TERM :-S.5C FERAmfM. OI TWN A» OUNTT1ZET R WOELD AITERIWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EdîtoradPoreô. NEW SERuIS. BOWMÂNVILLIE, ONTÂRIO, WEDNESDÂY, FEBRUAIRY 18, 1903. VOLUMEXI N.8 I Cou, Jollstll & Crydrman1 .Have sold out every one of their Ladies and Chilclren's (iloth Coats; but Sthey stili have a number of CONGRATULATE TEE MAYOR. Besides scores of congratulations off- ered personally by citizens and others toMayor James, on betipg clected bv the substantial maJority oi t)7 votes, the followîng ang other telegramns and letters have been reýei vo:- FRO'M WM. RIfCHARD, Ký. M. P. P., .NEwCAS'ILE, Accept mv heartv congratulations on Vour splendid suocess in being efected head of'the municipal governinont of the town of Bowmanville for the vear 190. I sincerely wish you great'sue- cesa in the diachaqrg-e of thie d(uties of 3 our new office, and that the citizeýn.s.of Bowianvile, one and aPl,maeo great prosperity throughoutI the yý,ear, and that every worki-lng lmaî in partie-1 ular ma-v be able to obta!ifc r himself and familv, some of the uure as well as ail of the necessaries of lite. EX-ALDERMAN T. S. LBTRNO REV. M. P. TALLING, 1B. A., Ph.D, ToRoNTO. Accept hbartiest congratulations upo:n the honor ceonferred upon you by the town, whose interests y ou have so long and faithfuity, serred.- For years you have congratulated every West Durhiam boy the world over, who bas scored suc- ess. Now, hundreds of absent Dur. hamites feel pleased with y~our eleva tion to ilhe Mayoralty, and wish you and the old town ali prosperity. DR. J C. IELL, ASSISTANT MEDICAL SIp,1-RINTEINDENT, PROVINCIAL ASYLUM, ToRONTo. Most heartv congratulation on your big majoritv in your election as Mayor of Bo)wmanville. It certainly is a, well deser-ved honor, and must be particu larly gratifying to you,coming as it did, and especially when your opponent was s0 .trong a man, and one so universally respected I was glad too, to see an entirely new Council elected to work, with vou. I amn sure the town will not MI8s MARGARET WITE, MILLBII0OK. FARM HELP SUPPLY. jWith much pleasure I take the oppor-1 tunity of congratutating you oit your Mr. W.Rickard,' M. P. P-. is interest- being elected Mayor of Bowanville. !ne ing is-f in tryinz to soeure farni DR. R. JAmES, THoitNToN?. laborers for West Durhiam farmers I wish vou health and h-tppinless, through the Crown La;ndls Imiglrationi And ail good things vour sharo, Departmnent of Ontario, and will m6vet As Bowmanville last Friday farmer@ needing help at Bennett House, Eleeted sou for Mayor. B3owmanville, next Stra c.2 DR. . J BR.y, OODWOD. from 2 to 4 p, m., Northi Americaa DR. . J.BRA, GoDWO -. iotel, Orono, Monday p. m, Feb. 23 Congratulations on being elected and at Oriental botel, Newcastle, samG& to the Chief Magistracy of Bowmanville. evening. DR.WILLIAM A. WHITE, INEW YORK. Heartiest congratulations on eleetion FARMERS' INSTITUTE, to Mayoralty. MR. CHiAS. DicRiNSON, TORONTO, SEVEN Extra supplementary meetings will be YEÂRs EMPLOYED IX'>THE STATESMAN" held under the auspices of W'es5t Dar- Oi'IIE.11 ham Farmers' Institute as fo)llows z- Allow me to congratulate you en be- THURSDAY, Feb 26 at CouiRTICL 1.-3( ing elected Mayor. 1 know tio other p M.; SOLINA 7 30 P. rm. man in Bowmanville better fitted fa FRIDAY, Feb 27 at BOWMANVILLE It tue office. I wish you success. j1 30 p M ; NEWCASTLE 7.30 P,. m. CONDUCTOR AND MRs. W. E. NMOCRIERET, SAÀITUA, VFeh28 at irzo p.ni.. NEW- Àb, ana tan ..aMmbý