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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1902, p. 1

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_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _l a t ema i ---- .- -." .o,,Al u i UUJAIAU TERMS .-Sl.5O FER ÂANNtm.' NRw SEnJiEs. arT~mnw.r A~7f T7.T'V~ .W AIJJ5 M.A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMANVILLEs ONTARIO~, WEDNESDAY,, ,DEC-EMjII3ER, 17, 1902 VOL-UME XLV4ý No. 51 COUCH, JOIINSTON & ORYDERMAN have ini stock a choice lot of Sgoods suitable for Xmas Presentsd-o Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrachan, Bokhrran, Electrie Seal and Persian Lamnb;, Fur Lîned Capes in Plain, Broche and'Silk coverec; 3Men's ur Liec and Fur Coats; Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats, Caperines, Iluif s, SMufs and !iauntletsand Kid Gloves of ail kinds. > O'lckTayCves F LSO Cohsad aki k wrap Shawls, Carniage Rlu gs and Blankets, Table ltsadNpi, Five 'CokTa oesand Doylies, Plain and Fancy Handkerchiefs, SPlain and Initialed Silk llandkerchiefs and'the finestý stock of Neckwear Sever -shown in town.ý Readiy-to-wear Clothing for Men anai Boy's and the bost Ten Dollar Overcoat sho wn anywhere. Couch, Jolinston andBL THE CORN",-ER SHOE STORE, OSHAWA. RolidayuGiftsý Child'slhigh Rtibber BoQats,biue fileeeed lined 81.39 Bo'y's best Overshoes, guarant- eed Germail 1.00 Boy's strong low Rubbers .50 Boy's :Rubbers for Sox, heavy, guaranteed 1.00 Boy'slong Sox, thick wol, red trimming .50 Boy's grain caif iace& boots, red fleeeed ]ined, neaýt shape, best German, 11 to 13 1.30 1lb 5 1.60 3oy's heavy RuLbbe r Tiy Boo ts Bizes 1 to 5 29 [guaranteed agaJist; piit~ tingj men's sizes 3.50 FirAt class, fast color Carpet Slipper, seamless linings, best German, Faný,y Pat- tern,,sizes 7 to 10.3 - LOCAL AND OTHEE Additionat local news on fDarlington ceuitirý page. Tri' a cup of flot Vigo It ls delicious. Counities Council-Warde: on inside page. Mrs. Nellt of Toronto ih W. Hislop, Eigin St, Milier's Grip Powders Cu Stott & Jury, druggists Mr. Wallace Elford h <rom In.dian Head, N. W.' Turn tbis papctr; locate interesting reading on insi( Turkeys are scarce--îeav for vour Xmas Turkey ai House now Mrs S. R. Irwin, Fras bas been visiting ber sister Humnphrey. Tîtin 'people Should ta Compound iron Pille. Sold Jury, dîuggists, Mrs. F. D. McICay Pl visiting, her- mother Mr8. T Who bas been ill. îL.arge assortment of Chir .Saucers suita hie for -present &co's China- li. Mr HnY's poem-a Legnd-s lkeail lber1 iuteretinýt. See inside pag McMlurtry wiit save yoi your g:roceries Wants for Xi est and largest stock in toiv Mrs. John Yetlowiees1 Bolton te spend the wint( daugbter Mrs. J. G. Gibson Miller's Worm Powder ailments of cbildre,î like in by Stott & Jury, druggists Chrisîmies Tree Entert Providence cburch Dec. 23. later. Reserve the date. Mr. Frank Shortridge, M!an., gave us a cati lasI iw visttiug bis parents at Selini Wbat is nicer for the litthj a grey lamb cap, coltar gauntlets The West End tbem right. a RWISE. GAY FOR CHRISTMAS. COUNTY COUNCIL DIVISION NO; 5 a inside page, BEAUTIFULLY ATTRACTIVE is TIIE LADIES AND GENTLEMENDurjng the epor--isid MAON OMPISY5 Ba DPA1T- 'past two i ears I have represented MENTAL STORE-GREATEST DISPLAY Division Nc-. 5-BowmanYiîe i and -ai at Tod's. 0F HOLIDAY GOODS TO BE sEEN IN Darlington south-to the best of my DURHIAM COUNTY-SPEOIAL ARTICLEs ability and jud -ment. It is my desire -nso Address- SUITABIE FOR CHRISTMAs AND NEW' and intention to offer my service9 for visiting Mrs. YEARS PREBENTS. another terni of two years at the Nomination on Dec. 22 and sbould ire, Soid.by We have often referred in these col- more than two candidates be nominated uains with pleasure to the Bowmanville adapoil be necesr,1epetul as returned stores and fieel no besitation mn repeating olicand a voesar ifeeci y T.our conviction that few towns can boast oiî o rvts n nlec um ofsuch uniformly high.cîass business es- behalf. Each qualified voter bas two @and other taolishments as we have in Bowman votes in this election. [de pages, ville. We think there is a danger of ve vour order flot having' a proper appreciation 0 f The public's humble servant, tWest End things witb which, we get so familiar, M. A. JAMES. yet, when we stop to think of the bene ikln, Man.,' fitswhich the public derive fromn these THE RANKS TH[NNED. rMrs. Wm establishments and the great conven- - ience thev are their value sbould be- MR- JOHN MACKAY, PROPRIETOR OP' TM ~k Mlerscome apparent to ail. .Having a few CAL EDONIAN MILLS, PASSES AWAY. i yStott & dys %go taken a soniewhatcarefui look d by throu'h The Mason Co's large stores, The ranks f our older citizens ana we will try to convey to readers sonfie promanent business mon are being thin.. eterboro, is idea of thoir immense concern. ned rapidly by sickness and death, Ai- 'hos Surin This flrm now haveundoubtedty the most every Week we are catled upon to fineêst premises'lu the town and situa ted record the dernise of some wellknon na Cups and right in th 3 centre of th e business part. person of our communit.y, This Week ts at Young Their- bu'iness is conducted on the it is with sincere 'sorrow~ that we an- .departmentat' plan, the departments, flounce the death on Friday last -of a *Christnmas being, Geeral Dry Goods, Men's and most worthy and v lued citizen, Mr. poetry very' Boys' Radv-o-weair Clothiný, Ordered John MacKay, the weall-known Proprie.. g. Clothing and Meu's Furnisiigs, Bots tr and manager f the Caedonian and Shoes, Groceries, Watches and milîs in the',,outh-eastern part of tbis su noney 11n Jeweilry, each department being a to'Wn. Deceased had been ili for onty a .mas. Chioie. whole store in îtself, carrj ng a coin- lîttie over a fortnight, during which V.plete stock. time great Policitude was feit by a %vide has gone to circle of ivelt wishers His death is the ;r w ith her ,W e w ere im prep,,ed w itÈ the exten- re u t 0 k d y d s a e, w t o he sive preparations going on for the comlitofin Aveîy are wchoour s uealCh risîrnastrado. Te tores are -gaily of friends followed bisremaîisio their agi. Sold partment fairly bristies ,; with number- tor o n uplace is pwator, 1ev. J. less articles ,suitable for 'lhristmas gifts.Tirnbull, M. A.,ofElcatingat the bouse alument at A most attractive feature of the *decor- and grave-side The bearers were Particulars ations is ta be a fuît grrowu Christmas MsrB Hector Beitb, John McCieitan. tree, thus perpetuating the good ord W Cana, J. K. Galbraith, W. J. Joues Winnipeg, Yute-tide custom so intereSting 10o ld Dr. Hillier. Among the more intimate eek. lie is and young alike. We wouid think that frjends whofottowed the heàrse were a. , .the whote requirements f West Dr- Mr. Thos. Paterson and Mr J. W. At. ifolks tban ham might be amply supplied under ezander, Presiden)t of the Dominion Or- or pair of this one roof.- It. would be impossible gan and Piano @~o, Mr J B. Fairbairn, House have to .enumerate ail the ie things in P. M The members (,f the town coun- tuis article but we cannot refrain fromci and of Bowmanviile Council of the & c iîmentioning a few, Iu the1 Dry Goods Royal. Arcanum c f whicb. decease-d was ir Dep______ were seen a lare____ -- 1; OUR-TOWN AND COUNTY VIRRIr! lrlmýwnlqT.n

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