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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1902, p. 3

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IYEIA1Af DRJI terthe b* 1 <tI fuly aw il iii '<""dollar11Li1ls, have ncr vbenerectedlMOE IN FRUIT GROWING. ThV JfÏRBIý A RH Deto,tesil is spîit ii i aet, H M Ui aRM NT1 t Greenwxichi for,0he alcommnodi- d 1 lield open withi a wedge, andI the tioli of a staff 'If French istroalo- Sonie. Instances of "Little F"aen 5C05BG UNDERTAKINGS WIIICH mlers, ireluding Professors Rni Well Tilled." GARE ~ TREES.oneach side, if the branch is mt- tAEO RE han an ioch in diameter. The AAT POOE and Bigourdan. A the satime Adsac rniTrnoey scs s.D1 onanliiOlisof Greew- BPoard 0-f C(r' oftefut(1e1-j_______________________ scin ti.made from a kitwlg;of the wciOsraov aegen temet sttis el therUimalpri D e p rtu e nt of gr cuIlture S ay s a Previ eu s ea 's g ro w th , abo ut fo ur, W h ere lVig ratin g B ird s S p en d th e iP aris . w hr e he y als o h a Ie , e n m e i g f r r c p l n o e o t tW a e s l p l s o o t ~ a t f v r s x w e s a d h v o Poor Orchard anBe OCfle oceslogan hving three ý! Winter-Exsperimients %With peidd Withseia ntumnste alamn 3ili5 nens-t ipoeo et u vr hapds.lasgol tvr0)i~I rei JSaeGo.o ourbus. Ilisrearfiby 1Saimon. aud ai4qt io dber of expertand French ina-o DIakil ailgeecfGhedler l<i, f h day Ireodcnî ames ilis, Oui carry a gool asormfLde'Ofrdcîrdadbaka Many an oofl(rChard vvwih is n l' bgnia eo h eof bd~-'ïiitlisoniaal Ins5titit,,icLtentcau.Terasno ecGuilpesdd h ohr ie v e' Cipu oroa Irswdad iitl fo-14 an eyesore te everybody can, at lit- The co slsro atosoka ccfor Ameriatecm oklreadepisx rprosi~i j-er: ro.11,L.Hut, 0 8100 Me',O -de ofr,(i tie ~ ~ ~ ~ i citnhyndsihtheoL ci- a sstock ih asuhKesugo ,Isumta a fufitnm [ tehcalae f andh . COlertLSece- o n 1)]orm $.OOto 3se, hîd-e'sButoand BIms2e,5 yerted loto an up-to-date, tidy, Pro- UPRIDE TU EG.acmlishos il, ganis minakingtereconcile te1icrpacG..im tr, imsby; 1 W M. rro, Winona; 5, rh5e 5,ad$.0 issBy'and Yonths ocrepn [ucan rotal baîc o hean ,attemipiteosoi-e the gréa-t pro- existiug botween to caitalchieq 0ff.-1.I'oit, GrW.M.in isy n W. 75cn price 50c farrii. There are maniy orchards in Ininserting tho scion 7kreat care beno hienirtugbessîed nln n -ao.Tedles Onýe A,î-1. , t thriesy, ThdereIl.aie Wiebwl ely.wa h tc i nec n vr ar Canada which bear nmore xx rins tlîan slîould ho taken thnt the inner bark tLe wiltr as LodnAseS S~bteoe-iteîhso eod cwfit-nCatains.c er ae thol e fruit, becaulse the generitlity of laur-; o Lth scioni and stock liuuld couie itologisay no n utlitfer litslbtt hogh ia seon, n principal frutastions of Ointce esonwedott he bca s wekoi.ls aeststyesdnwel ghttc 1ýar inccontact heac ohoriTishs h( ch ot. oi isr.ce thbisMut c uait1e er-subjeaIfrut. se snoi-d tiîîctsance, t e now Ltoughri that fruit raicing pays even, if it bL e rY 1swallows gote ealn- e-atdio'ilsouthasfareuehasgets tk i eerygreaterepubiethenvelsciased gruwninierely for home coiisumipLion. gins from i is point, and if thc te Africa in Septcibor. yet ne do errer becolles, unt i1il at the Equator au inph's :- accrtA.of. Smihawoule to sow goo. ads-ed wt plan Desurgtie. TvrnsBgs tles evelve a plentiful lîarvest as weillalmost certain te ho1 ea failure, Af- miles how fithn hsoi tîyra 1. 0f î' cause seeustouble itery 1 thio per nts ut PeWassaii, Parry Soundl bought. Chptrash desn is dear, in ilmntebosi eapi Il-el Dis o O')Js rconri i-tit niire, aong ost th the p drssin nst af îicneiand xli-ktorchard eiIsrf the s;con bsed lo et, rtu nt Anlerictmn eîîigrants stîll ls is boudco-o eolso-cutis i ~ eue odrsis tig e erutk of lihen aîîËîosc-eedsi&ei oeedoe xt efig înowni. The authorities ai the! 'l ho iecessary obseruattions will takçe Burbank aud ether pluaîs. This stf- Rpiigdu nail its branches in flrst-elass style iewr ten~ fteavice givcîîin this ar- 1aX4 exclude the air, aud stcipsR ain ticle ho £llowed with f fur faithfni- of cottea îîîny ho wrappd od nier tlUs. Sinithtce-niain aie haxiiig ne fewer lilOiths te complet, thon the cul- tioîî xiii peobably be taken ever by made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my eu;îmr o as 05.A goed ,grafting wax foi- eut-door tbluî - nillïi alumniumn tags ruade. culatioîîs xiii ho mad1Ie and imutually itie heard. Th, board rmade general PesS. ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~bc aete obcsent -te corrîespond- checked 1) thîe 1tue observateriles. experinients in the use of a varieiy vranhoigfractnue fteLm'" The first thing to be done is te use is made ?hy eltiîîg together rt i v, u enrwî hoîercî xjy nth nw nil0 aidn repoetraî scueoif the îeugh, lotis-obark fi-oire*in and beesu-axin tîe piroportiolentskl vrtecr iy ihte h eut wl -ýtl nw ni fecrln repoetr, n tl tuc aîîd lbranches, and te of fise puits res-iinandl tw pai-ts eeque-t Lutthcy iaybe iasteiied te thle 'endof 1903, adtue ceci Will 1t101uig1 itOPeated against canker pue tîxutues. W hite lu t. true becs' ax; tte ibis is addcd o0e.anti the le gs of youiig jvild bleds heforo Irun te vÎ ox 5000 x cns, theirw report was that on the lioý?lIbis reughbabok naîy apai eOue-half ce tue parts linsce-fil. fheY ;arc abi,'ete fiý,. The tags are, tis -,al so ut P,,r1i s ihat a very in- xhele it ixa-i unsatisfactuîy, and in Beaver Block. 4owiuanville. do otuile burinu, it affird. on In top-grafting P. tree nlxvays have te h),- iriked und dated, se tlîat terestiflg and csl coîii xe coul1vsini ic epr-s ineinstancesini-rions. _________________________________________ fortabie Ltfree hoard ailodgings for in view the nroductioîî ef a symiet xxlîei tLe birtis acrecaptu-ed or nieunt Las lattoly beex i ii Pregresc. Al i .îPof, [loti, the visitor leO the ex-FN nouxiezu, ifncots whiclî tloroughly ap- rirai opafter theolod 0ne lias beeî i hlled It will hoie ibote obtali enornîous penidulcun bahs bee hbang perimieîit stations, repoîtetl in (de-EST ABLISH ED 1890. P O A 3 3 pi-eciote and avai theinseves ofibtis rernoved. records oif hlin fictlîey haie raiteineI1 the Pantheetliode-te prove by tail. He receniîîended thait the re hospiioble sholtet - Pruriiiig mny ho Witb ibis cuitix ation codling mloth feoni their biîtliplace. The plan is1 its mox-rents the ron ýtton cf the cuits of the tosts and experiientc q__ asý simpiîle as A B C. At first..oily will disappear, and in tbre sealsons far the ofgg i fti kind which 4as t arth. TIho endluis a hall of lovl, shoî-xîîat the bndutrial Exhi- . U L . brd ianches and creu ding suchors an old ugly and ç,onparativelvi1 ever bean tried, and iill, it is oes-ilcad weigliiag 5)6 pounids , and it isition slîould utîso ho exhibited a tlàWD EE îîeed houeiovcd, uriess the trocs ho wortbless orchard cao ho converled .tiiflnte1ýd, comiai leait £15,000, and srigb &-lc 1 uli eîîh onyaiitixnhpfiadce-SO K A D B N -,LId and ddecrepit -wltlîdying hranccs ite a pretty uniferni one, witluî~eilo,,a stali of ten ceriespoîxtlienre 1t'ie l-uîîgest putiano i or drawn. gestei that tie revisici of tue priize TC A D B N BROKýERS ni-i nm tî-oîîîî ti, tand ln ibit abondant (Tops of nîarketahle and Ccha fer ceverat bears. -The swing tksegtfuili seconds lissut those foies, inx acoordanc ELLINGT SNTMRLET, EAST, TRNO ~cethe plurîing s1ould ho vigocous. profitable ,aricties. An orchard i A soehtsinîilar experýinieiliii ither W-eton aî ie edounu ni l tue, iiltsatt cete A's a grape viuue con 1, reneixed soe "iî"voi-o oid te mei, or bonjd vns atr11d ceie years ago by the appareuitly disîdaýcos itýefu ibtheOp- pe'illICnt station,. wouuid have the dil,, -Ts-~ rawyNwYok 0St.6S.,Bso ca a ape ro, n i oî-ein eewxal. ]British fl .i uhetes hypeiodicto et chr's spio. siî-ed recuit of briîging eut the a lI1JIUýV crasces ntroc may ho cut te thoe 1lepi ou Agriculture, Ottawa. caupghi ud ïarked wîtL dated inetalilTie oxporimen!tbsocuidfoc seu- letiO te- bst siite-d to thut locality ruudntaolueoebtuon tags over 10,000 saumon, n'itL a eali ronudis tueindhidu - atentionî 'li. Sherrington, thc experinenter a -, aý short cshoot wihL iiuisprine iup. FrOvrSIw îevte sceinig ilthec al came of ths 'Ivl i-konilu!i os IWloroî epre ehav it k, Cnt ciii old branches, have young .b~er ark iloto the saine icers ii- wihCamnille Jlunîaiouu nuiti egt, a i tile farîîî mou tjkled, -'ofui rîuni1fve ouh adSold for Caîsî or on ýMargn osuckorî3 te tali ethelu place, thonna Itits -Wiîew Sooillg lfyrup lhasthey Lati bec,, Latcod. The oxpcri-atiortis th,îLe îostuuaihct les oui 1 at-ros ho îld S500 xorth c pis ritîratningvn~ aaUnScrte.Mre et iiiw top xiii tuirkly for, ,ani good boon used hy miitions of motnors 1 fo' i îîîcît proî-ed thaï;ua xci, large nia- In astroiiomy coxer gý. ixel t1 Le4) fou i oi r o f a laod Iâlritv1ý0 icu ( ýI1A1nseu fruit wi felioîv. Aiways take rare tiorchildren îviile teethiag. If dis-' bruity id sel. t aise afuci-deti cxi- public. nettefi $8001. In tue Plon, betoit I alied dtily (4 P. Im-.) on ,app!icationU, Cî,rrespoiideice ivtd to tim ont useless branches hecause iturbd ai fight and broken of youri1 ooce that, saluion inrreascd in OntGuiario, at Clarksbuug, Mu. J ohn SLNSIIINE ANfD AIREl iîest hi' a sick ciild suffering and dry--1 îîeighiuî more enpiiy lia, Miteheluns, 170 varioties of that in ith pain of Cutting 'Teeth scndTH EX RIINTL U O. fruit, and lic is iw getËung succesls- ai-e iiisoparable fron, the steady, Ut oce knd got a hottle of -hrs. ANY TIbiER .1IVERIZ ISI futi recuits from cighu t arieties of iîcaithy groivih of orofiards as ofin-i Winslox's -Puethiiîg Syrup' foc Chiu- The RoY1ai.Statist irai Societv is ai Annual Meetinug to Be Held at peaches. The fruit groîxe-îs ait Leauni- dividuais. ~ ~ ~ 1drenu Tceîhing. It n-lb relioxe ti-o preseni engaged * upon a vory big Agriculturai Coliege. ige r ecidt ecpato Aui iipple tu-te must Le fed if it ipeor uitile cufferer imnmediatcly. e:îudrtakuîug. F-or scieutif'rreaisons Tbneiaui etg0f LettiI s -or îepactos te prouluce fruit, ant) ediet is moiretu h s rnrcee'ihie rnlîo Le- d b ie le -, h ef cehabl or mexpenuse tînn aIrgu ond uen , rora ive he uîd tatueof tLe OGtaiaeo Agricuitlurai and Expori- trioe y 0frzo t mitinous rover crrp. Trocs îetîuire 1 hoeak eâe s ieS ce an rietish nih.t(ejn h lias loung h'-uide- iîmental VUnioni iili Lbe held att heAg- Fbur' 89.A aiad - i-cguiie adte Sto;nihuliore ra1sricultuirai Collegc. CGuelphi, OGuio,îLte'St. Lawuonce sectuin, 'Mr.. arold nîciture feui; tierofro gassBoxls, ctures Xind Colir, sefteuis tLe 1sired te flnd lont îvbat tLe aurinal o todyat uco,,gt70la-ostfap~ sucreed the formner mnust ploxv bis i 8tuiand 9tOi, starting ai 13 1, .fon ieaFres, and ut Trenton M- orchard and tilil tLe grouiid, tillage gîxes tua-- and eneî-gy teîl e whoic this countr-y. q lue society lias unuder - 1' ie .H Dmsyge ,00breso &M.aA ulig systoîni. "Mrs. Winslows Soothuîug - iAleuî te tasi-, anîd 15priniting lîun- o lnaîtl iscussed xiiiLe y H )eîne g8 st00brr bcîuîg reniin.ed fmqtueuîu durlng Surii so hlre etigi peý rdeîted ad susdoui ro-cperuîive ityuîgapples ibis ycau, of wliirL le bas no Pko~IDVDHSIS hree conat carly sumnior. By m-idiui.-n-ii- or uve I îu o' Oudefîehn l lu rd tthouusiuids of circudars, oxperiments condurted ihroughout lessa tbn i300 varieties. - J.W. WST EL, Chartered c grwtîgeîeaiycass ud beiii-sant to îLe taste aid is the pro-- îhicb are to lie sent ont te farmers, Cotai- o in Aricultre, W.oticul-+ I AccuntCht grwhgnrlcA rer rd tep soun sciption of one<f itue oldest and butc-lers, and bouscboldersail ove rcErnoni Btny Puuey PETINUSRYSAE logo siîouid stop. AcvrcLpsw est femnale physicians and nurses inL tîgo,.lu lee on lîîslaurg , caîîd Fc otrny Ac iLtcie Te PlEclloeluToono ff!ite wthtSAPsE.t thon xxil not only proton the scouldtrofUniteri Siatea.dFritest25 centshararce entyforllLeeiin Torhotdou- te dii la! . Ith the nitd Sate. Prce 5 cntsa lre lrt or he ouseol t,11xixwre in ailabout 4,000 expeiint- Director of MVines Says It i frouawîhing but xiii ad-d hions ate bhogitt. cd y au ugi1sîe quantities of Lel, imutton, veal. es ibeoughout Ontario in 1902, Flourishing. Charterel Accountants, or havino' Chartered Acco( tnso ituviilea cevr rcp vii gaiir tîroguîutthe îvorld. Be cure antI-bacon, haiu, cht ose, butter-,anid lieerpn 1oi levî ui-_ il theaiuugon eesryfrtxoukfrMe msoxsSohigfe niillir uset by lis ifmîîy. lesA despatrux frci T orontîo nys ts tstaff. Our Pennanship teacheu-s are acknowledgdbthe A oo atenaie e lein îeSyrup.' ulursare nsked for theaveage !sie-furgUîisssos br nited States Conîsul uisanins i-e- w,Àho knzw to be the best in Canada, ieiu as1rt hture it ivithu hogs g anti ieiglît eh ail tLe al-linîis xxil Lebinox 5P5Sions 5on iouseodelrllore e ahngo htN -1l -ES an sep, uîeerbl hefouer NWEXEESA ILIN. pa: iîng tiotugh iîi îîîs hu»eooîis xbr lne iess thian 400 a enAN EQUîPMENT F' 856YEWIES.VLUO ond a! lunI ,s te keep mrne animais nrs foi the products anti li 'o sttock 'uîeresîîte îLe iv1 lade. isnew asicd ii Ontario hy varions, people ~$10,0o, 1U2A;IiATO F TH-ECM Lhihun îe gaaxii1upri0easVleofFr1reet n h n teir faria.Resîlts xvi tuuke cie Livingstoneo, Noimal Schooi Ou- expromuenîung wituxthe prductionîî PA TNEM F 2-SHRTANNTPERT. -î«1- iii insore supplieuntiuig ile Province Inirrasiu nn bcitu-e yeanc te tabulate and uawai; Miss Laura IDose, CGmelp- an ind, arumril c.d.îe EATET ý,-kttss diet hy grainî, uhirb natxîrally AM.( .Ciethn uc iîîdîtDrctrc ie,'lis .Cbo, Students may enter at any tUnie. Write for free catalogue adseie lxxiii hing ferii tu' t tueorcîxar A dus-patcb freru Torouito sais A îîîost curions and xery dauîjgei-us -er'Iuctiu!s iuono au-e eddnt knwýr us esninpnnnh but nn' b vaueofianipendîtes liy aitsof xpriean o flierr ornt, re aJisure thlai tLe gralss xiii nuit o an rpnyî l sce fepruins bas lately be ýion h sýak. for tbe ],,,figures tue Coîîîi lî ad tunsri l hii 'O re-tuesYa gi cxv mll. Whtre uhee auîiîîîuîs, ie ýu iteosdoubi pr of the Unlitodicotidueced hy Dre Lindslay port,îî in u i ritrie i llyatnw fNoh AndII8 UoiZ.ui net geazedl an uchadthe grise e upultin upoîî ,the eyes of xvid aniumas. It Poescldes the oput f LtueceO-pel--indto iesa geod !(of niîuîiey ILa solbciiwieryai lf onThe ueturiîs cf-agricuîturai statictirs bas long beouî kuonilthut tue hlilatie experuoxi aiess iuL o esu cut in epeiîctig I sheuld ho mtoua c hius aad bie ouisi r""d îy the Bureau of Industries, rnun oye possessesael,îcculia,- îOliew delix<ced ua it,,e regnIar sessions by cite of uluese raîber îIIisruurýgiîug but ibis is net nearhy se boneddfial - !suioxs îLt ini 190Lthile vane of îLe spot ini thoereunter ef vision.,xhirb Prof. .Jas. W. Ltibertson, Agrirni- featuces, Mri. Gibcouî said that tLe - _____________ ais gcnzing the laid. jtanin lands, hildiuîn, uuponut iisemn eadngeii so, eon tna oîuisiourGtag.D-.B.pnttntawa; foirsbîg;lilIGFTUE OrRODSA.-COVIT SEXDATI isecs ind tuogi Luxe to Le cor-uandhfro stock craciio thîe totaul f as the -"macula Îien,," n-as four long E. euixDietortth'Nw iuBefwa sng petaful ic iis sidcred xvith, - nd it x i once--Stb,,9,rin- omard xvih Cooposed to Le pectîhmar te mnnX orî, State Cnogr of Foresîry t cxvoii boule, amin-ucvas avoctilY loi- Will Rival flhe United States in Siberian PrisonersFuheSar- s-ry te spray xith Bordeaux mixture $974,P,14,931 the prexions ybOnd Dr. Johnison, lookiîug oneoday ni ara, N. Y.; Io. John Ddi r cssdx ihi tsic îeits, altbongb, lis Pevelopruent. tien te SuhLte and Paulrs gree t asoi mc alte TOecrountry of Mdtleuýex lundi xitb soiO inonkeys i, 'Inmlrara's roiirr- vinciai Minister ofAgrirni-tuc- Tj-oiofcourse. ih couid net na ur to Le A despatob fu-em London sanys : A despatrh tfronVcoia . the biossonîs Lave tullen. 'The for j$50.367,864, ondIuronicoeuisectofuini thut Ley aise pessessed i-oto; Dr. jas. ille Pesident of crîal teo hard roui. -ioPrs crepud-L o leSI -heruxcsiiîeSbiiu mucr ili cicauthe iciiabs oh liangin4 ciii' xxith $8f4,1.'F'lue i-cs itiis spot. Ilepeeccedcd ho ni-tie a ltieGOntario Agrirultucai Coliogo Tiîies says 1)r-. Loir of thiePasteuîr corîiiiSetu ,leet hi gn1o lichiens orî moss, aud he later wilnulue of hîue cheee nî-un'factured 1ihorougb xaninatioîi of tixeeyec of Guelphî; W. J. Brcow-n, Prncipalcf -SIIELLED NATIVE VILLAGE. I,,;ue h sie Iuyi seutle i-eau, of ti-Icnexie-us sects, reachboti 12,269,1178, of nbicli $10,- ail ciher aiial-s ho rouid get nu-t.Ilic Cuuîdin îCorrespouidemîce C oi- d- ba stiue ii i uexcoin r.)-tye istike.Tiîey xiiilofue ai fe tho'ughilit canot rechlutheoapple j814,538 xs asaid tote inilk uu, u- Iii carL indhidual ca,eit iras noces- loge, Toronto. andodclies. British Warsliip Funiislhes the adciarn-sflua grandi ure. tr iledi utlhey e nicts uunoymet wlir ails fo er iaiiduccu , coiarod iuith 1t,0302,ea- o danr-en thie ceandt, put-I As îLe provincial \no ue sFjas dpe tcagat uoe vi d hs otit r i dîae Iotugtiiluaiu ulliidevelopietîwxheîîihuleie I îîuî ciLtccý? forpoiiaoduc. tueaîîîet eas tix L aî fud$11,68-1,470 îosu ectixeiy inîia a haî,pbcluth îe animahs' te Leliîel-d iiin 1lp'i iuîndiatoly ah- a sîîîall fly niîich puiictuirs tue skie,1 1900. The nuinunit oi clattel lmo)r- hleud, to luok ihrogh tLe ophthal- tcîeExoieîalUinnici'IA esfiatcit trou, \Victoria, LIC., Cpete Cairo l'ailwuy la inishl5d - 'i'Ley une lueuvuly chaîîdudolo of tLe napde nî.daISs uts cgs on gure tuiilst tacuicîes ii Ga-riu iluuîsco'fe ut a distance of liait anandit as the excursion rates ilc- an 4sjseg e h xei-ýi i x Union dOetingsay ,i frdi Syduie îe seOr n , 80tehobmilfth îe,lorilads :- ieete lie ofuitiddauoi derîeah Neîuute lîuvtuirocluxxas 8.i, lait your, cripared ich oniy froî,, the aninial's ci-o for cor tLe nhvooe eo,, an oxcelenrt op-Ar! i bM8 pucvla e "lciaiiicec fîe bntd ues i eeic heda r tue u.pcayiuug nay ho h crînet ronuli tî$3,110,54-3 ini 1900, anud 53,- n us ta, uebuc i iiie oruîiy vhiL uhrdd i piîtuîoî raiaprtiate Sotsalut u-pissus tureile.-t e otl toî'rrxdcucos ilîs psi;but i hu iiîîfahc ao 26,82in 1896. Thie total, tiîîe spont exer eactu uni-iscais wixe uisix tovcites,-i'iurog îeScui " Ihuuda ii-uî hi poene cfano rui-c, opoae eoîs ae en cele Lýe ds -e,îod as sein as they drop, uîîoh n'as froî riglit , to -sixteon chuef cetonr-ot agucuiurai educatioin hoglie roise îLe xxtIslans.ef Du- in he rL xxiii ofhaaus ticveioc ru - u-tL uthu bi-otsbe. Ilcuit î'uîd i,1ch1-'froîn places xx liocW1h1- IIGII GRADE IRON ORE . heu, s !Lions, tigors, bears, u-eives, Programmes, gixbug fu11 infom-tcuienuuute.vrhpsofieswih ilpras eeo oera ,vt ueibotlh teeî freits ihcu,tot.d hobui-ned, oiophlats eei f'-iand m - îruoutenî - îLgth, enetin, texcursioxx,îcrew Ysahel andipidiy ubîno tue ceuteie of the New acerdiag te tule lai avnpu i' îî mostuos rcaedug goxcusuenCliolsuulIslands fcr CeonLt Bri-iiiî. World. li sci -. iýself-tuvioad tu îet o--n' uius inxibisLeDistrict Arenid Sudbury Said te pylhîens, uele cxamuîod iiix Ihîs w-y. riaies, etc.. cauu Le o)lîiunl hy ap-ý appe'uxhîredrei.h inibs YIn ah, rio feu-ci-tiîoîî e e ibusand plyiog te îLe S-cîetacy, C. A. Ai iiaîiebo Il anris jix,'xllaiges c f + -m---- nuy hiave dle-.l. resîc..tiiuithîni ti in itu odiiiîî ue icl inIt.nulnuis - ee exaîîîboe, s o:nue wlthu Zavitz,Xgriuituii-iolegc, thile,îiu-les xx t-e siic- ouuui VOýMEN UP IN AFiS. buis a i i1on ebild,,antoge, becatîs" if A i ~,tcîI rerîxTorontoîesois: Ini the -greu-itest Ontario.ijthe iiauuders foc hux iuug ikuubed a IORE 3IINERALWELTI Weisterbed n bii Lgs cerslîoep the spj'aiigoh tuc erccntiy relioni d dis- j 1T.UT AUBN I.jFii, xx cunaj becrause shi- cubraced Object te i X icpi Distranicllise- xprules nue -e OutrabeothLe lîieri is noueras eh exteilev iron eue d- NS. it- menin nra. eprDpoisFnd nNrl si0onued- Spedlal buildings antd tor unsîruu- TURICEY ODESGUMLnsth iV. Whautiexv tu iii-1-otel perDoss LIKELY TO ESC A'E. p 't , li e iue nu L ubnry u iuli ii'aetrotnpcrrlibuatse îessJig uleni~ves nL w u Adusut t îcn iciceu as - asting 'buîre~te ouîeiîstuues it ichlub isiii le h-. .Ciuuu Expecied Thiere IVill Be Serieous jriuovsness of hîe crime teminitted by Th~e ?doiut ti I euensCnîuuiilne" 4 A desîiaicte icraey tie tirrluud iuay lie in sî:cîua col- irctoi-t' l his s-i- t li e findt us _________ îtra n pig hm uîd ofuxcuiîg-iu t ai num ain ar-uisagaiîîaîa -cîLuoskaLi iadc Soue good 51 Oinideh epo r i'hioin fi-"uulong neleci t me Freuhol letutdite-d L îLe o ni oh- Aeîîrouce tîionissi-eSpc-by tue City Charte- Couiattoet- t ere exibited ai feBueu o iýiîd u-ic epî-uperly îi'lled, aid Hitu. iuîauuî4o uuiclAteiou em eiaiinoiuie cow xiJited five jplaces iith slaund dsauhue siuin îdndn liison TLu,-,tiýi, wcuLsbe tue trocs rainot Le adëqîlïýuy fed. u-uitil u î--efound in ihai îeighboc- Isols: Sixtco't ail nnof 'uc -i- h alia. îamehi uiSie, tiras, 1 wbo uuexi acceu-duug te the City j Lenht in ineîîseuu Ov1 ic Gncýýi i, -ohesLa-thuiod of ffeedii lutouuici- yeans ogo, and a cuuinr - g tir-id guuls, îuiileciiug 96 gouýin u lii anîd Ptci-t hiioeud, u.îiidut cadlilCoîrî-psesio gu fioigoo oprdpst iBu-rfi th- 11tee i iituroit u-i jt puned, etcolu)ii.aIJ' cfs rouiit-e Unîied lites IalhiLave iîeî !oden-'d feoiuî tIie uunccduilliages n-cshelled anti u uuiuîu i tes a xmltlc ýrLbattg eut."usi L ersethuen ftue fooud wxîblrh j O in, e euî ]lxuCStigata leexîiupxxo-io icdîiu-neiuîptiuidestro ed. uiuuatieisef thhîee aîuaîuet ttheTuîici-P tdiou prietoit tLe reuexxai ohfitie finît couper teuîud intadsti. tii, icisîe Le ollfusi-d li n yî-r ofteto teor bo is np -., g a0 1laof hea iot xvtuiîieslb ibs h renentnLiý1 ntdi01- n rl îdn uun fpos- aiiey lcM'i iiiei iCOLD SH-OIJLDER FOR DOUKS.Ipi lg.b isueupcuucdL sei sn,JlI uuuîîer. i is cuîYLy ioxitipeceu-ir. q-be resuts <ut thii irel.,1aîihrizeul te p uirLoase 220,000 -Il - --an excellenut sauiîie. pîoe tec iutaucaabeatvuc bLei Cc suuix ta-I ry tiun t hue7î osnaiclir îusrtecuuIet udrusNwScteFi CLAIM ORDER IS INJUST. couu r atareuxtcapab-nofsucA-,cpuobss ai 'cce nuuhr f xxnd re tM ageuIsI r c uiuiuiento, Or letar-I Anderesatch Seci tihieg F:iiisfrSiir.CceiBianadGr-ayAce tî-eîn tiuîoo te five yen--s. 1-17IITBYRBER -t,,J iue te gnouî. Tlhe branch-es, Aciuon ehrmciroh Warren, 1-o grafted sheiild uot b h o rxl'tiuoîm Ith. itld ut-cu tixo teticee berlues bu dl:uiueier -~ c 's- Ent E. (OsLorne, nssisant ___________ - ______ - 10 t'Itr anti pi-prieter ch the Ta pcre te YOU hatilDe.gri rai seoi tiilluage,'IV a s CLsOlinmeot is acueztache Il ~a-beiute cure for eaeh brtddenlOh enrd L a ~ nd exery ftecm or itchinw, ca ofe aitofohrobberns uhue lîn tu auatrxt egaathed il-. Sectes- oucdiLeVW arrnuB-tuik and lown î ~ecs wLathey thi-koht . loi, olît n -mi iih gît x ou out-,bak If rut ciîru-d. e)caLka Ogug je dox ~I dairsorEnuÀus~,BtThS& o.Te'et. apdl ui\-r',i uhe tseuruHOau is recomieidedbypyiin because it purifies the bod cleanses the stomach, invigorates the liver anda gently regulates the baw'els.11, keeps the head c1eac, tho cys brigt and the coniple-x- ev-enGacan Arrested ut Forti A despa)te i-eu-0o11Fort Williamn says :-Sevrý-iia Caciuns ivere pinced onde,- au-nust on Tuursday nighi Lharged vx ith îuîo nîuuudeu oh Stex au Roehbk, nal P ,ou-u u i e~Tue fîgb or- curruti on VW'cdnç-sdcy uigit ini tLe fereiguudit-ii larîe'ruili5. Roe- Lbak iras toon ii iunening xxith Lic- hafi an i,-iok tnighttubily rut tro-o njunie unuicofibycluibs andi - picos t mn, nîd doý bout ïacon. is the'lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the Most perfect - Range construcied. h is av~erfect cooklnz apparatius. Write the Manufactuurers foi' an Illustrated Ckatogue. THE WM. BUCKi STOVE CO., LmtS Ye I î

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