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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1902, p. 3

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Cguncil Division Nýo 6 of thse County â' Dur ham having died siice his appoint1 mnent at the June session, and as there is D~fo~ ~ ood Pho~bodnono provision in the statute for the" ap TU Grat Enq1 h Remedy.j. ointment of asuccessor (except bv' rggsain Canada. Onlyreli mýtter-.ind as the Corincil weuld fot able medicine discovered. &x1 meet in ime for the necessary publica -packages mgaranteed to cure v,11tinontceofomain eig- o n o eual Weakness, Pa1l effects of abusetinenocsetomainmeig- )r eneces,ental \orry, E icessive lise of To- advisec' the Clerk et ibis Counlci, Who is inc , pim or StimulaInts. Maiied on receipt relut ning officer for the Linited Counties, >tpLeeepackage$î $5t,i5.OnewillteS, 10 issue the neceaSaîy notices and per TxteiÙr- ,enpbietý; r-ý'toa anddres5. -ise 5-Xud 1 ~e Windscr, OýP fo-m lthe rre'im-ina y dulies up to the day elýýFlûsO1e-nisSin ofir td tnomination, when tnse NIunicipal Acis 1, j PR,1olia ' mnai e provision for tic appointment of a WV Mle eîd, DrI1gg'MIls. Nomioating <Ifficer fîom the electors r retcnt at the nomination. Th-e Treasuter infoi ms me tisaI Ihere isilethe credit et th'ese Counties in the Bank et Toroento the suni et $3765.56; the amount of notes uoder dissýount on cnt L-0 etrent account is $Sooo o; the total ameunit Net paid hli on a cont of. Courty Rate for iç '2 IS only $5422 13. The debenture But IJ sinkî ng funld depositeti in Bank et To on ________________________ t l is e,8583 45 As there ariehevy pay n isents fa lin.g due about te middle of Thle mo.t su refiful fasrners ;eo Canada this month, 1 w oulti urge il, on the mcmrt read -the FARM ER S ADVOèAJIE: tiiey I bers eft his Ceunci ithe necressity et their Sthink about ther 5,cr5., they acr, u is lis editors and contrbuors are specialists. "Counity Rate at an early date The fu)t esponse le the I-'tition from i i :: and ether Cointiels' Counci s, the flense ofetcemesarr ointed a CommCnision te 1 toIse evidene in re ,ard te the Cattie Guard Quest'on. TIse said Comnmissionî >met in l'terboîoîLfýh on Novemnber 28115 end1iw ita de1 utatien ifie n these Conntieý ïappcarcd before the Coromi sien and cortains thse creain of agreuiîurai thought, tgave evidrncc,and ai f uliy satisiedt hat sudprartical ,nncontinueato read it bc- Iinthe sîcat fu'ui te îps nil; b,talion t0 îc cause it pos them and btcr.se they Isant e te bcst-We sant ihoîrsands of ncmvsub- rnmcdy L i escnt Catt1c Giaards, and that ~ srirrsa o vii apreiae omehig god ~an or proveti guard w i 1 be adopti w hiuhý Tesotyubi-cribe, the more 3ion > I wIIbc tlîe me.sns et sas ing much valu able aok. Ili conclnsion,al'ow me te hanlk you for 1. shovv. nmsn. dut ing the past yen-i, in wvh' h ~ BIG 1lhave been your p eidngofi-e- I ont seni-ible te the very higb jor w hidi yen co (efced in electing nie cas ylonr Vardcn Sin Jitnuaîv ast, m ores from lhe faý-t that til ýthe fi st ocfasion upo s nvIichi O ~t c Twsi tSnhMnginhàaý been hionzsrcd w th the ti\'ardenshiîp, anti OFFE> aiso that titis year îIvI1 close mI M uni 10 r o i etfiuir-ness iii dea bsg with the It ea nu't a oliti"siotintie foa LO O*,lTARO.eth i seaivsiofk ne coie, "s drne ror e ný%výtý>.c;bes e he y-rw on't trus -t hm it bs W ~ ~.WMIs w âge se have net that prepoteney whieh tIse thoroughbred stallien, for in- stance, bas. Trhey canne t, thcî'efore, like tie thorougbibreti impress theis' individuaiity upeni colts frein mares ef cons-se type anti ceitiblood. Klln- xvîelk Fit eaway, thse hac1,ney yen have hier shoulti ho able, il intelli- gently muateti, te pi'otuce good type of carrnage horscs. To get caî'riuge hot ses hy the use of a thoroiighibred sire, y ou miust have mares etfligh action, for thse tlîorotighhrcti's na- tut ai gait la a guilop or run lie lias long low action, Ileie low- ever, thse put est bloodeti animal in the worki, Reterriisg te the ter'ni "thorough- breti" the word la mnucli abuseti. It carn oniy ho correctly appliedi to the Englisis thoroughhred 'racing, herse or flus pure bredi descendant. 'Tlie word canottt h applicîl to a Clu deor a lsackniey, uer a bull, a1 rain or a boar. Suds aiinisi ay l'e pure hîcti, but nouer tîsorougis- brei. 'The rboroughbroti stallien fronti iss purity et breeding cou give Lt oter resulîs than ether stullions, witb rouglisanti colti bloodeti mares, and wili ofttoî get gooti suddle herses that wav. If la the intlupence ot theorouphsi-eti bloodti cat hapro- dueed the taistilard bi-etitrotter' ef te day. It is bis tbejrouoelibcheo an- nre not one o! Ckthe woder the uvorii. Tey are flot theý discovery of some isarvellous isan, miade ili see mysterious land. Tfhey do net drive Doc- tors t? despair, and Umdertakers iiitoinssolvency. T{YARE, 1 ONLY A TIIOROUGHLY HONEýST AND GOOD REM- EDV FOR CE RTAIN COM- MION AILMENT-S which neyer shoui.-ld be ngetd An unsurpaosecâ nerve tonia Ablood maties' esd Purifier A Sentie but effective la1xntiv Not 12 crthartio 50 TabeLt~,2-5 nt lister breeiig. Godsaddlers are, this oxperjînent ivas dissatisfiecl witis te .0 worth $2.00 te $3.50. Children's 13uteu aud BIrnS 25e,, 50e, perbaps the miostdiut herses te-lit because ail the leat inl the pencili7.5c, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', B3oys' and Youîhs' te correspond dqy to buy anti they iili bring as waa net usoti is tise werk, anti there- in prices. gooi pice asth canag hese fore ise bought a pendit anti starleti We wiIl tell yen what the stock is in eaeh and every pair. The Generat Priuciples. -\haiever lino 1te COPY a 10eng Gernsau novel. When of breetilng a msan may tollow ie tise pencil wos se short that ho ceulti esou we de tiat is because we know, Latest Spring styles now ln mnust have a definito ebject and iset hunidie il wlth bis fingers ho ut- treCIk in every Iiie. The publie is invited te inspect oui stock; na know wbat ho is doinig. Theî'e are'tacheti a hoides' te it, and it la sali trouble te show geods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bakgs, Satchels; neW on the IsiaSiti a geeti isany that ho ivrote with this one isencil Shawl Straps, fancs and plain; Dress5ing, the very best that can ba îssares that would maelakn rlc s pe40 cil0 vars. Pesslbly, hon ever, bought. Cheap trasi rssn is dear, it wîll ruin the boots it is api the tiseroughbred nti rhi eci longer or tise lead inl 4oachng stI1 wonld net uise il was et a more durable quality. ed to. cucingstulil ons. r, utRepairing doue, luial its branches lu flrst-Clsstl. Fine vork a course er col~~~~ti otione, bt - made te order, sr it (or ne sale. Tanigmycso r orpt standard bred or ethcor wormn DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED avers aud hopine' for a çontinuan.e of the ad blooti. As a geri ule a gooti --y diviug mare wili ioawe with a hi' local applications, as they cant reacb tise hack-ney. If (eeîies inspection diesd portioni of the ear. Tiere is offly oete ethessschosl cr-i don in wy tuocure d'atness, andtt lamisby cotjtteL tî rdîts.Deafstess is cansed b ak.u Quebec, ceuiti ho cerrieti eut froc flau'ed condition eftihe inucous b ang ofthe Beaver Block. owmanville. tress polilical intrigue it would ho iestachian Tube. Wsent iis tube getsfiiflam- cd yen tlave a remblintg S-tuti et buiperleet____________________________ _________ a geedtinîg l iny wcountry. The îear-iîg and ivwhit it i8 ecîirely eioîî-d eatnes,« herse nicîs hasev sxvr ie îsel0e itho resuit,andti uilc's tie ifliýminatton ratsEn ~ "S D I80 H NFIIIN4 0 qusini ioroubus tetaolatnsd titis tuee r'îored toits uer- EOIMOLISH D 1 9 .P n FM I 3 3 quetio inther oii and ; hemal condition, lieariîug wtll bc destroyeti or- sesob stalliuon eny eists isecause ho ever; touýe cases eut etf ten are caescd 1)y lu pstroiized. If 1Isrî'etes demonti cstarrhi, whlt'b 15 nothinz but an inffism purbrtistilets is sru wllcotition efthîe mucns surfacer. yy F iTe wMl give Ose Hudroti Dollars for auy have te go eut of Lusinss. Somule cse of Deatuess icatîsîti y c.itaîsi) tisaI eau formera seoin te tîiioR that becauso itet be ueutoi by Hli's Catarrh Cure. Set.d for STOCK AND BOND BROKERSe tlsey itaseisetet ch eco murecteasF. C ,<îî1E E&-,CO, Told '. - 1 WELLINGTON STREET, EAST, TORONTO. that~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h Iti e etswtet u odb'Drugaisis, 75c. trem 80 te Sl15 týee fer agoot i iai s 'amiiy Piis are the best. i stulliin, but they tk a scrub ut M~ain Ull1Cs--4'i Broadway, New York; 60 State St., Boston, treim $4 te $8. Tj'iî,ý is a great mis- CAME OUT E VE-N. - take ;if a usuare t wosth breeduîîg -tue titi Lasse isati bceîs teititand Ofl ' 1ut al. she la woi-th broeding tek -M--- ---isnneLi in. th est stilient procurable. The -lreaesae 1503 iPti5 x gmat tcet i e the herse hJusisss ispeinicse. lu prii'ate lite Mr. Lune Msorei'ltteliigcncoe ',istid eoterp5rise iva eta peaceobie, no', t- a sy tirtit, C-os~~tisi hbit. and hislisteners aiways re- aîssousg tesorse0i50i1 raier i0i ilcesved bis isarratives et bat .tlo-tielt Goývrniont eguatios. e-xpoit, wih ceerfl scredtiity. PF. XV. IGl SO 1 "Stikes me you cotld't have live S(ociCosmisijir. beon a very tierce oee oter blooti, IMrtin," sait eue ofIf ls noiglîbors s0'H Via 'WASHINTîN. uttise close oifua tale of carnage. -- "Le'as se; lbew tssay do yen cal'late CityOld ointCei~ort ashigtontbntengage,...t? Flin ani tIseSegthia Lehý1igh Vai liit. Lane'a' cheis sîlI tniei 1,th dal- fr a1înte_ sevleP le"'Iltl oi yeore0ti1ng," ho sai. sé,i, St uutse Miami', Tampa, aaway witiî just as snarsy 0 e'lin as .P.nlm Bech, Nsa, l narati ail they did o' Ire!~ Flrda and Su..rnwnl'resorts WAIEPFT- fleute eofthe *Bbick D iamoý,ndE xpress.'W TEP EL Caili on or airs ta .Lw3 Can- W ast"e paper is eue ofif te Saiva- adanPssngrAgent, 133 yenge St. , tien Arsny factera lu the rogesseru- Board oet'! rade BuildingC, Toronto, fu r tien et waste hiutiaiîity No less £41 artienlrsmPS anti llustrateti tison 5,700 touastof iaste pplieralabee l1trature. 49-3w. la coîlecteti atnt sortoti every y car in connedîleut wlthî the Londoen, Eng- ECisiployer - "e whut ci lie lend5, colony, wlîich affords const ut say ivien yencalet fr ttu luot fo' 60 isoni. Nearly 3;,g00 iueey" Cor - 'Tsutli wuid business liuses arecatîctI lapon :1geak eeey boe la y bocy asîtiweeki1y for Iheïs' iaste papes'. Lon- tbirow nie Ceut eft te 'itiw fI tien la dis ideti ite anusieretdis- sbwdnsy factheoagi. Bmn- ti sanipaper-sort4rs g s embu busv pio e' -"Tongo bukIutoscanibtsetbshi utecrlpcs kjtel hlsi h caî s tightn su iviis fr th pureaiset Oppf gth4vr biis i-,1oleu"euloaic. 1Bought and Sold. [or Cashi or on Margili. Partiertlar attention givcu L o Cauadîiin Scecritics. Market' letters mailed daily (4 p. in.) on application. Correslondence invited.

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