Is The Trusted Friend of Te~randi&ll Statelàn1an Millons.BQWMANVILLE. FEB. 18, 1903 enl and Women of .4.1 Ranks of The election of Wnr Bloomfield, warden of Ontario county. is attacked Soeiety Pýoint to because ho was a school trustecc whan (vflflfU r pATUl elected. He resgned the posiiionof PA11~ UII.flilI~jUUtUI~ tus tee beto e ta-i:ng oath of office, but that wont save him if rulings elsewhere As Their Rescuer From isease ar foilo we d. and Dath.A question asked by- several persons 15 howwi the coincili proceedings bc a! Millions on tiis Northi Ameri'cani fected when a member of council is un continent 1know thiat P'aine's CeIt-ry seated for any irregulity? Tne iaw is Coxnpound"Iý ke sick peeple wel."' that a councii'or who ha s bcen declared Paine's Ceiery Comnpound is to-day elected liv the returning officer and bias thé popular medicine in the wealthv taken the oath of office basas rtîuch and hu mbier hornes of our vast country. riglit to his seat a s any of his colleagues, The press bas given this wcndor work- uii ta the moment it is shown that he bas ing prescription more note. prominence not such legal righ'L, so that the counicil anud praise than lias ever been given to proceeding s wouid be in no way affected. any other remedy, and physicians of ail sehools prescribo it dailv. The question of couccillors being un Paine's Ceier Compound has become seated -for occupying the position of popuior and trusted rbëcauqe its results sehool trustee bas been finaly'stted by exceed its r)romis"e'. I is victorious a .judiciai decision at Cornwaýl as report- over sickness and disease. It offers ed in the Mail and Emptre on Saturday hope and cheer to those pronounced as folows : The petition of John Doran incurable, by physicians; it saves such against A. T. Shaver of Osnabruck, at- from the grave. It is the one medicine, tacking his seat as a-member of the LOCAL AND OThFqWISE. The Edîtor needs $300 On IMarch I1't. Readeir, if vou owe hlm a Z, pay quick. Ir. NahanieI Allun, Orangevilie, is visitinýahis sister Mrs. Jnv. Elford, Providence. Miss Lillie.Power, Toronto, and Miss Ethel Pewer, Maple Grave, were Sun- day guests of the Misses Power., i Chief Architect D. Ewart of Publie Works..Departinent, Ottawa, was in tnwni M nday, guest of.Mr. Robt. Beith, M.P. Dr auid Mrs. John Hoskin of "The Dale," Roseile. and Miss Carpmaei, purpose leavinz Toroioto the end of the week for Florida. 1Adjt. Hvde will conduct Salvation meetings in the S. A. Barracks Sundav Mar. ist. Also on Saturdav Feb. 518,he will give an address on "The Way to Heaven". See bilis. Canadiian Association -o! Pairs and Exhibitions meets in Richmond Hall, Toronto, to-day (Wednesday) and to morrow. A practical programi will be pr= nted. Return tickets at fare-and- hrdon G. T. R. and C. P. R. Worms affect a child'S heaith too seriously to neglect. Sometimes theY SAFETY FOR LITTLE ONES. Mothers Shouid Exercise Great Care ini Choosinig MVedicine for Children. Every littie one needs a mnedicine at some time. and moictUtrs caninot l'e too, careful in mialitng a selection. The so-, called "othn"preüarations,- inva- riably conitain opiates and ther harmý fui drugs, w-hich stupif' v the Ili-ttle one, and pave the wdy to a constant neces- sity for the use of nareotic drugs. Un- doubtedly the verv best, and the very safest ned ici ne for li ttie oiies is Baby's Own Tabiets 'l1 ev are mildlv laxative and genltie iii their action, and cure ai' stomach and bowel troubles, reiieve simple fever-s-, break up coids. prevent croup, aJAd allay the irritation accompa- nying the cuting of teeth. Where these Tabiets are used, littie ones sleep naturalv, 1h.3cauý,e the causes of irrit i- tion and eeesns are removed in a naturai way. Experienced mottiers al praise this mcdicinie. Mrs. H. HI *ozx' orange Ridge, Man., saýs 5-" aby's Own TabLets are tbe best 'medicine 1 have ever uised for chiidren of aIl ages. They are truiy a blessing to baby and mother's friend. These Tablets are guaranteed to con- contain no opiate, and can be given to a new-born babe. Soid by ail dru_- n rit.' or-,nt 3ot ni. a~t2. ~a bhcv Money Saving Opportunities Offered "at the West End House For the'Balance of the Month of February.! The best way to save money is to make one's pur 'chases In places where one gets the most value for each dollar. L aoh Advertised Article Bolowis a MiOROy Sayers x 25e yd Balance of our 40 and 50e Frencth figured fiannels ail redued to 25 30e yd Beautiful widé Taffeýa Silk neek ribbons, regular 40 and 50e yd now 30e