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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1903, p. 4

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)ustthe ime 0 ~G. ~The CanadIil state;ffan - RCIWMANVILLE. FEB. 11, 1903 lviayor's FAddress. ~_o& -4 * rs.'- ?> .crc ete i.W~îm ~eîîL. gently g asp them and bu preparedt 1 act tromn .b ~ ~~ Brockville, Ont. ujc FinallW, lut me remind you that thu positic Wheun in Berlin last weuk we reelvud that we -are not elected for ornamunt or for advau GetOutof he ayRecord office The latu founder O! to diligently and faithfullv fulfil the duties witl t's the keun udgu that doe j;. vury The News, Mr. P. E W. Moyer, was uis aud that no drones will be tolerated In Our hive time; it's thekuen edge of <'ur axes lu our earlier uditorial daye one of our 1 oeadtututthpopl1e1wlntbé1is1] that mah-u tbem famous. Our Cross- intimatu and esteemed journalistie expatindo otor taoth ole -ill t l eut Saws, they saw and when Nou want friende, and wu were pleased t epiratio forterm o offce wu May copsciet firt-cassHadwae, orn ad se t~. hetown for the frst time in which ou with the feeling te e bave donu unr duty to th( We can Save you moneV. decuased confrere worked so faithfully Tbanking yen, gentlemen, for -iour kind attenti te build it up, moraliv, socially, com-. and."ood feeling will prevail at &il our sessons, I ~V h DSTN.mercially and indtatrially. We were with thé business Of thie corporaýtion. BOWMMVILE. uchan ýup-to date, tboroughly pro gressive and exceedingîr beautiful Bowrmanville, Feli. 9. 1903. town We were particularly lmprussed wîth the architecturally fni and pros. 3 IflJ~ÏIU Edhii~&~!~ perous looking homes, weil kept lawno, ndin overv sense se fer as one could Each Package of -TO THE- form an opinion iu wlnterthe abodes of'hiInlthe5m teste intelligence and, refineinent. ay Indntrially the town of BerlinhafeILM W I T R R S R S The News Record rucently issned avury h Exéec excellent Silver Juthulee numbur, cle. dcaad --0F- brating the completion of 25 yuars as a Is Solidly Filled with Nour- aantt COLORADO. FLORIDA, dlilv journal. Berlin hais a population 1h. 5»me CALIORNA, nd Aie of 10,16u> and la essese. d et $3,640,200, - - dnudersliâi MEXIO, CROLIAS.trio.. will MEIO AOIA. Mr. Henry Elliott, Jr., Hampton, Sec- th, Teta Including bNew Orleanse and the famous rtarv-Treasurer of the Township of Elemaents. therato.;b Ilt1pig fArkansas. Onu way Darliiigton informi us that the Trea -whieb*g and round trip tonrist tickets are, on surer's report mdistribnthumnutslî e sale daily g,Îi i ng choice (! routes and of the Council which which wu publsh One Package Makes a. DisAi for whosecl Stop-ovur pri%-ileges et priucýpal points this week sle h5Sth consecutive RDnnuelotce report of the Treasurer o! Darlington Twenty-Flve Puople.noie EXCEILLEiNT SERVICE, since thie removal of the seat of Muni- 8ohicîta cipal Goverumunt from Bowmaanvilllu to -st. E,'ri prompt connections, fast time, luxur- Hanmpt,,n, when his fathur, Mr. R. ElI. ada iously appointud perlo n lepn ot Sr., was appoiuted Treasurer, TAie large maiority of cereel breakfast 1903. cars. which office lie held for 47 years, and foods furish only fromn nine to twelv during this puriod Mr, Eiott, sr., kept ounces of food, whilu Malt Breakfast MeaIs "a la carte," servud In thie thie 1booke, and for the greaer part of Food-wholly composud of eoncentrated dining and cafecas are not surpass&ld the timeý did the businiess4, sud three nourishingeemn -anih scolud The re lu tie busz hotels. vuare ago on hie resignation R Elliott, and full pacKage of twenty-four ounces Cenninig Tickets, foldurs and aIl information J r , was eppointed. Alil tose fifty o! a health-gîiving and deiciotns pre- Balmorel on application to agents. contudut .iveanuel reports were pre paration, or enough to make a dish for day. Fut prd .en1d writ1teU by the latter and ail twunty five People, The full, solid purPQSu 01 STO()T & JURY, 1fhe seid annual reports have buen package o! Malt Breakfast Food mekes ing Fruit C. P. and T. Agenlts officiaâlly, certifled as beiug- correct, it the most econoinical cureal that If by thet EveWy page. in the Treasurer's books fttmîlies cen use. Go to vour Grocer, contractee INISTANT &ELES guraeod yfo te holu 50 years is in thie hend. puy a package and try it. As far as make- col: u~ SILEUII'S STERIAIN4URED writïiîg of NMr. Henry Elliott. .1r. eau euonomy And deliclousuesa are concrn. TEC ApB OWDERS. N. dev 9 ourg readers point out a prlo case?2 ed, Malt Breakfast Food haes no equel. 6-2w. 1u m&týeekUUwledge ofUIthe in ýWe occupy le no sinecure, ement of personal ambition fliow citizens are lookiug to us h which they have entrusted ýof earnest workers. Ipointed lnus and that at the .ously lay dtwnv our burdens ie best of our abilitv.- tion and trasting that harmony now ask you to prôceed witb M. A. JAMIES9 - MAYOR. DTIO'ý8 TO oRE»1tm28 utti.r oj the estate of John Jte- Sdeffled.e EG' is hereby siven by Elizabeth îKay and M&arj ,rie M. M&cKay, nltsic,.oi t hlb e John MacE.aY, 1. aU 11,Persons having cltai60sl tedeeeaaed or hi.i estate, te @end in uf n writing duly veuified, e) the ted. on or before the 20ih day of ý3aftor, wbich date thee said Bzecu- [I progeed 10 distribute the enset. of ttor amons the parties entitktd baving reiqard tg thto daims only of iey.rosy then have natice, and aah abli for said aieetis or say part en ed na any person or persona of aim they shalt noit hon have had JAMEO. R. Cornu, or for Baid Eyecutrices, 1 Adelaide Foronto. at Toronto the 4th day of February FARMERS. ,presentative of the Oshawa Co., Limited. will bu at the 1Rotai, Bowmanville, Wednus- bruary l8th, ail day, for the of moaLing contracts for grow- and Vegetablos by that date. tdate sufficient aereage je flot id for, wtu *111 bu compelled te stract with outside parties, Dsii.ïwA OA2-N.yNG Cb.. Limited. co-es r L oCure a Cold in One Day inrwoDays. Take Laxative Bromo Quininîe Tabets. oIvqAY Seven Millon boxes sold lu past 12 montbs. This wve boX 25c 1110 BPBOIAL EXCURSIONS To Wtshingto,. Cii, and uifl via Lehigh ValyRîrad, Tickets onl.y 810.4.0from Suspension Bridg-e'to Washington and return February 110h, and March l8th Tickets good,10 days. Goodfor'iftop over at Philadeiphia on returu trip. For tickets aidc further information apply to Robt S Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 38 Yonge St'.', Board Týrade Building, Toronta, ont. 6-5w ALLAN- LINE F'rom Froma st. John Haiifax. Monigoian... Feb 14 . .. o. ).i. Feb. 16 Corinthian ..,.. Feb 21. ....... bi0p.m. IFeb. 23 Pretorian..Feb 28........-10 p. in. Mar. 2 .Nuidian.Mar 7......10 p. m. Mar. 9 Tunislin. ar 14........10P. m M ar. 16 RATES OF PASSAGE. FSirt Cabin. Tunlsian $60 and upwards; other steamers $90 and U pards; Second Cabin Tuniisian and Pretor=an$40; othier steamiers M3750, Tirdl Cab)in $ý25 and $26 Liverpool, 4Glasgow, Derry, Befast, London. Through tickets to Sou thAfc. New yorlu oGlasgow. Carthagpeniani Feb 21 noon. Laurentian Mar 7,11l a. m, Fr'îr TIc'ketz and every Information aply to' M .JAMES, Alln LseAgetBowmnanvllle Betweenl Seasons But plenty to interest you. Headquarters for every- thing you need in Station- ery, Fancy Goods, 'Books, Albums. Pietures always- a speccialty. A splendid hune of Fount- ain Pens, from 75e up. I have made ample pre- paration for the Wall Paper season, ana if you. want anything exclusive, we can give it to you. N Sample book 110w ready. No troubl, to show the stoJk. P. TRBIOQK,ýL WALL PAPER! We have received two large shipments of Wall Paper for spring trade. They are very pretty and cheap, and are well worth looking oVer if you intend papering. Cali and see theia. We do-Picture Frami ng in ail -the latest styles. W.T.Allen) BIG 20. IT'S seo pIeaaan ttO take that OhlIdrem "Ir for It; but it 0s death to wormgi Of sd hin.do. DR. LOW'S WORM BTBIIP. vPIl. 25. aA11 4 aLeog.

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