Useful eand GCiftworLhy vSugg9estions Glance over Wthi i~uf iduas,..Ta ble Kuives and Foks, Tea ý"tica fait day at Appeove a brand ai out -your second pair. The last pair as gooci as the fiYst, anci the first pafr asgod as cante 1 Actod A dfor the akers' l1 BSTABLISHED 51 YEARS. C. M. Cawkftr's meat business bas been e8tablisliecI ov'er 50 3years. H1e now returi)r lubi si ucere thangsfor the liber- ai patronatge lestowed on hlm during bis timE5-32 years, and especially'dur- inur this lasi year, und er bis son Weq- Icy's iïana.-emeit. Beingý stili uxiable tr) attenid to lies, e asks for the cojuitunn of thle saile, boiieving Woslev -ýy 'i keep Up the s tanidard of, the old reliable butsiness by keepi the best me'ts and being olling and courteous to cîlstomerS, Ha lias securtclfor, his. Ohristnasdis [ggeftioRs, John McMurtry. West End House. XImas Suý [ PREPARING