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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1902, p. 4

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____ f PEASE ECONOLVYHETR Have a worid-wi.-e reputation anti are unexcelled in capaeity and durability. For fi! teen yeais these heaturs have maintaineti an unap- proacheti eputation for economy, effiieney andi dur-ability. We give a positive guarantee w'Lth ailounr work. It will be a ipleasure for us te submii for yo.ur considemation estimate-,4on Wara MmLi, Hot Water or Steam Combinatien Ileating. One Di)or West o! Post Ofrice, Bowllanville. @zayc6c8m*:m afl ~12 ~ f~flg pont witb a kitcben rangeler ail ha ils abflt eco wdl usene resp)ects al ranges are alike, but the good blonsewife knows the difference wbcn abe starts Coo.kin. The bcdt resuits have been obtained from using The No other oven bas sncb pnnrty wîthin or works se perfectir even and economiically. The naturel flavor of the foods, which is coninletely lost Olten in bbc cooking wth ordinary ovens ie retaineci with al l is richues wben thec olok- ing je donc iu the aerateci oven of the perfecteci Souvenir Range., #It ie possible to cook several different disiies at once without ýh li lïihtest impairmueut o! tUein delicate tastes. Souvenirs are guatranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Soici by ieadinig dealers throughout Northa Americm.< RICE 0 0. Local Agents, ,Bowmanville. The Gurney-Tid@fl Co., Limited, STOVE, FURASE AND RADIATOS MANUFACTURER$ Hamilton, Ont, I I .DARLINGTON TAXES i I wilI be at the fiilowin)g places on dates, andi ours here tatLd b oreceive taxes : Enfield, r4onday, Dog 1Enniskillen, Tuesday, De-i cember 2 Burket on, Wednesday, De- cember3, )1ampton, Monday, Dec.8 Bowmanv-ille, eve j-Sat- urday ai Mr. Johin )zelyar's Shoe Store. HOURS FROM Il a. mi. Tu 4 p. m. Two pet- cent will be acideI on aIl iupaici taxes ai ter Dec. 14, 1902 Warrantq will be istted for ail ta xes unpaid on Dec. 81, 1902. SAMUEL POLLARD, Tyronie, Nov 23, 1902. Colector. Aittention ls called to the faci that Free- land, the Photographer is Leaving Bowmanville in a fewmonths to open a studio in A word to the wise-"Do flot jet the opl oitunuty pass, but have your photo taken by hlm before he Why dlo I wear 110. R. Co." rubbers ? Iecause they fît proper- ly and wear botter than any rub- ber shoe in the market. You can not afford to be w~ithout a pair if you value. ycu-r healtli. 1> Do you know that . Rotograph * Brornide Riper Swdli g ve you different rlesults than* au- other Bromide paver? 1 wili :spud you a ýdazpacka-e 16X20 $1S.51 asad prepav expreFs cliarges. ,Try it SS.VISE 518 Quee W. * CANADIAN AGENT. LA HAIR RESTORER. Our Customers say that the Peerless Hair Restorer is true to is name. As a tonie for the bair it has no0 superior, it also renders the hair soft and gliossy, and eventually turns grey hairs to natural color. BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 26, 1902 -The uext annual meeting of the Ou- tario Agiculturai anti Experimeutal Union will be held at the Agicultural College, Guelph. Ontario, -ou Mouday andi Tuesday, December 8th and, çth, starting at 1 .30 P - m. ou NIonday. Re ports will be presented and discu-seti on co. operative experiments couducted throughout Outario lu agriculture, horti- culture, cconomic botany, poultry rais- iug and forestry. Programs. giviug full information regardiug t h e meeting, excursion rates, etc., can be obtaineti from C. A. Zavitz, Agricultu rai College, Guelph, Ontario. 15 MONTHS FOR $3. THE EDiTOR or TîntTORONTO WORLD î'IAKHiS OuR RzA DERS A SPECLAL OFrER. Editor W. F Mlaclaan, M P., is desi- rous of increasing the circulation of The Toronto World te 30,W00 before the endi o! the yean. The Worlc isl cousiti- ereti the bnightest newspapen lu Canada lu le publiseti every weekday morniug at 4 o'ciock. Its market reports are the most accunate, particuarly those lu which the farmers anti merchants are interesteti. Any reader of ibis peper who mon- tiens this offer, andi who sentis $3 befor e the end the b.ye'r wiîllreceive a receipl up to Apnil 1, 1904 Ithe regular pnice of The Worlt isle83 for oue yeam hItie the only onue-cent morning paper pub- lit1ed lu Canada. A sample copy of The World may be seen ai uhis office Ortiors wiih the $3 shoulti be sent by registereti mail on by postai note LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. New subseibers are comiDg luntiaily. Mn. D. B. Simpson, Q. C., Bowman ville, District Deputv Grand Master, A. P. &,.A. M , paici au officiai vieilte J, B Hall Lotige, Millbreek Hon. Geo. WV. Ross, Premier o! On- tarin, bas anuonunecihig citermination to vote on Dec. 4 lu favor of-the Act Who ever suspecteti thal b. would do otherwiso? You hardv realize that it is modem.n, when taking Cater's Little Liver Pls: thev are verv small; ne bati effets ; al troubles from torpici liver are relieveti by thAir use. Whv dont Tyrone people get the Provinia t1l lealth Insç.ector 10 go down and a c itain the cause of se much t ,plioidt e er? At the pastàc ar's dea.th rate it vîli ceeu -becone a deserteci village An Explanation. "'C'..Co." rubbers are rubber shoes - MADE [N CANADA by The Canada Rubber Comnpa.ny. Coal arrived-Scb(oiier'ameO, Capt. Jos Braunic. liaï arriveci at Port Bowmanville with cargo o! newlyN mined cieal [300 tons] for MeClelan & Co They are selling it ai $7 ai wharf or $7.50 delivered lu towu. Th-y also have men cuttiig wooci antd will bave full supplv for ail. First corne, irst served. Rush in yotir orders. Mr. R. Beith M. 1.. arriveti homo from the New Ynrk Hlorse Shlow on Tuesdav mornitig and left saine dlay f or the O,-outhieru States 10 pick oui 20 of the ha-st horses froni a stuti o! about 100 heati provious to a great clearing sale abiut te ho made b', a weil knowu American breeder who wîshes to etain a score o! bis mosi prorniýing young horses Thtis is another trittute te Mr. Beoitils suierior judgment. From there ho proceeds to Chicago where he wil net as jutige (only jucige t.oo) ou Clý, dea- dale anci other heavy herses ai the great Chicago florse Show-a rival of the New York Show. Do you wear rubbers? If so, buy rubbers with a reputation. "1C. R. Co.9 rubbers have stood thie test of half a centuiry., Fît and style speak for them- selves. Direct from hie glorlous service lu Westminster Abbey aud inspireci with the beautiful and histories, itual in which their voices assisted aet the crown- ing et King Edwand andi Queen Alex- andra, Mr. Eciward Branscombe andi the Coronaation Choir Party a-rnived inl Quebec on Anguat 21st and wilh be hée to, Ring at the Methodist chunch on Tuesdav Dec. 9th under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Tickets 25e and 85c. Ther8 wiii be preseuted a most delight- fui pnogrn in which the beautifui boy sopranos, the woîîdenful male altos aud the splendid tenons andi basses of the Abbey w ill be heard to great ativantage Reduced to FIFT5( CENTS A YEAR NwIdea Woman 's 'L Magazine TfHIS WI the eheapest and best 1Fashion Magazine now be- fore the American public. Itshows New Ideas iu Fashions, in Millinery, lu Embroidery, in Cocklng, lu Woman'0s Work and in Reading; -beautifull.y illustrated in colors and in black andi white. Abeve all, it -Lect sleeping dots lie.-' Beware of the IFbar- gain','shoc h Why is it sold ata d"fduccd peice" ff it is Worth full pticc? Leave lottery shocs CarifuUly aloxic, an4 look for the MaIceWs price, stampe =n the solIe of the sure value sho- "TeSiater Shoe" J<NN»IILLYAJA.Sol&s LoCel Ageat WIRELESS T.LEGeApflY. The wondertul experiments ln wlre- loés teiegraphy as denonatrated for the tiit tîie by excihiugtng signala frotn a rail way station t<o a train runuing eata rate of ixty mileauax hour, made on the Grand Trcui apecial traki October 13tb, 1902. orrving the members of the Amertcat Agaciciation of Goeerai Pasisenger and Tacket Agents tu their forty-saventh annutl convention held ai Portland, Mairie, October 14th and 15th. 1902, boa prompted the Paaaen- Rit Departmnent of the Grand Trunk Rallway Sya,,te - to ~a publlcatîin glving adescril-tiun Of the experirnento together wth a concîa*'v, popuar treiit- Sie on th.priLoiples of wieatui5tleg- raphy, dealiniz with the aubj.ýct aino frout an hiatorical po>înt of view and in oindinoe a chai t-ir ou the recent devel- opmen'tnnieof thn branct i OfPhYaleal aci- ence. Thigt artiie la frnm the pen of floward T, Bàrnap, D. Sc., F.R S.C., of the Macdonald- Phyacal LI.boratory of McGili Unîveriuy, Montreal, and ia niost opportune in vîew of the great i- tercat occoaatoned by the rezont arrivnI at Glace Bey, Otape Breton, of Signior Marconi, onu an Jiallnwarship, with the object of perfecting hie plan& for wirelea talcgraphy acrose thne Atlantic Ocean. In adidition to the article on thie aubjeot, .À d- ecrptiot, of the luxur- lone Grand Trurik epeclai train on whloh the exptrnnts warc mad',, and a aih it reinme of the trip from Ohîcago to Portland, Main@, lis g1ven ln an in- tereating manritr. Copies of this va!- liable publteation have boen ailcd to the principal offiils of the groat rail- wbyayetymis ot the wurld, sud anyone dcaiing a oopy can necure one by send-ý ipg a two cet ttmp Vo G. T. Bell, G-3nerai P&ssenRer and Ticket Agent, Grand Truik R-tilway Syatem, Mon. treal. - BAKERY SOLD. Having sold m, bakerv to my son Davis Luttrel I would at the preserit trne'-return my sincere thanks to mv xnny customers and thepublie generai- ly for the soi su pport 1 have received duriug the pas;t four j-ears I ask for hlm the same support continued, believing that hoe will do Fill that lies in his power to deserve the same. 1 also would ask for the palotment of al accountq due me in connection with the business to be paid te LDavis Luttrel and any accounts !lgau2ist me in couinection with the business wiil be paid by him. ALEx. LUTTRELL, Bo0wmanville. Caîl ai the Olti Reliable Barber Shop when in town anti gel your hair eut. CHARTRAN, Bo *-msuville Proprietor. Opposite Standard Bank. Prices that Compare Please note a few of our pnices MEN'S SPECIALS. Buif Laceti $1.40 anti 31.70 Heavy Pebble - 1,75 aud 2.00 IIeavy Kip - 2 00 and 2.25 Box Caif - 2 40 andi 2.70 Goodyvear Welts S3.00, 3 50 anti 4.00 WOMEN'S SPECIALS. Dongoûlaïlaýe or bution $1.215 Box ùaif, lace or button 1.50 Box Cal!, ineti 1.75 Dongola, patent tip extension sole 2.00 Goodiyear Welts - $-.75 anti 3.00 . 1 =Z-- ILI EIFEISTRAYED.-About Nov. LA.15th, from near Electric Light Mii1. a reci helfer, white spot on foreheaci, iower haif of tait white. Reward given for informnationi leaoing to0 ts whereabonte. W. JÂCKMAN, Bewmanviiie. 471w* W ANTED.-A Trustworibv Gentle- manî or lady in cach county 10 manage business for an oid estabtished, bouse of soid *financtal standing.  strai ht, houa fide weekiy cash saiaryjof$1.XI pald by checik each Wednesday with ai expenses direct from head- îuarters. Money advanced f o r expenses Manager. 340 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Ill. 36-4w 'Toui Attenion For A momnentt If you are building or repatring we eau perhaps help you ho soir. soma. of the diffleulties incident to, the under- taklng. For instance: CEànmt~r-We have Battle's Thorold for conerete walls,' cattie stables sud celiar floors; E nffish Portland for pave- mients aud cîsterns, BiLL STUrP-P ine an d llmloek Joisîs, Scantling and Boards. rimBER-Pine a nad Cedar Square Timber sud Sleepers. FLooRNGu--RMed dWhite Fine and Whiie.Maple. CF LNGanti WÂnmsoorTmo--Painted sud Graineti, Beadeti anti V-Joint Srtî-Baveied, Coye, Shipflappeti anti Clapboartilng. SHn-aiLEs-Ail grades, Native: Pine andi Cedar anti B. C. Redi Cedar. Doos-Gilmours'patent lumber,hard ..,-ndand .-inA flnnrsaal -radesaand -FARDIERS, ATTENTION'I Stock raisens say Prof. A.V.M.* Day's English Tonie Powders are al ight;, they make Hlealili, Fat,-Bone and Muscle for Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Poultry (5 separate packages',. A p ure Hlerbal Toric Foodi wanranted. Local Agent. J. W. McDermid, Drug- gisi, Bowmauvilie, Ont. A Free Sample ef Cream for calves maileci to any address on racipt o! a 2c. stamp. Acidress, THE DÂY's SToCK Foon Co., Toronto, Ont. yoll Callt HoIp but be satisfled with our complete and weiî assorted stock of Wall Paper just received from leading Canadian and American faetories. The fail is a good time to make every, room attractive and my prices are right. Remnants ai your own price. Special attractions in Fancy Goods and Statiouery. Bibles, Hymn Books and Photo AlbUMS. --11 OUSEOAND LOT TO RENT- SBrick hueo n Ontario St., coitaiunn n'ne rooms, gond cellar and garden, bard ang soif watcr, stable for 1wo- orses and a cow. Wi1I> be renteS on reas3onable terme. Apply to Wm. RfcHÂaRns, Duke St., Bowruanville. 44-tf APPLES WANTED-T h e w e i À.6.known, reliable bouse of Edward Jacob & Son of London,Eng.,and Ftamburg,German, want consignment4 of Canadian applea. 11191% est piees to bc oblat ned. Reason.tb!e advanca against BIL ail owed. Communie.itc wtth B. P. Blacirford, Nurseryman, Toronto. Il willl pmy you to aMp to the firm cf EDWÂRD JACOBs OnIy 4 Woeks We are r eceivinig new goods every day suitabl e for ail kinds.of presents. Lt pays to buy early,- pick out what you want and we will lay it asi'Ie for " you. This> is a hone 66. WHOLESAL ActuCe UI1 TORONTO?IoýNT9EAL AND W5NIPEs c9XK Vmý=m West End House. John McMurtry. Are 'You LookingMME FOR VA~LUES IN Dress Goods? THAT IS SQuality, Wido Glotils at Lowost Prices. Great VUe in 50o Dresa GoodsU Cashmeres, Satin Cloths, Tartans, wide 500 Suiting Cloths in popular shades; per yd Handsomle -Boleros Just 111, $1. 7 ôto _$3. 509111 Boril, White, Greaffianld Black. Popular 75o ;Dress Gooda. Ifine, imported Ladies' Cloths'; black annavy' Cheviots; good wearing llomespuns; stylish, plain ground, satin finish Zibeline Cloths and :wide widtb. Coating Sergres in the very newest '75e- coiorings; per yard Stylish, New Golf Coats in Creain, Cardinal and Black, $1,75. 'Wide Wîdtl $1.OO Dress Gooda. Ln fine, all-wool Cheviots, Priezes; Priest- ley's unspotable Venetianis,,neat Twe ed Suitincs; Basket Weaves, a quick seqlling line with us, something -we clan recom medhighly; per -vard -$ A new lot of dainty silk Waist Goods just in. Rich and glossy Fur Ruifs to show you, ail prices. Gxood and wvarm Caperines in ail the popular selling Purs. A s kirt length of good Tweed Dress (-oods, 4 yards for $1O.00 John McMurtry, Bowmanviile. We want your Produce - Mea's Clothier- King Quality Shoes. 1

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