a very pretty we*Jdiug took place at 'Sunnyview", Courtice, the home of Mrs. Mary G. Littlejohus when lber only daughter, Clara Bell, was united lu marriage with Mr. W. R. Courtice of the saine place. The ceremony was performed mn ftle presence of sixty gnests b-v Rov. Thos. Brown, Omemee, brother-in-iaw of the groom, assisted by Rev. J. Ward, B. A., _.Courtice, and took place 'neath a festooniug arch of green foliage entwined with chrysanth- emnms. Just before the bridaI party entered the drawiug-room Miss Elma Pickel sang vory sweetly Tennyson'§ "Marriage Morningz ", the music o'f which was composed by the bride,whose musical talent is well known and mucli appreciated. At the close of the cere- mony Miss Viola Rundl3 played Men- delssohu's Wedding March The bride- who was given away by Mr. Thomas Sauderson of Toronto wore a dainty gown of white silk with, trimmnings of chiffon and applique and carried a bouquet of white roses and ferns_ The bridAsmaid, Miss Widde- field of Toronto, cousin of the bride, wore fawn silk grenadine with trim- yi o ram illk and applique and carried a- bouquet of rose chirvsanthem- unis. The groom was supported by bis brother Mr. L. T. Courtice, The pres- ents were both numerous and costly showing tbe high esmeem ln which both, bride and groom are held. Th e groom's gif t to the bride was a gold pend- ant and 10 lthe biidemaid a gold brooch Af 1er the ceremoiu,a wed- ding breakfast was served and the bride and groom left ou the evening train for the west amiist showers of rico and the good wishes of tbeir manv friends. ELLENOP-PE-ILLIP S. On Saturday afternoon aI, the rosi-~ douce of the bride's father, 21 Hlenry St,, Torouto, the rae was celo. brated of Missl Eleanor Louise, daugbter of Mr. Francis Phillips, andi Mr. Thos. Herbert Ellenor, Schenectady, N. Y., sou of Mr William Ellenor, Bowman- ville. Owing 10 a very recent bereave- ment lu the bride's family onlv the im- mediate3 relatives and a 'ew of the bride's most intimate frientis were pros- ent. Tfho ceremony was performed by 11ev. J. S, Bronghall. The bride who was given away by hier father, was at- tired iu a r3mart taillr-matie gown of grey-broad cloth The Ilussian coat, was wor'n over a white silk waist, wlth a grey and white bat. Sîme carried a shower bouquet of whitëeroses and lhues. lier sister Mý1iss Elizabeth, was brides- maiti, and wore a pretty f rock of white orzaudie with lace trimmnings over blue taffeta, witb a large picture bat, and carried American Beautv roses. The o'room was assisteti by MNr. Jlarry J. _ëox of Toronto Mr and Mrs. Ellenor will reside in Schenectady, N. Y. !l

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